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The FIC motif and the eukaryotic‐like ankyrin repeats are found in many bacterial type IV effectors, yet little is known about how these domains enable bacteria to modulate host cell functions. Bacterial FIC domains typically bind ATP and transfer adenosine monophosphate moiety onto target proteins. The ankyrin repeat‐containing protein AnkX encoded by the intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila is unique in that its FIC domain binds to CDP‐choline and transfers a phosphocholine residue onto proteins in the Rab1 GTPase family. By determining the structures of unbound AnkX and AnkX with bound CDP‐choline, CMP/phosphocholine and CMP, we demonstrate that the orientation of substrate binding in relation to the catalytic FIC motif enables this protein to function as a phosphocholinating enzyme rather than a nucleotidyl transferase. Additionally, the structure reveals that the ankyrin repeats mediate scaffolding interactions that resemble those found in protein–protein interactions, but are unprecedented in intramolecular interactions. Together with phosphocholination experiments, our structures unify a general phosphoryl transferase mechanism common to all FIC enzymes that should be conserved from bacteria to human.  相似文献   

GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) from pathogenic bacteria and eukaryotic host organisms deactivate Rab GTPases by supplying catalytic arginine and glutamine fingers in trans and utilizing the cis-glutamine in the DXXGQ motif of the GTPase for binding rather than catalysis. Here, we report the transition state mimetic structure of the Legionella pneumophila GAP LepB in complex with Rab1 and describe a comprehensive structure-based mutational analysis of potential catalytic and recognition determinants. The results demonstrate that LepB does not simply mimic other GAPs but instead deploys an expected arginine finger in conjunction with a novel glutamic acid finger, which forms a salt bridge with an indispensible switch II arginine that effectively locks the cis-glutamine in the DXXGQ motif of Rab1 in a catalytically competent though unprecedented transition state configuration. Surprisingly, a heretofore universal transition state interaction with the cis-glutamine is supplanted by an elaborate polar network involving critical P-loop and switch I serines. LepB further employs an unusual tandem domain architecture to clamp a switch I tyrosine in an open conformation that facilitates access of the arginine finger to the hydrolytic site. Intriguingly, the critical P-loop serine corresponds to an oncogenic substitution in Ras and replaces a conserved glycine essential for the canonical transition state stereochemistry. In addition to expanding GTP hydrolytic paradigms, these observations reveal the unconventional dual finger and non-canonical catalytic network mechanisms of Rab GAPs as necessary alternative solutions to a major impediment imposed by substitution of the conserved P-loop glycine.  相似文献   

After the pathogenic bacterium Legionella pneumophila is phagocytosed, it injects more than 250 different proteins into the cytoplasm of host cells to evade lysosomal digestion and to replicate inside the host cell. Among these secreted proteins is the protein DrrA/SidM, which has been shown to modify Rab1b, a main regulator of vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells, by transfer of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to Tyr77. In addition, Legionella provides the protein SidD that hydrolytically reverses the covalent modification, suggesting a tight spatial and temporal control of Rab1 function by Legionella during infection. Small angle x-ray scattering experiments of DrrA allowed us to validate a tentative complex model built by combining available crystallographic data. We have established the effects of adenylylation on Rab1 interactions and properties in a quantitative way. In addition, we have characterized the kinetics of DrrA-catalyzed adenylylation as well as SidD-catalyzed deadenylylation toward Rab1 and have determined the nucleotide specificities of both enzymes. This study enhances our knowledge of proteins subverting Rab1 function at the Legionella-containing vacuole.  相似文献   

The DrrA protein of Legionella pneumophila is involved in mistargeting of endoplasmic reticulum‐derived vesicles to Legionella‐containing vacuoles through recruitment of the small GTPase Rab1. To this effect, DrrA binds specifically to phosphatidylinositol 4‐phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) lipids on the cytosolic surface of the phagosomal membrane shortly after infection. In this study, we present the atomic structure of the PtdIns(4)P‐binding domain of a protein (DrrA) from a human pathogen. A detailed kinetic investigation of its interaction with PtdIns(4)P reveals that DrrA binds to this phospholipid with, as yet unprecedented, high affinity, suggesting that DrrA can sense a very low abundance of the lipid.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is relatively modest in size but involves almost entire cellular signaling pathways. The primary role of ubiquitin is maintaining cellular protein homeostasis. Ubiquitination regulates the fate of target proteins using the proteasome- or autophagy-mediated degradation of ubiquitinated substrates, which can be either intracellular or foreign proteins from invading pathogens. Legionella, a gram-negative intracellular pathogen, hinders the host-ubiquitin system by translocating hundreds of effector proteins into the host cell’s cytoplasm. In this review, we describe the current understanding of ubiquitin machinery from Legionella. We summarize structural and biochemical differences between the host-ubiquitin system and ubiquitin-related effectors of Legionella. Some of these effectors act much like canonical host-ubiquitin machinery, whereas others have distinctive structures and accomplish non-canonical ubiquitination via novel biochemical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Tethering proteins play a key role in vesicular transport, ensuring that cargo arrives at a specific destination. The bacterial effector protein SidC and its paralog SdcA have been described as tethering factors encoded by the intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila. Here, we demonstrate that SidC proteins are important for early events unique to maturation of vacuoles containing Legionella and discover monoubiquitination of Rab1 as a new SidC‐dependent activity. The crystal structure of the SidC N‐terminus revealed a novel fold that is important for function and could be involved in Legionella adaptations to evolutionarily divergent host cells it encounters in natural environments.   相似文献   

Rab GTPases regulate all steps of membrane trafficking. Their interconversion between active, GTP-bound states and inactive, GDP-bound states is regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase-activating proteins. The substrates for most Rab GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) are unknown. Rab9A and its effectors regulate transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. We show here that RUTBC1 is a Tre2/Bub2/Cdc16 domain-containing protein that binds to Rab9A-GTP both in vitro and in cultured cells, but is not a GTPase-activating protein for Rab9A. Biochemical screening of RUTBC1 Rab protein substrates revealed highest in vitro GTP hydrolysis-activating activity with Rab32 and Rab33B. Catalysis required Arg-803 of RUTBC1, and RUTBC1 could activate a catalytically inhibited Rab33B mutant (Q92A), in support of a dual finger mechanism for RUTBC1 action. Rab9A binding did not influence GAP activity of bead-bound RUTBC1 protein. In cells and cell extracts, RUTBC1 influenced the ability of Rab32 to bind its effector protein, Varp, consistent with a physiological role for RUTBC1 in regulating Rab32. In contrast, binding of Rab33B to its effector protein, Atg16L1, was not influenced by RUTBC1 in cells or extracts. The identification of a protein that binds Rab9A and inactivates Rab32 supports a model in which Rab9A and Rab32 act in adjacent pathways at the boundary between late endosomes and the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is an intracellular pathogen that causes Legionnaire''s disease in humans. This bacterium can be found in freshwater environments as a free‐living organism, but it is also an intracellular parasite of protozoa. Human infection occurs when inhaled aerosolized pathogen comes into contact with the alveolar mucosa and replicates in alveolar macrophages. Legionella enters the host cell by phagocytosis and redirects the Legionella‐containing phagosomes from the phagocytic maturation pathway. These nascent phagosomes fuse with ER‐derived secretory vesicles and membranes forming the Legionella‐containing vacuole. Legionella subverts many host cellular processes by secreting over 300 effector proteins into the host cell via the Dot/Icm type IV secretion system. The cellular function for many Dot/Icm effectors is still unknown. Here, we present a structural and functional study of L. pneumophila effector RavA (Lpg0008). Structural analysis revealed that the RavA consists of four ~85 residue long α‐helical domains with similar folds, which show only a low level of structural similarity to other protein domains. The ~90 residues long C‐terminal segment is predicted to be natively unfolded. We show that during L. pneumophila infection of human cells, RavA localizes to the Golgi apparatus and to the plasma membrane. The same localization is observed when RavA is expressed in human cells. The localization signal resides within the C‐terminal sequence C409WTSFCGLF417. Yeast‐two‐hybrid screen using RavA as bait identified RAB11A as a potential binding partner. RavA is present in L. pneumophila strains but only distant homologs are found in other Legionella species, where the number of repeats varies.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigate the intracellular fate of selected members of the genus Legionella within the monocytic cell line Mono Mac 6 cells. By means of electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry, we could show that Legionella pneumophila as well as Legionella longbeachae are able to induce ribosome-studded phagosomes which associate with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), whereas Legionella micdadei remains to be located within smooth phagosomes but also shows signs of RER association. In addition, we could demonstrate a remarkable correlation between the phagosome type and the morphological phenotype of intracellular bacteria: within ribosome-studded phagosomes, bacteria generally lacked the outer coat of low electron density whereas bacteria within the smooth phagosomes still possessed this outer coat. The virulence factors responsible for inhibition of phagosome maturation and their distribution within the genus Legionella as well as the biological significance of the morphological difference of bacteria within smooth and ER-associated phagosomes remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

The major virulence determinant of Legionella pneumophila is the type IVB secretion system (T4BSS), which delivers approximately 330 effector proteins into the host cell to modulate various cellular processes. However, the functions of most effector proteins remain unclear. WipA, an effector, was the first phosphotyrosine phosphatase of Legionella with unknown function. In this study, we found that WipA induced relatively strong growth defects in yeast in a phosphatase activity‐dependent manner. Phosphoproteomics data showed that WipA was likely involved into endocytosis, FcγR‐mediated phagocytosis, tight junction, and regulation of actin cytoskeleton pathways. Western blotting further confirmed WipA dephosphorylates several proteins associated with actin polymerisation, such as p‐N‐WASP, p‐ARP3, p‐ACK1, and p‐NCK1. Thus, we hypothesised that WipA targets N‐WASP/ARP2/3 complex signalling pathway, leading to disturbance of actin polymerisation. Indeed, we demonstrated that WipA inhibits host F‐actin polymerisation by reducing the G‐actin to F‐actin transition during L. penumophila infection. Furthermore, the intracellular proliferation of wipA/legK2 double mutant was significantly impaired at the late stage of infection, although the absence of WipA does not confer any further effect on actin polymerisation to the legK2 mutant. Collectively, this study provides unique insights into the WipA‐mediated regulation of host actin polymerisation and assists us to elucidate the pathogenic mechanisms of L. pnuemophila infection.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila avoids fusion with lysosomes and subverts membrane transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to create an organelle that supports bacterial replication. Transport of endoplasmic reticulum-derived vesicles to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) requires bacterial proteins that are translocated into host cells by a type IV secretion apparatus called Dot/Icm. Recent observations have revealed recruitment of the host GTPase Rab1 to the LCV by a process requiring the Dot/Icm system. Here, a visual screen was used to identify L. pneumophila mutants with defects in Rab1 recruitment. One of the factors identified in this screen was DrrA, a new Dot/Icm substrate protein translocated into host cells. We show that DrrA is a potent and highly specific Rab1 guanine nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF). DrrA can disrupt Rab1-mediated secretory transport to the Golgi apparatus by competing with endogenous exchange factors to recruit and activate Rab1 on plasma membrane-derived organelles. These data establish that intracellular pathogens have the capacity to directly modulate the activation state of a specific member of the Rab family of GTPases and thus further our understanding of the mechanisms used by bacterial pathogens to manipulate host vesicular transport.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids are bioactive molecules playing a key role as membrane components, but they are also central regulators of many intracellular processes including macroautophagy/autophagy. In particular, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a critical mediator that controls the balance between sphingolipid-induced autophagy and cell death. S1P levels are adjusted via S1P synthesis, dephosphorylation or degradation, catalyzed by SGPL1 (sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1). Intracellular pathogens are able to modulate many different host cell pathways to allow their replication. We have found that infection of eukaryotic cells with the human pathogen Legionella pneumophila triggers a change in the host cell sphingolipid metabolism and specifically affects the levels of sphingosine. Indeed, L. pneumophila secretes a protein highly homologous to eukaryotic SGPL1 (named LpSPL). We solved the crystal structure of LpSPL and showed that it encodes lyase activity, targets the host's sphingolipid metabolism, and plays a role in starvation-induced autophagy during L. pneumophila infection to promote intracellular survival.  相似文献   

Ferric reductase enzymes requiring a reductant for maximal activity were purified from the cytoplasmic and periplasmic fractions of avirulent and virulent Legionella pneumophila. The cytoplasmic and periplasmic enzymes are inhibited by zinc sulfate, constitutive and active under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. However, the periplasmic and cytoplasmic reductases are two distinct enzymes as shown by their molecular weights, specific activities, reductant specificities and other characteristics. The molecular weights of the cytoplasmic and periplasmic ferric reductases are approximately 38 and 25 kDa, respectively. The periplasmic reductase (K m = 7.0 m) has a greater specific activity and twice the affinity for ferric citrate as the cytoplasmic enzyme (K m = 15.3 m). Glutathione serves as the optimum reductant for the periplasmic reductase, but is inactive for the cytoplasmic enzyme. In contrast, NADPH is the optimum reductant for the cytoplasmic enzyme. Ferric reductases of avirulent cells show a 2-fold increase in their activities when NADPH is used as a reductant in comparison with NADH. In contrast, ferric reductases from virulent cells demonstrated an equivalent activity with NADH or NADPH as reductants. With the exception of their response to NADPH, the ferric reductase at each respective location appears to be similar for avirulent and virulent cells.  相似文献   

泛素化是真核细胞特有的蛋白质翻译后修饰方式,调节真核细胞内多种重要生理过程,例如蛋白质稳态、细胞周期、免疫反应、DNA修复以及囊泡转运等。鉴于泛素化对于生命活动的重要性,病原菌在与宿主细胞的长期进化过程中衍生出一系列针对宿主泛素化过程的效应蛋白质,调控宿主体内泛素化过程,从而构建有利于病原菌自身生长繁殖的内环境。嗜肺军团菌是一种革兰氏阴性菌,是军团菌肺炎的致病菌,能够引起发热和肺部感染,重型病死率高达15%~30%。Dot/Icm Ⅳ型分泌系统是嗜肺军团菌侵染过程中最主要的毒力系统。在侵染宿主细胞的过程中,嗜肺军团菌利用该分泌系统,分泌超过330种效应蛋白质,协助细菌在宿主胞内生存、增殖和逃逸。多种嗜肺军团菌效应蛋白质通过直接或者间接的方式对宿主泛素化过程进行调控。近年的研究发现,多种效应蛋白质可以介导不同于真核生物经典泛素化的新型泛素化过程。本文介绍了嗜肺军团菌效应蛋白质介导的新型泛素化过程的最新研究进展,为理解泛素化过程在嗜肺军团菌致病过程中的重要作用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Innate immune receptors evolved to sense conserved molecules that are present in microbes or are released during non-physiological conditions. Activation of these receptors is essential for early restriction of microbial infections and generation of adaptive immunity. Among the conserved molecules sensed by innate immune receptors are the nucleic acids, which are abundantly contained in all infectious organisms including virus, bacteria, fungi and parasites. In this review we focus in the innate immune proteins that function to sense nucleic acids from the intracellular bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila and the importance of these processes to the outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

A simple and reproducible method has been developed to transform Legionella pneumophila by electroporation. Effects of different conditions, including electric field strength, pulse length, DNA quality and cell density, were evaluated. Using our method, an efficiency of up to 6 x 10(7) transformants/microg DNA was obtained. This optimized transformation procedure should efficiently facilitate gene manipulations in L. pneumophila, such as plasmid transfer, transposon mutagenesis, library transformation for complementation cloning, etc.  相似文献   

Twitching motility is a form of bacterial translocation over solid or semi-solid surfaces mediated by the extension, tethering, and subsequent retraction of type IV pili. These pili are also known to be involved in virulence, biofilm formation, formation of fruiting bodies, horizontal gene transfer, and protein secretion. We have characterized the presence of twitching motility on agar plates in Legionella pneumophila , the etiological agent of Legionnaires' disease. By examining twitching motility zones, we have demonstrated that twitching motility was dependent on agar thickness/concentration, the chemical composition of the media, the presence of charcoal and cysteine, proximity to other bacteria, and temperature. A knockout mutant of the pilus subunit, pilE , exhibited a total loss of twitching motility at 37 °C, but not at 27 °C, suggesting either the existence of a compensating pilus subunit or of another twitching motility system in this organism.  相似文献   

The intracellular pathogenic bacterium Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (Salmonella) relies on acidification of the Salmonella‐containing vacuole (SCV) for survival inside host cells. The transport and fusion of membrane‐bound compartments in a cell is regulated by small GTPases, including Rac and members of the Rab GTPase family, and their effector proteins. However, the role of these components in survival of intracellular pathogens is not completely understood. Here, we identify Nischarin as a novel dual effector that can interact with members of Rac and Rab GTPase (Rab4, Rab14 and Rab9) families at different endosomal compartments. Nischarin interacts with GTP‐bound Rab14 and PI(3)P to direct the maturation of early endosomes to Rab9/CD63‐containing late endosomes. Nischarin is recruited to the SCV in a Rab14‐dependent manner and enhances acidification of the SCV. Depletion of Nischarin or the Nischarin binding partners—Rac1, Rab14 and Rab9 GTPases—reduced the intracellular growth of Salmonella. Thus, interaction of Nischarin with GTPases may regulate maturation and subsequent acidification of vacuoles produced after phagocytosis of pathogens.  相似文献   

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