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Six slow loris were exposed to air temperatures between 10 degrees C and 40 degrees C. Rectal temperature was stable (mean, 34.8 degrees C) at air temperatures between 17 degrees C and 31 degrees C; at higher air temperatures, the animals became hyperthermic. Oxygen consumption was minimal at air temperatures of 31.4-36.6 degrees C; the mean value (0.250 ml O2 g-1 h-1) was only 36% of the expected level for a eutherian Mammal. The slow loris increased its heat production at lower air temperatures. Thermal polypnea occurred in response to heat, and some of the animals were able to dissipate their entire metabolic heat production at lower air temperatures. Thermal polypnea occurred in response to heat, and some of the animals were able the combined thermal conductance of the tissues and haircoat was 73% of the predicted values. It was concluded that, in spite of its low metabolic rate, the slow loris had effective responses to moderate cold, and that, in addition, it was well adapted to a hot climate.  相似文献   

Development, survival, and reproduction of the predatory mite Kampimodromus aberrans Oudemans were studied at constant temperatures in the range from 15 to 35 degrees C under laboratory conditions. Larval developmental rate for both males and females increased gradually from 15 to 35 degrees C and decreased at higher temperatures. Lactin's nonlinear model described with adequate accuracy the relationship between developmental rate and temperature. The model predicted that lower and upper threshold temperatures for preimaginal development ranged from 9.8 to 11.8 degrees C and from 37.2 to 39.8 degrees C, respectively. The intrinsic rate of population increase (rm) at the different temperatures ranged from 0.0442 to 0.1575, with the highest value recorded at 25 degrees C. At 33 degrees C a negative rm value was estimated. The rm values determined at different temperatures were fitted to Lactin's nonlinear model, and the lower and upper threshold and the optimal temperatures for population increase were 10.5, 32.4, and 27.6 degrees C, respectively. These data indicate that K. aberrans may be better adapted to intermediate temperatures around 27 degrees C and, therefore, could be a useful biocontrol agent of spider mites during spring and early summer when such temperatures are prevalent in northern Greece. The results could also be useful in developing a population model for K. aberrans under field conditions.  相似文献   

The temperature and humidity of expired air from three adult Merino sheep were measured at air temperatures of 20, 30 and 40 degrees C before and after the animals were shorn. Expired air was apparently always saturated with water vapour. At the higher air temperatures the temperature of expired air was close to deep body temperature; at lower air temperatures, expired air had been significantly cooled, e.g. to 32.3 degrees C in shorn sheep at 20 degrees C air temperature. Expired air was cooler from shorn than from unshorn animals at 20 and 30 degrees C air temperature, possibly due to thermally induced vasomotor changes in the upper respiratory tract. Cooling of expired air would be expected to lead to recovery of some of the water evaporated during inspiration; at 20 degrees C air temperature, this fraction was estimated to be 25% in unshorn sheep and 36% in shorn sheep.  相似文献   

Springhares are large, nocturnally active, diurnally fossorial rodents that typically inhabit arid and semi-arid areas. This lifestyle means that they need to balance excessive heat loss when foraging at night against insufficient heat loss in a potentially warm, humid burrow and both of these against the need to minimize water turnover and energy requirements. In this study we investigated metabolism and thermoregulation in these animals. Basal metabolic rate averaged 8.62+/-1.37 J g(-1) h(-1) and minimum thermal conductance 0.386+/-0.062 J g(-1) h(-1) degrees C(-1). These were higher and lower than expected, respectively. This, along with a relatively low, lower critical temperature and broad thermal neutral zone indicate that springhares are physiologically well suited to the low night-time temperatures, which they typically encounter. Body temperatures were quite labile but springhares became hyperthermic at temperatures above 30 degrees C suggesting that they are poor thermoregulators at high temperatures. This is attributed to their seldom, if ever, encountering temperatures in this range. Insufficient heat loss under normal resting conditions does not appear to be a problem, as springhares inhabit deep burrows in which the temperature never exceeds the upper critical temperature. Excess heat generated during vigorous underground exercise is presumably stored and dissipated to the cool night air or the cooler soil when subsequently resting. Water turnover and energy expenditure are presumably adequately addressed by other physiological and behavioural characteristics.  相似文献   

The data collected by the authors in four experimental series have been analysed together with data from the literature, to study the relationship between mean skin temperature and climatic parameters, subject metabolic rate and clothing insulation. The subjects involved in the various studies were young male subjects, unacclimatized to heat. The range of conditions examined involved mean skin temperatures between 33 degrees C and 38 degrees C, air temperatures (Ta) between 23 degrees C and 50 degrees C, ambient water vapour pressures (Pa) between 1 and 4.8 kPa, air velocities (Va) between 0.2 and 0.9 m.s-1, metabolic rates (M) between 50 and 270 W.m-2, and Clo values between 0.1 and 0.6. In 95% of the data, mean radiant temperature was within +/- 3 degrees C of air temperature. Based on 190 data averaged over individual values, the following equation was derived by a multiple linear regression technique: Tsk = 30.0 + 0.138 Ta + 0.254 Pa-0.57 Va + 1.28.10(-3) M-0.553 Clo. This equation was used to predict mean skin temperature from 629 individual data. The difference between observed and predicted values was within +/- 0.6 degrees C in 70% of the cases and within +/- 1 degrees C in 90% of the cases. It is concluded that the proposed formula may be used to predict mean skin temperature with satisfactory accuracy in nude to lightly clad subjects exposed to warm ambient conditions with no significant radiant heat load.  相似文献   

Two kinkajous (Potos flavus, Procyonidae) showed marked nycthemeral variations in their rectal temperature. The mean Tr at night was 38.1 +/- 0.4 degrees C SD and 36.0 +/- 0.6 degrees C SD while resting during the day. Body temperature and O2-consumption were measured at ambient temperatures from 5-35 degrees C. With one exception at 35 degrees C, hypo- or hyperthermia was never observed. At air temperatures above 30 degrees C the bears reacted with behavioural responses. O2-consumption was minimal at Ta's from 23-30 degrees C. The mean basal metabolic rate was 0.316 ml O2 g-1 h-1 which is only 65% of the expected value according to the Kleiber formula. Below 23 degrees C heat production followed the equation : y (ml O2 g-1 h-1) = 0.727--0.018 Ta. The minimal thermal conductance was 90% of the predicted value according to the formula : C (ml O2 g-1 h-1 degrees C-1) = 1.02 W-0.505 (HERREID & KESSEL, 1967). Kinkajous are another distinct exception to the mouse to elephant curve.  相似文献   

Fourteen male subjects with unweighted mean skinfolds (MSF) of 10.23 mm underwent several 3-h exposures to cold water and air of similar velocities in order to compare by indirect calorimetry the rate of heat loss in water and air. Measurements of heat loss (excluding the head) at each air temperature (Ta = 25, 20, 10 degrees C) and water temperature (Tw = 29-33 degrees C) were used in a linear approximation of overall heat transfer from body core (Tre) to air or water. We found the lower critical air and water temperatures to fall as a negative linear function of MSF. The slope of these lines was not significantly different in air and water with a mean of minus 0.237 degrees C/mm MSF. Overall heat conductance was 3.34 times greater in water. However, this value was not fixed but varied as an inverse curvilinear function of MSF. Thus, equivalent water-air temperatures also varied as a function of MSF. Between limits of 100-250% of resting heat loss the following relationships between MSF and equivalent water-air temperatures were found (see article).  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory behavior of Hemigrapsus nudus, the amphibious purple shore crab, was examined in both aquatic and aerial environments. Crabs warmed and cooled more rapidly in water than in air. Acclimation in water of 16 degrees C (summer temperatures) raised the critical thermal maximum temperature (CTMax); acclimation in water of 10 degrees C (winter temperatures) lowered the critical thermal minimum temperature (CTMin). The changes occurred in both water and air. However, these survival regimes did not reflect the thermal preferences of the animals. In water, the thermal preference of crabs acclimated to 16 degrees C was 14.6 degrees C, and they avoided water warmer than 25.5 degrees C. These values were significantly lower than those of the crabs acclimated to 10 degrees C; these animals demonstrated temperature preferences for water that was 17 degrees C, and they avoided water that was warmer than 26.9 degrees C. This temperature preference was also exhibited in air, where 10 degrees C acclimated crabs exited from under rocks at a temperature that was 3.2 degrees C higher than that at which the 16 degrees C acclimated animals responded. This behavioral pattern was possibly due to a decreased thermal tolerance of 16 degrees C acclimated crabs, related with the molting process. H. nudus was better able to survive prolonged exposure to cold temperatures than to warm temperatures, and there was a trend towards lower exit temperatures with the lower acclimation (10 degrees C) temperature. Using a complex series of behaviors, the crabs were able to precisely control body temperature independent of the medium, by shuttling between air and water. The time spent in either air or water was influenced more strongly by the temperature than by the medium. In the field, this species may experience ranges in temperatures of up to 20 degrees C; however, it is able to utilize thermal microhabitats underneath rocks to maintain its body temperature within fairly narrow limits.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (MR), body temperature (T(b)) and wet thermal conductance (C(wet)) of three tropical species of fruit-doves were investigated at ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 11-33 degrees C in activity (alpha) and rest (rho) phases to investigate the possible effect of obligate frugivory on the physiology of columbids. The basal metabolic rates of Ptilinopus melanospila (black-naped fruit-dove, 94 g), Drepanoptila holosericea (cloven-feathered dove, 198 g) and Ducula pinon (Pinon's imperial pigeon, 748 g) are 20-38% lower than predicted for all birds, including granivorous columbid species from temperate and tropical regions. The MR was minimal at a T(a) value of approximately 30 degrees C (=lower critical temperature, T(lc)) for all three species, indicating that these rainforest birds are not able to withstand high ambient temperatures as well as arid-adapted members of the pigeon family. Minimal wet-thermal conductance was, on average, higher than expected, indicating poor insulation in these tropical birds. Body temperatures were as expected; however, below T(lc) the body temperatures decreased to levels of 35-36 degrees C (T(a)=12 degrees C).  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (ml kg-0.75/min) in relation to ambient air temperature at or below the lower critical temperature (Tlc) of the winter-furred raccoon dog (+10 degrees C) and the blue fox (-6 degrees C) is described by the equations y = 14.8-0.28x and y = 7.5-0.20x, respectively. Muscular shivering activity (integrated EMG) of both species increased below thermoneutrality parallel with increasing oxygen uptake and heart rate. Seasonal changes in measured metabolic parameters were evident for both species. The results suggest that the overall body insulation or the metabolic response to cold are not essentially worse in the raccoon dog as compared with the blue fox. It is concluded that earlier speculations of surprisingly wide thermoneutral zone and very low Tlc of the Arctic fox are not evident for the blue fox.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates and rectal temperatures were continuously monitored for humans immersed in cold ocean water (4.6--18.2 degrees C) under stimulated accident conditions. The subjects wore only light clothing and a kapok lifejacket while either holding-still or swimming. While holding-still, metabolic heat production (Hm,kcal-min--1) was inversely related to water temperature (Tw, degrees C) according to the equation Hm equals 4.19 minus-0.117 Tw. This temperature response pattern is shown to be similar to that for exposure to air of the same temperature when air velocity is just over 5 m.p.h. (2.24 m/s). The thermogenic response was one-third efficient in balancing the calculated heat loss in cold water, resulting in hypothermia at a rectal temperature cooling rate (C, degrees C-min--1) dependent on water temperature (Tw, degrees C) according to the relation C equal 0.0785 - 0.0034Tw. Although swimming increased heat production to 2.5 times that of holding-still at 10.5 degrees C water temperature, cooling rate was 35% greater while swimming. A prediction equation for survival time (ts, min) of persons accidentally immersed in cold water (Tw, degrees C) has the form ts equal 15 + 7.2/(0.0785-0.0034Tw), based on the findings of this study, and it is compared to pre-existing models.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mechanisms involved in adjusting metabolic rate in response to acute changes in ambient temperature close to thermoneutrality during postnatal development. Twelve lambs were prepared for sequential studies at 4, 14, 30, 45 and 55 days of age. During each study they were maintained at ambient temperatures of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees C for at least 1 h and until a slow wave sleep epoch was established. Eight lambs completed all studies. In these there was a significant fall in oxygen consumption with age which was independent of ambient temperature. This effect was closely related to a decrease in plasma triiodothyronine concentration that was greatest between 4- and 14-days old lambs and was not associated with a change in the plasma concentration of thyrotrophin or thyroxine. In 4-days old lambs oxygen consumption was increased at ambient temperatures of 5 and 10 degrees C by non-shivering thermogenesis, whilst in 14- and 30-days old lambs this effect was achieved by shivering. On the basis of significant changes in oxygen consumption and/or the occurrence of shivering (lower critical temperature) and panting (upper critical temperature) we have shown that there is a fall in both upper and lower critical temperature with age and a widening of the thermoneutral zone. This was associated with a decrease in the plasma cortisol concentration and heart rate as measured at thermoneutrality, whilst rectal temperature increased from 4 to 30 days of age. The other 4 lambs, 3 of which died between 7 and 17 days of age, had low plasma triiodothyronine concentrations when studied at 4 and/or 14 days of age and their oxygen consumption at thermoneutrality was significantly lower than the normal group at 14 days. Shivering thermogenesis occurred at an earlier age and control of body temperature was less effective. It is concluded that triiodothyronine has an important role in the control of metabolic rate in the developing lamb even to meet modest changes in ambient temperature, and possibly directly in survival.  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory abilities of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) during their first two years in the frigid waters of the North Pacific Ocean may limit their geographic distribution and alter the costs for exploiting different species of prey. We determined the thermoneutral zone of six young northern fur seals by measuring their metabolism in ambient air and controlled water temperatures (0°C–12°C) from ages 8 to 24 mo. We found that the ambient air temperatures within our study (overall 1.5°C–23.9°C) did not affect resting metabolic rates. Calculated lower critical temperatures in water varied between 3.9°C and 8.0°C, while an upper critical temperature in water was only discernible during a single set of trials. These thermal responses provide insight into the possible physiological constraints on foraging ecology in young northern fur seals, as well as the potential energetic consequences of ocean climate change and altered prey distributions.  相似文献   

Behavioural tests with 192 specimen of the roman garden snail Helix pomatia L. were performed in order to clarify whether the thermopreferendum of this pulmonate is influenced not only by the temperature of the substratum but also by air temperature. For this purpose, the snails were exposed to a horizontal temperature gradient of the substratum at different air temperatures between 10 and 30 degrees C. The results show that the selection of substratum temperature depends on the air temperature: the lower the air temperature, the lower is the temperature of the substratum preferred by the snails. Obviously, the animals tend to keep the difference between air temperature and temperature of the substratum as small as possible. This behaviour might be a mechanism to reduce the temperature gradient in the snail's body and to adjust the metabolic rate to cardiac output.  相似文献   

Predictive models describing best-fit regression equations for per cent mortality of horn flies as a function of temperature were determined for each of three pyrethroid insecticides (fenvalerate, flucythrinate and permethrin) over the temperature range 20-35 degrees C. Susceptible horn flies, Haematobia irritans (L.), were exposed to c. an LC70 dose of each pyrethroid using a residue-on-glass method. This technique used confined exposure in chambers with temperatures of 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Within this range, mortality was greatest at 25 degrees C with all three insecticides. Estimated temperature-mortality equations for each pyrethroid revealed different responses of horn flies to each of these insecticides. Horn flies exposed to flucythrinate demonstrated a linear mortality response that varied inversely with temperature. The response to permethrin was described by a quadratic equation, while the response to fenvalerate was best fitted by a cubic equation.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature acclimation, acute temperature variation and progressive hypoxia on oxygen consumption rates (VO2) were determined for the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In the first experiment, after acclimation to 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks, VO2 was determined at 5 degrees C increments from 5 to 45 degrees C. VO2 increased in all three acclimation groups from 5 to 30 degrees C, corresponding to the normal ambient temperature range for this species. Mussels displayed imperfect temperature compensation at temperatures above 15 degrees C, but exhibited little acclimatory ability below 15 degrees C. In the hypoxia experiment, VO2 was determined over the course of progressive hypoxia, from full saturation (oxygen tension [PO2]=160 Torr [21.3 kPa]) to a PO2 at which oxygen uptake ceased (<10 Torr [1.3 kPa]). Mussels were acclimated to either 5, 15 or 25 degrees C for at least 2 weeks and their respiratory response to progressive hypoxia was measured at three test temperatures (5, 15 and 25 degrees C). The degree of oxygen regulation increased with increasing test temperature, particularly from 5 to 15 degrees C, but decreased with increasing acclimation temperature. The decreased metabolic rate observed for warm-acclimated animals, particularly in the upper portion of the temperature range of the zebra mussel, may allow for conservation of organic energy stores during warm summer months. Compared to other freshwater bivalves, D. polymorpha is a relatively poor oxygen regulator, corresponding with its preference for well-oxygenated aquatic habitats. In addition, a new quantitative method for determining the degree of oxygen regulation is presented.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory benefits of cold-induced changes in breathing pattern and mechanism(s) by which cold induces hypoventilation were investigated using male Holstein calves (1-3 mo old). Effects of ambient temperatures (Ta) between 4 and 18 degrees C on ventilatory parameters and respiratory heat loss (RHL) were determined in four calves. As Ta decreased, respiratory frequency decreased 29%, tidal volume increased 35%, total ventilation and RHL did not change, and the percentage of metabolic rate attributed to RHL decreased 26%. Total ventilation was stimulated by increasing inspired CO2 in six calves (Ta 4-6 degrees C), and a positive relationship existed between respiratory frequency and expired air temperature. Therefore, cold-exposed calves conserve respiratory heat by decreasing expired air temperature and dead space ventilation. Compared with thermoneutral exposure (16-18 degrees C), hypoventilation was induced by airway cold exposure (4-6 degrees C) alone and by exposing the body but not the airways to cold. Blocking nasal thermoreceptors with topical lidocaine during airway cold exposure prevented the ventilatory response but did not lower hypothalamic temperature. Hypothalamic cooling (Ta 16-18 degrees C) did not produce a ventilatory response. Thus, airway temperature but not hypothalamic temperature appears to control ventilation in cold-exposed calves.  相似文献   

The mechanisms dictating upper limits to animal body size are not well understood. We have analysed body length data for the largest representatives of 24 taxa of terrestrial poikilotherms from tropical, temperate and polar environments. We find that poikilothermic giants on land become two-three times shorter per each 10 degrees of decrease in ambient temperature. We quantify that this diminution of maximum body size accurately compensates the drop of metabolic rate dictated by lower temperature. This supports the idea that the upper limit to body size within each taxon can be set by a temperature-independent critical minimum value of mass-specific metabolic rate, a fall below which is not compatible with successful biological performance.  相似文献   

A plot of the thermal resistance of Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores (log D value) against temperature was linear between 37 and 190 degrees C (z = 23 degrees C), provided that the relative humidity of the spore environment was kept below a certain critical level. The corresponding plot for Bacillus stearothermophilus spores was linear in the range 150 to 180 degrees C (z = 29 degrees C) but departed from linearity at lower temperatures (decreasing z value). However, the z value of 29 degrees C was decreased to 23 degrees C if spores were dried before heat treatment. The straight line corresponding to this new z value was consistent with the inactivation rate at a lower temperature (60 degrees C). The data indicate that bacterial spores which are treated in dry heat at an environmental relative humidity near zero are inactivated mainly by a drying process. By extrapolation of the thermal resistance plot obtained under these conditions for B. subtilis var. niger spores, the D value at 0 degrees C would be about 4 years.  相似文献   

Critical thermal limits depend on methodological context   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A full-factorial study of the effects of rates of temperature change and start temperatures was undertaken for both upper and lower critical thermal limits (CTLs) using the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes. Results show that rates of temperature change and start temperatures have highly significant effects on CTLs, although the duration of the experiment also has a major effect. Contrary to a widely held expectation, slower rates of temperature change (i.e. longer experimental duration) resulted in poorer thermal tolerance at both high and low temperatures. Thus, across treatments, a negative relationship existed between duration and upper CTL while a positive relationship existed between duration and lower CTL. Most importantly, for predicting tsetse distribution, G. pallidipes suffer loss of function at less severe temperatures under the most ecologically relevant experimental conditions for upper (0.06 degrees C min(-1); 35 degrees C start temperature) and lower CTL (0.06 degrees C min(-1); 24 degrees C start temperature). This suggests that the functional thermal range of G. pallidipes in the wild may be much narrower than previously suspected, approximately 20-40 degrees C, and highlights their sensitivity to even moderate temperature variation. These effects are explained by limited plasticity of CTLs in this species over short time scales. The results of the present study have broad implications for understanding temperature tolerance in these and other terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

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