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Summary The dependence on light and temperature of the apparent photosynthetic rate was studied on ecotypes of Trifolium repens from different altitudes in the alps (600–2040 m above sea level). Due to the altitude, the natural habitats have different temperature conditions. At the higher altitudes the light conditions for the growing plants vary due to grazing or cutting management of these meadows. Accordingly, for this study the plants were grown at different temperatures and light intensities in growth cabinets.High altitude plants had higher photosynthetic rates, especially when measured at low temperatures. According to the light conditions, dependent on management, in the alpine habitats the ecotypes differed in their photosynthetic properties like sun and shade plants. It is stated, that the photosynthetic performance as well as the acclimation capacity to the growth conditions is related to the altitude of the habitats and probably also to the agricultural management.  相似文献   

Summary Two Trifolium repens clones from natural meadows at 600 m and 2030 m above sea level, and with differing dependence on temperature of their rate of apparent photosynthesis, were grown under controlled environments. Radioactive products in detached leaves were examined after 20 and 40 s periods of steady state photosynthesis in 14CO2 at 3° C and 24° C. Glycine and serine were hardly labeled at 3° C. At 24° C, the leaves of the alpine clone showed significantly, (P<0.025) more activity in these amino acids than those from the low altitude clone. It is suggested that the alpine clone has a higher photorespiration. This is supported by the labeling pattern of glucose, fructose, sucrose, and glucose-6-phosphate.The high altitude clone requires lower temperatures for photosynthesis than the low altitude clone. It is suggested, that this is caused by its higher photorespiration, which reduces net photosynthesis at high temperatures. The lower photorespiration activity of the low altitude clone can be interpreted as an adaptation to its warmer habitat.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Despite concerns about the impact of rising sea levels and storm surge events on coastal ecosystems, there is remarkably little information on the response of terrestrial coastal plant species to seawater inundation. The aim of this study was to elucidate responses of a glycophyte (white clover, Trifolium repens) to short-duration soil flooding by seawater and recovery following leaching of salts.


Using plants cultivated from parent ecotypes collected from a natural soil salinity gradient, the impact of short-duration seawater soil flooding (8 or 24 h) on short-term changes in leaf salt ion and organic solute concentrations was examined, together with longer term impacts on plant growth (stolon elongation) and flowering.

Key Results

There was substantial Cl and Na+ accumulation in leaves, especially for plants subjected to 24 h soil flooding with seawater, but no consistent variation linked to parent plant provenance. Proline and sucrose concentrations also increased in plants following seawater flooding of the soil. Plant growth and flowering were reduced by longer soil immersion times (seawater flooding followed by drainage and freshwater inputs), but plants originating from more saline soil responded less negatively than those from lower salinity soil.


The accumulation of proline and sucrose indicates a potential for solute accumulation as a response to the osmotic imbalance caused by salt ions, while variation in growth and flowering responses between ecotypes points to a natural adaptive capacity for tolerance of short-duration seawater soil flooding in T. repens. Consequently, it is suggested that selection for tolerant ecotypes is possible should the predicted increase in frequency of storm surge flooding events occur.  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and temperature on vegetative growth of seedling populations and clones of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) originating from various latitudes (58°48'–69°54'N) and altitudes (up to 1100 m above sea level) were studied in a phytotron. Dry matter production, stolon elongation, petiole elongation and leaf lamina size were enhanced by long photoperiod. The requirement for long photoperiod increased with decreasing temperature. At 6°C the maximum growth was recorded under 24-h daylength. At 18°C already an increase in photoperiod from 12 to 15 h significantly enhanced growth, and maximum growth was obtained at 21-h photoperiod. The studied populations responded similarly to daylength, and the results did not indicate photoperiodic ecotypes in the material. The southernmost clones and populations generally had the highest dry matter production at all temperature treatments (6–18°C). Variation between clones within one location was, however, significant, and rapidly growing clones were found also in high-latitude locations. Dry matter production was poorly correlated with the morphological characters observed, but in some cases significant correlation with leaf lamina size was found.  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and temperature on frost resistance of seedling populations and clones of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) originating from various latitudes (58°48'–69°54'N) and altitudes (up to 1100 m above sea level) were studied in a phytotron. Low-temperature-induced cold acclimation in all populations was significantly stimulated by short photoperiod and low temperature. The highest levels of frost resistance were found in the northernmost seedling populations and in clones from northern coastal locations.  相似文献   

A four generation backcross breeding program was undertaken. Analysis of the levels of cyanoglucoside in Acac progeny shows that the level of cyanoglucoside (linamarin and lotaustralin) is inherited and that part of the inherited variation in cyanoglucoside levels is attributable to the existence of different Ac alleles in the parent plant. In vitro microsomal cyanoglucoside biosynthetic activity was measured in a high-level and a low-level parent plant. There was no evidence for the presence of microsomes with different qualitative properties in the two plants. The Ac locus was shown to segregate independently of the S incompatibility locus.This research was supported in part by SERC Grant GRA 95550.  相似文献   

安慧  上官周平 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6017-6024
采用植物生长箱溶液培养方式,对白三叶幼苗进行了不同光强(2个水平)和氮浓度(5个水平)处理,探讨其生长、生物量和光合生理特征对生境变化的响应.结果表明:两种光强下白三叶幼苗茎和叶生物量随氮素浓度呈先升高后降低,而根系生物量和根冠比则随氮素浓度增高而降低.光照强度降低使白三叶幼苗根、茎、叶和整株生物量分别降低67.8%、29.9%、42.5%和45.2%;低光处理使幼苗的根冠比显著下降,而比叶面积(SLA)明显提高.幼苗根系体积随氮素浓度增高而降低,高生长光强根系体积显著高于低生长光强下的白三叶.幼苗根系表面积、根系长度和根系直径随氮素浓度增加呈先增加后降低趋势,两种不同生长光强下幼苗根系长度和根系直径差异显著,而根系表面积差异不明显.白三叶叶片光合速率(Pn)随氮素浓度增加呈先增加后降低趋势,高生长光强白三叶Pn显著高于低生长光强下的白三叶.两种生长光强间叶片气孔导度(Gs),胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)无显著差异,但氮素浓度对叶片Gs、Ci和Tr均有显著影响.光、氮及其交互作用对白三叶幼苗生长发育产生了显著影响,光照不足和氮缺乏都将导致白三叶幼苗生长减弱,但幼苗对这些不利环境具有较强的调节和适应能力.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of daily carbon (C) budgets and aspects of the C physiology of clover ( Trifolium repens L.) colonized by vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi was carried out over a 70 d growth period under conditions designed to ensure that shoots of mycorrhizal (M) and non-mycorrhizal (NM) plants were of similar nutrient status. C budgets did not differ on day 24 but by day 42 M plants had a significantly higher rate of photosynthesis than their NM counterparts when expressed on a whole shoot basis or unit dry weight basis. As both sets of plants were of the same size it was concluded that this greater C gain was the result of increased sink strength provided by the mycorrhizal fungus. By day 53 M plants had become larger than their uncolonized counterparts and a sink-induced stimulation in the rate of photosynthesis was no longer apparent. M plants had higher root sucrose, glucose and fructose pools from day 24. Analyses suggested that these sugars were utilized for trehalose and lipid synthesis, for the production of the large extramatrical mycelium and for the support of the respiratory demands of the M root system. Increased C allocation to roots of M plants was associated with a stimulation of the activities of cell wall and cytoplasmic invertases and of sucrose synthase in roots colonized by VA fungi. Such increases in enzyme activity may provide the mechanism enabling increased partitioning of carbohydrate both to the M root system and the fungal symbiont.  相似文献   

In Trifolium repens L. there were immediate transient depolarizationsof the membrane electropotential (Evo) when KH2PO4 was addedto phosphate-free media, but these were of the same magnitudeas the controls (K2SO4 and KCI). Furthermore, the extents ofdepolarization were the same as the expected effect of the addedK+ calculated using the Goldman equation. There was no significantdepolarization on adding H3PO4 to buffered media. Consequently,there was no evidence for a depolarization caused by phosphate.This result provides evidence that the H+–H2PO4 symportin roots of T. repens operates with a stoichiometry of 1: 1. In a group of control plants ( + P plants) and a group whichwere stressed by reducing the supply of phosphate (– Pplants), the – P plants had lower values for Evo than+P plants (– 118 mV and – 130 mV, respectively).The absence of phosphate from the measurement media also reducedEvo (mean effect = 9 mV). A significant difference in Evo between– P and + P plants persisted when phosphate was addedto – P plants. The electropotential difference acrossthe tonoplast (Evo) in – P plants became more positivewith time. Key words: White clover, membrane transport, roots, tonoplast, symport  相似文献   

The Carbon Economy of Clonal Plants of Trifolium repens L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluxes of carbon between sources and sinks were quantified forclonal plants of Trifolium repens L. (cv. Blanca) in two glasshouseexperiments. Carbon sources were (a) leaves on the parent (=main)stolon apex, or (b) leaves on either young or old branches,and the major sinks of interest were the parent stolon apex,branches, and the adventitious root arising at the same parentstolon node as a young source branch. Defoliation treatmentswere applied to the parent stolon and/or branches (excludingsource branches). Carbon moved freely from the parent stolon to branches and vice-versa;these bidirectional exchanges of C provided important supplementarysources of carbohydrate for the sinks and buffered them againstthe effects of defoliation. Young branches exported more C tothe parent plant (mean=6.3µmol d–1) than they importedfrom leaves on the parent stolon (5·2µmol d–1)which, in turn, exceeded the amount fixed by leaves on the branchand utilized within the branch itself (2·7µmold–1). In contrast, the C economy of old branches was largelyself-contained with, on average, 25·4µmol d–1exported to the parent plant, 1·8µmol d–1imported from the parent, and 63·0µmol d–1fixed and utilized by the branch itself. Thus the growth ofyoung branches was immediately reduced by removal of parentstolon leaves, but old branches were unaffected. An estimated 42% of the C utilized by the main stolon apex originatedfrom branches, while by far the largest proportion (84%) ofthe C used for growth of young nodal roots originated from theassociated branch and not from leaves on the parent stolon towhich the root was directly attached. Key words: Trifolium repens, clonal growth, carbon economy, physiological integration, defoliation  相似文献   

High- and low-altitude ecotypes of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) showed clear differences in their responses to various experimental conditions, including two temperature regimes and four fertilisation rates. There was, however, no simple way to characterise the elevational ecotypes in terms of relative growth rate, nitrogen (N) productivity, or root N uptake rate. The leaf N concentration was generally higher in the high-altitude seedlings than in the low-altitude seedlings. At low temperature, high-altitude mountain birch maintained a relatively high growth rate by combining high root N uptake rate and high leaf N concentration with high N productivity. An increase in temperature and/or fertiliser rate resulted in a marginal increase in N productivity in the high-altitude seedlings but resulted in a strong increase in N productivity in the low-altitude seedlings. In parallel, increased temperature resulted in a pronounced decrease in leaf N concentration only in the low-altitude seedlings. Our results suggest that the weak growth response to increased temperature in high-altitude mountain birch is functionally related to high leaf N concentration. The high leaf N concentration of high-altitude mountain birch is genetically determined and has an adaptive value in a cold environment. This suggests that there is a trade-off between high N productivity at low temperature and a strong response of N productivity to temperature. Received: 21 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 December 1998  相似文献   

Summary Translocation of 14C-labelled carbohydrates between the parent stolon and branches, and among branches, of Trifolium repens plants was investigated in two glasshouse experiments to determine patterns of physiological organisation in this clonal species. Differential defoliation treatments were applied to the parent stolon and/or branches to test the sensitivity of translocation to the short-term carbon needs of defoliated sinks. Strong reciprocal exchange of carbohydrate between the parent stolon and branches was observed, with 18 41% of the 14C exported from leaves on the parent stolon moving to branches, while branches simulta-neously exported 25% (for old source branches) to 54% (for young source branches) of the 14C they assimilated to the parent plant, including translocation to other branches. Branch-to-branch translocation occurred both acropetally and basipetally. Parent-to-branch, branch-to-parent and branch-to-branch carbon fluxes all increased in response to defoliation of the sink, at the expense of carbon supply to stolon tissue or roots of the source module. Reduced export to stolon tissue of the parent axis played a major role in facilitating C reallocation from leaves on the parent stolon to defoliated branches. The observed patterns of C allocation and translocation could be adequately explained by accepted source-sink theory, and are consistent with a high degree of intra-plant physiological integration in resource supply and utilisation. This information provides mechanistic explanations for aspects of the growth dynamics and ecological interactions of T. repens in the patchy environment of a grazed pasture.  相似文献   

Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium nigrescens Viv. are two of the approximately six cyanogenic species known in the genus Trifolium. The two species are closely related: T. nigrescens is considered to be one of the diploid ancestors of the amphidiploid T. repens . We studied morphology, meiosis and the cyanogenic system in T. repens (amphidiploid), T. nigrescens (diploid) and their reciprocal hybrids. A comparison of the enzyme linamarase in the species and hybrids shows that there is a general resemblance between their linamarases. Immunological studies indicate that the linamarases must have a somewhat different three-dimensional structure. These facts are consistent with the view that T. nigrescens (or an ancestral form of this species) has donated the Li gene of T. repens . The other putative parent, T. occidentale has probably not donated an active Li gene. The hypothesis of the origin of the Li gene does not explain its polymorphism in European populations of T. repens , as T. nigrescens is monomorphic for cyanogenesis and amphidiploids do not segregate for genes which are homozygous dominant in one of the parents. Segregation for Li could be caused by a gene mutation or a small exchange between homeologous chromosomes. The latter event is more probable. A nigrescens-repens exchange would give rise to a chromosomal region with reduced homology to both parental chromosomes. The genes in the region of exchange will be tightly linked due to diminished cross-over frequency. It has been known for years that Li has effects on the vegetative and reproductive characters in T. repens and we have recently shown that these effects must be the result of genes linked to Li . As the associated characters influence the fitness of the cyanotypes, not only the origin but also the maintenance of the cyanogenic polymorphism is closely related to the evolutionary history of T. repens .  相似文献   

Recent control of atmospheric SO2 pollution is leading to important soil sulphur impoverishment. Plasticity could be a mechanism allowing species to adapt to this rapid global change. Trifolium repens L. is a key grassland species whose performances in community are strongly linked to nitrogen availability. Plasticity of three white clover lines contrasting in their ability to use atmospheric N2 or soil N was assessed by analysing a set of functional traits along a gradient of nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation applied on a poor soil. White clover traits showed high morphological and physiological plasticity. Nitrogen appeared to be the most limiting factor for the VLF (Very Low Fixation) line. S was the element that modulated the most traits for the nitrogen fixing lines NNU (Normal Nitrate Uptake) and LNU (Low Nitrate Uptake). As expected, N fertilisation inhibited white clover fixation, but we also observed that N2 fixation was enhanced when S was added. S fertilisation increased nodule length as well as the proportion of nodules containing leghaemoglobin. S fertilisation, with a direct effect and an indirect effect through N2 fixation, increases white clover performances particularly with regards to photosynthesis and potential vegetative reproduction. The important plasticity in response to S availability should allow it to adapt to a large range of abiotic conditions, but its sensitivity to S nutrition would be a disadvantage for competition in a situation of soil sulphur impoverishment. In contrast, S fertilisation could help maintain this species when nitrogen status is against it.  相似文献   

The initiation and growth of axillary bud primordia in relationto the growth of their subtending leaves was observed at theapices of three clones (A. B. and C) of white clover grown invarious combinations of photoperiod and temperature. ClonesA, B, and C flower in response to low temperatures, and clonesA and C, but not B, in response to a transfer from short tolong photoperiods at higher temperatures. The rate of growth of buds and leaves from node to node waslittle influenced by the various treatments imposed, but theinitiation of axillary bud primordia relative to the apicaldome was stimulated in conditions conducive to flowering. The number of budless leaf primordia at the apex ranged froma maximum average of 2.25 at 20° C. to approximately o.8oat 10° C. in all three clones. At the higher temperatures,runners possessed 2.06 budless nodes in short days but only1.12 in long days in clones A and C. In clone B, daylength didnot influence bud initiation at the higher temperature. The results provide evidence of the homology between vegetativeand repro-ductive axillary bud primordia. It is suggested thatflowering is brought about by the removal of an inhibition withinthe apex which leads to the precocious initiation of axillarybud primordia. Following the initiation of axillary bud primordia, the resultsshow their growth to be uninhibited for 6-7 plastochrons. Rapidinflorescence development occurs during this phase. Apical dominancehas no apparent influence on vegetative axillary buds untilthe onset of rapid petiole elongation in their subtending leaves.  相似文献   

Metabolite deposition during seed development was examined histochemicallyin Trifolium repens by light- and fluorescence microscopy. Allendosperm haustorium at the chalazal pole of the embryo sacand wall protrusions in cell walls of the suspensor and theembryo sac suggest that transfer of metabolites from maternalto offspring tissue takes place primarily at these sites. Thisis further supported by prominent cutinization of the interpolarregion of the embryo sac wall, accumulation of starch in integumentaltissue at the embryo sac poles, and breakdown of interpolarendothelial cells. Decomposition of osteosclereid starch isfollowed by accumulation in the cellular endosperm and subsequentlyin the embryo parallel to endosperm degradation. The starchaccumulates gradually inward from the subepidermal cells ofthe embryo to the stele. Protein bodies are formed in the vacuolesalong the tonoplast, later to be cut off in vesicles releasedinto the cytoplasm. At maturity the embryo is packed with proteinand starch, but without lipid reserves. Phytin is observed inthe protein bodies. The mature embryo is surrounded by a proteinand starch containing aleurone layer which originates from theendosperm.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press White clover, protein, starch, cuticle, embryo sac wall  相似文献   

 A genetic analysis was carried out on progeny families from pair crosses among plants polymorphic for shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) isozymes in white clover (Trifolium repens L.). SDH was controlled by two independently assorting disomic loci. This result is consistent with the presence of a single gene (Sdh) represented in this putative allotetraploid by one locus in each of the genomes. One of the Sdh loci is linked (6.0±2.0 cM) to the linamarase (Li) locus. There was no evidence for differentiation of the duplicate Sdh loci (both carry common alleles). White clover behaves genetically as a diploidised allotetraploid but the possibility of a low frequency of multivalent formation and homoeologous pairing has not been ruled out. The SDH locus is likely to be useful for the marker-assisted selection of agronomic traits. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

The response to phosphate of samples of natural local populationsof T. repens, collected from soils of different phosphate contents,was determined over a wide range of phosphate levels in sandculture. A marked correlation (r = +0.96) was found betweenresponse of populations to phosphate at low phosphate levelsand the amount of phosphate in the native soil of the population;populations from soils high in phosphate showed larger reductionsin growth at low phosphate levels than did those from soilslow in phosphate. It is concluded that response to phosphateis one aspect of the physiological adaptation of the naturalpopulations to particular soil conditions. Populations alsodiffered in response to very high levels of phosphate, and inthe range of phosphate levels tolerated; the possible adaptivesignificance of this is discussed in relation to the phosphatebuffering effects of the native soils. Populations tolerantof low phosphate levels had higher concentrations of phosphorusin the shoot material, and a higher uptake of phosphorus perunit weight of roots, than did intolerant populations. The differencesbetween populations in response to phosphate are therefore believedto be due to difference in uptake rather than to differencein metabolic requirement of phosphate.  相似文献   

Using DEAE-cellulose two distinct ß-glucosidase enzymeshave been identified in white clover; one form is primarilyassociated with the seed, the other with young leaves. Evidenceis presented for the separate nature of ß-glucosidaseand ß-galactosidase activity in dry seed flour andin young leaf tissue. These results are considered in relationto the function of the Li locus in white clover, which is shownto control both ß-glucosidase and ß-galactosidaseactivity in expanding leaves.  相似文献   

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