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Aging is associated with depressed naive T cell responses, but it is less clear whether T cell memory established early in life also becomes impaired with age. This is particularly important for T cells responding to latent persistent infection, which need to remain functional and capable of controlling the infection over the lifetime; however, repeated stimulation over the lifetime may dysregulate their maintenance or function, potentially contributing to impaired immunity in the elderly. Systemic infection with HSV-1, a persistent latent virus, is associated with memory inflation of virus-specific CD8 T cells. We tested how these inflated memory cells are maintained from adulthood into old age. We found no significant differences in the numbers (i.e., blood, spleen), ex vivo Ag-specific IFN-γ production, and in vivo recall response to HSV-1 (i.e., proliferation, IFN-γ production, cytolysis) between adult and old memory T cells. There was a discrete shift from dominantly effector memory phenotype in the adults to a central memory-like phenotype in the old mice, with fewer old cells expressing the killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 (KLRG1). Adult and old KLRG1(+) memory CD8 T cells were functionally identical: both produced IFN-γ but could minimally proliferate in response to viral challenge. Interestingly, regardless of age, KLRG1(+) cells retained the ability to proliferate and survive in response to homeostatic signals, both in vitro (culture with IL-7 and IL-15) and in vivo (expansion following transfer into lymphopenic recipients). This finding demonstrates that functional effector memory T cells, including those expressing KLRG-1, are maintained and are functional for life, despite the presence of persistent viral infection.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular bacterium that causes systemic infections after traversing the intestinal mucosa. Clearance of infection and long term protective immunity are mediated by L. monocytogenes-specific CD8 T lymphocytes. In this report, we characterize the murine CD8 T cell response in the lamina propria and intestinal epithelium after enteric L. monocytogenes infection. We find that the frequency of MHC class Ia-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is approximately 4- to 5-fold greater in the lamina propria than in the spleen of mice after oral or i.v. infection. Although the kinetics of T cell expansion and contraction are similar in spleen, lamina propria, and intestinal epithelium, high frequencies of Ag-specific T cells are detected only in the lamina propria 1 mo after infection. In contrast to MHC class Ia-restricted T cells, the frequency of H2-M3-restricted, L. monocytogenes-specific T cells is decreased in the intestinal mucosa relative to that found in the spleen. In addition to this disparity, we find that MHC class Ia-restricted CD8 T cells specific for a dominant L. monocytogenes epitope have different TCR V beta repertoires in the spleen and intestinal mucosa of individual mice. These findings indicate that the intestinal mucosa is a depot where L. monocytogenes-specific effector CD8 T cells accumulate during and after infection irrespective of immunization route. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that CD8 T cell populations in these two sites, although overlapping in Ag specificity, are distinct in terms of their repertoire.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are central for the induction of T-cell responses needed for chlamydial eradication. Here, we report the activation of two DC subsets: a classical CD11b+ (cDC) and plasmacytoid (pDC) during genital infection with Chlamydia muridarum . Genital infection induced an influx of cDC and pDC into the genital tract and its draining lymph node (iliac lymph nodes, ILN) as well as colocalization with T cells in the ILN. Genital infection with C. muridarum also stimulated high levels of costimulatory molecules on cDC central for the activation of naïve T cells in vivo . In contrast, pDC expressed low levels of most costimulatory molecules in vivo and did not secrete cytokines associated with the production of T helper (Th)1 cells in vitro . However, pDC upregulated inducible costimulatory ligand expression and produced IL-6 and IL-10 in response to chlamydial exposure in vitro . Our findings show that these two DC subsets likely have different functions in vivo . cDCs are prepared for induction of antichlamydial T-cell responses, whereas pDCs have characteristics associated with the differentiation of non-Th1 cell subsets.  相似文献   

Gammadelta T lymphocytes have been shown to regulate immune responses in diverse experimental systems. Because distinct gammadelta T cell subsets, as defined by the usage of certain TCR V genes, preferentially respond in various diseases and disease models, we have hypothesized that the various gammadelta T cell subsets carry out different functions. To test this, we compared one particular gammadelta T cell subset, the Vgamma1(+) subset, which represents a major gammadelta T cell type in the lymphoid organs and blood of mice, to other subsets and to gammadelta T cells as a whole. Using LISTERIA: monocytogenes infection as an infectious disease model, we found that bacterial containment improves in mice depleted of Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells, albeit mice lacking all gammadelta T cells are instead impaired in their ability to control LISTERIA: expansion. Our findings indicate that Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells reduce the ability of the innate immune system to destroy LISTERIA:, even though other gammadelta T cells as a whole promote clearance of this pathogen.  相似文献   

The innate immune system recognizes invading microbes via conserved pattern recognition receptors and uses inflammatory signals to concert adaptive defense mechanisms. However, microbial and host parameters involved in CD4 T cell priming and direction of Th1, Th2, and Th17 differentiation in the context of infections with complex pathogens in vivo are incompletely understood. In this study, we used Legionella pneumophila, which triggers membrane-bound and cytosolic pattern recognition receptors, to study the innate instruction of adaptive immunity. Upon airway infection, T cells were primed exclusively in the lung-draining lymph nodes and differentiated into Th1/Th17 effector cells upon arrival in the lung. Although engagement of membrane-bound pattern recognition receptors was sufficient for initial T cell activation and proliferation, cytosolic pattern recognition was required for effector T cell differentiation. In the absence of cytoplasmic pattern recognition, MyD88 was key for T cell priming, whereas, in its presence, MyD88-mediated signals were crucial for Th17 differentiation. Specifically, cytosolic sensing of Legionella-derived flagellin, inflammasome activation, and IL-1 signaling contributed to Th17 development. In the absence of TLR signaling, a simultaneous Th1/Th2 response developed that was independent of the inflammasome-IL-1 axis. Collectively, these data illustrate the important role for various pattern recognition receptors triggered by complex pathogens and how they each instruct specific differentiation programs in responding CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

NK cells express several families of receptors that play central roles in target cell recognition. These NK cell receptors are also expressed by certain memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells, and in some cases are up-regulated in T cells responding to viral infection. To determine how the profile of NK receptor expression changes in murine CD8(+) T cells as they respond to intracellular pathogens, we used class I tetramer reagents to directly examine Ag-specific T cells during lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and Listeria monocytogenes infections. We found that the majority of pathogen-specific CD8(+) T cells initiated expression of the inhibitory CD94/NKG2A heterodimer, the KLRG1 receptor, and a novel murine NK cell marker (10D7); conversely, very few Ag-specific T cells expressed Ly49 family members. The up-regulation of these receptors was independent of IL-15 and persisted long after clearance of the pathogen. The expression of CD94/NKG2A was rapidly initiated in naive CD8(+) T cells responding to peptide Ags in vitro and on many of the naive T cells that proliferate when transferred into lymphopenic (Rag-1(-/-)) hosts. Thus, CD94/NKG2A expression is a common consequence of CD8(+) T cell activation. Binding of the CD94/NKG2A receptor by its ligand (Qa-1(b)) did not significantly inhibit CD8(+) T cell effector functions. However, expression of CD94 and NKG2A transgenes partially inhibited early events of T cell activation. These subtle effects suggest that CD94/NKG2A-mediated inhibition of T cells may be limited to particular circumstances or may synergize with other receptors that are similarly up-regulated.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor (SR)-specific delivery by maleylation of a ubiquitous self-protein, Ig, to SR-bearing APCs results in self-limiting induction of autoimmune effects in vivo. Immunization with maleyl-Ig breaks T cell tolerance to self-Ig and causes hypergammaglobulinemia, with increases in spleen weight and cellularity. The majority of splenic B cells show an activated phenotype upon maleyl-Ig immunization, leading to large-scale conversion to a CD138+ phenotype and to significant increases in CD138-expressing splenic plasma cells. The polyclonal B cell activation, hypergammaglobulinemia, and autoreactive Ig-specific T cell responses decline over a 2-mo period postimmunization. Following adoptive transfer, T cells from maleyl-Ig-immune mice taken at 2 wk postimmunization can induce hypergammaglobulinemia in the recipients, but those taken at 10 wk postimmunization cannot. Hypergammaglobulinemia in the adoptive transfer recipients is also transient and is followed by an inability to respond to fresh maleyl-Ig immunization, suggesting that the autoreactive Ig-specific T cells are inactivated peripherally following disruption of tolerance. Thus, although autoreactive T cell responses to a ubiquitous self-Ag, Ig, are induced by SR-mediated delivery to professional APCs in vivo resulting in autoimmune pathophysiological effects, they are effectively and rapidly turned off by inactivation of these activated Ig-specific T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine known to modulate the outcome of sepsis by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production, including IL-12, a main activator of natural killer (NK) cells. We hypothesized that neutralization of IL-10 would increase NK and natural killer T (NKT) cell activation through increased IL-12 in a mouse model of bacterial peritonitis. NK and NKT cell activations were measured by CD69 expression on NK1.1+/CD3- and NK1.1+/CD3+ cells after cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). NK cells were significantly more activated in mice treated with anti-IL-10 antibodies, whereas no such effect was observed in NKT cells. Similarly, intracellular interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) levels were increased in NK cells of anti-IL-10-treated mice, but not in NKT cells. IL-12 and IL-18 levels were increased in both CLP groups, but in anti-IL-10-treated mice, early IL-12 and late IL-18 levels were significantly higher than in controls. Survival at 18 h after CLP was lower in anti-IL-10 mice, which was associated with increased liver neutrophil accumulation. In summary, these data show an activating effect of IL-10 on NK, but not on NKT cells after CLP, which corresponded with decreased survival, higher IFN-gamma production, and increased remote organ neutrophil accumulation. These effects were not mediated by IL-12 and IL-18 alone, and reinforce a role for NK cells in remote organ dysfunction following peritonitis.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma plays a critical role in the CD8(+) T cell response to infection, but when and if this cytokine directly signals CD8(+) T cells during an immune response is unknown. We show that naive Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells receive IFN-gamma signals within 12 h after in vivo infection with Listeria monocytogenes and then become unresponsive to IFN-gamma throughout the ensuing Ag-driven expansion phase. Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells regain partial IFN-gamma responsiveness throughout the contraction phase, whereas the memory pool exhibits uniform, but reduced, responsiveness that is also modulated during the secondary response. The responsiveness of Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells to IFN-gamma correlated with modulation in the expression of IFN-gammaR2, but not with IFN-gammaR1 or suppressor of cytokine signaling-1. This dynamic regulation suggests that early IFN-gamma signals participate in regulation of the primary CD8(+) T cell response program, but that evading or minimizing IFN-gamma signals during expansion and the memory phase may contribute to appropriate regulation of the CD8(+) T cell response.  相似文献   

Helper T (Th) cells are a crucial component of the adaptive immune system and are of fundamental importance in orchestrating the appropriate response to pathogenic challenge. They fall into two broad categories defined by the cytokines each produces. Th1 cells produce interferon- gamma and are required for effective immunity to intracellular bacteria, viruses and protozoa whereas Th2 produce IL-4 and are required for optimal antibody production to T-dependent antigens. A great deal of experimental data on the regulation of Th1 and Th2 differentiation have been obtained but many essential features of this complex system are still not understood. Here we present a mathematical model of Th1/Th2 differentiation and cross regulation. We model Fas-mediated activation-induced cell death (AICD) as this process has been identified as an important mechanism for limiting clonal expansion and resolving T cell responses. We conclude that Th2 susceptibility to AICD is important for stabilizing the two polarized arms of the T helper response, and that cell-cell killing, not suicide, is the dominant mechanism for Fas-mediated death of Th1 effectors. We find that the combination of the anti-proliferative effect of the cytokine TGF- beta and the inhibiting influence of IL-10 on T cell activation are crucial controls for Th2 populations. We see that the strengths of the activation signals for each T helper cell subset, which are dependent on the antigen dose, co-stimulatory signals and the cytokine environment, critically determine the dominant helper subset. Switches from Th1- to Th2-dominance may be important in chronic infection and we show that this phenomenon can arise from differential AICD susceptibility of T helper subsets, and asymmetries in the nature of the cross-suppressive cytokine interactions. Our model suggests that in some senses a predominantly type 2 reaction may well be the "default" pathway for an antigen-specific immune response, due to these asymmetries.  相似文献   

Peripheral tolerance is maintained in part by thymically derived CD25+CD4+ T cells (regulatory T cells (Tregs)). Their mechanism of action has not been well characterized. Therefore, to get a better understanding of Treg action, we investigated the kinetics of murine Treg activity in vitro. Tregs were suppressive within a surprisingly narrow kinetic window: necessary and sufficient only in the first 6-10 h of culture. Visualization of this time frame, using a sensitive single-cell assay for IL-2, revealed the early elaboration of target cell IL-2 producers in the first 6 h despite the presence of CD25+CD4+ Tregs. However, after 6 h, a rapid rise in the number of IL-2 producers in the absence of Tregs was dramatically abrogated by the presence of Tregs. Importantly, the timing of suppression was dictated by the kinetics of target T cell activation suggesting that early target T cell signals may alter susceptibility to suppression. Modulating target T cell activation signals with provision of CD28, IL-2, or high Ag dose all abrogated suppression of proliferation late in culture. However, only CD28 signals enabled target T cells to resist the early Treg-induced down-regulation of IL-2. Therefore the quality of early target T cell activation signals, in particular engagement of CD28, represents an important control point in the balance between vulnerability and resistance to Treg suppression.  相似文献   

Chronic Ag exposure during persistent viral infection erodes virus-specific CD8 T cell numbers and effector function, with a concomitant loss of pathogen control. Less clear are the respective contributions of Ag-specific and Ag-nonspecific (bystander) events on the quantity, quality, and maintenance of antiviral CD8 T cells responding to persistent virus infection. In this study, we show that low-dose inoculation with mouse polyomavirus (PyV) elicits a delayed, but numerically equivalent, antiviral CD8 T cell response compared with high-dose inoculation. Low-dose infection generated virus-specific CD8 T cells endowed with multicytokine functionality and a superior per cell capacity to produce IFN-gamma. PyV-specific CD8 T cells primed by low-dose inoculation also expressed higher levels of IL-7Ralpha and bcl-2 and possessed enhanced Ag-independent survival. Importantly, the quantity and quality of the antiviral CD8 T cell response elicited by dendritic cell-mediated immunization were mitigated by infection with a mutant PyV lacking the dominant CD8 T cell viral epitope. These findings suggest that the fitness of the CD8 T cell response to persistent virus infection is programmed in large part by early virus-associated Ag-nonspecific factors, and imply that limiting bystander inflammation at the time of inoculation, independent of Ag load, may optimize adaptive immunity to persistent viral infection.  相似文献   

Rabbits were injected once or twice into the hind foot pads with alum-precipitated keyhole limpet hemocyanin. At the height of the primary or secondary responses individual rabbits were sacrificed for the preparation of lymph node cell suspensions from the regional lymph nodes. These cells were employed for the in vitro study of antibody synthesis by the incorporation of 14C-leucine and the secretion of antibody by the time of appearance of radioactive antibody in the medium. The primary response cells rapidly synthesized and secreted IgM and IgG antibodies. The secondary response cells rapidly synthesized IgM and IgG antibodies, secreted IgG antibody promptly, but secreted the IgM antibody with a lag of six to ten hours. Microsomal fractions could not be prepared from the primary response cells, but were readily produced from the cells of the secondary response. The primary response cells contained mainly free ribosomes, those of the secondary response predominantly membrane-bound ribosomes. It was postulated that IgM antibody was not secreted until it was glyco-sylated in the Golgi apparatus and that the lag in secretion entailed the time for this rate-limiting step to occur.  相似文献   

Memory CD8 T cells respond more rapidly to acute intracellular infections than naive CD8 T cells. An understanding of the biological processes involved in memory CD8 T cell recognition of Ag and up-regulation of effector mechanism necessitates analyzing memory CD8 T cells at early time points after infection. In the current study, we show that memory CD8 T cells ostensibly disappear from the spleens, blood, and peripheral organs of mice early after infection with Listeria monocytogenes. This disappearance is critically dependent on Ag, and cell-associated Ag alone can mediate this phenomenon. Further investigations, however, suggest that this disappearance is secondary to T cell-APC interactions, also known as T cell conditioning, and disruption of these putative interactions during splenic processing improves recovery of Ag-specific memory CD8 T cell populations after immunization. Conventional analyses of memory CD8 T cell populations early after infection and possibly in the presence of low levels of Ag (as during chronic infections) may exclude significant numbers of the responding CD8 T cell population.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from either normal (nonimmunized) mice or mice preimmunized with TNP KLH were depleted of T cells by treatment with a heterologous anti θ serum and complement. Fractionation of these B cells by velocity sedimentation followed by challenge with either a T independent antigen (DNP POL) or a T dependent antigen (TNP KLH), the latter being performed in the presence of additional helper T cells, revealed apparent size difference between B cells responding to the two antigens. This difference, while most marked with preimmunized B cells, was also apparent with normal B cells from the spleen or bone marrow, but not from the lymph node. Similar data were observed with other T dependent and T independent antigens. The differences in the sedimentation profile of splenic B cells for T dependent and T independent antigens did not seem to be due to a difference in the kinetics of appearance of antibody upon stimulation with these antigens, though large B cells did seem to give rise to antibody producing cells at later times than small B cells.  相似文献   

Early response to rotavirus infection involves massive B cell activation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Rotavirus is an acute enteric pathogen which induces severe diarrhea in infants and children. To determine the immune response to rotavirus in vivo, we used a mouse model of rotavirus infection. We observed dramatic increases in the sizes of both Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, but not spleen, between 1 and 6 days after infection with a homologous strain of murine rotavirus, EC wild type. Histological analysis showed large increases in the numbers of lymphocytes in these same tissues in rotavirus-infected mice. Flow cytometric analysis confirmed the increase in numbers of lymphocytes and revealed a large increase in the percentage of activated B, but not T, lymphocytes in both Peyer's patches and mesenteric lymph nodes of rotavirus-infected mice compared with control mice. Fragment cultures from these tissues established at 3-4 days postinfection contain rotavirus-specific IgM but not IgA Ab. A similar degree of lymphoid hyperplasia and percentage of activated B cells were observed in rotavirus-infected TCR knockout mice. Taken together, our findings show that rotavirus infection, in the context of a normal immune response, induces a large increase in the percentages of activated B cells in the absence of any detectable increase in the percentage of activated T cells, implicating a T cell-independent B cell response as the primary mechanism for initial rotavirus clearance.  相似文献   

The importance of high avidity CTL for the effective clearance of viral infections is now well established. Thus one would predict that the preferential activation and expansion of high avidity CTL following viral challenge and retention of these cells in the memory pool would be optimal for the immune response. However, whether this actually occurs during the immune response to viral infection is unknown. In this report I have analyzed the avidity of the CTL specific for the OVA(257-264) peptide during acute infection with a recombinant vaccinia expressing ovalbumin and in the memory population. I have found that the relative ratio of high and low avidity CTL varies over the course of an immune response. Thus CTL avidity is an important factor in the expansion and survival of CTL in vivo.  相似文献   

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