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We have found that the antibody A2, a marker for the capsule of steroidogenic lipid droplets, reacts with an intermediate filament-associated protein, P200, in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Supporting evidence came from the colocalization pattern of P200 with vimentin in double label experiments. The association of P200 with vimentin was further confirmed by its copurification with vimentin after high salt extraction and colocalization of these two proteins in high salt-extracted and vinblastine-treated cells. In preadipocytes this protein was distributed on the vimentin filament network. At the early stage of adipose conversion, this protein was found to encircle nascent lipid droplets ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 μm, accompanied with a decreased distribution on the vimentin filament system. This infers a possible translocation of P200 from the vimentin filaments to the droplet surface. Meanwhile, the vimentin filaments remained in a normal distribution in the cytoplasm and were apparently not associated with the nascent droplet. The association of vimentin filaments to droplet surfaces became prominent in lipid droplets larger than 0.2 μm, forming a typical vimentin cage. Immunogold staining also confirmed the translocation of P200 immunoreactivity from the droplet surface to the vimentin cage. The relocation of P200 from the cytoplasmic vimentin filaments to the droplet surface prior to the formation of the vimentin cage, as well as the reorganization of this protein in the vimentin cage, suggests a stabilizing role in the lipid droplet formation and an inducing function of this protein in the formation of the vimentin cage. J. Cell. Biochem. 67:84–91, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The complex pathway which links the agonist-cell membrane receptor binding to the response at the genome level involves, among other elements, protein kinase C (PKC). Agonists acting at the cell membrane can affect an autonomous nuclear polyphosphoinositide signaling system inducing an activation of nuclear phosphoinositidase activity and a subsequent translocation of PKC to the nuclear region. The fine localization of PKC has been investigated by means of electron microscopy quantitative immunogold labeling in 3T3 mouse fibroblasts, mitogenically stimulated by IGF-I. The enzyme, which in untreated cells is present in the cytoplasm, except for the organelles, and in the nucleoplasm, after IGF-I treatment is reduced in the cytoplasm and almost doubled in the nucleus. The PKC isoform translocated to the nucleus is the isozyme, which is found not only associated with the nuclear envelope but mainly with the interchromatin domains. By using in situ matrix preparations, PKC appears to be retained at the nuclear matrix level, both at the nuclear lamina and at the inner nuclear matrix, suggesting a direct involvement in the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins which are responsible for the regulation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated from human pancreatic juice a secretory glycoprotein of 19 KD (P19), devoid of known enzymatic activity. P19 gave by proteolysis a protein of 14 KD (P14), at first named protein X and also called pancreatic thread protein or pancreatic stone protein. Specific rabbit immunosera prepared against P19 and P14 were applied to localize these proteins in human small intestine. By comparison, antibodies directed against some human pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase, chymotrypsin, trypsinogen 1, trypsinogen 2, and trypsin 1) were also tested. Positive immunoreactivity was observed on Paneth cells with antisera directed against trypsinogens, trypsin 1, and P19-related proteins. In addition, antisera directed against P19-related proteins stained the columnar cells located in the crypts of Lieberkühn. These original findings are a further indication of the resemblance between Paneth and pancreatic acinar cells but show that their functional analogy is only partial. On the other hand, the presence of P19-related proteins on non-mature columnar cells suggests that this differential distribution is a consequence of differentiation.  相似文献   

Treatment of sparse, proliferating cultures of 3T3 cells (target cells) with medium conditioned by exposure to density-inhibited 3T3 cultures resulted in an inhibition of growth and division in the target cells when compared to similar treatment with unconditioned medium (UCM). This differential effect of conditioned medium (CM) and UCM on target cells was demonstrated using three assay systems: (a) assessment of total cell number; (b) measurement of [3H]thymidine incorporated into acid-precipitable DNA; and (c) determination of the percentage of radioactively labeled nuclei in individual cells after incorporation of [3H]thymidine. The difference in the total incorporation of [3H]thymidine in CM-treated and UCM-treated cells was reflected by a difference in the percent of labeled cells. There was no differences in the average number of grains per labeled cell in the two cultures. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of the CM on target cell proliferation was reversible. Finally, this growth inhibitory activity can be collected in serum-free medium, precipitated by ammonium sulfate, and fractionated by gel filtration. In these purification procedures, the inhibitory activity was consistently found to be associated with the protein-containing fractions of the CM. No activity was found upon similar treatment with UCM. These results suggest that a system has been developed for the purification and molecular analysis of growth inhibitory factors that may mediate growth control in culture fibroblasts.  相似文献   

H Deng  C Wang  G Acsadi  J A Wolff 《Gene》1991,109(2):193-201

An antiserum against the serum of a pregnant mare was absorbed with stallion serum. This antiserum then gave two precipitates in crossed immunoelectrophoresis with serum from pregnant mares as the antigen. The two precipitates exhibited beta-1 and alpha-2 electrophoretic mobility. Identity was demonstrated between the alpha-2 mobile protein and PMSG. The absorbed antiserum inhibited the biological action of the PMSG preparation when tested in mouse ovarian weight assays. The beta-1 mobile protein was not detected in the serum from non-pregnant mares, stallions or geldings and was detected earlier in pregnancy (Day 30) than was PMSG (Day 42).  相似文献   

The stimulation of inositol phosphate generation by bombesin and GTP analogues was studied in Swiss 3T3 cells permeabilized by electroporation. Bombesin-stimulated inositol phosphate generation is potentiated by guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate (GTP[S]) and inhibited by guanosine 5'-[beta-thio]diphosphate at all peptide concentrations tested, with no change in the EC50 value (concn. giving half-maximal response) for the agonist. Kinetic analysis showed that, although bombesin-stimulated [3H]InsP3 generation in [3H]inositol-labelled cells was rapid (maximal by 5-10 s), the response to GTP[S] alone displayed a distinct lag time of 20-30 s. This lag time was significantly decreased by the addition of bombesin, suggesting that in this system agonist-stimulated GTP/GDP exchange occurs. In addition, bombesin-stimulated generation of Ins(1,4,5)P3 mass at 10 s was enhanced by GTP[S] in the absence of a nucleotide response alone, a result consistent with this proposal. Pretreatment of the cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of bombesin-, but not GTP[S]-, stimulated inositol phosphate generation. Furthermore, although PMA pretreatment did not affect the lag time for InsP3 formation in response to GTP[S] alone, the degree of synergy between bombesin and the nucleotide was severely decreased at early time points. The results therefore demonstrate that the high-affinity bombesin receptor is coupled via a G-protein to phospholipase C in a manner consistent with a general model for receptor-G-protein interactions and that this coupling is sensitive to phosphorylation by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Addition of gastrin releasing peptide to serum-starved Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblasts results in a transient appearance of a myelin basic protein-kinase activity in cytosolic extracts. Increased kinase activity is also observed upon stimulation of cells with bradykinin, epidermal growth factor or 4 beta-phorbol dibutyrate. Chromatographic analysis of the cytosolic extracts show that both gastrin-releasing peptide and 4 beta-phorbol dibutyrate induce the appearance of a kinase activity similar to that induced by epidermal growth factor. The response to gastrin-releasing peptide is abolished by down-regulation of protein kinase C and attenuated by acute inhibition of protein kinase C using staurosporine. The effect of epidermal growth factor was also suppressed under these conditions, albeit to a lesser extent. The results indicate (1) that activation of myelin basic protein kinase(s) may be common to different growth factors, and (2) that protein kinase C may participate in this response, at least in the case of gastrin-releasing peptide.  相似文献   

We investigated the immunoperoxidase demonstration of vasopressin (VSP) bound to paraffin-embedded sections of rat kidney and the effects of various fixatives. Slices of rat kidney from normal and 4-day water-deprived rats were incubated with 10(-7) M VSP, fixed, and embedded in paraffin. Hydrated sections of these tissues were again incubated with 10(-7) M VSP or 10(-7) M VSP and 10(-5) M oxytocin (OXY). VSP bound to the sections was demonstrated using rabbit anti-Arg8 VSP antiserum and peroxidase-labeled second antibody. In sections of kidney from both normal and water-deprived rats, immunoperoxidase labeling was most intense in the renal papilla and was restricted to the cells of the ducts of Bellini and loops of Henle. In the medulla, the collecting ducts and medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle were moderately stained. In the normal kidney sections there was no staining of the proximal tubules, distal convoluted tubules (DCT), and only slight staining of the cortical collecting ducts (CCD). However, in the water-deprived rats there was a considerable increase in the staining of the DCT and CCD. Simultaneous incubation in OXY and VSP resulted in reduced immunoperoxidase labeling of the tubules. Omission of VSP incubation led to a similar decrease in stain intensity, indicating a specificity for the sites of VSP binding. This technique allows the identification of cells responsible for the binding of VSP in the kidney.  相似文献   

Quiescent 3T3 fibroblasts were grown for a short time in the presence of [3H]amino acids then treated with PDGF, and the nucleo-cytoplasmic distribution of the 3H-labelled proteins was analysed by autoradiography. There was no difference in the total amount of 3H-labelled proteins in PDGF-treated and untreated cells but PDGF induced a significant increase in intranuclear protein accumulation.  相似文献   

Although biochemical studies have shown that polyamines (PAs) occur in the nucleus, only few studies have examined the intranuclear distribution of these organic cations. By immunocytochemistry, we have previously demonstrated that PAs are located in ribosomes. We now show that PAs also are present in both nucleoli and nuclei of a variety of cell types. Detection of nucleolar and nuclear PAs required novel pretreatment procedures involving protease and/or DNase digestion of specimens prior to immunoreaction. Double fluorescence staining confirmed the localizations. This suggests that PAs may be important to the formation of ribosomes in nucleoli, as well as adds support to biochemical studies suggesting that PAs are involved in many biological events in the nucleus. Further biochemical studies will be needed to substantiate this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Galactosyltransferase immunoreactive sites were localized in human duodenal enterocytes by the protein A-gold technique on thin sections from low temperature Lowicryl K4M embedded biopsy specimens. Antigenic sites detected with affinity-purified, monospecific antibodies were found at the plasma membrane of absorptive enterocytes with the most intense labeling appearing along the brush border membrane. The lateral plasma membrane exhibited a lower degree of labeling at the level of the junctional complexes but the membrane interdigitations were intensely labeled. The labeling intensity decreased progressively towards the basal part of the enterocytes and reached the lowest degree along the basal plasma membrane. Quantitative evaluation of the distribution of gold-particle label proved its preferential orientation to the outer surface of the plasma membrane. In addition to this membrane-associated labeling, the glycocalyx extending from the microvillus tips was heavily labeled. Occasionally, cells without plasma membrane labeling were found adjacent to positive cells. The demonstration of ecto-galactosyltransferase on membranes other than Golgi membranes precludes its general use as a marker for Golgi membrane fractions. The possible function of galactosyltransferase on a luminal plasma membrane is unclear at present, but a role in adhesion appears possible on the basolateral plasma membrane.  相似文献   

CREST sera have been used to identify kinetochores in mature mammalian sperm heads. It is necessary to decondense the sperm heads artificially to permit access of the reagents before the kinetochores can be demonstrated immunocytochemically. The distribution of kinetochores in the sperm heads appears to be random. These results show that the kinetochore antigen recognized by the CREST sera used here is retained during spermiogenesis and is passed on to the zygote at fertilization.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases were immunolocalized in the rat parotid gland using a monospecific antiserum against their catalytic subunit. The kinases were found to be primarily located in the cytoplasm of the parotid duct cells with a preference for the apical cell region. The result questions the traditional view of the control of parotid gland secretion and suggests a role of cyclic AMP not only in the acinar protein secretion but also in ductal functions like fluid and electrolyte transport.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C epsilon is an oncogenic, actin nucleating protein that coordinately regulates changes in cell growth and shape. Cells constitutively expressing PKCepsilon spontaneously acquire a polarized morphology and extend long cellular membrane protrusions. Here we report that the regulatory C1 domain of PKCepsilon contains an actin binding site that is essential for the formation of elongate invadopodial-like structures, increased pericellular metalloproteinase activity, in vitro invasion of a Matrigel barrier, and the invasion and metastasis of tumors grown in vivo by PKCepsilon-transformed NIH3T3 fibroblasts in nude mice. While removing this small actin binding motif caused a dramatic reversion of tumor invasion, the deletion mutant of PKCepsilon remained oncogenic and tumorigenic in this experimental system. We propose that PKCepsilon directly interacts with actin to stimulate polymerization and the extension of membrane protrusions that transformed NIH3T3 cells use in vivo to penetrate and degrade surrounding tissue boundaries.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that caerulein, a cholecystokinin analog, can induce pancreatic growth. Because ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) could be involved in this process, it is of interest to localize and estimate ODC immunoreactivity in rat pancreatic acinar cells from control and caerulein-treated animals. This was carried out with the protein A-gold immunocytochemical technique. Rats received either saline (control) or caerulein at a dose of 1 microgram X kg-1 and were sacrificed 8 h after the first injection (control and caerulein group), 4 h after the second caerulein injection (second caerulein group), and 8 h after the third caerulein injection (third caerulein group). ODC immunoreactivity was revealed using a specific antibody. ODC was localized specifically in nuclei and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of the pancreatic acinar cells and the number of gold particles was increased in both of these organelles by caerulein. Peak ODC immunoreactivity was observed in nuclei 4 h after the second caerulein injection, whereas it occurred 8 h after the third peptide injection in the RER. These studies are the first to demonstrate ODC localization in pancreatic acinar cells and show that the enzyme can be induced early upon growth stimulation of the organ by a cholecystokinin analog.  相似文献   

Expression of a mouse tyrosinase cDNA in 3T3 Swiss mouse fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
3T3 Swiss mouse fibroblast cell lines expressing tyrosinase, the critical enzyme in melanin synthesis, have been established by co-transfection of a mouse tyrosinase cDNA and a G418-resistance gene. Of sixty-three clones isolated, four are brown in colour, presumably due to synthesis of melanin. Expression of both the tyrosine hydroxylase and dopa oxidase activities of tyrosinase by these pigmented clones has been demonstrated directly by enzyme assays. Electron microscopic studies suggest that the brown pigment is located in membrane-bound cytoplasmic vesicles.  相似文献   

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