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Bacillus anthracis is one of the most genetically homogeneous pathogens described, making strain discrimination particularly difficult. In this paper, we present a novel molecular typing system based on rapidly evolving variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci. Multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) uses the combined power of multiple alleles at several marker loci. In our system, fluorescently labeled PCR primers are used to produce PCR amplification products from eight VNTR regions in the B. anthracis genome. These are detected and their sizes are determined using an ABI377 automated DNA sequencer. Five of these eight loci were discovered by sequence characterization of molecular markers (vrrC(1), vrrC(2), vrrB(1), vrrB(2), and CG3), two were discovered by searching complete plasmid nucleotide sequences (pXO1-aat and pXO2-at), and one was known previously (vrrA). MLVA characterization of 426 B. anthracis isolates identified 89 distinct genotypes. VNTR markers frequently identified multiple alleles (from two to nine), with Nei's diversity values between 0.3 and 0.8. Unweighted pair-group method arithmetic average cluster analysis identified six genetically distinct groups that appear to be derived from clones. Some of these clones show worldwide distribution, while others are restricted to particular geographic regions. Human commerce doubtlessly has contributed to the dispersal of particular clones in ancient and modern times.  相似文献   

Joy N  Prasanth VP  Soniya EV 《Genetica》2011,139(8):1033-1043
The genotypes of black pepper are morphologically and genotypically highly diverse and carry all the cumulative variations inherited and maintained through generations. The present study describes the Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) or microsatellite based assessment of genetic diversity among forty popular genotypes and four different species of black pepper in Southern region of India. For isolation of SSR primers, our earlier attempts with enrichment strategies like ‘Triplex affinity capture’ did not extract a single SSR primer due to close proximity of restriction sites to the SSR motif. Hence we developed a ‘Sequential Reverse Genome Walking (SRGW)’ strategy with better enrichment efficiency of 72% that generated seven new SSR primers. Genotyping precisely discriminated majority of genotypes which indicated that the SSR primers are very informative. A total of 62 alleles with an average of 15.5 alleles over 4 loci were identified. All the SSR primers showed an average Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) value of 0.85. The estimated average Shared Allele Frequency ranged between 1.57 and 20.12%. The PCA plot revealed four closely related individual groups and identified Karimunda, Wild pepper and a local landrace ‘local b’ as the most divergent genotypes. Cluster analysis exposed the genetic relatedness between hybrids and selections with other known cultivars. The introduction of black pepper from South India to Malaysia was emphasized from the observation of genetic similarity of Malaysian cultivar ‘Kuching’ with other indigenous popular cultivars. The study was first to portray the precise genetic relatedness among the major indigenous genotypes of black pepper.  相似文献   

Short tandem repeat typing technologies used in human identity testing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Butler JM 《BioTechniques》2007,43(4):ii-iv
Short tandem repeat (STR) typing methods are widely used today for human identity testing applications including forensic DNA analysis. Following multiplex PCR amplification, DNA samples containing the length-variant STR alleles are typically separated by capillary electrophoresis and genotyped by comparison to an allelic ladder supplied with a commercial kit. This article offers a brief perspective on the technologies and issues involved in STR typing.  相似文献   

本文首次对北京地区汉族人群的13个CODIS(Combined DNA index system)和26个非CODIS系统STR基因座的遗传多态性进行了研究,建立了北京地区汉族人群39个STR基因座的群体遗传多态性数据库并对其法医学应用价值进行了评价。39个STR基因座的基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡且各基因座之间均不存在连锁现象,个体鉴别力(Power of discrimination, DP)在0.7740~0.9818之间,期望杂合度(Expected heterozygosity, He)在0.6000~0.9350之间,多态性信息含量(Polymorphism information content, PIC)在0.5317~0.9047之间,非父排除率(Power of exclusion, PE)在0.2909~0.8673之间,累积个体鉴别力(Cumulative probability of discrimination, CDP)为0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999964971,累积非父排除率(Cumulative probability of exclusion, CPE)为0.999999999973878。另外,结合已公开报道的国内其他11个群体相应基因座的遗传资料,根据等位基因频率计算遗传距离,构建了系统发生树。本研究可为中国法医DNA数据库和群体遗传学数据库提供重要的基础数据,对北京地区汉族人群开展法医学个体识别、亲权鉴定和遗传学研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Tobacco streak virus (TSV), a member of the genus Ilarvirus, family Bromoviridae is an important viral pathogen in peanut and other crops in South India. Fifteen TSV isolates naturally infecting groundnut, sunflower, onion, black gram, green gram, jute, tagetes, calotropis, pumpkin, watermelon and kenaf plants were collected from fields in different regions of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Virus was identified as TSV by direct antigen coating enzyme linked immunosorbent assay using TSV antiserum. The CP gene from each isolate was amplified using TSV coat protein specific primers. About 700 bp product was amplified, cloned, sequenced and determined its length as 717 nucleotides and codes for 239 amino acids. The sequence analysis revealed that the CP gene shared 91–100% and 91–99% sequence identity with TSV at nucleotide and amino acid level, respectively. The phylogenetic relationship based on the nucleotide sequence of these isolates from different geographical regions was also analysed in this study.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome b gene is considered to be one of the best markers for breed characterization as well as studying the ancestry in the vertebrates due to its exclusive maternal inheritance. DNA fingerprinting by single nucleotide polymorphism is most reliable and widely used molecular technique in modern forensics and is being considered in this study. Partial sequencing of 1,061?bp of aforementioned gene from 14580 to 15643 was conducted in two famous Pakistani buffalo breeds named Nili-Ravi and Kundi. In which we explore seven haplotypes within earlier and none in the latter breed. Nili-Ravi is polymorphic at four codons of this gene, and the protein translation is also different from the reference sample while monomorphic at three codons with no amino acid replacement. Haplotypes frequency distribution of these four haplotypes named NR3, NR4, NR5, NR7 revealed that the prevalence of each haplotype is 0.04?% in the Pakistani buffalo population of this Nili-Ravi breed while complete homoplasmy was observed in the Kundi breed population. Nili-Ravi breed of buffalo is genetically more variable than the Kundi breed as far as the gene in subject is concerned. It means later breed has spent more time to propagate its wild type haplotype which make this breed more ancestral as compare to Nili-Ravi. Secondly both breeds share their common ancestors with regional water buffalo rather than the swamp one.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of tularemia and poses a serious threat as an agent of bioterrorism. We have developed a highly effective molecular subtyping system from 25 variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci. In our study, multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) was used to analyze genetic relationships and potential population structure within a global collection of 192 F. tularensis isolates, including representatives from each of the four subspecies. The VNTR loci displayed between 2 and 31 alleles with Nei's diversity values between 0.05 and 0.95. Neighbor-joining cluster analysis of VNTR data revealed 120 genotypes among the 192 F. tularensis isolates, including accurate subspecies identification. F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A) isolates showed great diversity at VNTR loci, while F. tularensis subsp. holarctica (type B) isolates showed much lower levels despite a much broader geographical prevalence. The resolution of two distinct clades within F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (designated A.I and A.II) revealed a previously unrecognized genetic division within this highly virulent subspecies. F. tularensis subsp. holarctica appears to have recently spread globally across continents from a single origin, while F. tularensis subsp. tularensis has a long and complex evolutionary history almost exclusively in North America. The sole non-North American type A isolates (Slovakian) were closely related to the SCHU S4 strain. Significant linkage disequilibrium was detected among VNTR loci of F. tularensis consistent with a clonal population structure. Overall, this work greatly augments the study of tularemia ecology and epidemiology, while providing a framework for future forensic analysis of F. tularensis isolates.  相似文献   

Thirty SSR primer combinations, developed from peach SSR-enriched genomic libraries and BAC libraries of peach [ Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.], were tested for cross amplification with 74 apricot ( Prunus armeniaca L.) germplasm accessions. Twelve primer pairs amplified 14 polymorphic SSR loci useful for discriminating most apricot cultivars, as well as for investigating patterns of variation in apricot germplasm. Levels of polymorphism were higher than the levels described using other codominant marker systems (i.e., isozymes, RFLP markers). Overall, 107 alleles were identified, and all but 11 accessions were unambiguously discriminated. Genetic differentiation of native germplasm into traditional ecogeographical groups was low, with a high level of genetic identity (> 0.75) between the groups. However, neighbor joining cluster analysis of marker distances between cultivars reflected the complex history of apricot domestication, producing groupings not evidently based on the geographical origin of the cultivars. Distant positioning of Chinese cultivars on UPGMA and neighbor joining dendrograms supports the authors' consideration of Chinese apricots as subspecies, Prunus armeniaca var. ansu Maxim., rather than a separate species.  相似文献   

In an effort to generate a genome-wide set of high-quality polymorphic markers for the rat, we used the marker-selection method, which has already been proven useful for the development of markers, especially for the human genome. Small-insert (300–900 bp) rat genomic libraries were constructed with an estimated complexity of three genome equivalents and enriched for short tandem repeat sequences (STRs). The enriched libraries were found to contain 45% (CA)n and 27% (GATA)n, representing at least a 50-fold enrichment over unselected small insert genomic libraries. A subset of 2160 STR-containing clones, primarily of the (GATA)n class of repeats, were sequenced. PCR primers flanking the repeats were synthesized from some of the sequences from the (CA)n and (GATA)n classes of STRs and tested for polymorphism in a panel of eight inbred rat strains. This strategy yielded 147 polymorphic markers, which mapped with high odds to all chromosomes by linkage in three F2 populations. The integration of these STR markers with other rat genetic markers and mapping reagents will facilitate the mapping of disease genes in the rat and the identification of loci associated with complex mammalian phenotypes. Received: 6 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

In this study, 25 heterologous bovine microsatellite markers have been used for the assessment of genetic diversity in Nagpuri buffalo, an important breed of Central India. For this, 48 DNA samples of unrelated individuals of Nagpuri buffalo were PCR amplified and microsatellite alleles were resolved in 6% denaturing, silver stained Urea-PAGE gel. Genotypic status of individuals at each locus was identified manually and data analysis carried out using POPGENE software. Observed number of alleles varied from 2 (ILSTS073 locus) to 8 (HEL13 & ILSTS058 loci) with a mean of 5.24 alleles per locus. Moderate level of heterozygosity (0.45) indicated sufficient genetic diversity existing in this buffalo population. PIC values for the microsatellite loci analysed, ranged from 0.10 (ILSTS0I9 locus) to 0.81 (ILSTS058 locus) with a mean of 0.53. No shift in the frequency distribution of alleles and a normal L-shaped curve indicated non-existence of any bottleneck in Nagpuri. The study thus highlights the usefulness of heterologous bovine microsatellite markers to assess the genetic variability in buffalo breds as well. Also various diversity indices suggest sufficient genetic variability within Nagpuri buffalo that can be utilized as initial guidelines for future breeding strategies and conservation. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

Variation at 4 short tandem repeat loci in 8 population groups of India.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have determined the nature and extent of variation at 4 STR loci (CSF1P0, TPOX, TH01, VWA) in 8 caste and tribal population groups of eastern and northern India. Large differences in allele frequencies among the groups were found. Average heterozygosities in all populations were high (approximately 80%). The overall extent of gene differentiation among the 8 groups was high (GST = 0.04). The nature of genomic affinities based on these 4 STR loci does not completely agree with our earlier finding based on classical genetic markers that geographic proximity of habitat has a greater influence on genetic similarity between populations than sociocultural proximity does.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies and sequence characteristics of the D2S1242 short tandem repeat (STR) locus were studied in a Japanese population sample. A total of 10 D2S1242 alleles and 34 genotypes were identified in 273 unrelated Japanese individuals. The five most common alleles detected had frequencies of over 10%. No deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found when the expected allele values were compared with the observed values. Sequence analysis of each allele showed a tetranucleotide polymorphism. Alleles 9 to 14 had different sequence structures than alleles 15 to 19. Allele 18 had a different sequence in the Japanese sample compared to an Austrian sample. The power of discrimination was 0.95. The present results demonstrate that the D2S1242 STR locus is a useful genetic marker in the Japanese population.  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-tribal genetic variability in South American Indians   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A review was made of all studies to date concerning the genetic polymorphisms of South American Indians. The observed inter-tribal variability was then compared with the intra-tribal variation encountered in seven Caingang and three Xavante Indian communities. The differing pattern of genetic variability observed within these two tribes was afterwards correlated with the information available about their breeding structure.  相似文献   



Inadequate understanding of the transmission of Mycobacterium leprae makes it difficult to predict the impact of leprosy control interventions. Genotypic tests that allow tracking of individual bacterial strains would strengthen epidemiological studies and contribute to our understanding of the disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Genotyping assays based on variation in the copy number of short tandem repeat sequences were applied to biopsies collected in population-based epidemiological studies of leprosy in northern Malawi, and from members of multi-case households in Hyderabad, India. In the Malawi series, considerable genotypic variability was observed between patients, and also within patients, when isolates were collected at different times or from different tissues. Less within-patient variability was observed when isolates were collected from similar tissues at the same time. Less genotypic variability was noted amongst the closely related Indian patients than in the Malawi series.


Lineages of M. leprae undergo changes in their pattern of short tandem repeat sequences over time. Genetic divergence is particularly likely between bacilli inhabiting different (e.g., skin and nerve) tissues. Such variability makes short tandem repeat sequences unsuitable as a general tool for population-based strain typing of M. leprae, or for distinguishing relapse from reinfection. Careful use of these markers may provide insights into the development of disease within individuals and for tracking of short transmission chains.  相似文献   

The human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1) gene is located within Xqll-Xql3 and is closely linked to the androgen receptor gene within a region implicated in a number of X-chromosome-linked urologic disorders. A polymorphism of a TATC short tandem repeat (STR) is present downstream from the PGK1 3' nuclease-sensitive site. We present the PGK1 flanking STR sequence and population genetic data for 190 Japanese males and 83 Japanese females. Ten STR alleles and 29 genotypes were identified in the population. Five alleles--*10, *11, *12, *13, and *14--were common in the Japanese with frequencies greater than 10%. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were established. The power of discrimination was 0.993 for females and 0.819 for males; heterozygosity was 0.759 for females; and the polymorphic information content was 0.936. These data indicate that this STR locus shows a high degree of polymorphism in this Japanese population and may prove to be a useful genetic marker in forensic medicine, in determining the clonality of neoplasms, and potentially in studying predisposition to prostate cancer and other urologic diseases.  相似文献   

Hypermutable tandem repeat sequences (TRSs) are present in the genomes of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Numerous studies have been conducted in several laboratories over the past decade to investigate the mechanisms responsible for expansions and contractions of microsatellites (a subset of TRSs with a repeat length of 1-6 nucleotides) in the model prokaryotic organism Escherichia coli. Both the frequency of tandem repeat instability (TRI), and the types of mutational events that arise, are markedly influenced by the DNA sequence of the repeat, the number of unit repeats, and the types of cellular pathways that process the TRS. DNA strand slippage is a general mechanism invoked to explain instability in TRSs. Misaligned DNA sequences are stabilized both by favorable base pairing of complementary sequences and by the propensity of TRSs to form relatively stable secondary structures. Several cellular processes, including replication, recombination and a variety of DNA repair pathways, have been shown to interact with such structures and influence TRI in bacteria. This paper provides an overview of our current understanding of mechanisms responsible for TRI in bacteria, with an emphasis on studies that have been carried out in E. coli. In addition, new experimental data are presented, suggesting that TLS polymerases (PolII, PolIV and PolV) do not contribute significantly to TRI in E. coli.  相似文献   

Sawires YS  Songer JG 《Anaerobe》2005,11(5):262-272
Clostridium perfringens is ubiquitous in the environment and causes diseases in man and animals, with syndromes ranging from enteritis, enterotoxemia, and sudden death to food poisoning and gas gangrene. Understanding the epidemiology of these infections and of the evolution of virulence in C. perfringens necessitate an efficient, time and cost effective strain typing method. Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) has been applied to typing of other pathogens and we describe here the development of a MLVA scheme for C. perfringens. We characterized five variable tandem repeat (VNTR) loci, four of which are contained within protein encoding genes and screened 112 C. perfringens isolates to evaluate typability, reproducibility, and discriminatory power of the scheme. All the isolates were assigned a MLVA genotype and the technique has excellent reproducibility, with a numerical index of discrimination for the five VNTR loci of 0.995. Thus MLVA is an efficient tool for C. perfringens strain typing, and being PCR based makes it rapid, easy, and cost effective. In addition, it can be employed in epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary investigations of the organism.  相似文献   

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