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白蚁菌圃存在于白蚁巢中,具有硬而脆的多孔结构,是特殊的真菌生存环境。当有白蚁在白蚁巢内活动时,蚁巢伞Termitomyces是菌圃上的优势菌;当白蚁巢被废弃,炭角菌Xylaria成为菌圃上的优势真菌。菌圃中还存在其他微生物如无性型真菌(anamorphic fungi)和酵母等。菌圃中的真菌很多具有潜在药用价值或其他经济价值。从蚁巢伞、炭角菌等主要真菌类群出发,结合分子生态学研究菌圃真菌多样性的方法,综述了白蚁菌圃真菌多样性的研究进展,揭示了目前的研究热点及存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

【背景】培菌白蚁是属于白蚁科的一类与鸡枞菌属真菌共生的高等白蚁,其与体内肠道微生物和体外菌圃微生物形成三维共生体系。【目的】分析培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便的微生物多样性,并与肠道微生物进行比较。【方法】通过Illumina MiSeq高通量测序方法对培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品进行细菌16S rRNA基因和真菌ITS测序分析。【结果】高通量测序获得培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品细菌和真菌的有效序列和OTU数目。5个样品细菌OTU数目在90-199之间,而真菌OTU在10-58之间,细菌的种类多样性明显大于真菌。不论是细菌还是真菌,粪便样品的OTU数目多于菌圃样品。经物种分类分析,菌圃样品主要优势细菌是变形菌门(Proteobacteria),其相对含量超过82.4%;其次是拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);粪便样品中优势细菌为拟杆菌门,其次是变形菌门,粪便优势菌属为别样杆菌属和营发酵单胞菌属,这与培菌白蚁肠道菌多样性组成一致。培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品共生真菌主要为担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。菌圃优势真菌为鸡枞菌属(Termi...  相似文献   

白蚁及其共生微生物协同降解植物细胞壁的机理一直被世界各国科学家所关注。培菌白蚁作为高等白蚁,相比低等食木白蚁具有更多样化的食性,其利用外共生系统“菌圃”,对多种植物材料进行处理。本文综述了菌圃微生物降解木质纤维素的研究进展,以期为深入研究菌圃中木质纤维素降解过程及其机制,并挖掘利用菌圃降解木质纤维素的能力及仿生模拟菌圃开发新的生物质利用系统提供参考。培 菌白蚁在其巢内利用由植物材料修建的多孔海绵状结构——“菌圃”来培养共生真菌鸡枞菌Termitomyces spp.,形成了独特的木质纤维素食物降解和消化策略,使木质纤维素在培菌白蚁及其共生微生物协同作用下被逐步降解。幼年工蚁取食菌圃上的共生真菌菌丝组成的小白球和老年工蚁觅得食物并排出粪便堆积到菌圃上成为上层菌圃。这一过程中,被幼年工蚁取食的共生真菌释放木质素降解酶对包裹在植物多糖外部的木质素屏障进行解聚。菌圃微生物(包括共生真菌)对解聚的木质素基团进一步降解,将多糖长链或主链剪切成短链,使菌圃基质自下而上被逐步降解。最后下层的老熟菌圃被老年工蚁取食,其中肠的内源酶系及后肠微生物将这些短链进一步剪切和利用。因此,蚁巢菌圃及其微生物是培菌白蚁高效转化利用木质纤维素的基础。化学层面的研究表明,菌圃能够实现对植物次生物质解毒和植 物纤维化学结构解构。对共生真菌相关酶系的研究显示可能其在菌圃的植物纤维化学结构和植物次生物质的降解中发挥了作用,但不同属共生真菌间其效率和具体功能不尽相同。而菌圃中的细菌是否发挥了作用和哪些细菌类群发挥了作用等仍有待进一步的研究。相比于低等食木白蚁利用其后肠共生微生物降解木质纤维素,培菌白蚁利用菌圃降解木质纤维素具有非厌氧和能处理多种类型食物两大优势,仿生模拟菌圃降解木质纤维素的机制对林地表面枯枝落叶的资源化利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了选出能够有效降解木质素的菌株,以废弃的白蚁巢为来源进行筛选,并以无氮培养基、碱木质素培养基、苯胺蓝培养基和愈创木酚培养基进行复筛.对筛选出的菌株进行16SrRNA鉴定以及形态学分析.通过扫描电镜、傅里叶红外光谱对降解前后的碱木质素进行降解特性的解析.结果筛选出一株具有木质素降解能力的细菌经鉴定并命名为R.ornit...  相似文献   

土垅大白蚁菌圃因其特殊的生理活性而越来越受到人们的关注 ,成为新型的保健中药材 ,其中所含的氨基酸组份是选材的重要指标。对广西 5个产地的土垅大白蚁菌圃氨基酸进行分析比较 ,为下一步的指纹图谱的研究提供了依据  相似文献   

黑柄炭角菌Xylaria nigripes(K1.)Sacc.是著名的滋补药用真菌,尤其是菌核部位生长在白蚁废弃的蚁巢中,生态条件特殊,资源稀少,研究和开发该菌具有重要意义。为了提高黑柄炭角菌菌丝体和多糖的产量,以便于组织工业化生产,本文探索了该菌的营养条件,测定其生长过程中菌丝体和多糖形成的动态变化,并研究了酯酶同工酶谱和多糖含量变化的相关性。结果表明:在深层培养时,碳源以葡萄糖、淀粉最佳;花生、黄豆、蛋白胨是适宜菌丝生长的良好氮源;Mg~(2+),Zn~(2+)等是其生长的必需元素;有机酸中仅柠檬酸对其菌丝生长有促进作用,在蚁酸影响下,pH值为4.0时,菌丝生长受抑制。在上述实验基础上,进行了产多糖和菌丝体的适宜培养基筛选试验,在适宜条件下,能培养出密集、白色、均匀的菌球和丰富的多糖,经4天培养的培养液中粗多糖量可达15.35g/L,菌丝干重为26.89g/L,符合了工业化生产要求。该菌的菌丝体酯酶同工酶谱较稳定,均为二条酶带,但它们的酶活性有所不同,与菌丝体生长的天数有关。并与多糖含量变化具有一定关系。  相似文献   

【目的】了解小头钩白蚁Ancistrotermes dimorphus Tsai et Chen的蚁巢结构、各品级在腔室中的分布和巢群个体数量,为有效防控该种白蚁提供科学依据。【方法】采用蚁巢定位和巢体结构解剖法研究蚁巢结构;采用统计法确定各品级在腔室中的分布和巢群个体数量。【结果】小头钩白蚁巢由腔室、菌圃、蚁路、王室、候飞室和分飞孔六部分组成;巢群个体数量为12 255~24 230头(含卵粒);卵、幼蚁、若蚁、工蚁、兵蚁和有翅成虫分散分布在蚁巢腔室中,并不集中于某一特定区域。【结论】小头钩白蚁巢属于极端分散类型,巢群个体数量较少。  相似文献   

高聪  罗俊  刘霞  马林  袁小红 《菌物学报》2016,35(7):767-781
炭角菌属真菌广泛分布于温带、热带和亚热带地区,主要含有萜类、生物碱、甾醇和聚酮等次级代谢产物,具有抗氧化、抑菌和抗肿瘤等药理活性。本文综述了近10年来国内外有关炭角菌属真菌的研究情况,对其次级代谢产物进行了归纳,总结了相关代谢产物的抗氧化、抑菌和抗肿瘤等生物活性。  相似文献   

探地雷达探测堤坝白蚁巢研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
徐兴新  李栋 《昆虫学报》1996,39(1):46-52
消除堤坝白蚁隐患的关键是找出白蚁的主巢穴。我们通过试验,证明应用探地雷达技术能够准确地确定出蚁巢在地下的空间位置,并掌握了蚁巢的影像特征和蚁巢规模大小的计算方法。这种方法具有很高的工作效率和几何分辨率,且以直观的图像实时显示,有较高的推广价值和发展前景。  相似文献   

Abstract The digestion of cellulose by fungus-growing termites involves a complex of different organisms, such as the termites themselves, fungi and bacteria. To further investigate the symbiotic relationships of fungus-growing termites, the microbial communities of the termite gut and fungus combs of Odontotermes yunnanensis were examined. The major fungus species was identified as Termitomyces sp. To compare the micro-organism diversity between the digestive tract of termites and fungus combs, four polymerase chain reaction clone libraries were created (two fungus-targeted internal transcribed spacer [ITS]– ribosomal DNA [rDNA] libraries and two bacteria-targeted 16S rDNA libraries), and one library of each type was produced for the host termite gut and the symbiotic fungus comb. Results of the fungal clone libraries revealed that only Termitomyces sp. was detected on the fungus comb; no non-Termitomyces fungi were detected. Meanwhile, the same fungus was also found in the termite gut. The bacterial clone libraries showed higher numbers and greater diversity of bacteria in the termite gut than in the fungus comb. Both bacterial clone libraries from the insect gut included Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Spirochaetes, Nitrospira, Deferribacteres, and Fibrobacteres, whereas the bacterial clone libraries from the fungal comb only contained Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Acidobacteris.  相似文献   

Brown balls, of a similar size but different shape to termite eggs, were found frequently in the piles of eggs of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus. rDNA analysis identified the ball as the sclerotia of the fungus, Fibularhizoctonia sp. nov, which is phylogenetically closest to decay fungi, Athelia spp. Laboratory observation showed that the workers gathered the eggs and the sclerotia indiscriminately, even if they were widely scattered in a Petri dish, and piled them up in a specific place for egg care. We compared the morphology of the eggs with that of sclerotia of Fibularhizoctonia spp. and Athelia spp. in relation to egg carrying behaviour, and found that the workers could only carry the Fibularhizoctonia spp. sclerotia whose diameters were similar to the short diameter of the eggs. We also conducted a bioassay using termite eggs and dummy eggs (glass beads and sea sand) of two diameter-classes, coated with or without the egg-derived chemicals. The workers recognized the eggs based on a combination of the size, shape, and chemical cues. All the results suggested that the sclerotia mimic the eggs both morphologically and chemically. Finally, we found that the workers suppressed germination of sclerotia, and termite egg survival increased in the presence of sclerotia only if they were tended by the workers. If the workers were removed experimentally, the sclerotia germinated and grew by exploiting termite eggs. These results suggest that the sclerotia protect termite eggs from putative pathogens.  相似文献   

为探究西藏地区藏仔猪粪便中真菌菌群结构,本研究采用ITS1序列分析新生藏仔猪和断奶藏仔猪新鲜粪便中真菌的多样性。结果表明:从5头新生藏仔猪新鲜粪便中,共鉴定出5个门、13个纲、 25个目、33个科和38个属的真菌;从5头断奶藏仔猪新鲜粪便中,共鉴定出5个门、12个纲、20个目、24个科和28个属的真菌。子囊菌门和担子菌门为优势门,占门级分类的86.35%;布勒担菌科、虫草科、丛赤壳科、曲霉科、丝孢酵母菌科、肉杯菌科、酵母菌科和毕赤酵母菌科为优势科,占科级分类的54.38%。随着藏仔猪的生长,其粪便中真菌菌群的数量和优势真菌的相对丰度均发生变化,这说明不同生长发育阶段会影响藏仔猪粪便中真菌的多样性。  相似文献   

Yan S  Li S  Wu W  Zhao F  Bao L  Ding R  Gao H  Wen HA  Song F  Liu HW 《化学与生物多样性》2011,8(9):1689-1700
Three new sesquiterpene acids, xylaric acids A-C (1-3, resp.), and a new tetralone (=3,4-dihydronaphthalen-1(2H)-one) derivative, 4, along with nine known compounds, xylaric acid D (5), hydroheptelidic acid (6), gliocladic acid (7), chlorine heptelidic acid (8), trichoderonic acid A (9), 16-(α-D-mannopyranosyloxy)isopimar-7-en-19-oic acid (10), 16-(α-D-glucopyranosyloxy)isopimar-7-en-19-oic acid (11), 5-carboxymellein (12), and naphthalen-1,8-diol 1-O-α-D-glucopyranoside (13) have been isolated from the solid culture of the ascomycete fungus Xylaria sp. associated with termite nest. The structures of these compounds were elucidated primarily by NMR experiments. The absolute configurations of compounds 1-3 and 5-9 were determined by combination of X-ray data and CD spectral analysis. The absolute configuration of 4 was assigned by Snatzke's method. Compounds 8 and 11 showed slight cytotoxicities against two cell lines A549 and SGC7901.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites live in obligate mutualistic symbiosis with species of the basidiomycete genus Termitomyces , which are cultivated on a substrate of dead plant material. When the termite colony dies, or when nest material is incubated without termites in the laboratory, fruiting bodies of the ascomycete genus Xylaria appear and rapidly cover the fungus garden. This raises the question whether certain Xylaria species are specialised in occupying termite nests or whether they are just occasional visitors. We tested Xylaria specificity at four levels: (1) fungus-growing termites, (2) termite genera, (3) termite species, and (4) colonies. In South Africa, 108 colonies of eight termite species from three termite genera were sampled for Xylaria . Xylaria was isolated from 69% of the sampled nests and from 57% of the incubated fungus comb samples, confirming high prevalence. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS region revealed 16 operational taxonomic units of Xylaria , indicating high levels of Xylaria species richness. Not much of this variation was explained by termite genus, species, or colony; thus, at level 2–4 the specificity is low. Analysis of the large subunit rDNA region, showed that all termite-associated Xylaria belong to a single clade, together with only three of the 26 non-termite-associated strains. Termite-associated Xylaria thus show specificity for fungus-growing termites (level 1). We did not find evidence for geographic or temporal structuring in these Xylaria phylogenies. Based on our results, we conclude that termite-associated Xylaria are specific for fungus-growing termites, without having specificity for lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Summary The chemical and spectroscopic data presented herein show that about 50% of the weight of the termite fungus comb consists of carbohydrates (⊂40%) and proteinaceous materials (⊂10%). Of the remaining material about 30% appears to be aliphatic in nature (long-chain and branched alkanoic acids) and 20% aromatic and phenolic. The data on monosaccharide composition indicate that the fungus comb material, rich in glucose, arabinose and xylose, is predominantly of plant origin.  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites have a mutualistic relationship with their cultivated fungi. To improve understanding of genetic aspects of this relationship, we examined molecular markers in the fungus-growing termite Odontotermes formosanus and its fungi Termitomyces spp. from the Ryukyu Archipelago. Based on the polymorphic band patterns obtained from arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction methods, we constructed cladograms for related colonies of the termites and fungi. The resulting trees indicated that the termites display little genetic variation among the colonies, while the symbiotic fungi consist of two major genetic types. In addition, molecular phylogenetic trees of the symbiotic fungi based on internal transcribed spacer and 18S rDNA suggested that these two types of fungi are different species. We also demonstrated that the fungi comprising the fruiting bodies and fungus combs are identical, and that fungus combs are probably a monoculture within a single termite colony. Our results indicate that horizontal transmission of symbiotic fungi among termite colonies occurred during the evolutionary history of this symbiosis.  相似文献   

Summary InRopalidia plebeiana, combs made in the previous year are often reused by foundresses in the following spring and structurally divided into subnests by them. Close observations of the comb dividing process revealed that: 1) combs that had multiple brood areas (areas where cells had eggs) were frequently divided into subnests, while those with single brood areas were never divided; 2) groups of foundresses each occupied a particular brood area even before comb division started; and 3) frequency with which a foundress practiced comb cutting was independent of her social status or oviposition frequency. These observations suggest that the initial grouping of foundresses that colonize an old nest leads to subsequent comb division, rather than the major egg layers cutting combs to safeguard their oviposition territories from their rivals.  相似文献   

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