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We have previously shown that a purine-rich sequence located within exon M2 of the mouse immunoglobulin mu gene functions as a splicing enhancer, as judged by its ability to stimulate splicing of a distant upstream intron. This sequence element has been designated ERS (exon recognition sequence). In this study, we investigated the stimulatory effects of various ERS-like sequences, using the in vitro splicing system with HeLa cell nuclear extracts. Here, we show that purine-rich sequences of several natural exons that have previously been shown to be required for splicing function as a splicing enhancer like the ERS of the immunoglobulin mu gene. Moreover, even synthetic polypurine sequences had stimulatory effects on the upstream splicing. Evaluation of the data obtained from the analyses of both natural and synthetic purine-rich sequences shows that (i) alternating purine sequences can stimulate splicing, while poly(A) or poly(G) sequences cannot, and (ii) the presence of U residues within the polypurine sequence greatly reduces the level of stimulation. Competition experiments strongly suggest that the stimulatory effects of various purine-rich sequences are mediated by the same trans-acting factor(s). We conclude from these results that the purine-rich sequences that we examined in this study also represent examples of ERS. Thus, ERS is considered a general splicing element that is present in various exons and plays an important role in splice site selection.  相似文献   

The DNA damage response to infection with minute virus of mice (MVM) leads to activated p53; however, p21 levels are reduced via a proteasome-mediated mechanism. This loss was sustained, as virus replicated in infected cells held at the G(2)/M border. Addition of the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor roscovitine after S-phase entry reduced MVM replication, suggesting that CDK activity was critical for continued viral replication and virus-induced reduction of p21 may thus be necessary to prevent inhibition of CDK.  相似文献   

In a previous report, we described the presence, in pituitary tissue, of an alternatively processed species of bovine growth hormone mRNA from which the last intron (intron D) has not been removed by splicing (R. K. Hampson and F. M. Rottman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:2673-2677, 1987). Using transient expression of the bovine growth hormone gene in Cos I cells, we observed that splicing of intron D was affected by sequences within the downstream exon (exon 5). Deletion of a 115-base-pair FspI-PvuII restriction fragment in exon 5 beginning 73 base pairs downstream of the intron 4-exon 5 junction resulted in cytoplasmic bovine growth hormone mRNA, more than 95% of which retained intron D. This contrasted with less than 5% of the growth hormone mRNA retaining intron D observed with expression of the unaltered gene. Insertion of a 10-base-pair inverted repeat sequence, CTTCCGGAAG, which was located in the middle of this deleted segment, partially reversed this pattern, resulting in cytosolic mRNA from which intron D was predominantly removed. More detailed deletion analysis of this region indicated that multiple sequence elements within the exon 5, in addition to the 10-base-pair inverted repeat sequence, are capable of influencing splicing of intron D. The effect of these exon sequences on splicing of bovine growth hormone precursor mRNA appeared to be specific for the growth hormone intron D. Deletions in exon 5 which resulted in marked alterations in splicing of growth hormone intron D had no effect on splicing when exon 5 of bovine growth hormone was placed downstream of the heterologous bovine prolactin intron D. Deletions in exon 5 which resulted in marked alterations in splicing of growth hormone intron D had no effect on splicing when exon 5 of bovine growth hormone was placed downstream of the heterologous bovine prolactin intron D. The results of this study suggest a unique interaction between sequences located near the center of exon 5 and splicing of the adjacent intron D.  相似文献   

C R King  J Piatigorsky 《Cell》1983,32(3):707-712
The eye lens contains a structural protein (alpha-crystallin), composed of two homologous primary gene products, alpha A2 and alpha B2. In certain rodents, there is another minor alpha-crystallin polypeptide, alpha Ains, which is identical to alpha A2 except for a 22 amino acid insert between residues 63 and 64 of the alpha A2 chain. Here we show that the mouse contains a single alpha A-crystallin gene, which has a 1376 bp intron separating codons 63 and 64 of the alpha A2-crystallin mRNA. A sequence encoding a 23 amino acid insert peptide was found 266 bp into the intron. The nucleotide borders of this sequence deviate from the AGGT consensus sequence. The DNA sequence encoding the insert peptide hybridizes to a cytoplasmic 14S RNA, demonstrating that it is transcribed in the lens. We propose that the murine alpha A2-crystallin gene generates both the alpha A2 and the alpha Ains mRNAs by alternative splicing.  相似文献   

The nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) from parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVMp) is a 25-kDa polypeptide which localizes preferentially to the cytoplasm and associates with cellular proteins in cytoplasm. These lines of evidence suggest that NS2 is positively exported from the nucleus to cytoplasm and functions in cytoplasm. We report here that nuclear export of NS2 is inhibited by leptomycin B (LMB), a drug that specifically blocks nuclear export signal (NES)-chromosomal region maintenance 1 (CRM1) interactions. CRM1 binds specifically to the 81- to 106-amino-acid (aa) region of NS2, and the region of NS2 actually functions as a NES. Interestingly, this region appears to be distinct from a typical NES sequence, which consists of leucine-rich sequences. These results indicate that NS2 protein is continuously exported from the nucleus by a CRM1-dependent mechanism and suggest that CRM1 also exports to distinct type of NESs.  相似文献   

The fibronectin (FN) gene encodes multiple mRNAs through the process of alternative splicing, and production of certain isoforms is characteristic of a given cell type. Chondrocytes produce FNs that completely lack alternative exon EIIIA, and loss of inclusion of the exon is tightly linked to chondrogenic condensation of mesenchymal cells. The inclusion of a second exon, EIIIB, is high in embryonic cartilage, but declines with age. Multiple exons are omitted to produce the (V + C)-form that is highly specific for cartilage and chondrocytes. A rat chondrosarcoma cell line, RCS, was identified that preserves key features of the cartilage-specific splicing phenotype. RCS cells, which exclude exon EIIIA, and HeLa cells, which include exon EIIIA similar to mesenchymal cells, were used to assess the contribution of intron sequences flanking exon EIIIA to splicing regulation. Deletion of most of the intron downstream of the exon had little effect on splicing in either cell type. However, deletions within upstream intron 32-A reduced inclusion of the alternative exon in both cell types. The sequences involved lie more than 200 nucleotides away from the exon, but could not be localized to a single region by deletion mapping. These intronic sequences contribute to the efficiency of exon EIIIA recognition, but not to cell-type specific regulation. The normally inhibitory factor polypyrimidine tract binding protein promotes exon EIIIA inclusion in a manner that is partially dependent on the regulatory sequences within intron 32-A.  相似文献   

The multifunctional protein NS1 of minute virus of mice (MVMp) is posttranslationally modified and at least in part regulated by phosphorylation. The atypical lambda isoform of protein kinase C (PKClambda) phosphorylates residues T435 and S473 in vitro and in vivo, leading directly to an activation of NS1 helicase function, but it is insufficient to activate NS1 for rolling circle replication. The present study identifies an additional cellular protein kinase phosphorylating and regulating NS1 activities. We show in vitro that the recombinant novel PKCeta phosphorylates NS1 and in consequence is able to activate the viral polypeptide in concert with PKClambda for rolling circle replication. Moreover, this role of PKCeta was confirmed in vivo. We thereby created stably transfected A9 mouse fibroblasts, a typical MVMp-permissive host cell line with Flag-tagged constitutively active or inactive PKCeta mutants, in order to alter the activity of the NS1 regulating kinase. Indeed, tryptic phosphopeptide analyses of metabolically (32)P-labeled NS1 expressed in the presence of a dominant-negative mutant, PKCetaDN, showed a lack of distinct NS1 phosphorylation events. This correlates with impaired synthesis of viral DNA replication intermediates, as detected by Southern blotting at the level of the whole cell population and by BrdU incorporation at the single-cell level. Remarkably, MVM infection triggers an accumulation of endogenous PKCeta in the nuclear periphery, suggesting that besides being a target for PKCeta, parvovirus infections may also affect the regulation of this NS1 regulating kinase. Altogether, our results underline the tight interconnection between PKC-mediated signaling and the parvoviral life cycle.  相似文献   

The nonstructural (NS) proteins of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice are involved in viral DNA replication and in the regulation of homologous and heterologous promoters. Moreover, NS products have proved to be cytotoxic, especially for transformed cells. We show here that intracellular accumulation of NS products is not sufficient to kill rat fibroblasts from the established cell line FR3T3, which is phenotypically normal in several respects. FRNS cell lines were obtained by stable transfection of FR3T3 cells by a vector carrying the NS genes under the control of the hormone-inducible long terminal repeat promoter of the mouse mammary tumor virus. In the presence of dexamethasone, the NS proteins were synthesized without associated cell death. Transformation of FRNS cells with the c-Ha-ras oncogene or polyomavirus oncogenes had little effect on their capacity for NS induction, as measured at both concentration and transactivating activity levels, yet the transformants were now dying within a few days in the presence of the inducer. The same results were obtained with cells stably transfected by a vector expressing the NS1 product alone, suggesting that in this system there is no cooperation between NS1 and NS2 for maximal cytopathic effect. Cell mortality after NS protein induction was quantitatively related to the yield of oncogene expression, while NS-1 was not limiting in this respect. Our results show that the NS1 protein is not lethal unless cellular factors that may depend on oncogene expression trigger its cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

We describe the nucleotide sequence of a herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA fragment containing the intron of the immediate-early mRNA-5 (IE mRNA-5) gene. The location of the intron within this fragment was determined by a Berk & Sharp nuclease S1 protection analysis, and by cloning and sequencing cDNA containing sequences overlapping t he IE mRNA-5 splice point. We found that the 149 base pair (bp) intron contained four copies of an identical 23 bp GC rich tandem repeat followed by a further reiteration consisting of the first 15 bp only.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids containing the genomes of both bovine papillomavirus type I and minute virus of mice (MVM) were constructed and used to transform mouse C127 cells. Transformed lines that express MVM gene products with high efficiency were isolated and characterized. These transformants synthesize large amounts of MVM structural polypeptides and spontaneously assemble them into empty virion particles that are released into the culture medium. These lines were, however, genetically unstable; they slowly generated subpopulations that failed to express MVM-specific proteins, and they possessed episomal DNA in which both MVM and bovine papillomavirus sequences were deleted or rearranged, or both. Clonal isolates of these transformants were also superinfectible by infectious MVM virus. Therefore, in spite of their instability, they should be useful host cell lines for transcomplementing mutations introduced into the MVM genome and for growing defective viruses as virions.  相似文献   

Q Zhao  A Gersappe    D J Pintel 《Journal of virology》1995,69(10):6170-6179
We have previously shown that efficient excision of the upstream large intron from P4-generated pre-mRNA of the autonomous parvovirus minute virus of mice depends upon at least the initial presence of sequences within the downstream small intron (Q. Zhao, R. V. Schoborg, and D. J. Pintel, J. Virol. 68:2849-2859, 1994). In this report, we show that the requirement of downstream small intron sequences is complex and that efficient excision of the upstream intron requires at least one small intron donor and the 3' splice site. In the absence of both small intron donors, a new spliced product is produced in which the intervening exon is skipped and the large intron donor at nucleotide 514 is joined to a small intron acceptor. Exon skipping caused by the loss of the two small intron donors can be overcome, and the excision of the large intron can be regained by mutations that improve the large intron polypyrimidine tract. These results are consistent with a model in which the binding of multiple splicing factors that assemble at both a downstream donor and acceptor facilitates the binding of splicing factors to the weak polypyrimidine tract of the upstream large intron, thereby defining the intervening exon and promoting excision of the upstream intron.  相似文献   

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