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The cytology and ultrastructure of the pars distalis, mainly that of prolactin (PRL) cells, were investigated in goldfish adapted to fresh water (FW) or deionized water (DW) for 20 and 40 days, or gradually adapted to 1/3 artificial sea water (ASW) or 1/3 Ca-free sea water. When compared to PRL cells of goldfish kept in FW, those of goldfish adapted to DW did not show signs of increased activity. The lack of exocytotic activity and the low development of various organelles suggested that cell activity was slightly reduced. In 1/3 ASW, PRL cells were smaller and less active. In 1/3 Ca-free ASW, PRL cells appeared slightly stimulated compared with those of fish in 1/3 ASW. The Golgi area was more developed and a few lamellae of endoplasmic reticulum were observed in some cell islets. However, there was no significant difference between PRL cells of goldfish kept in 1/3 Ca-free ASW and in FW. In 1/3 ASW, which is isosmotic to the blood, thyrotrophs (TSH cells) corticotrophs (ACTH cells) and somatotrophs (STH cells) were not clearly affected. In DW, these cells and their nuclei were significantly enlarged. Their stimulation was also evident in 1/3 Ca-free ASW; values for cellular and nuclear areas were maximal in this environment and significantly higher than those of fish in FW and 1/3 ASW. These data suggest that in addition to the PAS-positive cells of the pars intermedia, highly stimulated in Ca-free environments, other cell types of the pars distalis may be involved in osmoregulation, and that the role of PRL cells is not primordial in the goldfish.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) (PAS-positive) cells of the pars intermedia was investigated in eels kept in hypo and hyperosmotic environments. Although the cells were moderately active in fresh water (FW), they were highly stimulated in deionized water (DW) and displayed an enlarged Golgi apparatus, a distinct rough endoplasmic reticulum, few secretory granules, some microtubules and an extended area of contact with the basal lamina that separates nervous and glandular tissues. Some mitosing cells were seen. A similar picture was observed in eels kept in sea water (SW) for 45 days, returned to FW and subsequently to DW for 21 days. In SW (30 and 33), and particularly in concentrated SW (50, 60 and 63), the Ca-s cells were inactive. Their granules were significantly smaller than in eels kept in FW, and the area of contact with the basal lamina was greatly reduced. However, signs of granule-release were seen in eels adapted to 50 and 60 SW. Nerve fibers rarely contacted the Ca-s cells and did not synapse with them. The ultrastructural data support the hypothesis that the Ca-s cells of Anguilla, like those of Carassius, are involved in ionic regulation. MSH cells were not greatly affected by the present experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Cytological changes in the calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) cells (formerly termed PAS-positive cells) of the pars intermedia were investigated in the goldfish after adaptation to deionized water (DW), with or without addition of sodium, potassium and magnesium. These ions were added as chloride salts at concentrations similar to those present in fresh water (FW). The marked stimulation of the Ca-s cells is not inhibited in DW supplemented with Na+ (0.35 mM/1), K+ (0.05 mM/1), and Mg2+ (0.2mM/1) for a period of 24 days. The inhibition of the response to DW with calcium chloride (2 mM/1) is reproduced with calcium formiate (2 mM/1). These data show that chloride ions are not responsible for the regression of the Ca-s cells observed in goldfish kept in DW supplemented with calcium chloride. The effect of calcium ions on the Ca-s cells appears to be specific. These results support the hypothesis that the Ca-s cells synthesize a factor (hypercalcin?) involved in calcium regulation, and that its release is influenced by the calcium content of the environment. The role of the pars intermedia in calcium metabolism is strengthened by the present results. Biochemical data suggest the presence of a hypercalcemic factor in the pituitary of fish (Parsons et al. 1978) and are in agreement with the present cytological findings.  相似文献   

Summary Cytological changes in the pars intermedia of the goldfish were investigated after adding calcium to deionized water (DW). In fish maintained in DW, the PAS-positive cells are highly stimulated in comparison to cells of fish kept in fresh water (FW). In DW supplemented with calcium at the same concentration as in FW (2 mM/l), the hyperactivity of the PAS-positive cells is prevented. When calcium ions are added 60 h before the animals are sacrificed, the PAS positive cells start to show signs of regression and their granules are stored: the release of the granular material appears to be suppressed by calcium. In the goldfish, the PAS-positive cells, homologous to a similar cell type in the eel, react only very weakly with the PAS technique. The name calcium-sensitive cells appears to be more appropriate in the goldfish for this particular cell type, secreting an unknown factor. This factor, different from the prolactin produced in the rostral pars distalis of the hypophysis, might be an equivalent of a hypercalcin.  相似文献   

Anterior pituitary glands of male rats (2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 25, 36, 52, 56, and 62 days of age) were processed for electron microscopy. During early postnatal stages secretory cells are found in various stages of differentiation and comparatively few secretory granules are seen. Nuclei are mostly irregular, and the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio is large. Many free ribosomes are present; the endoplasmic reticulum is generally sparse and the Golgi complex small or invisible. Cells are of variable shape, and numerous cytoplasmic processes project into large intercellular spaces. Many electron-dense cells which often contain myelinlike figures are seen. Lysosomes and lysosomal precursors are frequently found in secretory cells, predominantly in somatotrophs, of all immature glands. Mitotic figures are numerous in early stages after brith and decrease in number as the gland grows in size. A gradual increase in cytoplasmic volume with concomitant differentiation of cytoplasmic components as well as accumulation of secretory granules, accompanied by loss of myelin-like figures and decrease in the number of electron-dense cells, is observed as the animal reaches the prepuberal stage. Few lysosomes are seen in cells of mature glands. At 36 days of age all secretory cells seem to have differentiated, and morphological features as well as granule content show little change until puberty is reached. Gonadotrophs attain their characteristic morphology later than other cells. Cilia are observed in all developmental stages but are relatively infrequent in the mature gland. The described ultrastructural characteristics reflect the degree of maturation as well as the functional capacities of secretory cells at particular stages of development.  相似文献   

The present investigation suggests that the intermediate lobe contains corticotrophic cells that are morphologically similar to those of the adenohypophysis. It can also be concluded that the ACTH molecules extracted from the intermediate lobe do not differ from those from the adenohypophysis. The immunocytochemical studies confirm the presence of ACTH in the intermediate lobes of all species studied so far, and stimulate the question of the mechanism of ACTH synthesis at this level. The interrelationships between different peptides of the intermediate lobe, including LPH, ACTH, CLIP and MSH, require further investigations. The intermediate lobe synthesizes and releases ACTH in vitro. This release can be stimulated by crude extracts of the median eminence or of cerebral cortex, and does not seem to be controlled by the CRF. Although ACTH of the intermediate lobe intervenes in vivo in the response to a neurogenic stress, one may not assume that the intermediate lobe alone plays an important role in the maintenance of the adrenal cortex, as the adrenals are similarly affected by hypophysectomy or pars distalis removal.  相似文献   

The developing pars intermedia (PI) of rabbits of between 14 days post coitum (PC) and one day post partum (PP) have been studied by light and electron microscopy. Cell division is marked until 4th week PC, after which it is reduced. The (PI) loses its homogeneity by the 5th week PC due to localisation both intrinsic and invading cells and blood vessels. Four groups of parenchyma cells are recognisable: PI-glandular cells, interstitial cells, ACT-type cells and a heterogeneous group of dark cells. The ultrastructure of the ACT-type cells in the rabbit PI are here described for the first time. The differentiation of these cell types has been traced from 14 days PC to 32 days PC, in particular ACT-type cells are shown to develop in situ and the significance of this is discussed. In the PI-glandular cells dense cored granules appear first on the 15th day PC which is one day before any nerve connection is made with the primitive neural lobe and more than a week before vascularisation. Thereafter granularity increases until parturition when there is a phase of degranulation. Relatively electron lucent, larger vesicles are not found until 4th week PC.  相似文献   

Summary Goldfish kept in diluted Ca-free sea water (SW) (23 or 30 %) or in Ca-Mg-deficient SW (23 %) have a limited survival, release large amounts of mucus, and show spasmodic seizures. Plasma calcium decreases. The PAS-positive calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) cells of the pars intermedia show a low activity in diluted SW and in 23 % Mg-free SW. In diluted Ca-free SW, Ca-s cells are stimulated, but cell hypertrophy is not uniform and often restricted to an area adjacent to the proximal pars distalis. Nuclear hypertrophy is significant in the reactive area, although less pronounced or even absent at the periphery of the lobe. Mitotic activity occurs in the Ca-s cells of goldfish gradually adapted to diluted Ca-free SW and Ca-Mg-deficient SW, and sacrificed after 19 and 28 days, respectively. A general stimulation of the Ca-s cells, which remains less intense than that in goldfish kept in deionized water (DW), appears unable to ensure the survival of the goldfish in an isosmotic Ca-free environment containing Mg2+ (0.1, 12 or 16.8 mM). These data are compared with those obtained in the eel kept in Ca-free SW.  相似文献   

Summary In Xenopus laevis tadpoles the relation between a paired nucleus of bio-amine producing neurons in the caudal hypothalamus and the pars intermedia of the hypophysis was studied.Treatment of the animals (stage 49 to 50 of Nieuwkoop and Faber's normal table) with reserpine caused aggregation of the skin melanophores within one hour, followed by redispersion five to six hours after the beginning of the experiment. This was at exactly the same time as the bio-amines in the caudal hypothalamus disappeared. However, the drug was ineffective if the nuclei had been removed. This indicates that reserpine acts via these nuclei and does not influence the skin melanophores directly.It was concluded that the initial aggregation of the melanophores may be the result of a reduced extrusion of MSH from the pars intermedia, caused by an increased output of a MIF by the bio-amine producing nuclei. The redispersion was explained by assuming that the bio-amines were depleted and the nuclei stopped with the extrusion of the MIF. This does not mean that the production of a MIF is the only function of the paired bio-amine producing nucleus in the caudal hypothalamus.The author thanks Prof. Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt for his helpful comments and criticism. Mr. J. H. I. J. M. ten Berge and Mr. E. W. A. Kamperdijk provided great assistance during the course of the experiments. Mr. H. van Kooten made the diagram and the photograph.  相似文献   

Summary The pars intermedia of intact and experimental female minks has been studied by light, electron and fluorescence microscopy. The general structure of the mink intermediate lobe is described. Two main cell types are recognized. One, termed glandular cell, predominates in number and is characterized by the presence of electron-dense granules about 200 nm in diameter and numerous large vesicles up to 300 nm in diameter. The other, termed stellate cell, is devoid of cytoplasmic vesicles and granules and possesses microfilaments, junctional complexes and elongated processes inserted between the glandular cells. Different treatments (photostimulation and administration of hypertonic saline and metopirone) induced morphological reactions in the glandular cells. The significance of these changes and the possibility of a functional relation between the pars intermedia and ACTH secretion are discussed.Numerous nerve fibres and axon terminals containing electron-dense granules (60–120 nm) and electron-lucent vesicles (30–40 nm) are observed throughout the pars intermedia.With the histochemical fluorescence method of Falck-Hillarp a rich system of delicate fluorescent varicose fibres, sometimes provided with irregular swellings or droplets, is observed in the pars intermedia and also in the pars nervosa. Microspectrofluorometrically these fibres exhibit the spectral characteristics of catecholamines. All the cells of the pars intermedia and a large number of cells in the pars distalis show a yellowish weak fluorescence, which becomes much stronger after combined formaldehyde-ozone treatment. This cellular fluorophore shows the same microspectrofluorometric characteristics as does the fluorophores of tryptamine and of certain peptides with NH2-terminal tryptophan.Supported by the Swedish Fur Breeders' Association and the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (grant No. 2124). Thanks are due to Miss W. Carlsson and Miss Y. Lilliemarck for their helpful technical assistance.Supported by the Harald and Greta Jeanssons Stiftelse and by the Ford Foundation. The skilful technical assistance of Mrs. Eva Svensson and Miss Annika Borgelin is greatfully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to study further the stellate cell and its functions, the ultrastructure of this cell type in the neurointermediate lobe of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, was examined in both organ and dissociated-cell culture. The cytoplasmic activity of stellate cells from neurointermediate lobes incubated 3 1/2 or 5 1/2 h was greater than that of those in vivo. Mitochondria and bundles of cytoplasmic filaments were numerous, in addition to prominent, well-developed Golgi complexes with associated vesicles. The most striking ultrastructural feature was the presence of phagocytic vacuoles that contain cellular debris. The stellate cells were seen to form cytoplasmic processes that phagocytosed this extracellular debris identifiable as belonging to the secretory cells of the pars intermedia. The stellate cells from the dissociated-cell preparations were also seen to contain debris within phagocytic vacuoles. In those neurointermediate lobes transplanted for 3 1/2 to 4 days into the anterior chamber of the eye, the stellate cells demonstrated similar phagocytic ability, but the phagocytic vacuoles contained material that seemed to be at a later stage of degradation. In all three of these conditions, the stellate cells were not seen to release this cellular debris nor were they seen to undergo cell division. These glial-like stellate cells of the pars intermedia acted as macrophages in all three of these experiments. There is now, therefore, a need to determine under what conditions, if any, these stellate cells function in vivo as macrophages.Supported by NSF Program for Small College Faculty Engaged in Research at Larger Institutions and Department of Energy — Associated Western Universities Faculty Participation Program. The authors thank Dr. W. Ferris and Dr. J. Berliner for the use of the electron microscopy facilities at the University of Arizona and Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, UCLA, respectively. Warm thanks are due to Ms. Ruth Cole for technical assistance  相似文献   

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