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A model of the RNA of tobacco mosaic virus has been built using computer model-building techniques. The model has good stereochemistry, and fits the electron density map of the virus obtained by fiber diffraction methods considerably better than did earlier models. The three sugar rings in the asymmetric unit all have the A (3′-endo) conformation, One of the bases is in the syn conformation, a conformation observed only rarely in nucleic acid structures.  相似文献   

Reassembly of tobacco mosaic virus from the isolated RNA and protein, supplied as a disk preparation consisting of over 75% as the disk aggregate, has been followed by the protection of the RNA from nuclease digestion. The sizes of the RNA fragments were determined on agarose/acrylamide gels.During the first few minutes the protected RNA is found to be “quantized” into discrete lengths, differing on average by about 50 or 100 nucleotides, corresponding to one or two turns of the virus helix and strongly supporting the hypothesis that elongation in the major direction, towards the 5′-hydroxyl end, is occurring by the direct addition of protein disks. Protected RNA of the full length found in tobacco mosaic virus is visible within six minutes of starting reassembly, and by 30 minutes most of the RNA is fully protected.  相似文献   

The kinetics of thermal aggregation of coat protein (CP) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) have been studied at 42 and 52°C in a wide range of protein concentrations, [P]0. The kinetics of aggregation were followed by monitoring the increase in the apparent absorbance (A) at 320 nm. At 52°C the kinetic curves may be approximated by the exponential law in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.02 to 0.30 mg/ml, the first order rate constant being linearly proportional to [P]0 (50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). The analogous picture was observed at 42°C in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.01 to 0.04 mg/ml (100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). At higher TMV CP concentrations the time of half-conversion approaches a limiting value with increasing [P]0 and at sufficiently high protein concentrations the kinetic curves fall on a common curve in the coordinates {A/A lim; t} (t is time and A lim is the limiting value of A at t ). According to a mechanism of aggregation of TMV CP proposed by the authors at rather low protein concentrations the rate of aggregation is limited by the stage of growth of aggregate, which proceeds as a reaction of the pseudo-first order, whereas at rather high protein concentrations the rate-limiting stage is the stage of protein molecule unfolding.  相似文献   

Specific chemical modifications of the tobacco mosaic virus coat protein lead to new heavy-atom derivatives. They can be used for the determination of phases in the isomorphous replacement method, but more important they are necessary as markers if one wants to trace the polypeptide chain through an electron density map of limited resolution (10 Å). In addition to the positions of two residues known from previous work, two more residues out of the 158 have now been located in three dimensions. The N-terminus is at the outside of the particle (r = 88 Å), and Lys-68 lies at a radius of 72 Å.  相似文献   

The reaction of the vulgare and U2 strains of tobacco mosaic virus with 4-sulpho-phenylisothiocyanate has been investigated. The coat protein of the U2 strain has a proline residue at its N-terminus and a lysine residue at position 53. Whereas both residues could be reacted with 4-sulpho-phenylisothiocyanate in the isolated coat protein, only proline-1 was modified during treatment of the intact virus with the same reagent, thereby showing that the loss of reactivity of the ?-amino group of lysine-53 is a consequence of the virus structure. The 4-sulpho-phenylthiocarbamoyl derivative of amino groups shows considerable tautomerism and, as a consequence, it proved possible to prepare a heavy-atom derivative of the intact U2 strain in which methyl mercury nitrate was bound by the modified N-terminal residue of the coat protein.On the other hand, when the intact vulgare strain was treated with 4-sulphophenylisothiocyanate, little or no modification of the ?-amino groups of the two lysine residues (positions 53 and 68) per polypeptide chain was observed. Taking into account previous studies on the reactivity of the amino groups of the coat protein in tobacco mosaic virus vulgare and assuming that all strains and mutants have closely similar three-dimensional structures, these experiments suggest that the N-terminal residue is more exposed (i.e. probably nearer the virus “surface”) than the side-chain of lysine-68, which in turn is more accessible than the side-chain of lysine-53. This interpretation is readily compatible with the results of X-ray diffraction analysis carried out on these chemically modified viruses (Mandelkow &; Holmes, 1974) and lends support to the hope that such methods of preparing heavy-atom derivatives of proteins will be of general use.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. SR1) expressing extracellular pancreatic ribonuclease from Bos taurus and characterized by an increased level of ribonuclease activity in leaf extracts were challenged with tobacco mosaic virus. The transgenic plants exhibited a significantly higher level of protection against the virus infection than the control non-transformed plants. The protection was evidenced by the absence (or significant delay) of the appearance of typical mosaic symptoms and the retarded accumulation of infectious virus and viral antigen. These results demonstrate that modulation of extracellular nuclease expression can be efficiently used in promoting protection against viral diseases.  相似文献   

Effects of low SDS concentrations on amorphous aggregation of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP) at 52 degrees C and on the protein structure were studied. It was found that SDS completely inhibits the TMV CP (11.5 microM) unordered aggregation at the detergent/CP molar ratio of 15 : 1 (0.005% SDS). As judged by fluorescence spectroscopy, these SDS concentrations did not prevent heating-induced disordering of the large-distance part of the TMV CP subunit, including the so-called "hydrophobic girdle". At somewhat higher SDS/protein ratio (40 : 1) the detergent completely disrupted the TMV CP hydrophobic girdle structure even at room temperature. At the same time, these low SDS concentrations (15 : 1, 40 : 1) strongly stabilized the structure of the small-distance part of the TMV CP molecule (the four alpha-helix bundle) against thermal disordering as judged by the far-UV (200-250 nm) CD spectra. Possible mechanisms of TMV CP heating-induced unordered aggregation initiation are discussed.  相似文献   

The coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus forms numerous aggregates, including the small A-protein, the disk, and two helical forms. The structures of the disk, the helical protein forms, and the virus are compared. Most of the differences are in the conformation of the chain between residues 89 and 113, which lies in the region of protein at the center of the virus, inside the RNA. It is disordered in the disk, but has a fixed conformation in the virus and the protein helices. The differences between the virus and the two helical protein forms are largely in the conformations of arginines and carboxylic acids in this region.  相似文献   

Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) plants inoculated with different strains of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) inducing mosaic symptoms of widely varying severity were studied with in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. This method was used to deduce photosynthetic electron transport efficiency in relation to symptom expression. The quantum yields of photosystem II (PS II) electron transport rate were significantly diminished in virus strains inducing loss of chlorophyll. The reduction in young mosaic-diseased leaves appeared to be due in part to a reduction in the fraction of open reaction centers, whereas in older leaves exhibiting less pronounced symptoms the reduction was mainly caused by a reduced efficiency of capture of excitation energy of open PS II reaction centers. Upon infection with any of the five virus strains PS II seemed to be irreversibly damaged in the inoculated leaves and the ones directly above, indicative of a possible increased susceptibility to photoinhibition in these leaves (Somersalo and Krause 1989) even when no symptoms were apparent. Symptom expression did not appear to be related to the influence of the virus on PS II activity, because the severest effects occurred in the inoculated leaves, which either remained symptomless or developed slight yellowing only. This study demonstrates the usefulness or modulated chlorophyll fluorescence measurements for the investigation of plant-virus interactions. It is particularly important when visual symptoms are absent.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison was made of the amino acid sequences of the proteins encoded by RNAs 1 and 2 of alfalfa mosaic virus (A1MV) and brome mosaic virus (BMV), and the 126K and 183K proteins encoded by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Three blocks of extensive homology of about 200 to 350 amino acids each were observed. Two of these blocks are located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 1 encoded proteins and the TMV encoded 126K protein; they are situated at the N-terminus and C-terminus, respectively. The third block is located in the A1MV and BMV RNA 2 encoded proteins and the C-terminal part of the TMV encoded 183K protein. These homologies are discussed with respect to the functional equivalence of these putative replicase proteins and a possible evolutionary connection between A1MV, BMV and TMV.  相似文献   

Concentration dependent and temperature dependent stopped-flow experiments on the transition A-protein→double disc show a triphasic reaction consisting of a nucleation phase, a propagation phase and a slow redistribution of polymer size which involves the dissociation of “overshoot” aggregates into double discs and smaller aggregates. No first order rate process is observed under the present experimental conditions. Equilibrium circular dichroism data and preliminary kinetic data at various temperatures indicate a change at about 21°C which might be correlated to a partial transition double disc→helix parallelled by a further shift in the equilibrium of double disc formation; from both data the thermodynamic and activation parameters for the A-protein→double disc transition are estimated.  相似文献   

The effect of chitosan on the development of infection caused by Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun has been studied. It was shown that the infectivity and viral coat protein content in leaves inoculated with a mixture of TMV(2 μg/mL) and chitosan(1 mg/mL) were lower in the early period of infection(3 days after inoculation), by 63% and 66% respectively, than in leaves inoculated with TMV only. Treatment of leaves with chitosan 24 h before inoculation with TMV also caused the antiviral effects, but these were less apparent than when the virus and polysaccharide were applied simultaneously. The inhibitory effects of the agent decreased as the infection progressed. Inoculation of leaves with TMV together with chitosan considerably enhanced the activity of hydrolases(proteases, RNases) in the leaves, in comparison with leaves inoculated with TMV alone. Electron microscope assays of phosphotungstic acid(PTA)-stained suspensions from infected tobacco leaves showed that, in addition to the normal TMV particles(18 nm in diameter, 300 nm long), these suspensions contained abnormal(swollen, "thin" and "short") virions. The highest number of abnormal virions was found in suspensions from leaves inoculated with a mixture of TMV and chitosan. Immuno-electron microscopy showed that "thin" virus particles, in contrast to the particles of normal diameter, lost the ability to bind to specific antiserum. It seems that the chitosan-induced activation of hydrolases stimulates the intracellular degradation of TMV particles and hence hydrolase activation may be considered to be one of the polysaccharide-mediated cellular defense mechanisms that limit virus accumulation in cells.  相似文献   

Akad  F.  Teverovsky  E.  David  A.  Czosnek  H.  Gidoni  D.  Gera  A.  Loebenstein  G. 《Plant molecular biology》1999,40(6):969-976
We have shown previously that localization of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) in tobacco is associated with a ca. 23 kDa protein that inhibits replication of several plant viruses. This protein, named inhibitor of virus replication (IVR), was purified from the medium of TMV-inoculated protoplasts derived from Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN. IVR was shown to be present also in induced-resistant leaf tissue of N. tabacum cv. Samsun NN. We prepared an expression cDNA library from such induced-resistant tissue and screened it with a polyclonal antibody raised against the IVR protein. A 1016 bp clone (named NC330) containing a 597 bp open reading frame, coding for a 21.6 kDa polypeptide, was isolated. The NC330 clone hybridized with RNA from induced-resistant tissue from N. tabacum cv. Samsun NN but not with RNA from non-induced tissue. Likewise, it did not hybridize with RNA from infected or uninfected tissue of N. tabacum cv. Samsun nn. Similarly, the NC330 cloned probe hybridized with the RT-PCR products from RNA of the induced-resistant tissue only. In Southern blot hybridization the NC330 DNA probe detected several genomic DNA fragments in both N. tabacum cv. Samsun NN and Samsun nn. The size of the DNA fragments differed in Samsun NN and Samsun nn. We suggest that DNA encoding the IVR-like protein is present in resistant and susceptible N. tabacum genotypes, but is expressed only in NN. We have inserted the NC330 into the expression vector pET22b and a 21.6 kDa protein was produced in Escherichia coli that reacted in immunoblots with the IVR antibody. This protein greatly reduced replication of TMV in N. tabacum cv. Samsun nn leaf disk assays.  相似文献   

Tobacco leaves were labelled with tritiated undine for 30 or 120 minutes at different times after systemic infection with tobacco mosaic virus. RNA was extracted and separated into three fractions: one enriched in RF (replicative form), one enriched in RI (replicative intermediate), and one containing the bulk of single-stranded RNA. Radioactivity in plus strands (viral RNA) and minus strands (complementary RNA) was determined in each fraction by an isotope dilution assay. The amount of minus strands in the RP and RI fractions and the amount of plus strands in the single-stranded RNA fraction were also determined.Minus-strand synthesis was twice as high a few hours after the outbreak of visible symptoms as during the subsequent large accumulation of plus strands. At the early stage of virus production, the specific radioactivity of the minus strands was three- to fourfold that of the total RNA. Later it was about the same as that of the total RNA. As minus strands constitute a constant part of the total RNA at the later stages, this observation suggests that breakdown of minus strands is small.The specific radioactivity of minus strands was the same in corresponding RF and RI fractions. As the turn-over of minus strands appears to be small, a rapid interconversion of the two RNA types is indicated.In RF and RI the radioactivity in plus strands was between 6 and 50 times greater than that in minus strands. The specific radioactivity of plus strands was greater in RF and RI than in the single-stranded RNA, supporting the concept that both RF and RI have a precursor role for viral RNA.  相似文献   

The effect of chitosan on the development of infection caused by Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun has been studied. It was shown that the infectivity and viral coat protein content in leaves inoculated with a mixture of TMV(2 μg/mL) and chitosan(1 mg/mL) were lower in the early period of infection(3 days after inoculation), by 63% and 66% respectively, than in leaves inoculated with TMV only. Treatment of leaves with chitosan 24 h before inoculation with TMV also caused the antiviral effects, but these were less apparent than when the virus and polysaccharide were applied simultaneously. The inhibitory effects of the agent decreased as the infection progressed. Inoculation of leaves with TMV together with chitosan considerably enhanced the activity of hydrolases(proteases, RNases) in the leaves, in comparison with leaves inoculated with TMV alone. Electron microscope assays of phosphotungstic acid(PTA)-stained suspensions from infected tobacco leaves showed that, in addition to the normal TMV particles(18 nm in diameter, 300 nm long), these suspensions contained abnormal(swollen, “thin” and “short”) virions. The highest number of abnormal virions was found in suspensions from leaves inoculated with a mixture of TMV and chitosan. Immuno-electron microscopy showed that “thin” virus particles, in contrast to the particles of normal diameter, lost the ability to bind to specific antiserum. It seems that the chitosan-induced activation of hydrolases stimulates the intracellular degradation of TMV particles and hence hydrolase activation may be considered to be one of the polysaccharide-mediated cellular defense mechanisms that limit virus accumulation in cells.  相似文献   

Tobacco Mosaic Virus: Pioneering Research for a Century, organized by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, in conjunction with The Royal Society, was held at The Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK, 7–8 August 1998.  相似文献   

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