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In the avian hindbrain, premigratory neural crest cells undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) in rhombomeres 3 and 5 (r3, r5). Here, we have attempted to analyze the significance of the loss of neural crest cells from these odd-numbered rhombomeres. When apoptosis is prevented in r3 and r5, r3 crest migrate into the first arch and r5 into the third arch. Interestingly, these extra neural crest cells contributed to the formation of ectopic muscle attachment sites that are also found in those species in which r3 and r5 neural crest cells do not undergo apoptosis. Thus, apoptosis in the odd-numbered rhombomeres appears to be an evolutionarily derived mechanism that is required to eliminate r3 and r5 crest migration into first and third arches and thereby remove these muscle attachment sites.  相似文献   

There is evidence in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos that the neural crest/neural folds are specified at the border of the neural plate by a precise threshold concentration of a Bmp gradient. In order to understand the molecular mechanism by which a gradient of Bmp is able to specify the neural crest, we analyzed how the expression of Bmp targets, the Msx genes, is regulated and the role that Msx genes has in neural crest specification. As Msx genes are directly downstream of Bmp, we analyzed Msx gene expression after experimental modification in the level of Bmp activity by grafting a bead soaked with noggin into Xenopus embryos, by expressing in the ectoderm a dominant-negative Bmp4 or Bmp receptor in Xenopus and zebrafish embryos, and also through Bmp pathway component mutants in the zebrafish. All the results show that a reduction in the level of Bmp activity leads to an increase in the expression of Msx genes in the neural plate border. Interestingly, by reaching different levels of Bmp activity in animal cap ectoderm, we show that a specific concentration of Bmp induces msx1 expression to a level similar to that required to induce neural crest. Our results indicate that an intermediate level of Bmp activity specifies the expression of Msx genes in the neural fold region. In addition, we have analyzed the role that msx1 plays on neural crest specification. As msx1 has a role in dorsoventral pattering, we have carried out conditional gain- and loss-of-function experiments using different msx1 constructs fused to a glucocorticoid receptor element to avoid an early effect of this factor. We show that msx1 expression is able to induce all other early neural crest markers tested (snail, slug, foxd3) at the time of neural crest specification. Furthermore, the expression of a dominant negative of Msx genes leads to the inhibition of all the neural crest markers analyzed. It has been previously shown that snail is one of the earliest genes acting in the neural crest genetic cascade. In order to study the hierarchical relationship between msx1 and snail/slug we performed several rescue experiments using dominant negatives for these genes. The rescuing activity by snail and slug on neural crest development of the msx1 dominant negative, together with the inability of msx1 to rescue the dominant negatives of slug and snail strongly argue that msx1 is upstream of snail and slug in the genetic cascade that specifies the neural crest in the ectoderm. We propose a model where a gradient of Bmp activity specifies the expression of Msx genes in the neural folds, and that this expression is essential for the early specification of the neural crest.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a multipotent, migratory cell population that contributes to a variety of tissues and organs during vertebrate embryogenesis. Here, we focus on the function of Msx1 and Msx2, homeobox genes implicated in several disorders affecting craniofacial development in humans. We show that Msx1/2 mutants exhibit profound deficiencies in the development of structures derived from the cranial and cardiac neural crest. These include hypoplastic and mispatterned cranial ganglia, dysmorphogenesis of pharyngeal arch derivatives and abnormal organization of conotruncal structures in the developing heart. The expression of the neural crest markers Ap-2alpha, Sox10 and cadherin 6 (cdh6) in Msx1/2 mutants revealed an apparent retardation in the migration of subpopulations of preotic and postotic neural crest cells, and a disorganization of neural crest cells paralleling patterning defects in cranial nerves. In addition, normally distinct subpopulations of migrating crest underwent mixing. The expression of the hindbrain markers Krox20 and Epha4 was altered in Msx1/2 mutants, suggesting that defects in neural crest populations may result, in part, from defects in rhombomere identity. Msx1/2 mutants also exhibited increased Bmp4 expression in migratory cranial neural crest and pharyngeal arches. Finally, proliferation of neural crest-derived mesenchyme was unchanged, but the number of apoptotic cells was increased substantially in neural crest-derived cells that contribute to the cranial ganglia and the first pharyngeal arch. This increase in apoptosis may contribute to the mispatterning of the cranial ganglia and the hypoplasia of the first arch.  相似文献   

A vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest migration in the chick embryo has provided a positional fate map of greater resolution than has been possible using labelled graft techniques. Focal injections of the fluorescent membrane probe DiI were made into the cranial neural folds at stages between 3 and 16 somites. Groups of neuroepithelial cells, including the premigratory neural crest, were labelled by the vital dye. Analysis of whole-mount embryos after 1-2 days further development, using conventional and intensified video fluorescence microscopy, revealed the pathways of crest cells migrating from mesencephalic and rhombencephalic levels of the neuraxis into the subjacent branchial region. The patterns of crest emergence and emigration correlate with the segmented disposition of the rhombencephalon. Branchial arches 1, 2 and 3 are filled by crest cells migrating from rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 respectively, in register with the cranial nerve entry/exit points in these segments. The three streams of ventrally migrating cells are separated by alternating regions, rhombomeres 3 and 5, which release no crest cells. Rostrally, rhombomere 1 and the caudal mesencephalon also contribute crest to the first arch, primarily to its upper (maxillary) component. Both r3 and r5 are associated with enhanced levels of cell death amongst cells of the dorsal midline, suggesting that crest may form at these levels but is then eliminated. Organisation of the branchial region is thus related by the dynamic process of neural crest immigration to the intrinsic mechanisms that segment the neuraxis.  相似文献   

Whether rhombomere-specific patterns of apoptosis exist in the developing hindbrain of vertebrates is under debate. We have investigated the sequence of apoptotic events in three-dimensionally reconstructed hindbrains of Tupaia belangeri (8- to 19-somite embryos). Apoptotic cells were identified by structural criteria and by applying an in situ tailing technique to visualize DNA fragmentation. Seven rhombomeres originated from three pro-rhombomeres. Among pre-migratory neural crest cells in the dorsal thirds of the neural folds, the earliest apoptotic concentrations appeared in the developing third rhombomere (r3). Dorsal apoptotic maxima then persisted in r3, extended from r3 to r2, and also arose in r5. Transverse apoptotic bands increased the total amount of apoptotic cells in odd-numbered rhombomeres first in r3 and, with a delay, also in r5. This sequence of apoptotic events was paralleled by an approximate rostrocaudal sequence of neural crest cell delamination from the even-numbered rhombomeres. Thus, large-scale apoptosis in r3 and r5 helped to establish crest-free zones that segregated streams of migrating neural crest cells adjacent to r2, r4, and r6. The sequence of apoptotic events observed in the dorsal thirds of rhombomeres matches that reported for the chick embryo. Other shared features are apoptotic peaks in the position of a circumscribed ventricular protrusion of fusing parts of the neural folds in r1 and r2, and Y-shaped apoptotic patterns composed of apoptotic maxima in the dorsal and lateral thirds of r1, r2, and r3. These rhombomere-specific patterns of apoptosis may therefore represent a conserved character, at least in amniotes.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KN 525/1–1, KN 525/1–2, BR 1185/4–1, and former Sonderforschungsbereich 89: Cardiology)  相似文献   

Developing vertebrate limbs are often utilized as a model for studying pattern formation and morphogenetic cell death. Herein, we report that conditional deletion of Rac1, a member of the Rho family of proteins, in mouse limb bud mesenchyme led to skeletal deformities in the autopod and soft tissue syndactyly, with the latter caused by a complete absence of interdigital programmed cell death. Furthermore, the lack of interdigital programmed cell death and associated syndactyly was related to down-regulated gene expression of Bmp2, Bmp7, Msx1, and Msx2, which are known to promote apoptosis in the interdigital mesenchyme. Our findings from Rac1 conditional mutants indicate crucial roles for Rac1 in limb bud morphogenesis, especially interdigital programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The murine tooth development is governed by sequential and reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Multiple signaling molecules are expressed in the developing tooth germ and interact each other to mediate the inductive tissue interactions. Among them are Sonic hedgehog (SHH), Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP2) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 (BMP4). We have investigated the interactions between these signaling molecules during early tooth development. We found that the expression of Shh and Bmp2 is downregulated at E12.5 and E13.5 in the dental epithelium of the Msx1 mutant tooth germ where Bmp4 expression is significantly reduced in the dental mesenchyme. Inhibition of BMP4 activity by noggin resulted in repression of Shh and Bmp2 in wild-type dental epithelium. When implanted into the dental mesenchyme of Msx1 mutants, beads soaked with BMP4 protein were able to restore the expression of both Shh and Bmp2 in the Msx1 mutant epithelium. These results demonstrated that mesenchymal BMP4 represents one component of the signal acting on the epithelium to maintain Shh and Bmp2 expression. In contrast, BMP4-soaked beads repressed Shh and Bmp2 expression in the wild-type dental epithelium. TUNEL assay indicated that this suppression of gene expression by exogenous BMP4 was not the result of an increase in programmed cell death in the tooth germ. Ectopic expression of human Bmp4 to the dental mesenchyme driven by the mouse Msx1 promoter restored Shh expression in the Msx1 mutant dental epithelium but repressed Shh in the wild-type tooth germ in vivo. We further demonstrated that this regulation of Shh expression by BMP4 is conserved in the mouse developing limb bud. In addition, Shh expression was unaffected in the developing limb buds of the transgenic mice in which a constitutively active Bmpr-IB is ectopically expressed in the forelimb posterior mesenchyme and throughout the hindlimb mesenchyme, suggesting that the repression of Shh expression by BMP4 may not be mediated by BMP receptor-IB. These results provide evidence for a new function of BMP4. BMP4 can act upstream to Shh by regulating Shh expression in mouse developing tooth germ and limb bud. Taken together, our data provide insight into a new regulatory mechanism for Shh expression, and suggest that this BMP4-mediated pathway in Shh regulation may have a general implication in vertebrate organogenesis.  相似文献   

TGF-beta superfamily members signal through a heteromeric receptor complex to regulate craniofacial development. TGF-beta type II receptor appears to bind only TGF-beta, whereas TGF-beta type I receptor (ALK5) also binds to ligands in addition to TGF-beta. Our previous work has shown that conditional inactivation of Tgfbr2 in the neural crest cells of mice leads to severe craniofacial bone defects. In this study, we examine and compare the defects of TGF-beta type II receptor (Wnt1-Cre;Tgfbr2(fl/fl)) and TGF-beta type I receptor/Alk5 (Wnt1-Cre;Alk5(fl)(/fl)) conditional knockout mice. Loss of Alk5 in the neural crest tissue resulted in phenotypes not seen in the Tgfbr2 mutant, including delayed tooth initiation and development, defects in early mandible patterning and altered expression of key patterning genes including Msx1, Bmp4, Bmp2, Pax9, Alx4, Lhx6/7 and Gsc. Alk5 controls the survival of CNC cells by regulating expression of Gsc and other genes in the proximal aboral region of the developing mandible. We conclude that ALK5 regulates tooth initiation and early mandible patterning through a pathway independent of Tgfbr2. There is an intrinsic requirement for Alk5 signal in regulating the fate of CNC cells during tooth and mandible development.  相似文献   

Hindbrain neural crest cells were labeled with DiI and followed in ovo using a new approach for long-term time-lapse confocal microscopy. In ovo imaging allowed us to visualize neural crest cell migration 2-3 times longer than in whole embryo explant cultures, providing a more complete picture of the dynamics of cell migration from emergence at the dorsal midline to entry into the branchial arches. There were aspects of the in ovo neural crest cell migration patterning which were new and different. Surprisingly, there was contact between neural crest cell migration streams bound for different branchial arches. This cell-cell contact occurred in the region lateral to the otic vesicle, where neural crest cells within the distinct streams diverted from their migration pathways into the branchial arches and instead migrated around the otic vesicle to establish a contact between streams. Some individual neural crest cells did appear to cross between the streams, but there was no widespread mixing. Analysis of individual cell trajectories showed that neural crest cells emerge from all rhombomeres (r) and sort into distinct exiting streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres. Neural crest cell migration behaviors resembled the wide diversity seen in whole embryo chick explants, including chain-like cell arrangements; however, average in ovo cell speeds are as much as 70% faster. To test to what extent neural crest cells from adjoining rhombomeres mix along migration routes and within the branchial arches, separate groups of premigratory neural crest cells were labeled with DiI or DiD. Results showed that r6 and r7 neural crest cells migrated to the same spatial location within the fourth branchial arch. The diversity of migration behaviors suggests that no single mechanism guides in ovo hindbrain neural crest cell migration into the branchial arches. The cell-cell contact between migration streams and the co-localization of neural crest cells from adjoining rhombomeres within a single branchial arch support the notion that the pattern of hindbrain neural crest cell migration emerges dynamically with cell-cell communication playing an important guidance role.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid synthesis and hindbrain patterning in the mouse embryo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Targeted disruption of the murine retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2) gene precludes embryonic retinoic acid (RA) synthesis, leading to midgestational lethality (Niederreither, K., Subbarayan, V., Dolle, P. and Chambon, P. (1999). Nature Genet. 21, 444-448). We describe here the effects of this RA deficiency on the development of the hindbrain and associated neural crest. Morphological segmentation is impaired throughout the hindbrain of Raldh2-/- embryos, but its caudal portion becomes preferentially reduced in size during development. Specification of the midbrain region and of the rostralmost rhombomeres is apparently normal in the absence of RA synthesis. In contrast, marked alterations are seen throughout the caudal hindbrain of mutant embryos. Instead of being expressed in two alternate rhombomeres (r3 and r5), Krox20 is expressed in a single broad domain, correlating with an abnormal expansion of the r2-r3 marker Meis2. Instead of forming a defined r4, Hoxb1- and Wnt8A-expressing cells are scattered throughout the caudal hindbrain, whereas r5/r8 markers such as kreisler or group 3/4 Hox genes are undetectable or markedly downregulated. Lack of alternate Eph receptor gene expression could explain the failure to establish rhombomere boundaries. Increased apoptosis and altered migratory pathways of the posterior rhombencephalic neural crest cells are associated with impaired branchial arch morphogenesis in mutant embryos. We conclude that RA produced by the embryo is required to generate posterior cell fates in the developing mouse hindbrain, its absence leading to an abnormal r3 (and, to a lesser extent, r4) identity of the caudal hindbrain cells.  相似文献   

Rhombomeres are regarded as the manifestation of innate segmentation within the vertebrate CNS. To investigate developmental changes occurring in the CNS and PNS, a series of chick embryos were immunostained with several monoclonal antibodies. The HNK-1-immunoreactivity (IR) appeared in rhombomeres (r) 3 and r5 around stage 15, when r2 and r4 were not stained. This alternate pattern is similar to the Krox-20 gene expression in the mouse embryo. At levels of r2 and r4, HNK-1+ neural crest cell masses were attached to the CNS forming cranial sensory ganglia. In these rhombomeres, an accumulation of neuroepithelial cells near the cranial nerve root and early development of neuroblasts in the basal plate were observed. The above observations seem to suggest that the alternate HNK-1-IR in rhombomeres might be related to the expression of cell adhesion molecules, and therefore also to the adhesion of the cranial ganglion precursors to the CNS, which takes place every other rhombomere in the preotic region. Thus, the alternate pattern of the HNK-1-IR seems to be related to the morphogenesis of preotic branchial nerves.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells are a pluripotent population of cells derived from the neural tube that migrate into the branchial arches to generate the distinctive bone, connective tissue and peripheral nervous system components characteristic of the vertebrate head. The highly conserved segmental organisation of the vertebrate hindbrain plays an important role in patterning the pathways of neural crest cell migration and in generating the distinct or separate streams of crest cells that form unique structures in each arch. We have used focal injections of DiI into the developing mouse hindbrain in combination with in vitro whole embryo culture to map the patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration into the developing branchial arches. Our results show that mouse hindbrain-derived neural crest cells migrate in three segregated streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres into the branchial arches, and each stream contains contributions of cells from three rhombomeres in a pattern very similar to that observed in the chick embryo. There are clear neural crest-free zones adjacent to r3 and r5. Furthermore, using grafting and lineage-tracing techniques in cultured mouse embryos to investigate the differential ability of odd and even-numbered segments to generate neural crest cells, we find that odd and even segments have an intrinsic ability to produce equivalent numbers of neural crest cells. This implies that inter-rhombomeric signalling is less important than combinatorial interactions between the hindbrain and the adjacent arch environment in specific regions, in the process of restricting the generation and migration of neural crest cells. This creates crest-free territories and suggests that tissue interactions established during development and patterning of the branchial arches may set up signals that the neural plate is primed to interpret during the progressive events leading to the delamination and migration of neural crest cells. Using interspecies grafting experiments between mouse and chick embryos, we have shown that this process forms part of a conserved mechanism for generating neural crest-free zones and contributing to the separation of migrating crest populations with distinct Hox expression during vertebrate head development.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cell migration is patterned, with neural crest cell-free zones adjacent to rhombomere (R) 3 and R5. These zones have been suggested to result from death of premigratory neural crest cells via upregulation of BMP-4 and Msx-2 in R3 and R5, consequent to R2-, R4-, and R6-derived signals. We reinvestigated this model and found that cell death detected by acridine orange staining in avian embryos varied widely numerically and in pattern, but with a tendency for an elevated zone centered at the R2/3 boundary. In situ hybridization of BMP-4 mRNA resolved to centers at R3 and R5 but Msx-2 resolved to the R2/3 border with only a faint smear from R5 to R6. Outgrowth of neural crest cells was less in isolated R3 cultures than in R1+2, R2, and R4 cultures, but R3 showed neither a decrease in outgrowth of neural crest cells nor an increase in cell death when cocultured with R1+2, R2, or R4. In addition, in serum-free culture, exogenous BMP-4 strikingly reduced neural crest cell outgrowth from R1+2 and R4 as well as R3. Thus we cannot confirm the role of intraneural cell death in patterning rhombomeric neural crest outgrowth. However, grafting quail R2 or R4 adjacent to the chick hindbrain demonstrated a neural crest cell exclusion zone next to R3 and R5. We suggest that one important pattern determinant for rhombomeric neural crest cell migration involves the microenvironment next to the neural tube.  相似文献   

The neural crest plays a crucial part in cardiac development. Cells of the cardiac subpopulation of cranial neural crest migrate from the hindbrain into the outflow tract of the heart where they contribute to the septum that divides the pulmonary and aortic channels. In Splotch mutant mice, which lack a functional Pax3 gene, migration of cardiac neural crest is deficient and aorticopulmonary septation does not occur. Downstream genes through which Pax3 regulates cardiac neural crest development are unknown. Here, using a combination of genetic and molecular approaches, we show that the deficiency of cardiac neural crest development in the Splotch mutant is caused by upregulation of Msx2, a homeobox gene with a well-documented role as a regulator of BMP signaling. We provide evidence, moreover, that Pax3 represses Msx2 expression via a direct effect on a conserved Pax3 binding site in the Msx2 promoter. These results establish Msx2 as an effector of Pax3 in cardiac neural crest development.  相似文献   

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