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With about 24,000 extant species, teleosts are the largest group of vertebrates. They constitute more than 99% of the ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) that diverged from the lobe-finned fish lineage (Sarcopterygii) about 450 MYA. Although the role of genome duplication in the evolution of vertebrates is now established, its role in structuring the teleost genomes has been controversial. At least two hypotheses have been proposed: a whole-genome duplication in an ancient ray-finned fish and independent gene duplications in different lineages. These hypotheses are, however, based on small data sets and lack adequate statistical and phylogenetic support. In this study, we have made a systematic comparison of the draft genome sequences of Fugu and humans to identify paralogous chromosomal regions ("paralogons") in the Fugu that arose in the ray-finned fish lineage ("fish-specific"). We identified duplicate genes in the Fugu by phylogenetic analyses of the Fugu, human, and invertebrate sequences. Our analyses provide evidence for 425 fish-specific duplicate genes in the Fugu and show that at least 6.6% of the genome is represented by fish-specific paralogons. We estimated the ages of Fugu duplicate genes and paralogons using the molecular clock. Remarkably, the ages of duplicate genes and paralogons are clustered, with a peak around 350 MYA. These data strongly suggest a whole-genome duplication event early during the evolution of ray-finned fishes, probably before the origin of teleosts.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized a 12th subfamily of vertebrate annexins by systematic analysis of the primary structure, chromosomal mapping, and molecular evolution of unique cDNA and protein sequences from human and mouse. Distinctive features included rare expression, a codon deletion in conserved repeat 3, and an unusual ablation of the type II calcium-binding sites in tetrad core repeats 1, 3, and 4. The paralogy of novel annexin A10 (following revised nomenclature) was confirmed by FISH-mapping human ANXA10 to chromosome 4q33 and genetic linkage mapping mouse Anxa10 to midchromosome 8. Phylogenetic analysis established that the 5' and 3' halves of the annexin A6 octad are more closely related to annexins A5 and A10, respectively, than they are to each other. Molecular date estimates, paralogy linkage maps between human chromosomes 4 and 5, and annexin structural considerations led to the proposal that annexins A5 and A10 may have been the direct progenitors of annexin A6 octad formation via chromosomal duplication during the genome expansion in early chordates.  相似文献   

Structural data were combined with trnLF and internal transcribed spacer sequences from other studies and with new sequences representing ten additional species to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of Rhus s.s. These data indicate that Rhus s.s and both subgenera, Rhus and Lobadium, are monophyletic. The genus Rhus is supported as monophyletic by the presence of red glandular hairs on the berries and inflorescence axis, cilia on the sepals and glands on the leaf blades. Subgenus Rhus can be identified by the presence of more than seven resin channels in the petiole, weakly percurrent tertiary veins and a type I vascular system in the mid‐vein. Subgenus Lobadium is characterized by the presence of short bracteoles and pedicels. This subgenus is divided into four sections, Lobadium, Rhoeidium, Styphonia and Terebinthifolia. Section Lobadium has trifoliate leaves; section Rhoeidium is monotypic, including only Rhus microphylla; section Styphonia is supported by five synapomorphies, including an incomplete marginal vein, fibres in the petiole, a thick cuticle, two layers of palisade parenchyma and prismatic crystals in the mesophyll; and section Terebinthifolia has gelatinous xylary fibres in the petiole. Hypotheses about the evolutionary changes of these characters are presented based on the cladograms. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 452–468.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in Gesneriaceae have indicated that the cycloidea homolog, gcyc, remains functional at the DNA level and rates of sequence divergence in this gene are not statistically different across all taxa regardless of floral symmetry. A duplication of gcyc has been detected within Coronanthereae, a tribe that has phylogenetic affinities to subfamily Gesnerioideae and includes two genera with radially symmetrical corollas. Duplication of gcyc has been detected in all Coronanthereae except Sarmienta. All paralogs appear functional at the DNA level. Likewise, there is no increased sequence divergence between the two copies, nor between species with radially symmetrical flowers to those with bilateral symmetry. The duplication of gcyc in Coronanthereae is most likely a result of polyploidy since Coronanthereae have the highest chromosome counts of all Gesneriaceae.  相似文献   

The Sox gene family is found in a broad range of animal taxa and encodes important gene regulatory proteins involved in a variety of developmental processes. We have obtained clones representing the HMG boxes of twelve Sox genes from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), one of the four major domestic carps in China. The cloned Sox genes belong to group B1, B2 and C. Our analyses show that whereas the human genome contains a single copy of Sox4, Sox11 and Sox14, each of these genes has two co-orthologs in grass carp, and the duplication of Sox4 and Sox11 occurred before the divergence of grass carp and zebrafish, which support the "fish-specific whole-genome duplication" theory. An estimation for the origin of grass carp based on the molecular clock using Sox1, Sox3 and Sox11 genes as markers indicates that grass carp (subfamily Leuciscinae) and zebrafish (subfamily Danioninae) diverged approximately 60 million years ago. The potential uses of Sox genes as markers in revealing the evolutionary history of grass carp are discussed.  相似文献   

RFLPs were studied in 13Juglans species to determine phylogenetic relationships inJuglans. Allele frequency data were used to generate genetic distance matrices and fragment data were used to generate genetic distances based upon shared-fragments and to perform parsimony analysis. Although similar cluster analyses result from analysing allelic and shared-fragment distance, the two types of distance values displayed variable correspondence with each other. Parsimony analysis produced a tree similar to distance data trees, but with additional phylogenetic resolution agreeing with previous systematic studies. All analyses indicate an ancient origin ofJ. regia, previously considered a recently derived species.  相似文献   

18S rRNA genes (SSU rDNA) of five newly sequenced species were used as molecular markers to infer phylogenetic relationships within the euglenoids. Two members of the order Euglenales ( Lepocinclis ovata Playfair , Phacus similis Christen), two of the order Eutreptiales ( Distigma proteus Ehrenberg, , D. curvata Pringsheim) and Gyropaigne lefévrei Bourelly et Georges of the order Rhabdomonadales were used in parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance analyses. All trees derived from SSU rRNA data strongly supported the monophyletic origin of the Euglenozoa, with kinetoplastids as sister clade to the euglenoids and Petalomonas cantuscygni Cann et Pennick diverging at the base of the monophyletic euglenoid lineage. The data also supported the theory that phagotrophic euglenoids arose prior to osmotrophs and phototrophs. A lineage of Peranema trichophorum Ehrenberg and all sequenced Euglenales formed a sister clade to the osmotrophs. This suggests that the evolution of phototrophy within the euglenoids radiated from a single event.  相似文献   

Many gene families in mammals have members that are expressed more or less uniquely in the retina or differentially in specific retinal cell types. We describe here analyses of nine such gene families with regard to phylogenetic relationships and chromosomal location. The families are opsins, G proteins (alpha, beta, and gamma subunits), phosphodiesterases type 6, cyclic nucleotide-gated channels, G-protein-coupled receptor kinases, arrestins, and recoverins. The results suggest that multiple new gene copies arose in all of these families very early in vertebrate evolution during a period with extensive gene duplications. Many of the new genes arose through duplications of large chromosome regions (blocks of genes) or even entire chromosomes, as shown by linkage with other gene families. Some of the phototransduction families belong to the same duplicated regions and were thus duplicated simultaneously. We conclude that gene duplications in early vertebrate evolution probably helped facilitate the specialization of the retina and the subspecialization of different retinal cell types.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences from 25 prasinophytes, including 10 coccoid isolates, reveals that coccoid organisms are found in at least three prasinophyte lineages. The coccoid Ostreococcus tauri is included in the Mamiellales lineage and P ycnococcus provasolii is allied with the flagellate P seudoscourfieldia marina. A previously undescribed prasinophyte lineage is comprised of the coccoid Prasinococcus cf. capsulatus (CCMP 1407) and other isolates tentatively identified as Prasinococcus sp. (CCMP 1202, CCMP 1614, and CCMP 1194), as well as three unnamed coccoids (CCMP 1193, CCMP 1413, and CCMP 1220). No flagellate organisms are known from this lineage. Organisms of this new lineage share some characteristics of both the Pycnococcaceae and the Mamiellales, although relationships among these separate lineages were not supported by bootstrap analyses. An additional unnamed coccoid isolate (CCMP 1205) is separate from all major prasinophyte lineages. The analyses did not resolve the relationships among the major prasinophyte lineages, although they support previous conclusions that the Prasinophyceae are not monophyletic.  相似文献   

The family Bombycidae (sensu Minet, 1994) is a diverse group of species belonging to the superfamily Bombycoidea. It is an economically important group of moth species, containing well‐known silk‐producing insects, as well as many pests of agriculture and forestry. The morphology‐based hypothesis of Minet (1994) on the composition of Bombycidae is in conflict with subsequent phylogenetic hypotheses for the superfamily based on nuclear genes. In this paper, the complete mitochondrial genomes of nine species of Bombycidae are presented for the first time. Based on these genomes, four dataset partitions and three gblocks parameter settings, phylogenetic relationships among Bombycidae were reconstructed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Bombycidae was confirmed as a polyphyletic group, with the traditional subfamilies Prismostictinae and Oberthueriinae forming a single well‐supported clade that is distant to Bombycinae. The phylogenetic relationships within Bombycoidea were supported as ((((Bombycinae, Sphingidae), Saturniidae), (Prismostictinae, Oberthueriinae)), Eupterotidae).  相似文献   

The Ogasawara Islands are oceanic islands and harbor a unique endemic flora. There are three fig species (Ficus boninsimae, F. nishimurae and F. iidaiana) endemic to the Ogasawara Islands, and these species have been considered to be closely related to Ficus erecta, and to have diverged within the islands. However, this hypothesis remains uncertain. To investigate this issue, we assessed the phylogenetic relationships of the Ogasawara figs and their close relatives occurring in Japan, Taiwan and South China based on six plastid genome regions, nuclear ITS region and two nuclear genes. The plastid genome-based tree indicated a close relationship between the Ogasawara figs and F. erecta, whereas some of the nuclear gene-based trees suggested this relationship was not so close. In addition, the phylogenetic analyses of the pollinating wasps associated with these fig species based on the nuclear 28S rRNA and mitochondrial cytB genes suggested that the fig-pollinating wasps of F. erecta are not sister to those of the Ogasawara figs These results suggest the occurrence of an early hybridization event(s) in the lineage leading to the Ogasawara figs.  相似文献   

Morphological characters from the gametophyte and sporophyte generations have been used in land plants to infer relationships and construct classifications, but sporophytes provide the vast majority of data for the systematics of vascular plants. In bryophytes both generations are well developed and characters from both are commonly used to classify these organisms. However, because morphological traits of gametophytes and sporophytes can have different genetic bases and experience different selective pressures, taxonomic emphasis on one generation or the other may yield incongruent classifications. The moss order Hookeriales has a controversial taxonomic history because previous classifications have focused almost exclusively on either gametophytes or sporophytes. The Hookeriales provide a model for comparing morphological evolution in gametophytes and sporophytes, and its impact on alternative classification systems. In this study we reconstruct relationships among mosses that are or have been included in the Hookeriales based on sequences from five gene regions, and reconstruct morphological evolution of six sporophyte and gametophyte traits that have been used to differentiate families and genera. We found that the Hookeriales, as currently circumscribed, are monophyletic and that both sporophyte and gametophyte characters are labile. We documented parallel changes and reversals in traits from both generations. This study addresses the general issue of morphological reversals to ancestral states, and resolves novel relationships in the Hookeriales.  相似文献   

The Polystomatidae is the only family within the Monogenea to parasitize sarcopterygians such as the Australian lungfish Neoceratodus poisteri and freshwater tetrapods (lissamphibians and chelonians). We present a phylogeny based on partial 18S rDNA sequences of 26 species of Polystomatidae and three taxon from the infrasubclass Oligonchoinea (= Polyopisthocotylea) obtained from the gills of teleost fishes. The basal position of the polystome from lungfish within the Polystomatidae suggests that the family arose during the evolutionary transition between actinopterygians and sarcopterygians, ca. 425 million years (Myr) ago. The monophyly of the polystomatid lineages from chelonian and lissamphibian hosts, in addition to estimates of the divergence times, indicate that polystomatids from turtles radiated ca. 191 Myr ago, following a switch from an aquatic amniote presumed to be extinct to turtles, which diversified in the Upper Triassic. Within polystomatids from lissamphibians, we observe a polytomy of four lineages, namely caudatan, neobatrachian, pelobatid and pipid polystomatid lineages, which occurred ca. 246 Myr ago according to molecular divergence-time estimates. This suggests that the first polystomatids of amphibians originated during the evolution and diversification of lissamphibian orders and suborders ca. 250 Myr ago. Finally, we report a vicariance event between two major groups of neobatrachian polystomes, which is probably linked to the separation of South America from Africa ca. 100 Myr ago.  相似文献   

From 2R to 3R: evidence for a fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD)   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
An important mechanism for the evolution of phenotypic complexity, diversity and innovation, and the origin of novel gene functions is the duplication of genes and entire genomes. Recent phylogenomic studies suggest that, during the evolution of vertebrates, the entire genome was duplicated in two rounds (2R) of duplication. Later, approximately 350 mya, in the stem lineage of ray-finned (actinopterygian) fishes, but not in that of the land vertebrates, a third genome duplication occurred-the fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD or 3R), leading, at least initially, to up to eight copies of the ancestral deuterostome genome. Therefore, the sarcopterygian (lobe-finned fishes and tetrapods) genome possessed originally only half as many genes compared to the derived fishes, just like the most-basal and species-poor lineages of extant fishes that diverged from the fish stem lineage before the 3R duplication. Most duplicated genes were secondarily lost, yet some evolved new functions. The genomic complexity of the teleosts might be the reason for their evolutionary success and astounding biological diversity.  相似文献   

An analysis of the relationships of the major arthropod groups was undertaken using mitochondrial genome data to examine the hypotheses that Hexapoda is polyphyletic and that Collembola is more closely related to branchiopod crustaceans than insects. We sought to examine the sensitivity of this relationship to outgroup choice, data treatment, gene choice and optimality criteria used in the phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genome data. Additionally we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of an archaeognathan, Nesomachilis australica, to improve taxon selection in the apterygote insects, a group poorly represented in previous mitochondrial phylogenies. The sister group of the Collembola was rarely resolved in our analyses with a significant level of support. The use of different outgroups (myriapods, nematodes, or annelids + mollusks) resulted in many different placements of Collembola. The way in which the dataset was coded for analysis (DNA, DNA with the exclusion of third codon position and as amino acids) also had marked affects on tree topology. We found that nodal support was spread evenly throughout the 13 mitochondrial genes and the exclusion of genes resulted in significantly less resolution in the inferred trees. Optimality criteria had a much lesser effect on topology than the preceding factors; parsimony and Bayesian trees for a given data set and treatment were quite similar. We therefore conclude that the relationships of the extant arthropod groups as inferred by mitochondrial genomes are highly vulnerable to outgroup choice, data treatment and gene choice, and no consistent alternative hypothesis of Collembola's relationships is supported. Pending the resolution of these identified problems with the application of mitogenomic data to basal arthropod relationships, it is difficult to justify the rejection of hexapod monophyly, which is well supported on morphological grounds. © The Willi Hennig Society 2004.  相似文献   

A high-quality reference genome is necessary to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying important biological phenomena; therefore, in the present study, a chromosome-level genome assembly of the Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis was performed. Muscle of a male shrimp was sequenced using PacBio platform, and assembled by Hi-C technology. The assembled F. chinensis genome was 1.47 Gb with contig N50 of 472.84 Kb, including 57.73% repetitive sequences, and was anchored to 43 pseudochromosomes, with scaffold N50 of 36.87 Mb. In total, 25,026 protein-coding genes were predicted. The genome size of F. chinensis showed significant contraction in comparison with that of other penaeid species, which is likely related to migration observed in this species. However, the F. chinensis genome included several expanded gene families related to cellular processes and metabolic processes, and the contracted gene families were associated with virus infection process. The findings signify the adaptation of F. chinensis to the selection pressure of migration and cold environment. Furthermore, the selection signature analysis identified genes associated with metabolism, phototransduction, and nervous system in cultured shrimps when compared with wild population, indicating targeted, artificial selection of growth, vision, and behavior during domestication. The construction of the genome of F. chinensis provided valuable information for the further genetic mechanism analysis of important biological processes, and will facilitate the research of genetic changes during evolution.  相似文献   

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