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内蒙古乌海市以南约25km的桌子山地区中奥陶世(earlylateArenig)三道坎组底部产一种原始的扭月贝类腕足动物,经笔者鉴定,为中华西方贝(新种)(Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.),系统切片研究证实其为迄今所知最古老的一种扭月贝类,其双叶型主突起略突伸于铰合缘的后方、低而较弱的铰窝脊向侧后方延伸靠近铰合缘等特征都表明该种属于扭月贝科(Strophomenidae)。实现从褶脊贝类向扭月贝类的演化需要在背壳内部建立这样一些形态上的演化新质:双叶型主突起,一对朝后侧方略弯曲的铰窝脊,横肌脊,以及侧隔板,所有这些构造特征,Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.均已具备,因此,这表明了扭月贝类与褶脊贝类的分化要早于晚Arenig。除H.sinensis外,世界其它地区也有早期扭月贝类的报道,但多产于Llanvirn或更新的一些地层中,如发现于挪威Whiterock组的TrotlandelalokiNeuman(NeumanandBruton,1974),英国威尔士中部Llanvirn地层中的Murinelasp.,‘Macrocoelia’landeiloensiselon  相似文献   

川东南中奥陶统大沙坝组的腕足动物群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
詹仁斌 《古生物学报》2003,42(4):492-516
四川东南部长宁双河及其附近地区的中奥陶统上部大沙坝组以特殊的岩相和生物相有别于黔北的可比地层十字铺组和鄂西的牯牛潭组,地层中漂浮相化石(笔石)与底栖壳相化石(如腕足动物和三叶虫)多次交互出现,笔石动物属于上层下垂对笔石动物群(Didymograptus artus Fauna),时代为中奥陶世Darriwilian(相当于Arenig最晚期至Llanvirn)。在所采集的3300余枚化石标本中有近90%是腕足动物化石,经研究共鉴定出19属21种,分属于4目7超科15科,正形贝目和扭月贝目分别有8属,占全部属群的84%。根据属的生物地理分布,该动物群中广布型分子7属、区域性分子6属,仅限于华南的土著性分子占总量的31.6%,显示出此期华南腕足动物群具有较强的地方性色彩,进一步证实中奥陶世海洋生物强分区性的推断。该腕足动物群宜称作Saucrorthis-Glyptorthis动物群。在统计分析的基础上,识别出Saucrorthis-Glyptorthis群落,包括三个以腕足动物占优势的化石群集(association),即Glyptorthis?simplex群集、Saucrorthis obscura群集和Calyptolepta chengkouensis群集,并结合沉积岩石学以及其它共生化石门类进行群落生态分析,认为该群落所生活的环境以正常浅海砂泥质底域为主(相当于BA2-3)。与上扬子台地贵州遵义十字铺组和重庆城口厚坪组两个相近腕足动物群相比,长宁地区中奥陶世的Saucrorthis-Glyptorthis动物群更接近于厚坪组所产者。与世界上其它一些同期且具相似生态位的动物群相比,除与哈萨克斯坦南部的同期动物群比较接近外,与澳大利亚、北美、英国等地的同期动物群几乎毫无联系,指示华南中奥陶世腕足动物群可能代表一个独特的生物地理小区。  相似文献   

Specimens of inarticulate brachiopods (family Acrotrctidae) with boreholes were found in Upper Cambrian carbonates in the southern Great Basin of the United States. Some morphologic features and preferred orientation of the borings are similar to those made by predators and previously reported in the fossil and Holocene record. Such predatory activity on brachiopods is previously unknown in Cambrian rocks. Taxa associated with these specimens are not known to have been predators and identity of the predatory organism is unknown. Cambrian brachiopods, predation, paleoecology.  相似文献   

Biodiversity curves for the Ordovician of Baltoscandia show a substantial increase in taxonomical diversity through the period, as seen also in global data sets. A database of 10,340 records of first and last appearances of species at different localities in the region has been analysed using simple species counts, and partly validated with resampling methods. While the biodiversity curve for all fossil groups combined is probably reasonably accurate except for an unknown scaling constant, taxonomical or geographical subsets may not be sufficiently well sampled to allow precise measurement of their species counts through time. The analysis shows a major diversification event commencing in the middle Arenig (Ibex-Whiterock boundary), and more limited diversification events in the Llanvirn, Caradoc and Ashgill. The Scandinavian (Norwegian and Swedish) biodiversity curves are broadly correlated with major changes in sea level, with low biodiversity at highstands and high biodiversity at lowstands, although this pattern is not clear for all fossil groups. In the Arenig, graptolites and trilobites appear to have higher diversities at high sea levels, while the brachiopods and ostracodes show higher diversities at low sea level. As a consequence, the Arenig diversification is delayed for the latter two groups until the upper end of the interval.  相似文献   

Most studies of brachiopod evolution have been based on their extensive fossil record, but molecular techniques, due to their independence from the rock record, can offer new insights into the evolution of a clade. Previous molecular phylogenetic hypotheses of brachiopod interrelationships place phoronids within the brachiopods as the sister group to the inarticulates, whereas morphological considerations suggest that Brachiopoda is a monophyletic group. Here, these hypotheses were tested with a molecular phylogenetic analysis of seven nuclear housekeeping genes combined with three ribosomal genes. The combined analysis finds brachiopods to be monophyletic, but with relatively weak support, and the craniid as the sister taxon of all other brachiopods. Phylogenetic-signal dissection suggests that the weak support is caused by the instability of the craniid, which is attracted to the phoronids. Analysis of slowly evolving sites results in a robustly supported monophyletic Brachiopoda and Inarticulata (Linguliformea+Craniiformea), which is regarded as the most likely topology for brachiopod interrelationships. The monophyly of Brachiopoda was further tested with microRNA-based phylogenetics, which are small, noncoding RNA genes whose presence and absence can be used to infer phylogenetic relationships. Two novel microRNAs were characterized supporting the monophyly of brachiopods. Congruence of the traditional molecular phylogenetic analysis, microRNAs, and morphological cladograms suggest that Brachiopoda is monophyletic with Phoronida as its likely sister group. Molecular clock analysis suggests that extant phoronids have a Paleozoic divergence despite their conservative morphology, and that the early brachiopod fossil record is robust, and is not affected by taphonomic factors relating to the late-Precambrian/early-Cambrian phosphogenic event.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Syntrophiidine brachiopods are a rare and poorly known component of Ordovician Baltoscandian faunas. They appear in the East Baltic in the Billingenian (lower Arenig) as part of the earliest known benthic assemblages dominated by elements of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna. These faunal assemblages usually include bryozoans, ostracodes, and the earliest known porambonitoids, strophomenides and endopunctate orthides, such as Idiostrophia and Orthidium , which later became characteristic of the Whiterockian brachiopod assemblages in Laurentia, but by that time had disappeared from Baltica. The superfamily Syntrophioidea reappears in Baltoscandia in the mid Caradoc. In contrast, Porambonitoidea remained the integral part of the Baltoscandian brachiopod associations through the Ordovician. Porambonites , herein redefined on the basis of restudy of the type species P. intermedius , includes only smooth porambonitoids; taxa with the distinctive ornament of radiating rows of pits first appeared in the group in the mid Arenig. The taxa Eoporambonites gen. nov., Tetralobula peregrina sp. nov., Idiostrophia prima sp. nov. and Idiostrophia tenuicostata sp. nov. are erected.  相似文献   

Lingulate brachiopods are described from the Upper Cambrian - Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc-Arenig) of Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, and Norway), South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range in southern Kazakhstan. The faunas comprise a total of 56 species of which 20 are new these are assigned to 40 genera, of which the lingulids Agalatassia and Keskentassia , the siphonotretid Siphonotrerella. and the acrotretids Galinella, Longipegma, Ottenbyella, Akmolina, Mamatia, Sasyksoria , and Otariella are new. The new Subfamily Elliptoglossinae is proposed. The poorly known Cambrianardovician stratigraphy of the South Urals. northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range is reviewed. Many sequences in these areas that were previously referred to the Upper Cambrian and Tremadoc can now be correlated with the lower Arenig Hunneberg Stage in Baltoscandia. Three main types of faunal assemblages can be distinguished: (1) the Broeggeria assemblage; (2) several microbrachiopod assemblages; and (3) the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage. The Broeggeria assemblage is distributed world-wide in the Tremadoc of the southern Kendyktas Range, Scandinavia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, and Argentina, while the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage is confined to the Arenig of an area surrounding the East European platform, including northern Estonia, Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Serbia, and the South Urals. The microbrachiopod assemblages are known mainly from the Upper Cambrian - Arenig of Scandinavia, South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range.  相似文献   

Olev Vinn 《Historical Biology》2018,30(8):1043-1049
Series two marks a revolution in Cambrian predation when new predators and new predation methods appeared, which led to general increase in predation intensities and in the diversity of prey groups. The number of bored taxa and taxa with the predation scars is similar in the Cambrian. Most of the borings are associated with brachiopods and most of the scars with trilobites. Brachiopods, arthropods, molluscs, cnidarians and echinoderms were the most common prey in the Cambrian. The Cambrian record of predation is dominated by damage inflicted on brachiopods and trilobites. The fossils with predation signs are known from a majority of paleocontinents and all the Cambrian series.  相似文献   

The fossil record holds a wealth of ecological data, including data on biotic interactions. For example, holes in the skeletons of invertebrates produced by drilling activities of their enemies are widely used for exploring the intensity of such interactions through time because they are common and easily distinguished from non-biotic holes or holes produced by other types of interactions. Such drill holes have been described in numerous studies of Palaeozoic brachiopods but rarely in those focusing on brachiopods of the post-Palaeozoic, a striking pattern given that in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic drilling gastropods diversified and frequencies of drilled molluscs increased dramatically. During the past several years, however, drilled brachiopods were reported in several studies of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, suggesting that this phenomenon may be more common than has been previously assumed. Here we report on drilled brachiopods from a Pliocene locality in Algeria where 90 of 261 (34.5%) specimens of Megerlia truncata show evidence of predatory drilling. These data confirm that Cenozoic drilling frequencies of brachiopods may be locally high and, when taken together with other published data, that drilling frequencies are highly heterogeneous in space and time.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The eastern Alborz Mountains of Iran comprise a significant peri-Gondwanan terrane relevant to the early evolution of late Cambrian – early Ordovician brachiopods incorporated into the emerging benthic biota of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna. A low diversity brachiopod assemblage from the late Tremadocian unit of the Lashkarak Formation contains six new species including the polytoechioideans Polytoechia and Protambonites and the orthoideans Paralenorthis, Ranorthis, Tarfaya and Xianorthis . The fauna preserves the earliest records of Polytoechia , unknown previously outside Laurentia and the Uralian margin of Baltica, and of Paralenorthis and Ranorthis , which were widespread along Gondwanan margins and in Baltica from the Floian (Arenig), plus Xianorthis , known hitherto only from the Floian of South China. The enigmatic Tarfaya has an impunctate shell fabric and setigerous perforations along the posterior margin, indicating placement within the Orthoidea in a new Family Tarfayidae. New species of Polytoechia , Protambonites , Paralenorthis, Ranorthis , Tarfaya , Xianorthis are described.  相似文献   

寒武系腕足动物属种多样性高、个体数量丰富、形态差异明显、地理分布广泛,具有辅助寒武系三叶虫生物地层划分和对比的潜力.华北板块寒武系苗岭统沉积和化石记录发育良好,是中国苗岭统的经典研究区之一.前人己针对华北寒武系苗岭统乌溜阶腕足动物的系统古生物学开展了一系列基础工作,但这些相关研究主要集中于辽宁地区,目前对华北其他地区苗...  相似文献   

Abstract:  Sixteen species from the Lower Silurian (mostly Aeronian and rarely Telychian) of South China have been assigned previously to the brachiopod family Pentameridae, mainly to the genus Pentamerus . Study of intrapopulation variation suggests that 13 species from the upper Aeronian Lojoping Formation of the Yichang area, western Hubei Province, can be synonymized with Sulcipentamerus dorsoplanus , the most abundant pentamerid species of South China but confined to the Yichang area. The conspicuously high and obtuse ventral umbo, strong ventribiconvexity and a sulcate anterior commissure warrant genus status for Sulcipentamerus , independent of Pentamerus . True Pentamerus is rare in South China, known only from upper Aeronian rocks of Guizhou Province. Multivariate analyses indicate that Aeronian pentameride brachiopods of South China are characterized by a high level of provincialism, distinct from those of Laurentia. Also, the Aeronian pentamerides of South China or Laurentia have a low degree of similarity to those of Baltica, Siberia, Avalonia, Kazakhstan and other palaeotropically located plates or terranes. Besides South China and Laurentia, the pentamerides of other palaeotropical regions constituted a relatively tight cluster. This suggests that the palaeogeographical positions of South China and Laurentia only allowed limited or periodic faunal exchange of these generally large-shelled brachiopods adapted to living in relatively shallow, warm waters.  相似文献   

The fossil record of drill holes in marine invertebrates has received a considerable amount of interest from paleontologists, primarily due to its importance for reconstructing the history of interactions between drilling predators and their prey. Such drill holes have been described in numerous studies of Paleozoic brachiopods but rarely in those focusing on brachiopods of the post-Paleozoic, a striking pattern given that in the late Mesozoic and Cainozoic drilling gastropods diversified and frequencies of drilled molluscs increased dramatically. During the past several years, however, drilled brachiopods were reported in several studies of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic, suggesting that this phenomenon may be more common than has been previously assumed. Here we report on 10 genera of brachiopods from four Cainozoic basins in Australia of which 7 shows evidence of having been drilled by predators. Of 298 specimens examined, 38 contain a single complete hole. Drilled specimens were identified in all 4 basins and in all stratigraphic units. When considered in the context of recent reports of drilled Cainozoic brachiopods, these Australian brachiopods further imply that drilling predation on these invertebrates was geographically, taxonomically and temporally widespread.  相似文献   

Abstract: Brachiopods are marine Lophotrochozoa whose soft parts are enclosed in a bivalved shell. Although brachiopods are represented by a rich record from the Early Cambrian to the present, the origin of their bivalved body plan remains controversial. The Early Cambrian organophosphatic tommotiids Micrina and Paterimitra from Australia have been proposed as stem brachiopods. Here, we describe their earliest ontogeny, indicating that tommotiids possessed bivalved planktotrophic larvae. The curious combinations of characters in Micrina and Paterimitra indicate that they may belong to the stems of the Linguliformea and Rhynchonelliformea, respectively. The bivalved shell of adult living brachiopods may represent a plesiomorphic character retained from planktic tommotiid larvae; the crown group body plan of the Brachiopoda may have evolved through the paedomorphic retention of a bivalved larval state.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Orthoconic cephalopods from the Soom Shale Member (Ashgill) are exceptionally preserved and are colonized by lingulate brachiopods and cornulitids. Other fossils commonly associated with orthocones include myodocopid ostracodes and chitinozoans. Size distribution analysis of the brachiopods on one orthocone indicates that it was colonized in vivo. Four orthocone radulae are preserved extending the record of these structures 50 My back to the late Ordovician. Orthocone radula configuration is more similar to that of ammonoids and coleoids than to that of nautiloids.  相似文献   

The lophophore, an essential organ of the Brachiopoda, has been used widely in evolutionary and advanced phylogenetic studies, but is hitherto unknown in the fossil record. Here, the extraordinarily well-preserved lophophores of two inarticulated brachiopods Lingulella chengjiangensis and Heliomedusa orienta, from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna (Yunnan, China) are described. These primitive lophophores, respectively, trocholophous and schizolophous, have some key characters that may be plesiomorphies inherited by their recent descendants. This discovery provides direct evidence regarding the taxonomy, ecosystems and early evolution of inarticulated brachiopods.  相似文献   

Biologists routinely compare inferences about the order of evolutionary branching (phylogeny) with the order in which groups appear in the fossil record (stratigraphy). Where they conflict, ghost ranges are inferred: intervals of geological time where a fossil lineage should exist, but for which there is no direct evidence. The presence of very numerous and/or extensive ghost ranges is often believed to imply spurious phylogenies or a misleadingly patchy fossil record, or both. It has usually been assumed that the frequency of ghost ranges should increase with the age of rocks. Previous studies measuring ghost ranges for whole trees in just a small number of temporal bins have found no significant increase with antiquity. This study uses a much higher resolution approach to investigate the gappiness implied by 1,000 animal and plant cladograms over 77 series and stages of the Phanerozoic. It demonstrates that ghost ranges are indeed relatively common in some of the oldest strata. Surprisingly, however, ghost ranges are also relatively common in some of the youngest, fossil-rich rocks. This pattern results from the interplay between several complex factors and is not a simple function of the completeness of the fossil record. The Early Palaeozoic record is likely to be less organismically and stratigraphically complete, and its fossils -- many of which are invertebrates-may be more difficult to analyse cladistically. The Late Cenozoic is subject to the pull of the Recent, but this accounts only partially for the increased gappiness in the younger strata.  相似文献   

Changes in mineralogy, geochemistry and grain size in a deep shelf succession from the Ordovician Baltic Basin are used to determine shifts in marine current direction and sea-level fluctuations. The analyses show a long-term, relatively stable interval in the Arenig–Llanvirn followed by shorter periods of perturbations and rearrangements in the early Caradoc. The Arenig deposits of the Aizpute-41 core have a high 2–10 µm terrigenous component. During the Llanvirn the proportion of this size fraction diminished. The grain size change was accompanied by mineralogical changes. In the early Caradoc the kaolinite disappeared, the muscovite content decreased, and quartz and albite increased. This and several geochemical indicators point to an input of considerable part of sediment from different sources than in the Arenig–Llanvirn. Two currents, a southwesterly for the Arenig and a westerly for the early Caradoc, are proposed. A red facies belt in the deep shelf marks the pathway of the Arenig–Llanvirn current. Smaller shifts in SiO2/Al2O3 ratio in the Aizpute-41 section are interpreted as reflecting transgressions and regressions corresponding to regional stage boundaries.  相似文献   

Research on drilling predation, one of the most studied biological interactions in the fossil record, has been concentrated on prey with calcareous skeletons (e.g. molluscs, echinoids, rhynchonelliform brachiopods). Based on a compilation of literature sources and surveys of paleontological collections of the Florida Museum of Natural History and the National Museum of Natural History, we provide a tentative evaluation of the post‐Palaeozoic history of drilling predation on the organophosphatic brachiopods of the family Lingulidae. Despite temporal, geographical and methodological limitations of the data assembled here, the results indicate that lingulide brachiopods have been subject to drilling predation since at least the Eocene. Variation in drilling frequencies at the locality level suggests that lingulides may occasionally experience somewhat elevated predation pressures from drilling organisms. Overall, however, drilling predation on lingulide brachiopods has been infrequent in the Cenozoic and may have been absent in the Mesozoic. The Mesozoic‐to‐Cenozoic increase in drilling frequencies on lingulides is similar to the trends observed in other marine benthic invertebrates and consistent with the hypothesis that predation pressures increased through time in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Schimmel, M., Kowalewski, M. & Coffey, BP. 2011: Traces of predation/parasitism recorded in Eocene brachiopods from the Castle Hayne Limestone, North Carolina, USA. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 274–289. The Castle Hayne Limestone (Middle Eocene, North Carolina), noted for its diverse macro‐invertebrate fossils, was sampled to assess if Early Cenozoic brachiopods from eastern North America record any traces of biotic interactions. Systematic surveys of two North Carolina quarries yielded 494 brachiopods dominated by one species: Plicatoria wilmingtonensis (Lyell and Sowerby, 1845). Despite subtle variations in taphonomy, taxonomy and drilling patterns, the two sampled quarries are remarkably similar in terms of quantitative and qualitative palaeoecological and taphonomic patterns. In both quarries, brachiopods contain frequent drillholes (24.5% specimens drilled). The majority of drillholes were singular, perpendicular to shell surface and drilled from the outside. Ventral valves were drilled slightly more frequently than dorsal ones, but site‐selectivity in drilhole location was not evident. Larger brachiopods were drilled significantly more frequently than smaller ones. However, drillhole diameter did not correlate with brachiopod size. The drillholes are interpreted as records of ‘live‐live’ biotic interactions, representing either predatory attacks or parasitic infestations or a combination of those two types of interactions. A notable fraction of specimens bear multiple drillholes, which is consistent with either parasitic nature of interactions or frequent failed predatory events. The high drilling frequency reported here reinforces other reports (from other continents and other epochs of the Cenozoic), which suggest that brachiopods may be an important prey or host of drilling organisms in some settings. The number of case studies reporting high frequencies of drilling in brachiopods is still limited and thus insufficient to draw reliable generalizations regarding the causes and consequences of these occasionally intense ecological interactions. □Brachiopods, drilling parasitism, drilling predation, Eocene, North Carolina, taphonomy.  相似文献   

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