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Permeant cationic fluorescent probes are shown to be selectively accumulated by the mitochondria of living cells. Mitochondria-specific interaction of such molecules is apparently dependent on the high trans- membrane potential (inside negative) maintained by functional mitochondria. Dissipation of the mitochondrial trans-membrane and potential by ionophores or inhibitors of electron transport eliminates the selective mitochondrial association of these compounds. The application of such potential-dependent probes in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy allows the monitoring of mitochondrial membrane potential in individual living cells. Marked elevations in mitochondria- associated probe fluorescence have been observed in cells engaged in active movement. This approach to the analysis of mitochondrial membrane potential should be of value in future investigations of the control of energy metabolism and energy requirements of specific biological functions at the cellular level.  相似文献   

We have used an extended Perrin equation which was in agreement with literature data for steady-state anisotropy (rSS) for a wide variety of artificial and isolated biological membranes labeled with various probes (Van der Meer et al. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 854, 38-44 to obtain the static component (r infinity) for the intact plasma membranes of living cells. We show that lipid structural order parameters can be obtained for DPH and TMA-DPH in the plasma membranes of intact cells. We have examined the relationship between 'fractional limiting hindered anisotropy', r infinity/r0, which is related to the lipid structural order parameter, of DPH, TMA-DPH, DPHpPC, and a series of depth-dependent probes (n-(9-anthroyloxy) fatty acids, with n = 2-16), using data from 19 cell types. There was a linear relationship between r infinity/r0 values of DPH and TMA-DPH, but the relationship between either of these probes was non-linear with respect to DPHpPC or the series of fatty acid probes. The relationship between r infinity/r0 values of DPHpPC and the series of fatty acid probes was linear, suggesting that they not only undergo similar motions in the membrane, but also experience similar types of restriction to motion, a type which is different from that experienced by DPH and TMA-DPH. We show that for the plasma membranes of living cells, 'second degree' order parameters can be estimated for DPH and TMA-DPH, and propose that the parameter r infinity/r0, or the 'fractional limiting hindered anisotropy', analogous to a 'first degree' order parameter, can be estimated for DPHpPC and the depth-dependent fatty acid probes to evaluate the density of membrane packing.  相似文献   

Membrane fluidity of human cheek cells was determined using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and steady-state fluorescence anisotropy. The FRAP data showed that the lateral diffusion coefficient (D) and mobile fraction (%R) of lipid in the plasma membrane of control cells were 2.01×10–9 cm2/ sec and 54.25%, respectively. Trypsin treatment increased D and %R to 6.4×10–9 cm2/sec and 72.15%. In contrast, the anisotropy (r) for control cells was 0.270 which remained unchanged by trypsin treatment. The results show that diffusion of lipids in the plane of the membrane is restricted by trypsin-sensitive barriers.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are double membrane organelles involved in various key cellular processes. Governed by dedicated protein machinery, mitochondria move and continuously fuse and divide. These “mitochondrial dynamics” are bi-directionally linked to mitochondrial and cell functional state in space and time. Due to the action of the electron transport chain (ETC), the mitochondrial inner membrane displays a inside-negative membrane potential (Δψ). The latter is considered a functional readout of mitochondrial “health” and required to sustain normal mitochondrial ATP production and mitochondrial fusion. During the last decade, live-cell microscopy strategies were developed for simultaneous quantification of Δψ and mitochondrial morphology. This revealed that ETC dysfunction, changes in Δψ and aberrations in mitochondrial structure often occur in parallel, suggesting they are linked potential targets for therapeutic intervention. Here we discuss how combining high-content and high-throughput strategies can be used for analysis of genetic and/or drug-induced effects at the level of individual organelles, cells and cell populations.This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Energy Metabolism Disorders and Therapies.  相似文献   

Trimethylammoniumdiphenylhexatriene (TMA-DPH) is a hydrophobic fluorescent probe with a high quantum yield, which was shown earlier to have specific localization properties in the plasma membranes of whole living cells. This probe was used in aqueous suspensions of L929 mouse fibroblasts, rat mast cells and ReH6 leukemic lymphocytes for determining plasma membrane fluidity from fluorescence stationary anisotropy measurements. TMA-DPH was only partially incorporated into the membranes, most of it remained as a stable form in the buffer solution; the distribution was governed by an equilibrium. The measurements were influenced by unavoidable parasitic scattered light and an appropriate correction is described. A set of precautions for the proper use of the probe is proposed. The results indicated that the fluidity was considerably lower in whole cells than in isolated membranes from the same system.  相似文献   

The lifetimes of fluorescent components of matrix NADH in isolated porcine heart mitochondria were investigated using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Three distinct lifetimes of fluorescence were resolved: 0.4 (63%), 1.8 (30%), and 5.7 (7%) ns (% total NADH). The 0.4 ns lifetime and the emission wavelength of the short component were consistent with free NADH. In addition to their longer lifetimes, the remaining pools also had a blue-shifted emission spectrum consistent with immobilized NADH. On the basis of emission frequency and lifetime data, the immobilized pools contributed >80% of NADH fluorescence. The steady-state kinetics of NADH entering the immobilized pools was measured in intact mitochondria and in isolated mitochondrial membranes. The apparent binding constants (K(D)s) for NADH in intact mitochondria, 2.8 mM (1.9 ns pool) and >3 mM (5.7 ns pool), were on the order of the estimated matrix [NADH] (approximately 3.5 mM). The affinities and fluorescence lifetimes resulted in an essentially linear relationship between matrix [NADH] and NADH fluorescence intensity. Mitochondrial membranes had shorter emission lifetimes in the immobilized poo1s [1 ns (34%) and 4.1 ns (8%)] with much higher apparent K(D)s of 100 microM and 20 microM, respectively. The source of the stronger NADH binding affinity in membranes is unknown but could be related to high order structure or other cofactors that are diluted out in the membrane preparation. In both preparations, the rate of NADH oxidation was proportional to the amount of NADH in the long lifetime pools, suggesting that a significant fraction of the bound NADH might be associated with oxidative phosphorylation, potentially in complex 1.  相似文献   

We have developed a system for extending stopped-flow analysis to the kinetics of ligand capture and release by cell surface receptors in living cells. While most mammalian cell lines cannot survive the shear forces associated with turbulent, stopped-flow mixing, we determined that 32D cells, murine hematopoietic precursor cells, can survive rapid mixing, even at the high flow rates necessary to achieve dwell times as short as 10 msec. In addition, 32D cells do not express any member of the ErbB family of receptors, providing a null background for studying this receptor family. We have established a series of stable, monoclonal 32D-derived cell lines that express the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, ErbB2, or a combination of both at different ratios. Using these cell lines and a homogeneous fluorescent derivative of H22Y-mEGF modified with fluorescein at the amino terminus (F-EGF), we have measured association and dissociation of F-EGF with its receptor. Association was measured by following the time-dependent changes in fluorescence anisotropy after rapidly mixing cells at various cell densities with F-EGF at 1-15nM. Dissociation was measured both by chase experiments in which unlabeled EGF was mixed with cells pre-equilibrated with F-EGF or by dilution of cells equilibrated with F-EGF. Comparison of these dissociation experiments demonstrated that little or no ligand-induced dissociation occurs in the chase dissociation experiments. For each cell line, data from a series of association experiments and dilution dissociation experiments were subjected to global analysis using a two independent receptor-class model. Our analysis is consistent with the presence of two distinct receptor populations, even in cells bearing only the EGF receptor. Increasing the relative expression of ErbB2 leads to an increase in the fraction of high affinity class receptors observed, without altering the total number of EGF binding sites.  相似文献   

R.C. Ford  J. Barber 《BBA》1983,722(2):341-348
The hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene has been incorporated into the membranes of isolated thylakoids, separated granal and stromal lamellae and aqueous dispersions of extracted thylakoid galactolipids. Time-resolved fluorescence decays have been recorded on a nanosecond scale using single-photon counting in order to assess the motional properties of the probe. All the experimental systems used showed biphasic decay kinetics and the anisotropies of the decays have been interpreted in terms of a model for wobbling diffusion confined to a cone. The analysis has given information about dynamic and structural restraints of the lipid acyl chains. In the intact thylakoid membrane the degree of order of the fatty acid acyl chains is higher and their rate of motion slower than for isolated lipids. Even so, the dynamic and structural parameters indicate that the thylakoids can be considered as a relatively fluid membrane system when compared with many other biological membranes, a property which is probably required to facilitate efficient long-range diffusion of lipophilic mobile electron-transport components. It is suggested that the optimization of thylakoid fluidity is linked to regulation of the membrane protein/lipid ratio which is also likely to be responsible for the higher fluidity of stromal membranes relative to those of the grana.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion plays a pivotal role in energy metabolism in eukaryotic cells. The electrochemical potential across the mitochondrial inner membrane is regulated to cope with cellular energy needs and thus reflects the bioenergetic state of the cell. Traditional assays for mitochondrial membrane potential are not amenable to high-throughput drug screening. In this paper, I describe a high-throughput assay that measures the mitochondrial membrane potential of living cells in 96- or 384-well plates. Cells were first treated with test compounds and then with a fluorescent potentiometric probe, the cationic-lipophilic dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM). The cells were then washed to remove free compounds and probe. The amount of TMRM retained in the mitochondria, which is proportional to the mitochondrial membrane potential, was measured on an LJL Analyst fluorescence reader. Under optimal conditions, the assay measured only the mitochondrial membrane potential. The chemical uncouplers carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and dinitrophenol decreased fluorescence intensity, with IC(50) values (concentration at 50% inhibition) similar to those reported in the literature. A Z' factor of greater than 0.5 suggests that this cell-based assay can be adapted for high-throughput screening of chemical libraries. This assay may be used in screens for drugs to treat metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, as well as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Aänismaa P  Seelig A 《Biochemistry》2007,46(11):3394-3404
P-glycoprotein (MDR1, ABCB1) is an ATP-dependent efflux transporter of a large variety of compounds. To understand P-glycoprotein in more detail, it is important to elucidate its activity in the cellular ensemble as well as in plasma membrane vesicles (under conditions where other ATP dependent proteins are blocked). We measured P-glycoprotein activity in inside-out vesicles formed from plasma membranes of MDR1-transfected mouse embryo fibroblasts (NIH-MDR1-G185) for comparison with previous measurements of P-glycoprotein activity in living NIH-MDR1-G185 cells. In plasma membrane vesicles activity was measured by monitoring phosphate release upon ATP hydrolysis and in living cells by monitoring the extracellular acidification rate upon ATP synthesis via glycolysis. P-glycoprotein was stimulated as a function of the concentration with 19 structurally different drugs, including local anesthetics, cyclic peptides, and cytotoxic drugs. The concentrations of half-maximum P-glycoprotein activation, K1, were identical in inside-out plasma membrane vesicles and in living cells and covered a broad range of concentrations (K1 approximately (10(-8)-10(-3)) M). The influence of the pH, drug association, and vesicle aggregation on the concentration of half-maximum P-glycoprotein activation was investigated. The turnover numbers in plasma membrane vesicles and in living cells were also approximately identical if the latter were measured in the presence of pyruvate. However, in the absence of pyruvate they were higher in living cells. The rate of ATP hydrolysis/ATP synthesis decreased exponentially with decreasing free energy of drug binding from water to the transporter, DeltaG0(tw)(1) (or increasing binding affinity). This suggests that drug release from the transmembrane domains has to occur before ATP is hydrolyzed for resetting the transporter.  相似文献   

We have compared the effects of thylakoid membrane appression by electrostatic screening and by charge neutralization on the room-temperature chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics of broken spinach chloroplasts. Monovalent and divalent metal cations induce both a structural differentiation of thylakoid membranes and a lateral segregation of pigment-protein complexes. These phenomena have distinct effects on the F0- and Fmax-level chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics at different levels of added cation. We further find specific cation effects, particularly on a 1-2 ns decay component at the Fmax fluorescence level, that are proposed to be related to the effectiveness of electrostatic screening as determined by the hydrated metal ionic radius. Distinct pH-induced effects on chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics are associated with the alternative mechanism of electrostatic neutralization to induce membrane stacking. These observations are used to construct a model of chlorophyll fluorescence emission that accounts for the variable kinetics and multiexponential character of the fluorescence decay upon membrane appression.  相似文献   

We describe a novel synchronous detection approach to map the transmission of mechanical stresses within the cytoplasm of an adherent cell. Using fluorescent protein-labeled mitochondria or cytoskeletal components as fiducial markers, we measured displacements and computed stresses in the cytoskeleton of a living cell plated on extracellular matrix molecules that arise in response to a small, external localized oscillatory load applied to transmembrane receptors on the apical cell surface. Induced synchronous displacements, stresses, and phase lags were found to be concentrated at sites quite remote from the localized load and were modulated by the preexisting tensile stress (prestress) in the cytoskeleton. Stresses applied at the apical surface also resulted in displacements of focal adhesion sites at the cell base. Cytoskeletal anisotropy was revealed by differential phase lags in X vs. Y directions. Displacements and stresses in the cytoskeleton of a cell plated on poly-L-lysine decayed quickly and were not concentrated at remote sites. These data indicate that mechanical forces are transferred across discrete cytoskeletal elements over long distances through the cytoplasm in the living adherent cell. mechanical forces; deformation; focal adhesion; microfilament  相似文献   

The time-resolved fluorescence characteristics of tryptophan in flavodoxin isolated from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Desulfovibrio gigas have been examined. By comparing the results of protein preparations of normal and FMN-depleted flavodoxin, radiationless energy transfer from tryptophan to FMN has been demonstrated. Since the crystal structure of the D. vulgaris flavodoxin is known, transfer rate constants from the two excited states 1 L a and 1 L b can be calculated for both tryptophan residues (Trp 60 and Trp 140). Residue Trp 60, which is very close to the flavin, transfers energy very rapidly to FMN, whereas the rate of energy transfer from the remote Trp 140 to FMN is much smaller. Both tryptophan residues have the indole rings oriented in such a way that transfer will preferentially take place from the 1 L a excited state. The fluorescence decay of all protein preparations turned out to be complex, the parameter values being dependent on the emission wavelength. Several decay curves were analyzed globally using a model in which tryptophan is involved in some nanosecond relaxation process. A relaxation time of about 2 ns was found for both D. gigas apo- and holoflavodoxin. The fluorescence anisotropy decay of both Desulfovibrio FMN-depleted flavodoxins is exponential, whereas that of the two holoproteins is clearly non-exponential. The anisotropy decay was analyzed using the same model as that applied for fluorescence decay. The tryptophan residues turned out to be immobilized in the protein. A time constant of a few nanoseconds results from energy transfer from tryptophan to flavin, at least for D. gigas flavodoxin. The single tryptophan residue in D. gigas flavodoxin occupies a position in the polypeptide chain remote from the flavin prosthetic group. Because of the close resemblance of steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence properties of tryptophan in both flavodoxins, the center to center distance between tryptophan and FMN in D. gigas flavodoxin is probably very similar to the distance between Trp 140 and FMN in D. vulgaris flavodoxin (i.e. 20 Å). Offprint requests to: A.J.W.G. Visser  相似文献   

A method for determination of membrane fluidity (microviscosity) in Bacillus subtilis cytoplasmic membrane under in vivo conditions is described. The membranes were labelled with the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene during the exponential phase of growth. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements were carried out in an intact cell suspension having absorbance A as high as 0.2-0.3 (corresponding to a cell concentration of 100-300/nL).  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane potentials (MMP) reflect the functional status of mitochondria within cells. Fluorescent probes to estimate these potentials within cells have been available for some time, but measurements of populations of mitochondria are not possible by existing methods. Therefore, comparisons between different cell types (e.g., fibroblasts and neuroblastoma), fibroblast cell lines from different patients, or even the same cell following various experimental paradigms are not feasible. The current approach estimates populations of MMP within living cells at 37 degrees C using the combination of conventional fluorescence microscopy and three-dimensional deconvolution by exhaustive photon reassignment. With this method, raw images are acquired rapidly with low-intensity (nonlaser) light with minimal concentrations of fluorescent dye. The method uses the fluorescent dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester, which equilibrates in cells according to the Nernst equation and provides a numerical, replicable estimate of MMP for populations of cellular mitochondria. This method can detect either increases or decreases in MMP as small as 5%. Furthermore, MMP in different cell types appear distinct. Values in fibroblasts (-105 +/- 0.9 mV) and N2a cells (-81 +/- 0.7 mV) were very different by this method. This approach bridges investigations of individual mitochondria to those that assess MMP by examining global fluorescence from cells.  相似文献   

A family of cystein proteases, the caspases, plays a central role in mediating cell death. In this study, we measured the activation of the initiator and effector caspase in real time, and studied the relationship between caspase activity and mitochondrial membrane potential in living cells by means of bioimaging. We also designed and developed a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based genetically encoded fluorescent indicator, which consisted of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), a peptide sequence which can be cleaved by specific caspases, and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP). Two peptide sequences which could be cleaved by initiator caspases and effector caspases, respectively, were used. Simultaneous real-time measurements of the caspase activity and mitochondrial membrane potential in the cells treated with TNF-alpha and staurosporine revealed that dying cells showed caspase activation and mitochondrial depolarization, and that these events, however, were not firmly linked. Although it takes anywhere from 1 to over 10 h after the addition of the cell death inducer for the caspases to begin to be activated, initiator caspases and effector caspases are activated within a short period of time at the last stage in the entire process leading to cell death.  相似文献   

Precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex composed of five small nuclear RNP particles (snRNPs) and additional proteins. Using live cell imaging of GFP-tagged snRNP components expressed at endogenous levels, we examined how the spliceosome assembles in vivo. A comprehensive analysis of snRNP dynamics in the cell nucleus enabled us to determine snRNP diffusion throughout the nucleoplasm as well as the interaction rates of individual snRNPs with pre-mRNA. Core components of the spliceosome, U2 and U5 snRNPs, associated with pre-mRNA for 15-30 s, indicating that splicing is accomplished within this time period. Additionally, binding of U1 and U4/U6 snRNPs with pre-mRNA occurred within seconds, indicating that the interaction of individual snRNPs with pre-mRNA is distinct. These results are consistent with the predictions of the step-wise model of spliceosome assembly and provide an estimate on the rate of splicing in human cells.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic properties as well as structural dynamics of proteins can be investigated by the well-established experimental method of fluorescence anisotropy decay. Successful use of this method depends on determination of the correct kinetic model, the extent of cross-correlation between parameters in the fitting function, and differences between the timescales of the depolarizing motions and the fluorophore's fluorescence lifetime. We have tested the utility of an independently measured steady-state anisotropy value as a constraint during data analysis to reduce parameter cross correlation and to increase the timescales over which anisotropy decay parameters can be recovered accurately for two calcium-binding proteins. Mutant rat F102W parvalbumin was used as a model system because its single tryptophan residue exhibits monoexponential fluorescence intensity and anisotropy decay kinetics. Cod parvalbumin, a protein with a single tryptophan residue that exhibits multiexponential fluorescence decay kinetics, was also examined as a more complex model. Anisotropy decays were measured for both proteins as a function of solution viscosity to vary hydrodynamic parameters. The use of the steady-state anisotropy as a constraint significantly improved the precision and accuracy of recovered parameters for both proteins, particularly for viscosities at which the protein's rotational correlation time was much longer than the fluorescence lifetime. Thus, basic hydrodynamic properties of larger biomolecules can now be determined with more precision and accuracy by fluorescence anisotropy decay.  相似文献   

We give an explicit formula for the membrane potential of cells in terms of the intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations, and derive equations for the ionic currents that flow through channels, exchangers and electrogenic pumps. We demonstrate that the work done by the pumps equals the change in potential energy of the cell, plus the energy lost in downhill ionic fluxes through the channels and exchangers. The theory is illustrated in a simple model of spontaneously active cells in the cardiac pacemaker. The model predicts the experimentally observed intracellular ionic concentration of potassium, calcium and sodium. Likewise, the shapes of the simulated action potential and five membrane currents are in good agreement with experiment. We do not see any drift in the values of the concentrations in a long time simulation, and we obtain the same asymptotic values when starting from the full equilibrium situation with equal intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations. Received: 9 December 1998 / Revised version: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 15 October 1999  相似文献   

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