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Simultaneous hourly net collections in a meadow and canyon reach of a mountain stream determined diel and spatial abundances of drifting Chironomidae larvae. Sixty-one taxa were identified to the lowest practical level, 52 in the meadow and 41 in the canyon. Orthocladiinae was the most abundant subfamily with 32 taxa and a 24 h mean density of 294 individuals 100 m−3 (meadow) and 26 taxa and a mean of 648 individuals 100 m−3 (canyon). Chironominae was the second most abundant subfamily. Nonchironomid invertebrates at both sites and total Chironomidae larvae (meadow) were predominantly night-drifting. Parakiefferiella and Psectrocladius were day-drifting (meadow) whereas 8 other chironomid taxa (meadow) and 2 taxa (canyon) were night-drifting. All others were aperiodic or too rare to test periodicity, Stempellinella cf brevis Edwards exhibited catastrophic drift in the canyon only. The different drift patterns between sites is attributed to greater loss of streambed habitat in the canyon compared to the meadow as streamflow decreased. Consequent crowding of chironomid larvae in the canyon caused catastrophic drift or interfered with drift periodicty. This study adds to knowledge of Chironomidae drift and shows influences on drift of hydrologic and geomorphic conditions.  相似文献   

The diel drift patterns of Chironomidae larvae were investigated in a seventh order section of the Warta River (Central Poland) over two diel cycles during May 1989. Three nets (mesh size 400 m) were installed in a cross section of the Warta River.The estimated drift density was low, but was comparable to that calculated for other large rivers. Spatio-temporal fluctuations in abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate drift, including Chironomidae, were observed with the highest density of drifting macrobenthos recorded near the depositional bank of this river. The ratio benthosdrift indicated differing propensities for of the older instars of a given chironomid taxon to drift. Orthocladiinae larvae were the most abundant subfamily of Chironomidae in drift but not in benthos, reaching up to 73% of the total drifting chironomid larvae. More taxa but fewer individuals (about 20% of the chironomid larvae collected) belonged to the tribe Chironomini, the dominant group in benthos.A major part of chironomid drift collection may represent behavioural drift because the net mesh size used in the Warta River was insufficient to catch the earliest instars (distributional drift). Both at the family and subfamily level chironomid larvae exhibited a distinct nocturnal drift periodicity. Nocturnal periodicity was documented for the dominant species, but due to the low density of many chironomid species, it was impossible to determine their diel drift pattern. Some Chironomidae appeared to be aperiodic.  相似文献   

比较了广东横石水河流域二条相邻的3级溪流大型底栖动物的漂流种类组成及昼夜节律,其中一条溪流受广东大宝山矿外排的酸性矿山废水严重污染,水体pH值仅为3.45且重金属严重超标,而另一条为相邻的清洁溪流.结果表明:清洁溪流中大型底栖动物的数量和种类远比受酸性矿山废水污染的溪流丰富.在清洁溪流中共采获漂流底栖动物6 871头,隶属10目52类群,其中水生昆虫的数量和种类占绝对优势 (99.5%).但总漂流密度占优势的类群(相对多度超过5%)不多,主要集中在以下几种水生昆虫:七鳃假二翅蜉 (28.5%)、宜兴似动蜉 (13.8%)、短脉纹石蛾(13.2%)、白背锯形蜉(7.5%)、摇蚊科(6.5%) 和肖扁泥甲(5.0%).蜉蝣目种类和数量最多,占全部漂流底栖动物总个体数的65%,其中又以四节蜉科居多,占蜉蝣目总个体数的63%.毛翅目昆虫的数量(18%)仅次于蜉蝣目.大型底栖动物的漂流表现出明显的昼夜节律,漂流主要在夜间进行,未发现有日漂者.漂流密度高峰出现在21:00和2:00,漂流密度分别为(70.3±10.8)和(289.0±124.6) 头·100 m-3.大多数优势种类漂流高峰出现的时段略有不同,但有些优势种类(如摇蚊科和肖扁泥甲)并未表现出明显的漂流昼夜差异.在受酸性矿山废水污染的溪流中,漂流动物只有1种嗜酸性的多足摇蚊,其漂流活动也在夜间进行,并有3个明显的漂流高峰,分别出现在19:00、0:00和4:00,最高漂流密度仅为(6.7±5.2)头·100m-3.说明酸性矿山废水不仅降低了溪流中漂流底栖动物的物种多样性和数量,也改变了其漂流模式.  相似文献   

Drifting invertebrates and suspended sediments were collected at monthly intervals from June 1977 to May 1978. The numbers and biomass of drifting organisms reflected the seasonal cycles of aquatic insects. Some aquatic organisms showed behavioral drift either during a sample day or during some portion of their life cycle. Parapsyche cardis Ross and Diplectrona modesta Banks (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) dispersed as first instar larvae; few later instars of these two net-spinning caddisflies drifted. The drift of nymphal Peltoperla maria Needham et Smith (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) was apparently related more to detritus transport than to benthic densities or discharge alone. Power law relations between the magnitude of daily invertebrate drift and discharge or sediment variables are demonstrated for some taxa in Hugh White Creek. The general level of stream invertebrate drift appears to be related to detritus transport, and drift during storms is also related to detritus transport. During storms, terrestrial invertebrate drift was related to rainfall intensity, canopy washing, and channel expansion. Drift density of aquatic invertebrates in Hugh White Creek was within the range of previously reported values for other streams, but the estimate of yearly export (aquatic invertebrates = 134 g · y?1; terrestrial invertebrates = 23 g · y?1) is lower reflecting the smaller size of Hugh White Creek in comparison with those other streams.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine if emigration of drifting macroinvertebrates from a stream riffle which was blocked for one week from immigration by upstream colonists significantly reduced the abundance of drift collected from the tail of the riffle. The head of a 9 m long riffle of a 2nd order stream in Maryland (USA) was blocked from incoming drift by a 250 m mesh weir. Upstream immigration of invertebrates into the riffle was largely prevented by a partition placed at the tail of the riffle which held the drift nets. Benthos and drift samples were collected from the riffle prior to weir placement and following its removal, and drift was collected at dusk on each day. No difference in drift or in benthic abundance between the beginning and end of the study was observed. This is largely attributed to recruitment of immature insects (primarily hatching of eggs present at the outset), particularly of Dolophilodes distinctus and species of Tanytarsini, from within the riffle. Results suggest that recruitment of riffle species is of sufficient magnitude to more than compensate for short-term riffle depletion due to drift. Samples of drifting and non-drifting (benthic) animals were held without food for 12 h after collection and mortality within each group was determined. The mortality of drifting animals was three-fold that of benthic animals.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of invertebrate drift in a Hong Kong stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drift samples were taken with paired nets on 19 occasions over a 12-month period in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream (TPKFS), Hong Kong. Mean drift density (±1 S.E.) was 277·9 ± 25·0 individuals 100 m-3; peaks in density were apparent during autumn and spring. One hundred and two taxa were recovered from the drift, and the total number of taxa drifting was positively related to water temperatures. Over 99% of the aquatic animals collected in drift samples were insects, 10 taxa of which constituted 67·3% of the entire catch. Baetid mayflies dominated the composition of the drift, comprising 40·4% of individuals caught.
Seasonal changes in the drift of individual taxa were evident, reflecting significant relationships between drift densities and water temperature: Simulium T1 (Diptera). Anisocentropus maculatus (Trichoptera) and Amphinemura chui (Plecoptera) drifted most in winter, whereas Chimarra T1, Polymorphanisus astictus (Trichoptera), Helodes #1 and cf. Rhantus sp. (Coleoptera) were most numerous in summer. Drifting mayflies showed spring ( Indobaetis sp., Cinygmina T1, Serratella T2), autumn ( Baetiella sp., Pseudocloeon T2), or spring and autumn ( Baetis nr pseudofrequentus ) peaks which were not clearly related to water temperature. In only two cases ( A. maculatus and P. astictus ) was TPKFS drift seasonality associated with life-cycle events. Overall, there was no evidence of community-level trends in the periodicity of stream drift in this seasonal tropical habitat.  相似文献   

Downstream drift of invertebrates in a river in southern Ghana   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The results of quantitative sampling of the drifting invertebrates from a riffle area in the upper reaches of the Pawmpawm River in the forest of Ghana are presented. The observations were made once a month during 14 months, April 1970 to May 1971, and also on a daily basis for 3 weeks. Changes in numbers and composition of the animals drifting were examined in relation to the volume of water flowing and the current; there appeared to be two distinct drift phenomena, ‘true’ and ‘background’ drift. The animals belonging to each of these two components are discussed in relation to their response to light, to diurnal fluctuations in total drift and to the phases of the moon. There was a peak drift activity after sunset in those animals which are affected by light, e.g. Centroptilum, Austrocaenis, Chironomidae, Simulium. It is concluded that drift may be simply a function of the activity patterns of the insects.  相似文献   

1. The drift of organisms and particulate organic matter in a calcareous mountain brook near Lunz, Lower Austria, was investigated for 1 year. Five sets of three drift nets (sampling at different water depths) were distributed along a cross-section of the brook. 2. From February to March 1989, samples were taken at intervals of 2–7 days over 24-h periods, at the end of which the drift nets were emptied. From April 1989 to March 1990, sampling was carried out at monthly intervals and the nets emptied every 3h for 1 full day. 3. Of 71 810 organisms caught, the most abundant taxa were Diptera (46.6%; mainly Chironomidae and Simuliidae), Ephemeroptera (24.0%; dominated by Baetis spp.) and Plecoptera (16.1%). 4. The drift density (mean ± 95% CL) was significantly higher (P<0.05) in spring and summer (2.50 ± 0.32 specimens m?3) than in autumn and winter (2.01 ± 0,22 specimens m?3). In terms of biomass (wet weight), drift density was also significantly higher (P < 0.001) in spring and summer (2.50 ± 0.48 mgm?3) than during the rest of the year (1.04±0.12mgm ?3). 5. Total drift rates through a cross-section of the brook ranged from 17366 organisms per day at low discharge (water depth = 10cm) to 955152 individuals per day at a water depth of 50cm in autumn and winter; in spring and summer the corresponding values were 21600 and 1188000 specimens per day. 6. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera and Simuliidae were most abundant in night samples, whereas Hydracarina, Trichoptera and Chironomidae drifted mainly during daylight hours. 7. Drift density (dry weight) of particulate organic matter was positively correlated with discharge and ranged from 2.16mgm?3 at a water depth of 10cm to 17.39mgm?3 at 50cm.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates living in anastomosing lowland rivers use different habitats and respond differently to the hydrological regime. In this paper, the structure and composition of benthic, drifting and marginal macroinvertebrate assemblages are analyzed in the lowland river Ctalamochita (Córdoba, Argentina). The assemblages were studied in an annual cycle; a comparison among the composition of benthos, drift and marginal fauna was carried out; and size structure of the assemblages was characterized. Samples were obtained from two sites: a rural and an urban site. In total 73 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected. Benthos was characterized by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta; marginal fauna was mainly constituted by Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Decapoda, the Trichoptera Nectopsyche sp., Ephemeroptera and Odonata. Drifting assemblage was composed by macroinvertebrates from local and remote upstream benthos, and from the marginal zone. Marginal fauna diversity was higher than benthos and drift. Total biomass of the assemblages pooled together was relatively equitably among size classes. Larger size classes consisted of organisms from the marginal zone whereas the smallest ones were composed by benthic and drifting organisms. In the study area there is habitat partitioning in the lateral dimension of the river. Marginal fauna was more diverse due to the asymmetry of transport and deposit processes, which generate a heterogeneous habitat in the bankside. The relation between fine substrate and high current velocity determines an unstable habitat in the central channel, which makes colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates difficult.  相似文献   

Invertebrate drift in a large, braided New Zealand river   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatio-temporal patterns of drifting macroinvertebrates in a large, braided New Zealand river were determined by sampling with drift nets, seasonally, for 1 year. 2. Drift densities were greatest in autumn, and at night in all seasons except winter. A greater proportion of larger animals drifted at night than during the day in all seasons. Mean annual drift densities were ninety-six animals 100m?3 and 47 mg dry weight 100 m?3. 3. There were relatively few taxa in the drift, and the mayfly Deleatidium spp. comprised more than 85% of the drifting aquatic invertebrates in all seasons except autumn. Chironomidae and terrestrial forms were the only other groups to occur at densities of more than one animal 100 m?3 in all seasons. 4. Drift density was positively correlated with benthic density, which in turn was adversely affected by floods, particularly during spring and summer.  相似文献   

The drift of larval Chironomidae (Diptera) was investigated at two sites on the River Chew, using a pump filtration system with 50 µm mesh-aperture aerial nets, situated on the river bank.Chironomid larvae were found to drift in far greater numbers than previously reported, even in slow-flowing water. First and second instar larvae dominated the drift.Variation in drifting behaviour between taxa was observed, where Orthocladiinae drifted in all instars and Chironominae predominantly as first and second instars. Proportionally different rates of drift were observed between these taxa from the benthos at the two sites.It is suggested that the majority of chironomid drift represents an active dispersal and colonisation mechanism by which population redistribution and habitat selection occurs.  相似文献   

Hourly drift samples were collected once each month over a 24 hour period for 10 months at the mouth of a channel returning heated coolant water from a steam electric generating station to a 330 ha reservoir. Most benthic macroinvertebrates existed at lower densities on the bottom of the channel than in the reservoir. No organisms were found in the channel during summer months when water temperatures reached 42.2°C. The most abundant organisms drifting from the channel were Chaoborus larvae which probably were drawn from the reservoir, through the condensors of the power plant, and down the effluent channel. The maixmum drift rate for Chaoborus larvae occured in August (8.91 × 104 mg/day) while the minimum rate occurred in December (3.92 × 102 mg/day). Chaoborus larvae exhibited a diurnal periodicity in drift corresponding to their nightly emergence from bottom sediments in the reservoir.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate drift in the upper Wye catchment,Wales   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Drift samples collected at five sites in the upper catchment of the River Wye yielded 99 taxa (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae). Significantly fewer taxa were collected from a site on the impounded River Elan (W4) compared with nearby River Wye sites. Mean daily density of drifting macroinvertebrates ranged from 6.3 × 10-2 to 782.9 × 10-2m-3, with greatest densities during the summer months, and Ephemeroptera, Coleoptera and Diptera generally comprised the greatest proportion of animals collected. Chironomids formed a considerable proportion of collections at W4 and the relative abundance of ephemeropterans, coleopterans and trichopterans was generally significantly less at W4 than at other sites. Estimates of the total numbers of invertebrates drifting past each site varied from 8.3 × 103 to 1 373.1 × 103day-1. Total numbers drifting were significantly related to estimates of total benthic density and similar relationships were established for some major taxonomic groups and some species.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic predators may influence drift periodicity either directly or indirectly (by non‐consumptive effects involving chemical cues). We took drift samples (eight successive 3‐h sampling intervals over a 24‐h period) on five dates (September 2007, March, April, June and August 2008). Samples were taken at three sites (one site with trout throughout the year, two sites without trout but with fire salamander larvae as top predators from April to August, but without vertebrate predators during the rest of the year) in a stream near Vienna, Austria, to examine the effects of predators on drift periodicity. 2. Of 45 331 specimens caught, the most abundant taxa were Ephemeroptera (32.3%; mainly Baetidae), Diptera (21.5%; mainly Chironomidae), Amphipoda (17.4%; all Gammarus fossarum), Plecoptera (5.4%), Coleoptera (3.5%) and Trichoptera (1.2%). For more detailed analyses, we chose Ephemeroptera (Baetidae; n = 13 457) and Amphipoda (G. fossarum; n = 7888), which were numerous on all sampling dates. 3. The number of drifting baetids and amphipods, as well as total drift density, was generally higher at night than by day, although without predators these differences were significant for Gammaridae but not for Baetidae. 4. When broken down to size classes, night–day drift ratios generally were not significantly different from equality in all size classes of baetids when larval fire salamanders and trout were absent. When predators were present, however, baetid drift density was usually higher at night, except in the smallest and largest size classes. In all size classes of G. fossarum, drift density was usually higher at night, whether with or without the top predators. 5. Although we could study predator effects on drift periodicity at three sites on only a single stream, it seems that non‐consumptive effects may affect Baetidae. Salamander larvae, most probably via kairomones, induced a shift towards mainly nocturnal drift, which could be interpreted as predator avoidance.  相似文献   

J. Scullion  A. Sinton 《Hydrobiologia》1983,107(3):261-269
Artificial discharges of water from reservoirs caused a six-fold and three-fold increase in discharge in the R. Tywi and R. Elan respectively but did not significantly alter particle size composition (by weight) and the porosity of the substratum or the organic matter content of fine particles (<0.5 mm). Freshets in both rivers resulted in a consistent, though not significant, reduction in total densities of invertebrates and the densities of many major taxa and abundant species. During the freshet in the R. Elan, maximum concentration and total load of suspended solids were about 11 and 35 times greater than pre-release values respectively while invertebrate drift was dominated by Chironomidae (65%) and Plecoptera (25%). Total numbers and densities of drifting chironomids increased immediately in response to the flow increase; in contrast, numbers and densities of plecopterans increased later, during the night.  相似文献   

1. We examined the seasonal and diel patterns of invertebrate drift in relation to seston and various habitat characteristics in two each of four different kinds of alpine streams [rhithral (snow‐fed) lake outlets, rhithral streams, kryal (glacial‐fed) lake outlets and kryal streams]. Samples were collected at four times of the day (dawn, midday, dusk and midnight) during three seasons (spring, summer and autumn). 2. Habitat characteristics differed mainly between rhithral and kryal sites, with the latter having higher discharge and turbidity, lower water temperature, and higher concentrations of ammonium, and particulate and soluble reactive phosphorus. Seasonality in habitat characteristics was most pronounced for kryal streams with autumn samples being more similar to rhithral sites. 3. The concentration of seston was lowest in the glacial‐influenced lake outlets and slightly higher in the stream sites; no seasonal or diel patterns were evident. 4. The density of drifting invertebrates averaged less than 100 m?3 and was lowest (<10 m?3) at three of the four kryal sites. Taxon richness and diversity were lowest at rhithral lake outlets. Chironomidae dominated the drift as well as benthic communities and <30% of benthic taxa identified were found in the drift. 5. Drifting invertebrates showed no consistent seasonal pattern. However, density tended to be highest in spring at rhithral sites and in autumn at kryal sites. No diel periodicity in drift density was found at any site and the lack of diel pattern may be a general feature of high altitude streams. 6. Glacially influenced habitat parameters were a major factor affecting drift in these alpine streams, whereas no clear differences were observed between streams and lake outlets. Our findings indicate that invertebrate drift in alpine streams is primarily influenced by abiotic factors, and therefore, substantially differs from patterns observed at lower altitude.  相似文献   

Diel drift samples utilizing nets with mesh size less than 200 microns were taken in Linesville Creek, Pennsylvania, an eastern deciduous forest stream, and Inlet Run, Wyoming, an alpine snow melt stream. Identification of drifting Chironomidae larvae to lowest level taxonomic categories indicated 51 species or species group categories representing 51.95% of the total insect drift in Linesville Creek and 18 species or species group categories representing 70.47% of the total insect drift in Inlet Run. Orthocladiinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Linesville Creek, with 19 species comprising 43.84% of the Chironomidae drift. In decreasing abundance were Chironomini (12 species, 40.36% of Chironomidae drift), Tanytarsini (10 species, 8.89%), and Tanypodinae (10 species, 6.91%). By contrast, Diamesinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Inlet Run, (5 species, 71.43%) followed by Orthocladiinae (10 species, 27.25%), Tanytarsini (2 species, 1.20%), and Podonominae (1 species, 0.12%). Comparison of drift composition with substrate samples and/ or emergence data indicated a close relationship between relative abundance in drift and relative abundance in the benthos. Behavioral drift patterns with nocturnal peaks were seen for 3 species or species groups in Linesville Creek. Four species with diurnal drift peaks were present in Inlet Run. Analysis of the size distribution of drifting larvae indicates that a mesh size as small as 200 microns is required to resolve diel drift patterns. It is postulated that random factors greatly influence the apparent diel drift pattern of Chironomidae when nets with mesh size in excess of 400 microns are employed in drift studies. Conflicting literature reports of behavioral drift for Chironomidae may be due to differing species composition of drifting larvae and net mesh size related artifacts.  相似文献   

Drift and upstream movement were monitored over 14 months in a seasonal upland tropical stream in northeastern Australia. There were distinct seasonal pulses in the drift with variable peak levels in the summer wet season and low more stable levels during the dry season. Drift density ranged from 0.36 to 3.98 animals per m3 (monthly mean = 1.26). There was no correlation between drift density and either benthic density or stream discharge. In the absence of catastrophic drift, drift was dispersive, not depletive in the wet season. A total of 121 taxa were caught in the 14 drift samples. Most taxa had nocturnal maximum drift levels with a peak immediately after sunset, a pattern apparently related to level of light and not temperature. Compensation for drift by upstream-moving nymphs and larvae was least during the wet season and increased during the dry season to a peak of 27% by numbers. Mean compensation was 8.2%. It is suggested that apart from in the wet season when an animal may drift substantial distances, most riffle animals will spend their larval lives in one small stretch of stream.  相似文献   

We document invertebrate benthic and drift dynamics in a regulated river in central Spain at two temporal scales: seasonal (for both benthos and drift) and daily (for drift). The benthic abundance of individuals and taxon richness generally increased in the summer. Drift abundance showed no seasonal or daily variation, but taxon richness of drifting individuals was higher in the spring. Both ben‐thos and drift showed clear seasonal changes in taxonomic composition. Interestingly, some benthic taxa showed their highest abundances in the spring, while others were more abundant in the summer. In contrast, most drifting taxa were more abundant in the spring. Different functional feeding groups showed different patterns of variation throughout the year, both in the benthos and the drift. Daily variations in drift were present in very few taxa and functional feeding groups, and only in some seasons. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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