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两种热带雨林树苗对环境光强变化的生理响应和适应机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干季末雨季初以西双版纳热带雨林中木奶果和玉蕊2种树苗为材料,研究了将生长于12.5%自然光(相当于小林窗的光强)和36%自然光(相当于大林窗的光强)下的这2种树苗分别移至36%自然光和12.5%自然光下之后各自叶片最大净光合速率(Pmax)、叶绿素荧光参数、光合色素含量、比叶重(LMA)以及叶片悬挂角(MA)的变化过程,探讨了2种植物幼苗在生长环境光强改变后其形态和生理生态特性做出的相应调整以适应新的光环境的过程与机制。结果表明,这2种树苗均不适宜生长在大林窗的强光环境下,但木奶果对光环境的增强表现出一定的耐受力,光合适应潜力强于玉蕊,2种树苗对低光环境都能较好地适应;新叶的生成在整株植物对生长光环境变化的适应过程中也起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

We report a multiscale study in the Wind River Valley in southwestern Washington, where we quantified leaf to stand scale variation in spectral reflectance for dominant species. Four remotely sensed structural measures, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), cover fractions from spectral mixture analysis (SMA), equivalent water thickness (EWT), and albedo were investigated using Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data. Discrimination of plant species varied with wavelength and scale, with deciduous species showing greater separability than conifers. Contrary to expectations, plant species were most distinct at the branch scale and least distinct at the stand scale. At the stand scale, broadleaf and conifer species were spectrally distinct, as were most conifer age classes. Intermediate separability occurred at the leaf scale. Reflectance decreased from leaf to stand scales except in the broadleaf species, which peaked in near-infrared reflectance at the branch scale. Important biochemical signatures became more pronounced spectrally progressing from leaf to stand scales. Recent regenerated clear-cuts (less than 10 years old) had the highest albedo and nonphotosynthetic vegetation (NPV). After 50 years, the stands showed significant decreases in albedo, NPV, and EWT and increases in shade. Albedo was lowest in old-growth forests. Peak EWT, a proxy measure for leaf area index (LAI), was observed in 11- to 30-year-old stands. When compared to LAI, EWT and NDVI showed exponentially decreasing, but distinctly different, relationships with increasing LAI. This difference is biologically important: at 95% of the maximum predicted NDVI and EWT, LAI was 5.17 and 9.08, respectively. Although these results confirm the stand structural variation expected with forest succession, remote-sensing images also provide a spatial context and establish a basis to evaluate variance within and between age classes. Landscape heterogeneity can thus be characterized over large areas—a critical and important step in scaling fluxes from stand-based towers to larger scales.  相似文献   

野外条件下光强对盾叶薯蓣影响的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过在野外栽培条件下的笼罩实验(4个光强等级1855~2104,913~1004,525~615,141~215μmol*m-2*s-1),发现光强影响盾叶薯蓣的根状茎发芽率、叶面积、叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量、叶片过氧化物酶活性(POD)、叶片含水量以及整个植株的生物量.弱光可能因带入的热能少而对根状茎发芽不利.叶片含水量随光照强度的降低而增多.叶面积随光照强度的减小而增加,在525~615μmol*m-2*s-1光强下,盾叶薯蓣叶片的MDA含量最低,POD活性最低,地上生物量最高,对于地下部分而言,最适光强是913~1004μ*mol*m-2*s-1,在此光强下,根状茎生物量增加近3倍.故在生产中,一定程度的强光逆境是有利的.  相似文献   

采用方格法和分层法相结合的技术对江苏省如东县棉花原种场林网保护区内13年生梨园的树冠结构特征和光能分布与利用规律进行了系统研究。结果表明:梨树叶幕光能分布状况直接受叶面积系数、树冠结构、太阳位置及光强的影响。各层叶幕中的光合有效辐射(PAR)分布随自然光照条件的变化而改变,其日平均透光率大小和PAR日变化范围均从叶幕外围向内膛随累积叶面积系数(LAI)的增加而减弱;不同生长时期及不同天气变化下树冠光能分布存在明显的差异性;树冠结构与累积LAI对PAR的分布及利用率具有决定性的影响。在生产实践中,通过密度调控、整形修剪等农业技术措施,维持成年梨园盛果期高效光合生产的叶幕厚度在2.5m以上,有效LAI为4左右,是增强梨树光合生产能力、提高产量和品质的有效措施。  相似文献   

不同生态环境下水稻基因型产量形成与源库特性的比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以日本和IRRI的9个水稻品种为材料,分别以武香粳9号和两优培九为对照,在江苏南京和云南丽江研究了不同水稻基因型干物质积累与源库形成特征及其在不同生态环境下的差异.结果表明,生态环境对水稻产量和干物质积累量影响显著.高产水稻品种积累了高额干物质量,且干物质生产优势在中后期.高产品种的总颖花量、LAI及群体生长速率(CGR)都较高.稻谷产量随干物质积累总量的增加而提高,与齐穗后干物质积累量、总颖花量和LAI呈极显著正相关,与粒叶比呈显著正相关.与云南丽江点相比,群体LAI、单位面积颖花量和抽穗后干物质积累量少及生长速率(CGR)低是南京点稻谷产量低的关键因素.  相似文献   

谷子幼苗对土壤铅、铬的生长响应及吸收积累的差异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽土培试验,研究了谷子幼苗对土壤中不同含量铅(Pb)、铬(Cr)的生长响应和吸收积累的差异性。结果表明,在所试浓度(50~800 mg·kg-1)范围内,Pb、Cr在谷子幼苗地上部和地下部的积累量存在较大差异,幼苗重金属的吸收富集和转运系数均为Pb大于Cr、Pb、Cr胁迫对幼苗生物量的影响表现为低浓度的促进和高浓度的抑制作用,但Cr对生物量的影响比Pb更强。相同处理条件下,幼苗茎叶中可溶性蛋白质、DNA含量和增色效应对Pb、Cr的响应也有明显差别,Cr对幼苗的生理毒性和DNA损伤效应的作用强度大于Pb。  相似文献   

新疆植被生产力与叶面积指数的变化及其对气候的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丹利  季劲钧  马柱国 《生态学报》2007,27(9):3582-3592
利用美国探路者卫星遥感资料AVHRR LAI和全球生态模式CASA给出的植被净初级生产力资料(NPP)对新疆地区1982~2000年的植被时空变化进行了定量分析,结果表明新疆地区的LAI和NPP的空间分布严格受水分的制约,与气温呈负相关,表现出干旱内陆地区植被受降水控制的地带特征。相对于20世纪80年代,90年代整个新疆出现了变暖的趋势,降水基本也呈现增加的趋势,在42°N以北地区暖湿转型尤其明显,与这种气候型相对应,植被出现了明显的增加趋势,NPP最大增幅可达45gCm-2a-1。但植被对气温和降水的年际变化响应不一样,降水主要是影响植被峰值的起落,而植被在总体演变趋势上却主要受气温控制,3个分区1984~2000年的气温明显上升,而降水变化趋势不明显,植被受气温控制出现了显著的上升趋势(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

三种人工林分的冠层结构参数与林下光照条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以样方法为基础,用半球面影像技术测定了桉树林、湿地松林和混交林(木荷+青冈+银木荷)3种人工林分的冠层结构(叶面积指数LAI和林冠孔隙度CO)和林下光照条件(林下直射光TransDir和林下散射光TransDif),并分析了冠层结构与林下光照条件之间的关系.测定结果表明,桉树林、湿地松林和混交林的LAI平均值分别是1....  相似文献   

Nitrogen trials were carried out on hemp crops grown in Ireland over a 3 year period to identify nitrogen fertilization strategies which optimize the greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy balances of hemp crops grown for biomass. Nitrogen rates up to 150 kg N ha?1 were used in the study. Yield increased with nitrogen rate up to 120 kg N ha?1 for early (Ferimon), mid (Felina 32) and late maturing (Futura 75) varieties. Variety had a significant effect on yield with yields increasing with maturation date. In 2 years of the study, certain application rates of nitrogen were applied either at sowing, at emergence, after emergence or split between these dates to determine if nitrogen rates could be reduced by delaying or splitting the applications. The application of nitrogen at times later than sowing or in splits during the early part of the growing season had no significant effect on biomass yield compared with the practice of applying nitrogen at the time of sowing. Late applications of nitrogen reduced leaf chlorophyll content and height early in the growing season. Later in the growing season, there was no difference in height between treatments although the highest concentrations of chlorophyll were found in the leaves of the late application treatment. Nitrogen rate and the timing of nitrogen application had no effect on plant density. Biomass yield, net energy and net GHG mitigation increased up to an application rate of 120 kg N ha?1, this result was independent of soil type or soil nitrogen level. Net GHG and energy balance of hemp crops grown for biomass are optimized if late maturing varieties are used for biomass production and a nitrogen rate of 120 kg ha?1 is applied at sowing.  相似文献   

Understanding the long‐term performance of global satellite leaf area index (LAI) products is important for global change research. However, few effort has been devoted to evaluating the long‐term time‐series consistencies of LAI products. This study compared four long‐term LAI products (GLASS, GLOBMAP, LAI3g, and TCDR) in terms of trends, interannual variabilities, and uncertainty variations from 1982 through 2011. This study also used four ancillary LAI products (GEOV1, MERIS, MODIS C5, and MODIS C6) from 2003 through 2011 to help clarify the performances of the four long‐term LAI products. In general, there were marked discrepancies between the four long‐term LAI products. During the pre‐MODIS period (1982–1999), both linear trends and interannual variabilities of global mean LAI followed the order GLASS>LAI3g>TCDR>GLOBMAP. The GLASS linear trend and interannual variability were almost 4.5 times those of GLOBMAP. During the overlap period (2003–2011), GLASS and GLOBMAP exhibited a decreasing trend, TCDR no trend, and LAI3g an increasing trend. GEOV1, MERIS, and MODIS C6 also exhibited an increasing trend, but to a much smaller extent than that from LAI3g. During both periods, the R2 of detrended anomalies between the four long‐term LAI products was smaller than 0.4 for most regions. Interannual variabilities of the four long‐term LAI products were considerably different over the two periods, and the differences followed the order GLASS>LAI3g>TCDR>GLOBMAP. Uncertainty variations quantified by a collocation error model followed the same order. Our results indicate that the four long‐term LAI products were neither intraconsistent over time nor interconsistent with each other. These inconsistencies may be due to NOAA satellite orbit changes and MODIS sensor degradation. Caution should be used in the interpretation of global changes derived from the four long‐term LAI products.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of proximity to forest edge on plant community structure and ecosystem properties during succession, using field measurements of leaf area index (LAI), species composition, and soil carbon. Data were collected along four transects within a 14-year-old temperate successional field in north-central Virginia over the 2000 growing season. Additionally, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated from LANDSAT 7 satellite data at a resolution of 30 m for the entire field. Results showed that relative frequencies of trees increased with proximity to forest edge suggesting a more advanced stage of succession in areas close to the adjacent secondary forest. Significant negative relationships were observed between distance from forest edge and both peak season LAI and NDVI. LAI and NDVI values within 60 m of the forest edge, however, were not significantly different from those values in the adjacent mature secondary forest, suggesting that some community level properties may take relatively short periods of time to reach undisturbed states. The presence of several key plant species, particularly Celastrus scandens (climbing bittersweet), exhibited a strong control on the spatial variability of LAI and potentially the aboveground net primary production. Soil carbon levels did not show a significant increase at sites close to the adjacent secondary forest (relative to an adjacent crop field), as seen with LAI and NDVI, suggesting no recovery of soil carbon in these systems after 14 years. This study points to the complexity of factors that influence spatial patterns of succession in old-fields and suggests that invasive species may play an important role in successional pathways and carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Transferring fine-scale ecological knowledge into an understanding of earth system processes presents a considerable challenge to ecologists. Our objective here was to identify and quantify heterogeneity of, and relationships among, vegetation and soil properties in terra firme rain forest ecosystems in eastern Amazonia and assess implications for generating regional predictions of carbon (C) exchange. Some of these properties showed considerable variation among sites; soil textures varied from 11% to 92% clay. But we did not find any significant correlations between soil characteristics (percentage clay, nitrogen [N], C, organic matter) and vegetation characteristics (leaf area index [LAI], foliar N concentration, basal area, biomass, stem density). We found some evidence for increased drought stress on the sandier sites: There was a significant correlation between soil texture and wood δ13C (but not with foliar δ13C); volumetric soil moisture was lower at sandier sites; and some canopy foliage had large, negative dawn water potentials (ψld), indicating limited water availability in the rooting zone. However, at every site at least one foliage sample indicated full or nearly full rehydration, suggesting significant interspecific variability in drought vulnerability. There were significant differences in foliar δ15N among sites, but not in foliar % N, suggesting differences in N cycling but not in plant access to N. We used an ecophysiological model to examine the sensitivity of gross primary production (GPP) to observed inter- and intrasite variation in key driving variables—LAI, foliar N, and ψld. The greatest sensitivity was to foliar N; standard errors on foliar N data translated into uncertainty in GPP predictions up to ±10% on sunny days and ±5% on cloudy days. Local variability in LAI had a minor influence on uncertainty, especially on sunny days. The largest observed reductions in ψld reduced GPP by 4%–6%. If uncertainty in foliar N estimates is propagated into the model, then GPP estimates are not significantly different among sites. Our results suggest that water restrictions in the sandier sites are not enough to reduce production significantly and that texture is not the key control on plant access to N. Received 28 June 2001; accepted 13 March 2002.  相似文献   

内蒙古植被降水利用效率的时空格局及其驱动因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
植被降水利用效率(precipitation-use efficiency, PUE)是评价干旱、半干旱地区植被生产力对降水量时空动态响应特征的重要指标。该研究利用光能利用率CASA (Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach)模型估算了2001-2010年内蒙古地区植被净初级生产力(net primary productivity, NPP), 结合降水量的空间插值数据, 分析了近10年内蒙古地区植被PUE的空间分布、主要植被类型的PUE,及其时空格局的驱动因素。结果表明: 2001-2010年内蒙古地区所有植被的平均PUE为0.94 g C·m-2·mm-1, 且在105-120° E地带性规律明显,PUE上升速率为每10° 0.55 g C·m-2·mm-1。各植被类型间PUE差别较大, 其中灌丛PUE最高, 荒漠PUE最低。在不同的降水量区域, 植被PUE的空间分布与气候因子的关系有较大差别, 0-75 mm降水量区间内, PUE随降水量、气温的升高显著下降(R2 = 0.226, p < 0.05); 175-300 mm降水量区间内, 植被 PUE的空间变化与降水量和气温呈极显著相关关系(R2 = 0.878, p < 0.001), 且随降水量的增加显著上升( R2 = 0.94, p < 0.001), 变化速率约为每100 mm降水0.57 g C·m -2·mm-1; 在降水量大于475 mm的区域, 植被PUE的空间分布与降水量、气温的相关性显著(R2 = 0.19, p < 0.05), 且随着气温的上升、降水量的下降而增加, 其中气温的贡献是降水量的8.61倍。在不同的降水量区域, 植被 PUE的年际波动与气候因子的关系也有较大差别, 对于年降水量0-220 mm的地区, PUE的年际波动与降水量呈正相关性、与气温呈负相关性; 在年降水量为220-310 mm的地区, PUE的年际波动主要受降水量的控制, 受气温影响较小; 在年降水量>310 mm的地区,PUE的年际波动与降水量、气温均呈正相关关系, 但在降水量越高的地区, PUE的年际波动与降水量的相关性越弱, 与气温的相关性越强。植被覆盖度与PUE的空间分布极显著相关(R2 = 0.73, p < 0.001), 且与 PUE的年际波动也存在线性相关关系(R2 = 0.11, p < 0.001); 叶面积指数( LAI)与PUE的年际波动呈线性相关关系(R2 = 0.42, p < 0.001), 而当 LAI < 3.15时, PUE的空间分布随LAI增加而呈线性增加。  相似文献   

In higher plants, photosystem II (PSII) is a large pigment-protein supramolecular complex composed of the PSII core complex and the plant-specific peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LHCil). PSli-LHCII complexes are highly dynamic in their quantity and macro-organization to various environmental conditions. In this study, we reported a critical factor, the Arabidopsis Thylakoid Formation 1 (THF1) protein, which controls PSII-LHCII dynamics during dark- induced senescence and light acclimation. Loss-of-function mutations in THF1 lead to a stay-green phenotype in path- ogen-infected and senescent leaves. Both LHCII and PSll core subunits are retained in dark-induced senescent leaves of thfl, indicative of the presence of PSII-LHCII complexes. Blue native (BN)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoblot analysis showed that, in dark- and high-light-treated thfl leaves, a type of PSII-LHCII megacomplex is selec- tively retained while the stability of PSII-LHCII supercomplexes significantly decreased, suggesting a dual role of THF1 in dynamics of PSII-LHCII complexes. We showed further that THF1 interacts with Lhcb proteins in a pH-dependent manner and that the stay-green phenotype of thfl relies on the presence of LHCII complexes. Taken together, the data suggest that THF1 is required for dynamics of PSII-LHCII supramolecular organization in higher plants.  相似文献   

比较了两种不同攀援习性,卷须缠绕种薄叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia tenuiflora)和茎缠绕种刺果藤(Byttneria aspera),木质藤本植物的形态、生长及光合特性对不同光强(4%、35%和全光照)和土壤养分(高和低)的响应。两种藤本植物大部分表型特征主要受光照的影响,而受土壤养分的影响较小。弱光促进地上部分生长,弱光下两种植物均具有较大的比叶面积(specific leaf area,SLA)、茎生物量比(stem mass ratio,SMR)和平均叶面积比(mean leaf area ratio,LARm)。高光强下,两种植物的总生物量和投入到地下部分的比重增加,具有更大的根生物量比(root mass ratio,RMR)、更多的分枝数、更高的光合能力(maximum photosynthetic rate,Pmax)和净同化速率(net assimilation rate,NAR),综合表现为相对生长速率(relative growth rate,RGR)增加。两种藤本植物的Pmax与叶片含氮量的相关性均未达显著水平,但刺果藤的Pmax与SU志间呈显著的正相关,而薄叶羊蹄甲的Pmax与SLA之间相关性不显著。在相同光照强度和土壤养分条件下,卷须缠绕种薄叶羊蹄甲的RGR显著高于茎缠绕种刺果藤。薄叶羊蹄甲的RGR与NAR呈显著正相关,其RGR与SLA、平均叶面积比(EARm)及Pmax之间相关性不显著。刺果藤的RGR与NAR呈显著的正相关,而与SLA存在显著的负相关。上述结果表明,与土壤养分相比,光照强度可能是决定木质藤本分布更为重要的生态因子。卷须缠绕种薄叶羊蹄甲由于具有特化的攀援器官,在形态上和生理上具有更大的可塑性,这使得卷须缠绕种木质藤本在与其它植物的竞争中更具优势。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The biological mechanisms of niche complementarity allowing for a stable coexistence of a large number of species in a plant community are still poorly understood. This study investigated how small-statured forbs use environmental niches in light and CO2 to explain their persistence in diverse temperate grasslands.


Light and CO2 profiles and the corresponding leaf characteristics of seven small-statured forbs were measured in monocultures and a multi-species mixture within a biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment) to assess their adjustment to growth conditions in the canopy.

Key Results

Environmental conditions near the ground varied throughout the season with a substantial CO2 enrichment (>70 µmol mol−1 at 2 cm, >20 µmol mol−1 at 10 cm above soil surface) and a decrease in light transmittance (to <5 % deep in the canopy) with large standing biomass (>500 g d. wt m−2) in the multi-species assemblage. Leaf morphology, biochemistry and physiology of small-statured forbs adjusted to low light in the mixture compared with the monocultures. However, the net carbon assimilation balance during the period of low light only compensated the costs of maintenance respiration, while CO2 enrichment near the ground did not allow for additional carbon gain. Close correlations of leaf mass per area with changes in light availability suggested that small-statured forbs are capable of adjusting to exploit seasonal niches with better light supply for growth and to maintain the carbon metabolism for survival if light transmittance is substantially reduced in multi-species assemblages.


This study shows that adjustment to a highly dynamic light environment is most important for spatial and seasonal niche separation of small-statured forb species in regularly mown, species-rich grasslands. The utilization of short-period CO2 enrichment developing in dense vegetation close to the ground hardly improves their carbon balance and contributes little to species segregation along environmental niche axes.  相似文献   

The quickly rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)‐levels, justify the need to explore all carbon (C) sequestration possibilities that might mitigate the current CO2 increase. Here, we report the likely impact of future increases in atmospheric CO2 on woody biomass production of three poplar species (Populus alba L. clone 2AS‐11, Populus nigra L. clone Jean Pourtet and Populus×euramericana clone I‐214). Trees were growing in a high‐density coppice plantation during the second rotation (i.e., regrowth after coppice; 2002–2004; POPFACE/EUROFACE). Six plots were studied, half of which were continuously fumigated with CO2 (FACE; free air carbon dioxide enrichment of 550 ppm). Half of each plot was fertilized to study the interaction between CO2 and nutrient fertilization. At the end of the second rotation, selective above‐ and belowground harvests were performed to estimate the productivity of this bio‐energy plantation. Fertilization did not affect growth of the poplar trees, which was likely because of the high rates of fertilization during the previous agricultural land use. In contrast, elevated CO2 enhanced biomass production by up to 29%, and this stimulation did not differ between above‐ and belowground parts. The increased initial stump size resulting from elevated CO2 during the first rotation (1999–2001) could not solely explain the observed final biomass increase. The larger leaf area index after canopy closure and the absence of any major photosynthetic acclimation after 6 years of fumigation caused the sustained CO2‐induced biomass increase after coppice. These results suggest that, under future CO2 concentrations, managed poplar coppice systems may exhibit higher potential for C sequestration and, thus, help mitigate climate change when used as a source of C‐neutral energy.  相似文献   

阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制.本文使用1982~1999年间的AVHRR/NDVI、气温、降水以及太阳辐射等资料,结合植被分布图和土壤质地图,利用生态过程模型,研究不同季节我国陆地植被NPP的年际变化及其地理分异.结果表明,在1982~1999年的18年间,4个季节的NPP都呈显著增加趋势.其中,春季是NPP增加速率最快的季节,夏季是NPP增加量最大的季节.不同植被类型对全球变化的响应有很大差异.常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和落叶针叶林NPP的增加主要由生长季节的提前所致,而落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、矮林灌丛、温带草原及草甸、稀树草原、高寒植被、荒漠以及人工植被NPP的增加主要来自生长季生长加速的贡献.从区域分布看,在四季中春季NPP增加量最大的地区主要集中在东部季风区域;夏季NPP增加量最大的地区包括西北干旱区域和青藏高原的大部分地区、小兴安岭-长白山区、三江平原、松辽平原、四川盆地、雷州半岛、长江中下游部分地区以及江南山地东部;而秋季植被NPP增加量最大的地区主要有云南高原-西藏东部和呼伦湖的周围等地区.不同植被和地理区域NPP的这些响应方式与区域气候特征及其变化趋势有关.  相似文献   

我国不同季节陆地植被NPP对气候变化的响应   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制。本文使用1982-1999年间的AVHRR/NDVI、气温、降水以及太阳辐射等资料,结合植被分布图和土壤质地图,利用生态过程模型,研究不同季节我国陆地植被NPP的年际变化及其地理分异。结果表明,在1982-1999年的18年间,4个季节的NPP都呈显著增加趋势。其中,春季是NPP增加速率最快的季节,夏季是NPP增加量最大的季节,不同植被类型对全球变化的响应有很大差异。常绿阔叶林,常绿针叶林和落叶针叶林NPP的增加主要由生长季节的提前所致。而落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、矮林灌丛,温带草原及草甸,稀树草原、高寒植被,荒漠以及人工植被NPP的增加主要来自生长季生长加速的贡献。从区域分布看,在四季中春季NPP增加量最大的地区主要集中在东部季风区域;夏季NPP增量最大的地区包括西北干旱区域和青藏高原的大部分地区,小兴安岭-长白山区,三江平原,松辽平原,四川盆地,雷州半岛,长江中下游部分地区以及江南山地东部;而秋季植被NPP增加量最大的地区主要有云南高原-西藏东部和呼伦湖的周围等地区。不同植被和地理区域NPP的这些响应方式与区域气候特征及其变化趋势有关。  相似文献   

植物对开放式CO2 浓度增高(FACE)的响应与适应研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
开放式CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统是近年研究植物对高CO2浓度响应和适应的新手段,它比以往密闭和半密闭系统对实验植物生长环境的干扰少.利用FACE系统进行研究更有助于正确地预测未来大气CO2浓度增高对植物的影响.该文结合作者的研究工作简要评介了FACE系统与以往密闭和半密闭式CO2浓度增高实验系统的不同之处以及近年来利用FACE系统所作的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

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