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Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and is expressed by hematopoietic and endothelial cells (ECs). Recent studies have shown that PECAM-1 plays a crucial role in promoting the development of the EC inflammatory response in the context of disturbed flow. However, the mechanistic pathways that control PECAM-1 protein stability remain largely unclear. Here, we identified PECAM-1 as a novel substrate of the APC/Cdh1 E3 ubiquitin ligase. Specifically, lentivirus-mediated Cdh1 depletion stabilized PECAM-1 in ECs. Conversely, overexpression of Cdh1 destabilized PECAM-1. The proteasome inhibitor MG132 blocked Cdh1-mediated PECAM-1 degradation. In addition, Cdh1 promoted K48-linked polyubiquitination of PECAM-1 in a destruction box-dependent manner. Furthermore, we demonstrated that compared with pulsatile shear stress (PS), oscillatory shear stress decreased the expression of Cdh1 and the ubiquitination of PECAM-1, therefore stabilizing PECAM-1 to promote inflammation in ECs. Hence, our study revealed a novel mechanism by which fluid flow patterns regulate EC homeostasis via Cdh1-dependent ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of PECAM-1.  相似文献   

Cdh1p is a substrate-specific subunit of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C), which functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase to degrade the mitotic cyclin Clb2p and other substrates during the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Cdh1p is phosphorylated and thereby inactivated at the G(1)/S transition predominantly by Cdc28p-Clb5p. Here we show that Cdh1p is nuclear during the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, but redistributes to the cytoplasm between S phase and the end of mitosis. Nuclear export of Cdh1p is regulated by phosphorylation and requires active Cdc28p kinase. Cdh1p binds to the importin Pse1p and the exportin Msn5p, which is necessary and sufficient to promote efficient export of Cdh1p in vivo. Although msn5delta cells are viable, they are sensitive to Cdh1p overexpression. Likewise, a mutant form of Cdh1p, which is constitutively nuclear, prevents accumulation of Clb2p and leads to cell cycle arrest when overexpressed in wild-type cells. Taken together, these results suggest that phosphorylation-dependent nuclear export of Cdh1p by Msn5p contributes to efficient inactivation of APC/C(Cdh1).  相似文献   

NIPA (Nuclear Interaction Partner of Alk kinase) is an F-box like protein that targets nuclear Cyclin B1 for degradation. Integrity and therefore activity of the SCF(NIPA) E3 ligase is regulated by cell-cycle-dependent phosphorylation of NIPA, restricting substrate ubiquitination to interphase. Here we show that phosphorylated NIPA is degraded in late mitosis in an APC/C(Cdh1)-dependent manner. Binding of the unphosphorylated form of NIPA to Skp1 interferes with binding to the APC/C-adaptor protein Cdh1 and therefore protects unphosphorylated NIPA from degradation in interphase. Our data thus define a novel mode of regulating APC/C-mediated ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Overexpression of cyclin E, an activator of cyclin-dependent kinase 2, has been linked to human cancer. In cell culture models, the forced expression of cyclin E leads to aneuploidy and polyploidy, which is consistent with a direct role of cyclin E overexpression in tumorigenesis. In this study, we show that the overexpression of cyclin E has a direct effect on progression through the latter stages of mitotic prometaphase before the complete alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate. In some cases, such cells fail to divide chromosomes, resulting in polyploidy. In others, cells proceed to anaphase without the complete alignment of chromosomes. These phenotypes can be explained by an ability of overexpressed cyclin E to inhibit residual anaphase-promoting complex (APC(Cdh1)) activity that persists as cells progress up to and through the early stages of mitosis, resulting in the abnormal accumulation of APC(Cdh1) substrates as cells enter mitosis. We further show that the accumulation of securin and cyclin B1 can account for the cyclin E-mediated mitotic phenotype.  相似文献   

The APC/Cdh1 E3 ubiquitin ligase plays an essential role in both mitotic exit and G1/S transition by targeting key cell-cycle regulators for destruction. There is mounting evidence indicating that Cdh1 has other functions in addition to cell-cycle regulation. However, it remains unclear whether these additional functions depend on its E3 ligase activity. Here, we report that Cdh1, but not Cdc20, promotes the E3 ligase activity of Smurf1. This is mediated by disruption of an autoinhibitory Smurf1 homodimer and is independent of APC/Cdh1 E3 ligase activity. As a result, depletion of Cdh1 leads to reduced Smurf1 activity and subsequent activation of multiple downstream targets, including the MEKK2 signaling pathway, inducing osteoblast differentiation. Our studies uncover a cell-cycle-independent function of Cdh1, establishing Cdh1 as an upstream component that governs Smurf1 activity. They further suggest that modulation of Cdh1 is a potential therapeutic option for treatment of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Genomic stability and tumour suppression by the APC/C cofactor Cdh1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anaphase promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C) is a ubiquitin protein ligase that, together with Cdc20 or Cdh1, targets cell-cycle proteins for degradation. APC/C-Cdh1 specifically promotes protein degradation in late mitosis and G1. Mutant embryos lacking Cdh1 die at E9.5-E10.5 due to defects in the endoreduplication of trophoblast cells and placental malfunction. This lethality is prevented when Cdh1 is expressed in the placenta. Cdh1-deficient cells proliferate inefficiently and accumulate numeric and structural chromosomal aberrations, indicating that Cdh1 contributes to the maintenance of genomic stability. Cdh1 heterozygous animals show increased susceptibility to spontaneous tumours, suggesting that Cdh1 functions as a haploinsufficient tumour suppressor. These heterozygous mice also show several defects in behaviour associated with increased proliferation of stem cells in the nervous system. These results indicate that Cdh1 is required for preventing unscheduled proliferation of specific progenitor cells and protecting mammalian cells from genomic instability.  相似文献   

by activating a large ubiquitin ligase called the anaphase-promoting complex, or cyclosome (APC/C). At the end of G1, APC/CCdh1 is inhibited by cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) phosphorylation of Cdh1. The specific Cdh1 phosphorylation sites used to regulate APC/CCdh1 activity have not been directly identified. Here, we used a mass spectrometric approach to identify the in vivo phosphorylation sites on yeast Cdh1. Surprisingly, in addition to several expected CDK phosphorylation sites, we discovered numerous non-CDK phosphorylation sites. In total, at least 19 serine and threonine residues on Cdh1 are phosphorylated in vivo. Seventeen of these sites are located in the N-terminal half of Cdh1, outside the highly conserved WD40 repeats. The pattern of phosphorylation was the same when Cdh1 was purified from yeast cultures arrested in S, early M and late M. Mutation of CDK consensus sequences eliminated detectable phosphorylation at many of the non-CDK sites. In contrast, mutation of non-CDK sites had no significant effect on CDK phosphorylation. We conclude that phosphorylation of CDK sites promotes the subsequent recognition of Cdh1 by at least one additional kinase. The function of non-CDK phosphorylation may differ from CDK phosphorylation because mutation of non-CDK sites did not result in constitutive activation of APC and consequent cell cycle arrest. These results suggest that phosphoregulation of APC/CCdh1 activity is much more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

E2F1 is a key positive regulator of human cell proliferation and its activity is altered in essentially all human cancers. Deregulation of E2F1 leads to oncogenic DNA damage and anti‐oncogenic apoptosis. The molecular mechanisms by which E2F1 mediates these two processes are poorly understood but are important for understanding cancer progression. During the G1‐to‐S phase transition, E2F1 associates through a short DHQY sequence with the cell‐cycle regulator HCF‐1 together with the mixed‐lineage leukaemia (MLL) family of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferases. We show here that the DHQY HCF‐1‐binding sequence permits E2F1 to stimulate both DNA damage and apoptosis, and that HCF‐1 and the MLL family of H3K4 methyltransferases have important functions in these processes. Thus, HCF‐1 has a broader role in E2F1 function than appreciated earlier. Indeed, sequence changes in the E2F1 HCF‐1‐binding site can modulate both up and down the ability of E2F1 to induce apoptosis indicating that HCF‐1 association with E2F1 is a regulator of E2F1‐induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Senescence is a cellular response to damage and stress. The senescence response prevents cancer by suppressing the proliferation of cells with a compromised genome and contributes to optimal wound healing in normal tissues. Persistent senescent cells are also thought to drive aging and age-associated pathologies through their secretion of inflammatory factors that modify the tissue microenvironment and alter the function of nearby normal or transformed cells. Understanding how senescent cells alter the microenvironment would be aided by the ability to induce or eliminate senescent cells at will in vivo. Here, we combine the use of the synthetic nucleoside analog ganciclovir (GCV) with herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) activity to create or eliminate senescent human cells. We show that low concentrations of GCV induce senescence through the accumulation of nuclear DNA damage while higher concentrations of GCV, similar to those used in vivo, kill non-dividing senescent cells via mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage and caspase-dependent apoptosis. Using this system, we effectively eliminated xenografted normal human senescent fibroblasts or induced senescence in human breast cancer cells in vivo. Thus, cellular senescence and mtDNA damage are outcomes of synthetic nucleoside analog treatment, indicating that the GCV–HSVtk combination can be used effectively to promote the targeted formation or eradication of senescent cells.  相似文献   

Differentiation of placental trophoblast stem (TS) cells to trophoblast giant (TG) cells is accompanied by transition from a mitotic cell cycle to an endocycle. Here, we report that Cdh1, a regulator of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), negatively regulates mitotic entry upon the mitotic/endocycle transition. TS cells derived from homozygous Cdh1 gene-trapped (Cdh1GT/GT) murine embryos accumulated mitotic cyclins and precociously entered mitosis after induction of TS cell differentiation, indicating that Cdh1 is required for the switch from mitosis to the endocycle. Furthermore, the Cdh1GT/GT TS cells and placenta showed aberrant expression of placental differentiation markers. These data highlight an important role of Cdh1 in the G2/M transition during placental differentiation.  相似文献   

APC/CCdh1 plays a key role in mitotic exit and has essential targets in the G1 phase; however, these mechanisms are poorly understood. In this report, we provide evidence that damaged DNA-binding protein 1 (DDB1) is capable of binding the WD40 domains of Cdh1, but not of Cdc20, through its BPA and BPC domains. Moreover, cells lacking DDB1 exhibit markedly elevated levels of the protein substrates of APC/CCdh1. Depletion of DDB1 in mitotic cells significantly delays mitotic exit, which demonstrates that the interaction between DDB1 and Cdh1 plays a critical role in regulating APC/CCdh1 activity. However, cells depleted of Cdh1 demonstrated no change in the UV-induced degradation of Cdt1, the main function of DDB1 as an E3 ligase. Strikingly, the APC/CCdh1 substrate levels are normal in cell knockdowns of Cul4A and Cul4B, which, along with DDB1, form an E3 ligase complex. This finding indicates that DDB1 modulates the function of APC/CCdh1 in a manner independent on the Cul4-DDB1 complex. Our results suggest that DDB1 may functionally regulate mitotic exit by modulating APC/CCdh1 activity. This study reveals that there may be cross-talk among DDB1, Cdh1, and Skp2 in the control of cell cycle division.  相似文献   

The p27(Kip1) ubiquitin ligase receptor Skp2 is often overexpressed in human tumours and displays oncogenic properties. The activity of SCF(Skp2) is regulated by the APC(Cdh1), which targets Skp2 for degradation. Here we show that Skp2 phosphorylation on Ser64/Ser72 positively regulates its function in vivo. Phosphorylation of Ser64, and to a lesser extent Ser72, stabilizes Skp2 by interfering with its association with Cdh1, without affecting intrinsic ligase activity. Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)2-mediated phosphorylation of Skp2 on Ser64 allows its expression in mid-G1 phase, even in the presence of active APC(Cdh1). Reciprocally, dephosphorylation of Skp2 by the mitotic phosphatase Cdc14B at the M --> G1 transition promotes its degradation by APC(Cdh1). Importantly, lowering the levels of Cdc14B accelerates cell cycle progression from mitosis to S phase in an Skp2-dependent manner, demonstrating epistatic relationship of Cdc14B and Skp2 in the regulation of G1 length. Thus, our results reveal that reversible phosphorylation plays a key role in the timing of Skp2 expression in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

RD‐N, an aminomethylated derivative of riccardin D, is a lysosomotropic agent that can trigger lysosomal membrane permeabilization followed by cathepsin B (CTSB)‐dependent apoptosis in prostate cancer (PCa) cells, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here we show that RD‐N treatment drives CTSB translocation from the lysosomes to the nucleus where it promotes DNA damage by suppression of the breast cancer 1 protein (BRCA1). Inhibition of CTSB activity with its specific inhibitors, or by CTSB‐targeting siRNA or CTSB with enzyme‐negative domain attenuated activation of BRCA1 and DNA damage induced by RD‐N. Conversely, CTSB overexpression resulted in inhibition of BRCA1 and sensitized PCa cells to RD‐N‐induced cell death. Furthermore, RD‐N‐induced cell death was exacerbated in BRCA1‐deficient cancer cells. We also demonstrated that CTSB/BRCA1‐dependent DNA damage was critical for RD‐N, but not for etoposide, reinforcing the importance of CTSB/BRCA1 in RD‐N‐mediated cell death. In addition, RD‐N synergistically increased cell sensitivity to cisplatin, and this effect was more evidenced in BRCA1‐deficient cancer cells. This study reveals a novel molecular mechanism that RD‐N promotes CTSB‐dependent DNA damage by the suppression of BRCA1 in PCa cells, leading to the identification of a potential compound that target lysosomes for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

During the G1/S transition, p21 proteolysis is mediated by Skp2; however, p21 reaccumulates in G2 and is degraded again in prometaphase. How p21 degradation is controlled in mitosis remains unexplored. We found that Cdc20 (an activator of the ubiquitin ligase APC/C) binds p21 in cultured cells and identified a D box motif in p21 necessary for APC/C(Cdc20)-mediated ubiquitylation of p21. Overexpression of Cdc20 or Skp2 destabilized wild-type p21; however, only Skp2, but not Cdc20, was able to destabilize a p21(D box) mutant. Silencing of Cdc20 induced an accumulation of p21, increased the fraction of p21 bound to Cdk1, and inhibited Cdk1 activity in p21(+/+) prometaphase cells, but not in p21(-/-) cells. Thus, in prometaphase Cdc20 positively regulates Cdk1 by mediating the degradation of p21. We propose that the APC/C(Cdc20)-mediated degradation of p21 contributes to the full activation of Cdk1 necessary for mitotic events and prevents mitotic slippage during spindle checkpoint activation.  相似文献   

Activation of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) by Cdc20 and Cdh1 leads to ubiquitin-dependent degradation of securin and cyclin B and thereby promotes the initiation of anaphase and exit from mitosis. Cyclin B and securin ubiquitination depend on a destruction box (D box) sequence in these proteins, but how APC/C bound to Cdc20 or Cdh1 recognizes the D box is poorly understood. By using site-specific photocrosslinking in combination with mutational analyses, we show that the D box directly interacts with an evolutionarily conserved surface on the predicted WD40 propeller structure of Cdh1 and that this interaction is essential for processive substrate ubiquitination. We further show that Cdh1 specifically crosslinks to the APC/C subunit Cdc27 and that Cdh1 binding to APC/C depends on the presence of Cdc27. Our data imply that APC/C is activated by the association of Cdh1 with Cdc27, which enables APC/C to recognize the D box of substrates via Cdh1's propeller domain.  相似文献   

Cdc20, an activator of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) ubiquitin ligase, initiates the destruction of key mitotic regulators to facilitate mitosis, while it is negatively regulated by the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) to prevent premature anaphase entry. Activation of the p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase could contribute to mitotic arrest, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Here we report a novel pathway in which the p38 signaling triggers Cdc20 destruction under SAC elicited by cadmium, a human carcinogen. We found that the cadmium‐induced prometaphase arrest was linked to decreased Cdc20 and accumulated cyclin A protein levels in human cells, whereas the activity of cyclin B1–Cdk1 was unaffected. The Cdc20 half‐life was markedly shortened along with its ubiquitination and degradation via 26S proteasome in cadmium‐treated asynchronous or G2‐enriched cells. Depletion of APC3 markedly suppressed the cadmium‐induced Cdc20 ubiquitination and proteolysis, while depletion of Cdh1, another activator of APC/C, did not. Intriguingly, blockage of p38 activity restored the Cdc20 levels for continuing mitosis under cadmium, while inhibition of JNK activity had no effect. The cadmium‐induced Cdc20 proteolysis was also suppressed during transient depletion of p38α or stable expression a dominant negative form of p38. Inhibition of p38 abolished the induction of Mad2–Cdc20–APC3 complex by cadmium. Moreover, forced expression of MKK6–p38 signaling could promote Cdc20 degradation in a Cdh1‐independent APC/C pathway. In summary, accelerated ubiquitination and proteolysis of Cdc20 is essential for prometaphase arrest that is mediated via the p38 signaling during SAC activation. J. Cell. Physiol. 223: 327–334, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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