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The targeted removal of damaged proteins by proteolysis is crucial for cell survival. We have shown previously that the Lon protease selectively degrades oxidized mitochondrial proteins, thus preventing their aggregation and cross-linking. We now show that the Lon protease is a stress-responsive protein that is induced by multiple stressors, including heat shock, serum starvation, and oxidative stress. Lon induction, by pretreatment with low-level stress, protects against oxidative protein damage, diminished mitochondrial function, and loss of cell proliferation induced by toxic levels of hydrogen peroxide. Blocking Lon induction with Lon siRNA also blocks this induced protection. We propose that Lon is a generalized stress-protective enzyme whose decline may contribute to the increased levels of protein damage and mitochondrial dysfunction observed in aging and age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Hill JW  Hu JJ  Evans MK 《DNA Repair》2008,7(4):648-654
Deficient repair activity for 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanine (8-oxoguanine), a premutagenic oxidative DNA damage, has been observed in affected tissues in neurodegenerative diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer's disease, and in ischemia/reperfusion injury, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cancer. These conditions have in common the accumulation of oxidative DNA damage, which is believed to play a role in disease progression, and loss of intracellular calcium regulation. These observations suggest that oxidative DNA damage repair capacity may be influenced by fluctuations in cellular calcium. We have identified human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1), the major 8-oxoguanine repair activity, as a specific target of the Ca(2+)-dependent protease Calpain I. Protein sequencing of a truncated partially calpain-digested OGG1 revealed that calpain recognizes OGG1 for degradation at a putative PEST (proline, glutamic acid, serine, threonine) sequence in the C-terminus of the enzyme. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that OGG1 and Calpain I are associated in human cells. Exposure of HeLa cells to hydrogen peroxide or cisplatin resulted in the degradation of OGG1. Pretreatment of cells with the calpain inhibitor calpeptin resulted in inhibition of OGG1 proteolysis and suggests that OGG1 is a target for calpain-mediated degradation in vivo during oxidative stress- and cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Polymorphic OGG1 S326C was comparatively resistant to calpain digestion in vitro, yet was also degraded by a calpain-dependent pathway in vivo following DNA damaging agent exposure. The degradation of OGG1 by calpain may contribute to decreased 8-oxoguanine repair activity and elevated levels of 8-oxoguanine reported in tissues undergoing chronic oxidative stress, ischemia/reperfusion, and other cellular stressors known to produce perturbations of intracellular calcium homeostasis which activate calpain.  相似文献   

A yeast two-hybrid screen identified the regulatory subunit of the calcium-dependent protease calpain as a putative DNA ligase III-binding protein. Calpain binds to the N-terminal region of DNA ligase III, which contains an acidic proline, aspartate, serine, and threonine (PEST) domain frequently present in proteins cleaved by calpain. Recombinant DNA ligase III was a substrate for calpain degradation in vitro. This calpain-mediated proteolysis was calcium-dependent and was blocked by the specific calpain inhibitor calpeptin. Western blot analysis revealed that DNA ligase III was degraded in human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells following exposure to gamma-radiation. The degradation of DNA ligase III was prevented by pretreatment with calpeptin, which protected irradiated cells from death. Calpeptin treatment also blocked 9-amino camptothecin-induced DNA ligase III proteolysis and simultaneously protected the cells from death. HT1080 clones expressing a modified DNA ligase III that lacked a recognizable PEST domain were significantly more resistant to killing by gamma-radiation or 9- amino camptothecin than were cells that overexpressed the wild-type form of DNA ligase III. These data show that calpain-mediated proteolysis of DNA ligase III plays an essential role in DNA damage-induced cell death in human cells.  相似文献   

Molybdoenzymes contain a molybdenum cofactor in their active site to catalyze various redox reactions in all domains of life. To decipher crucial steps during their biogenesis, the TorA molybdoenzyme of Escherichia coli had played a major role to understand molybdoenzyme maturation process driven by specific chaperones. TorD, the specific chaperone of TorA, is also involved in TorA protection. Here, we show that immature TorA (apoTorA) is degraded in vivo and in vitro by the Lon protease. Lon interacts with apoTorA but not with holoTorA. Lon and TorD compete for apoTorA binding but TorD binding protects apoTorA against degradation. Lon is the first protease shown to eliminate an immature or misfolded molybdoenzyme probably by targeting its inactive catalytic site.  相似文献   

Post-translational proteolysis-dependent regulation of critical cellular processes is a common feature in bacteria. The Escherichia coli Lon protease is involved in the control of the SOS response, acid tolerance and nutritional deprivation. Moreover, Lon plays a role in the regulation of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems and thereby is linked to persister cell induction. Persister cells represent a small subpopulation that has reversibly switched to a dormant and non-dividing state without genomic alterations. Formation of persister cells permits viability upon nutritional depletion and severe environmental stresses. CspD is a replication inhibitor, which is induced in stationary phase or upon carbon starvation and increases the production of persister cells. It has remained unknown how CspD activity is counteracted when growth is resumed. Here we report that CspD is subject to proteolysis by the Lon protease both in vivo and in vitro. Turnover of CspD by Lon is strictly adjusted to the growth rate and growth phase of E. coli, reflecting the necessity to control CspD levels according to the physiological conditions.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that the N-terminal domain of the dopamine transporter (DAT) plays a role in several transporter functions. Here we provide evidence for a possible cellular mechanism of how the N-terminus of dopamine transporter might be removed in vivo. We isolated a recombinant N-terminal protein region of human dopamine transporter and cleaved it with calpain protease. Peptide fragment analysis revealed the existence of two calpain cleavage sites at positions Thr43/Ser44 and Leu71/Ser72 of the DATN-terminus. We show that calpain activation in rat striatal synaptosomes leads to a rapid decrease of dopamine transporter N-terminal epitopes corresponding to the protein sequences removed by a calpain cleavage at Thr43/Ser44 and that the process is totally blocked by a calpain inhibitor. Calpain truncation of the DATN-terminus abolishes its interaction with the receptor of activated protein kinase C, RACK1 and removes protein sequences previously implicated in amphetamine-induced dopamine release, PKC-dependent endocytosis and the interaction of DAT with the dopamine D2 receptor. The above suggests that cleavage of DAT by calpain may significantly modify dopamine homeostasis under pathological or physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Calpains, Ca2+-activated cysteine proteases, have been implicated in the progression of multiple disease states. We recently identified calpain 10 as a mitochondrial calpain that is involved in Ca2+-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. The goals of this study were to characterize the expression and activity of renal mitochondrial calpain 10 in rabbit, mouse, and rat. Using shRNA technology and immunoblot analysis three previously postulated splice variants of calpain 10 were identified (50, 56, and 75 kDa). SLLVY-AMC zymography and immunoblot analysis was used to directly link calpeptin-sensitive calpain activity to calpain 10 splice variants. Rabbit, mouse, and rat kidney mitochondria contained 75 kDa (calpain 10a), 56 kDa (calpain 10c or 10d), and 50 kDa (calpain 10e) splice variants. Interestingly, zymography yielded distinct bands of calpain activity containing multiple calpain 10 splice variants in all species. These results provide evidence that several previously postulated splice variants of calpain 10 are localized to the mitochondria in kidneys of rabbits, rats, and mice.  相似文献   

AAA+ proteases employ a hexameric ring that harnesses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to unfold native substrates and translocate the unfolded polypeptide into an interior compartment for degradation. What determines the ability of different AAA+ enzymes to unfold and thus degrade different native protein substrates is currently uncertain. Here, we explore the ability of the E. coli Lon protease to unfold and degrade model protein substrates beginning at N-terminal, C-terminal, or internal degrons. Lon has historically been viewed as a weak unfoldase, but we demonstrate robust and processive unfolding/degradation of some substrates with very stable protein domains, including mDHFR and titin(I27) . For some native substrates, Lon is a more active unfoldase than related AAA+ proteases, including ClpXP and ClpAP. For other substrates, this relationship is reversed. Thus, unfolding activity does not appear to be an intrinsic enzymatic property. Instead, it depends on the specific protease and substrate, suggesting that evolution has diversified rather than optimized the protein unfolding activities of different AAA+ proteases.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial aconitase is sensitive to oxidative inactivation and can aggregate and accumulate in many age-related disorders. Here we report that Lon protease, an ATP-stimulated mitochondrial matrix protein, selectively recognizes and degrades the oxidized, hydrophobic form of aconitase after mild oxidative modification, but that severe oxidation results in aconitase aggregation, which makes it a poor substrate for Lon. Similarly, a morpholino oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the lon gene markedly decreases the amount of Lon protein, Lon activity and aconitase degradation in WI-38 VA-13 human lung fibroblasts and causes accumulation of oxidatively modified aconitase. The ATP-stimulated Lon protease may be an essential defence against the stress of life in an oxygen environment. By recognizing minor oxidative changes to protein structure and rapidly degrading the mildly modified protein, Lon protease may prevent extensive oxidation, aggregation and accumulation of aconitase, which could otherwise compromise mitochondrial function and cellular viability. Aconitase is probably only one of many mitochondrial matrix proteins that are preferentially degraded by Lon protease after oxidative modification.  相似文献   

Translocase of IM (inner membrane; Tim)9 and Tim10 are essential homologue proteins of the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) and form a stable hexameric Tim9–Tim10 complex there. Redox-switch of the four conserved cysteine residues plays a key role during the biogenesis of these proteins and, in turn, the Tim proteins play a vital chaperone-like role during import of mitochondrial membrane proteins. However, the functional mechanism of the small Tim chaperones is far from solved and it is unclear whether the individual proteins play specific roles or the complex functions as a single unit. In the present study, we examined the requirement and role for the individual disulfide bonds of Tim9 on cell viability, complex formation and stability using yeast genetic, biochemical and biophysical methods. Loss of the Tim9 inner disulfide bond led to a temperature-sensitive phenotype and degradation of both Tim9 and Tim10. The growth phenotype could be suppressed by deletion of the mitochondrial i-AAA (ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities) protease Yme1, and this correlates strongly with stabilization of the Tim10 protein regardless of Tim9 levels. Formation of both disulfide bonds is not essential for Tim9 function, but it can facilitate the formation and improve the stability of the hexameric Tim9–Tim10 complex. Furthermore, our results suggest that the primary function of Tim9 is to protect Tim10 from degradation by Yme1 via assembly into the Tim9–Tim10 complex. We propose that Tim10, rather than the hexameric Tim9–Tim10 complex, is the functional form of these proteins.  相似文献   

Rats bearing the Zajdela hepatoma tumor and T3-treated hypothyroid rats were used to study the role of protein degradation in the process of mitochondrial biogenesis. It was shown that the activity, protein and mRNA levels of the ATP-dependent Lon protease increased in rapidly growing Zajdela hepatoma cells. The increase in the rate of mitochondrial biogenesis by thyroid hormone was similarly accompanied by enhanced expression of the Lon protease. The results imply that mitochondrial biogenesis in mammalian cells is, at least partially, regulated by the matrix Lon protease.  相似文献   

Lon protease of Escherichia coli regulates a diverse set of physiological responses including cell division, capsule production, plasmid stability, and phage replication. Little is known about the mechanism of substrate recognition by Lon. To examine the interaction of Lon with two of its substrates, RcsA and SulA, we generated point mutations in lon which affected its substrate specificity. The most informative lon mutant overproduced capsular polysaccharide (RcsA stabilized) yet was resistant to DNA-damaging agents (SulA degraded). Immunoblots revealed that RcsA protein persisted in this mutant whereas SulA protein was rapidly degraded. The mutant contains a single-base change within lon leading to a single amino acid change of glutamate 240 to lysine. E240 is conserved among all Lon isolates and resides in a charged domain that has a high probability of adopting a coiled-coil conformation. This conformation, implicated in mediating protein-protein interactions, appears to confer substrate discriminator activity on Lon. We propose a model suggesting that this coiled-coil domain represents the discriminator site of Lon.  相似文献   

Megli FM  Sabatini K 《FEBS letters》2004,573(1-3):68-72
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether, after oxidative injury in vivo, liver mitochondrial phospholipids suffered from structural defects similar to those we have previously observed after either chemical oxidation or respiration state IV incubation of isolated mitochondria in vitro. Oxidative injury of the liver was simulated by endogastric administration of CCl4 to rats in variable amounts for different times, under various conditions. Measurements of the phospholipid bilayer packing order were carried out by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry of oriented planar samples of phospholipids extracted from liver mitochondria, spin labeled with 5-doxylstearoyl-lecithin. Disordering of the bilayer was revealed by the anisotropy loss of EPR spectra and reached a maximum value 4.5 h after CCl4 administration, vanishing thereafter. The observed disorder also increased with the amount of CCl4 administered, showing distinct dose-dependence, while administration of resveratrol soon after carbon tetrachloride decreased bilayer disordering by 50%. On the contrary, the order parameter S of spin labeled lecithin in isolated mitochondrial membranes from intoxicated rats revealed no change in membrane fluidity after oxidative stress. It is concluded that the phospholipid damage leading to disturbed bilayer geometry after oxidative attack already observed in model membranes and in isolated mitochondria in vitro also occurs in a simulated pathological state in vivo, indicating its possible occurrence also in real oxidative stress-linked pathologies as a contribution to the onset/sustaining of related diseases.  相似文献   

Constant efforts are ongoing for the development of new imaging methods that allow the investigation of molecular processes in vivo. Protein-protein interactions, enzymatic activities and intracellular Ca2+ fluxes, have been resolved in cultured cells using a variety of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) detection methods. However, FRET has not been used so far in conjunction with 3D intravital imaging. We evaluated here a combination of multiphoton microscopy (MPM), method of choice for non-destructive living tissue investigation, and FRET imaging to monitor calpain proteolytic activity in living mice muscle. We show that kinetics of ubiquitous calpains activation can be efficiently and quantitatively monitored in living mouse tissues at cellular level with a FRET-based indicator upon calcium influx. The ability to visualize calpain activity in living tissue offers a unique opportunity to challenge remaining questions on the biological functions of calpains and to evaluate the therapeutic potential of calpain inhibitors in many degenerative conditions.  相似文献   

The Lon AAA+ (adenosine triphosphatases associated with diverse cellular activities) protease (LonA) converts ATP-fuelled conformational changes into sufficient mechanical force to drive translocation of a substrate into a hexameric proteolytic chamber. To understand the structural basis for the substrate translocation process, we determined the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of Meiothermus taiwanensis LonA (MtaLonA) in a substrate-engaged state at 3.6 Å resolution. Our data indicate that substrate interactions are mediated by the dual pore loops of the ATPase domains, organized in spiral staircase arrangement from four consecutive protomers in different ATP-binding and hydrolysis states. However, a closed AAA+ ring is maintained by two disengaged ADP-bound protomers transiting between the lowest and highest position. This structure reveals a processive rotary translocation mechanism mediated by LonA-specific nucleotide-dependent allosteric coordination among the ATPase domains, which is induced by substrate binding.  相似文献   

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