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A microbial consortium that efficiently degrades 2,4,6-TCP (2,4,6-trichlorophenol), as the sole source of carbon and energy under aerobic conditions was selected from municipal activated sludge. Six bacterial strains, designated S(1), S(2), S(3), S(4), S(5) and S(6), were isolated from the selected consortium and five were identified as Sphingomonas paucimobilis (S(2), S(3)), Burkholderia cepacia(S(4)), Chryseomonas luteola (S(5)) and Vibrio metschnikovii (S(6)). After prolonged cultivation followed by successive transfers, the consortium's degradation ability was improved and reached a specific degradation rate of 34 mg 2,4,6-TCP g(-1) dry weight h(-1) (about 51 mg 2,4,6-TCP g(-1) cell protein h(-1)). The soluble chemical oxygen demand, chloride and oxygen uptake balance data clearly indicate the complete dechlorination and mineralization of 2,4,6-TCP. The consortium's activity was not inhibited by 2,4,6-TCP concentrations 相似文献   

Metagenomics analysis has been applied to identify the dominant anaerobic microbial consortium of the carbon monoxide (CO) oxidizers in anaerobic sludge. Reads from the hypervariable V6 region in the bacterial 16s rDNA were aligned and finally clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The OTUs from different stages in anaerobic CO condition were classified. Alphaproteobacteria, clostridia, betaproteobacteria and actinobacteria were the most abundant groups, while alphaproteobacteria, betaproteobacteria and actinobacteria were variable groups. CO consumption and production efficiency of the microbial consortium were studied. Semi-continuous trials showed that these anaerobic CO oxidizers formed a stable microbial community, and the CO conversion rate was at over 84%, with the highest CO consumption activity of 28.9 mmol CO/g VSS●day and methane production activity at 7.6 mmol CH4/g VSS●day during six cycles.  相似文献   

Microorganisms isolated from diverse environmental sources were initially screened for carboxymethylcellulase activity. Nine strains that grew at elevated temperatures and which presented the highest activity were characterized further. Culture supernatants were assayed for potentiation of the enzymatic activity and, based on these results, consortia of four or nine microorganisms were tested for their capacity to grow on, and degrade a sugarcane leaf substrate. As predicted by the supernatant mixes, both consortia assayed were capable of degrading the cellulosic substrate provided. The group comprising of four strains was as efficient as the mix of all nine strains.  相似文献   

Wang W  Yan L  Cui Z  Gao Y  Wang Y  Jing R 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):9321-9324
A microbial consortium, designated WCS-6, was established by successive subcultivation in the presence of rice straw under static conditions. The degradation efficiencies of WSC-6 for 0.5 g filter paper, cotton and rice straw after 3 days of cultivation were 99.0±0.7%, 76.9±1.5% and 81.3±0.8%, respectively as determined by gravimetrical methods. Nine bacterial isolates were obtained from WCS-6 plated under aerobic conditions, and sequencing of their 16S rDNA indicated that these bacteria were related to Bacillus thermoamylovorans BTa, Paenibacillus barengoltzii SAFN-016, Proteobacterium S072, Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis CB-226, Rhizobiaceae str. M100, Bacillus sp. E53-10, Beta proteobacterium HMD444, Petrobacter succinimandens 4BON, and Tepidiphilus margaritifer N2-214. DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and sequencing of 16S rDNA sequences amplified from total consortium DNA revealed the presence of sequences related to those of Ureibacillus thermosphaericus, uncultured bacterium clone GC3, uncultured Clostridium sp. clone A1-3, Clostridium thermobutyricum, and Clostridium thermosuccinogenes in addition to the sequences identified from the cultured bacteria. The microbial community identified herein is a potential candidate consortium for the degradation of waste lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

Antimony leaching from sulfide ore samples by an experimental consortium of thermoacidophilic microorganisms, including Sulfobacillus, Leptospirillum, and Ferroplasma strains was studied. The ores differed significantly in the content of the major metal sulfides (%): SbS, 0.84 to 29.95; FeS, 0.47 to 2.5, and AsS, 0.01 to 0.4. Independent of the SbS concentration in the experimental sample, after adaptation to a specific ore and pulp compaction, the microorganisms grew actively and leached/oxidized all gold-antimony ores at 39 ± 1°C. The lower was the content of iron and arsenic sulfides, the higher was antimony leaching. For the first time the investigations conducted with the use of X-ray microanalysis made it possible to conclude that, in a natural high-antimony ore, Sb inhibits growth of only a part of the cell population and that Ca, Fe, and Sb may compete for the binding centers of the cell.  相似文献   

The wastewater from the dairy industries usually contains high concentrations of contaminants and, since the volume generated is also high, the total contaminant load is very significant. Among the available options for treatment, biological degradation looks like the most promising one. Furthermore, the supplementation of the native microbial populations with external microorganisms with high specific degradation rates (bio-augmentation) has demonstrated to improve the performance of treatment. The main objective of this research was to select a combination of bacteria to improve the aerobic treatment of dairy processing wastewater. For this purpose, eleven fat/protein-degrading microorganisms belonging to the genera Bacillus, Serratia, Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Stenotrophomonas, Klebsiella and Escherichia, were evaluated as potential degrading bacteria using a Plackett-Burman design. Assays were carried out to select the strains that most significantly influenced the degradation of wastewater and biomass yield, in terms of COD removal. A simulated dairy industry effluent was used as culture medium. Four strains were selected as potential members of the microbial consortium: Lactococcus garvieae, Bacillus thuringiensis, Escherichia coli and Stenotrophomonas sp. The optimal operation temperature and pH range of the selected consortium were 32°C and 6 ~ 8, respectively. The degradation percentages reached with the selected consortium were 80.67 and 83.44% at 24 and 48 h, respectively. The selected consortium significantly improved the degradation of the dairy wastewater, and the degradation degree achieved by this consortium was higher than by using the strains individually.  相似文献   

Polyalcohol ethoxylate (PAE), an anionic surfactant, is the primary component in most laundry and dish wash detergents and is therefore highly loaded in domestic wastewater. Its biodegradation results in the formation of several metabolites and the fate of these metabolites through wastewater treatment plants, graywater recycling processes, and in the environment must be clearly understood. Biodegradation pathways for PAE were investigated in this project with a municipal wastewater microbial consortium. A microtiter-based oxygen sensor system was utilized to determine the preferential use of potential biodegradation products. Results show that while polyethylene glycols (PEGs) were readily degraded by PAE acclimated microorganisms, most of the carboxylic acids tested were not degraded. Biodegradation of PEGs suggests that hydrophobe–hydrophile scission was the dominant pathway for PAE biodegradation in this wastewater community. Ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG) were not utilized by microbial populations capable of degrading higher molecular weight EGs. It is possible that EG and DEG may accumulate. The microtiter-based oxygen sensor system was successfully utilized to elucidate information on PAE biodegradation pathways and could be applied to study biodegradation pathways for other important contaminants.  相似文献   

Advances in DNA extraction and next‐generation sequencing have made a vast number of historical herbarium specimens available for genomic investigation. These specimens contain not only genomic information from the individual plants themselves, but also from associated microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms may have colonized the living plant (e.g., pathogens or host‐associated commensal taxa) or may result from postmortem colonization that may include decomposition processes or contamination during sample handling. Here we characterize the metagenomic profile from shotgun sequencing data from herbarium specimens of two widespread plant species (Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana) collected up to 180 years ago. We used blast searching in combination with megan and were able to infer the metagenomic community even from the oldest herbarium sample. Through comparison with contemporary plant collections, we identify three microbial species that are nearly exclusive to herbarium specimens, including the fungus Alternaria alternata, which can comprise up to 7% of the total sequencing reads. This species probably colonizes the herbarium specimens during preparation for mounting or during storage. By removing the probable contaminating taxa, we observe a temporal shift in the metagenomic composition of the invasive weed Am. artemisiifolia. Our findings demonstrate that it is generally possible to use herbarium specimens for metagenomic analyses, but that the results should be treated with caution, as some of the identified species may be herbarium contaminants rather than representing the natural metagenomic community of the host plant.  相似文献   

Analysis of promoter and enhancer DNA sequences provides the researcher with valuable information regarding the expression patterns of genes. Insertion of small DNA fragments containing the regulatory sequence of interest into vectors carrying reporter genes allows for the accurate quantitative analysis of the gene's expression patterns and responses to various stimuli. The use of bioluminescent reporter genes provides a simple, rapid, and inexpensive system that generates virtually no toxic or radioactive waste products. In addition, bioluminescent reporter vectors are more sensitive than previous methods such as the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) systems, that require the use of hazardous chemicals and isotopically labeled reagents.  相似文献   

We analyzed metabolic interactions and the importance of specific structural relationships in a benzyl alcohol-degrading microbial consortium comprising two species, Pseudomonas putida strain R1 and Acinetobacter strain C6, both of which are able to utilize benzyl alcohol as their sole carbon and energy source. The organisms were grown either as surface-attached organisms (biofilms) in flow chambers or as suspended cultures in chemostats. The numbers of CFU of P. putida R1 and Acinetobacter strain C6 were determined in chemostats and from the effluents of the flow chambers. When the two species were grown together in chemostats with limiting concentrations of benzyl alcohol, Acinetobacter strain C6 outnumbered P. putida R1 (500:1), whereas under similar growth conditions in biofilms, P. putida R1 was present in higher numbers than Acinetobacter strain C6 (5:1). In order to explain this difference, investigations of microbial activities and structural relationships were carried out in the biofilms. Insertion into P. putida R1 of a fusion between the growth rate-regulated rRNA promoter rrnBP1 and a gfp gene encoding an unstable variant of the green fluorescent protein made it possible to monitor the physiological activity of P. putida R1 cells at different positions in the biofilms. Combining this with fluorescent in situ hybridization and scanning confocal laser microscopy showed that the two organisms compete or display commensal interactions depending on their relative physical positioning in the biofilm. In the initial phase of biofilm development, the growth activity of P. putida R1 was shown to be higher near microcolonies of Acinetobacter strain C6. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis showed that in the effluent of the Acinetobacter strain C6 monoculture biofilm the metabolic intermediate benzoate accumulated, whereas in the biculture biofilms this was not the case, suggesting that in these biofilms the excess benzoate produced by Acinetobacter strain C6 leaks into the surrounding environment, from where it is metabolized by P. putida R1. After a few days, Acinetobacter strain C6 colonies were overgrown by P. putida R1 cells and new structures developed, in which microcolonies of Acinetobacter strain C6 cells were established in the upper layer of the biofilm. In this way the two organisms developed structural relationships allowing Acinetobacter strain C6 to be close to the bulk liquid with high concentrations of benzyl alcohol and allowing P. putida R1 to benefit from the benzoate leaking from Acinetobacter strain C6. We conclude that in chemostats, where the organisms cannot establish in fixed positions, the two strains will compete for the primary carbon source, benzyl alcohol, which apparently gives Acinetobacter strain C6 a growth advantage, probably because it converts benzyl alcohol to benzoate with a higher yield per time unit than P. putida R1. In biofilms, however, the organisms establish structured, surface-attached consortia, in which heterogeneous ecological niches develop, and under these conditions competition for the primary carbon source is not the only determinant of biomass and population structure.  相似文献   

Benzene is a major contaminant in various environments, but the mechanisms behind its biodegradation under strictly anoxic conditions are not yet entirely clear. Here we analyzed a benzene-degrading, sulfate-reducing enrichment culture originating from a benzene-contaminated aquifer by a metagenome-based functional metaproteomic approach, using protein-based stable isotope probing (protein-SIP). The time-resolved, quantitative analysis of carbon fluxes within the community supplied with either 13C-labeled benzene or 13C-labeled carbonate yielded different functional groups of organisms, with their peptides showing specific time dependencies of 13C relative isotope abundance indicating different carbon utilization. Through a detailed analysis of the mass spectrometric (MS) data, it was possible to quantify the utilization of the initial carbon source and the metabolic intermediates. The functional groups were affiliated to Clostridiales, Deltaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi. The Clostridiales-related organisms were involved in benzene degradation, putatively by fermentation, and additionally used significant amounts of carbonate as a carbon source. The other groups of organisms were found to perform diverse functions, with Deltaproteobacteria degrading fermentation products and Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi being putative scavengers feeding on dead cells. A functional classification of identified proteins supported this allocation and gave further insights into the metabolic pathways and the interactions between the community members. This example shows how protein-SIP can be applied to obtain temporal and phylogenetic information about functional interdependencies within microbial communities.  相似文献   

A stabilized consortium of microbes which anaerobically degraded benzoate and produced CH4 was established by inoculation of a benzoate-mineral salts medium with sewage sludge; the consortium was routinely subcultured anaerobically in this medium for 3 years. Acetate, formate, H2 and CO2 were identified as intermediates in the overall conversion of benzoate to CH4 by the culture. Radioactivity was equally divided between the CH4 and CO2 from the degradation of uniformly ring-labeled [14C]benzoate. The methyl group of acetate was stoichiometrically converted to CH4. Acetate, cyclohexanecarboxylate, 2-hydroxycyclohexanecarboxylate, o-hydroxybenzoic acid and pimelic acid were converted to CH4 without a lag suggesting that benzoate was degraded by a reductive pathway. Addition of o-chlorobenzoate inhibited benzoate degradation but not acetate degradation or methane formation. Two methanogenic organisms were isolated from the mixed culture, neither organism was able to degrade benzoate, showing that the methanogenic bacteria served as terminal organisms of a metabolic food chain composed of several organisms. Removal of intermediates by the methanogenic bacteria provided thermodynamically favorable conditions for benzoate degradation.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of propanol and isopropanol by a mixed microbial consortium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aerobic biodegradation of high concentrations of 1-propanol and 2-propanol (IPA) by a mixed microbial consortium was investigated. Solvent concentrations were one order of magnitude greater than any previously reported in the literature. The consortium utilized these solvents as their sole carbon source to a maximum cell density of 2.4 × 109 cells ml−1. Enrichment experiments with propanol or IPA as carbon sources were carried out in batch culture and maximum specific growth rates (μmax) calculated. At 20 °C, μ max values were calculated to be 0.0305 h−1 and 0.1093 h−1 on 1% (v/v) IPA and 1-propanol, respectively. Growth on propanol and IPA was carried out between temperatures of 10 °C and 45 °C. Temperature shock responses by the microbial consortium at temperatures above 45 °C were demonstrated by considerable cell flocculation. An increase in propanol substrate concentration from 1% (v/v) to 2% (v/v) decreased the μ max from 0.1093 h−1 to 0.0715 h−1. Maximum achievable biodegradation rates of propanol and IPA were 6.11 × 10−3% (v/v) h−1 and 2.72 × 10−3% (v/v) h−1, respectively. Generation of acetone during IPA biodegradation commenced at 264 h and reached a maximum concentration of 0.4% (v/v). The results demonstrate the potential of mixed microbial consortia in the bioremediation of solvent-containing waste streams. Received: 14 December 1999 / Received revision: 3 April 2000 / Accepted: 7 April 2000  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the phenanthrene degradation by a halophilic consortium obtained from a saline soil sample. This consortium, named Qphe, could efficiently utilize phenanthrene in a wide range of NaCl concentrations, from 1% to 17% (w/v). Since none of the purified isolates could degrade phenanthrene, serial dilutions were performed and resulted in a simple polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading culture named Qphe-SubIV which was shown to contain one culturable Halomonas strain and one unculturable strain belonging to the genus Marinobacter. Qphe-SubIV was shown to grow on phenanthrene at salinities as high as 15% NaCl (w/v) and similarly to Qphe, at the optimal NaCl concentration of 5% (w/v), could degrade more than 90% of the amended phenanthrene in 6 days. The comparison of the substrate range of the two consortiums showed that the simplified culture had lost the ability to degrade chrysene but still could grow on other polyaromatic substrates utilized by Qphe. Metabolite analysis by HPLC and GC–MS showed that 2-hydroxy 1-naphthoic acid and 2-naphthol were among the major metabolites accumulated in the Qphe-SubIV culture media, indicating that an initial dioxygenation step might proceed at C1 and C2 positions. By investigating the growth ability on various substrates along with the detection of catechol dioxygenase gene, it was postulated that the uncultured Marinobacter strain had the central role in phenanthrene degradation and the Halomonas strain played an auxiliary role in the culture by utilizing phenanthrene metabolites whose accumulation in the media could be toxic.  相似文献   

Reduction of nitrobenzene with H2 using a microbial consortium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proof of concept was obtained that nitrobenzene can be reduced to aniline by a mixed reductive microbial culture using H2 as the sole electron donor source. In a continuous-flow anaerobic bioreactor, both pH and temperature affected nitrobenzene reduction with optima of pH 6.5-6.8 and 30 degrees C. The efficiency of nitrobenzene degradation increased with H2 up to 10% (v/v). An increase in sulfate concentration decreased the removal rate of nitrobenzene.  相似文献   

Biphenyl was readily degraded and mineralized to CO2 and CH4 by a PCB-dechlorinating anaerobic microbial consortium. Degradation occurred when biphenyl was supplied as a sole source of carbon or as a co-metabolic substrate together with glucose and methanol. p-Cresol was detected and confirmed by mass spectroscopy as a transient intermediate. Production of 14 C-CO2 and 14C-CH4 from 14C-biphenyl was observed in the approximate ratio of 1:2. The results indicated the existence of novel pathways for biphenyl degradation in a natural anaerobic microbial community.  相似文献   

Biological oxidation rates of CS2 with a mixed microbial culture obtained from a trickling filter were optimal with 3 mM CS2, pH 7, 30°C and SO4 2– below 25 g l–1. Degradation rates were 3.4 mg CS2/gproteinmin and 13.8 mg H2S/gproteinmin. The concentrations of intermediates (H2S, COS and S°) and the product (SO4 2–) of CS2 oxidation were measured. The biological oxidation was due principally to Gram negative bacteria.  相似文献   

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