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Models explaining behavioural syndromes often focus on state-dependency, linking behavioural variation to individual differences in other phenotypic features. Empirical studies are, however, rare. Here, we tested for a size and growth-dependent stable behavioural syndrome in the juvenile-stages of a solitary apex predator (pike, Esox lucius), shown as repeatable foraging behaviour across risk. Pike swimming activity, latency to prey attack, number of successful and unsuccessful prey attacks was measured during the presence/absence of visual contact with a competitor or predator. Foraging behaviour across risks was considered an appropriate indicator of boldness in this solitary predator where a trade-off between foraging behaviour and threat avoidance has been reported. Support was found for a behavioural syndrome, where the rank order differences in the foraging behaviour between individuals were maintained across time and risk situation. However, individual behaviour was independent of body size and growth in conditions of high food availability, showing no evidence to support the state-dependent personality hypothesis. The importance of a combination of spatial and temporal environmental variation for generating growth differences is highlighted.  相似文献   

Competitive ability is a major determinant of fitness, but why individuals vary so much in their competitiveness remains only partially understood. One increasingly prevalent view is that realized competitive ability varies because it represents alternative strategies that arise because of the costs associated with competitiveness. Here we use a population of great tits (Parus major) to explore whether individual differences in competitive ability when foraging can be explained by two traits that have previously been linked to alternative behavioural strategies: the personality trait 'exploration behaviour' and a simple cognitive trait, 'innovative problem-solving performance'. We assayed these traits under standardized conditions in captivity and then measured competitive ability at feeders with restricted access in the wild. Competitive ability was repeatable within individual males across days and correlated positively with exploration behaviour, representing the first such demonstration of a link between a personality trait and both competitive ability and food intake in the wild. Competitive ability was also simultaneously negatively correlated with problem-solving performance; individuals who were poor competitors were good at problem-solving. Rather than being the result of variation in 'individual quality', our results support the hypothesis that individual variation in competitive ability can be explained by alternative behavioural strategies.  相似文献   

A general question in biology is how processes at one scale, for example that of individual organisms, influence patterns at larger scales, for example communities of interacting individuals. Here we ask how changing the size‐dependence of the foraging behaviour of individuals can influence the structure of food webs. We assembled communities using a model in which species interactions are determined by allometric foraging rules of (1) handling time and (2) attack rates, and also (3) the distribution of body sizes. We systematically varied these three factors and examined their effects on three community level, food web allometries: the generality ‐ mass correlation, the vulnerability ‐ mass correlation and the trophic height ‐ mass correlation. The results demonstrate how allometries of individual foraging behaviour (handling time and attack rates) are linked across scales of organisation: different community level allometries are influenced by different individual level allometries. For example, generality allometries in the community are most affected by the individual allometric relationships of the attack rate, whereas trophic level allometries in the community are more strongly influenced by variation in individual handling time allometries. Importantly, we also find that the shape of the body size distribution from which species are drawn has a substantial influence on how these links between scales operate. This study suggests that understanding the variation of size structure among ecological networks requires knowledge about the causes of variation in individual foraging behaviour and determinants of the regional body size distribution.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to account for the adaptive evolution of personality, defined as inter‐individual differences in behaviour that are consistent over time and across situations. For instance, the ‘pace‐of‐life syndrome’ hypothesis suggests that personality evolved as a behavioural correlate of life‐history trajectories that vary within populations. Thus, proactivity, corresponding to higher exploratory tendencies or higher boldness levels, has been linked to higher productivity or mortality rates. However, the extent to which proactivity is associated with a higher motivation to forage remains poorly understood. Moreover, although personality and its effects on foraging behaviour are usually considered to be independent of any motivational or nutritional state, few studies so far have challenged this. Here we show that personality traits, both individually or combined using a principal component analysis, and body condition have additive effects on latency to feed following food deprivation in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata, with personality accounting for 41% and body condition for about 20% of the total variation in latency to feed. In accordance with the pace‐of‐life syndrome hypothesis, latency to feed was negatively related to the degree of proactivity and positively related to body condition. Thus, proactive individuals and individuals in poorer condition were quicker to start feeding after a period of food deprivation. The absence of a significant interaction between personality and body condition further suggests that the effect of personality was independent of body condition. We discuss the relevance of our results in relation to the different factors influencing foraging in birds. Moreover, we place our results within a life‐history framework by emphasizing the correlated evolution of life‐history traits and personality.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms can explain individual differences in foraging behaviour, such as variation in predation risk between patches, variation in the ability of individuals to detect or escape from predators, variation between individuals in their requirement for food, the quality and abundance of food in different patches, phenotypic variation giving rise to differences in resource use (exploitation hypothesis) and interference competition such as the exclusion of subordinate individuals by dominants. Subordinates can develop compensation mechanisms. One of these mechanisms is morphological differentiation. However not every change in morphology can account for the same variation in behaviour, since some morphologies can be ecologically more plastic than others (i.e. some morphs can exploit a broader niche than other morphs). Under controlled conditions in the Coal Tit Parus ater, we tested whether (1) differences in resource use were explained by either the exploitation hypothesis or by the interference hypothesis, and (2) the presumed costs of subordination can be reduced through different ecological plasticities associated with different morphologies. Our results support the interference hypothesis as there are no differences in hanging behaviour between dominants and subordinates when foraging solitarily; while in the presence of other individuals, we observed differences in foraging behaviour that varied with social status. Our results also show that body mass influenced foraging behaviour; lighter birds can exploit patches where hanging postures are needed more easily than heavier birds. Moreover, this relationship varied among individuals, as predicted by the ecological plasticity hypothesis. Lighter subordinate individuals used hanging postures more frequently than heavier ones, differentially reducing the costs of subordination. We propose that differences in the breadth of ecological niche due to differences in morphology can reduce the costs of subordination.  相似文献   

Studies are increasingly demonstrating that individuals differ in their rate of ageing, and this is postulated to emerge from a trade-off between current and future reproduction. Recent theory predicts a correlation between individual personality and life-history strategy, and from this comes the prediction that personality may predict the intensity of senescence. Here we show that boldness correlates with reproductive success and foraging behaviour in wandering albatrosses, with strong sex-specific differences. Shy males show a strong decline in reproductive performance with age, and bold females have lower reproductive success in later adulthood. In both sexes, bolder birds have longer foraging trips and gain more mass per trip as they get older. However, the benefit of this behaviour appears to differ between the sexes, such that it is only matched by high reproductive success in males. Together our results suggest that personality linked foraging adaptations with age are strongly sex-specific in their fitness benefits and that the impact of boldness on senescence is linked to ecological parameters.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in the environment favours foragers that are flexible (phenotypically plastic). However, consistent individual differences in behaviour (personality), such as in risk‐taking, might affect an individual's ability to find food, avoid predators and adjust to new conditions. It is now well known that personalities exist in many taxa, but much less is known about individual variation in plasticity. We measured the tendency to begin foraging across different levels of risk in house sparrows (Passer domesticus), using a behavioural reaction norm framework to simultaneously assess personality and plasticity. We asked whether individuals were consistently different across risk levels, and whether they differed in habituation and neophobia, both of which were treated as cases of plasticity. We found that males habituated more than females by beginning to feed sooner after repeated instances of a human disturbance in the presence of an initially unfamiliar object. Individuals of both sexes also exhibited consistent differences across trials, but did not differ in the rate of habituation beyond the difference between the sexes. When a novel object was placed in the foraging area, both sexes exhibited similar degrees of neophobia by delaying feeding. The magnitude of this change varied among birds, indicating individual differences in neophobia. Our results indicate that both personality and individual variation in plasticity exist but should be treated as independent phenomena. The presence of variation in plasticity implies that the raw material necessary for selection on neophobia exists, and that if heritable, plasticity in risk‐taking across contexts could evolve.  相似文献   

Behavioural syndromes, defined as correlated behaviours in different contexts, have been studied across species and taxa including humans as part of a personality concept. While most studies have focused on solitary individuals, less is known on how shoaling fish compromise between own personality and group behaviour. Risk-taking behaviour in 1-year-old perch (Perca fluviatilis) was observed to compare individual behaviour when in a group and when alone. An experimental design gave the fish the choice between foraging in an open area in the presence of a piscivore and hiding in the vegetation. We quantified the variation accountable by the effect of individuals being in a group, individuals alone and repeated measurements, using hierarchical mixed effects models. Within-group variances were low, but when individuals were later tested alone, individual differences explained most of the variation. Still, the individual best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of time spent in the open area, extracted from the random effects of the mixed effects model, were positively correlated with the corresponding BLUPs when alone. The results indicate that individual behavioural traits are to some degree expressed also within groups. Most fish showed a shyer behaviour when alone, but bolder individuals changed less between treatments than did shyer ones, suggesting a more influential role of bold fish in the group.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest, animal personality is still a puzzling phenomenon. Several theoretical models have been proposed to explain intraindividual consistency and interindividual variation in behaviour, which have been primarily supported by qualitative data and simulations. Using an empirical approach, I tested predictions of one main life-history hypothesis, which posits that consistent individual differences in behaviour are favoured by a trade-off between current and future reproduction. Data on life-history were collected for individuals of a natural population of grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Using open-field and novel-object tests, I quantified variation in activity, exploration and boldness for 117 individuals over 3 years. I found systematic variation in boldness between individuals of different residual reproductive value. Young males with low current but high expected future fitness were less bold than older males with high current fecundity, and males might increase in boldness with age. Females have low variation in assets and in boldness with age. Body condition was not related to boldness and only explained marginal variation in exploration. Overall, these data indicate that a trade-off between current and future reproduction might maintain personality variation in mouse lemurs, and thus provide empirical support of this life-history trade-off hypothesis.  相似文献   

Patrick SC  Browning LE 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26383
In biparental systems, members of the same pair can vary substantially in the amount of parental care they provide to offspring. The extent of this asymmetry should depend on the relative costs and benefits of care. Individual variation in personality is likely to influence this trade-off, and hence is a promising candidate to explain differences in care. In addition, plasticity in parental care may also be associated with personality differences. Using exploration behaviour (EB) as a measure of personality, we investigated these possibilities using both natural and experimental data from a wild population of great tits (Parus major). Contrary to predictions, we found no association between EB and natural variation in provisioning behaviour. Nor was EB linked to responsiveness to experimentally increased brood demand. These results are initially surprising given substantial data from other studies suggesting personality should influence investment in parental care. However, they are consistent with a recent study showing selection on EB is weak and highly context-specific in the focal population. This emphasises the difficulty faced by personality studies attempting to make predictions based on previous work, given that personalities often vary among populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Consistent intra‐population variability in foraging behaviour is found among a wide range of taxa. Such foraging specialisations are common among marine vertebrates, yet it is not clear how individuals repeatedly locate prey or foraging sites at ocean‐wide scales. Using GPS and time‐depth loggers we studied the fine‐scale foraging behaviour of central‐place northern gannets Morus bassanus at two large colonies. First, we estimated the degree of consistency in individual foraging routes and sites across repeated trips. Second, we tested for individual differences in searching behaviour in response to environmental covariates using reaction norms, estimated from mixed effect models. Adult gannets tracked over multiple foraging trips showed repeatable between‐individual differences in terminal points and departure angles of foraging trips, but low repeatability in trip duration and trip length. Importantly, individual birds showed highly repeatable dive locations, with consistently different environmental conditions (such as copepod abundance), suggesting a high degree of foraging site specialisation. Gannets also showed between‐individual differences in searching behaviour along environmental gradients, such that individuals intensified searching under different conditions. Together these results suggest that widespread individual foraging consistency may represent specialisation and be linked with individual responses to environmental conditions. Such divergent searching behaviour could provide a mechanism by which consistent foraging behaviour arises and is maintained among animals that forage across large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Functional trait approaches in ecology chiefly assume the mean trait value of a population adequately predicts the outcome of species interactions. Yet this assumption ignores substantial trait variation among individuals within a population, which can have a profound effect on community structure and function. We explored individual trait variation through the lens of animal personality to test whether among‐individual variation in prey behavior mediates trophic interactions. We quantified the structure of personalities within a population of generalist grasshoppers and examined, through a number of field and laboratory‐based experiments, how personality types could impact tri‐trophic interactions in a food chain. Unlike other studies of this nature, we used spatial habitat domains to evaluate how personality types mechanistically map to behaviors relevant in predator–prey dynamics and found shy and bold individuals differed in both their habitat use and foraging strategy under predation risk by a sit‐and‐wait spider predator. In the field‐based mesocosm portion of our study, we found experimental populations of personality types differed in their trophic impact, demonstrating that prey personality can mediate trophic cascades. We found no differences in respiration rates or body size between personality types used in the mesocosm experiment, indicating relative differences in trophic impact were not due to variation in prey physiology but rather variation in behavioral strategies. Our work demonstrates how embracing the complexity of individual trait variation can offer mechanistically richer understanding of the processes underlying trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Despite a growing body of evidence linking personality to life-history variation and fitness, the behavioural mechanisms underlying these relationships remain poorly understood. One mechanism thought to play a key role is how individuals respond to risk. Relatively reactive and proactive (or shy and bold) personality types are expected to differ in how they manage the inherent trade-off between productivity and survival, with bold individuals being more risk-prone with lower survival probability, and shy individuals adopting a more risk-averse strategy. In the great tit (Parus major), the shy–bold personality axis has been well characterized in captivity and linked to fitness. Here, we tested whether ‘exploration behaviour’, a captive assay of the shy–bold axis, can predict risk responsiveness during reproduction in wild great tits. Relatively slow-exploring (shy) females took longer than fast-exploring (bold) birds to resume incubation after a novel object, representing an unknown threat, was attached to their nest-box, with some shy individuals not returning within the 40 min trial period. Risk responsiveness was consistent within individuals over days. These findings provide rare, field-based experimental evidence that shy individuals prioritize survival over reproductive investment, supporting the hypothesis that personality reflects life-history variation through links with risk responsiveness.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of adult Daphnia largely governs their depth, which has a direct effect on both individual foraging success and predation avoidance. We treated individual swimming behaviour as a threshold character and used directional changes in average clonal depth within experimental tubes as a test for character plasticity. We compared the swimming behaviours of two cohabiting, phenotypically similar Daphnia (Daphnia galeata and Daphnia galeata-Daphnia rosea hybrid) to determine (1) whether there is inherited variation (H(2)) for different traits (responses to hunger and predator cues); (2) whether changes in genetic parameters (norm of reaction and character state) across four environments could be simulated by combinations of the presence or absence of a predator cue and high or low hunger levels; and (3) whether these Daphnia would respond to directional selection, particularly in a trade-off environment (high hunger and predator cue treatments). Responses of both D. galeata and the D. galeata-rosea hybrid to hunger and a predator cue and the trade-off environment were plastic. Daphnia galeata expressed significant genetic variation within (H(2)) and between environments (heritability of plasticity). Both the character state and norm of reaction estimates of heritable variation in the hybrid were close to zero. Genetic correlations were positive and stable across six environmental pairs in Daphnia galeata. Most hybrid genetic correlations were not significant. The phenotypic distributions of both D. galeata and the hybrid were bimodal in the trade-off environment. The D. galeata distribution was partly due to between-clone variation and the hybrid distribution was almost entirely due to within-clone variation. Genetic variation expressed by D. galeata in the trade-off environment appears to depend on both clone by environment interactions and stable inherited differences. These results indicate that while plastic phenotypic responses cause a similar opportunity for selection in D. galeata and the hybrid, their responses to selection would be different in the trade-off and in related environments. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

1. We studied chick diet in a known-age, sexed population of a long-lived seabird, the Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia), over 15 years (N = 136; 1993-2007) and attached time-depth-temperature recorders to examine foraging behaviour in multiple years (N = 36; 2004-07). 2. Adults showed specialization in prey fed to offspring, described by multiple indices calculated over 15 years: 27% of diet diversity was attributable to among-individual variation (within-individual component of total niche width = 0.73); average similarity of an individual's diet to the overall diet was 65% (mean proportional similarity between individuals and population = 0.65); diet was significantly more specialized than expected for 70% of individuals (mean likelihood = 0.53). These indices suggest higher specialization than the average for an across-taxa comparison of 49 taxa. 3. Foraging behaviour varied along three axes: flight time, dive depth and dive shape. Individuals showed specialized individual foraging behaviour along each axis. These foraging strategies were reflected in the prey type delivered to their offspring and were maintained over scales of hours to years. 4. Specialization in foraging behaviour and diet was greater over short time spans (hours, days) than over long time spans (years). Regardless of sex or age, the main component of variation in foraging behaviour and chick diet was between individuals. 5. Plasma stable isotope values were similar across years, within a given individual, and variance was low relative to that expected from prey isotope values, suggesting adult diet specialized across years. Stable isotope values were similar among individuals that fed their nestlings similar prey items and there was no difference in trophic level between adults and chicks. We suggest that guillemots specialize on a single foraging strategy regardless of whether chick-provisioning and self-feeding. With little individual difference in body mass and physiology, specialization likely represents learning and memorizing optimal feeding locations and behaviours. 6. There was no difference in survival or reproductive success between specialists and generalists, suggesting these are largely equivalent strategies in terms of evolutionary fitness, presumably because different strategies were advantageous at different levels of prey abundance or predictability. The development of individual specialization may be an important precursor to diversification among seabirds.  相似文献   

For foraging herbivores, both food quality and predation risk vary across the landscape. Animals should avoid low-quality food patches in favour of high-quality ones, and seek safe patches while avoiding risky ones. Herbivores often face the foraging dilemma, however, of choosing between high-quality food in risky places or low-quality food in safe places. Here, we explore how and why the interaction between food quality and predation risk affects foraging decisions of mammalian herbivores, focusing on browsers confronting plant toxins in a landscape of fear. We draw together themes of plant–herbivore and predator–prey interactions, and the roles of animal ecophysiology, behaviour and personality. The response of herbivores to the dual costs of food and fear depends on the interplay of physiology and behaviour. We discuss detoxification physiology in dealing with plant toxins, and stress physiology associated with perceived predation risk. We argue that behaviour is the interface enabling herbivores to stay or quit food patches in response to their physiological tolerance to these risks. We hypothesise that generalist and specialist herbivores perceive the relative costs of plant defence and predation risk differently and intra-specifically, individuals with different personalities and physiologies should do so too, creating individualised landscapes of food and fear. We explore the ecological significance and emergent impacts of these individual-based foraging outcomes on populations and communities, and offer predictions that can be clearly tested. In doing so, we provide an integrated platform advancing herbivore foraging theory with food quality and predation risk at its core.  相似文献   

Habitat structure can impede visibility and movement, resulting in lower resource monopolization and aggression. Consequently, dominant individuals may prefer open habitats to maximize resource gain, or complex habitats to minimize predation risk. We explored the role of dominance on foraging, aggression and habitat choice using convict cichlids (Amatitlania nigrofasciata) in a two‐patch ideal free distribution experiment. Groups of six fish of four distinct sizes first competed for shrimp in one‐patch trials in both an open and complex habitat; half the groups experienced each habitat type first. Following these one‐patch trials, each group then chose between habitat types in a two‐patch trial while competing for food. Finally, each fish underwent an individual behavioural assessment using a battery of “personality” tests to determine if behaviour when alone accurately reflected behaviour within a social context. In the one‐patch trials, dominant fish showed similar food consumption between habitats, but chased more in the complex habitat. In the two‐patch choice trials, dominants preferred and defended the complex habitat, forming an ideal despotic distribution with more than half the fish and competitive weight in the open habitat. Within the groups, individual fish differed in foraging and chasing, with repeatabilities of 0.45 and 0.23 across all treatments. Although a higher foraging rate during the individual assessment predicted foraging rate and use of the complex habitat during the group trials, aggression and boldness tests were not reflective of group behaviour. Across groups, heavier dominants and those with higher foraging rate in the open habitat used the open habitat more, suggesting that both risk and energetic state affect habitat preference in dominant convict cichlids.  相似文献   

Both mass (as a measure of body reserves) during breeding and adult survival should reflect variation in food availability. Those species that are adapted to less seasonally variable foraging niches and so where competition dominates during breeding, will tend to have a higher mass increase via an interrupted foraging response, because their foraging demands increase and so become more unpredictable. They will then produce few offspring per breeding attempt, but trade this off with higher adult survival. In contrast, those species that occupy a more seasonal niche will not gain mass because foraging remains predictable, as resources become superabundant during breeding. They can also produce more offspring per breeding attempt, but with a trade-off with reduced adult survival. We tested whether the then predicted positive correlation between levels of mass gained during seasonal breeding and adult survival was present across 40 species of tropical bird measured over a 10-year period in a West African savannah. We showed that species with a greater seasonal mass increase had higher adult survival, controlling for annual mass variation (i.e. annual variation in absolute food availability) and variation in the timing of peak mass (i.e. annual predictability of food availability), clutch size, body size, migratory status and phylogeny. Our results support the hypothesis that the degree of seasonal mass variation in birds is probably an indication of life history adaptation: across tropical bird species it may therefore be possible to use mass gain during breeding as an index of adult survival.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behaviour (‘animal personality’) has been well documented in recent years. However, how such individual variation in behaviour is maintained over evolutionary time is an ongoing conundrum. A well-studied axis of animal personality is individual variation along a bold–shy continuum, where individuals differ consistently in their propensity to take risks. A predation-risk cost to boldness is often assumed, but also that the reproductive benefits associated with boldness lead to equivalent fitness outcomes between bold and shy individuals over a lifetime. However, an alternative or complementary explanation may be that bold individuals phenotypically compensate for their risky lifestyle to reduce predation costs, for instance by investing in more pronounced morphological defences. Here, we investigate the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis, i.e. that bold individuals exhibit more pronounced anti-predator defences than shy individuals, by relating shell shape in the aquatic snail Radix balthica to an index of individual boldness. Our analyses find a strong relationship between risk-taking propensity and shell shape in this species, with bolder individuals exhibiting a more defended shell shape than shy individuals. We suggest that this supports the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis and sheds light on a previously poorly studied mechanism to promote the maintenance of personality variation among animals.  相似文献   

1. Dispersal is a key process in population biology and ecology. Although the general ecological conditions that lead to dispersal have been well studied, the causes of individual variation in dispersal are less well understood. A number of recent studies suggest that heritable temperament - or personality - traits are correlated with dispersal in the wild but the extent to which these 'personality-dispersal syndromes' are general, how they depend on an individual's state and on spatial scale and whether they are temporally stable, both within and across individuals, remains unclear. 2. Here, we examine the relationship between exploration behaviour - an axis of personality that appears to be important in animals generally - and a variety of dispersal processes over 6 years in a population of the great tit Parus major. 3. Exploration behaviour was higher in immigrant than in locally born juveniles, but the difference was much larger for individuals with a small body mass, though independent of sex, representing one of the first examples of a state-dependent effect in a personality-dispersal syndrome. 4. Despite a temporal trend in exploration behaviour at the population level, the difference between immigrants and locally born birds remained stable over time, both across and within individuals. This suggests that the personality difference between immigrants and locally born birds is established early in development, but that the process of immigration interacts with both personality and state. 5. We found that the number of immigrant parents a locally born bird had did not influence exploration behaviour, suggesting either the difference between immigrants and residents was environmental or that the effect is overridden by local environmental sources of variation. 6. In contrast to previous work, we found no evidence for links between personality and natal dispersal distance within the population, either in terms of an individual's own exploration behaviour or that of its parents. 7. Our results suggest that there are links between individual differences in personality and dispersal, but that these can be dependent on differences in state among individuals and on the scale over which dispersal is measured. Future work should aim to understand the differences between dispersal within and between populations and the ways in which personality and state interact to determine the outcome of these processes.  相似文献   

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