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Cells of Streptanthus tortuosus callus tissue contain chloroplasts when cultured in a liquid medium in the light. Similar cells grown in the dark contain proplastids that fail to develop prolamellar bodies but do contain a complex of loosely-associated membranes. When green, light-grown cultures are cut into small pieces and subcultured to a fresh culture medium, they become bleached even though maintained under the same illumination. The fine structure of the chloroplasts and the chlorophyll content of the cells indicate a dedifferentiation of the chloroplasts to a proplastid state during the early culture period. The changes in the ultrastructure of the plastids are paralleled by a dedifferentiation of the vacuolate cells to a less differentiated, meristematic state. Subsequent growth in the light results in a re-formation of chloroplasts and an increase in the chlorophyll content of the cells. The period of chloroplast redevelopment is associated with the re-formation of large central vacuoles in the cultured cells. Invaginations of the inner membrane of the plastid envelope occur at all stages of plastid development and are not lost during the period of grana degeneration. The proplastids formed from the dedifferentiation of the chloroplasts contain a large number of these invaginations and the redevelopment of grana is associated with a change in the electron density of the invaginating membranes. The degradation of the chlorophyll-containing membranes of the grana occurs during a period of rapid cytoplasmic synthesis induced by the fresh supply of nutrients in the culture medium. These results suggest that the high levels of nutrients may act directly on the chloroplasts and cause their dedifferentiation or that the rapid cell growth induced by the nutrients may cause a degradation of the membrane proteins in the grana of the chloroplasts and an incorporation of the released amino acids into non-plastid components of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Tissue culture cells of Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus (Cruciferae) which have acquired a spherical viruslike particle located in their nucleoli, designated cell line STV, developed supergranal chloroplasts and lost the ability to differentiate vascular tissues. The effect of temperature on the ultrastructural cytology of one line of the STV tissue, STV-I, was compared with the effect of temperature on the ultrastructural cytology of tissue culture cells lacking the viruslike particles (control cell lines). At 4 C, the cellular and ultrastructural appearance of control tissue culture cells differed from that of tissue grown at 22 C by producing increased amounts of endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes and by reduction of chloroplast thylakoids. STV-I cells were generally moribund as a result of 4 C treatment. Chloroplast thylakoids were also reduced in control tissue following growth at 10 C and the apparent quantities of endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes were similar to those observed in control cells grown at the control temperature (22 C), but less than those observed in tissue subjected to 4 C. STV-I tissue grown at 10 C demonstrated increased endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes and reduction of polysomal configurations. The mitochondrial morphology was variable and the cells contained supergranal chloroplasts and proplastids. At the control temperature (22 C), the fine structural appearance of control tissue culture cells was typical of parenchyma cells, but STV-I cells contained mitochondria of variable morphology and two types of chloroplasts— normal and supergranal. Control tissue grown at 30 C also contained proplastids, but these proplastids contained starch in contrast to the proplastids in control tissue grown at low temperatures. The ultrastructural cytology of STV-I cells grown at elevated temperature (30 C) was characterized by enlarged mitochondria containing massive lipid bodies and the presence of protoplastids with starch and supergranal chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The nickel content of herbarium specimens of Californian Streptanthus and Caulanthus has been determined. Serpentine-tolerant species had nickel values of 10–100 μg/g (dry mass) except in the case of S. polygaloides Gray which had nickel values in the range 3,300–14,800 μg/g (0.33%–1.48%). This is the first hyperaccumulator of nickel found in the Americas. It is suggested that the later classification of S. polygaloides as the monotypic Microsemia polygaloides (Gray) Greene may be justified if the nickel accumulation data are used to reinforce the existing marked morphological differences from other Streptanthus.  相似文献   

The allelopathic potential of Brassica species has been attributed to release of the mustard oil glycosides which they produce in large quantities. Upon hydrolysis, these glucosinolates yield isothiocyanates, compounds with strong antibiotic properties. The objective of this study was to assess whether Brassica napus, a common and widespread crop and weed crucifer, is capable of allelopathic interference, and if so, whether its glycoside derivative, allyl isothiocyanate (AI), is capable of producing this interference. Wild type and low glucosinolate-mutant B. napus were grown in low organic content soil under greenhouse conditions, and AI release into soil was monitored. Most plants released low levels of AI, though approximately 10% released much higher levels. Wild type plants released more AI than mutants. Growth of the target species, Medicago sativa, was not affected by additions of AI to soils at concentrations equal to the median and 95% quantile from the B. napus soils. In replacement series experiments, the two B. napus genotypes suppressed growth of M. sativa equally despite differences in AI release rate. In an intraspecific replacement series experiment, the two B. napus genotypes were equal competitors. Under our experimental conditions, B. napus showed no indication of being allelopathic, and AI concentrations typical of soils around B. napus plants did not inhibit target plants.  相似文献   

Syroechkovski, E.E. Jr. & Lappo, E.G. 1994. Migration phenology of waders (Charadrii) on the Taimyr Peninsula, northern Russia. Ostrich 65:181–190.

Palearctic waders from six flyways breed on the Taimyr Peninsula. They can be observed in winter from Europe to South Africa and Australia. The interval between pre- and postbreeding movements of waders in Taimyr is short. Breeding waders, which spend from 50–70 days on the tundra have a arrival tight schedule, dependent mostly on weather conditions. Most species arrive during the first half of June, with the more northern areas occupied several days later than southern areas. However, Turnstone, Dunlin and Curlew Sandpiper arrive in the optimal art of their breeding ground first, and subsequently occupy sup-optimal areas to the north and the south. In autumn waders migrate in small groups across the tundra. The schedule depends greatly on the breeding success of the year. Large numbers of Ruff and Bartailed Godwit concentrate in high arctic areas, 300–500 km north of their breeding grounds, before commencing southwards migration. Autumn concentrations of waders in intertidal areas are rare.  相似文献   

Scinaia latifrons Howe is one of the main species in rhodolith beds between 30 and 90 feet; however, little known about the morphological changes of this species. Consequently, we investigated the phenological changes of the species at San Lorenzo channel from December 1998 to December 1999 (based on bi‐weekly sampling during the first 6 months and monthly sampling during the last part of the study). The gametophyte phase of the species is present from December to late May and the sporophyte potentially is present the rest of the year. The peak of the development occurs in April and reproduction occurs in small size plants with two cohorts in the period. This species presents an allometric growth pattern due to the lack of correlation between size and width of the plant or branching patterns. Our data suggest that temperature and light control the development of the plant. Furthermore, we found the spermatagonial structure in the same thallus as the female/carposporophyte plant indicating that this species is monoeious (contrary to what was considered previously). This suggests that some taxonomic problems are present in this species in relation with S. cottoni.  相似文献   

The microdistribution of a beach plant, Cakile maritima, was examined relative to patches of an introduced beachgrass, Ammophila arenaria. Sampling was done with belt transects oriented parallel to the beachfront to minimize the influence of physical factors along the land/sea gradient. No Cakile individuals were found within Ammophila patches, and a 3–4 m wide zone of decreased abundance occurred outside of patch borders. I hypothesized that this microdistribution was due to foraging behavior of deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, which nest in Ammophila patches and forage outward from them. Manipulative experiments using fruits and seedlings of Cakile confirmed that herbivory was higher inside patches and in border areas. Seedlings protected from herbivory by wire cages survived and grew equally well both inside and outside of Ammophila patches, demonstrating that differences in other habitat factors were not of major importance in determining Cakile microdistribution. Herbivory by mice was concluded to be of primary importance in determining the microdistribution of Cakile relative to Ammophila. Rodent herbivory may influence microdistributions of beach plants along the land/sea gradient, and may also be partly responsible for decreased plant species richness often observed in Ammophila-dominated areas on the West Coast.  相似文献   

Porphyra pendula Dawson is an endemic species of the mid‐intertidial zone in the Gulf of California. Based on surveys from the Phycological Herbarium of UABCS since 1994, we found an extensive population of this species in Punta Coyote, south of La Paz. Here, we assess the phenology of the gametophyte phase from December of 1998 to June of 1999 with visits every 2 weeks. Our results show significant temporal and spatial changes in length and width of the plant, with some quadrants displaying two peaks in development ( January and March) and other quadrants with a peak only in January. A significant correlation existed between length and width of the blade and is linked with plant maturation, observations which strongly support the isometric growth rate of the species. No differences between exposed and protected areas were observed suggesting stronger differences between quadrants. Differences plants in length and in color existed between male and female plants; the males were smaller and yellow and females/carposporophyte were larger and red‐purple. Most of the thalli were reproducing during the study, with a greater proportion of females than males (ca. 2:1). Our results suggest that the morphological changes in this species may be related with temperature and day length.  相似文献   

The extent of natural variation among wild type Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh for response to environmental stimuli that affect flowering is poorly documented. The effects of photoperiod and vernalization on the number of rosette leaves at the time of anthesis was measured for 32 Arabidopsis ecotypes. All ecotypes were vernalized 24 days at 4 C under continuous illumination. Vernalized and nonvernalized plants were transplanted into 8- (short-day) and 20-hour (long-day) photoperiods in controlled environment growth chambers. Two ecotypes failed to flower after 110 days. Mean leaf number was less for all ecotypes under long day compared to short day. Sixteen ecotypes responded to vernalization; eight had reduced leaf number regardless of photoperiod, and eight had reduced leaf number only under short day. Two ecotypes required vernalization to flower in this study. For three ecotypes, vernalization and short day resulted in a reduction in leaf number whereas vernalization and long day resulted in increased leaf number. Documentation of the effects and interactions of photoperiod and vernalization across many ecotypes provides a broader range of described natural variation for genetic and physiologic study.  相似文献   

Draba (Brassicaceae) is well known for its taxonomic complexity in arctic and alpine floras, and the polyploids in particular present vexing taxonomic problems. It has been suggested that polyploids in Draba may have formed recurrently from different populations of the parental species (polytopy), and it is also possible that a given taxonomic species may actually comprise several polyploid races, each originating from different progenitor species (polyphyly). To unravel the taxonomic complexity of polyploid Draba in the Nordic area, we investigated three of the most morphologically variable species and their possible progenitors using enzyme electrophoresis and restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and nuclear ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA): D. norvegica (6x), D. lactea (6x), and D. corymbosa (16x). Electrophoretic analyses of progeny showed high levels of fixed heterozygosity in all three polyploids, demonstrating that all are genetic alloploids. Electrophoretic and rDNA data indicate that polytopic and/or polyphyletic origins have contributed to the complexity of these polyploids. However, a lack of cpDNA variation among the species limited the usefulness of this molecule for analysis of polyploid origins. The considerable electrophoretic variation observed in D. norvegica necessitates a minimum of three and probably 13 independent origins. Electrophoretic and rDNA data suggest that D. lactea and D. corymbosa are polyphyletic polyploids. Crossing data also support that D. corymbosa is polyphyletic. Given the widespread geographic distributions of these species and their possible progenitors, and that the populations analyzed represent only a small fraction of their geographic distributions, it is likely that these species have formed numerous times in different areas. As more molecular analyses of polyploids are completed, the data continue to suggest that multiple origins of polyploids are the rule rather than the exception.  相似文献   

The relationship between genetically different seed sizes and seedling survival under severe nutrient deprivation was determined by comparing ten inbred lines of Arabidopsis thaliana. Seedlings were supplied with only sterile distilled water, and the number of days between germination and death (complete chlorosis) was recorded. Seedlings from genotypes with larger seeds survived longer than seedlings from genotypes with smaller seeds. These results suggest a genetically based adaptive significance of larger seed size resulting from a greater seedling tolerance of nutrient deprivation. This may confer a potentially important selective advantage when nutrient deprivation is the result of a low resource supply in the environment, or the result of nutrient depletion by neighbors.  相似文献   

Two years of water and nitrogen augmentation experiments on Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) were carried out in a southern Californian warm desert wash plant community. Treatments consisted of control (C), water (W), water and soil nitrogen (W + SN), and soil nitrogen (SN). Quantitative phenological data and microclimatic measurements were collected prior to the onset of and during the growth period and treatments. Predawn and midday water potentials were lower in nonirrigated than irrigated individuals. Leaf conductance was higher in irrigated than in nonirrigated shrubs, with a maximum difference of 1 cm s-1 observed in July 1984 under relatively low vapor pressure deficit conditions. Leaf production rates were significantly higher in the irrigated (W and W + SN) treatments than in the nonirrigated (C and SN) treatments in 1984. Addition of soil nitrogen caused no increased in vegetative growth rates in 1984. In 1985, a drier year, there was only minimal growth during the spring and summer growth periods in the nonirrigated treatments, while the W and W + SN treatments resulted in significantly higher leafand shoot growth rates. Growth rates in 1985 were significantly higher in the W + SN treatment than in the W treatment. Reproductive growth was higher in the nonirrigated than the irrigated treatments, with the lowest reproductive activity noted in the W treatment.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the composition of colonies is described, with particular reference to the incidence of sexual castes. The ant species are Oecophylla smaragdina F., Iridomyrmex cordatus Fr. Smith and Anoplolepis longipes Jerdon.  相似文献   

Deviations from Mendelian ratios are frequently treated as an intrinsic property of individuals, independent of the environment. We tested whether the environment of the parents could alter patterns of inheritance in the wild radish, Raphanus sativus. We demonstrated the genetic basis of 12 isozyme loci by controlled pollinations of unstressed plants. The frequency of deviant segregation detected was not different than that expected by chance. Controlled pollinations among stressed plants showed over 3 times as much deviant segregation as the unstressed controls. No genetic correlates of segregation bias were detected. Linkage was assessed for 64 of the 66 pairs of loci. Two linkage groups were detected, one involving four loci (PGM2–ACO–ACP–LAP), the other involving a single pair (EST-PRX). The second linkage group is apparently associated with a locus or tightly linked loci which may segregate for “balanced” lethals on the same chromosome. Deviant segregation did not appear to act primarily by selection on a particular gamete. Postzygotic selection was the probable source of at least some of the aberrant segregation. Because no particular allele was favored in such situations, selection is apparently operating on alleles at linked loci rather than on the allozyme loci per se. Data from other studies on wild radish support the suggestion that postzygotic selection might be an important influence on progeny segregation ratios. Because wild radishes often encounter a variety of stresses in the field, in this species, aberrant segregation may be common under natural conditions.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of emergence time and reproductive phenology on seed number, seed size, and seedling survival in a population of the alpine buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus. Phenology in this snow bowl population is structured by snow depth. Plants in late melting interior portions of the bowl emerged and flowered 3 to 4 wk after those in early melting zones at the bowl perimeter during the summers of 1988 and 1989. Flowering time differences of buttercups across the bowl were consistent from one year to the next. In 1988, late flowering plants tended to set fewer seeds than early flowering ones; in 1989 no decrease in seed number accompanied flowering date. Path analysis showed that equal fecundity in early and late emerging portions of the bowl population during 1989 resulted from balancing spatial and temporal constraints on seed production. Spatial aspects of habitat quality improved toward the interior of the bowl, but temporal regimes deteriorated in these late melting sites. In both 1988 and 1989 seed size declined with delays in flowering. Path analysis of 1989 data showed that because of reduced time for seed growth, plants in late melting portions of the bowl set smaller seeds than those in earlier melting zones. Differences in seed size due to parental phenology are likely to influence fitness in snow buttercups. Under natural conditions, seedlings from large seeds (>;0.65 mg) have sixfold higher survival than do those from smaller seeds (<;0.65 mg). We conclude that seedling recruitment may be infrequent in late-melting portions of the snow bowl due to delayed parental phenology.  相似文献   

Laminaria saccharina (L) Lamour. Sporophytes were monitored monthly from October 1982 to September 1983 to investigate reproduction phenology and relationshiops to growth paatterns aaat its southern limit of distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Long Island Soundd). Plants exhibited an annual growth pattern. Growth raate, bladelehgth, maximum width, area, stiipe lehgth an wet weight swhoed the same seasonal pattern and reached maximum values between May and June. Only blade thickness continued to increase tthrooughout the ovservation period. Blade dissintegration occurred dduring August and September. Reproductive sporophytes occurred throughout the observation period; the greatest frequency of appearance occurred in October (43.8%) and June (37.8%). The blade area covered by sori ranged from 2.4% (Janaury) to 6.1% (August). Meiospore release under laboratory conditions was maximum in May and minimum in July. No meio-spores were released in August Sporulation was not correlated with meristematic growth of nitrogen content How ever, reproductive plants were generally larger and thicker throughout the sporulation period, and had a greater carbort content is spring than nonreproductive plants. Fecundity and reproductive success of female gametophytes were maximum in spring and minimum in winter. The growth of early sporophyte stages in the laboratory was greatest in early spring; however, juvenile macroscopic stages were hardly observed in the field during summer months due to warm water temperatures. “Over-summering” of gamelophytes and / or microscopic sporophytes may account for the annual cycle of Laminaria at its southern limit of distribution.  相似文献   

Seeds of Cakile edentula ssp. edentula var. edentula (hereafter edentula) were collected from the Pacific Ocean shore of Washington, and Cakile edentula ssp. edentula var. lacustris (hereafter lacustris) seeds were collected from the Lake Huron shore of Ontario. Germination rates of the two varieties showed equal tolerance of substrate salinities ranging from 0–10,000 ppm. Early root growth of edentula seedlings was significantly stimulated by 1,000 ppm salts, but otherwise both varieties showed equal tolerance to 10,000 ppm. Edentula plants exposed for 4 wk to salt spray intensities of 0, 20, and 90 mg dm–2 d–1, applied in a growth chamber environment, showed no significant changes in shoot or root biomass, plant morphology, or reproductive effort. Lacustris plants exhibited significant declines in stem length and reproductive effort with increasing levels of salt spray. Our results suggest that lacustris and edentula have diverged physiologically over the past 9,000 years, and field observations from the literature corroborate our conclusion that this divergence in salt tolerance has ecological significance.  相似文献   

The growth and phenology of white wax scale, Gascardia destructor (Newstead), and Chinese wax scale, Ceroplastes sinensis del Guercio, infesting Valencia orange ( Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), were influenced by nitrogen content but not by other nutrients.  相似文献   

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