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Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   

 Investigations of the effects of two global events – elevated CO2 levels and enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation – on floral nectar production are reviewed from twelve dicotyledonous families. Furthermore, to allow comparisons between nectary morphology and nectar production in treated plants of these fifteen species, new data on floral nectary structure are provided for Malcolmia maritima (L.) R. Br. (Brassicaceae) and Scabiosa columbaria L. (Dipsacaceae). All but the last taxon possessed mesenchymatic floral nectaries with surface stomata. Few clear relationships existed between nectary morphology and various physiological responses to CO2 or UV-B enrichment, indicating that species responded notwithstanding nectary structure itself. Overall, nectar-solute concentration was least affected by elevated CO2 or UV-B radiation; consequently, changes in nectar volume were responsible for differences in nectar-sugar production per flower. Three species of Fabaceae experienced no change in floral nectar production upon exposure to elevated CO2. To date, no study of enhanced UV-B radiation reported a consistent reduction in floral nectar production; three species of Brassicaceae responded differently, but various levels of ozone depletion were simulated. Experimentation with more taxa – including those possessing nectary types such as septal (gynopleural) nectaries (e.g. many monocotyledons) or aggregations of glandular trichomes – and expanding such physiological studies to species possessing extrafloral nectaries, are recommended. Received August 8, 2002; accepted November 23, 2002 Published online: June 2, 2003  相似文献   

Wolff D 《Annals of botany》2006,97(5):767-777
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study investigates 47 taxonomically related species (Gentianales), all native to a tropical montane forest in southern Ecuador, in terms of nectar chemistry and nectar volumes in relation to pollination biology. METHODS: Nectar volumes of covered (24-h production) and uncovered (standing crop) flowers were measured in the natural habitat. Sucrose, fructose and glucose were quantified in the nectar using high performance liquid chromatography. Flower visitors were observed. KEY RESULTS: Nectar sugar concentration did not differ significantly among the pollination syndromes. Regarding sugar composition, the only significant differences were found in chiropterophilous and myiophilous flowers, which had a significantly lower sugar ratio than sphingophilous flowers. A separation of chiropterophilous and myiophilous flowers from the other pollination syndromes is further substantiated by non-linear multidimensional scaling using the chord-normalized expected species shared index of dissimilarity based on nectar sugar compositions. The matrix test revealed no correlation of observed floral visitors to nectar concentrations; however, a weak significant correlation was found between floral visitors and nectar sugar compositions. The nectar volumes of covered and uncovered flowers are related to, and differ significantly among, pollination syndromes. Matrix tests revealed correlation between floral visitors and nectar volume of covered flowers and, to a lesser extent, of uncovered flowers. CONCLUSIONS: Sucrose is the predominant floral nectar sugar in the order Gentianales, suggesting that nectar sugar composition is a conservative characteristic. However, some degree of an adaptive convergence of floral nectar compositions to principal pollinator type within the constraints set by phylogenetic history is likely. The driving force to visitation appears to be the volume of nectar the visitor can expect to consume.  相似文献   

The technique for extracting floral nectar using micropipettes is often unsuited to flowers where nectar is produced in very small volumes and/or where nectar is highly viscous. An alternative technique for washing the viscous nectar from the flowers of Tasmanian leatherwood, Eucryphia lucida (Labill.) is described. Here, two washes with a known volume of distilled water removed 95% of total floral sugar. Using such a washing technique on exposed and bagged E. lucida flowers provided information on nectar production in this species that could not have been obtained using a standard micropipette extraction method.  相似文献   

Surface features, anatomy, and ultrastructure of the floral nectary of Eccremocarpus scaber (Bignoniaceae), pollinated predominantly by the largest-known hummingbird (Patagona gigas gigas), were studied together with nectar sugar content and secretion rate. The annular disk nectary comprises epidermis, secretory and ground parenchyma with intercellular spaces, and branched vascular bundles terminating in the secretory parenchyma where only phloem is found. Amyloplasts and vacuoles increase in size throughout development, the latter becoming sites of organelle degradation. Transferlike cells in nectary phloem and P-proteinlike fibrillar material in phloem parenchyma were observed. Flowers produced around 32 μl of nectar (mostly after anthesis) with 11 mg of sugar composed of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose in a ratio of 0.34:0.32:0.17:0.17. Morphological studies as well as the presence of maltose and glucose in nectar suggest storage of the originally phloem-derived sugars as starch with its subsequent hydrolysis. The low sucrose/hexose ratio (0.25) and high nectary secretion force (nectar per flower biomass) observed places E. scaber close to large-bodied bat-pollinated plants. A hypothesis based on nectar origin and nectar secretion is advanced to explain pollinator-correlated variation in sucrose/hexose ratio.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated interactions between plants can play an important role for the dynamics of plant communities. Pollination services depend on the abundance and the foraging behaviour of pollinators, which in turn respond to the availability and distribution of floral resources (notably nectar sugar). However, it is still insufficiently understood how the ‘sugar landscapes’ provided by flowering plant communities shape pollinator‐mediated interactions between multiple plant species and across different spatial scales. A better understanding of pollinator‐mediated interactions requires an integrative approach that quantifies different aspects of sugar landscapes and investigates their relative importance for pollinator behaviour and plant reproductive success. In this study, we quantified such sugar landscapes from individual‐based maps of Protea shrub communities in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. The 27 study sites of 4 ha each jointly comprise 127 993 individuals of 19 species. We analysed how rates of visitation by key bird pollinators and the seed set of plants respond to different aspects of sugar landscapes: the distribution of nectar sugar amounts, as well as their quality, taxonomic purity and phenology. We found that pollinator visitation rates strongly depended on phenological variation of site‐scale sugar amounts. The seed set of focal plants increased with nectar sugar amounts of conspecific neighbours and with site‐scale sugar amounts. Seed set increased particularly strongly if site‐scale sugar amounts were provided by plants that offer less sugar per inflorescence. These combined effects of the amount, quality, purity and phenological variation of nectar sugar show that nectar sugar is a common interaction currency that determines how multiple plant species interact via shared pollinators. The responses of pollinator‐mediated interactions to different aspects of this interaction currency alter conditions for species coexistence in Protea communities and may cause community‐level Allee effects that promote extinction cascades.  相似文献   

We tested for an association between nectar and various floral traits and investigated their roles as primary and secondary pollinator attractants in hummingbird-pollinated Silene virginica. Our goal was to gain insight into the mechanisms of pollinator-mediated selection that underlies floral trait divergence within the genus. In a field population of S. virginica, we measured five floral and eight vegetative traits and quantified nectar volume, nectar sugar concentration, and total sugar reward (nectar volume × nectar sugar concentration). All three components of nectar reward were positively correlated to flower size, and nectar volume varied significantly among individuals within the population. To ascertain whether the correlation of specific floral traits with nectar reward influences the behavior of the primary pollinator of S. virginica, the ruby-throated hummingbird, Archilochus colubris, we investigated whether A. colubris preferred the expression of floral traits associated with high nectar volume and total sugar reward. We accomplished this by constructing floral arrays consisting of artificial flowers that had equal nectar quantity and total sugar reward but that differed in petal area and corolla tube diameter, which were positively correlated with nectar quantity and total sugar reward in our field study. In observations of visitation frequencies to the various floral-trait combinations, hummingbirds preferentially visited artificial floral phenotypes with larger petal displays, with the greatest preference for floral phenotypes with both larger petals and wider corolla-tube diameters. This association between primary and secondary floral attractants and hummingbird discrimination of floral features supports the concept that the floral traits of S. virginica reflect pollinator-mediated selection by the principal pollinator.  相似文献   

Luis Navarro 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):618-625
The floral syndrome of Macleania bullataYeo (Ericaceae) reflects its adaptation to hummingbird pollination. Its flowers, however, are subject to high levels of nectar robbing. I examined the floral visitor assemblage of M. bullata in a tropical montane wet forest in southwestern Colombia, focusing on the behavior of the visitors. I also tested for the presence of nocturnal pollination and the effects of nectar removal on new nectar production. The principal floral visitors were the nectar robbing hummingbirds Ocreatus underwoodii (19.1% of visits) and Chlorostilbon mellisugus (18.9%). Only two species of long–billed hummingbirds visited the flowers of M. bullata as “legitimate” pollinators: Coeligena torquata (14.7% of visits) and Doryfera ludoviciae (14.3%). The remaining visits constituted nectar robbing by bees, butterflies, and other species of hummingbirds. Nocturnal pollination took place, although fruit set levels were 2.4 times higher when only diurnal pollination was allowed as opposed to exclusively nocturnal pollination. Nectar robbers removed floral nectar without pollinating the flower. Treatments of experimental nectar removal were carried out to examine if flowers synthesize more nectar after nectar removal. Nectar removal increased the total volume of nectar produced by each flower without affecting sugar concentration. Thus, nectar robbing can impose a high cost to the plants by forcing them to replace lost nectar.  相似文献   

Floral traits are adapted by plants to attract pollinators. Some of those plants that have different pollinators in different regions adapt to each pollinator in each region to maximize their pollination success. Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) limits the pollinators using its floral structure and is pollinated by different mammals in different regions. Here, we examine the relationships between floral traits of M. macrocarpa and the external morphology of mammalian pollinators in different regions of its distribution. Field surveys were conducted on Kyushu and Okinawajima Island in Japan, and in Taiwan, where the main pollinators are the Japanese macaque Macaca fuscata, Ryukyu flying fox Pteropus dasymallus, and red‐bellied squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus, respectively. We measured the floral shapes, nectar secretion patterns, sugar components, and external morphology of the pollinators. Results showed that floral shape was slightly different among regions and that flower sizes were not correlated with the external morphology of the pollinators. Volume and sugar rate of nectar were not significantly different among the three regions and did not change throughout the day in any of the regions. However, nectar concentration was higher in Kyushu than in the other two regions. These results suggest that the floral traits of M. macrocarpa are not adapted to each pollinator in each region. Although this plant limits the number of pollinators using its flower structure, it has not adapted to specific mammals and may attract several species of mammals. Such generalist‐like pollination system might have evolved in the Old World.  相似文献   

The responses of animal pollinators to the spatially heterogeneous distribution of floral resources are important for plant reproduction, especially in species‐rich plant communities. We explore how responses of pollinators to floral resources varied across multiple spatial scales and studied the responses of two nectarivorous bird species (Cape sugarbird Promerops cafer, orange‐breasted sunbird Anthobaphes violacea) to resource distributions provided by communities of co‐flowering Protea species (Proteaceae) in South African fynbos. We used highly resolved maps of about 125 000 Protea plants at 27 sites and estimated the seasonal dynamics of standing crop of nectar sugar for each plant to describe the spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources. We recorded avian population sizes and the rates of bird visits to > 1300 focal plants to assess the responses of nectarivorous birds to floral resources at different spatial scales. The population sizes of the two bird species responded positively to the amount of sugar resources at the site scale. Within sites, the effects of floral resources on pollinator visits to plants varied across scales and depended on the resources provided by individual plants. At large scales (radii > 25 m around focal plants), high sugar density decreased per‐plant visitation rates, i.e. plants competed for animal pollinators. At small scales (radii < 5 m around focal plants), we observed either competition or facilitation for pollinators between plants, depending on the sugar amount offered by individual focal plants. In plants with copious sugar, per‐plant visitation rates increased with increasing local sugar density, but visitation rates decreased in plants with little sugar. Our study underlines the importance of scale‐dependent responses of pollinators to floral resources and reveals that pollinators’ responses depend on the interplay between individual floral resources and local resource neighbourhood.  相似文献   

Flowers or inflorescences often deploy various signals, including visual, olfactory, and gustatory cues, that can be detected by their pollinators. In many plants, these cues and their functions are poorly understood. Deciphering the interactions between floral cues and pollinators is crucial for analyzing the reproductive success of flowering plants. In this study, we examined the composition of the fetid floral scents produced by several Stemona species, including nine S. tuberosa populations from across China, using dynamic headspace adsorption, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry techniques. We compared variations in floral phenotype, including floral longevity, nectar rewards, pollinator behavior, and flower length and color among the Stemona species. Of the 54 scent compounds identified, the major compounds include fetid dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 1‐pyrroline, butyric acid, p‐cresol, isoamyl alcohol, and indole. We detected striking differentiation in floral scent at both the species and population level, and even within a population of plants with different colored flowers. Floral characteristics related to sapromyophily and deceptive pollination, including flower color mimicking livor mortis and a lack of nectar, were found in five Stemona species, indicating that Stemona is a typical sapromyophilous taxon. Species of this monocot genus might employ evolutionary tactics to exploit saprophilous flies for pollination.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that flower maintenance requires resources that would be used to support other plant functions (i.e. a cost of floral maintenance) was tested by experimentally manipulating floral longevity. Plants of Clarkia tembloriensis, a species with pollination-induced flower senescence, received either early or late pollinations (long and short longevities, respectively). We examined the effect of this manipulation on (1) per-flower allocation to nectar production and (2) flower, fruit and seed production per plant under two levels of resource availability. The direct costs of floral longevity measured in terms of nectar sugar were high: flowers that were maintained 35% longer invested proportionately more in nectar sugar (30%). At the whole-plant level, a cost of floral longevity was manifested as reduced seed production, but the magnitude of this cost varied with resource level. While plants with longer-lived flowers showed a 12% reduction in seed production, those that experienced reduced resource levels via partial defoliation, showed a decrement in seed production that was almost three times larger (34%). These differences were not brought about by changes in the number of flowers and fruits, but by significant alterations in their sizes. A model that expresses the cost of flower maintenance as a trade-off between floral longevity and seed production shows that an optimal flower longevity is determined by both the rate of fitness accrual and the cost of floral maintenance.  相似文献   

Like honey bees (Apis mellifera), non-Apis bees could exploit honeydew as a carbohydrate source. In addition to providing carbohydrates, this may expose them to potentially harmful plant products secreted in honeydew. However, knowledge on honeydew feeding by solitary bees is very scarce. Here we determine whether the polylectic solitary bee Osmia bicornis (=O. rufa) collects honeydew under semi-field conditions, and whether this is affected by aphid species and presence of floral nectar. Bees were provided with oilseed rape plants containing flowers and/or colonies of either Myzus persicae or Brevicoryne brassicae. We used the total sugar level of the bee crop as a measure of the individual's nutritional state and the oligosaccharide erlose as indicator for honeydew consumption. Erlose was present in honeydews from both aphid species, while absent in oilseed rape nectar, nor being synthesized by O. bicornis. When bees were confined to a single honeydew type as the only carbohydrate source, consumption of M. persicae honeydew was confirmed for 47% of the bees and consumption of B. brassicae honeydew for only 3%. Increased mortality in the latter treatment provided further evidence that B. brassicae honeydew is an unsuitable food source for O. bicornis. All bees that were given the choice between honeydew and floral nectar showed significantly increased total sugar levels. However, the fact that no erlose was detected in these bees indicates that honeydew was not consumed when suitable floral nectar was available. This study demonstrates that honeydew exploitation by O. bicornis is dependent on honeydew type and the presence of floral nectar.  相似文献   

The nectar–sugar profile (fructose, glucose and sucrose) of 14 species of Anchusa and five members of the allied genera Anchusella, Cynoglottis, Hormuzakia and Lycopsis (Boraginaceae: tribe Boragineae) was determined. Most of the species examined (c. 74%) produce sucrose‐dominant nectar, whereas the remaining taxa produce sucrose‐rich nectars. Little variation in nectar–sugar composition was found in some species, even when sampling was repeated in different years and/or localities. Average sucrose concentration was 57.75% (coefficient of variation 19.1%). The only floral morphological character that was correlated with the nectar–sugar profile is the length of the corolla tube, as taxa with relatively long floral tubes produce nectar with lower glucose concentrations. The flowering period is also related to sugar composition, as nectar of late‐flowering species contains lower sucrose concentrations. However, small differences in sugar profiles do not reflect phylogenetic relationships based on molecular studies. It would appear that dry habitats and time of flowering are the main determinants of nectar–sugar composition in the genus Anchusa sensu lato. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 162 , 616–627.  相似文献   

Herrera CM  Pozo MI  Bazaga P 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(11):2602-2616
In addition to genetic differences between individuals as a result of nucleotide sequence variation, epigenetic changes that occur as a result of DNA methylation may also contribute to population niche width by enhancing phenotypic plasticity, although this intriguing possibility remains essentially untested. Using the nectar‐living yeast Metschnikowia reukaufii as study subject, we examine the hypothesis that changes in genome‐wide DNA methylation patterns underlie the ability of this fugitive species to exploit a broad resource range in its heterogeneous and patchy environment. Data on floral nectar characteristics and their use by M. reukaufii in the wild were combined with laboratory experiments and methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analyses designed to detect epigenetic responses of single genotypes to variations in sugar environment that mimicked those occurring naturally in nectar. M. reukaufii exploited a broad range of resources, occurring in nectar of 48% of species and 52% of families surveyed, and its host plants exhibited broad intra‐ and interspecific variation in sugar‐related nectar features. Under experimental conditions, sugar composition, sugar concentration and their interaction significantly influenced the mean probability of MSAP markers experiencing a transition from unmethylated to methylated state. Alterations in methylation status were not random but predictably associated with certain markers. The methylation inhibitor 5‐azacytidine (5‐AzaC) had strong inhibitory effects on M. reukaufii proliferation in sugar‐containing media, and a direct relationship existed across sugar × concentration experimental levels linking inhibitory effect of 5‐AzaC and mean per‐marker probability of genome‐wide methylation. Environmentally induced DNA methylation polymorphisms allowed genotypes to grow successfully in extreme sugar environments, and the broad population niche width of M. reukaufii was largely made possible by epigenetic changes enabling genotype plasticity in resource use.  相似文献   

Nectar production has been proposed as an adaptation to attract pollinators that benefit from this resource. Energetic investments may be expensive, so some species such as Prosopis glandulosa have developed a dimorphic system of nectar production, which is expected to affect floral visitor behaviour and then plant fitness. We quantified bee diversity during a 2 year period in a population of the honey mesquite in order to determine changes in bee diversity due to the presence of nectar, bee preferences to collect either nectar of pollen, and to determine between year variations of bee faunas. Floral visitors were captured at three different times of the day during the flowering seasons of 1994 and 1995, in a population of Prosopis glandulosa which has a 1:1 proportion of nectar: nectarless individuals. Pollinators were clearly distinct between nectar morphs, bee species diversity and relative abundance of visits were significantly greater on nectarful than on nectarless plants, with species on nectarless individuals being a subset of those in the nectarful morph. Our results suggest differences in the function of floral rewards (i.e., nectar and pollen) to attract floral visitors. For the Chihuahuan arid environment, mesquite provides floral rewards with ease, quantity and quality for close to 10% of all bee fauna making them important components of these communities.  相似文献   

Adaptations of the nectar traits in bird-pollinated flowers are amongst the most discussed aspects of floral evolution. In the case of sunbird-pollinated plants, data on nectar traits originate almost exclusively from the South African region and are very scarce for tropical Africa, where paradoxically the highest sunbird diversity occurs. Here we present a study on the nectar properties of a sunbird-pollinated plant, Impatiens sakeriana, growing in the West African mountains, including the nectar production, diurnal changes in the nectar standing crop, the nectar concentrations, the nectar volumes, total sugar amounts and sugar composition. Moreover we compare the nectar traits of I. sakeriana with six other co-flowering insect-visited plant species.Our results showed that many nectar properties, including high volume (approx. 38 μL in flowers unvisited by sunbirds), low sugar concentration (approx. 30% w/w) and high sucrose content (95%), are specific to I. sakeriana, compared to the insect-visited plants. These are in accordance with the most recent theory that nectar properties of the sunbird-pollinated plants are similar to those pollinated by hummingbirds.  相似文献   

Many species of animal-pollinated flowers are known to vary widely in the nectar content of flowers. Some proportion of flowers in many species is apparently nectarless, and such flowers are believed to be ‘cheaters’. Cheating may explain a part of the variability in nectar content. If cheating exists as a qualitatively different strategy then we expect bimodality in the distribution of nectar content of flowers. It has been shown in a multispecies study that gregarious species have a higher proportion of cheater flowers. We studied the frequency distribution of total nectar sugar in two gregariously flowering species Lantana camara and Utricularia purpurascens, which differed in other floral and ecological characters. At the population level, both the species showed significant bimodality in the total sugar content of flowers. The obvious sources of heterogeneity in the data did not explain bimodality. In Lantana camara, bimodality was observed within flowers of some of the individual plants sampled. In Utricularia purpurascens the proportion of nectarless flowers was more in high-density patches, suggesting that the gregariousness hypothesis may work within a species as well. The results support the hypothesis of cheating as a distinct strategy since two distinct types of flowers were observed in both the species. The effect of density in Utricularia purpurascens also supports the gregariousness hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The use of flowering vegetation has been widely advocated as a strategy for providing parasitoids and predators with nectar and pollen. However, their herbivorous hosts and prey may exploit floral food sources as well. 2. Previous laboratory studies have shown that not all flower species are equally suitable in providing accessible nectar. Relatively little is known about actual nectar exploitation under field conditions. 3. The present study investigates nectar exploitation by the pest, Plutella xylostella, and its parasitoid, Diadegma semiclausum, under field conditions and examines whether floral nectar exploitation in the field can be predicted based on controlled laboratory studies. 4. Insects were collected from fields bordered by flowering margins containing Fagopyrum esculentum, Lobularia maritima, Anethum graveolens, Centaurea jacea or the grass Lolium perenne (control). Whole insect bodies were individually assayed by HPLC to establish their sugar profile as a measure of the level of energy reserves and the degree of food source use. 5. The average overall sugar content of P. xylostella and D. semiclausum collected in fields bordered by flowering margins was significantly higher than those of individuals collected from grass‐bordered control plots. To the authors’ knowledge, this represents the first demonstration that nectar‐providing plants enhance the energetic state of herbivores under field conditions. 6. In contrast to earlier laboratory studies, the present study did not find elevated sugar contents in P. xylostella and D. semiclausum individuals collected from fields bordered by buckwheat (F. esculentum). 7. The present study shows widespread sugar feeding by both the herbivore and its parasitoid. It also shows that laboratory studies establishing nectar exploitation under controlled conditions can not always be extrapolated to actual exploitation under field conditions. This emphasises the importance of studying field‐collected insects with regard to food source use and nutritional status.  相似文献   

Pollinators make foraging decisions based on numerous floral traits, including nectar and pollen rewards, and associated visual and olfactory cues. For insect‐pollinated crops, identifying and breeding for attractive floral traits may increase yields. In this study, we examined floral trait variation within cultivated sunflowers and its effects on bee foraging behaviours. Over 2 years, we planted different sunflower inbred lines, including male‐fertile and male‐sterile lines, and measured nectar volume, nectar sugar concentration and composition, and corolla length. During bloom, we recorded visits by both managed honey bees and wild bees. We then examined consistency in relative nectar production by comparing field results to those from a greenhouse experiment. Sunflower inbred lines varied significantly in all floral traits, including the amount and composition of nectar sugars, and in corolla length. Both wild bee and honey bee visits significantly increased with nectar sugar amount and decreased with corolla length, but appeared unaffected by nectar sugar composition. While wild bees made more visits to sunflowers providing pollen (male‐fertile), honey bees preferred plants without pollen (male‐sterile). Differences in nectar quantity among greenhouse‐grown sunflower lines were similar to those measured in the field, and bumble bees preferentially visited lines with more nectar in greenhouse observations. Our results show that sunflowers with greater quantities of nectar sugar and shorter corollas receive greater pollination services from both managed and wild bees. Selecting for these traits could thus increase sunflower crop yields and provide greater floral resources for bees.  相似文献   

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