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P-protein, a filamentous protein found in the sieve elements of most angiosperms, is believed to function in the sealing of phloem wound sites. We report here on the use of a highly sensitive immunomicroscopy assay to study the ability of P-protein specific monoclonal antibodies RS21, RS22, and RS23, made against the P-protein from Streptanthus tortuosus (Brassicaceae), to recognize the native P-protein in a number of different plant genera. RS21, RS22, and RS23 all recognized the P-protein in other genera within the Brassicaceae including Arabidopsis and in the closely related family, Capparaceae. RS21 and RS22 also were able to bind to the P-protein in plants more distantly related to S. tortuosus. The labeling of P-protein was also observed in the monocots Iris and Narcissus probed with RS21. No label was seen with members of the Poaceae that are reported to lack P-protein. None of the monoclonal antibodies was able to bind to the P-protein in members of the Cucurbitaceae.  相似文献   

During the differentiation of phloem sieve elements, the endoplasmic reticulum undergoes unique modifications to form the sieve element reticulum (SER) which persists in mature, functioning sieve tubes. Cisternae of the SER lack ribosomes and are restricted to the periphery of the sieve element at late stages of development. Some of the SER is seen as single cisternae that are in close contact with the sieve element plasma membrane. Thin sections and freeze-fracture images of sieve elements formed in tissue cultures demonstrate that the SER consists of both single cisternae and regions of stacked cisternae at some stages of maturity. The unstacked regions of the SER are continuous with the cisternae of the stacked regions. In freeze-fracture images the single cisternae adjacent to the plasma membrane are seen to be fenestrated and the openings allow continuity between the plasma membrane and the cell lumen. It is concluded that the interface between the SER and the plasma membrane of the sieve element serves to allow membrane functions such as proton efflux, proton-sucrose cotransport and compensating movements of ions to occur in a microenvironment that is separated from the moving translocation stream in the sieve element lumen. Passage of water and translocated solutes from the plasma membrane or the SER/PM interface to the interior of the cell is enhanced by the openings in the fenestrated regions of the SER. It is suggested tha the SER may also play a role in channeling ATP from mitochondria associated with the SER to the proton-pumping ATPase in the plasma membrane and that the SER may function in the uptake and release of potassium ions in the sieve element.  相似文献   

Sieve element plasma membranes reveal a unique distribution of intramembrane particles (IMPs) in tissue cultures fixed and cyroprotected prior to freeze-fracturing. Sieve element IMPs are smaller than those found in the plasma membranes of callus parenchyma cells from these same cultures. The PF/EF ratio of plasma membrane IMPs is 9.6 for parenchyma cells and 1.21 for sieve elements. The increased binding of IMPs to the sieve element E face may be related to the role of membrane proteins in the loading of sucrose and other molecules by these cells. The enlargement of the cell wall at the site of sieve area pores creates complementary ridges and depressions in the E and P fracture faces of sieve element plasma membranes. No alteration of IMP density is seen at the sieve area pore site.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopical observations of the cells of the phloem of Cucurbita maxima have shown that two distinct types of P-protein bodies are formed: a larger type which arises as fine fibrils and a smaller type which apparently arises as groups of tubules. The tubules of the smaller type of body measure 242 ± 3.6 (SE) A (n = 48) and appear morphologically identical with the P1-protein tubules of Nicotiana tabacum L. In some of these P1-protein bodies the tubules are arranged in a regular manner with a center-to-center distance of 295 A. The P protein of the larger type of P-protein body is first apparent in the cytoplasm as small aggregates of fine fibrils. This P-protein component has been designated P3 protein. As the P3 protein accumulates it is organized into large bodies. Some of these bodies contain only P3 protein, others a tubular form of protein, and still others a combination of P3 protein and a tubular form. This variability indicates that there is a developmental sequence of the formation of tubules from the P3-protein fibrils. These tubules measure 179 ± 8.2 (SE) A (n = 31) and have been designated P4 protein.  相似文献   

Sixteen monoclonal antibodies against isopentenyl adenosine (iPA) were developed and characterized for reactivity towards this cytokinin and structurally related molecules by use of a competition fluorescence enzyme immunoassay. Antibodies with suitable affinity and specificity were used in an immunoassay to detect and quantify isopentenyl adenosine. Logit/log plots of fluorescence vs pmol of the cytokinin indicated that the assay had a measurement range of 0.03–256 pmol (10–8500 pg) with high linearity (r =–0.98). This competition fluorescence enzyme immunoassay showed that three antibodies cross-reacted with N-6-benzyladenine and its riboside: cross-reactivity with dihydrozeatin and its riboside, cis -zeatin, trans -zeatin riboside, adenine and adenosine was minor. When an immunoaffinity-HPLC technique was used to measure the cross-reactivity of two of the antibodies in the presence of known quantities of multiple cytokinins, iPA was bound in preference to the other cytokinins. One of the antibodies was used to quantify this cytokinin in developing wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Stephens) seeds and in wheat seeds spiked with known amounts of certain other cytokinins. The use of these antibodies in immunoassay in combination with HPCL for quantification of iPA in plant extracts is discussed.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies were raised against polypeptides present in a high-salt detergent-insoluble fraction from cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of fibroblasts and epithelial cells grown in culture using these plant antibodies revealed staining arrays identical to those obtained with well characterised antibodies to animal intermediate filaments. Immunofluorescence microscopy of Chlamydomonas with these monoclonal antibodies and a monoclonal antibody that recognises all animal intermediate filaments (anti-IFA) gave a diffuse, patchy cytoplasmic staining pattern. Both the plant antibodies and anti-IFA stained interphase onion root tip cells in a diffuse perinuclear pattern. In metaphase through to telophase, the labelling patterns colocalised with those of microtubules. Labelling of the phragmoplast was also detected but not staining of the preprophase band. On Western blots of various animal cell lines and tissues, all the antibodies labelled known intermediate filament proteins. On Western blots of whole Chlamydomonas proteins, all the antibodies labelled a broad band in the 57,000 Mr range, and three antibodies labelled bands around 66,000 and 140,000 Mr but with variable intensities. On Western blots of whole onion root tip proteins, all the antibodies labelled 50,000 Mr (two to three bands) polypeptides and a diffuse band around 60,000 Mr and three of the antibodies also labelled several polypeptides in the 90,000-200,000 Mr range. The consistent labelling of these different bands by several different monoclonal antibodies recognising animal intermediate filaments makes these polypeptides putative plant intermediate filament proteins.  相似文献   

The existence of a GTP-binding protein of the Ns type in Trypanosoma cruzi was explored. Epimastigote membranes were labelled by cholera toxin in the presence of [adenine-14C]NAD+. After SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of extracted membrane proteins, a single labelled polypeptide band of apparent Mr approx. 45,000 was detected. Epimastigote cells were treated with N-ethylmaleimide and electrofused to lymphoma S49 cells lacking the Ns protein. Evidence indicates that in such electrofusion-generated cell hybrids a heterologous adenylate cyclase system was reconstituted with the Ns protein provided by T. cruzi epimastigotes.  相似文献   

Two mouse monoclonal antibodies (IgM) were produced against the N-acetylglucosamine-specific rice bran lectin. It was difficult to establish antibody-producing hybrids when soluble rice lectin was used for immunization. Therefore a complex of rice lectin and chitin, a water-insoluble polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, was used as immunogen. Antibody reactivity against Gramineae lectins from barley, rice, rye and wheat (wheat germ agglutinin) was tested in ELISA and two (137,E-1 and 140,B-3) were found to be specific for rice lectin. Gramineae lectins were separated by sodium dodecyl-sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroblotted to nitrocellulose papers. Analyses showed that the antibodies reacted strongly with non-reduced rice lectin, whereas only weak staining was seen with the other lectins. The binding was abolished after treatment with 2-mercaptoethanol suggesting that disulphide bond tertiary structures were necessary for epitope integrity.  相似文献   

The proximal tubule of the nephron is subdivided into three structurally and functionally distinct segments, which can be differentiated with the help of special methods. With the aim of producing selective markers for these three portions of the proximal tubule, we raised monoclonal antibodies against the brush border membranes of the rat kidney. Immunohistochemistry was carried out with eleven different monoclonal antibodies to sections of rat kidney and other tissues at the light- and electron-microscopical level. These monoclonal antibodies mainly detect antigens located on the brush border of the proximal tubule, and they allow a distinction between its three segments. However, some antibodies also recognize other portions of the nephron, or even the glomerulus or stromal elements. Sites recognized by the antibodies are not limited to the kidney, but staining is observed on the intestinal brush border, the intralobular ducts of the pancreas, the bile canaliculi of the liver and on the macrophage clusters of the spleen. These antibodies are interesting reagents which can be applied to study biochemical differences between brush border membranes. In addition, they recognize antigenically related sites in other organs with reabsorptive or secretory tasks.  相似文献   

A number of mouse x mouse hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against bovine growth hormone (bGH) were prepared by fusion of spleen cells from bGH-primed mice (Balb/c) with non-secretory mouse myeloma cells (PAIOP3) and characterized. MAbs obtained from three fusion experiments belonged to IgM, IgG1 and IgG2b class/subclass of antibodies. Cross-reaction studies indicated that generated antibodies were against three different epitopes of bGH. VIA6E8 (IgG1) and VIIB2E11C9 (IgM) did not cross-react with ovine prolactin (oPRL), ovine leutinizing hormone (oLH) and porcine follicle stimulating hormone. Antibody VIB3C9E8 (IgM) exhibited cross-reaction with oPRL and oLH. Antibody VIC1F9 (IgG2b) cross reacted with oPRL. All MAbs were against conformational epitopes of bGH.  相似文献   

Phloem parenchyma and companion cells from four species of legumes, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Melilotus alba Desr., Desmodium canadense, L. and Dolichos lablab L., were examined electron microscopically to estabish the presence, structure and development of P-protein. P-protein components consisting of granular, fibrillar, tubular or crystalline structures were found in parenchyma cells of all species and in companion cells of M. alba. The earliest stages of P-protein formation were closely associated with dictyosome cisternae, dictyosome vesicles and/or spiny vesicles. After their formation, the P-protein bodies were frequently transformed into one or more structurally different components. Although these components appeared to be develop-mentally related, their specific associations and transformations differed in each species examined.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to proteins of polyribosome-bound informosomes from rabbit reticulocytes were obtained. Using the immunoblotting technique, it was shown that antibodies produced by one of the clones react with several polypeptides of polyribosome-bound informosomes.  相似文献   

Cellulases from Trichoderma reesei form an enzyme group with a common structural organization. Each cellulase enzyme is composed of two functional domains, the core region containing the active site and the cellulose-binding domain (CBD). To facilitate the specific detection of each domain, monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI), cellobiohydrolase II (CBHII) and endoglucanase I (EGI) were produced. Five mAb were obtained against CBHI, ten against CBHII and eight against EGI. The location of the antigenic epitope for each antibody was mapped by allowing the antibodies to react with truncated cellulases, synthesized from deleted cDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proteolytic fragments of Trichoderma cellulases, obtained by papain digestion, were used to confirm the results. Specific antibodies were detected against the core and the CBD epitopes for all three cellulases. Using the truncated enzymes, it was possible to locate the epitopes to a reasonably short region within the protein. To obtain a quantitative assay for each enzyme, a specific mAb against each antigen was chosen, based on the affinity to the corresponding antigen on Western-blot staining and on filter blots of the cellulolytic yeasts. The mAb were used to quantitative the corresponding enzymes in T. reesei culture medium. Specific quantitation of each cellulase enzyme has not been possible by biochemical assays or using polyclonal antibodies, due to their cross-reactions. Now, these mAb can be specifically used to recognize and quantitate different domains of these three important cellulolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

5'-Nucleotidase from chicken gizzard smooth muscle was purified to homogeneity and used as immunogen for generating monoclonal antibodies. From about 150 positive clones nine IgG producing hybridoma cell lines have been selected for further characterization and antibody preparation. The resulting antibodies bind 5'-nucleotidase from chicken smooth muscle, chicken skeletal muscle, and chicken heart muscle but not the enzyme from chicken liver or rat liver. It could clearly be demonstrated that the nine antibodies recognize different antigenic determinants. Four of these antibodies are strong inhibitors of the AMPase activity of 5'-nucleotidase. One antibody is a weak inhibitor and four other antibodies have no effect on its enzymic activity. One of the monoclonal antibodies was used for immunoaffinity purification of 5'-nucleotidase from chicken heart muscle and chicken skeletal muscle. Pure and active enzymes could be isolated from detergent extracts in one step with a 10 to 20-fold higher yield compared to classical purification procedures. The subcellular distribution of 5'-nucleotidase in chicken gizzard was investigated using indirect immunofluorescence. We found a staining of the plasma membrane of smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells by all of the nine antibodies with variations in the staining intensity.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) with specificity for protein I (PI) from Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) were examined for bactericidal activity. Mab 4G5 (gamma 3), ID3 (gamma 2a), and 1G6 (gamma 2a) bound to surface-exposed epitopes on PI of GC strain R11 (IA serotype) as assessed by co-agglutination and 125I protein A uptake. Mab 2H1 (gamma 3) that were directed against IB serotype strains and Mab 2E9 (gamma 2a) were negative in co-agglutination and protein A uptake assays and served as controls for some experiments. Only 4G5 and 1D3 were bactericidal for R11 when presensitized organisms were incubated in 10% absorbed, pooled normal human serum (PNHS) or 10% hypogammaglobulinemic serum (H gamma S) despite binding of nearly equivalent numbers of 4G5, 1D3, and 1G6 to R11 during presensitization, as assessed by 125I-protein A uptake. These Mab activated complement to a similar extent on GC R11, leading to deposition of 56.4 X 10(3), 61.9 X 1093), and 47.1 X 10(3) molecules of C3/organism during incubation in 10% C8-deficient serum. Deposition occurred almost exclusively via the classical complement pathway. Measurement of complement component C9 binding to R11 during incubation in H gamma S showed 35,700 molecules of C9/organism with 4G5, 32,600 C9/organism with 1D3, and surprisingly, 29,600 C9/organism with 1G6. Eight thousand four hundred molecules of C9/organism bound to 2E9-coated organisms, 6000 C9/organism to 2H1-coated bacteria, and 3600 C9/organism to nonpresensitized organisms. The C5b-9 complex deposited by 4G5 had a different sedimentation profile by sucrose density gradient analysis from the C5b-9 complex deposited by 1G6, consistent with a different molecular configuration of the bound complex. Mab 1G6 and 1D3, but not 2E9 or 2H1, were able to compete with 125I-4G5 for binding to GC R11. A Mab (2E6) directed against protein III of GC competed weakly with 125I-4G5 for binding to GC R11. Mab 1G6, but not 1D3, blocked 4G5-dependent killing in a dose-related fashion. Both 4G5 and IG6 reacted weakly with native PI of GC R11 by immunoblotting, but neither Mab recognized the 34,800 m.w. fragment of PI generated by trypsin and chymotrypsin treatment of outer membranes. In contrast, 2E9 reacted strongly by immunoblot with both native and cleaved PI of GC R11, suggesting binding to buried determinants of PI. These experiments show that Mab directed against identical or closely associated, surface-exposed epitopes on gonococcal PI differ markedly in bactericidal activity, despite leading to deposition of nearly equivalent numbers of C3 and C9 molecules per organism.  相似文献   

Two rat monoclonal antibodies have been generated to plant cell wall (1-->4)-beta-D-xylans using a penta-1,4-xylanoside-containing neoglycoprotein as an immunogen. The monoclonal antibodies, designated LM10 and LM11, have different specificities to xylans in relation to the substitution of the xylan backbone as indicated by immunodot assays and competitive-inhibition ELISAs. LM10 is specific to unsubstituted or low-substituted xylans, whereas LM11 binds to wheat arabinoxylan in addition to unsubstituted xylans. Immunocytochemical analyses indicated the presence of both epitopes in secondary cell walls of xylem but differences in occurrence in other cell types.  相似文献   

Mouse myeloma cells were fused with splenocytes from a mouse that had been immunized with RNA polymerase I purified from a rat hepatoma. Hybridoma cells were selected and colonies secreting antibodies directed against the enzyme were detected by analysis of cell culture supernatants in a solid phase radioimmunoassay. Two of these cell lines were grown on a larger scale and the interaction between the immunoglobulins obtained from them and RNA polymerase I was studied in detail. Antibodies from both of the hybridoma cell lines were able to inhibit DNA-dependent RNA synthesis catalyzed by RNA polymerases I and III, but not that catalyzed by polymerase II. The antibodies were also capable of reducing the RNA chain elongation reaction catalyzed either by RNA polymerase I associated with isolated nucleoli or by enzyme preinitiated in vitro on calf thymus DNA. Inhibition of RNA polymerase I activity by the monoclonal antibodies was inversely related to the nucleotide concentration. In contrast, the DNA concentration had relatively little effect on inhibition by the antibodies. Analysis of immune complex formation between the antibodies and isolated individual enzyme subunits demonstrated that the monoclonal antibodies were directed against the largest (Mr = 190,000) polypeptide of the polymerase I. These data indicate that the largest subunit of RNA polymerase I contains an immunological determinant in common with RNA polymerase III and suggest that the polymerase I polypeptide of Mr = 190,000 contains a catalytic center involved in RNA chain elongation.  相似文献   

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