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The importance of pollinator visitation for determining both maternal reproductive success and outcrossing rates was investigated in the facultatively autogamous annual, Lupinus nanus. Sixty plants in each of two adjacent sites were assigned to either a pollinator-exclusion, pollen-augmentation, or open-pollinated (control) treatment. Flower, fruit, and seed production were recorded for each plant, and outcrossing rates were determined for plants in all three treatments at each site. Pollinator-exclusion reduced the reproductive success of plants at Site 1, but had no effect on reproduction for plants at Site 2. Pollen-augmentation increased fruit production by 22% and seed production by 45% at Site 2, but had no effect on reproduction for plants at Site 1. Plants in the open-pollinated, control treatment outcrossed at intermediate rates at both sites, with plants at Site 2 (outcrossing rate, t = 0.66) outcrossing at a significantly higher rate than plants at Site 1 (t = 0.40). The pollen-augmentation treatment increased the outcrossing rate for plants at both sites (Site 1, t = 0.72; Site 2, t = 0.78). These results indicate that pollinator availability can limit maternal reproductive success for this facultatively autogamous plant species. Additionally, the intermediate outcrossing rates observed in nature for this species are not a consequence of plant characters alone, but instead result from plant characters combined with the local pollination ecology.  相似文献   

Lathyrus latifolius (everlasting pea) is a perennial vine native to Europe. Naturalized populations of L. latifolius occur in fields and on roadsides over large areas of the United States. Widely cultivated as a garden flower, L. latifolius produces abundant racemes of showy flowers that are bumblebee-pollinated. The seeds are heavy, large, and round, and exhibit no specialized means of dispersal. Allozyme diversity and population structure were determined for 32 populations of L. latifolius—30 from the southeastern United States and two from Oregon. Results from 21 allozyme loci indicate that genetic diversity is higher and population divergence is lower than expected based on the life history characteristics of the species. No association was found between genetic identity statistics and geographic distance between populations. Although the range in genetic diversity statistics among populations was unusually large, genetic drift did not appear to play a major role in structuring genetic variation. We conclude that the level of genetic diversity maintained within L. latifolius populations, and the level of population divergence found, is strongly influenced by its status as a cultivated garden flower and its human-associated mode of gene flow via seed dispersal.  相似文献   

矮牡丹传粉生物学的初步研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
对山西省南部矮牡丹3个居群连续两年的野外观察和实验研究表明,共有5种蜂和4种甲虫参 与矮牡丹的传粉。电镜观察和人工控制昆虫传粉试验证明,蜂类,特别是地蜂类是矮牡丹的主要传粉 者,而甲虫类只是一种不稳定的传粉者。矮牡丹花无蜜液,但可散发气味,主要以花粉吸引昆虫。矮牡 丹不存在无融合生殖,也没有自动自花结实现象,但同株异花能产生少量种子,具微弱的自交性。在花 少的居群中自然结实率与人工异交结实率近相等。矮牡丹的结实率低,平均只有近1/4的胚珠发育成种子。  相似文献   

Astragalus cibarius and A. utahensis are common perennial species of a widespread legume genus. The pollination of Astragalus has been briefly discussed in the literature, but little work has been done on species in the intermountain West. This study was conducted from 1970–1973 in Utah with mixed and single species populations. The flowers of both species were homogamous and papilionaceous, but the species were different as to color, size, and ultraviolet reflectance. Astragalus cibarius usually flowered 10 days ahead of A. utahensis, but both species flowered earlier than most other plants in the community. Bagging experiments indicated both species were strongly allogamous. Exclosure studies indicated both species relied on insects as pollen vectors. Of the 44 insect species which were observed visiting flowers, only 14 carried Astragalus pollen, and the pollinator fauna varied between study sites. Pollen quantities and distributions on Diptera and Coleoptera indicated a poor potential for pollination. Floral structure, pollen distribution and quantity, and behavior implied that large bees of the families Apidae and Anthophoridae were the primary pollinators. These bees visited only one species of Astragalus when the plants occurred in mixed populations; this constancy may have been related to relative flower abundance. Non-pollinating floral foragers affect other phases of Astragalus life history.  相似文献   

Utilizing scanning electron microscopy, we studied the early floral ontogeny of three species of Caesalpinia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): C. cassioides, C. pulcherrima, and C. vesicaria. Interspecific differences among the three are minor at early and middle stages of floral development. Members of the calyx, corolla, first stamen whorl, and second stamen whorl appear in acropetal order, except that the carpel is present before appearance of the last three inner stamens. Sepals are formed in generally unidirectional succession, beginning with one on the abaxial side next to the subtending bracts, followed by the two lateral sepals and adaxial sepal, then lastly the other adaxial sepal. In one flower of C. vesicaria, sepals were helically initiated. In the calyx, the first-initiated sepal maintains a size advantage over the other four sepals and eventually becomes cucullate, enveloping the remaining parts of the flower. The cucullate abaxial sepal is found in the majority of species of the genus Caesalpinia. Petals, outer stamens, and inner stamens are formed unidirectionally in each whorl from the abaxial to the adaxial sides of the flower. Abaxial stamens are present before the last petals are visible as mounds on the adaxial side, so that the floral apex is engaged in initiation of different categories of floral organs at the same time.  相似文献   

龙须藤传粉生态学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
龙须藤(Bauhiniachampionii)的传粉者包括数种蜂类及蝴蝶类昆虫.龙须藤的柱头对花粉的接收高峰大体上与传粉昆虫的活动高峰相吻合.  相似文献   

Melilotus alba (Leguminosae) populations from mine sites in southwestern Wisconsin were shown to be ecotypically adapted to high levels of zinc in the soil. In greenhouse experiments using high-zinc soil and high levels of zinc in sand culture, seedlings from mine populations grew better and suffered less mortality than did seedlings from roadside populations.  相似文献   

The role of gene establishment in gene flow was investigated in a population of the annual legume Chamaecrista fasciculata by determining the effect of interparent distance on progeny fitness throughout the entire life history. A decelerating gain in progeny fitness with increasing interparent distance was observed. Selfed progeny suffered a 2-fold fitness disadvantage compared to progeny derived from mating events between individuals in the same neighborhood. Progeny derived from within neighborhood crosses had lower fitness than progeny from crosses between neighborhoods. Coupling the effect of interparent distance on gene establishment with information on gene dispersal resulted in a considerable increase in estimated gene flow. However, gene flow was still limited, as the average neighborhood area corresponded to a circle with radius of approximately 3.0 m. Yearly fluctuations in population size and variation in reproductive output lowered the estimate of Ne below the census estimate to approximately 100 individuals. The role of a seed bank in increasing the estimate of Ne was found to be insignificant. It is likely that genetic drift plays a major role in determining the distribution of genetic variation in this population.  相似文献   

Two closely related North American orchid species, Isotria verticillata and I. medeoloides, were studied with respect to breeding system biology and pollination dynamics. Marked differences in reproductive biology were revealed. The more common I. verticillata is xenogamous, being pollinated by solitary bees in the Andrenidae, Anthophoridae, and Halictidae. The inflorescence is fragrant, multicolored, and has pollination guides, thus possessing an obvious attractant system, even though it lacks nectaries. In contrast, I. medeoloides is self-pollinating, has light green flowers, and lacks pollination guides, nectaries, and odor. These two species also differ radically in population structure and reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   

The pollination of Paspalum dilatatum was studied in south-central Oklahoma during the summer of 1979. Pollen was liberated between 0700–0900 hr except on humid mornings (RH ≤ 80%), when there was a delay of 2–3 hr and a reduction in the total air-borne pollen concentration. A rapid decrease in air-borne pollen concentration with distance from the source results from: 1) individual pollen grains larger (50–70 μ in diam) than typical wind-pollinated plants, and 2) some pollen dispersed as clusters of grains. Several floral characters of P. dilatatum led to a hypothesis that this perennial grass may be entomophilous as well as anemophilous. Not only were the pollen grains larger than most other wind-pollinated taxa but the species produced fewer than 2,500 pollen grains per ovule. Three additional observations corroborate this view: 1) solitary bees (Halictidae) actively collect pollen during the morning, 2) the number of pollen grains per stigma was significantly (P < 0.001) greater on racemes exposed to both wind and bees than on racemes exposed only to wind, and 3) the combination of bees and wind as pollinators significantly (P < 0.001) increased seed set compared to wind alone.  相似文献   

Both pollen and seed dispersal components of gene flow were examined in the annual plant Chamaecrista fasciculata (Leguminosae) and quantified in terms of Wright's neighborhood area. Pollen dispersal was estimated by measuring pollinator flight movement throughout the flowering season and the contribution of pollen carryover to pollen dispersal was determined by comparing pollinator flight movement with dispersal of electrophoretic markers in an experimental transect. Phenological effects on the probability of fruit set were measured to determine whether pollinations should be weighted differentially across the flowering season. The outcrossing rate, a major determinant of the role of pollen dispersal in gene flow, was estimated from electrophoretic analysis of progeny arrays and by measuring the proportion of nongeitonogamous pollinator flight movements. Seed dispersal was measured in a prairie habitat and in experimental plots without surrounding vegetation. Seed dispersal was small in comparison to pollen dispersal in both environments. Fruit set was low at the beginning and end of the flowering season, periods when flower density is low and pollinator flight distances are large. Although the outcrossing rate was high (t = 80%) and pollen carryover substantial, pollen dispersal was limited. Averaged over 4 years, neighborhood area, based on both seed and pollen dispersal, was 17.6 m2, and corresponds to a circle of radius 2.4 m. The observed limited gene dispersal suggests the population of C. fasciculata is genetically subdivided into small breeding units of related individuals.  相似文献   

狸尾豆属(Uraria Desv.)隶属于豆科(Leguminosae)的蝶形花亚科(Subfam. Papilionoideae),岩黄著族(Trlb. Hedysareae),山绿豆亚族(Subtrib. Desmediinae)。  相似文献   

The histogenesis of the leaf venation in Trifolium wormskioldii was followed, using whole cleared leaflets and transverse and paradermal microtome sections. Mature leaflets are about 8 mm in length. The midvein precambium appears in leaflets 100 μ in length; secondary vein procambium is first seen in 230 μ leaflets; procambium of minor veins first appears in leaflets 400-600 μ in length. Phloem is apparent before xylem, in midvein, secondary veins, and minor veins. Vein endings are initiated and they mature last. No evidence was found to support the theory of “vein breakage.” In the greenhouse 24 days elapsed from leaf initiation to exposure of leaf tips; 6 more days elapsed until full leaf expansion.  相似文献   

The genus Glycine is composed of two subgenera, Glycine and Soja. Soja includes the cultivated soybean, G. max, and its wild annual counterpart G. soja, while Glycine includes seven wild perennial species. Hybridization was carried out within and between wild perennial species of the subgenus Glycine. The success rate (pods set/flowers crossed) was 11% for intraspecific and 8% for interspecific crosses. A total of 220 F1 hybrids was examined morphologically and cytologically where possible. Hybrids within G. canescens (2n = 40) and G. latifolia (2n = 40) were fertile as expected. Glycine clandestina (2n = 40) was morphologically separable into at least three groups, which produced fertile hybrids within each group. One cross between two groups gave vegetatively vigorous but sterile hybrids. The majority of crosses within G. tabacina (2n = 80) were fertile, except that extremely narrow-leaved forms gave sterile hybrids in combination with more usual forms. Sterility was also encountered in G. tomentella when aneuploids (2n = 78) from New South Wales, Australia, were crossed with tetraploids (2n = 80) from either Queensland, Australia, or Taiwan; crosses between the latter two populations resulted in seedling lethality. Cytological behavior of sterile hybrids followed a similar pattern, whether at the diploid or tetraploid level. The frequency of chromosome pairing was approximately half that expected if genomes showed full pairing homology. Bivalent disjunction at anaphase I was usually followed by precocious division of the majority of univalents. Telophase I and II were characterized by lagging chromosomes and micronuclei, so that resulting pollen was misshapen and sterile. Chromosome pairing data from sterile intraspecific hybrids at the tetraploid level may indicate a polyphyletic origin of tetraploids, whereby different diploid populations were involved in their formation. Similarly, chromosome pairing in sterile intraspecific diploid hybrids may indicate that the various diploid groups arose independently of one another. Both 40- and 80-chromosome forms are fully diploidized, however, and if they are of ancient origin, divergence since that time could have resulted in the chromosomal differentiation which becomes apparent when intraspecific hybridization is effected. Diploid (2n = 40) interspecific hybrids G. falcata × G. canescens, and G. falcata × G. tomentella grew poorly and did not reach flowering stage. Diploid (2n = 40) crosses between G. latifolia and G. tomentella produced inviable seedlings. Tetraploid (2n = 80) hybrids between G. tomentella and G. tabacina were vegetatively vigorous but sterile owing to low chromosome pairing at meiosis, indicating little pairing homology between the two species. Diploid hybrids between G. canescens and G. clandestina, however, showed almost complete chromosome pairing at diakinesis and partial fertility. Although morphologically distinct, these two species have not diverged sufficiently to prevent hybridization and possible gene exchange through recombination. Self compatibility, perennial growth habit, and geographic isolation have favored divergence among Glycine populations to the point that gene exchange appears no longer possible in many cases. Internal isolating mechanisms have been shown to operate at various levels of plant development from hybrid lethality at seedling stage, to failure of seed-set in sterile but vegetatively vigorous hybrids.  相似文献   

Paraveinal mesophyll (PVM) in Leguminosae, subfamily Mimosoideae, was first reported in 1894 but never described in detail before now. We cleared, and sectioned in resin, leaflets of Calliandra tweedii and C. emarginata (Tribe Ingeae). Lamina anatomy in both species is very similar: one palisade layer, two to three spongy layers, and the horizontal veinal network with its interconnected PVM in between. PVM is a unistratose cellular lacework extending between veins and attached medianly along each flank of all veins. PVM cells have a normal complement of typical chloroplasts similar to other mesophyll cells. Most veins are ensheathed by fibers except for an extended lateral slit along each flank where the PVM is attached; a parenchymatous bundle sheath is therefore lacking. All vein endings lack phloem, although the tracheary elements of some vein endings are flanked by one or two long, slender, seemingly undifferentiated cells. Occasional small gaps occur between the PVM cell wall and adjacent tracheary elements, which expose xylem directly to mesophyll intercellular space. PVM anatomy of Calliandra, including its physical relationship to the various vein orders, differs in some important respects from PVM of the few other leguminous and nonleguminous species studied anatomically in any detail.  相似文献   

紫荆属种子表皮纹饰的扫描电镜观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
报道了七种紫荆属植物的种子表皮的扫描电镜观察结果。根据种皮性状可将紫荆属植物分为两群:第一群仅包含黄山紫荆一种;第二群包含其余的全部种类。  相似文献   

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