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N. A. Din  S. R. Eltringham   《Ibis》1974,116(1):28-43
The number and distribution of the White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus roseus and the Pink-backed Pelican P. rufescens were studied in the Ruwenzori National Park, Uganda, by means of aerial surveys carried out at approximately weekly intervals between May 1968 and December 1969. The White Pelican is migratory and was present in the Park at highest numbers in August 1968 and May 1969 when 2510 and 3927 respectively were recorded. It does not breed within the Park. The Pink-backed Pelican is resident, with a population averaging about 1350 birds. Pelicans are distributed in discrete flocks on loafing grounds. Flocks of the White Pelican tend to be bigger than those of the Pink-backed. Forty-three loafing grounds were recognized in the Park, and it is shown that there is no difference between the species in the frequentation of these grounds. The areas favoured by both species are characterized by flat, open stretches close to water; steep slopes and heavily vegetated shore-lines are avoided. The feeding behaviour was studied by direct observation and through cine-photography. Only the White Pelican feeds communally in coordinated groups; this species also often feeds singly. The feeding sequence of both species is described, and is divided into four phases:searching, trapping, catching and swallowing. The searching phase lasts about six times longer in the Pink-backed Pelican than in the White. The White Pelican feeds further from the shore than does the Pink-backed. There is little difference between the species in the daily feeding pattern. Feeding takes place throughout the day but mostly from dawn to about 10.00 hrs and from 17.00 hrs until dusk. The rest of the day is spent mainly in preening, resting or bathing. The food of pelicans is exclusively fish. The White Pelican takes mainly large Tilupia, and Haplochromis and fish fry to a lesser extent. The Pink-backed Pelican feeds largely on fish fry, but Tilapia and Haplochromis are frequently taken and by weight are more important than the fry. However, the Tilapiu are smaller than those taken by the White Pelican. Ecological separation between the two species is achieved through these differences in their feeding behaviour. It is estimated that the White Pelican takes 1201 g and the Pink-backed Pelican 776 g of fish each day. The total amount of fish eaten by both species from Lake George during 1969 was calculated to be 591 709 kg. This is small (c. 3%) compared with the estimated total fish production of the lake but quite appreciable (12.7%) as a proportion of the total caught by man. It is concluded that the pelican populations are probably not important as a link in the chain whereby organic matter transferred from land to water by the Hippopotamus is returned to the land.  相似文献   

张强凹陷是一个早白垩世断陷盆地,1987年以来辽河油田公司在该区钻探了各类石油探井200余口,并在下白垩统采获了较丰富的孢粉化石,建立了3个早白垩世孢粉组合,自下而上为Concavissimisporites-Deltoido-spora-Piceaepollenites组合、Cicatricosisporites-Liaoxisporis-Classopollis组合以及Cyathidites-Cicatricosi-sporites-Laevigatosporites-Clavatipollenites组合,分别产自九佛堂组、沙海组和阜新组.叙述了组合特征,通过与国内外孢粉组合的对比及特征分子的时代分布,确立了本区早白垩世生物地层层序及地质时代.并利用孢粉相对油气生成环境进行了探讨.  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟地区海拉尔盆地贝尔凹陷贝27井早白垩世孢粉植物群自下而上划分为3个孢粉组合:克鲁克孢(Klukisporites sp.)-原始松柏粉(Protoconiferus sp.)-双束松粉(Pinuspollenites sp.)组合,分布于南屯组二段;小桫椤孢(Cyathidites minor)-多云云杉粉(Piceaepollenites multigrumus)-单束松粉(Abietineaepollenites sp.)组合,分布于大磨拐河组一段;无突肋纹孢(Cicatricosisporites sp.)-卵形光面单缝孢(Laevigatosporites ovatus)\|破隙杉粉(Taxodiaceaepollenites hiatus)组合,分布于大磨拐河组二段。上述孢粉组合证明,贝27井南屯组地质时代为早白垩世Berriasian—Valanginian期;大磨拐河组地质时代应该为早中白垩世(Valanginian—Hauterivian)期,尽管未见到最原始的被子植物花粉(如Clavatipollenites和Asteropollis等),但具有一定百分含量的Triporoletes reticulatus(0-4.76%)出现,也不排除部分进入Barremian期的可能。贝27井南屯组二段沉积时期植被主要由针叶林构成,属于湿润的温带气候。大磨拐河组一段沉积时期植被主要由针叶林\|草丛构成,属于湿润的北亚热带气候。大磨拐河组二段沉积时期植被类型以针阔叶混交林\|草丛为主,属于湿润的北亚热带气候。  相似文献   

Abstract: Palaeoctopus pelagicus sp. nov. is described from the early Turonian Vallecillo Limestone in north‐eastern Mexico. The species represents the first record of a fossil octopod from the Americas and the second species of the genus Palaeoctopus. The holotype and only known specimen preserves one half of an originally bipartite gladius vestige. Soft parts are not preserved. The gladius vestige is distinguished from P. newboldi from the Santonian Limestone of Lebanon by the arrangement of fields, striation and reinforcements. The new material supports previous ideas suggesting that the paired stylets of modern Octopoda evolved through gradual reduction of a Teudopsis‐like gladius via a transitional stage similar to Palaeoctopus. The origin of Octopoda and Cirroctopoda likely dates back to a period between the Toarcian (180 Ma) and the early Turonian (93 Ma). Palaeoecological conditions in the Vallecillo ocean suggest that P. pelagicus sp. nov. inhabited the pelagic shelf. Hostile low oxygen conditions on the sea floor exclude a benthic mode of life for P. pelagicus sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The assemblage of large-bodied theropod remains from the Taynton Limestone Formation (middle Bathonian) of Stonesfield, Oxfordshire and the Chipping Norton Limestone Formation (lowest Bathonian) of New Park Quarry, Gloucestershire, UK is interpreted as monospecific. An assessment of morphological variation in theropod fossils from these localities reveals no taxonomically-significant variation among remains representing large-bodied individuals. Previous observations of anatomical variation among femora, ilia and scapulocoracoids are attributed to postmortem damage and deformation. Referral of all such material to the first named dinosaur taxon, Megalosaurus bucklandii Mantell, is therefore justified. ' Iliosuchus incognitus ' lacks autapomorphies and is a nomen dubium . However, other remains of small-bodied theropods from Stonesfield indicate a minimum of two small-bodied taxa that are distinct from M. bucklandii.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Three previously unknown octopods are described from Upper Cenomanian limestones of the Hâqel and Hâdjoula localities (Lebanon). Keuppia levante gen. nov., sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris gen. nov,. sp. nov. and Styletoctopus annae gen. nov, . sp. nov. are regarded as the earliest representatives of the Octopoda (= Incirrata). This assumption is mainly based on their medially isolated bipartite gladius vestige. As can be inferred from growth increments, Keuppia gen. nov. can be distinguished from the genus Palaeoctopus by blades that grow forwards along their longitudinal axis. The gladius vestige of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. differs from that of Keuppia levante sp. nov. in having a more heterogeneous course of growth lines. Based on a pair of widely separated stylets, which closely resemble the rods of modern octopods, Styletoctopus annae gen. nov., sp. nov. is assigned to the Recent family Octopodidae. Peculiar encrustations, which are situated in close association with the gladius vestiges of Keuppia levante sp. nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov., and Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. are interpreted as basal fin cartilages. The gladius vestige morphology of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov. and Keuppia levante sp. nov. opens the possibility that both the Octopda and the Cirroctopoda originated from loligosepiid vampyropods instead of teudopseid. The surprising existence of a stylet-like gladius vestige in Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. suggests that the octopod clade branched off much earlier than previously believed. Octopod apomorphies such as the development of stylets, loss of fins and cirri must have been occurred before the Cenomanian.  相似文献   

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