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Gene flow between populations can allow the spread of beneficial alleles and genetic diversity between populations, with importance to conservation, invasion biology, and agriculture. Levels of gene flow between populations vary not only with distance, but also with divergence in reproductive phenology. Since phenology is often locally adapted, arriving migrants may be reproductively out of synch with residents, which can depress realized gene flow. In flowering plants, the potential impact of phenological divergence on hybridization between populations can be predicted from overlap in flowering schedules—the daily count of flowers capable of pollen exchange—between a resident and migrant population. The accuracy of this prospective hybridization estimate, based on parental phenotypes, rests upon the assumptions of unbiased pollen transfer between resident and migrant active flowers. We tested the impact of phenological divergence on resident–migrant mating frequencies in experiments that mimicked a single large gene flow event. We first prospectively estimated mating frequencies two lines of Brassica rapaselected or early and late flowering. We then estimated realized mating frequencies retrospectively through progeny testing. The two estimates strongly agreed in a greenhouse experiment, where procedures ensured saturating, unbiased pollination. Under natural pollination in the field, the rate of resident–migrant mating, was lower than estimated by phenological divergence alone, although prospective and retrospective estimates were correlated. In both experiments, differences between residents and migrants in flowering schedule shape led to asymmetric hybridization. Results suggest that a prospective estimate of hybridization based on mating schedules can be a useful, although imperfect, tool for evaluating potential gene flow. They also illustrate the impact of mating phenology on the magnitude and symmetry of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The ability of a population to genetically adapt to a changing environment is contingent not only on the level of existing genetic variation within that population, but also on the gene flow received from differently adapted populations. Effective pollen‐mediated gene flow among plant populations requires synchrony of flowering. Therefore differences in timing of flowering among genetically divergent populations may reduce their ability to adapt to environmental change. To determine whether gene flow among differently adapted populations of native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Scotland was restricted by differences in their flowering phenology, we measured timing of pollen release among populations spanning a steep environmental gradient over three consecutive seasons (2014–2016). Results showed that, over a distance of 137 km, there were as many as 15.8 days’ difference among populations for the predicted timing of peak pollen shedding, with the earliest development in the warmer west of the country. There was much variation between years, with the earliest development and least synchrony in the warmest year (2014) and latest development and greatest synchrony in the coolest year (2015). Timing was negatively correlated with results from a common‐garden experiment, indicative of a pattern of countergradient variation. We conclude that the observed differences in reproductive synchrony were sufficient to limit gene flow via pollen between populations of P. sylvestris at opposite ends of the environmental gradient across Scotland. We also hypothesize that continually warming, or asymmetrically warming spring temperatures will decrease reproductive synchrony among pine populations.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology of the endangered species Calocedrus macrolepis. We examined flower phenology and morphology, spatial distribution of male and female cones, pollen viability, variation in pollen density around the crown, and the pollination process. Calocedrus macrolepis is monoecious with unisexual flowers on the same branches. Pollen‐shed from male cones occurred from early September to mid‐February, whereas the female cones were receptive from mid‐September to mid‐March. The inconsistency of flowering periods between male and female cones within populations and among individuals extended the pollination period. There was a layered distribution pattern of male and female cones in the crown, with more male cones in the lower layer and more female cones in the upper layer. This resulted in different selfing and outcrossing rates at various locations. The pollen of C. macrolepis lack airbags, and consequently, it was dispersed within only 10 m of the mother tree. The short pollen dispersal distance could restrict gene flow among different geographical populations. Calocedrus macrolepis is endangered because of its high degree of selfing and inbreeding resulting from its monoecious characteristics and the short distance of pollen spread. These factors may result in a population decline.  相似文献   

Aims Many pine populations in Canada have fragmented distributions resulting from the effects of glaciations, overharvesting and white pine blister rust infections. Forest fragmentation can modify gene flow and reduce genetic diversity. Selective logging can reduce the density of trees, thereby altering mating patterns and increasing inbreeding. The hypothesis of the present study is that forest fragmentation will not increase inbreeding and will have no effect on genetic diversity parameters in the Canadian Pinus moniticola and P. strobus populations targeted because of (i) the long life span of the pine species, (ii) outbreeding and self-incompatibility of P. monticola and P. strobus and (iii) wind pollination resulting in high gene flow among populations. We studied the genetic diversity of P. strobus across its range in Canada, and we completed a detailed analysis of the genetic structure of P. monticola populations from western Canada using microsatellites genetic markers.Methods Seed samples from 10 P. monticola populations and 10 P. strobus populations were collected from western and eastern Canada, respectively. The mother trees included in seed lots were representative of each stand. Genomic DNA extracted from each sample was amplified with microsatellite primers. The intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity parameters were assessed using Popgene and Genepop softwares and the genetic distances among populations within each species using the PowerMarker software.Important findings Pinus monticola and P. strobus exhibited moderate to high genetic diversity. Also, both species showed low levels of inbreeding despite the geographic isolation and small stand size. Gene flow estimates were high and population differentiation values were relatively low for these fragmented forest sites.  相似文献   

Although rarely tested, it is often assumed that interspecific competition results in the divergence of traits related to resource use. Using a plant-pollinator system as a model, I tested the prediction the presence of a competitor for pollination influences the strength and/or direction of pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits. I measured phenotypic selection via female fitness on five floral traits of Ipomopsis aggregata in seven populations. Four contained only conspecifics (I only) and three also contained the competitor Castilleja linariaefolia (C + I). Directional selection via fruits/plant and conspecific pollen deposited/flower on corolla length was positive and significantly stronger in C + I populations. This difference in selection was apparently driven by interpopulation variation in the degree to which reproduction of I. aggregata was pollen limited. Consistent with expectations of interspecific competition, I. aggregata plants in C + I populations received less conspecific pollen per flower and set fewer seeds per fruit and fruits per plant than those in I only populations. Ipomopsis aggregata's corollas were also significantly longer in C + I populations, suggesting that there had been a response to a similar selective regime in past generations. Phenotypic correlations between corolla length and width, which determine the variation in I. aggregata's flower shape, were significantly weaker in C + I populations. These data suggest that competition for pollination can influence the strength of selection on and patterns of correlations among floral traits of I. aggregata. If I. aggregata populations with and without competitors for pollination are linked by gene flow, then measuring selection in competitive and noncompetitive environments maybe necessary to accurately predict how floral traits will evolve.  相似文献   

Seed orchards are forest tree production populations for supplying the forest industry with consistent and abundant seed crops of superior genetic quality. However, genetic quality can be severely affected by non-random mating among parents and the occurrence of background pollination. This study analyzed mating structure and background pollination in six large isolation tents established in a clonal Scots pine seed orchard in northern Sweden. The isolation tents were intended to form a physical barrier against background pollen and induce earlier flowering relative to the surrounding trees. We scored flowering phenology inside and outside the tents and tracked airborne pollen density inside and outside the seed orchard in three consecutive pollination seasons. We genotyped 5683 offspring collected from the tents and open controls using nine microsatellite loci, and assigned paternity using simple exclusion method. We found that tent trees shed pollen and exhibited maximum female receptivity approximately 1 week earlier than trees in open control. The majority of matings in tents (78.3 %) occurred at distances within two trees apart (about 5 m). Self-fertilization was relatively high (average 21.8 %) in tents without supplemental pollination (SP), but it was substantially reduced in tents with SP (average 7.7 %). Pollen contamination was low in open controls (4.8–7.1 %), and all tents remained entirely free of foreign pollen. Our study demonstrates that tent isolation is effective in blocking pollen immigration and in manipulating flowering phenology. When complimented with supplemental pollination, it could become a useful seed orchard management practice to optimize the gain and diversity of seed orchard crops.  相似文献   

Population reduction and disturbances may alter dispersal, mating patterns and gene flow. Rather than taking the common approach of comparing different populations or sites, here we studied gene flow via wind‐mediated effective pollen dispersal on the same plant individuals before and after a fire‐induced population drop, in a natural stand of Pinus halepensis. The fire killed 96% of the pine trees in the stand and cleared the vegetation in the area. Thirteen trees survived in two groups separated by ~80 m, and seven of these trees had serotinous (closed) prefire cones that did not open despite the fire. We analysed pollen from closed pre and postfire cones using microsatellites. The two groups of surviving trees were highly genetically differentiated, and the pollen they produced also showed strong among‐group differentiation and very high kinship both before and after the fire, indicating limited and very local pollen dispersal. The pollen not produced by the survivors also showed significant prefire spatial genetic structure and high kinship, indicating mainly within‐population origin and limited gene flow from outside, but became spatially homogeneous with random kinship after the fire. We suggest that postfire gene flow via wind‐mediated pollen dispersal increased by two putative mechanisms: (i) a drastic reduction in local pollen production due to population thinning, effectively increasing pollen immigration through reduced dilution effect; (ii) an increase in wind speeds in the vegetation‐free postfire landscape. This research shows that dispersal can alleviate negative genetic effects of population size reduction and that disturbances might enhance gene flow, rather than reduce it.  相似文献   

Viability of long-distance pollen links ecological models to the genetic structure of forest tree populations, determining how forests will adapt to climate change and how far genes flow from genetically modified (GM) pine plantations. Addressing this landscape-scale inquiry is feasible when the pollen source, the delivery system, and the receiver field can be made explicit. To this end, I measured long-distance pollen germination along a 160-km transect along the North Carolina coastline, including 45000 ha of mature Pinus taeda plantations and barrier islands. Using this system, I tested three hypotheses: (1) pine pollen germinates after dispersal on meso-scale distances, (2) sodium chloride exposure reduces germination of pollen captured over open saltwater, and (3) viable pine pollen is present at high altitudes before local peak pollen shed. The experimental findings are as follows: pine pollen had germination rates of 2 to 57% after dispersal at distances from 3 to 41 km, sodium chloride solutions mildly reduced P. taeda pollen germination, and viable pine pollen grains were captured at an altitude of 610 m. GM pine plantings thus have a potential to disperse viable pollen at least 41 km from the source. Wind and rainfall, as integral parts of regional atmospheric systems, together exert a powerful influence on the genetic structure of forest tree populations.  相似文献   

We sampled and analyzed surface sediments from 31 lakes along a latitudinal transect crossing the coniferous treeline on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. The major vegetation zones along the transect were tundra, birch-forest tundra, pine-forest tundra, and forest. The results indicate that the major vegetation types in our study area have distinct pollen spectra. Sum-of-squares cluster analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) groupings of pollen sites correspond to the major vegetation zones. PCA ordination of taxa indicates that the first axis separates taxa typical of the forest zone (Pinus, Picea) from taxa typical of tundra and forest-tundra zones (Polypodiaceae, Ericaceae, and Betula). The current position of the coniferous treeline, defined in our region by Pinus sylvestris, occurs roughly where Pinus pollen values reach 35% or greater. Arboreal pollen (AP)/non-arboreal pollen (NAP) ratios were calculated for each site and plotted against geographic distance along the transect. AP/NAP ratios of 7 or greater are found within pine-forest tundra and forest vegetation zones. Pinus stomates (dispersed stomatal guard cells) are absent from sites north of the coniferous treeline and all but two samples from the forested sites contain stomates. Stomate concentrations among the samples are highly variable and range from 10 to 458 per ml and positively correlate with the changing Pinus pollen values.  相似文献   

Pollination biology, breeding system, and floral phenology of the columnar cactus Stenocereus stellatus were studied in wild, wild managed in situ and cultivated populations of central Mexico, in order to examine whether these aspects have been modified under domestication and whether they determine reproductive barriers between wild and manipulated individuals. Individuals of both wild and manipulated populations are self-incompatible, indicating that artificial selection has not modified the breeding system. Their pollination biology is also similar. Anthesis is mainly nocturnal, with a peak of nectar production between 0200 and 0400 when the stigma presents maximum turgidity. Nocturnal visitors are the effective pollinators. Nearly 75% of flowers exposed for nocturnal pollination set fruit, while none of the flowers exposed for diurnal pollination produced fruits. The bats Leptonycteris curasoae, L. nivalis, and Choeronycteris mexicana (Glossophaginae) are the most likely pollinators, and their time of foraging is synchronized with the time of nectar production and stigma receptivity in S. stellatus. Bats potentially move pollen over a considerable distance, so there is apparently no spatial isolation to prevent pollen exchange between wild and cultivated populations. Phenological studies showed that there are also no apparent temporal barriers. However, manual cross pollination failed between some domesticated and wild phenotypes, suggesting that gene flow between wild and cultivated populations might be limited by pollen incompatibility.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to different pollinators is considered one of the possible initial stages of ecological speciation as reproductive isolation is a by‐product of the divergence in pollination systems. However, pollinator‐mediated divergent selection will not necessarily result in complete reproductive isolation, because incipient speciation is often overcome by gene flow. We investigated the potential of pollinator shift in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys exaltata and compared the levels of floral isolation vs. genetic distance among populations with contrasting predominant pollinators. We analysed floral hydrocarbons as a proxy for floral divergence between populations. Floral adoption of pollinators and their fidelity was tested using pollinator choice experiments. Interpopulation gene flow and population differentiation levels were estimated using AFLP markers. The Tyrrhenian O. sphegodes population preferentially attracted the pollinator bee Andrena bimaculata, whereas the Adriatic O. sphegodes population exclusively attracted A. nigroaenea. Significant differences in scent component proportions were identified in O. sphegodes populations that attracted different preferred pollinators. High interpopulation gene flow was detected, but populations were genetically structured at species level. The high interpopulation gene flow levels independent of preferred pollinators suggest that local adaptation to different pollinators has not (yet) generated detectable genome‐wide separation. Alternatively, despite extensive gene flow, few genes underlying floral isolation remain differentiated as a consequence of divergent selection. Different pollination ecotypes in O. sphegodes might represent a local selective response imposed by temporal variation in a geographical mosaic of pollinators as a consequence of the frequent disturbance regimes typical of Ophrys habitats.  相似文献   

The renewed interest in the use of hybrid zones for studying speciation calls for the identification and study of hybrid zones across a wide range of organisms, especially in long-lived taxa for which it is often difficult to generate interpopulation variation through controlled crosses. Here, we report on the extent and direction of introgression between two members of the "model tree" genus Populus: Populus alba (white poplar) and Populus tremula (European aspen), across a large zone of sympatry located in the Danube valley. We genotyped 93 hybrid morphotypes and samples from four parental reference populations from within and outside the zone of sympatry for a genome-wide set of 20 nuclear microsatellites and eight plastid DNA restriction site polymorphisms. Our results indicate that introgression occurs preferentially from P. tremula to P. alba via P. tremula pollen. This unidirectional pattern is facilitated by high levels of pollen vs. seed dispersal in P. tremula (pollen/seed flow = 23.9) and by great ecological opportunity in the lowland floodplain forest in proximity to P. alba seed parents, which maintains gene flow in the direction of P. alba despite smaller effective population sizes (N(e)) in this species (P. alba N(e)c. 500-550; P. tremula N(e)c. 550-700). Our results indicate that hybrid zones will be valuable tools for studying the genetic architecture of the barrier to gene flow between these two ecologically divergent Populus species.  相似文献   

  • Variation in flowering phenology is common in natural populations, and is expected to be, together with inter‐mate distance, an important driver of effective pollen dispersal. In populations composed of plants with temporally separated sexual phases (i.e. dichogamous or heterodichogamous populations), pollen‐mediated gene flow is assumed to reflect phenological overlap between complementary sexual phases. In this study, we conducted paternity analyses to test this hypothesis in the temporally dimorphic tree Acer opalus.
  • We performed spatially explicit analyses based on categorical and fractional paternity assignment, and included tree size, pair‐wise genetic relatedness and morph type as additional predictors. Because differences between morphs in flowering phenology may also influence pollination distances, we modelled separate pollen dispersal kernels for the two morphs.
  • Extended phenological overlap between male and female phases (mainly associated with inter‐morph crosses) resulted in higher siring success after accounting for the effects of genetic relatedness, morph type and tree size, while reduced phenological overlap (mainly associated with intra‐morph crosses) resulted in longer pollination distances achieved. Siring success also increased in larger trees.
  • Mating patterns could not be predicted by phenology alone. However, as heterogeneity in flowering phenology was the single morph‐specific predictor of siring success, it is expected to be key in maintaining the temporal dimorphism in A. opalus, by promoting not only a prevalent pattern of inter‐morph mating, but also long‐distance pollination resulting from intra‐morph mating events.

As a matter of fact, Araucaria angustifolia populations occur predominately in small and isolated stands; only a minor number of continuous natural forests of this dioecious wind-pollinated coniferous tree species remain. To implement reasonable conservation, breeding and restorations program it is necessary to have the knowledge of pollen dispersal distance and fine-scale genetic structure. In this paper, levels and dispersion distance of pollen and spatial genetic structure of A. angustifolia were investigated in a 14 ha transect in a continuous forest in Paraná State, Brazil. Analyses have been performed by the use of eight microsatellite loci, paternity and TwoGener approaches, and spatial autocorrelation analysis. In transect, 52 male and 56 female adult trees were mapped and genotyped, together with 190 seeds. In the present transect, A. angustifolia show spatial genetic structure at distances up to 75 m. Paternity analysis indicated that 54% of seeds were fertilized by pollen from trees outside the transect. The calculated average pollination distance within transect was 102 and 98 m based on the paternity analysis and TwoGener analysis, respectively. We found a significant pollen gene pool structure across seed-trees ( , < 0.01) that corresponds to an effective number of pollen donors of 6.4 male trees or an effective pollination neighbourhood area (A ep ) of 2.1 ha. The findings suggest long-distance pollen dispersion (>100 m) inside the continuous forest. However, the high proportion occurs in short-distance producing biparental and correlated mating as well as reducing the variance effective size.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of flowering phenology on pollen flow distance and spatial genetic structure in a population of a bumblebee-pollinated herb, Primula sieboldii, we investigated the flowering phenology of 1712 flowers of 97 genets in a population in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, and constructed a mating model based on the observed mating pattern, which was revealed by paternity analysis using 11 microsatellite markers. The effects of flowering phenology were inferred by comparing estimated pollen flow distance and the level of heterozygosity in the next generation between two scenarios. In the first scenario, both the intergenet distance and flowering phenology influenced mating opportunity, while in the second scenario only intergenet distance influenced mating opportunity. Although the frequency distribution of pollen flow distance at the population level did not differ significantly between the two scenarios, the mean pollen flow distance of several flowers increased by more than 10 m as a result of variation in flowering phenology. Furthermore, accounting for flowering phenology predicted change in heterozygosity in the next generation from -0.04 to 0.07. The results showed that flowering phenology can affect pollen flow distance and spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

Bacles CF  Ennos RA 《Heredity》2008,101(4):368-380
Paternity analysis based on microsatellite marker genotyping was used to infer contemporary genetic connectivity by pollen of three population remnants of the wind-pollinated, wind-dispersed tree Fraxinus excelsior, in a deforested Scottish landscape. By deterministically accounting for genotyping error and comparing a range of assignment methods, individual-based paternity assignments were used to derive population-level estimates of gene flow. Pollen immigration into a 300 ha landscape represents between 43 and 68% of effective pollination, mostly depending on assignment method. Individual male reproductive success is unequal, with 31 of 48 trees fertilizing one seed or more, but only three trees fertilizing more than ten seeds. Spatial analysis suggests a fat-tailed pollen dispersal curve with 85% of detected pollination occurring within 100 m, and 15% spreading between 300 and 1900 m from the source. Identification of immigrating pollen sourced from two neighbouring remnants indicates further effective dispersal at 2900 m. Pollen exchange among remnants is driven by population size rather than geographic distance, with larger remnants acting predominantly as pollen donors, and smaller remnants as pollen recipients. Enhanced wind dispersal of pollen in a barren landscape ensures that the seed produced within the catchment includes genetic material from a wide geographic area. However, gene flow estimates based on analysis of non-dispersed seeds were shown to underestimate realized gene immigration into the remnants by a factor of two suggesting that predictive landscape conservation requires integrated estimates of post-recruitment gene flow occurring via both pollen and seed.  相似文献   

在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的2个定点样地,黄花茅从森林线(海拔1700 m)到山顶(海拔2830 m)呈连续分布。在海拔梯度样带的最高和最低定样场所间的垂直距离差不多为1000 m,但2个定样场所间相距仅仅1.4 km。在所研究的3个海拔梯度样带中,3个同工酶位点(Px_1, Got_2和 Mdh_1)被观察到有统计意义的倾群变异。研究结果显示:沿海拔梯度样带的亚居群间的基因流可能太弱不足以克服自然选择的影响,后者促使对局部环境的适应。在这种情况下,温度因子至少可能作为一种主要的自然选择力起作用。  相似文献   

Mountain birch, Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa, forms the treeline in northern Sweden. A recent shift in the range of the species associated with an elevation of the treeline is commonly attributed to climate warming. Using microsatellite markers, we explored the genetic structure of populations along an altitudinal gradient close to the treeline. Low genetic differentiation was found between populations, whereas high genetic diversity was maintained within populations. High level of gene flow compensated for possible losses of genetic diversity at higher elevations and dissipated the founding effect of newly established populations above the treeline. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed low spatial genetic structure within populations because of extensive gene flow. At the treeline, significant genetic structure within the juvenile age class at small distances did not persist in the adult age class, indicating recent expansion of young recruits due to the warming of the climate. Finally, seedling performance above the treeline was positively correlated with parameters related to temperature. These data confirm the high migration potential of the species in response to fluctuating environmental conditions and indicate that it is now invading higher altitudes due to the recent warming of the climate.  相似文献   

Sato T  Isagi Y  Sakio H  Osumi K  Goto S 《Heredity》2006,96(1):79-84
Few studies have analyzed pollen and seed movements at local scale, and genetic differentiation among populations covering the geographic distribution range of a species. We carried out such a study on Cercidiphyllum japonicum; a dioecious broad-leaved tree of cool-temperate riparian forest in Japan. We made direct measurement of pollen and seed movements in a site, genetic structure at the local scale, and genetic differentiation between populations covering the Japanese Archipelago. Parentage analysis of seedlings within a 20-ha study site indicated that at least 28.8% of seedlings were fertilized by pollen from trees outside the study site. The average pollination distance within the study site was 129 m, with a maximum of 666 m. The genotypes of 30% of seedlings were incompatible with those of the nearest female tree, and the maximum seed dispersal distance within the study site was over 300 m. Thus, long-distance gene dispersal is common in this species. The correlation between genetic relatedness and spatial distance among adult trees within the population was not significant, indicating an absence of fine-scale genetic structure perhaps caused by high levels of pollen flow and overlapping seed shadows. Six populations sampled throughout the distribution of C. japonicum in Japan showed significant isolation-by-distance but low levels of genetic differentiation (F(ST) = 0.043), also indicating long-distance gene flow in C. japonicum. Long-distance gene flow had a strong influence on the genetic structure at different spatial scales, and contributes to the maintenance of genetic diversity in C. japonicum.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Pollination patterns determine the reproductive neighborhood size of plants, the connectivity of populations, and the impacts of habitat fragmentation. We characterized pollination in three populations of Quercus macrocarpa occurring in a highly altered landscape in northeastern Illinois to determine whether isolated remnant stands were reproductively isolated. ? Methods: We used microsatellites to genotype all adults and 787 acorns from two isolated savanna remnants and a stand in an old-growth forest. One isolated remnant occurred in a highly urbanized/industrialized landscape, and one occurred in an agricultural landscape. Parentage assignment was used to assess pollen-mediated gene flow. ? Key results: Pollen donors from outside the study sites accounted for between 46% and 53% of paternities and did not differ significantly among sites, indicating that similar high levels of gene flow occurred at all three sites. Within stands, the mean pollination distance ranged from 42 to 70 meters, and when accounting for outside pollinations, mean pollination distances were well over 100 meters. Genetic diversity of incoming pollen was extremely high in all three stands. The number of effective pollen donors, N(ep), calculated from paternity assignment was higher than that estimated by an indirect correlated paternity approach. ? Conclusions: Our findings indicate that extremely isolated stands of oaks are unlikely to be genetically and reproductively isolated, and remnant stands may contribute to maintaining genetic connectivity in highly modified landscapes.  相似文献   

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