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The extent of cleistogamy (CL) and chasmogamy (CH) was investigated in natural populations of Collomia grandiflora Dougl. ex Lindl. The ubiquitous occurrence of CL flowers was documented in 18 populations from throughout the geographic range of the species. The interrelationship of environmental perturbation, vegetative weight, and the balance between CH and CL flowers was investigated by means of a factorial experiment which varied plant density, incident light and soil mix. An ANOVA revealed that total plant weight increased significantly under conditions of low density, low light and low sand content, with density accounting for most of the variance in plant weight. Interactions involving density were not significant. The number of CH and CL flowers and estimated percent outcrossing increased significantly with increased plant weight, low density, low light, and low sand content, although an analysis of covariance showed that plant weight and density accounted for most of the variance in these traits. Among large, multibranched plants, the proportion of CL flowers increased in a basipetal pattern, whereas most of the CH flowers were restricted to the terminal and upper inflorescences. The smallest plants produced only a single terminal inflorescence comprising entirely CL flowers. The proportion of reproductive effort allocated to outcrossing was dependent upon plant size as estimated from total weight, whereas the proportion allocated to ***selfing was relatively independent. Studies of outcrossed vs. inbred progenies of five populations revealed little evidence for immediate inbreeding depression with respect to plant weight and the number of CH or CL flowers, but indicated that significant quantitative genetic differences exist for these traits among populations of diverse ecological or geographical origin.  相似文献   

Chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flower production was investigated in natural populations of the perennial herb Oxalis montana in southern Quebec, Canada. Every 10–12 days during two flowering seasons, we recorded the reproductive output of approximately 2,000 plants distributed among five forest sites. The percentage of plants flowering, proportion of flowering plants producing CH and CL flowers, CH and CL flower number per flowering plant, and the proportion of flowers that are CL differed significantly among sites and corresponded to site differences in forest type and habitat quality. Unlike patterns in most CL species, however, reproduction by cleistogamy increased in sites with habitat conditions favorable to plant growth and sexual reproduction, and decreased in less productive sites. Chasmogamous and CL flower production increased with increasing plant size but plant size explained a significantly greater proportion of the variation in CL flower numbers. The percentage of flowering plants producing CH flowers decreased between years while the proportion of CL flowers increased at all sites during the second flowering season. The somewhat unusual aspects of reproduction in Oxalis may stem from its perennial habit which allows use of stored resources in adjusting the balance of cleistogamy versus chasmogamy in different environmental regimes.  相似文献   

A population of the cleistogamous grass, Microlaena polynoda, was investigated to determine some of the factors responsible for adjusting the balance between reproduction by chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) flowers, the tissue costs associated with the two reproductive modes, the fate of progeny produced by each mode, and the genetic diversity of the progeny. Cleistogamous flower production begins earlier in the season than CH flower production. There is a distinct threshold of low light intensity below which mostly CL flowers are produced. Paternal expenditure per plant is an order of magnitude larger for the CH than the CL component. The opposite relation holds for maternal expenditure. Increased maternal expenditure in the CL component may be due to greater fertilization success and retrieval of paternal costs. Cleistogamous seeds are dispersed later than CH seeds. Following dispersal, the spikelet encloses the CL seed but not the CH seed, and is responsible for inducing dormancy. The ratio of seedlings arising from CH seeds to that from CL seeds in a natural habitat is significantly lower than the ratio of estimated numbers of CH to CL seeds produced. There were no detectable polymorphisms among ten presumptive enzyme loci assayed. Many of the features associated with CH and CL reproduction in M. polynoda are in accord with the theoretical requirements for the evolution of closed flower self-pollination and the maintenance of two distinct methods of reproduction.  相似文献   

Eleven species of Andropogon produce single-stamened flowers, and all but one of these species bear some cleistogamous flowers. Nine of the species, all diploid perennials, make up the Andropogon virginicus complex. Cleistogamy in the virginicus complex results from precocious maturation of the flowers, which leaves them confined within their spikelets at anthesis. Variation in flowering mode (expressed as mean % chasmogamy) is correlated significantly (P < 0.01) with variation in peduncle length (rs = 0.67), spikelet length (rs = 0.49), and anther length (rs = 0.69). The strength of the correlation (r = 0.94) between pollen grain number per anther and anther length makes the latter a good measure of pollen-ovule ratios in the single-stamened flowers of this group. Taxa with the highest frequency of cleistogamous flowering are also the most successful colonizers of disturbed habitats. It is suggested that cleistogamy is important in the reproductive isolation of the numerous, closely related subspecific taxa of the virginicus complex.  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨对氧化乐果、三氯杀螨醇、双甲脒和哒螨灵产生抗性后(抗药性系数分别为152.83倍、55.59倍、62.61倍和15.67倍),繁殖力均显著降低,且发育加速。通过组建各品系生命表得知,该螨抗氧化乐果品系、抗三氯杀螨醇品质、抗双甲脒品系和抗哒螨灵品系的相对适合度分别为0.53、0.62、0.59和0.64,均小于1,具有明显的适合度缺陷。抗药性系数和相对适合度呈直线负相关。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 20 collections of Hawaiian Lobelioideae (Campanulaceae), representing six genera, 13 species, and two interspecific hybrids. All are n = 14. Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for eight species of Clermontia, Cyanea, Delissea, Lobelia, and Trematolobelia; the report for Delissea is the first for that genus. Additional determinations confirmed previously reported numbers in five other species of Brighamia, Clermontia, and Cyanea. Chromosome numbers are now known for all seven genera and 20 of the 110 species. All accepted counts are n = 14. It is suggested that all Hawaiian Lobelioideae share this number and are paleotetraploid. There is no evidence that the prolific speciation evident among these plants was accompanied by euploid or aneuploid change in chromosome number. The Hawaiian Lobelioideae, particularly the monophyletic lineage of 91 baccate species, offer further support for the generalization that change in chromosome number is an uncommon mode of speciation in insular floras.  相似文献   

A basic protein, lysozyme, labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate, is readily taken up by roots of lasione montana. Most of the protein taken up is tightly bound to cell walls of the roots. Fluorescent protein is diluted in the growing region of a root as cells elongate and divide. Fluorescence remains in mature nongrowing regions and root cap cells for one to two weeks. Redistribution and translocation of the protein within the root is minimal or nil. A layer of chloroform-soluble material that prevents lysozyme from interacting with stem cell walls exposed to fluorescent lysozyme was found on stems of germinating Iasione montana.  相似文献   

中国啮齿类繁殖参数的地理变异   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
张知彬  朱靖 《动物学报》1991,37(1):36-46
本文综述了我国8个鼠种(Cricetulus triton,Cricetulus barabensis,Microtus fortis,Apo—demus agrarius,Rattus norvegicus,Rattus losea,Rattus flavipectus,Mus musculus)的繁殖参数在不同纬度、经度和海拔上的变异趋势。8种鼠的胎仔数,怀胎率和生殖强度(胎仔数×怀胎率/性比)随纬度、海拔增加有增加的趋势;繁殖期和性比()有减小趋势。各繁殖参数在经度上的变化规律尚不清楚。野外小家鼠的胎仔数,雌性比例、怀胎率和生殖强度均比居民区大。 在高纬度、高海拔地区,种群增大生殖强度在于补偿较短的繁殖期和较低的存活率,以维持种群稳定和繁衍成功。这种繁殖对策是自然选择的结果。  相似文献   

Shre.  KK 《植物分类学报》1997,35(5):396-433
Cyananthus Wallich ex Bentham, the only genus of Campanulaceae with superior ovary, is revised to clarify infrageneric relationships and phylogeny of the genus. Evidence obtained from the comparative gross morphology, anatomy, palynology, and karyomorpho-logy recommends a new infrageneric classification of the genus, recognizing 23 species, belonging to two subgenera, four sections and four subsections. One subgenus(Subgen. Mi-cranthus), one section(Sect. Suffruticulosi) and two subsections(Subsect. Flavi and Sub-sect. Lichiangenses)are described as new taxa. New combinations at sectional (Sect. Annui) and subsectional(Subsect. Stenolobi) ranks are also proposed. The genus Cyananthus is strictly distributed in the high mountains of China(Xizang, Yunnan and Sichuan), extending to Bhutan, Nepal and India (Kumaon-Garhwal, Assam and Sikkim), with altitudinal ranges from 2500 ~ 5300 m. It is observed that 13 species are endemic to SW China and only three species are endemic to the Himalayas( two species in Ne  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of clonal versus sexual reproduction in plant populations should generally have differing effects on the levels of biparental inbreeding and the apparent selfing rate, produced via mating by proximity through limited pollen dispersal. We used allozyme loci, join-count statistics, and Moran's spatial autocorrelation statistics to separate the spatial genetic structure caused by clonal reproduction from that maintained in sexually reproduced individuals in two populations of Adenophora grandiflora, a perennial herb. Join-count statistics showed that there were statistically significant clustering of clonal genotypes within distances less than 4 m. Both the entire populations and the sets of sexually reproduced individuals exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation at less than about 12 m, and the sexually reproduced individuals are substantially structured in an isolation-by-distance manner, consistent with a neighborhood size of about 50.  相似文献   

生物多样性的几个问题(续)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从生物多样性的现状、存在的问题及应采取的措施等三个方面比较全面地叙述了我国生物多样性的情况。“生物安全”是《生物多样性公约《签订后每次缔约国会议都要讨论的中心议题之一。为之本文也用一定的篇幅作了较详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Recognizing the predominant mode of selection in hybrid systems is important in predicting the evolutionary fate of recombinant genotypes. Natural selection is endogenous if hybrid genotypes are at a disadvantage relative to parental species independent of environment. Alternatively, relative fitness can vary in response to environmental variation (exogenous selection), and hybrid genotypes can possess fitness values equal to or greater than that of parental species. I investigated the nature of natural selection in a leopard frog hybrid system by rearing larvae of hybrid and parental genotypes between Rana blairi and R. sphenocephala in 1000-L outdoor experimental ponds. Three hybrid (F1, backcrossj [B1], backcross2 [B2]) and two parental (R. blairi [BB] and R. sphenocephala [SS]) larval genotypes were produced by artificial fertilzations using adult frogs from a natural population in central Missouri. Resultant larvae were reared in single-genotype populations and two-way mixtures at equal total numbers from hatching to metamorphosis. In single-genotype ponds, F1 hybrid larvae had highest survival and BB were largest at metamorphosis. When F1 and SS larvae were mixed together, F1 hybrids had reduced survival and both F1 and SS larvae metamorphosed at larger body masses than when reared separately. When mixed, both B1 and SS larvae had shorter larval period lengths than when reared alone. Higher proportion of B1 metamorphs were produced when larvae were mixed with either parental species than when reared alone. Larval fitness components as measured by survival, body mass at metamorphosis, proportion of survivors metamorphosing, and larval period length for B2 hybrid and BB larvae were similar in single-genotype populations and mixtures. Comparison of composite fitness component estimates indicated hybrid genotypes possess equivalent or higher larval fitness relative to both parental species for the life-history fitness components measured. Despite reduced survival of F1 hybrids in mixtures, backcross-generation hybrid genotypes demonstrated high levels of larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis in mixtures with parental species. Consequently, this study suggests natural hybridization and subsequent backcrossing between R. blairi and R. sphenocephala can produce novel and relatively fit hybrid genotypes capable of successful existence with parental species larvae. Thus, the evolutionary fate of hybrid and parental genotypes in this system may be influenced by exogenous selection mediated by genotypic composition of larval assemblages.  相似文献   

The germination behavior and early growth of chasmogamous (CH) and cleistogamous (CL) progeny of Impatiens capensis were investigated in two eastern Nebraska stands. Field germination of families of buried seeds was scored in mid-April. In one stand a significantly higher proportion of CL seeds germinated than CH seeds while no significant differences were observed in the second stand. Among-family variation in germination rates was significant in both stands. The time course of field germination was similar for CL and CH seeds. A sample of the germinated CL and CH seedlings, matched in size, was planted individually in pots and grown in the greenhouse for five wk. Early growth of CL and CH seedlings was similar. In addition, CL seedlings were as variable as CH seedlings for four morphological traits. Overall, a large fitness advantage for CH progeny was not detected in the germination and early growth of Impatiens capensis seedlings.  相似文献   

Allozyme comparisons were made for adult Bulinus forskalii,B. camerunensis, and B. senegalensis from populations in Cameroonusing starch gel electrophoresis. Fifteen loci were examinedbut no differences were found between B. forskalii and B. camerunensis,bringing into question the validity of B. camerunensis as aseparate species. Bulinus senegalensis differed from B. forskaliiand B. camerunensis in allozymes for acid phosphatase, alpha-glycero-phosphatedehydxogenase, hydroxybutyrate dehy-drogenase, and phosphoglucomutase.No differences were found, as reported elsewhere, between B.forskalii and B. senegalensis for aspartate amino-transferase,isocitrate debydrogenase, phosphogluco-isomerase, and xanthineoxidise. No polymorphism was seen in B. camerunensis or variousB. senegalensis populations examined. Three alleles for isocitratedehydrogenase were observed for B. forskalii. Mixed populationsof B. forskalii and B. senegalensis were found at four sitesbut no evidence of hybridization between these species was found. (Received 9 May 1988; accepted 30 August 1988)  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was investigated in 17 Japanese populations of Campanula punctata, ten from the Izu Islands and seven in the mainland (Honshu). The data indicate that there are two groups, a mainland group and an island one, and that the systematically problematic Oshima Island (northernmost Izu island) populations are closely related to those of the other islands. Nei's genetic identity values among islands and among mainland populations were 0.95 and 0.97, respectively, while the value between island and mainland populations was 0.84, suggesting that the island populations are an independent species. Total genetic variation was nearly the same among island and mainland populations. However, the apportionment of variation within and among populations was considerably different; 14% of gene diversity exists among mainland populations, while 31% of the diversity exists among island populations. Mean outcrossing rates of self-incompatible mainland and Oshima populations are 0.62–0.79, supporting xenogamy; those in self-compatible island populations are 0.37–0.57 in the northern islands, indicating a mixed mating system, and 0.16–0.25 in southern ones, indicating dominant inbreeding. Total genetic diversity in each island population decreased with distance from the mainland. Genetic and geological data suggest that the ancestors of insular populations were founded on northern islands in a relatively ancient period and that they dispersed progressively to the southern ones. Chromosome number (2n = 34) and isozyme numbers indicate gene duplications in this species, which suggests it is an ancient polyploid.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of a fragment of nifH was compared to natural populations of the marine cyanobacteria Trichodesmium thiebautii and T. erythraeum from the Caribbean Sea and the unialgal culture Trichodesmium sp. NIBB 1067, which was isolated from the Kuroshio waters (Japan). Through replication Of amplification, cloning, and sequencing, four nucleotides in a 359-bp fragment were identified that were identical in sequence to Trichodesmium sp. NIBB 1067 and natural populations of T. erythraeum but were distinctly different in sequence from T. thiebautii. The data indicate that Trichodesmium sp. NIBB 1067 is more closely related to T. erythraeum than to T. thiebautii.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis, ploidy level, and, to a lesser extent,anatomy and shell morphology were used to characterize snailsof the Bulinus truncatus/tropicus complex in Cameroon. Starchgel electrophoresis revealed no intrapopulation variation within20 populations examined for 14 allozyme loci in 12 enzyme systems.Interpopulation differences in allozyme patterns were used todivide the populations studied into five groups. Each groupis distinguished by a unique combination of zymograms for hydroxybutyratedehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase. Four of these groupsare tetraploids and are identified as B. truncatus. Populationsof the most commonly found B. truncatus group are generallyaphallic, are frequently associated with transmission of S.haematobium, and generally occur at altitudes below 800 m abovesea-level. Populations of B. truncatus belonging to the otherthree groups are usually euphallic, not associated with S. haematobiumtransmision, and generally occur at altitudes above 1000 m.These four groups may represent distinct biotypes of B. truncatus.Populations belonging to the fifth group are diploid, euphallic,not associated with S. haematobium transmission, and occur inhabitats above 1000 m. This is the first confirmed report ofdiploid B. truncatus/tropicus-complex snails from this regionof Africa. They are tentatively identified as B. natalensis,a species previously thought to be limited to East and SouthernAfrica. (Received 31 October 1988; accepted 20 February 1989)  相似文献   

Data on the sugar compositions of floral nectars were used to test the hypothesis that the Hawaiian Lobelioideae (Campanulaceae) were pollinated by nectarivorous passerine birds (Fringillidae subfam. Drepanidinae, Meliphagidae) prior to widespread extinctions among the native avifauna. Nectars from 24 individuals (representing different taxa [three genera, ten species, and three interspecific hybrids], different conspecific populations, and different individuals within a population) were analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Mean percentages (±one S.D.) and ranges (parenthetically) for each sugar were: fructose, 43.5 ± 2.8% (37.2%–48.3%); glucose, 54.5 ± 3.1% (47.2%–62.8%); and sucrose, 2.0 ± 1.6% (0.0%–5.3%). These nectars are thus hexose-dominant (mean sucrose-hexose ratio of 0.019 ± 0.017), the type preferred by passerine birds.  相似文献   

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