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In this paper we examine some ecological consequences and phenotypic correlates of flower size variation in wild radish, Raphanus sativus. Mean corolla diameter varied significantly among individuals within natural populations of R. sativus in California. On the average, almost 40% of flower biomass was allocated to corolla tissue. In field experiments, pollinator visitation increased significantly with corolla size. Large flowers also accumulated more nectar when pollinators were excluded from plants. In three populations, corolla size was positively correlated with allocation to pollen per flower (either anther weight or pollen grain number), but there was usually no phenotypic relationship between corolla size and several measures of female allocation (ovule number per flower, proportion fruit set, and total seed mass per fruit). Plants growing in the field produced fewer large flowers per unit of stem, and stem biomass was negatively related to corolla size for plants grown under controlled greenhouse conditions. Male and female fitness may covary differently with allocation to attractive floral features in species such as R. sativus, where seed production is often limited by resources rather than by pollen.  相似文献   

Models for sex allocation assume that increased expenditure of resources on male function decreases the resources available for female function. Under some circumstances, a negative genetic correlation between investment in stamens and investment in ovules or seeds is expected. Moreover, if fitness returns for investment in male and female function are different with respect to size, sex allocation theory predicts size‐specific gender changes. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for investment in stamens, ovules and seeds at both the flower and the plant level in a Dutch population of the wind‐pollinated and predominantly outcrossing Plantago coronopus. Data on biomass of floral structures, stamens, ovules, seedset and seedweight were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and (genetic) correlations were estimated from the greenhouse‐grown progeny of maternal families, raised at two nutrient levels. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was high at flowering (0.86 at both nutrient levels) and much lower at fruiting (0.30 and 0.40 for the high and low nutrient treatment, respectively). Androecium and gynoecium mass exhibited moderately high levels of genetic variance, with broad‐sense heritabilities varying from 0.35 to 0.56. For seedweight no genetic variation was detected. Significant among‐family variation was also detected for the proportion of resources invested in male function at flowering, but not at fruiting. Phenotypic and broad‐sense genetic correlations between androecium and gynoecium mass were positive. Even after adjusting for plant size, as a measure of resource acquisition, maternal families that invested more biomass in the androecium also invested more in the gynoecium. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic variation for resource acquisition may in part be responsible for the overall lack of a negative correlation between male and female function. Larger plants had a more female‐biased allocation pattern, brought about by an increase in seedset and seedweight, whereas stamen biomass did not differ between small and large plants. These results are discussed in relation to size‐dependent sex allocation theory (SDS). Our results indicate that the studied population harboured substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation models predict that the evolution of self-fertilization should result in a reduced allocation to male function and pollinator attraction in plants. The evolution of sex allocation may be constrained by both functional and genetic factors, however. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for floral sex ratio and other reproductive traits in a Costa Rica population of the monoecious, highly selfing annual Begonia semiovata. Data on biomass of floral structures, flower sex ratios, and fruit set in the source population were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and genetic correlations for floral sex ratio and for floral traits related to male and female function were estimated from the greenhouse-grown progeny of field-collected maternal families. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was low (0.34 at flowering, and 0.07 for total reproductive allocation). Significant among-family variation was detected in the size (mass) of individual male and female flowers, in the proportion of male flowers produced, and in the proportion of total flower mass invested in male flowers. Significant among-family variation was also found in flower number per inflorescence, petal length of male and female flowers, and petal number of female flowers. Except for female petal length, we found no difference in the mean value of these characters between selfed and outcrossed progeny, indicating that, with the possible exception of female petal length, the among-family variation detected was not the result of variation among families in the level of inbreeding. Significant positive phenotypic and broad-sense genetic correlations were detected between the mass of individual male and female flowers, between male and female petal length, and between number of male and number of female flowers per inflorescence. The ratio of stamen-to-pistil mass (0.33) was low compared to published data for autogamous species with hermaphroditic flowers, suggesting that highly efficient selfing mechanisms may evolve in monoecious species. Our results indicate that the study population harbors substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters. The positive genetic correlation between investment in male and female flowers may reflect selection for maximum pollination efficiency, because in this self-pollinating species, each female flower requires a neighboring male flower to provide pollen.  相似文献   

To test the prediction of sex allocation theory that plants or flowers high in resource status emphasize the female function, we explored the variation in both biomass (the number of pollen grains and ovules) and temporal (male and female durations) sex allocation among and within plants of protandrous Lobelia sessilifolia in relation to plant size and flower position within plants. Among plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower of a plant increased with plant size, whereas the mean P/O ratio (number of pollen grains/number of ovules ratio) decreased with plant size. The mean male duration, the mean female duration, and the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity per flower of a plant were not correlated with plant size. Thus, large plants emphasized female function in terms of biomass sex allocation, which is consistent with the prediction of size-dependent sex allocation theory. The results for temporal sex allocation, however were inconsistent with the theory. Within plants, the mean number of pollen grains and ovules per flower at each position decreased from lower to upper flowers (early to late blooming flowers) and that of the P/O ratio increased from lower to upper flowers. The mean male duration and the mean female duration per flower decreased from lower to upper flowers, whereas the mean ratio of male duration/flower longevity increased from lower to upper flowers. The population sex ratio changed from male-biased to female-biased. Thus, later blooming flowers emphasized the male function in terms of both biomass and temporal sex allocation, consistent with the sex allocation theory, regarding the change in the population sex ratio.  相似文献   

The evolution of large floral displays in hermaphroditic flowering plants has been attributed to natural selection acting to enhance male, rather than female, reproductive success. Proponents of the “pollen-donation hypothesis” have assumed that maternal resources, rather than levels of effective pollination, limit fruit set. We investigated the pollen-donation hypothesis in an experimental population of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata, where effective pollination did not limit fruit set. Specifically, we examined the effects of flower number per plant, and flower number per umbel on male reproductive success (number of fruits sired) and female reproductive success (number of fruits matured). In 1990, a paternity analysis was performed on fruits collected from 53 plants whose inflorescences were not manipulated. Flower number per plant was significantly correlated with male success, but not with plant gender. Flower number per plant was also significantly correlated with female success, but umbel number and stem number per plant together explained more than half (58%) the variation in female success. The percentage of fruit set was not significantly correlated with flower number per plant. Plants with large floral displays did not disproportionately increase in male reproductive success, relative to female success, as predicted by the pollen-donation hypothesis. In 1991, the effect of flower number per umbel on male and female reproductive success was investigated. Flower number per umbel was manipulated on four umbels per plant by removing flowers to leave 6, 12, or 18 flowers in each umbel. Plants with the largest umbels effectively pollinated twice as many flowers on other plants, but produced only 1.35 times as many fruits as plants with 6 and 12 flowers per umbel. Relative maleness of plants with large umbels was nearly twice that of small and medium umbels. Although these observations are consistent with the pollen-donation hypothesis at the level of umbels, they are problematic, because much of the variation in flower number per umbel exists within, rather than among, plants in natural populations. Thus, plants consist of both reproductively male (large) and female (small) inflorescences, which act to increase total reproductive success. It is therefore inappropriate to explain the evolution of large floral displays in milkweeds solely in terms of potential male reproductive success.  相似文献   

I measured phenotypic selection of floral traits through both male and female functions of the hermaphroditic flowers of Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Fluorescent powdered dyes were used to track movement of pollen by hummingbirds and to measure pollen delivery to individual plants as well as pollen receipt. A phenotypic selection analysis revealed that selection due to male-male competition during pollination was capable of delaying flowering date and widening corolla tubes by 0.22 and 0.24 standard-deviation units, respectively, in a single generation. Several floral traits were highly correlated with each other. Multivariate selection analysis suggested that selection through male function directly favored late flowering as well as a sexual expression characterized by a short pistillate phase and long corollas. Selection intensities through male and female functions were of similar overall magnitude during the pollination stage of the life cycle, but different traits were favored, and selection sometimes acted in opposing directions. In 1985, selection through female function favored increased time spent in the pistillate phase and exserted stigmas (unlike selection through male function). As a result, individual plants varied greatly in functional gender. Plants that had exserted stigmas and narrow corollas and that spent a disproportionately long time in the pistillate phase achieved greater pollination success as females, while plants with the opposite traits achieved greater success as males. Moreover, female pollination success tended to increase, and male pollination success to decrease, with time spent in the pistillate phase, supporting a critical assumption of sex-allocation theory. Selection in the populations studied fluctuated from year to year and was highly sex-specific.  相似文献   

For plants that rely on animals for pollination, the ability to attract the animals to their flowers can be a crucial component of fitness. A large number of studies have documented pollinators to be important selective agents driving the evolution of flower size and correlated traits on a large scale. In this paper, we studied variations of reproductive traits in self-incompatible Trollius ranunculoides (Ranunculaceae) among local habitats at Alpine Meadow. The results showed significant variations of floral size, seed mass per fruit and sex allocation (male/female mass ratio) between different habitats, where floral size and seed mass was not explained fully by variation of plant size among habitats. It suggested that other factors unrelated to plant size might also influence floral variation. However, in our manipulated experiment, it showed no effects of manipulated floral size not only on visit rate of effective pollinators (bees and flies) but also on female success (seed set, seed mass per fruit), irrespective of flower density. Consequently, we could not conclude that the variation of floral size in T. ranunculoides was due to phenotypic plasticity, or natural selection. But if selection occurred, it should not be mediated by pollinators. It was likely that variation of sex allocation between habitats lead to changes of flower or corolla size, because plant invested much less to male function (female-biased sex allocation and larger single seed mass) in shade habitat (bottom of bush) than other exposed habitats, to gain higher fitness. In addition, high-floral density in T. ranunculoides had a negative effect on service of main pollinator (bees) and female success. This situation would influence the strength of selection on floral size.  相似文献   

Green dragon (Arisaema dracontium; Araceae) is a perennial woodland herb capable of switching gender from year to year. Small flowering plants produce only male flowers but when larger they produce male and female flowers simultaneously. Distinct male and monoecious phenotypes (referred to hereafter as plants) share a single underlying cosexual genotype. Four populations in southern Louisiana were sampled to determine frequencies and size distributions of male and monoecious plants, and to determine the relationship of plant size with male and female flower production in monoecious plants. Male plants were significantly smaller than monoecious plants and made up 34%–78% of flowering plants within populations. Flower number (average = 120) was weakly positively correlated with size. Monoecious plants produced an average of 169 flowers (90 female) and had 100% fruit set, with individual berries containing an average of 2.5 ovules and 1.3 filled seeds. Male flower number was negatively correlated, and female flower number positively correlated, with basal stem diameter. Extrapolation of regression slopes suggested that green dragon should become completely female at a size 20% larger than the largest plant observed in this study. A simple model of inflorescence development is presented to illustrate how the reproductive system of green dragon is related to that of jack-in-the-pulpit (A. tnphyllum), which exhibits a more distinct switch between male and female phenotypes.  相似文献   

Flowering phenology and clonal growth are known to affect resource and pollen availability, and therefore select for adaptive or constrained sex allocation strategies to some degree. However, the consequences of temporal sex allocation patterns for reproductive fitness across the flower, inflorescence, and genet levels have rarely been examined. Moreover, experimental tests of the underlying regulatory mechanisms are scarce. We examined the association of flowering phenology and inflorescence position with temporal sex allocation and reproductive success in the protandrous perennial clonal herb, Aconitum kusnezoffii, over four consecutive growing seasons by examining more than 39 000 flowers. We also conducted controlled experiments to test the effects of resource and pollen limitation on the female reproductive success of lateral inflorescences. We found that some male functions were positively correlated with flowering phenology, whereas female reproductive success was negatively correlated with flowering phenology and inflorescence position. Lateral inflorescences invested more in male function than terminal inflorescences and therefore yielded fewer and smaller seeds. Resource limitation may serve as the key mechanism underlying this differentiated pattern. Decreased female reproductive success was consistently observed at the flower and inflorescence levels as flowering occurred later in the growth season. Late-blooming lateral inflorescences specialized in the male function, and their female reproductive success was constrained by early-blooming terminal inflorescences. This might be the first attempt to systematically demonstrate sex allocation strategy differentiation in a protandrous plant species at the inflorescence level. In addition, our study provides empirical evidence of dichogamy selecting for specialized sex allocation strategies among inflorescences.  相似文献   

Pollen dispersal success in entomophilous plants is influenced by the amount of pollen produced per flower, the fraction of pollen that is exported to other flowers during a pollinator visit, visitation frequency, and the complementarity between pollen donor and recipients. For bumble bee-pollinated Polemonium viscosum the first three determinants of male function are correlated with morphometric floral traits. Pollen production is positively related to corolla and style length, whereas pollen removal per visit by bumble bee pollinators is a positive function of corolla flare. Larger-flowered plants receive more bumble bee visits than small-flowered individuals. We found no evidence of tradeoffs between pollen export efficiency and per visit accumulation of outcross pollen; each was influenced by unique aspects of flower morphology. Individual queen bumble bees of the principal pollinator species, Bombus kirbyellus, were similar in male, female, and absolute measures of pollination effectiveness. An estimated 2.9% of the pollen that bumble bees removed from flowers during a foraging bout was, on average, deposited on stigmas of compatible recipients. Significant plant-to-plant differences in pollen production, pollen export per visit, and outcross pollen receipt were found for co-occurring individuals of P. viscosum indicating that variation in these fitness related traits can be seen by pollinator-mediated selection.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that cosexual plants should adjust their resource investment in male and female functions according to their size if female and male fitness are differentially affected by size.However,few empirical studies have been carried out at both the flowering and fruiting stages to adequately address size-dependent sex allocation in cosexual plants.In this paper,we investigated resource investment between female and male reproduction,and their size-dependence in a perennial andromonoecious herb,Veratrum nigrum L.We sampled 192 flowering plants,estimated their standardized phenotypic gender,and assessed the resource investment in male and female functions in terms of absolute dry biomass.At the flowering stage,male investment increased with plant size more rapidly than female investment,and the standardized phenotypic femaleness (ranging from 0.267 to 0.776) was negatively correlated with plant size.By contrast,female biased allocation was found at the fruiting stage,although both flower biomass and fruit biomass were positively correlated with plant size.We propose that increased maleness with plant size at the flowering stage may represent an adaptive strategy for andromonoecious plants,because male flowers promote both male and female fertility by increasing pollinator attraction without aggravating pollen discounting.  相似文献   

The availability of soil and pollination resources are main determinants of fitness in many flowering plants, but the degree to which each is limiting and how they interact to affect plant fitness is unknown for many species. We performed resource (water and nutrients) and pollination (open and supplemental) treatments on two species of flowering plants, Ipomopsis aggregata and Linum lewisii, that differed in life-history, and we measured how resource addition affected floral characters, pollination, and reproduction (both male and female function). We separated the direct effects of resources versus indirect effects on female function via changes in pollination using a factorial experiment and path analysis. Resource addition affected I. aggregata and L. lewisii differently. Ipomopsis aggregata, a monocarp, responded to fertilization in the year of treatment application, increasing flower production, bloom duration, corolla width, nectar production, aboveground biomass, and pollen receipt relative to control plants. Fertilization also increased total seed production per plant, and hand-pollination increased seeds per fruit in I. aggregata, indicating some degree of pollen limitation of seed production. In contrast, fertilization had no effect on growth or reproductive output in the year of treatment on L. lewisii, a perennial, except that fertilization lengthened bloom duration. However, delayed effects of fertilization were seen in the year following treatment, with fertilized plants having greater aboveground biomass, seeds per fruit, and seeds per plant than control plants. In both species, there were no effects of resource addition on male function, and the direct effects of fertilization on female function were relatively stronger than the indirect effects via changes in pollination. Although we studied only two plant species, our results suggest that life-history traits may play an important role in determining the reproductive responses of plants to soil nutrient and pollen additions.  相似文献   

Variation in sex expression, flowering pattern, and seed production was studied in the self-compatible perennial herb Geranium maculatum in Illinois and Indiana. In a survey of eight populations, female (male-sterile) plants were found in seven (frequencies ranging from 0.5% to 24.3% [median 4.2%]), and intermediate plants (with partly reduced male function) were found in all populations. Gender variation and sexual differences in reproductive characters were studied in detail in two populations. One population consisted of 5% female, 27% intermediate, and 68% hermaphrodite plants; the other consisted of 1% female, 20% intermediate, and 79% hermaphrodite plants. Females produced smaller flowers and began flowering earlier than hermaphrodites. Intermediates produced flowers of an intermediate size and began flowering as early as females. Females and hermaphrodites did not differ in flower number, vegetative size, flowering frequency, survival, or seed size. However, females produced 1.6 times more seeds than hermaphrodites. Intermediates produced 1.3–1.6 times more seeds than hermaphrodites. Some between-year variation in sex expression was observed. Hand-pollination with outcross pollen produced two to four times as many seeds as hand-pollination with self-pollen. A lower outcrossing rate in hermaphrodites than in females may at least partly explain the lower seed set in hermaphrodites. The higher seed production of females, and possibly the high fecundity of the intermediates, should contribute to the maintenance of this sexual polymorphism.  相似文献   

Assumed trade-offs between male and female functions in hermaphroditic flowers have been difficult to demonstrate. Collinsia parviflora (Scrophulariaceae) is a winter annual that exhibits significant among-population variation in corolla size in British Columbia, Canada. We asked whether reduction in secondary male allocation (i.e., the attractive corolla), a preliminary indicator of mating system, was matched by a reduction in primary male allocation (i.e., pollen production), and whether there were allocation trade-offs between male and female function both within and among six study populations. Larger-flowered populations allocated more to male function (androecium and corolla biomass), and because populations did not vary in female biomass allocation (gynoecium and calyx), population differences were not due to simple allometric scaling. Populations also differed in per-flower gamete production (pollen and ovules). We found male-female trade-offs within populations between androecium and gynoecium mass and between corolla and calyx mass. Among populations, there was a marginal trade-off between pollen and ovule production and a significant within-male trade-off between pollen grain size and number. Trade-offs between the sexes were primarily apparent when we controlled for flower size in the analysis. Variation among populations in sex allocation may reflect different optima related to the mating system.  相似文献   

A field survey of plant and flower sex ratio and secondary sex characteristics was made in Silene alba. Female-biased plant sex ratios were found, as seems typical for the species. Sex ratio distribution correlated with a gradient of soil moisture (with the more moist area having a more female-biased ratio) and with changes in the density of Silene (intermediate and higher density areas having greater female bias). The floral sex ratio was significantly female-biased only at the site that was most female-biased in terms of plant sex ratio. Otherwise the population of flowers was significantly male-biased. Male and female plants harvested from the field differed in secondary sexual characteristics. Males had more flowers and invested proportionately more biomass in leaf, but less in root, stem and reproductive tissue than did females. Although both males and females were larger in terms of total dry weight at the moist site, males produced more flowers at the driest (high density) site. Here the female bias in plant sex ratio was intermediate, but the floral sex ratio was significantly male-biased. A glasshouse experiment was performed in which plants were grown at four densities. Density significantly influenced plant survivorship and the probability of flowering, and increased female bias in the pots, but it did not affect patterns of biomass allocation in flowering plants. Patterns of male and female biomass allocation did not differ in the experiment, except in terms of reproductive allocation (greater in females) and allocation to leaf, greater in males, but only at the lowest density. This work urges caution in interpreting differences between males and females in the field as secondary sex characteristics, since we find such properties to be overlapping under experimental conditions. It supports the idea that males and females of a species may sustain different reproductive output under differing conditions.  相似文献   

Directional and stabilizing selection tend to deplete additive genetic variance. On the other hand, genetic variance in traits related to fitness could be retained through polygenic mutation, spatially varying selection, genotype-environment interaction, or antagonistic pleiotropy. Most estimates of genetic variance in fitness-related traits have come from laboratory studies, with few estimates of heritability made under natural conditions, particularly for longer lived organisms. Here I estimated additive genetic variance in life-history characters of a monocarpic herb, Ipomopsis aggregata, that lives for up to a decade. Experimental crosses yielded 229 full-sibships nested within 32 paternal half-sibships. More than 5000 offspring were planted as seeds into natural field sites and were followed in most cases through their entire life cycle. Survival showed substantial additive genetic variance (genetic coefficient of variation ≈ 54%). Small differences at seedling emergence were magnified over time, such that the genetic variability in survival was only detectable by tracking the success of offspring for several years starting from seed. In contrast to survival, reproductive traits such as flower number, seeds per flower, and age at flowering showed little or no genetic variability. Despite relatively high levels of additive genetic variation for some life-history characters, high environmental variance in survival resulted in very low heritabilities (0–9%) for all of these characters. Maternal effects were evident in seed mass and remained strong throughout the lengthy vegetative period. No negative genetic correlations between major components of female fitness were detected. Mean corolla width for a paternal family was, however, negatively correlated with the finite rate of increase based on female fitness. That negative correlation could help to maintain additive genetic variance in the face of strong selection through male function for wide corollas.  相似文献   

5种毛茛科植物个体大小依赖的繁殖分配和性分配   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
 植物繁殖分配和性分配是生活史理论的核心问题,一直受到生态学家、进化生物学家们的关注。通过对青藏高原东部高寒草甸(3 500 m)及亚高山草甸(2 900 m)毛茛科5种虫媒两性花植物花期的繁殖分配和性分配的研究发现:1)个体越大,繁殖投入越高,繁殖分配越低,与以往研究结果一致;2)性分配是个体大小依赖的,大个体更偏向雌性器官的资源投入,花粉胚珠比与个体大小的关系较复杂,因种而异;3)花期雌雄功能之间存在资源分配上的权衡(Trade-off),并且种群之间有差异,表明其受环境条件影响。  相似文献   

Pollination success and pollen dispersal in natural populations depend on the spatial‐temporal variation of flower abundance. For plants that lack rewards for pollinators, pollination success is predicted to be negatively related to flower density and flowering synchrony. We investigated the relationships between pollination success and flower abundance and flowering synchrony, and estimated pollinia dispersal distance in a rewardless species, Changnienia amoena (Orchidaceae). The results obtained in the present study revealed that male pollination success was negatively influenced by population size but was positively affected by population density, whereas female pollination success was independent of both population size and density. Phenotypic analysis suggested that highly synchronous flowering was advantageous through total pollination success, which is in contrast to previous studies. These results indicate that pollination facilitation rather than competition for pollinator visits occurs in this rewardless plant. The median distance of pollinia dispersal was 11.5 m (mean distance = 17.5 m), which is comparable to that of other rewardless plants but longer than for rewarding plants. However, pollen transfer occured mainly within populations; pollen import was a rare event. Restricted gene flow by pollinia and seeds probably explains the previous population genetic reporting a high degree of genetic differentiation between populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 477–488.  相似文献   

Recently, some evolutionary biologists have argued that selection on the male component of fitness shapes the evolution of reproductive characters in angiosperms. Floral features, such as inflorescence size, that lead to increased insect visitation without a concomitant increase in seed production are viewed as adaptations to enhance the probability of fathering seeds on other plants. In tests of this “pollen donation hypothesis,” male reproductive success has usually been measured indirectly by flower production, pollinator visitation, or pollen removal. We tested the pollen donation hypothesis directly by quantifying the number of seeds sired by individual genotypes in a natural population of poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata, in southwestern Virginia. Multiple paternity was low within fruits, a fact which allowed us to use genotypes of progeny arrays to identify a unique pollen parent for 85% of the fruits produced in the population. Seeds sired (male success) and seeds produced (female success) were significantly correlated with flower number per plant (for male success, r = 0.32, P > 0.05; for female success, r = 0.66, P > 0.001). While the number of pollinaria removed, the usual estimator of male success in milkweeds, was highly correlated with numbers of seeds sired (r = 0.47; P > 0.001), it was even more highly correlated with numbers of seeds produced (r = 0.71, P > 0.001). Analysis of functional gender indicated that plants with many flowers did not behave primarily as males. In fact, individuals with the highest total reproductive success contributed equally as males and females. Furthermore, estimates of gender based on numbers of flowers produced or pollinaria removed overestimated the number of functional males in the population. In pollen-limited species, such as many milkweeds, proportional increases in both male and female reproductive success indicate the potential for selection to shape the evolution of large floral displays through both male and female functions.  相似文献   

Stressful ecological conditions have been implicated in the evolution of separate sexes in plants. Gender dimorphic species are often found in drier habitats than their sexually monomorphic relatives, and gynodioecious populations appear closer to a dioecious state as resources, particularly water, become limiting. This pattern could result if dry conditions decrease the relative seed fitness of cosexual plants, allowing female plants to become established in monomorphic populations. We studied geographical variation in gender expression and biomass allocation among 12 monomorphic and dimorphic populations of Wurmbea dioica along a latitudinal precipitation gradient in southwestern Australia to provide insight into mechanisms by which aridity might favor transitions between sexual systems. Plants in monomorphic and dimorphic populations exhibited contrasting gender expression and patterns of biomass allocation in areas with different levels of precipitation. Among dimorphic populations, lower precipitation was associated with a higher frequency of female plants, and reduced allocation to female function by hermaphrodites during flowering. In contrast, stress conditions had no effect on female allocation at flowering in monomorphic populations. Across latitudes, unisexuals and cosexuals exhibited consistent differences in above ground traits, with cosexuals having larger leaves, taller stems and larger flowers. Although all plants were smaller under drier conditions, cosexuals decreased above ground allocation to vegetative and reproductive structures with decreasing latitude. In contrast, unisexuals increased allocation to reproduction in drier areas at the expense of below ground size. Aridity was associated with reduced flower size among all gender classes, but not with changes in flower number. These data do not support the hypothesis that resource limitation of female allocation in cosexual populations favors the establishment of gender dimorphism in W. dioica. Alternative hypotheses, involving higher selfing rates and enhanced survival of unisexuals relative to cosexuals under resource-limited conditions, are discussed as possible explanations for the origin of dioecy in W. dioica. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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