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白三叶无性系植物种群整合作用格局的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李思东  周以良 《植物研究》1999,19(3):335-340
利用酸性品红和^14C-标记光合同化物,分析了在维管系统上的资源运输。在木质部中染料的运输是向顶的,在韧皮部中标记的光合同化物的运输方式与木质部中酸性品红的移动是相反的,具有强烈的基性,定量分析表明,尽管有一些向顶的运输,但向基运输是占绝对优势的,但随着无性系生长时间的不同,运输将会发生改变。一个无性系的变化取决于复杂的整合作用,使它们成为许多半自发的整合生理单位(IPUs),不同匍匐茎的分枝,就  相似文献   

Flooding results in induction of anaerobic metabolism in many higher plants. As an important component of anaerobic energy production, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity increases markedly in response to flooding in white clover, Trifolium repens. Significant inter-individual variation in flood-induced ADH activity exists in natural populations of T. repens. The genetic basis of this variation was analyzed by offspring-midparent regression of data from 75 greenhouse reared families; the estimated heritability of flood-induced ADH activity was 0.55 (±0.13). Genetic variation in flood-induced ADH activity has pronounced effects on physiological response and flood tolerance in this species. ADH activity is positively correlated with the rate of ethanol production, indicating that observed in vitro activity differences are manifested in in vivo physiological function. T. repens plants with higher ADH activities during flooding have greater flood tolerance (measured as growth rate when flooded/unflooded growth rate). Variation in ADH activity during flooding accounts for more than 79% of the variance in flood tolerance. On the basis of a limited field survey of populations occupying three sites differing in exposure to flooding conditions, individuals from site C, the most frequently flooded site, expressed significantly higher average ADH activity when flooded than individuals from site A, a site with no history of flooding. Since ADH activity levels are not correlated with electrophoretic mobility variation in T. repens, this work supports previous suggestions that regulatory variation in enzyme activity may play a central role in biochemical adaptations to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Selective grazing of acyanogenic and cyanogenic white cloverwas investigated by a field experiment using biocides to maintain(a) mollusc only, (b) insect only, (c) both mollusc and insect,and (d) neither mollusc nor insect, grazing regimes. Molluscsfed more on acyanogenic clover throughout the year, whereasinsects damaged more acyanogenic plants in late summer, butmore cyanogenic plants in spring. When both molluscs and insectswere present, the net effect was greater damage to acyanogenicplants. However, in situations where insects are more abundantthan molluscs there might be a net selection against cyanogenicclover. (Received 16 December 1988; accepted 22 February 1989)  相似文献   

Floral development in Florex and Ottawa cultivars of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.: Leguminosae) was examined by scanning electron microscopy. No differences between the two cultivars were found. The terminal inflorescence is initiated in the axil of the penultimate bract before the final bract is initiated. After initiation of the final bract, the remnant apical dome is transformed to become the least mature part of the inflorescence dome. Subsequent inflorescences are initiated laterally in basipetal sequence. Inflorescence development is zygomorphic. This leads to an unusual pattern of floret initiation, the oldest florets resting basally and proximal to the penultimate bract. Florets develop with zygomorphic symmetry, each whorl of floral organs developing unidirectionally from the abaxial side. Initiation of the adaxial organ of each whorl is delayed until the abaxial organ of the succeeding whorl has been initiated. Thus there is overlapping development of the whorls of organs. The antepetalous stamens arise in close association with their respective petal primordia. As development proceeds, the corolla tube and the staminal tube exhibit basal zonal growth. In the mature flower, above the distal zone of fusion of the keel petals, marginal cells project and interlock, producing a pollination mechanism that can be sprung by the pollinator.  相似文献   

The histogenesis of the leaf venation in Trifolium wormskioldii was followed, using whole cleared leaflets and transverse and paradermal microtome sections. Mature leaflets are about 8 mm in length. The midvein precambium appears in leaflets 100 μ in length; secondary vein procambium is first seen in 230 μ leaflets; procambium of minor veins first appears in leaflets 400-600 μ in length. Phloem is apparent before xylem, in midvein, secondary veins, and minor veins. Vein endings are initiated and they mature last. No evidence was found to support the theory of “vein breakage.” In the greenhouse 24 days elapsed from leaf initiation to exposure of leaf tips; 6 more days elapsed until full leaf expansion.  相似文献   

To aid in understanding of the early events in seed development, surface topography observations with the scanning electron microscope can be coupled with new methods of clearing tissues for light microscopy study. These techniques reveal that two to four ovules begin development along the placental ridge as conduplication of the carpel proceeds in Trifolium repens L. A multicellular archesporium may develop giving rise to several sporogenous cells and ultimately to more than one megasporocyte. However, meiosis is completed in only one megasporocyte to give rise to a single linear tetrad of megaspores. The chalazal megaspore functions in megagametogenesis. Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis progress as ovule ontogeny proceeds. The outer integument develops more rapidly than the inner and contributes to the final form of the campylotropous ovule. The most dramatic change in ovule form occurs as the tetrad develops and the functional spore enlarges and divides mitotically to produce the two-nucleate megagametophyte. It can be demonstrated that this early gametophyte develops faster than it is allowed to expand in the nucellar mass. This may in part explain why there is gametophyte failure and reduced seed set in clovers.  相似文献   

The importance of pollinator visitation for determining both maternal reproductive success and outcrossing rates was investigated in the facultatively autogamous annual, Lupinus nanus. Sixty plants in each of two adjacent sites were assigned to either a pollinator-exclusion, pollen-augmentation, or open-pollinated (control) treatment. Flower, fruit, and seed production were recorded for each plant, and outcrossing rates were determined for plants in all three treatments at each site. Pollinator-exclusion reduced the reproductive success of plants at Site 1, but had no effect on reproduction for plants at Site 2. Pollen-augmentation increased fruit production by 22% and seed production by 45% at Site 2, but had no effect on reproduction for plants at Site 1. Plants in the open-pollinated, control treatment outcrossed at intermediate rates at both sites, with plants at Site 2 (outcrossing rate, t = 0.66) outcrossing at a significantly higher rate than plants at Site 1 (t = 0.40). The pollen-augmentation treatment increased the outcrossing rate for plants at both sites (Site 1, t = 0.72; Site 2, t = 0.78). These results indicate that pollinator availability can limit maternal reproductive success for this facultatively autogamous plant species. Additionally, the intermediate outcrossing rates observed in nature for this species are not a consequence of plant characters alone, but instead result from plant characters combined with the local pollination ecology.  相似文献   


对红车轴草提取物中总鹰嘴豆芽素类成分测定方法进行了研究,建立了以鹰嘴豆芽素类Ononin,Sissotrin,Formononetin及Biochanin A为个标的HPLC测定总鹰嘴豆芽素类的方法和仅以Biochanin A为外标HPLC测定总鹰嘴豆芽素类的方法,两种方法所得结果基本一致。  相似文献   

Leaflets of Trifolium repens L. parasitized by Cymadothea trifolii (Pers.) Wolf were examined by light and electron microscopy to ascertain cellular aberrations induced by the fungus. The lamellar organization of the chloroplasts became disrupted, with a concomitant increase in the amount of osmophilic material. Many of the cells in diseased tissues exhibited tubule-like aggregations, which often were arranged in a highly ordered pattern. Curious extracytoplasmic, dumbbell-shaped structures extending between host cells and contiguous hyphae were also observed in diseased tissue.  相似文献   

Utilizing scanning electron microscopy, we studied the early floral ontogeny of three species of Caesalpinia (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae): C. cassioides, C. pulcherrima, and C. vesicaria. Interspecific differences among the three are minor at early and middle stages of floral development. Members of the calyx, corolla, first stamen whorl, and second stamen whorl appear in acropetal order, except that the carpel is present before appearance of the last three inner stamens. Sepals are formed in generally unidirectional succession, beginning with one on the abaxial side next to the subtending bracts, followed by the two lateral sepals and adaxial sepal, then lastly the other adaxial sepal. In one flower of C. vesicaria, sepals were helically initiated. In the calyx, the first-initiated sepal maintains a size advantage over the other four sepals and eventually becomes cucullate, enveloping the remaining parts of the flower. The cucullate abaxial sepal is found in the majority of species of the genus Caesalpinia. Petals, outer stamens, and inner stamens are formed unidirectionally in each whorl from the abaxial to the adaxial sides of the flower. Abaxial stamens are present before the last petals are visible as mounds on the adaxial side, so that the floral apex is engaged in initiation of different categories of floral organs at the same time.  相似文献   

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