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Formation of secretory vesicles in the noncellular secretory cavity of glandular trichomes of Cannabis saliva L. was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Two patterns of vesicle formation occurred during gland morphogenesis. 1) During initial phases of cavity formation small hyaline areas arose in the wall near the plasma membrane of the disc cell. Hyaline areas of elongated shape and different sizes were distributed throughout the wall and adjacent to the secretory cavity. Hyaline areas increased in size, some possibly fusing with others. These hyaline areas, possessing a membrane, moved into the cavity where they formed vesicles. As membraned vesicles they developed a more or less round shape and their contents became electron-dense. 2) During development of the secretory cavity and when abundant secretions were present in the disc cells, these secretions passed through the wall to accumulate as membraned vesicles of different sizes in the cavity. As secretions emerged from the wall, a membrane of wall origin delimited the secretory material from cavity contents. Vesicles released from the wall migrated in the secretory cavity and contacted the sheath where their contents permeated into the subcuticular wall as large or diffused quantities of secretions. In the subcuticular wall these secretions migrated to the wall–cuticle interface where they contributed to structural thickening of the cuticle. This study demonstrates that the secretory process in glands of Cannabis involves not only secretion of materials from the disc cell, but that the disc cell somehow packages these secretions into membraned vesicles outside the cell wall prior to deposition into the secretory cavity for subsequent structural development of the sheath.  相似文献   

The dermal sheath of glandular trichomes of Cannabis sativa L., consisting of cuticle and a subcuticular wall, was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Cuticle thickened selectively on the outer wall of disc cells of each trichome prior to formation of the secretory cavity, whereas thickening was less evident on the dermal cells of the bract. Membraned secretory vesicles that differ in size and appearance in the secretory cavity were the source of precursors for synthesis of cuticle. Vesicle contents, released following the degradation of the vesicle membrane upon contact with the subcuticular wall, contributed to both structured and amorphous phases of cuticle development. The structured phase was represented by deposition and thickening of cuticle at the subcuticular wall-cuticle interface to form a thickened cuticle. In the amorphous phase precursors permeated the cuticle in a liquid state, as shown by fusion of cuticles and wax layers between contiguous glands, and may have contributed to growth in surface area of the expanding sheath. Disc cells are interpreted to control growth of secretory cavity by secretion of membraned vesicles into the cavity. The thickened cuticle, which increased eightfold in thickness during enlargement of the gland, provided structural strength for the extensive surface area of the dermal sheath. The gland of Cannabis in which vesicle contents contribute to the growth in thickness and surface area of the cuticle of the sheath is interpreted to represent a phylogenetically derived state as contrasted to secretory glands possessing only cuticle and lacking a complement of secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid levels of individual mature glandular trichomes from two clones and two strains of Cannabis sativa L., which included both drug and fiber phenotypes, were investigated by gas-liquid chromatographic analyses. Capitate-stalked glands were selectively harvested from vein and nonvein areas of pistillate bracts while capitate-sessile glands were harvested from these areas of leaves. The qualitative cannabinoid profile characteristic of the strain or clone was maintained in the individual capitate-stalked glands while the quantitative cannabinoid profiles varied with each strain or clone and between vein and nonvein areas as well. Capitate-sessile glands were found to contain conspicuously lower levels of cannabinoids than capitate-stalked glands. This study emphasizes that glands of Cannabis represent a dynamic system within the cannabinoid synthesizing activities of this plant.  相似文献   

The diversity of non-glandular and glandular hairs of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) are described by scanning electron microscopy. The non-glandular hairs are of two major types, as distinguished by size differences and locations, and all of them are highly silicified. The presence of silica as well as cystoliths of calcium carbonate help in the identification of marihuana even in its ash residues. X-ray microanalyses of Cannabis hairs are compared with those of Humulus lupulus and Lantana camera, whose hairs have been considered to resemble those of marihuana. Glandular hairs are found to be of two major categories. One group consists of glands whose heads are generally made up of eight cells and the other group whose heads are generally made up of two cells but never more than four cells. All glands of both categories are stalked. Some glands of the first category are massively stalked and these are restricted solely to anthers and bracts of staminate and pistillate plants. The massive stalk is considered to be made up of epidermal and hypodermal cells that have grown in response to some stimulation during anthesis. Fine details of the shoot system of Cannabis, such as cuticular ridges on epidermal cells, warty protuberances on non-glandular hairs, and surface views of glands in developing stages are also reported. Glandular hairs on the bracts of Humulus lupulus resemble those of Cannabis.  相似文献   

The capitate-sessile and capitate-stalked glands of the glandular secretory system in Cannabis, which are interpreted as lipophilic type glandular hairs, were studied from floral bracts of pistillate plants. These glands develop a flattened multicellular disc of secretory cells, which with the extruded secretory product forms the gland head and the auxiliary cells which support the gland head. The secretory product accumulates beneath a sheath derived from separation of the outer wall surface of the cellular disc. The ultrastructure of secretory cells in pre-secretory stages is characterized by a dense ground plasm, transitory lipid bodies and fibrillar material, and well developed endoplasmic reticulum. Dictyosomes and dictyosome-derived secretory vesicles are present, but never abundant. Secretory stages of gland development are characterized by abundant mitochondria and leucoplasts and by a large vacuolar system. Production of the secretory product is associated with plastids which increase in number and structural complexity. The plastids develop a paracrystalline body which nearly fills the mature plastid. Material interpreted as a secretion appears at the surface of plastids, migrates, and accumulates along the cell surface adjoining the secretory cavity. Extrusion of the material into the secretory cavity occurs directly through the plasma membrane-cell wall barrier.  相似文献   

The glandular secretory system in Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) consists of three types of capitate glandular hairs (termed bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked) distinguishable by their morphology, development, and physiology. These gland types occur together in greatest abundance and developmental complexity on the abaxial surface of bracts which ensheath the developing ovary. Bulbous and capitate-sessile glands are initiated on very young bract primordia and attain maturity during early stages of bract growth. Capitate-stalked glands are initiated later in bract growth and undergo development and maturation on medium, to full sized bracts. Glands are epidermal in origin and derived, with one exception, from a single epidermal initial. The capitate-stalked gland is the exception and is of special interest because it possesses a multicellular stalk secondarily derived from surrounding epidermal and subepidermal cells. Glands differentiate early in development into an upper secretory portion and a subtending auxiliary portion. The secretory portion, depending on gland type, may range from a few cells to a large, flattened multicellular disc of secretory cells. The secretory portion produces a membrane-bound resinous product which caps the secretory cells. Capitate-stalked glands are considered to be of particular evolutionary significance because they may represent a gland type secondarily derived from existing capitate-sessile glands.  相似文献   

Trichome density and type and cannabinoid content of leaves and bracts were quantitated during organ ontogeny for three clones of Cannabis sativa L. Trichome initiation and development were found to occur throughout leaf and bract ontogeny. On leaves, bulbous glands were more abundant than capitate-sessile glands for all clones, although differences in density for each gland type were evident between clones. On pistillate bracts, capitate-sessile glands were more abundant than the bulbous form on all clones, and both types decreased in relative density during bract ontogeny for each clone. The capitate-stalked gland, present on bracts but absent from vegetative leaves, increased in density during bract ontogeny. The capitate-stalked gland appeared to be initiated later than bulbous or capitate-sessile glands during bract development and on one clone it was first found midway in bract ontogeny. Nonglandular trichomes decreased in density during organ ontogeny, but the densities differed between leaves and bracts and also between clones. Specific regulatory mechanisms appear to exist to control the development of each trichome type independently. In addition, control of trichome density seems to be related to the plant organ and clone on which the gland type is located. Cannabinoid synthesis occurs throughout organ development and is selectively regulated in each organ. Typically, cannabinoid synthesis occurred at an increasing rate during bract development, whereas in developing leaves synthesis occurred at a decreasing rate. Cannabinoid content on a dry weight basis was generally greater for bracts than leaves. Analyses of leaves indicate that other tissues in addition to glands may contain cannabinoids, while for bracts the gland population can accommodate the cannabinoid content for this organ. The functional significance of trichomes and cannabinoids in relation to evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Formation of the cuticle from components of the secretory cavity and subcuticular wall was studied by transmission electron microscopy of glandular trichomes of Cannabis prepared by high pressure cryofixation-cryosubstitution. Secretory vesicles in the secretory cavity resembled those localized in the subcuticular wall as well as the vesicle-related material associated with the irregular inner surface of the cuticle and appeared to provide precursors for thickening of the cuticle. Some contiguous vesicles in the secretory cavity and subcuticular wall lacked a surface feature at their point of contact, supporting an interpretation of vesicle fusion. Fibrillar matrix from the secretory cavity contributed fibrillar matrix to the subcuticular wall, and persisted as residual fibrillar matrix associated with secretory materials coalesced to the thickened inner surface of the cuticle. Elongated fibrils arranged in uniformly spaced parallel pairs contributed to the organization of fibrillar matrix in the subcuticular wall. Striae were evident in the outer portion of the cuticle, and appeared to represent sites of degraded residual fibrillar matrix associated with secretory materials coalesced to the inner cuticular surface. This study supports an interpretation that contents of secretory vesicles from the secretory cavity contribute to formation of glandular cuticle.  相似文献   

Mucilage-secreting dendroid trichomes develop from the adaxial epidermis of young stipules surrounding the shoot apex. Each trichome consists of a multicellular stalk from which radiate many branch cells. The trichome has no cuticle and the branch cell walls distally are loose cellulosic frameworks. Dictyosomes produce vesicles whose products are secreted through the plasma-lemma and cell wall. Enlarged portions of the ER are frequently associated with dictyosomes and may be part of the system for synthesis and transport of secretion products. Bacteria, which later occur in leaf nodules, are present in the mucilage surrounding trichomes and young leaves. The latter develop stomata through which the bacteria enter. As stipules and leaves grow out of the apical region, the secretory trichomes degenerate and are replaced by non-secretory ones.  相似文献   

Three distinct types of glandular hairs of increasing morphological complexity which occur on flowering tops of Cannabis sativa L. (marihuana) are described from scanning electron microscopy. These gland types—termed bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked, described from pistillate plants—occur in greatest abundance on the outer surface of bracts ensheathing the ovary. Bulbous and capitate-sessile glands, which arise at an early stage in bract development, are scattered over the bract surface. Mature bulbous glands have a small swollen head on a short stalk, whereas capitate-sessile glands have a large globular head attached directly to the bract surface. Because of their numbers and large size, capitate-sessile glands are the most conspicuous gland type during the early phase of bract development. Capitate-stalked glands, which have a large globular head on a tall, multicellular stalk, differentiate during subsequent bract development. These stalked glands arise first along the bracteal veins and then over the entire bract surface. A voluminous, fluid secretory product accumulates in the glandular head of all three types. These glands are believed to be a primary site of localization of the marihuana hallucinogen, tetrahydrocannabinol.  相似文献   

The relationship between glandular trichomes and cannabinoid content in Cannabis sativa L. was investigated. Three strains of Cannabis, which are annuals, were selected for either a drug, a non-drug, or a fiber trait and then cloned to provide genetically uniform material for analyses over several years. The distribution of the number and type of glands was determined for several organs of different ages including the bract and its subtending monoleaflet leaf and the compound leaf on pistillate plants. Quantitation of glands on these structures was integrated with gas chromatographic analyses of organ cannabinoid profiles. A negative correlation was found between cannabinoid content and gland number for each of the three clones. Isolated heads of the capitate-stalked glands also were analyzed for cannabinoid content and found to vary in relation to clone and gland age. These studies indicate that cannabinoids may occur in plant cells other than glandular trichomes. The results of these studies emphasize the need for stringent sampling procedures in micromorphological studies on trichome distribution and analytical determinations of cannabinoid content in Cannabis.  相似文献   

花椒果实分泌囊发育过程的超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电镜观察结果表明,花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)果实分泌囊是由裂生方式形成,由鞘细胞、上皮细胞和油腔构成。对分泌囊的原始细胞、油腔发生和扩大以及发育成熟3个时期的超微结构研究表明,其精油是在分泌囊油腔发生时开始积累,以油滴形态存在于上皮细胞的质体内及其周围的细胞质中。根据各细胞器的变化规律分析,质体是精油合成的主要场所,内质网参与精油的合成和转运,线粒体为上述活动提供能量。上皮细胞内积累的精油可能通过两种途径排出细胞,分泌至油腔内贮存。鞘细胞内也积累精油,其主要合成场所也与质体有关,以后转运至上皮细胞内。成熟分泌囊的质体由于功能改变,其内出现蛋白质结晶和淀粉粒。  相似文献   

吴茱萸果实中分泌囊的发生和发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王黎  胡正海  景汝勤   《广西植物》1992,(2):172-176+197
吴茱萸果皮内分布有许多分泌囊。我们作了发育解剖学方面的研究。在花蕾期,雌蕊的子房中分泌囊原始细胞即开始发生,它起源于单个表皮细胞和其内的1—4层薄壁细胞。分泌囊最初为裂生,后期由于上皮细胞的破毁,其腔隙逐渐扩大,因此,腔隙发生方式应属裂溶生型。成熟分泌囊是由多层鞘细胞和上皮细胞包围圆形腔隙构成。  相似文献   

Trichomes on the orchid ovary are a possible site of synthesis and secretion of the floral scent. Scanning electron microscopy of these trichomes shows a bulbous cell on a two-celled stalk. Thin sections of the tip cell revealed the morphology of an active, secretory cell with unusual coated vesicles in the extra-cellular deposition. Abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) aggregated beneath the plasma membrane in the apical region of the cell and the limited dictyosomes in the cell suggest direct secretion by ER. Numerous lipid droplets are present in the apical area. Plastids, found only in the basal region of this cell, are more round in profile than typical chloroplasts and contain only a few unstacked thylakoids and a limited membranous reticulum. In addition to the normal plastid envelope, a double layer of membrane (probably ER) is tightly appressed to each dense, starch-free plastid. Highly specialized morphology and subcellular localization of organelles suggest the secretory nature of these trichomes.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy confirms previous light microscope observations that tobacco leaf trichomes are glandular and that there are two different types. Both the tall trichome (multicellular stalk, unicellular or multicellular head) and the short trichome (unicellular stalk; multicellular head) exhibit characteristics common to gland cells—a dense cytoplasm, numerous mitochondria, and little vacuolation. The tall trichome contains structurally well developed chloroplasts and an elaborate network of endoplasmic reticulum. The short trichome contains undifferentiated plastids and endoplasmic reticulum which parallels the nucleus and plasmalemma. Few dictyosomes are seen either in the short trichome or in the tall trichome. The short trichome appears to undergo structural changes concurrently with the appearance of secretory product within the cells. The most noticeable change is the formation of the extraplasmic space between the cell wall and the plasmalemma. Electron dense secretory product is observed between the plasmalemma and the cell wall and within the intercellular spaces.  相似文献   

Nonvolatile exudates from velvetleaf glandular trichomes inhibited root and shoot growth of several weed and crop species in petri plate bioassays, but had no effect on seed germination per se. The exudate was efficiently collected by wiping both the stems and petioles with cotton swabs or by leaching with water, but was absent on the leaves of velvetleaf plants. Cress (Lepidium sativum L.) was the most sensitive indicator species. Four types of trichomes appeared on the stem surface as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Water soluble globules on the apices of 12- to 15-celled glandular trichomes recurred and demonstrated their original potency within eight days after removal with cotton swabs. Both the quantity and phytotoxicity of the exudates from velvetleaf plants cultured under varying environmental conditions were determined. While total exudate production was not affected at 16, 24, or 36 C, the exudates from plants cultured at 24 and 36 C were about twice as toxic as the exudate collected from plants grown at the lower temperature. Water stress decreased the amount of exudate collected, but the phytotoxic activity was increased by approximately the same factor.  相似文献   

荇菜腺毛的发育及其分泌过程的超微结构研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
荇菜 (Nymphoides peltatum (Gmel.) O.Kuntz)腺毛由具分泌功能的单列圆筒状细胞组成。它们起源于苗端倒数第二叶原基近轴面 ,由原表皮细胞发育而来。处于分泌期的腺毛细胞其胞质浓厚 ,液泡化程度小。细胞内具丰富的线粒体、高尔基体和内质网等细胞器 ,还具发达的胞间连丝。粘液物质由高尔基体分泌小泡、内质网分泌小泡及多膜体共同携带至细胞边缘 ,经胞吐和渗透相结合的方式分泌至细胞外。腺毛细胞侧壁因积有大量分泌物而呈膨胀状态。经检测 ,粘液由多糖和蛋白质组成 ,对营养芽的生长发育起保护作用。  相似文献   

利用电子显微镜对花椒果实分泌囊的超微结构进行研究,表明分泌囊上皮细胞和鞘细胞的最显著特征是具许多含嗜锇物质的质体。这些质体内膜结构不发达,周围分布大量内质网槽库、含油滴的液泡和环状油滴。在此基础上,对质体的功能以及精油合成、贮存和转运的可能场所和途径进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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