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Tristyly involves three different forms of flowers that differ reciprocally in the heights of stigmas and anthers within flowers. Apart from the style and stamen lengths, heterostylous species also demonstrate pollen and stigma polymorphisms. We quantified stigma polymorphism in tristylous Lythrum salicaria by measuring the stigma diameters, structure of papillae, and density and distribution of papillae on the stigma from flower samples of 201 individuals belonging to three morphs. The diameter of the stigma and the distribution of papillae were quantified using a scanning electron microscope, and the structure of papillae was determined using a light microscope. The stigma diameter in the long morph was significantly greater than in the mid and short morphs. While the density of stigmatic papillae was significantly greater in the mid and short morphs than in the long morph, the total number of papillae per stigma did not differ across morphs. The length and diameter of papillae at the apex, neck, and base were significantly greater in the long morph followed by the mid and short morphs. A discriminant function analysis separated the long morph from the mid and short morphs based on the canonical scores of measurements of papillae structure. The stigma polymorphism coupled with those of pollen may play a functional role in self-incompatibility mechanisms.  相似文献   

As heterostyly and self incompatibility are linked in tristylous L. salicaria, all cross-compatible pollinations – those between anthers and styles of the same level – should produce viable seed. The rigor of this theory was tested using seed set and germination of cross-compatible pollinations in 18 naturalized L. salicaria populations in Minnesota/Wisconsin (n=342 genotypes; n=86 shorts, n=127 mids, and n=129 longs). Seed set for short-styled genotypes ranged from zero to 135 (36+38); mids–0–156, (53+39), and longs–0–151 (59+39). Mean seed set per capsule was not significantly different for mids and longs, but both were significantly greater than that of shorts (F=14, P<0.0001). Zero seed set frequently occurred in most compatible crosses, in contrast with theoretical expectations. The high percentage of populations deviating from normality must be due to incompatibility. An incompatibility system independent of heterostyly could cause this, where failed crosses result from matches of incompatibility specificities in pollen and pistil. This independence is questionable, however, given the non-significant difference in failed outcrosses for pooled χ2 comparing within and between populations (χ2=0.395, P>0.5). A sporophytic incompatibility model is proposed with a minimum of three specificities. Zero seed set in compatible crosses is due to the addition of alleles from L. alatum, a distylous species that forms introgressive hybrids with L. salicaria. Reduced fecundity could increase the deficiency of shorts, and significantly greater seed germination of shorts could explain the continued presence of short-styled individuals in L. salicaria populations. Received: 3 February 2000 / Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

Some of the factors governing seed-set in three populations ofLythrum salicaria are examined during two seasons. Plants spatially segregated from legitimate neighbours by distances exceeding 1m set few seeds. Plants with small inflorescences set fewer seeds than those with medium or large inflorescences. Flowers having self pollen applied to the stigma before legitimate pollination set fewer seed per flower than those pollinated with legitimate pollen only. Seeds of the mid-style morph germinated more effectively than those of the long style morph and seeds of the short-style morph showed very low levels of germination.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that many self-compatible plants control the level of self-fertilization with postpollination processes that give a siring advantage to cross pollen over self pollen through "cryptic self-incompatibility" (CSI). Previous marker-gene experiments with self-compatible, tristylous Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) have demonstrated a siring advantage to cross pollen, though the extent to which this advantage results from prezygotic discrimination vs. early acting inbreeding depression is not clear. Here, we provide evidence that prezygotic mechanisms are involved in this siring advantage by comparing pollen tube numbers at various times following cross- and self-pollination conducted in a natural population. In the 24 h following pollination, cross pollen yielded almost twice as many pollen tubes at various positions in the style compared to self pollen. After 36 and 48 h, the difference between pollen types had disappeared, suggesting that the advantage to cross pollen results from differences in the rate of pollen germination and;clor tube growth rather than pollen tube attrition. Comparison of tube numbers after legitimate vs. illegitimate cross-pollination did not reveal any difference, suggesting that D. verticillatus possesses CSI unrelated to heteromorphic self- and intramorph-incompatibility found in other heterostylous members of the Lythraceae. CSI resulting from differential pollen tube growth may minimize geitonogamous selfing when cross pollen is abundant, while maximizing fecundity when cross pollen is scarce due to local clonal spread.  相似文献   

Range expansion during biological invasion requires that invaders adapt to geographical variation in climate, which should yield latitudinal clines in reproductive phenology. We investigated geographic variation in life history among 25 introduced populations of Lythrum salicaria, a widespread European invader of North American wetlands. We detected a strong latitudinal cline in initiation of flowering and size at flowering, which paralleled that reported among native populations. Plants from higher latitudes flowered earlier and at a smaller size than those from lower latitudes, even when raised in a uniform glasshouse. Early flowering was associated with greatly reduced reproductive output, but this was not associated with latitudinal variation in abundance, and probably did not result from a genetic correlation between time to and size at flowering. As introduction to North America c. 200 years ago, L. salicaria has re-established latitudinal clines in life history, probably as an evolutionary response to climatic selection.  相似文献   

Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) is a nonindigenous invasive species characterized by prolific growth and abundance in marshy and riparian habitats across North America. Given its invasive success, we hypothesized this species may require less energy and/or use energy more efficiently for biomass construction than co-occurring noninvasive plant species. We measured leaf construction cost (CC), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), and leaf organic nitrogen and carbon content of L. salicaria and the five most abundant co-occurring species, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Erigeron philadelphicus, Asclepias syriaca, Spiraea latifolia, and Solidago graminifolia, along dammed ponds in the Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, New York, USA. Lythrum salicaria, which was highly abundant (2.52 individuals/m(2)), exhibited significantly lower area-based leaf CC (44.47 ± 4.24 g glucose/m(2) leaf) than relatively less abundant species, suggesting energetics may influence its invasive success. Conversely, least abundant Solidago graminifolia (0.67 individuals/m(2)) exhibited the significantly highest leaf CC per unit leaf area (141.87 ± 39.21 g glucose/m(2) leaf). Overall, a negative correlation between species abundance and area-based leaf CC (r(2) = 0.73) indicated low energy requirements and/or high energy efficiency may influence relative abundance in the plant species studied. As it correlates with species abundance in this study, CC may be a useful tool for evaluating invasive potential.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The enemy release hypothesis assumes that invasive plants lose their co-evolved natural enemies during introduction into the new range. This study tested, as proposed by the evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) hypothesis, whether escape from enemies results in a decrease in defence ability in plants from the invaded range. Two straightforward aspects of the EICA are examined: (1) if invasives have lost their enemies and their defence, they should be more negatively affected by their full natural pre-invasion herbivore spectrum than their native conspecifics; and (2) the genetic basis of evolutionary change in response to enemy release in the invasive range has not been taken sufficiently into account.


Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) from several populations in its native (Europe) and invasive range (North America) was exposed to all above-ground herbivores in replicated natural populations in the native range. The experiment was performed both with plants raised from field-collected seeds as well as with offspring of these where maternal effects were removed.

Key Results

Absolute and relative leaf damage was higher for introduced than for native plants. Despite having smaller height growth rate, invasive plants attained a much larger final size than natives irrespective of damage, indicating large tolerance rather than effective defence. Origin effects on response to herbivory and growth were stronger in second-generation plants, suggesting that invasive potential through enemy release has a genetic basis.


The findings support two predictions of the EICA hypothesis – a genetically determined difference between native and invasive plants in plant vigour and response to enemies – and point to the importance of experiments that control for maternal effects and include the entire spectrum of native range enemies.  相似文献   

Style morph frequencies (shortmidlong) were determined for a total of n = 11 918 plants in 16 Minnesota populations of Lythrum salicaria L. Nine populations were in the establishment phase, with population sizes ranging from n = 56 to n = 2 192. Most of these populations exceeded previously reported population sizes in the native European habitat. A nonparametric statistical test, the chi-square (2), can be used to determine if populations are at isoplethic equilibrium (111, shortmidlong); a 2 value >5.99 is significant at the 5% level. Only one established population (White Bear Lake, n = 1991, 2 = 3.0) fitted the null hypothesis for isoplethy, although all established populations contained all three style morphs. Pooled values for these populations indicated an excess of mids and longs, with shorts being deficient. Colonizing populations had a higher percentage of mids (54%) when compared to established populations (33.7%). Short styles were almost nonexistent (8%) in colonizing populations. Five out of the seven populations lacked at least one style morph. A review of the literature reporting style morph frequencies in tristylous L. salicaria revealed that no statistical analysis for isoplethy has been performed. Darwin originally assumed that all populations would be isoplethic, possessing equal numbers of all three style morphs, but concluded, without statistical analysis, that, instead, populations were anisoplethic. Since tests for statistical deviations from the expected frequencies (111) have not been used, 2 analysis was performed. Several of these populations were at isoplethic equilibrium (Nadder su2 = 1.7, Blelham 2 = 1.69, Potsdam 2 = 1.5, Vestfold 2 = 0.4, Buskerud 2 = 5.62, Kilchberg 2 = 0.35, Lausanne 2 = 3.32, Canberra 2 = 5.29, Massachusetts 2 = 3.13), suggesting that the general conclusion of anisoplethy in tristylous L. salicaria is inappropriate.This is Scientific Journal Series Paper Number 19 128 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Study of adaptive evolutionary changes in populations of invasive species can be advanced through the joint application of quantitative and population genetic methods. Using purple loosestrife as a model system, we investigated the relative roles of natural selection, genetic drift and gene flow in the invasive process by contrasting phenotypical and neutral genetic differentiation among native European and invasive North American populations ( Q ST −  F ST analysis). Our results indicate that invasive and native populations harbour comparable levels of amplified fragment length polymorphism variation, a pattern consistent with multiple independent introductions from a diverse European gene pool. However, it was observed that the genetic variation reduced during subsequent invasion, perhaps by founder effects and genetic drift. Comparison of genetically based quantitative trait differentiation ( Q ST) with its expectation under neutrality ( F ST) revealed no evidence of disruptive selection ( Q ST >  F ST) or stabilizing selection ( Q ST <  F ST). One exception was found for only one trait (the number of stems) showing significant sign of stabilizing selection across all populations. This suggests that there are difficulties in distinguishing the effects of nonadaptive population processes and natural selection. Multiple introductions of purple loosestrife may have created a genetic mixture from diverse source populations and increased population genetic diversity, but its link to the adaptive differentiation of invasive North American populations needs further research.  相似文献   

In colonizing species, high phenotypic plasticity can contribute to survival and propagation in heterogenous adventive environments, and it has been suggested as a predictor of invasiveness. Observation of natural populations of an invasive species, Lythrum salicaria salicaria, indicated extensive variation in its growth and reproductive traits. Phenotypic plasticity of different life history traits of L. salicaria was investigated using vegetative clones of each of 12 genotypes from one population in Ontario, Canada. We chose soil moisture as the treatment factor because of its importance in wetland species and raised all 12 genotypes in each of four soil moisture treatments. We examined an array of vegetative and reproductive traits, including root and shoot mass, shoot and inflorescence length, total seed set, floral mass, and morphometric variables. All observed vegetative as well as reproductive traits demonstrated significant phenotypic plasticity in response to soil moisture treatment. Even the stigma-anther separation involved significant genotype by environment interactions, suggesting that soil moisture may modify the relative positions of anthers and stigma. Compared to vegetative traits, most reproductive traits demonstrated crossing reaction norms, implying that the average differences in those traits among genotypes vary with the environment maintaining the genetic variation in a population.  相似文献   

Lythrum salicaria L. (Lythraceae) is tristylous, each plant forming one of three floral morphs that differ in reciprocal placement of the stigma and two sets of anthers. Several reproductive traits were compared quantitatively among these morphs. Although mean pollen viability (??93%) and total pollen per mature, indehiscent anther within a staminal level (mean CV?=?11%) were constant, the patterns of mean pollen production per anther were complex, being significantly lowest in long stamens (1,490 grains) of the short-styled morph, but highest in intermediate stamens (3,590) of the long-styled morph. Overall, pollen production was greatest (38,200) in long-styled flowers and least (22,000) in short-styled ones. On the contrary, ovule quantities per ovary (mean 107) were similar among floral morphs; thus, pollen-to-ovule ratios spanned 192 (short-styled morph) to 364 (long-styled morph), relatively low values for a strictly xenogamous species. Each morph had a recessed annular nectary of similar dimensions encircling the ovary base, with equal numbers of modified stomata distributed uniformly on the nectary surface. Most stomata were solitary (94%), whereas 5% occurred in pairs and 1% of stomatal units had just one guard cell. During nectar secretion, about 16% of pores were closed plus 28% of pores were fully occluded. Similarly, nectar volumes and solute concentrations, peak rates of nectar secretion (mean 72?C79???g sugar?h?1) at early afternoon, and the nectar??s sucrose prevalence [S/(G?+?F) ??4.3] were not significantly different among morphs. Based on these similarities in nectary structure and nectar-secretion dynamics, traits rarely studied in tristylous species, the preferential visitation of any particular floral morph of L. salicaria during nectar foraging by insects is unlikely. Indeed, lack of discrimination among morphs by potential pollinators may be a key tenet of successful sexual reproduction in tristylous species.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) were analysed by the use of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) equipped with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) and electrospray ionisation (ESI). The presence of vitexin and orientin as well as their isomers, isovitexin and isoorientin, were confirmed using ion trap multiple stage LC/MS3 analysis. Several phenolic acids and tannins were also detected. Ellagitannins, vescalagin and pedunculagin, are reported from the plant for the first time.  相似文献   

The invasion of non-indigenous plants is considered a primary threat to integrity and function of ecosystems. However, there is little quantitative or experimental evidence for ecosystem impacts of invasive species. Justifications for control are often based on potential, but not presently realized, recognized or quantified, negative impacts. Should lack of scientific certainty about impacts of non-indigenous species result in postponing measures to prevent degradation? Recently, management of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), has been criticized for (1) lack of evidence demonstrating negative impacts of L. salicaria, and (2) management using biocontrol for lack of evidence documenting the failure of conventional control methods. Although little quantitative evidence on negative impacts on native wetland biota and wetland function was available at the onset of the control program in 1985, recent work has demonstrated that the invasion of purple loosestrife into North American freshwater wetlands alters decomposition rates and nutrient cycling, leads to reductions in wetland plant diversity, reduces pollination and seed output of the native Lythrum alatum, and reduces habitat suitability for specialized wetland bird species such as black terns, least bitterns, pied-billed grebes, and marsh wrens. Conventional methods (physical, mechanical or chemical), have continuously failed to curb the spread of purple loosestrife or to provide satisfactory control. Although a number of generalist insect and bird species utilize purple loosestrife, wetland habitat specialists are excluded by encroachment of L. salicaria. We conclude that (1) negative ecosystem impacts of purple loosestrife in North America justify control of the species and that (2) detrimental effects of purple loosestrife on wetland systems and biota and the potential benefits of control outweigh potential risks associated with the introduction of biocontrol agents. Long-term experiments and monitoring programs that are in place will evaluate the impact of these insects on purple loosestrife, on wetland plant succession and other wetland biota.  相似文献   

Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria L., an invasive Eurasian perennial, is degrading wetlands across temperate North America. Because conventional control methods have proven ineffective, current emphasis is on the introduction and release of host-specific biological control agents. To increase the availability of control agents for distribution and thus the potential for faster control, mass rearing techniques for 2 leaf beetles, Galerucella calmariensis L. and G. pusilla Duftschmidt, were developed under greenhouse and field conditions. To evaluate the success of various rearing techniques on the number of beetles produced and the effect of these methods on offspring quality, female fecundity, larval development, and adult survival were monitored. Survival of adults maintained at 4 degrees C was approximately 60% and was independent of the type of material used for storage, duration of overwintering, and number of beetles per container. Survival rates increased with increasing numbers of dry stems offered as an overwintering substrate. Females in smaller cages had significantly higher oviposition rates, and with an increase in the number of beetles per cage, female fecundity doubled. Continuous rearing in the greenhouse reduced female fecundity. Allowing beetles to overwinter significantly improved fecundity and rearing efficiency, independent of whether beetles overwintered in a controlled environment or in the field. Field rearings consistently produced 2-5 times more offspring with higher survival than greenhouse rearings.  相似文献   

G. L. Piper 《Hydrobiologia》1996,340(1-3):291-294
Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is an Eurasian perennial hydrophyte that has become naturalized in wetlands and in and along waterways throughout temperate North America. The ecological integrity of such areas is threatened by rapidly forming monotypic infestations that displace valued flora and diminish critical fish and wildlife habitat. The inability of physical, cultural, and chemical methods to provide adequate control of the weed has led to the development of an insect-based biological control program. The first field releases of the bud and leaf feeding beetles, Galerucella calmariensis and G. pusilla, and a root-mining weevil, Hylobius transversovittatus, were made in the United States and Canada in 1992. A total of 4740 Galerucella spp. adults were released in central Washington during 1992 and 1993 at eight sites and 471 H. transversovittatus egg inoculations were made in 1993 at three locations. Establishment of both Galerucella spp. was confirmed and Hylobius colonization was achieved.  相似文献   

Evolution during biological invasion may occur over contemporary timescales, but the rate of evolutionary change may be inhibited by a lack of standing genetic variation for ecologically relevant traits and by fitness trade-offs among them. The extent to which these genetic constraints limit the evolution of local adaptation during biological invasion has rarely been examined. To investigate genetic constraints on life-history traits, we measured standing genetic variance and covariance in 20 populations of the invasive plant purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) sampled along a latitudinal climatic gradient in eastern North America and grown under uniform conditions in a glasshouse. Genetic variances within and among populations were significant for all traits; however, strong intercorrelations among measurements of seedling growth rate, time to reproductive maturity and adult size suggested that fitness trade-offs have constrained population divergence. Evidence to support this hypothesis was obtained from the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) and the matrix of (co)variance among population means (D), which were 79.8% (95% C.I. 77.7-82.9%) similar. These results suggest that population divergence during invasive spread of L. salicaria in eastern North America has been constrained by strong genetic correlations among life-history traits, despite large amounts of standing genetic variation for individual traits.  相似文献   

In this study, 160 Hycole weaned rabbits (35 days old) were randomly divided into four groups of 40. The rabbits were studied throughout a 54-day experimentation period in order to determine the impact of dietary supplementation from herbs composed of 0.2%, 0.4% dry ground Lythrum salicaria leaves (LS) and 0.3% Cunirel® (CR; a commercial herb mixture containing LS as the main ingredient) on performance, digestibility, health and meat quality. The basal diet was given to the control group. No significant differences were found in performance, 10 rabbits from each group were selected for evaluation regarding apparent digestibility. The rabbits fed the control diet and the diet with the low level of LS had a higher level of CP digestibility than did the animals that were supplemented with the high LS levels and CR (85.7% and 84.9% v. 84.0% and 84.0%, respectively; P<0.05). The ether extract digestibility was lower in the treatment group with 0.4%LS addition and CR as compared with the control group (52.2% and 54.5% v. 62.6%, respectively; P<0.05). The slaughter process was performed on 89-day-old rabbits to study the carcass characteristics, meat quality, blood parameters, caecal contents and gut histology. The total leukocyte counts in the control animals were lower than they were in the rabbits fed 0.2%, 0.4%LS and CR (4.06 v. 8.25, 8.63 and 8.21×109/l, respectively; P<0.05). For caecal fermentation, the caecal contents of the rabbits fed 0.4% of LS, showed higher concentrations of total volatile fatty acid (VFA; 24.1 v. 18.9 mg/kg dry matter (DM); P<0.05) and acetic acid (18.3 v. 14.4 mg/kg DM; P<0.05), but lower ammonia levels (594 v. 892 mg/kg DM; P<0.05) as compared with the control group. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses were performed to evaluate the microbial community in hard faeces, collected at days 35, 42, 49, 56, 70 and 89, whereas the caecal contents were taken after slaughtering. The results demonstrated that between the treatment groups, the similarity of the microbial communities was higher as compared with the control group. Moreover, only age was shown to influence microbiota diversity. In conclusion, the results of this study indicated that supplementation of LS in rabbit diets leads to an increase in the total white blood cells, total VFA and acetic acid concentration, and a decrease in the ammonia levels, as well as the digestibility when CR and high level of LS were supplemented, without causing any adverse effects on other parameters.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) was introduced to North America from Europe in the early 1800s, it did not become invasive until the 1930s. Whether hybridization with L. alatum (winged loosestrife) could have played a role in its ultimate spread was tested. METHODS: Six diagnostic morphological traits (flower number per axil, leaf placement, calyx pubescence, style type, plant height and leaf shape) were surveyed in 30 populations of Lythrum across eastern North America. Patterns of AFLP variation were also evaluated using five primer pairs in a 'global screen' of the same North American populations of L. salicaria and L. alatum described above, in L. salicaria from 11 European populations located in Germany, England, Ireland, Austria and Finland, and in six L. salicaria cultivars. KEY RESULTS: All of the North American L. salicaria populations had individuals with alternate leaf placement and 1-2 flowers per leaf axil, which have not been described in Eurasian L. salicaria but predominate in North American L. alatum. In addition, two L. salicaria populations were intermediate in height and leaf ratio between the typical L. salicaria and L. alatum populations in their native fields and when grown in a common greenhouse. In screens of variation patterns using 279 AFLPs, only two fragments were found that clearly supported introgression from L. alatum to L. salicaria. CONCLUSIONS: The evidence indicates that L. salicaria may have hybridized with L. alatum, but if so, only a small fraction of L. alatum genes have been retained in the genome of L. salicaria. This is unlikely to have led to a dramatic adaptive shift unless the introgression of a few key genes into L. salicaria stimulated a genomic reorganization. It is more likely that crossing among genotypes of L. salicaria from multiple introductions provided the necessary variability for new adaptations to arise.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of plant proteins was used to identify purple loosestrife (Lythrum spp.) cultivars and weedy populations. Preliminary determinations were made as to what degree weedy loosestrife populations were related (or genetically similar) to populations of L. alatum, L. virgatum, and horticultural cultivars. Cluster analysis of the data indicated that native L. alatum was genetically different from all populations of purple loosestrife and cultivars examined. The L. salicaria and L. virgatum cultivars, as groups, were not genetically distinguishable from the weedy populations analyzed. Seven cultivars of L. salicaria origin analyzed as a group were not distinguishable from the eight cultivars of L. virgatum origin, indicating that separation by cultivar origin may not be feasible. While the two “groups” were not distinguishable, most individual cultivars could be distinguished from one another by isozyme phenotype. Genetic variation was high within populations of weedy purple loosestrife but low among populations, which is characteristic of polyploid, perennial plant species that are widely distributed. Geographic location did not consistently correlate with genetic similarity.  相似文献   

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