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Interest in the potential consequences of stratospheric ozone depletion has led to numerous studies that have evaluated the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on plant growth and productivity. However, few studies have been conducted on plants from natural ecosystems. Differences in solar UV-B radiation along latitudinal or elevational gradients may have resulted in plants from diverse habitats developing contrasting sensitivities to UV-B radiation. In this study, seeds were collected along a 3,000-m elevational gradient in Hawaii and then germinated and grown in an unshaded greenhouse with either no UV-B radiation or one of two daily UV-B irradiances, 15.5 or 23.1 kj m2. Seedlings were grown for 12 weeks and harvested to determine whether UV-B radiation altered plant biomass. The responses to UV-B radiation varied among species, but, in general, sensitivity to UV-B radiation was reduced as the elevation of seed collection increased. Of the 33 species tested, UV-B radiation significantly reduced plant height in 14 species and biomass in eight species. Biomass increased in four species grown under UV-B radiation. This study provides clear evidence that natural plant populations exhibit wide variation in UV-B radiation sensitivity and that this variation is related to the natural (ambient) UV-B radiation environment in which these plants grow.  相似文献   

Variable selection pressures across heterogeneous landscapes can lead to local adaptation of populations. The extent of local adaptation depends on the interplay between natural selection and gene flow, but the nature of this relationship is complex. Gene flow can constrain local adaptation by eroding differentiation driven by natural selection, or local adaptation can itself constrain gene flow through selection against maladapted immigrants. Here we test for evidence that natural selection constrains gene flow among populations of a widespread passerine bird ( Zonotrichia capensis ) that are distributed along an elevational gradient in the Peruvian Andes. Using multilocus sequences and microsatellites screened in 142 individuals collected along a series of replicate transects, we found that mitochondrial gene flow was significantly reduced along elevational transects relative to latitudinal control transects. Nuclear gene flow, however, was not similarly reduced. Clines in mitochondrial haplotype frequency were strongly associated with transitions in environmental variables along the elevational transects, but this association was not observed for the nuclear markers. These results suggest that natural selection constrains mitochondrial gene flow along elevational gradients and that the mitonuclear discrepancy may be due to local adaptation of mitochondrial haplotypes.  相似文献   

植物对增强UV-B辐射和SO2的响应(综述)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
酸雨、温室效应和地球臭氧层的破坏是目前世界上最受关注的环境问题。由于臭氧层的破坏而导致的大气UV-B辐射的增加以及空气中SO2污染的加剧都会严重影响到植物和动物的生命活动。本文回顾和简述了近二十年来这两种环境胁迫因子对植物影响的研究概况。  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射和SO2作用下植物光合响应及其相对抗性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了20种野外生长的树种在增强UV-B、NaHSO3的作用下,它们的光合作用响应及其对这两种胁迫的抗性。研究结果表明,这些植物的抗性可分为抗性强、抗性中等和敏感3种类型。UV-B、NaHSO3以及UV-B+NaHSO3 3种处理与这些植物光合作用受抑制程度呈现良好的线性关系,说明这些植物在防御UV-B和NaHSO3伤害的能力方面有一致性,没有种的特异性。结果还表明,在这些植物中NaHSO3增强了UV-B对它们的抑制作用,敏感类型植物尤为明显。   相似文献   

植物个体对全球变化响应的敏感度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喻梅  郭建平 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1998,40(12):1143-1151
建立了基于生理学机制的植物个体生长发育系统动力学模型。建模中考虑了CO2增加有 引起的气候变化的综合作用对植物的重要生理过程,如光合、呼吸等,及生物量季节动态的影响。  相似文献   

南方4种草本植物对铝胁迫生理响应的研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
 不同的植物对铝胁迫的生理响应不同, 因而对铝毒的耐性也不相同。设置5种铝浓度,进行砂培法处理,研究了4种我国南方红壤广泛分布的草本植物——牵牛(Pharbitis nil)、望江南(Cassia occidentlis)、光头稗(Echinochloa colonum)和合萌(Aeschynomene indica)的种子萌发、光合色素、脯氨酸含量、丙二醛(MDA)含量、可溶性糖(SS)含量、质膜透性(MP)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT) 活性以及过氧化物酶 (POD)活性的变化。结果表明铝对4种植物的生理特性都有明显的影响。4种植物的种子在10 000 mg·L-1 Al3+处理条件下都不能萌发。2 000 mg·L-1 Al3+处理都不利于4种植物的生长,与对照相比,2 000 mg·L-1 Al3+处理时4种草本植物叶绿素和叶绿素总含量显著降低(p<0.05);MDA含量和MP显著增加(p<0.05);脯氨酸含量极显著增加(p<0.01);POD和CAT活性极显著降低(p<0.01)。中低铝(80和400 mg·L-1)处理时,牵牛和合萌与对照相比,MP和MDA含量降低,POD和CAT活性升高;望江南的反应与牵牛和合萌的反应相反;光头稗在80 mg·L-1 Al3+处理时,与牵牛和合萌的变化一致,在400 mg·L-1 Al3+处理时,则相反。植物在中低铝处理条件下,通过维持较高的POD和CAT活性和脯氨酸、叶绿素含量,较低的MP和MDA含量来增加其对铝的耐性。  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian species of Scaevola and Euphorbia grow in a wide variety of native habitats and exhibit a wide range of variation in photosynthetic responses. Light-saturated photosynthetic capacities range from 12.0 to 24.7 μmol CO2 m−-2 s−-1 in the Scaevola species and from 18.2 to 51.4 μmol CO2 m−-2 s−-1 in the Euphorbia species. Within each genus, differences in light-saturated photosynthetic capacity are paralleled by differences in mesophyll and leaf conductances to CO2. Within each habitat, the C4 Euphorbia species exhibits a significantly higher photosynthetic capacity and a significantly higher mesophyll conductance than the corresponding C3 Scaevola species. These differences are greatest in the dry scrub habitat and least in the wet forest habitat. One photosynthetic characteristic that exhibits little variation among the species within each genus, yet that exhibits a consistently large difference between the species within each habitat, is photosynthetic water-use efficiency. The C4 Euphorbia species possess water-use efficiencies that are 2–3½ times as high as those of the C3 Scaevola species, regardless of whether these species are native to very dry or very wet habitats. At present, the ecological significance of this large inherent difference in photosynthetic water-use efficiency is unknown. Indeed, it appears that neither photosynthetic pathway has imposed any major inherent constraints on the ability of the Scaevola and Euphorbia species to diversify into a wide variety of habitats.  相似文献   

栽培植物的分子生态学研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球变化的压力下和人类对自然生态系统的过分干扰下 ,许多物种面临灭绝或严重基因流失的威胁。直接或间接为人类提供食物 ,与人类紧密联系 ,人类赖以生存的栽培植物及其野生种只有几千种 ,它们也同样面临着遗传资源丢失的严重问题。如果这些问题不能引起重视 ,即使现存的物种多样性具有巨大的满足人类需要的潜力 ,人类未来也将难以预料。这一严峻的事实已引起全球性的重视 ,植物遗传资源的研究与保护已经提上了议事日程。由 IBPGR和 IUCN- WWF合作 ,Hoyt起草出版的《作物野生亲缘种的保护》为世界农作物遗传资源保护提供了行动指南…  相似文献   

This study investigated the application of pulse‐amplitude‐modulated (PAM) fluorometry as a rapid assessment of benthic macroalgal physiological status. Maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), dark–light induction curves, and rapid fluorescence light‐response curves (RLC) were measured on the filamentous macroalgal Cladophora sp. from Lake Ontario on 5 d at 16 sites spanning a gradient of light and nutrient supply. For Cladophora sp. growing in situ, light limitation was assessed by comparing average daily irradiance with the light utilization efficiency parameter (α) derived from RLCs. In this study, there was a nonlinear relationship between Fv/Fm and the degree of P limitation in macroalgae. However, only light‐saturated Cladophora sp. showed a significant positive linear relationship between Fv/Fm and P nutrient status. The absence of this relationship among light‐limited algae indicates that their photosynthetic rate would be stimulated by increased water clarity, and not by increased P supply. PAM fluorescence measures were successfully able to identify light‐saturated macroalgae and, among these, assess the degree to which they were nutrient limited. These results enable us to test hypotheses arising from numeric models predicting the impact of changes in light penetration and nutrient supply on benthic primary production.  相似文献   

取食不同寄主植物的棉铃虫对溴氰菊酯敏感性的变化   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
谭维嘉  赵焕香 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):155-160
本文利用生物测定和生物化学的方法,就取食不同寄主植物的棉铃虫Heliothis armigera(Hübner)对溴氰菊酯敏感性及体内酶的活力变化进行了初步探索.结果表明,不同寄主植物具有诱发棉铃虫对药剂敏感性发生变化的可能性.羧酸酯酶是引起这种变化的重要因素之一,这种酶广泛分布于昆虫体内务组织中,以消化道内的活力为最高.专一性酶抑制剂的增效试验显示,TPP与溴氰菊酯混配是溴氰菊酯单用时的9倍,证实羧酸酯酶是棉铃虫代谢溴氰菊酯杀虫剂的主要途径之一.  相似文献   

云南丽江-大理地区现代表土花粉垂直分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章主要研究云南丽江-大理地区不同海拔高度表土花粉。虽然松属花粉在各个植被带都占有优势,但是建群种花粉含量相对较高。降趋对应分析法(detrended correspondenc eanalysis,简称DCA)分析显示,表土花粉的分布和海拔之间具有非常密切的关系,DCA第一轴的值和海拔高度之间的线性相关系数达0.82(r^2=0.82)。此次研究表明,在云南山地,可以通过含量相对较高的花粉来重建古植被。  相似文献   

不同海拔藜芦种群繁殖特征的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 在北京东灵山地区,沿一定海拔梯度,对藜芦(Veratrum nigrum)这一雄花两性花同株的多年生草本植物的繁殖特征进行了初步研究。结果表明:藜芦开花植株的生物量显著大于未开花植株的生物量。藜芦开花植株大小存在最小临界值,总种群的最小临界值为2.61 g,不同种群的繁殖临界值存在一定的差异。根据花粉/胚珠比(Pollen / ovule ratio,P/O比)推测,藜芦应属于以异交为主的混合交配系统。雄花的大小与生物量都比两性花小,而且其开放时间也晚于两性花,但二者的花粉生产量却没有显著差异。这种现象与人们针对雄花两性花同株植物的雄花功能所提出的最优资源分配假说(Optimal resource allocation hypothesis)是一致的。  相似文献   

1. Through use of the pollen tube technique it has been possible to study the sensitivity of prophase stages to x-rays and ultraviolet, and to correlate the varying sensitivity with changes in the generative nucleus of Tradescantia. 2. Sensitivity to ultraviolet decreases from the 2 hour stage until at 11 hours after germination there is no further production of breaks. The 0 and 1 hour stages show a decreased sensitivity over the 2 hour stage but it has been suggested that this is not due to a decreased sensitivity but to shielding by the pollen wall. 3. Sensitivity to x-rays rises to a peak at the 4 hour stage, but then subsides until no breaks are realized (at a dose of 370.8 r) after the 10 hour stage. In this respect the effects of x-rays and ultraviolet are similar. Each type of x-ray break shows its own individual trend. 4. Correlation of x-ray breaks with changes in the generative nucleus indicates that the important events determining the sensitivity of the chromosomes to breakage are the uptake of water at the time of germination and the movement involved in spiralization. The total absence of breaks after the 11 hour stage is not understood. 5. The changing sensitivity to ultraviolet may depend on any one or all of three factors: (a) the nucleic acid cycle, (b) changes in the matrix, and (c) the number of subdivisions in the chromosome. These are discussed although their relative importance is not known.  相似文献   

Understanding the causes of variation in biotic interaction strength and phenotypic selection remains one of the outstanding goals of evolutionary ecology. Here we examine the variation in strength of interactions between two seed predators, common crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) and European red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), and mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) at and below tree limit in the Pyrenees, and how this translates into phenotypic selection. Seed predation by crossbills increased whereas seed predation by squirrels decreased with increasing elevation and as the canopy became more open. Overall, seed predation by crossbills averaged about twice that by squirrels, and the intensity of selection exerted by crossbills averaged between 2.6 and 7.5 times greater than by squirrels. The higher levels of seed predation by crossbills than squirrels were related to the relatively open nature of most of the forests, and the higher intensity of selection exerted by crossbills resulted from their higher levels of seed predation. However, most of the differences in selection intensity between crossbills and squirrels were the result of habitat features having a greater effect on the foraging behavior of squirrels than of crossbills, causing selection to be much lower for squirrels than for crossbills.  相似文献   

不同海拔青海云杉与祁连圆柏叶片抗氧化系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
以祁连山寺大隆林区连续海拔梯度(2 665~3 365 m)上青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)和祁连圆柏(Sabina przewalskii)为材料, 测定叶片中抗氧化保护系统的变化, 探讨常绿木本植物抗氧化系统对高山极端环境的适应机制。结果显示, 祁连圆柏和青海云杉叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量均与海拔高度呈正相关, 相同海拔上青海云杉MDA含量极显著高于祁连圆柏(p<0.01)。随海拔升高, 两树种抗氧化保护酶超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)活性和非酶促抗氧化剂脯氨酸(Pro)、抗坏血酸(AsA)、还原性谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量均呈明显增加趋势。青海云杉叶片的AsA水平高于祁连圆柏, 但对海拔变化的敏感性较低; 祁连圆柏的GSH、Pro水平及其对海拔变化的敏感性均高于青海云杉。结果表明, 研究区青海云杉所受过氧化伤害较祁连圆柏更严重, 但两树种清除O2-·的能力相当而主要负责分解H2O2的酶种有所不同: 祁连圆柏中为POD, 青海云杉中则为CAT、APX和GR, AsA-GSH循环系统在青海云杉活性氧清除中的作用强于在祁连圆柏中, 祁连圆柏的活性氧清除物质可能以Pro为主。  相似文献   

Limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) in Colorado occurs on sites from the upper treeline (3,350 m) to the lower treeline (1,650 m). In this study we examined pollination phenology at eight sites along this transect and allozyme frequencies in two populations at either end of the transect to evaluate the level of interpopulation gene flow. Pollen release and megastrobilus receptivity are synchronous within populations, lasting about 15 days. Pollination phenology is strongly affected by site elevation. Most sites that differ in elevation by more than 400 m do not have overlapping pollination periods, and thus interpopulation gene flow is restricted despite strong westerly winds. Gene frequencies are significantly different between upper and lower treeline populations at eight of the ten loci surveyed. Nevertheless, we estimate the level of gene flow to be 11.1 migrants per generation between these two populations. Stepping-stone pollen transfer between intermediate populations and a high level of gene flow via seeds may be responsible. Thus, despite the elevational restriction on long-distance gene flow via pollen, limber pine appears to maintain a high level of interpopulation gene flow.  相似文献   

不同植物类群物种丰富度垂直格局分形特征的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
格局和过程一直是生态学的核心问题,该文应用“非布朗运动随机分形”模型,在北京东灵山远离人为干扰地区的阴坡设置了两条宽2 m的样带,描述和比较了暖温带落叶阔叶林区乔木、灌木、草本以及总的植物物种丰富度在不同尺度上沿海拔梯度变异特征,以及相关的生态过程。研究结果表明:1)直接梯度法刻画了植物物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的总体变化趋势,并不能从中获得更多的信息。“非布朗运动随机分形”模型揭示了不同尺度上物种丰富度的空间变化并能和生态过程相联系,研究表明该模型适合对乔木、灌木和草本植物物种丰富度的垂直梯度格局特征进行描述,但对总的植物物种丰富度有一定的局限性。2)乔木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受两种生态过程的控制,小尺度上分形维数接近于2,主要受独立的不具有长程相关的生态过程控制,呈近随机分布;大尺度上分形维数接近于1,主要受自相关范围大、具有长程关联特性的生态过程控制,随海拔上升呈近似单调下降的趋势。灌木和草本物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受3种生态过程的控制,小尺度和大尺度上的特征与乔木相似;但在中等尺度上,分形维数接近于1.5,它们以近似布朗运动的形式变化。虽然乔木和灌木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上变化的尺度范围相似,但决定它们的主要生态过程完全不同,或相同的生态过程以截然不同的方式作用于两种不同的植物类群。总的植物物种丰富度在整个尺度范围内呈现标度不变性,这可能是由于决定其变化的生态过程作用尺度紧密相关,也可能因为该文研究范围的局限性。  相似文献   

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