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Spores were extracted from Carboniferous Lepidostrobus compressions in order to associate in situ microspores with dispersed species of Lycospora. Two hundred twenty-six cones were examined, of which 61 contained spores. Fertile cones came from the Westphalian D of England, Namurian B through Westphalian D of the Appalachian and Illinois basins, and the Westphalian D of the Western Interior. Cones were separated into species based on microspore and cone morphology. Lycospora trigonoreticulata was produced by Lepidostrobus princeps from Westphalian C-D rocks from Missouri, the Illinois Basin, and the Appalachian Basin. Lycospora rotunda was produced by Lepidostrobus sp. A from Westphalian A rocks of Alabama. Two cone species produced Lycospora torquifer: Lepidostrobus praelongus from the Westphalian D of Pennsylvania and Lepidostrobus variabilis from the Westphalian A and C of the Illinois and Appalachian basins. Lycospora punctata was produced by Lepidostrobus cf. squarrosus from the Westphalian D of England, the Appalachian Basin, and Illinois Basin. Lycospora noctuina was produced by Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis from the Namurian B/C of Illinois. Microspore species are differentiated primarily on the basis of size, cingulum structure and width, and ornamentation. Cone species differ in width and distal lamina size, shape, and attitude. Lycospora species isolated from clastic species of Lepidostrobus differ completely from those of coal-swamp species, confirming that lycopod trees from clastic environments represent biologically different species from those centered in coal swamps.  相似文献   

河南固始早石炭世杨山组植物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统描述了扬山组植物18属25种,其中以石松类及种子蕨和真蕨纲为主,仅少数属楔叶纲;石松类中发现不少叶座较小,叶痕相对较大的鳞木类植物,颇似华夏植物群中的鳞木类;首次报道了我国发现的古芦木孢囊穗.据对植物群综合分析,杨山组的时代为早石炭世中晚期.  相似文献   

Structurally preserved arborescent lycopsid fructifications are described from the Fayetteville Shale (Upper Mississippian) of northwestern Arkansas. Specimens of Lepidostrobus fayettevillense sp. n. range from complete cones 22.5 cm long and approximately 1.0 cm in diameter to smaller water-worn fragments. The cones consist of a central axis bearing closely spaced, spirally arranged sporophylls which extend from the cone axis at right angles. Each sporophyll consists of a pedicel which is turned up at its end to form a distal lamina. Sporangia are large and attached to the adaxial surface of each sporophyll. The vascular cylinder consists of a centrally located exarch protostele at least 1.1 mm in diameter. The new species is compared with morphologically similar lycopsid fructifications of equivalent age.  相似文献   

山西蜜源植物花粉的数量分类研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用系统聚类模型对山西13种蜜源植物花粉进行了数量分类研究,将它们分为5类,并论述了每类的显著特点,结果表明系统类方法应用于蜜源植物花粉的分类是有效的,此外,还讨论了系统聚类方法的适用性。  相似文献   

Abstract:  An association of a new permineralized flora with preserved anatomy and decalcified trilobite remains is described from early crenulata Zone (mid Tournaisian; Early Carboniferous) calcareous siltstones in a predominantly shale and minor limestone sequence low in the Ruxton Formation of the eastern Clarke River Basin, north-east Queensland. Whereas the trilobites belong to Linguaphillipsia , a common and diversified taxon in eastern Australia, the plants (with the exception of Stauropteris that was earlier identified from the Burdekin Basin) were known previously only from the Mississipian (Lower Carboniferous) of Western Europe. The plants represent a diverse assemblage comprising lycopsids, cladoxylaleans, a variety of fern rachises and seed plants, including stems ( Tristichia -type), Lyginorachis petioles and a new cupule, Ruxtonia minuta gen. et sp. nov., containing Hydrasperma ovules.  相似文献   

Three fragments of fascicles of a possible five-needle pine are described from the Upper Cretaceous Yezo Group (Santonian/Senonian) of Hokkaido. Specimens from the Omakizawa, Oyubari, Yubari City, the Koyanozawa, Ikushumbetsu, Mikasa City, and the Sankebetsugawa, Haboro are preserved in calcium carbonate nodules containing abundant ammonites. Leaves borne in apparent fascicles of five measure 0.7–0.8 mm in radial and 0.8–1.0 mm in tangential diam and are represented by short fragments of isolated needles. Thick-walled epidermal cells on these amphistomatic leaves resemble the underlying uniform hypodermis. Two external resin canals are situated near the lateral corners toward the adaxial surface. Only slightly plicate mesophyll cells in a layer one to two cells thick border on an elliptical endodermis with thickened outer cell walls. Two to three layers of transfusion tissue surround the double vascular strand. Two vascular bundles are separated by one cell layer of sclerenchyma fibers. Small patches of abaxial and adaxial sclerenchyma fibers have also been observed. Leaves most closely resemble those of Pinus leiophylla Schl. et Cham. Subgenus Pinus, Section Pinea, Subsection Leiophyllae and P. montezumae Lamb. Subgenus Pinus, Section Pinus, Subsection Ponderosae and are described as a new species P. hokkaidoensis sp. nov. Stockey and Ueda. Close anatomical comparisons are made with this leaf and previously described permineralized Upper Cretaceous pine needles from Hokkaido and eastern North America.  相似文献   

A permineralized flower bud, two stamen clusters and one isolated stamen of similar morphology have been found in the black cherts of the Middle Eocene Allenby Formation of Princeton, British Columbia. Specimens were studied using a modified cellulose acetate peel technique and hydrofluoric acid. The single flower specimen, 4.5 mm long and 4.0 mm in diameter, represents half of a relatively mature bud of a bisexual flower with a superior ovary. The two-loculate pistil is 2.5 mm long with a solid style and a lobed stigmatic surface. No ovules have been observed in attachment. Twenty-two to 24 stamens are borne in three whorls or a tight helix. Pollen sacs of the anther are elongate with a thin connective while filaments are laminar. Anther walls contain rectangular cells with dark contents that also can be identified in isolated stamens or stamen clusters. Abundant stephanocolpate (pentacolpate), psilate pollen grains 20 μm in diameter have been isolated and examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Grains are tectate, columellate with a broad foot layer that thins near the apertures, and an endexine of small platelets. The remains of four petals are surrounded by one large sepal, suggesting two in the whole flower. Morphological features of this flower are comparable to taxa of the Flacourtiaceae and Papaveraceae, but show closest similarities to the Eschscholziaeae of the Papaveraceae. Difficulties with reconciling the placement of this flower in the Eschscholziaeae and the known environment of deposition of the Princeton chert are discussed. The fossil material represents a new angiospermous taxon: Princetonia allenbyensis Stockey gen. et sp. nov., family Incertae sedis.  相似文献   

海南岛昌江地区石炭纪牙形刺化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
海南岛昌江地区前人所称南好组第四段及第三段分别发现的牙形刺Siphonodella isosticha-S.cooperi组合及Mesogondolella clarki组合,表明该组包括了早石炭早期及晚石炭世早中期,而不是传统的认为的属早石炭世并可能包括中-晚泥盆世,同时还证实原南好组第三段层位远远高于第四段,而不是位于其下,从而纠正了前人长期沿用的该地区石炭系层序的错误,并指出昌江地区石炭纪牙形刺属华南古生物地理系。  相似文献   

本文发表辽宁西部1新种, 即北栗山楂Crataegus beipiaogensis Tung et X.J.Tian;2新变种, 即球序绒毛胡枝子Lespedeza tomentosa Sieb.var.globiraccmi Tung et Lu.黄花阴山胡枝子Lespedeza inschanica(Maxim.)Schindl.var.flava Tung et Lu;2新变型, 即短序牛枝子Lespedeza potaninii Vassil f.brcviracemi Tung er Lu垂枝胡枝子Lespedeza bicolor Turcz f, pendunla Tunget Lu.  相似文献   

一种纯化高等植物叶绿体DNA的有效方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1984年,Bookjans et al.建立了高盐介质纯叶绿体DNA的方法。在我们进行的高粱叶绿体光系统基因研究中发现,用Bookjans的方法提取的ctDNA酶切效果欠佳,产率太低。应用我们反进的高盐低PH方法,纯化了高粱、小麦、水稻和速效豌豆等植物的ctDNA。结果表明,这种改进的方法具有有得率高,酶切效果好和操作简便等优点。  相似文献   

Some of the most conspicuous fruit and seed remains from the Middle Eocene Princeton chert locality (Allenby Formation) are assignable to the Araceae. Several thousand campylotropous, reniform, spiny seeds 2.5–3.2 mm long x 1.8–2.3 mm wide have been found dispersed in the chert. Two fruits, each with a single locule and at least eight ovules, show three distinct wall layers and appear to have been fleshy. The two layers of seed integument have pitted isodiametric sclereids aligned in radial rows, the outermost being thinner walled. Spines are borne in three rows on the dorsal seed surface while the ventral side is flattened. Idioblasts that probably contained raphides are present in the outer integument. Nucellar tissue is attached to the integument for most of its length and is well-preserved in some seeds near the chalaza and in the large conical shaped area beneath the micropyle. Endosperm cells with dark contents and curved, linear, monocotyledonous embryos are present in some seeds. Sections of seeds of living araceous taxa of the subfamilies Monsteroideae (Epipremnum, Rhodospatha) and Lasioideae (Urospatha, Cyrtosperma) were made for comparison. The fossil seeds represent a new taxon most closely related to Cyrtosperma, Keratosperma allenbyensis Cevallos-Ferriz et Stockey gen. et sp. nov., Family: Araceae, Subfamily: Lasioideae, Tribe: Lasieae. The Princeton remains are the oldest described seeds of this tribe known to date and add to our knowledge of the subtropical elements of the Princeton flora.  相似文献   

本文发表了中国湖北产2新植物, 扭叶眼子菜Potamogeton intortusifolius J.B.Ho et al., 弯果草茨藻Nafas graminca var.recurvata J.B.Ho et al.  相似文献   

Takats , Stephen T. (Brookhaven Natl. Lab., Upton, N. Y.) An attempt to detect utilization of DNA breakdown products from the tapetum for DNA synthesis in the microspores of Lilium longiflorum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(7): 748–758. Illus. 1962.—The tapetum in anthers of Lilium longiflorum encloses the developing microspores and when it degenerates is a possible source of precursor material for DNA4 synthesis in the microspores. To check this, time-course experiments were carried out tracing the fate of label introduced into the tapetal DNA. H3-thymidine was given in vivo to anthers during late pachytene of meiosis, when the tapetum can be selectively labelled. Growth was then followed by sampling anthers until the tapetum degenerated and the microspores synthesized DNA and divided. Autoradiographs indicated that the label in tapetal nuclei was lost shortly before DNA synthesis in the microspores. The microspore walls were transiently labelled, but the microspore nuclei did not incorporate a detectable amount of label. The results are discussed in the light of related biochemical findings, and are explained on the basis of: (1) complete catabolism of tapetal DNA (or tapetal thymine); and (2) the existence of a non-tapetal pool of precursors.  相似文献   

第二届"全国花粉资源开发与利用"研讨会在西安举行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花宣 《古生物学报》1993,32(1):128-128
从贵州独山早石炭世上司组海参化石的发现,进一步讨论海参集合体的特点及其意义,海参化石组合特征,并与国内外石炭系海参进行对比,同时描述了上司组海参化石8属12种,包括5新种.  相似文献   

Patterns of activity in the vascular cambium of Carboniferous arborescent lycopods (Paralycopodites and Stigmaria) were studied by analysis of serial tangential sections of the secondary xylem. The analysis assumes that cell patterns in the wood accurately reflect those of the corresponding cambium. An evaluation using indirect evidence indicates that the assumption is valid as far as can be determined from comparison with living plants. The tracheids of the secondary xylem enlarge in a centrifugal pattern, suggesting a progressive enlargement of the fusiform initials. There is no evidence of periodic anticlinal division of these initials, and it is proposed that the increase in cambial circumference was accommodated primarily by an increase in fusiform initial size. In some axes with abundant secondary xylem there is evidence that isolated initials or groups of initials sporadically subdivided to form numerous, spindle-shaped meristematic cells. Some of these cells subsequently developed into typical cambial initials. Tissues presumably formed during the cessation of cambial growth in Lepidodendron and Stigmaria are described; the structure of the tissues is suggestive of a postmeristematic parenchymatous sheath. It is concluded that cambial activity in these arborescent cryptogams was clearly different from that of modern seed plants, further attesting to the distinctive nature of this ancient group.  相似文献   

辽西中上侏罗统土城子组植物化石的新发现   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
报道产自辽宁北票三宝营土城子组2种木化石及10种植物化石(包括5新种)。它们反映了干旱气候条件下沙漠绿洲型的植被特征,时代属时代属中晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

李锡文 《植物研究》1983,3(3):67-74
多年上草本,根茎匍甸、木质,略粗厚,主根1-3,外皮红赤色,横切面淡黄色,粗达5毫米,须根多数。茎直立,高30-80厘米,有时在1米以上,钝四棱形,具四槽,初被微柔毛,后变近无毛,常带紫色。  相似文献   

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