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Compressions and impressions of leafy twigs, pollen cones, and seed cones of Athrotaxites berryi are abundant in certain layers of the Kootenai Formation (Aptian) in Montana and the Lower Blairmore Formation in adjacent Alberta. The twigs are densely covered by helically arranged leaves that are about 2 mm long and wide. Pollen cones are borne laterally on ultimate branch segments. Some are sessile, while others terminate a minute lateral branch. The cones are 3–4 mm in diam and about 10 mm long. Each sporophyll has a stalk that is about 0.7 mm long and an upturned laminar tip that is 1–1.5 mm long by 1 mm wide. At least two pollen sacs are attached to the abaxial side of each sporophyll. Seed cones are borne terminally on lateral branches that are often curved. These cones are about 10 mm at their widest diameter and about 15 mm long. Each bract and associated ovuliferous scale are fused to form a wedge-shaped complex that is 4–5 mm long. The complex is 0.7 mm wide at its base and expands to about 2.5 mm wide and thick near its apex. The tip of the complex narrows abruptly to a point and terminates in a spine that is about 0.5 mm long. At least one seed occurs on the adaxial side of each complex. Athrotaxites berryi belongs to the Taxodiaceae. It resembles modern Athrotaxis cupressoides but differs from it in too many aspects to be included in the modern genus.  相似文献   

Mature anthers of Eupatorium serotinum Michx., E. coelestinum L. and E. purpureum L. (Compositae: Eupatorieae) contain both loose mature pollen grains and acetolysis-resistant extratapetal sacs enclosing clusters of immature pollen. Many sacs contain incompletely developed pollen grains that differ in size diameter, with spines of varying lengths and degrees of acuity and with colpal areas having narrow to markedly protracted margins. We presume that all nutrients for pollen development within sacs come from plasmodial tapetum included therein. Thus, pollen in portions of the sac or in isolated sacs with inadequate plasmodial tapetum may be incompletely developed. Such partial development may result from stress, e.g. insufficient nutrients and water. While our data are from three species of Eupatorium, we have long noted the syndrome in other Eupatorieae and other tribes in the Compositae. Curtailing supplies for development of some portions of an anther could be an evolutionary strategy for survival of the species through periods of stress.  相似文献   

Monoletes pollen extracted from the seed fern synangium Dolerotheca sclerotica Baxter illustrate four stages in the development of the sporoderm. In the first stage the grains are up to 100 μm long and possess an apparent homogeneous exine in which there is little differentiation between the nexine and sexine. Numerous nexine lamellae and the initiation of sexine expansion mark stage 2 in exine ontogeny. Further expansion of the sexine continues in the third stage until the ratio between the nexine and sexine is approximately 1:5. The final stage in maturation of the sporoderm shows an expanded alveolate sexine with some of the sporopollenin units broken and disorganized. It is at this stage of development that nexine lamellae are most prominent. The formation of sporoderm layers in the fossil grains is compared with pollen grain development in living cycads (Cycadophyta) and a model proposed to account for the apparent early formation of nexine lamellae in Monoletes. The evolution of exine components in early pollen types is discussed.  相似文献   

A permineralized flower bud, two stamen clusters and one isolated stamen of similar morphology have been found in the black cherts of the Middle Eocene Allenby Formation of Princeton, British Columbia. Specimens were studied using a modified cellulose acetate peel technique and hydrofluoric acid. The single flower specimen, 4.5 mm long and 4.0 mm in diameter, represents half of a relatively mature bud of a bisexual flower with a superior ovary. The two-loculate pistil is 2.5 mm long with a solid style and a lobed stigmatic surface. No ovules have been observed in attachment. Twenty-two to 24 stamens are borne in three whorls or a tight helix. Pollen sacs of the anther are elongate with a thin connective while filaments are laminar. Anther walls contain rectangular cells with dark contents that also can be identified in isolated stamens or stamen clusters. Abundant stephanocolpate (pentacolpate), psilate pollen grains 20 μm in diameter have been isolated and examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Grains are tectate, columellate with a broad foot layer that thins near the apertures, and an endexine of small platelets. The remains of four petals are surrounded by one large sepal, suggesting two in the whole flower. Morphological features of this flower are comparable to taxa of the Flacourtiaceae and Papaveraceae, but show closest similarities to the Eschscholziaeae of the Papaveraceae. Difficulties with reconciling the placement of this flower in the Eschscholziaeae and the known environment of deposition of the Princeton chert are discussed. The fossil material represents a new angiospermous taxon: Princetonia allenbyensis Stockey gen. et sp. nov., family Incertae sedis.  相似文献   

Upatoia barnardii gen. et sp. nov., a conifer pollen cone from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Eutaw Formation of Upatoi Creek, Georgia, USA, is known from lignified and fusainised mesofossils that preserve its three-dimensional structure. The cone consists of numerous helically arranged microsporophylls, each composed of a thin stalk and distal lamina. Three elongate pollen sacs are attached to the base of the lamina. Pollen grains isolated from the pollen sacs are relatively large (52 – 75 μm), spheroidal to ellipsoidal in outline, lack sacci, and have a thickened equatorial exine that is often strongly folded. Pollen of Upatoia barnardii indicates a close relationship to extant Araucariaceae. Microsporophylls of U. barnardii confirm suggestions from previous studies of fossil material that some Mesozoic Araucariaceae had only three pollen sacs per microsporophyll, in contrast to extant species that often have more than ten pollen sacs per microsporophyll.  相似文献   

Six examples of a spicate inflorescence from the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation in western Tennessee have been investigated. Individual flowers are small, alternately arranged, nearly sessile, and perfect. The style protrudes 2 mm beyond the floral envelope and terminates in a slightly swollen, rounded stigma. Both the style and the stigma are hairy. Ten stamens are exserted and extend 5 mm beyond the floral envelope. Anthers are small, versatile, and dehisce longitudinally. Pollen grains are tricolporate, tectate, and are in permanent tetrahedral tetrads 32 μm in diameter. Comparison of the fossil inflorescences with those of extant families having multiple pollen grain configurations suggests that the fossil inflorescences are most closely allied to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the Leguminosae. These are the first structurally documented remains of the Mimosoideae from the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology and ultrastructure of exine of Podocarpaceae in China were examined with light microscope, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The pollen grains of Podocarpus have rather large and prominent sacs on both sides of body, and are 53.9-74.8 μm long in total, with their bodies 29.6-45.2 μm long and 19.1-31.3 μm wide. The sacs are smooth on outer surface with perforation, but reticulate inside. On distal view, they are obviously of radial muri from its base. The body is oblate or spheroidal, laddershaped on distal face. The exine of the capis tuberculate, but more distinctly on the margin than in the centre. The pollen grains of Dacrydium are of small and indistinct sacs around body, which are composed of many small bladders. The body is subcircular in outline. Both body and sacs are irrugulate tuberculate under SEM. Examination of thin sections of Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki with TEM reveals that the exine includes ectexine and endexine. It is interesting to note that foot layer of ectexine possesses lamellar stru cture, but endexine is homogeneous in structure and lighter in colour. This character is specific in the gymnosperms. Based on informations of fossil pollen grains, Podocarpaceae is rather primitive and of ancient origin.  相似文献   

Stewartiotheca gen. n. is a bell-shaped, unisynangiate pollen organ with eccentric radial symmetry and a single series of about 80 pollen sacs. Infoldings that vary in depth occur circumferentially and extend from the periphery to a point off center. This position also marks the location of a sclerenchyma column (proximally) and a sclerenchyma-lined, conical hollow (distally) that opens onto the distal face of the organ. Plates of ground parenchyma extend inward from the outer covering of the organ at locations of infoldings, while similar plates with sclerenchyma strands occur between these locations. Pre-pollen of Monoletes type was released through distal longitudinal slitlike openings of the pollen sac faces toward the sclerenchymatous ground tissue plates. Vascular bundles entering the organ undergo repeated dichotomies, and lead to numerous bundles both in the cover (one per sac for those sacs that abut directly on cover tissue) and internally (one per pair of pollen sacs that lie opposite one another across the location of an infolding). The most complex permineralized medullosan pollen organs Sullitheca, Stewartiotheca, and Dolerotheca are considered to have evolved from a similar type of cup-shaped organ with a single ring of pollen sacs, broadly open distally, and with a central hollow. Circumferential infoldings of one organ of this type were involved in the origin of both Stewartiotheca and Sullitheca, while four similar organs, each showing infoldings non-circumferentially, fused to produce the Dolerotheca type organ (exemplified by D. formosa), a compound synangium.  相似文献   

A new genus of fossil angiosperms (Spanomera gen. nov.) is established for flowers from two localities in the mid-Cretaceous Potomac Group of Maryland, eastern North America. The type species, Spanomera mauldinensis sp. nov., from the early Cenomanian Elk Neck beds, has inflorescence units with terminal pistillate, and lateral staminate flowers. The organization of inflorescences and flowers is opposite and decussate. Staminate flowers typically have five tepals: two lateral, one posterior, and two in the anterior position. Each tepal is opposed to a stamen with a short filament, dorsifixed anther, and two pairs of pollen sacs. Stamens contain pollen comparable to the dispersed pollen species Striatopollis paraneus (Norris) Singh. Pistillate flowers have two lateral tepals and two anterior-posterior tepals that are opposed to two carpels. Carpels are slightly fused basally along their ventral margins and are semicircular in outline with a long, decurrent, papillate ventral stigma. Frequently this stigmatic surface has abundant attached pollen of the Striatopollis paraneus type. Spanomera marylandensis sp. nov., from the late Albian Patapsco Formation, is similar to S. mauldinensis but is known only from isolated flowers and floral parts. Staminate flowers have four stamens with dorsifixed anthers and each is opposed to a tepal. Stamens contain pollen comparable to the dispersed pollen species Striatopollis vermimurus (Brenner) Srivastava. Carpels have pollen of S. vermimurus on the stigma. Spanomera provides further evidence of unisexual but probably insect-pollinated flowers among mid-Cretaceous, early nonmagnoliid (“higher”) dicotyledons, and is interpreted as closely related to extant Buxaceae. Characters that Spanomera shares with other taxa suggest that the Buxaceae themselves may be closely related to Myrothamnaceae and other “lower” Hamamelididae.  相似文献   

The proexine that forms within the callosic envelope before the end of the microspore tetrad period is thick (about 1 μm) and exceptionally complex. It has components equatable with tectum, columellae, and a nexine that includes lamellar zones. All these components persist in the exine although late in development they become difficult to recognize because this exine is reduced in thickness, apparently by stretching, to a maximum of 0.2 μm. Strelitzia is an example of an exine template, with receptors for sporopollenin, that is not maintained during development. The Strelitzia microspore surface changes from an exine like that on an interaperture sector to the channeled intinelike system common for the apertures of pollen grains. The exine on sterile grains gives what may be a rare view of a stabilized immature exine. The mature exine on viable pollen grains resembles this early exine only in the most impressionistic way. Tapetal cells go through at least one cycle of hyperactivity, dedifferentiation, mitosis, and then again hyperactivity before they finally decline.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics, as well as ultrastructure of pollen grains, chromosome numbers and karyotype analysis have been used to establish a new species of Saussurea from the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau. The new species, Saussurea pseudograminea Y. F. Wang, G. Z. Du et Y. S. Lian is easily distinguished from the similar S. graminea Dunn by having 2–3 capitula, involucre 0.7–1.2 cm in diameter, smaller pollen grains, pollen surface with larger and denser spines, achenes 4.0–5.5 mm long, 32 chromosomes, and a karyotype formula 2n = 2x = 32 = 18m + 10sm + 4st, whereas S. graminea has solitary capitula, involucre 1.2–2.0 cm in diameter, larger pollen grains, pollen surface with smaller and sparser spines, achenes 3–4 mm long, 28 chromosomes and a karyotype formula 2n = 2x = 28 = 6m + 20sm + 2st. The new species is distributed in Dianzhangou, Awanchang, and Gamaliang mountain regions of Maqu county in Gansu province.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 15 taxa of the genus Chelonopsis (14 spp. and 1 variety) from China and Japan and 6 species of the closely related genera Bostrychanthera (1 species) and Gomphostemma (5 species) were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Of these, the pollen morphology of 18 taxa was studied for the first time. Pollen grains were found to be tricolpate with polar lengths of 20.8–30.0 μm and equatorial widths of 17.5–27.3 μm. The basic shape of the pollen in most taxa is subprolate or prolate-spheroidal, but spheroidal, subprolate-spheroidal, oblate-spheroidal, and prolate-subprolate grains are also found in some species. The surface is generally reticulate or suprareticulate in Chelonopsis and granulate in Bostrychanthera. In comparison with those of Chelonopsis and Bostrychanthera, the pollen grain surfaces of Gomphostemma are more diverse. In Chelonopsis, pollen is taxonomically useful at the sectional level, and some grains provide enough characters for species delimitation. The potential pollination ecology of cellular hairs on the anthers of Chelonopsis and Bostrychanthera is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Light microscopic observations were made on 22 ovules from fertile plants and 108 ovules from sterile plants of the cv. KS synaptic mutant, a highly male-sterile, female-sterile line of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (2n = 2x = 40). Ovules of fertile siblings contained normal embryo sacs and embryos. Ovules from sterile plants contained various irregularities. The most consistent abnormality was the failure of the embryo sac to attain normal size. Small megasporocytes of irregular shape were seen; only one megasporocyte of normal shape and size was noted. No linear tetrads were found. However, two ovules contained nonlinear triads. A range from zero to 28 cells and nuclei, of various sizes, were identifiable in small megagametophytes and embryo sacs. Degeneration of these nuclei and cells was noted as early as the four-nucleate gametophyte stage. Other ovules contained degenerated nucellar centers without embryo sacs. Two ovules appeared to be normal. Late postpollination stages were marked by shrunken nucellus and integuments. The presence of pollen tube traces, endosperm, and aborting embryos in ovules of hand-pollinated flowers from sterile plants suggested that no incompatibility was involved. Degeneration of the gametophyte and embryo sac contents at many developmental stages indicated a wide array of effects, possibly resulting from meiotic irregularities similar to those seen in microsporogenesis of this mutant.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of prepollen from the medullosan seed fern Stewartiotheca warrenae Eggert and Rothwell has been studied with the scanning electron microscope. Nitrocellulose (“liquid” type) peel preparations of pollen organ sections were placed on millipore filters and the grain fragments were extracted by rinsing the peels with acetone. Prepollen is of the Monoletes-type and is elliptical in polar view, averaging 264 μm long and 183 μm wide. Individual grains possess two deep, crescent-shaped grooves on the distal surface and a monolete suture with a median deflection proximally. The exine is constructed of a thick (1–2 μm), homogeneous nexine layer overlain by a sexine that is characterized by interconnecting spheroidal chambers. Chamber diameter decreases only slightly from the exterior of the sexine, inward, but the frequency and degree of interconnection among the chambers increases noticeably toward the interior of the wall layer. With regard to this latter feature the prepollen of Stewartiotheca appears intermediate between the organizations known for other Monoletes grains. The grains of Stewartiotheca compare most closely with those of Dolerotheca and Sullitheca.  相似文献   

A new lignitised, slightly compressed pollen organ, Erdtmanitheca portucalensis, with affinities to extinct Erdtmanithecales from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian) of Vale de Água (Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal), is described. The pollen organ is composed of loosely arranged microsporophylls radiating from a central core. The estimated number of microsporophylls is about 100–150. The microsporophylls are sessile and ellipsoidal to barrel-shaped with a flattened or slightly apically depression containing about ten narrow sporangia. The sporangia enclose abundant well-preserved pollen grains of Eucommiidites-type. Pollen grains found in situ are elliptical in equatorial outline, about 16.0–27.2 μm long and 11.9–16.4 μm wide. The main (distal) colpus is long with expanded rounded ends. It is flanked by two subsidiary colpi in an almost equatorial position. The surface of the pollen wall is psilate and occasionally punctate. The ektexine is composed of a distinct tectum, granular infratectal layer and a thin foot layer. The endexine is thick and laminar. The new Early Cretaceous Portuguese pollen-organ is similar in several respects to that of Erdtmanitheca texensis described from the Late Cretaceous of Texas, USA. The new fossil species further documents the importance of the Bennettitales-Erdtmanithecales-Gnetales group in the Early Cretaceous floras of Portugal extending the stratigraphic and geographical distribution of the genus with regard to systematic and phylogenetic significance of the Eucommiidites-producing plants that may have been co-occurring with the Early Cretaceous diversification of angiosperms. It is ascertained that perforate tectum occurs in pollen grains with a well-developed foot layer as well as in pollen grains in which a foot layer is poorly developed or lacking, and that pollen features do not support a separation of the Erdtmanithecales seeds and pollen organs.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen grains with morphological features unique in the subtribe Nassauviinae (tribe Mutisieae, Asteraceae) occur in Miocene marine deposits of eastern Patagonia, southern South America. A new morphogenus and two morphospecies are proposed to assemble fossil pollen grains characterized by having a complex bilayered exine structure with delicate columellae, separated by an internal tectum. Subprolate specimens with Trixis exine type (ectosexine thinner than endosexine, straight internal tectum) are referred to Huanilipollis cabrerae. This species is similar to pollen of recent Holocheilus, Jungia, and Proustia. Suboblate specimens with Oxyphyllum exine type (ectosexine and endosexine equally thick, zigzag internal tectum) are referred to Huanilipollis criscii. This species is similar to pollen of recent Triptilion. The spore/pollen sequences in which Nassauviinae pollen types occur suggest a wide range of vegetation types varying from forest dominated during the Early Miocene (Chenque Formation) to virtually xerophytic ones during the Late Miocene (Puerto Madryn Formation). The subtribe Nassauviinae comprises 25 genera and ca. 320 species of vines, shrubs and low trees endemic to America with a wide range of ecological preferences; the nearest living relatives of the fossil types being mostly confined to humid landscapes. The unusual occurrence of these groups during the arid characterized Late Miocene time could be attributed to the complex interplay of the mountain uplift and global circulation patterns. These forcing factors would have created a mosaic of different habitats with both patches of forest and dry-adapted species developing in relatively small regions. This is the first fossil record of Nassauviinae and confirms that this subtribe of Asteraceae was already differentiated in the Miocene.  相似文献   

Jepsonia parryi (Saxifragaceae) has heterostylous flowers and is strongly self-incompatible. Pin flowers have long styles, large stigmas, short stamens, and numerous, small pollen grains with finely sculptured walls. Thrum flowers have short styles, small stigmas, long stamens, and fewer, larger pollen grains with coarsely sculptured walls. Pin plants and thrum plants occur in a 1:1 ratio in field populations. Although the insect pollinators of J. parryi transfer ample compatible pollen to pin and thrum stigmas to account for full seed production, much of the pollen deposited on stigmas is incompatible. Analysis of the pollen deposits on stigmas collected from field populations indicates that compatible “legitimate” pollination of pin and thrum flowers is essentially random and is not obviously aided by floral dimorphism. It is suggested that although heterostyly had a positive adaptive value in the past evolutionary history of Jepsonia it is no longer adaptive under the present pollination regime, although it is maintained because of its strong genetic fixity.  相似文献   

Eucharis, Caliphruria, and Urceolina form a monophyletic group of petiolate-leaved, Neotropical Amaryllidaceae ecologically specialized to the understory of primary tropical rain forest below 2,000 m elevation. Pollen morphology of the three genera is surveyed. Pollen grains of all species of Eucharis, Caliphruria, and Urceolina are boat-shaped elliptic, monosulcate, heteropolar, and bilateral in symmetry. Exine sculpturing is semitectate-columellate and reticulate in all species examined. A transformation series in reticulum coarseness and pollen grain size is described. The large pollen grain with coarse reticulum of most Eucharis species is considered ancestral. The fine reticulation of Caliphruria is considered derived and the exine morphology of Urceolina is intermediate. Both of these genera have medium-sized pollen grains. Exine dimorphism common to all Urceolina, but rare in Eucharis and Caliphruria, may be symplesiomorphous among those taxa exhibiting this morphology. The three genera are largely uniform in pollen grain ultrastructure, with completely ektexinous exines. Pollen grain size in Eucharis is not closely correlated with style length. Several wide-ranging species show considerable intraspecific variation in pollen size. Parallelisms in pollen grain evolution among related tribes of Neotropical Amaryllidaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-one specimens of a small megasporangiate lycopsid cone referable to the genus Porostrobus Nathorst and abundant associated dispersed megaspores have been collected from Early Pennsylvanian strata in the Allied Stone Company quarry, Milan, Illinois. Based on other elements in the flora, the deposit is considered to be part of the Morrowan Caseyville Formation and probably of Namurian age. This is the first reported occurrence of Porostrobus in North America and the cones are recognized as a new species, P. nathorstii. The environment of deposition indicates that the cones may have been transported from the parent plant prior to preservation. Cones are preserved as coalified compressions measuring 15–36 mm long by 2.5–7 mm wide, and are characterized by an apical tuft of leaves up to 20 mm long. Sporophylls are spirally arranged on a narrow cone axis, lack a heel or keel, and have a long distal lamina. Sporangia contain a single functional megaspore tetrad. Mature megaspores are 750–1, 150 μm in diameter, have prominent trilete sutures raised to form a gula, and have numerous branched hairs confined to an equatorial band. Megaspores correspond to the dispersed form Setosisporites praetextus (Zerndt) Potonie and Kremp. Porostrobus nathorstii is the only species of the genus described to date that is monosporangiate.  相似文献   

Fossil chloranthoid androecia,Chloranthistemon endressii gen. et spec. nov. are described from the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian or Lower Campanian) of Scania, southern Sweden. They are three-lobed and dorsiventrally flattened with all pollen sacs borne laterally and inclined toward the presumed adaxial surface. The central lobe bears two pairs of pollen sacs, the lateral lobes a single pair each. The morphology, anatomy and valvate dehiscence of the fossil androecia is very similar to that seen in extant species ofChloranthus andSarcandra, but the in situ pollen differs from that of all extantChloranthaceae in being spiraperturate. A single chloranthoid androecium from the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) of Maryland, North America has a more generalized structure thanChloranthistemon endressii. It consists of three stamens that are fused at the base, and each stamen bears two pairs of oppositely positioned pollen sacs. Combined with anatomical information from recentChloranthus the Lower Cretaceous specimen suggests that the androecium in the living genus has arisen by fusion and other modifications of three separate stamens each with a normal complement of four pollen sacs. The structure of both the Upper and Lower Cretaceous androecia suggest that these fossilChloranthaceae were insectpollinated. Macrofossil evidence combined with information from dispersed pollen indicates that theChloranthaceae diversified early in angiosperm fossil history and were an important component of Mid-Cretaceous plant communities.  相似文献   

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