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 研究处于片断化生境中濒危植物的繁育系统、传粉过程及生殖成功状况, 可为评估物种的受胁迫程度及制订相应的保护和管理策略提 供重要依据。通过野外观察和人工授粉实验等方法,对片断化生境中濒危植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)的开花生物学和繁育系统 进行了初步研究, 并探讨了影响其生殖成功的因素。黄梅秤锤树的总状花序上通常有两性花2~6朵, 单花花期约5~7 d, 单花花药不同步开裂 使整朵花花粉活力持续时间延长。虽然花开放过程中柱头始终高于花药, 在单花水平上可在一定程度上避免同花自交的发生, 但由于花粉活力 和柱头可授期之间有一定的重叠期, 在自然情况下, 由于外界媒介动物和风媒的作用, 不可避免地会产生同株同花和同株异花传粉。实验结果 表明, 该种不存在无融合生殖现象, 繁育类型以异交为主, 部分自交亲和且需要传粉者。主要的传粉昆虫为黑带食蚜蝇(Epistrophe balteata) 、中华蜜蜂 (Apis cerana) 和中华回条蜂(Habropoda sinensis)。黄梅秤锤树自然状态下的结实率较低(10.33%), 平均每果种子数较少(0.387 个), 这主要与传粉昆虫少、花粉传递效率低, 以及柱头上自花及同株异花花粉的落置和自交亲和性低有关。但是单株较大的开花量保证了一定 的果实和种子产量, 使居群能自然更新。部分自交亲和性可能为该物种适应生境片断化提供了一定的生殖保障及进化潜力。对该残存居群的保 护, 应着眼于加强对传粉昆虫赖以生存的自然生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   

Delayed autonomous self-pollination allows outcrossing to occur while also ensuring that seeds are produced in the absence of pollen vectors. We investigated variation in the efficacy of this pollination mechanism in populations of Hibiscus laevis. Recurvature of stylar branches occurred after 1 d of anthesis, and in plants from Ohio, Illinois, Arkansas, and Oklahoma this behavior resulted in autonomous selfing (surprisingly, stylar movement was facultative in that it did not take place when the stigmas were already pollinated). In contrast to these more northern populations, the distance between anthers and stigmas was too great to allow autonomous selfing in plants from Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Greenhouse studies of plants from Ohio demonstrated that autonomous selfing resulted in an average of 29.5 seeds per flower, as compared to 59.9 seeds per flower from hand-pollination of stigmas with self pollen. In an assessment of the possible significance of this selfing mode, emasculated flowers did not set significantly fewer seeds in a natural stand in Ohio, suggesting that few seeds resulted from autonomous selfing at that site. Modest inbreeding depression was detected at this population. Our results suggest that delayed autonomous selfing is more common in northern populations, where it may facilitate population establishment and persistence at times when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

We measured outcrossing rates of several North Carolina populations of the annual weed Datura stramonium including both natural populations and experimental populations in which we manipulated plant spatial arrangement. Because capsules of D. stramonium typically produce hundreds of seeds and we used an easily scored genetic marker for flower and hypocotyl color, we could measure outcrossing rates accurately for both individual plants and single flowers. The population-wide estimates of outcrossing rates were surprisingly low for a species with showy, entomophilous flowers and ranged from 1.9% in an experimental population with a “clumped” spatial arrangement to 8.5% in an experimental population with a “dispersed” arrangement. These low values were not produced by pollinator discrimination among flower color morphs, as determined by outcrossing measurements on test plants of different colors and by direct observations of pollinator behavior. For individual plants and single flowers in the experimental populations, variation in outcrossing rates was significantly affected by such population-wide characteristics as plant spatial arrangement and nightly fluctuations in total floral abundance. However, by far the most important factor was stigma position. Flowers with stigmas above the anthers had significantly higher outcrossing rates than did flowers with overlapping stigma and anthers. The strong effect of floral morphology suggests that the very low population-wide levels of outcrossing in D. stramonium may represent a persistent mixing mating system rather than a transition to complete selfing.  相似文献   

山莨菪(茄科)的传粉生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茄科的多数种类具有自交不亲和的特点, 主要通过异花传粉结实; 但是, 一些物种或者物种内的部分种群或者个体却高度自交亲合, 转变为自交的繁育系统。该科植物山莨菪(Anisodus tanguticus)主要分布在青藏高原, 开花较早, 比其他晚开花的植物种类更加缺少有效的异花传粉昆虫。我们选择了位于不同海拔高度的2个种群进行比较研究, 主要目的是检验该物种的繁育系统是否在极端环境下由于传粉者的缺乏而发生了部分改变。研究发现,山莨菪的花不完全雌性先熟, 柱头和花药间的平均距离随着花开放时间的延长而不断缩小, 但两者在多数花的单花花期结束时并没有发生接触。因此, 山莨菪花主要表现为适应异花传粉的雌雄异位特征。然而, 少数花 (4.9%)的柱头和花药发生接触, 为“自动自交”的传粉解除了空间隔离。2个种群的多数个体存在自交不亲和机制, 应具有异花传粉的繁育系统; 但是部分个体具有明显的自交亲和能力, 为自交提供了生理基础。高海拔种群的传粉昆虫主要是厕蝇(Fannia sp.), 它们在不同植株间的活动能够保证异花传粉结实; 同时该种群的部分个体存在“自动自交”。低海拔种群的主要访花昆虫是蚂蚁, 它们在花内的活动导致花粉在同一朵花内传递, 而引起“协助自交”; 而异花传粉昆虫厕蝇的访花频率则较高海拔种群低。两个种群的结实均由于异花传粉者不足而受到传粉限制。因此两种不同类型的自交机制为该早期开花植物异花访花昆虫的不足提供了一定程度上的繁殖补偿。  相似文献   

高山植物扁蕾的延迟自交机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
扁蕾(Gentianopsis barbata)具有鲜艳的花和显著的腺体,并且花开放的前5 d柱头和花药始终处于不同的位置(雌雄异位),这些花综合征表明该植物应为异花传粉。为检验这一假设,我们对青藏高原植物扁蕾的海北站种群进行了3年的传粉生物学研究实验。与花综合征所表明的繁育系统相反,两年的野外观察发现昆虫的访花频率十分低,不去雄并隔离昆虫处理也能产生大量种子,说明这一种群的繁殖主要是依赖于自花传粉。尽管利用种子结实评价的柱头可授性从花开放4 d后开始下降,但随着花的发育进程,雄蕊的伸长能使得花药与柱头完全接触。实验也证明,柱头可授性和花粉活力都超过5 d,说明花药和柱头的接触能够发生自花授粉。扁蕾的这种自花传粉机制应属于典型的延迟自交类型。自花授粉发生在单花花期快要结束前,自交之前仍然保持异交传粉机制,这种延迟自交避免了自交与异交竞争造成的花粉或者种子折损,并为扁蕾在青藏高原极端环境下由于访花昆虫缺乏造成的异交失败提供了繁殖保障。  相似文献   

Collinsia verna, blue-eyed Mary, has floral attributes of an outcrossing species, yet most flowers readily self-pollinate under greenhouse conditions. Here we describe the mechanism of self-pollination in C. verna via changes in relative positions of the stigma and anthers and late timing of receptivity, resulting in delayed selfing. Each flower contains four anthers that dehisce sequentially over ∼1 wk. Pollen that is not collected by pollinators accumulates in the keel petal and retains high viability (>80% pollen germination) up to the time of corolla abscission. The stigmatic surface does not become receptive until after the third anther dehisces. This overlap in the sexual phases is concurrent with a change in herkogamy during floral development. In most flowers (70%), the stigma has moved to the front of the keel and is positioned near the anthers when the third anther dehisces. Under field conditions, fruiting success of plants within pollinator exclosures was ∼75% of the fruiting success in open-pollinated plants (33% fruiting success via autogamy vs. 44% fruiting success, respectively). Collinsia verna plants in pollinator exclosures exhibit variation in autogamy rates within natural populations (range 0–80%). In addition, only half of naturally pollinated, receptive flowers examined had pollen tubes growing in their styles. In contrast, shortly after corolla abscission, nearly all flowers examined (96%) had pollen tubes in their styles. Thus we find that in C. verna, autogamy occurs late in floral development, which has the potential to provide substantial reproductive assurance, and that individuals vary in their ability to set fruit through this mechanism. We suggest that delayed selfing mechanisms may be overlooked in other species and that variable pollinator availability may play a significant role in the maintenance of mixed mating in species with delayed selfing, such as C. verna.  相似文献   

Diversity in flower size and degree of exsertion of anthers and stigma from the corolla in the California species of Trichostema appear to be correlated with breeding system and pollinator type (bee vs. bird). Autogamous (self-pollinating) species unlike xenogamous (cross-pollinating) species lack spatially separate anthers and stigma and nototribic pollination. The outcrossing species have significantly larger flowers, significantly larger nectar volumes and significantly higher pollen-ovule ratios than do selfing species. Because autogamous species are less reliant on flower visitors to facilitate pollination, there may be relaxed selection for large nectar producing flowers. Pollen-ovule ratios are correlated with breeding system and reflect the efficiency of pollen transport. Data on floral parameters suggest xenogamous species expend more energy per floral unit and are less efficient seed producers than closely related autogamous species.  相似文献   

The significance of single flower visits by pollinators on the reproductive success of the Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius, with explosive flowers was investigated. Unexploded flowers (intact flowers) produced no fruit, implying that autonomous selfing and apomixis do not occur and that the explosion of flowers by insects is necessary for the fertilization of flowers. The fruit set in the natural condition was intermediate between that in artificial selfing or exploding and that in artificial outcrossing. Seed set and the ratio of seeds to ovules did not differ significantly between the natural condition and artificial outcrossing. The fruit set by a single flower visit from Apis mellifera was similar to natural conditions. Apis mellifera was the most frequent visitor and the number of flowers tripped open per hour was the highest among all the flower visitors. Approximately 75% of pollen on a flower disappeared in a single flower visit by A.mellifera. The small amount of pollen remaining on already-exploded flowers appears to be the reason why A.mellifera do not frequently visit already-exploded flowers. The higher seed set by outcrossing was believed to contribute to the seed set in both natural conditions and single flower visits by A.mellifera, and did not differ between them. Therefore, at least in Japan, A.mellifera appears to be the most important pollinator for C.scoparius, resulting in a high outcrossing rate with each single flower visit.  相似文献   

Variations in floral traits and floral structures influence plant mating systems. Hibiscus trionum produces large, showy flowers typical of an outcrossing species, yet flowers are autonomously self-pollinated. In this study, we measured floral morphology, breeding system and outcrossing rate estimated by ISSR markers. Results indicate that two types of flowers were observed in H. trionum, and the type I with bigger petals appears to be much more visible to pollinators, demonstrated by than type II flowers with smaller petals. The flowers with hand pollination were closed 1 h earlier than intact flowers, whether they were type I or II. The relationship between the amount of pollen deposited on the stigma and the number of seeds per capsule was highly significant, and 80 or more pollens per flower can make the mean number of seeds (mean = 37) in H. trionum. Delayed selfing in H. trionum did not provide a large contribution to seed production, since reproductive assurance were only 0.025. However, successful reproduction of 72.5% flowers in the absence of pollinators suggested that selfing provides reproductive assurance during seasons, in which pollinators were limiting. The multilocus outcrossing rates in different populations varied from 0.982 to 1.200, with a mean of 1.116. Our data provide an empirical demonstration of a predominantly outcrossing species with potential delayed selfing when pollinators are absent or scarce.  相似文献   

 The terrestrial orchid Epipactis helleborine is a morphologically variable species with a wide distribution in Europe. It is pollinated by social wasps, and most populations show the morphological characteristics of outcrossing species. However, local predominantly selfing subspecies and varieties have been documented from drier habitats. To document geographic variation in floral morphology, ability to produce seeds through autogamy, and reproductive success in E. helleborine, we sampled 13 populations from three geographic regions along a latitudinal gradient of c. 1000 km from northern to southern Sweden. In the southernmost region, populations in dry and mesic habitats were compared. Supplemental hand-pollination was conducted to determine whether among-population variation in fruit set could be explained by differences in the natural level of pollination, and whether any relationship between floral morphology and fruit production could be explained by interactions with pollinators. Bagging experiments showed no evidence of autogamy in any of the study populations. Number of flowers, pollinia removal and fruit set varied significantly among populations but did not differ among regions. Pollinia removal was positively correlated with population size and both pollinia removal and fruit set were lower in dry than in mesic habitats. At the level of the individual plant, the number of pollinia removed increased more rapidly with flower number than did number of fruits produced. The hand-pollination experiment indicated that the positive relationship between number of flowers and fruit production was due to a higher degree of pollen limitation in plants with few flowers than in plants with many flowers. The experiment also showed that variation in the level of pollen limitation could only partly explain variation in fruit set among populations. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 27, 2002 Published online: December 3, 2002  相似文献   

Examining variation in pollinator effectiveness and seed production resulting from single pollinator visits can provide a deeper understanding of how pollinators may influence reproduction in plant populations. When comparing populations, differences in the number of seeds produced from single pollinator visits to flowers may not always be attributable to differences in pollen deposition, but rather to differences in plant fecundity or resource availability. Pollinator effectiveness and seed production were studied for two populations over a 4-year period and were measured using single bee visit manipulations of flowers. No significant difference in pollinator effectiveness (pollen deposited on stigmas) was observed between the two populations. However, a significant difference between the two populations was observed in the number of seeds produced per flower. The Wellhouse population produced approximately three times as many seeds/flower from a single pollinator visit as did the Firefly Meadow population. Within each population, pollinators (Bombus pennsylvanicus and Apis mellifera) did not differ in the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas or seeds produced per flower from single visit experiments. Differences in plant density, pollen viability, and ovules per flower also could not account for a significant amount of the variation. A resource augmentation experiment (water and fertilizer application) resulted in a decrease in seeds per flower per bee visit for the water treatment at the Wellhouse population only. For both populations, pollen deposition, pollen viability, and ovules per flower were unaffected by the resource augmentation. Alternative possibilities for the observed differences in seeds per flower per bee visit are discussed.  相似文献   

Synchronous monocarpy in long‐lived plants is often associated with pollination by wind, in part because infrequent mass flowering may satiate pollinators. Selfing in synchronous monocarps may provide reproductive assurance but conflict with the benefits of outcrossing, a key evolutionary driver of synchrony. We predicted that animal‐pollinated species with synchronous flowering would have unspecialised flowers and attract abundant generalised pollinators, but predictions for selfing and outcrossing frequencies were not obvious. We examined the pollination biology of Isoglossa woodii (Acanthaceae), an insect‐pollinated, monocarpic herb that flowers synchronously at 4–7‐year intervals. The most frequent visitor to I. woodii flowers was the African honeybee, Apis mellifera adansonii. Hand‐pollination failed to enhance seed production, indicating that the pollinators were not saturated. No seed was set in the absence of pollinators. Seed set was similar among selfed and outcrossed flowers, demonstrating a geitonogamous mixed‐mating strategy with no direct evidence of preferential outcrossing. Flowers contained four ovules, but most fruits only developed one seed, raising the possibility that preferential outcrossing occurs by post‐pollination processes. We argue that a number of the theoretical concerns about geitonogamous selfing as a form of reproductive assurance do not apply to a long‐lived synchronous monocarp such as I. woodii.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to self-fertilization are thought to occur because selfing provides reproductive assurance when pollinators or mates are scarce, but they could also occur via selection to reduce floral vulnerability to herbivores. This study investigated geographic covariation between floral morphology, fruit set, pollen limitation and florivory across the geographic range of Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia, a Pacific coastal dune endemic that varies strikingly in flower size and mating system.Methods Fruit set was quantified in 75 populations, and in 41 of these floral herbivory by larvae of a specialized moth (Mompha sp.) that consumes anthers in developing buds was also quantified. Experimental pollen supplementation was performed to quantify pollen limitation in three large-flowered, outcrossing and two small-flowered, selfing populations. These parameters were also compared between large- and small-flowered phenotypes within three mixed populations.Key Results Fruit set was much lower in large-flowered populations, and also much lower among large- than small-flowered plants within populations. Pollen supplementation increased per flower seed production in large-flowered but not small-flowered populations, but fruit set was not pollen limited. Hence inadequate pollination cannot account for the low fruit set of large-flowered plants. Floral herbivory was much more frequent in large-flowered populations and correlated negatively with fruit set. However, florivores did not preferentially attack large-flowered plants in three large-flowered populations or in two of three mixed populations.Conclusions Selfing alleviated pollen limitation of seeds per fruit, but florivory better explains the marked variation in fruit set. Although florivory was more frequent in large-flowered populations, large-flowered individuals were not generally more vulnerable within populations. Rather than a causative selective factor, reduced florivory in small-flowered, selfing populations is probably an ecological consequence of mating system differentiation, with potentially significant effects on population demography and biotic interactions.  相似文献   

M. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1995,103(1):101-108
The extent, frequency and causes of pollenlimited seed production were examined in partially selffertile populations of Blandfordia grandiflora for 2 years. Percentage seed set of open-pollinated plants (50–57%) did not differ within or between years, and was about 19% less than experimentally cross-pollinated plants (70–75%). Floral visits by honeybees did not differ through the flowering season and the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas within 12 h of flowers opening exceeded the number of ovules per flower, indicating that the quality rather than the quantity of pollination limited seed set. Pollen limitation was caused by concurrent self- and cross-pollination and the subsequent abortion of some selfed ovules due to inbreeding depression. Natural seed set (55%) was intermediate between selfed (43%) and crossed (75%) flowers and was not increased when flowers that had been available to pollinators for 24 h were hand cross-pollinated, suggesting that ovules were already fertilized. Similarly, experimental pollination with both cross and self pollen within 24 h of flowers opening did not increase seed set relative to natural seed set, indicating that both cross- and self-fertilizations had occurred. In contrast, when selfing followed crossing by 48 h, or vice versa, seed set did not differ from crossed-only or selfed-only flowers, respectively, indicating that ovules were pre-empted by the first pollination. Collectively, these results indicate that under natural conditions self pollen pre-empts ovules, rendering them unavailable for cross-fertilization. This selfing reduces fecundity by 50%, as estimated from the natural production of cross seeds when selfing was prevented. Consequently, selection should favour floral traits, such as increased stigma-anther separation or protandry, that reduce interference between male and female functions that leads to selfing.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation and resource limitation were invoked to account for the pattern that flowering plants produce more flowers and ovules than fruits and seeds. This study aimed to determine their relative importance in Veratrum nigrum, a self-compatible, perennial, andromonoecious herb. In order to determine whether female production was limited by pollen grains on stigmas or by available resources, we performed supplemental hand pollination in three populations, male-flower-bud removal in three other populations, and emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers in still another population, resulting in a total of seven populations experimentally manipulated. Across the three populations, supplemental hand pollination did not significantly increase fruit set, seed number per fruit, and total seed production per individual, nor did emasculation of hermaphroditic flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that pollen grains deposited on stigmas were abundant enough to fertilize all the ovules. Male-flower-bud removal significantly increased the mean size of hermaphroditic flowers in all three populations. Female reproductive success was increased in one population, but not in the other two populations possibly due to heavy flower/seed predation. We concluded that the female reproductive success of V. nigrum was not limited by pollen grains but by available resources, which is consistent with Bateman's principle. Furthermore, the female reproduction increase of male-flower-bud removal individuals might suggest a trade-off between male and female sexual functions.  相似文献   

The ability to produce seeds when pollinators or potential mates are scarce is thought to be one of the main advantages of self-fertilization in flowering plants. However, whether autonomous selfing increases seed set in natural populations has seldom been tested, and even fewer studies have evaluated the advantage of selfing across a gradient of pollen availability. This study examines the fertility consequences of autonomous selfing in Aquilegia canadensis (Ranunculaceae), a short-lived, spring-flowering perennial typically found in small, patchy populations on rock outcrops. We used a pollinator exclusion experiment to confirm reports that A. canadensis has a well-developed capacity for autonomous selfing resulting from incomplete protogyny and close proximity of stigmas and anthers during dehiscence. Flowers excluded from pollinators set 87% as many seeds per carpel (X +/- 1 SE = 7.1 +/- 1.4 seeds) as hand-pollinated flowers (8.1 +/- 1.3 seeds), and seed production in unpollinated flowers correlated negatively with the distance between stigmas and anthers (r = -0.46). Autonomous selfing could be potentially valuable in providing reproductive assurance because only 2.7 +/- 0.5 pollen grains were deposited on each stigma before anther dehiscence, compared to 134.1 +/- 17.9 pollen grains by the end of anther dehiscence. However, prevention of autonomous selfing by anther removal before dehiscence did not decrease seed set, even for plants at low plant densities where outcross pollen may have been in short supply. Emasculated flowers set as many seeds per carpel (9.3 +/- 0.9) as intact flowers (8.4 +/- 1.1), indicating that sufficient cross pollen is deposited for full seed set. These results do not support the hypothesis that autonomous selfing by A. canadensis has been selected because it provides reproductive assurance.  相似文献   

According to the "effective pollination" hypothesis, tall stature resulting from strong apical dominance attracts greater pollinator visitation, thus allowing larger pollen loads and/or greater outcrossing rates, which in turn produces more vigorous offspring with greater genotypic variability and/or less inbreeding depression. Components of this hypothesis were tested in Verbascum thapsus, which commonly grows unbranched to over 2 m tall with strong apical dominance suppressing all axillary meristems. A natural population survey indicated that plants with visiting pollinators were significantly taller than their nearest neighboring individuals not possessing a visiting pollinator. Plants in natural populations with excluded pollinators produced seeds via a delayed selfing mechanism. However, delayed selfing under pollinator exclusion resulted in only 75% of the seed set obtained with natural pollinators. Under natural pollination, emasculated flowers experienced a 50% reduction in pollen deposition by the time of flower closure but only a 5% reduction in seed set relative to intact flowers. Hence, taller plants attracted more pollinators and maximum seed set could not be achieved without pollinators. Comparison of seed set and seed mass in plants that were artificially selfed and artificially crossed (in both the greenhouse and in natural populations) indicated that plants were fully self-compatible with no evidence of early-acting inbreeding depression. However, this does not exclude the possibility that inbreeding depression is manifested in later life stages. The results suggest that V. thapsus has a mixed mating system with potential for reproductive assurance and various levels of outcrossing depending on variables affecting pollinator availability (e.g., population size).  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

The effects of petal-size manipulations on the behavior of pollinators and pollen/seed predators, and on pollen removal and deposition, were studied in Hibiscus moscheutos (Malvaceae) populations. The ultimate effects on the female reproductive success of flowers, such as fruit set, seed predation rate, and final seed set were also measured. We applied three levels of petal removal (100%, 50%, and 0% size reduction in radius) to flowers in natural populations. Two pollinators (Bombus pennsylvanicus and Ptilothrix bombiformis) ignored flowers without petals, suggesting that pollinators use petals as a visual cue to locate flowers. Consequently, 100% petal removal reduced female reproductive success considerably, mainly through a higher rate of fruit abortion due to failure of pollen deposition on stigmas. No significant differences between the 50% petal removal treatment and uncut control were detected in any components of female success examined. The results, therefore, suggest that differences in petal size have little influence on female reproductive success of Hibiscus flowers at our study site. Final seed set varied considerably depending on the larval densities of two coleopteran seed predators (Althaeus hibisci and Conotrachelus fissunguis). A. hibisci responded to petal size, and a higher density of adults was found in flowers in which petal size had not been reduced. Because Althaeus feed on pollen as adults and no effect of petal size on seed predation was detected, the preference of Althaeus for larger flowers may represent a foraging strategy for adult beetles and may exert counteracting selection pressure on petal size through male reproductive success of flowers. Received: 30 November 1997 / Accepted:12 June 1998  相似文献   

The capacity to produce seed, both by selfing and outcrossing, or mixed mating strategies, is considered a mechanism for overcoming unpredictable pollinator availability. In the present study, we investigate breeding system, insect visitations and the role of insect visitors in the pollination of five species of Oenothera subsect. Oenothera. Field experiments showed that autonomous selfing occurs at bud stage, prior to the opening of the flower. Control flowers showed similar seed set to hand-pollinated flowers, whereas emasculated flowers and those subject to open pollination set fewer seed. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the investigated Oenothera exhibit a great capacity for autonomous selfing and that selfing is selected in order to provide reproductive assurance. Although flowers were visited mostly by nocturnal lepidopterans, these insects did not precipitate pollination and are thus considered nectar thieves. Conversely, analysis of pollen loads and behavior during foraging by diurnal insect visitors revealed that honeybees and bumblebees are the probable pollinators. We conclude that production of flowers capable of autonomous selfing at bud stage, followed by anthesis and opportunities for outcrossing, probably improves the invasive potential of these Oenothera in Europe, together with a rapid increase in their populations, even when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

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