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Inflorescence and floral ontogeny are described in the mimosoid Acacia baileyana F. Muell., using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The panicle includes first-order and second-order inflorescences. The first-order inflorescence meristem produces first-order bracts in acropetal order; these bracts each subtend a second-order inflorescence meristem, commonly called a head. Each second-order inflorescence meristem initiates an acropetally sequential series of second-order bracts. After all bracts are formed, their subtended floral meristems are initiated synchronously. The sepals and petals of the radially symmetrical flowers are arranged in alternating pentamerous whorls. There are 30–40 stamens and a unicarpellate gynoecium. In most flowers, the sepals are initiated helically, with the first-formed sepal varying in position. Petal primordia are initiated simultaneously, alternate to the sepals. Three to five individual stamen primordia are initiated in each of five altemipetalous sectorial clusters. Additional stamen primordia are initiated between adjacent clusters, followed by other stamens initiated basipetally as well as centripetally. The apical configuration shifts from a tunica-corpus cellular arrangement before organogenesis to a mantle-core arrangement at sepal initiation. All floral organs are initiated by periclinal divisions of the subsurface mantle cells. The receptacle expands radially by numerous anticlinal divisions in the mantle at the summit, concurrently with proliferation of stamen primordia. The carpel primordium develops in terminal position by conversion of the floral apex.  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Saururus cernuus L. produces lateral “common” primordia in acropetal succession on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem; curiously, the “subtending” bract is initiated upon the lateral primordium rather than subtending it. On the basis of mature floral structure, flowers of S. cernuus have previously been described as having spiral initiation of parts. The current ontogenetic investigation contradicts this interpretation. Stamens arise in three successive pairs; the carpels also are initiated in pairs. Floral symmetry is shown to be bilateral from the onset of organ initiation, a rare feature among primitive angiosperms. On the basis of symmetry and paired initiation of organs, the possibility of close relationships between Saururaceae and Magnolialian or Ranalian lines appears remote.  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Houttuynia cordata produces 45–70 sessile bracteate flowers in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apical meristem has a mantle-core configuration and produces “common” or uncommitted primordia, each of which bifurcates to form a floral apex above, a bract primordium below. This pattern of organogenesis is similar to that in another saururaceous plant, Saururus cernuus. Exceptions to this unusual development, however, occur in H. cordata at the beginning of inflorescence activity when four to eight petaloid bract primordia are initiated before the initiation of floral apices in their axils. “Common” primordia also are lacking toward the cessation of inflorescence apical activity in H. cordata when primordia become bracts which may precede the initiation of an axillary floral apex. Many of these last-formed bracts are sterile. The inflorescence terminates with maturation of the meristem as an apical residuum. No terminal flowers or terminal gynoecia were found, although subterminal gynoecia or flowers in subterminal position may overtop the actual apex and obscure it. Individual flowers have a tricarpellate syncarpous gynoecium and three stamens adnate to the carpels; petals and sepals are lacking. The order of succession of organs is: two lateral stamens, median stamen, two lateral carpels, median carpel. The three carpel primordia almost immediately are elevated as part of a gynoecial ring by zonal growth of the receptacle below the attachment of the carpels. The same growth elevates the stamen bases so that they appear adnate to the carpels. The trimerous condition in Houttuynia is the result of paired or solitary initiations rather than trimerous whorls. Symmetry is bilateral and zygomorphic rather than radial. No evidence of spiral arrangement in the flower was found.  相似文献   

The characteristic of heteromorphic inflorescences in some mimosoid legumes such as Neptunia is a puzzling one which can be approached developmentally. Each spicate inflorescence of Neptunia pubescens includes three types of flowers: perfect in the upper half, functionally male just below the middle, and sterile or neuter at the base. Developmental studies of the inflorescence show that order of initiation of bracts on the inflorescence is acropetal, but that order of subsequent development of flowers is both acropetal and basipetal on the axis. Bract growth and initiation of the axillary floral apices at the base are inhibited or retarded, while those in the middle and upper levels continue development without interruption. The three types of floral primordia are similar during initiatory stages of organ formation and through early development. At mid-development, differences arise in floral symmetry, petal form, stamen form, and size and shape of the carpel. The functionally male flowers become strongly dorsiventral and zygomorphic while the other two morphs remain actinomorphic or nearly so. Heteromorphy arises from a combination of early suppression of organogeny plus mid-stage innovations of zygomorphy and lateral expansion of stamen primordia. These divergent developmental pathways in one inflorescence can be interpreted in part using Gould's concept of heterochrony: changes in timing of developmental events to produce different structures. Other changes in Neptunia cannot be explained by this concept, however; such changes as omission of processes (i.e., meiosis) in some organs, or addition of processes not normally present (i.e., blade formation in stamen primordia which become staminodia). It is becoming evident from work on this and other legume flowers that actual loss of organs is rare, compared to initiation followed by suppression or modification.  相似文献   

A developmental study of the inflorescence of Liquidambar styraciflua L. was conducted to clarify morphological discrepancies reported in the literature. Salient features of development are: 1) the inflorescence apex results from the conversion of a terminal, vegetative apex; 2) partial inflorescence apices arise as ellipsoid structures in axils of leaves, bracts, or transitional phyllomes; 3) development of male heads is acropetal whereas female heads differentiate basipetally; 4) the partial inflorescence apex becomes segmented into several distinct subunits indicating an axillary branch system of the third order; 5) distinct individual floral primordia are initiated on the subunits; 6) a complete absence of perianth development; 7) inception of carpel primordia in flowers of lower male heads as well as female heads, but a failure of the gynoecium to develop beyond an incipient stage in male heads; and 8) development of sterile structures around the base of the styles of only female flowers near the time of anthesis. Carpellary characteristics of the sterile structures are described, their morphological nature is discussed, and the phylogenetic position of Liquidambar is evaluated.  相似文献   

The development of the inflorescence and flowers are described for Gymnotheca chinensis Decaisne (Saururaceae), which is native only to southeast China. The inflorescence is a short terminal spike of about 50–70 flowers, each subtended by a small bract. There are no showy involucral bracts. The bracts are initiated before the flowers, in acropetal order. Flowers tend to be initiated in whorls of three which alternate with the previous whorl members. No perianth is present. The flower contains six stamens, and four carpels fused in an inferior ovary containing 40–60 ovules on four parietal placentae. Floral symmetry is dorsiventral from inception and throughout organ initiation. Floral organs are initiated in the following order: 1) median adaxial stamen, 2) a pair of lateral common primordia which bifurcate radially to produce two stamen primordia each, 3) median abaxial stamen, 4) a pair of lateral carpel primordia, 5) median adaxial carpel, 6) median abaxial carpel. This order of initiation differs from that of any other Saururaceae previously investigated. The inferior ovary results from intercalary growth below the level of stamen attachment; the style elongates by intercalary growth, and the four stigmas remain free. The floral structure of Gymnotheca is relatively advanced compared to Saururus, but its assemblage of specializations differs from that of either Anemopsis or Houttuynia, the other derived genera in the Saururaceae.  相似文献   

A study of inflorescence and flower development in 12 species from four of the six subgenera of Gunnera (Gunneraceae) was carried out. In the species of subgenus Panke, initiation of floral apices along the partial inflorescences is acropetal but ends up in the late formation of a terminal flower, forming a cyme at maturity. The terminal flower is the largest and the most complete in terms of merosity and number of whorls and thus it is the most diagnostic in terms of species‐level taxonomy. The lateral flowers undergo a basipetal gradient of organ reduction along the inflorescence, ranging from bisexual flowers (towards the distal region) to functionally (i.e. with staminodia) and structurally female flowers (towards the proximal region). Our results show that the terminal structure in Gunnera is a flower rather than a pseudanthium. The terminal flower is disymmetric, dimerous and bisexual, representing the common bauplan for Gunnera flowers. It has a differentiated perianth with two sepals and two alternate petals, the latter opposite the stamens and carpels. Comparisons with other members of the core eudicots with labile floral construction are addressed. We propose vegetative and floral putative synapomorphies for the sister‐group relationship between Gunneraceae and Myrothamnaceae. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 160 , 262–283.  相似文献   

Growth regulators participate in the differentiation of floral parts, determining the developmental path of the respective type of inflorescence. The effect depends on the expression of the peculiarities of floral part differentiation, the recognition of the character of endogenous substances in certain stages and the choice of the suitable regulator for application. In the primitive flower ofPapaver petals and stamens are formed from the peripheral meristem with a lower content of auxins and a higher level of gibberellic substances. The pistil arises later from central tissues with a higher level of auxins and inhibitory substances. The stamens are more sensitive to the higher level of auxin substances, and by a suitable application of GA3 and BAP they can be transformed into petals; in this way double flower forms arise. In the differentiation of floral parts ofCampanula, Rosa andMelandrium similar regularities assert themselves in time successions, but in another spatial arrangement. Sex differentiation of diclinous flowers ofMelandrium is based on differences in heterochromosomes XY and XX. The rise of the zygomorphic flower ofVeronica is accompanied by a different distribution of endogenous substances which affect the development of petals, stamens and the pistil. The differentiation of flowers in the racemose inflorescence occurs in the acropetal succession, and lateral primordia inCampanula develop into actinomorphic regular flowers, whereas inDigitalis they are zygomorphic and only the terminal flower is peloric. In the initial phases the staminate tassel and the pistillate ear in maize are identical. Earlier differentiation of the terminal pistillate tassel is connected with a higher level of gibberellins and the later development of the lateral pistillate ear is accompanied by the increase in auxin-like substances and inhibitions. Similar correlations were found in the development of staminate catkins and the differentiation of pistillate flowers in terminal buds ofJuglans regia. By the application of auxin-like substances it is possible to achieve the transformation of primordia of the staminate tassel into the pistillate ear in maize or to regulate the number of staminate catkins and pistillate flowers on twigs of the walnut tree. In the capitulum of the sunflower differences arise between peripheral pistillate ray flowers and hermaphrodite tubular ones. By applying GA3 and BAP the number of ray flowers is increased. If the normal course of inflorescence differentiation is affected with a suitable type of regulator, a range of floral abnormalities appears which permit to assess the intervention in different developmental stages and the reaction of the primordium to the applied type of regulator. Abnormalities also suggest some phylogenetic correlations.  相似文献   

In the spike ofHouttuynia cordata with many large bracts all flowers in a spike are regularly arranged in a secondary pseudo-opposite order. Arrangment of flowers in the normal spike also follows the same order. A pistillate organ is usually borne at the terminal of the spike. Vascular anatomy of the flower, inflorescence and the arrangement of flowers suggest that this terminal organ should be interpreted as a compound structure composed of four units, each of which represents one flower with a single carpel and a single dorsal stamen. The terminal pistillate organ of a lateral spike is considered to have a structure intermediate between that of the normal hermaphoriditic flower and that of the terminal pistillate organ of the main spike.  相似文献   

I describe patterns of sex allocation and gamete packaging in the andromonoecious lily Zigadenus paniculatus. In this species, pistil length was continuously, but bimodally, distributed within plants, and smaller pistils contained fewer mature ovules. In hermaphrodite flowers, ovule number per flower increased with blooming rank in small plants but decreased with blooming rank in large plants. Flowers with pistils less than three-fourths stamen length almost never produced fruits and were classified as males. The pedicel, tepals, stamens, and pistil of hermaphrodite flowers were all heavier than those of males. Hermaphrodite flowers were concentrated on the terminal raceme, males on the lower racemes. In combination with acropetal blooming, this spatial separation of flower types resulted in a seasonal decline in the proportion of open flowers that were hermaphrodite. However, individual flowers were protandrous, so that the population sex ratio, initially strongly male-biased, declined as the season progressed. Hand pollinations showed that plants were self-incompatible. Inflorescence size was positively correlated with bulb size, and plants with large inflorescences had a higher proportion of male flowers. Nutrient supplementation had no effect on inflorescence size, but increased the proportion of hermaphrodite flowers. Nutrient-supplemented plants also began blooming earlier than controls. I discuss these patterns in relation to the adaptive significance of andromonoecious breeding systems.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of flowers was carried out in Arabidopsis thaliana wild type plants and agamous and apetala2 mutants. No direct substitution of organs takes place in the mutants, since the number and position of organs in them do not correspond to the structure of wild type flower. In order to explain these data, a notion of spatial pattern formation in the meristem was introduced, which preceded the processes of appearance of organ primordia and formation of organs. Zones of acropetal and basipetal spatial pattern formation in the flower of wild type plants were postulated. It was shown that the acropetal spatial pattern formation alone took place in agamous mutants and basipetal spatial pattern formation alone, in apetala2 mutants. Different variants of flower structure are interpreted as a result of changes in the volume of meristem (space) and order of spatial pattern formation (time).  相似文献   

The phenology of pollen release and pollen capture by Pistacia vera was studied in the field and laboratory respectively. Inflorescences of Pistacia vera were examined in a wind tunnel to determine whether the behavior of airborne conspecific pollen around receptive flowers differed as a result of changes in the shape and size of the inflorescence. In addition, the behavior of unclumped (single) and clumped pollen grains was studied to determine differences in the probability of their capture. Wind speeds within a commercial orchard during pollen shedding averaged 0.9–2.2 m/sec and atmospheric pollen concentrations were highest between 0900–1100 hr MST. Each of three stages in inflorescence development (defined on the basis of the number of exserted stigmas) was examined under identical ambient airflow conditions with equal concentrations of airborne pollen (1,000 grains/m3). The general pattern of pollen grain motion involves direct inertial collision by windward surfaces and by sedimentation of pollen onto leeward surfaces; clumped pollen rarely sedimented onto leeward surfaces. Small changes in ambient wind speed (0.5 m/sec to 1.0 m/sec) produced significant changes in the pattern of pollen motion around inflorescences and altered the number of pollen grains captured by leeward surfaces. Thus, wind pollination in P. vera is affected both by windspeed and by the shape or size of flower clusters. Differences in the behavior of clumped and unclumped pollen result from their inertial properties and responsiveness to local changes in the direction and speed of airflow. Unclumped pollen has a higher probability of being captured by leeward surfaces. The apparent insensitivity of pollen motion to differences in inflorescence size may ensure equitable pollination during the acropetal development of flowers.  相似文献   

The spicate inflorescence of Saururus cernuus L. (Saururaceae) results from the activity of an inflorescence apical meristem which produces 200–300 primordia in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apex arises by conversion of the terminal vegetative apex. During transition the apical meristem increases greatly in height and width and changes its cellular configuration from one of tunica-corpus to one of mantle (with two tunica layers) and core. Primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions in the subsurface layer. These are “common” primordia, each of which subsequently divides to produce a floral apex above and a bract primordium below. The bract later elongates so that the flower appears borne on the bract. All common primordia are formed by the time the inflorescence is about 4.4 mm long; the apical meristem ceases activity at this stage. As cessation approaches, cell divisions become rare in the apical meristem, and height and width of the meristem above the primordia diminish, as primordia continue to be initiated on the flanks. Cell differentiation proceeds acropetally into the apical meristem and reaches the summital tunica layers last of all. Solitary bracts are initiated just before apical cessation, but no imperfect or ebracteate flowers are produced in Saururus. The final event of meristem activity is hair formation by individual cells of the tunica at the summit, a feature not previously reported for apical meristems.  相似文献   

The order of floral initiation and subsequent organogeny of Erigeron philadelphicus L. (Asteraceae: Astereae) was found to deviate from the acropetal pattern generally reported for the Asteraceae. Light micrographs show periclinal divisions in the first, second, and deeper subsurface layers of cells on the flanks of the inflorescence apex as the earliest evidence of floral initiation. Scanning electron microscope micrographs indicate that the disk flowers appear first and arise as small protuberances approximately one-third of the way up the previously and undifferentiated highly convex inflorescence apex. A succession of disk flowers arises acropetally in a complex anthotaxy characterized by about 21 dextrorse and 12–15 sinistrorse parastichies (although this pattern is obscured at the apex). After one to three disk flowers have been initiated in each parastichy, the first ray flower initials can be seen to initiate in sites proximal to the oldest and largest disk flowers. Additional ray flowers then initiate basipetally following the dextrorse parastichies established by the disk flowers. Overall floral initiation on the inflorescence apex proceeds acropetally for the disk flowers and basipetally for the ray flowers until the available space is filled. Floral development adheres to the same plan—proceeding bidirectionally on the inflorescence meristem with the oldest and most complete flowers of both types located on the equator established at initiation.  相似文献   

Naghiloo S  Dadpour MR  Movafeghi A 《Planta》2012,235(4):793-805
Comparative studies of floral ontogeny represent a growing field that promise to provide new insights on floral evolution. Floral ontogenetic information has been used successfully in Leguminosae for re-examining phylogenetic relationships at different levels. Using epi-illumination light microscopy, we present original ontogenetic data in Astragalus compactus, which was chosen because of its unusual arrangement of inflorescence and variable occurrence of bracteoles on flowers. Based on our results, uncommon ontogeny of the inflorescence led to the arrangement of flowers in four different positions. Variation was observed not only in the presence of bracteoles, but also in the order of sepal initiation in flowers of the same inflorescence. Surprisingly, besides the widely stated unidirectional pattern, bidirectional, sequential and an atypical unreported order were observed. High degree of overlapping between whorls and formation of two types of common primordia also were found. The variable occurrence of bracteoles suggests that the species is in an intermediate state towards fully lacking of bracteoles. We propose that the variability of the sequence of sepal initiation is possibly a consequence of the function of mechanical forces generated by surrounding leaves. Relationships between mechanical force and auxin signalling are discussed.  相似文献   

Structure of inflorescence and its variation were organographically and ontogenetically studied inLespedeza cuneata (Dum.-Cours.) G. Don. An axillary inflorescence of the species forms a compound inflorescence which is composed of three or four component inflorescences. Each component inflorescence bears four (rarely six), three, two, or one flowers. Based on the arrangement of inflorescence phyllomes, the component inflorescence with four flowers is interpreted as a pseudoraceme bearing two shortened lateral shoots (partial inflorescences) each of which has two flowers. The component inflorescence with one flower appears to be terminated by the flower and to compose the cyme. Organographic observations revealed that the terminally located flower is not truly terminal, but axillary in origin. Ontogenetic observations showed that the apices of component inflorescence and partial inflorescence exist in early developmental stages in spite of variation in the form of component inflorescence. The terminally located flower in the cyme-like inflorescence was thus demonstrated to be laterally borne on the partial inflorescence axis. The component inflorescence composing the cyme-like one inL. cuneata is a reduced form in the number of partial inflorescences and of flowers from the pseudoraceme. The cyme-like inflorescence inL. cuneata resembles the inflorescence ofKummerowia.  相似文献   

为了揭示植物花的空间布局与开花动态的调节机制以及避免同株异花传粉的生态学策略,该研究对铁破锣[Beesia calthifolia (Maxim.) Ulbr.]花序形态结构、开花动态和传粉生物学进行了观察分析。结果表明:(1)铁破锣花序结构设计巧妙,由3朵花组成一个聚伞花序单元并依次排列在主花序轴上,且花序轴上聚伞花序之间距离较远。(2)铁破锣通过单个聚伞花序顶花先开,通常只有6~8朵聚伞花序的顶花同时开放,而且总状花序从基部到顶部逐次开放,从而使得大量聚集单花的花序达到尽量少开花。(3)铁破锣花白色,花粉是访花昆虫的仅有诱物,纤细巴蚜蝇(Baccha maculata)是铁破锣的主要传粉昆虫,这种昆虫能够以花丝为着力点取食花粉,通常在一个花序上取食一朵单花后很快飞向另外一个花序的花。研究认为,铁破锣花序的空间设计和开花的时间序列动态减少了昆虫访问同株异花的可能性。  相似文献   

1. The effect of various patterns of flower removal on pod settingwas investigated in Lupinus luteus L. Four-fifths, three-fifths,or two-fifths of the flowers of the main inflorescence wereremoved according to ten different patterns. 2. All flowers could produce pods but later ones were less efficientin doing so. Developing pods had an abscission-inducing effecton later flowers, which became increasingly effective towardsthe apical part of the inflorescence. More pods were retained when flowers on each consecutive whorlwere arranged in a spiral than when the same number was arrangedvertically. Pod setting was incomplete when the number of flowers per inflorescencewas reduced well below the total number of pods normally present. 3. The number of ovules in consecutive flowers gradually decreasedfrom an average of 5.7 at the base to 4.3 at the top of theinflorescence. The ratio of seeds to ovules fluctuated irregularlybetween 65 and 94 per cent, and did not indicate a general trendin embryo abortion. 4. The growth-rate of pods at the top of the inflorescence wasmuch slower than at the bottom. Vascular differentiation wasalmost absent at the top of the inflorescence when the flowerswere fertilized, and further vascular tissue was produced onlywhen flowers produced pods.  相似文献   

Background: The arrangement of flowers on inflorescences is important for determining the movement of pollinators within the inflorescence and, consequently, the overall mating success and fruit set of a plant.

Aims: Spiranthes spiralis is an orchid that has a spiralled inflorescence. The species has two chiral forms that show opposite coiling directions (clockwise and anti-clockwise). We tested if this arrangement of inflorescence influences pollinator attraction and behaviour.

Methods: We surveyed two natural populations, analysed the reproductive compatibility of the two morphs and estimated pollination success in natural and experimental populations.

Results: We found that the two morphs were not isolated by pre- or post-mating barriers, occurred with a similar proportion in natural populations and showed similar levels of pollination success both in natural and artificial populations. However, we found a different pattern of pollination success along the inflorescences. In the two morphs, lower flowers experienced a higher pollination rate and this rate decreased along the inflorescence faster in anti-clockwise than in clockwise individuals.

Conclusions: This finding suggests that pollinators visit the flowers sequentially from the lower part of the inflorescences and leave the anti-clockwise individuals more rapidly than the clockwise ones. However, this pollinator behaviour is not detrimental for the pollination success of either of the two morphs.  相似文献   

The flowers of Ceratonia siliqua, an anomalous caesalpinioid legume in the tribe Cassieae, are unusual in being unisexual and in lacking petals. Inflorescence development, organogeny, and flower development are described for this species. All flowers are originally bisexual, but one sex is suppressed during late development of functionally male and female flowers. Ceratonia siliqua is highly plastic in sexuality of individuals, inflorescence branching pattern, racemose or cymose inflorescences, bracteole presence, terminal flower presence, organ number per whorl, missing floral organs, pollen grain form, and carpel cleft orientation. Order of initiation is: five sepals in helical order, then five stamens in helical order together with the carpel. Each stamen is initiated as two alternisepalous primordia that fuse to become a continuous antesepalous ridge; in some flowers, the last one or two stamens of the five may form as individual antesepalous mounds. Petal rudiments are occasional in mature flowers. Position of organs is atypical: the median sepal is on the adaxial side in Ceratonia, rather than abaxial as in most other caesalpinioids. This feature in Ceratonia may be viewed as a link to subfamily Mimosoideae, in which this character state is constant.  相似文献   

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