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The cowpea strain of tobacco mosaic virus was isolated from a range of leguminous hosts at Ibadan, but was rare in cultivated crops. Systemic symptoms in species infected experimentally are described.
A new virus of cowpea was also found in Nigeria. The physical properties (thermal inactivation point 56° C., dilution end-point 1/50,000 and longevity in vitro 4 days at 25° C.) differ from those for cowpea viruses reported elsewhere and the name cowpea yellow mosaic virus is proposed. This virus produces local lesions in French bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and local and systemic lesions in Bengal bean ( Mucuna aterrima Holland), but does not infect other leguminous hosts. The virus was purified and an antiserum prepared against it.
Both viruses are transmitted by a beetle ( Ootheca mutabilis Sahlb.) which loses infectivity within 48 hr. of leaving plants infected with either or both viruses.  相似文献   

The B genome of Glycine subgenus Glycine comprises three diploid species whose monophyly is supported by morphological, crossing, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) data. Previous cpDNA studies indicated low levels of divergence among these taxa and failed to resolve cladistic relationships among them. More intensive studies of cpDNA variation were initiated, using additional restriction endonucleases and accessions. Results from cladistic analyses of over 50 restriction site characters indicate that there is considerable cpDNA polymorphism within this group of species, with a minimum of 27 plastome types occurring among the 74 accessions sampled. Levels of homoplasy observed in this group are relatively high (15%) for closely related congeneric species. There is only limited congruence between plastome type and taxonomic classification based on morphological characters. Explanations for this lack of concordance include: 1) the early state of taxonomic understanding in this group, 2) lack of resolution in the cpDNA tree caused by homoplasy and the small number of synapomorphic characters, 3) introgression among these interfertile, often sympatric taxa, and 4) maintenance of ancestral cpDNA polymorphisms resulting in shared plastomes among species.  相似文献   

High night temperatures during floral development induce male sterility in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The objectives of this study were to determine: the possible causes of the male sterility; the stage of floral development when damage due to heat stress occurs; and whether specific tissues are damaged during the period of sensitivity to heat. Plants were grown under controlled temperatures in both greenhouses and growth chambers in separate experiments. Floral development was normal under a night temperature of 20 C, whereas flowers developed under high night temperature (30 C) set no pods due to low pollen viability and anther indehiscence. Anthers developed under 33/30 C day/night temperatures did not exhibit endothecial formation, whereas anthers developed under 33/20 C day/night temperatures exhibited normal development of the endothecial layer. Reciprocal transfers of plants between chambers with high or optimum night temperature demonstrated that the stage of floral development most sensitive to heat stress occurs 9 to 7 d before anthesis. Anthers developed under either optimal or high night temperatures were compared cytologically. Development was similar through meiosis, but after tetrad release, which occurred 8 d before anthesis, the tapetal layer degenerated prematurely under high night temperature. Premature degeneration of the tapetal layer and lack of endothecial development may be responsible for the low pollen viability, low anther dehiscence, and low pod set under high night temperatures.  相似文献   

We used chloroplast DNA restriction site analysis to test hypotheses of relationships of Solarium subgenus Potatoe (including potatoes and pepinos), two other Solanum, Cyphomandra (the tree tomatoes), and Lycopersicon (the tomatoes). Capsicum and Datura were used as outgroups. The results support two main clades among the taxa we studied: 1) Solanum subgenus Potatoe and Lycopersicon; and 2) other Solanum and Cyphomandra. Within the first clade, the following groups were supported: a) sect. Basarthrum and sect. Anarrhichomenum; b) sect. Etuberosum; c) sect. Petota; d) sect. Juglandifolium, including subsect. Lycopersicoides; and e) the genus Lycopersicon. These results, in combination with an analysis of morphological data, advocate the controversial, but previously suggested, treatment of Lycopersicon as congeneric with Solanum in subgenus Potatoe. Thus, the cultivated tomato will be recognized as Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanum chmielewskii and Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme are proposed as new combinations; Solanum neorickii is proposed as a new name for Lycopersicon parviflorum. Our data also suggest that Cyphomandra should be included within Solanum.  相似文献   

An analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction site variation in Gliricidia sepium reveals two geographically distinct chloroplast lineages, one in the Yucatan Peninsula and the other along the Pacific Coast in Mexico and Central America. Geographical, morphological, biochemical, and habitat distinctions suggest that these two chloroplast lineages reflect organismal lineages. Within the Pacific coastal chloroplast lineage, there exist sublineages that most likely reflect tokogenetic systems of relationship rather than organismal phytogeny, a hypothesis supported by the co-occurrence of more than one of these chloroplast sublineages in a single population. The genetic distance between any two of these chloroplast lineages ranges from 0.0001 to 0.0024 nucleotide substitutions per site and reveals relatively high levels of intraspecific divergence. We suggest that assessing intraspecific chloroplast DNA variation is important generally in higher level phylogenetic analysis because it enables one to obtain truer estimates of homoplasy, detect potentially cryptic species, and distinguish among molecular markers that reflect phylogenetic vs. tokogenetic relationships. This is in addition to determining the extent of potential complicating factors such as introgression and lineage sorting from polymorphic ancestry.  相似文献   

The Heuchera group (Saxifragaceae) comprises Bensoniella, Conimitella, Elmera, Heuchera, Lithophragma, Mitella, Tellima, Tiarella, and Totmiea. Earlier studies employing morphology, karyology, and flavonoid chemistry indicated that these genera form a natural group, but failed to resolve relationships among them. Restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) suggests that Bensoniella, Tolmiea, and Lithophragma are close allies and form the sister group of a large clade containing the remaining six genera. Mitella and Heuchera are both paraphyletic based on cpDNA data. cpDNA data, in conjunction with morphological and allozyme data, suggest at least four examples of intersectional hybridization and subsequent chloroplast capture in Heuchera. Several of these events may be explained via a stepping stone model in which the chloroplast genome of a species was captured by a second species, and then ultimately by a third taxon. Two well-differentiated groups of Tellima populations were detected: one group has a unique chloroplast genome characterized by nine autapomorphies, and the second group has a chloroplast genome identical to that found in M. trifida and M. diversifolia. cpDNA and allozyme data suggest that some Tellima populations probably obtained their chloroplast genome via intergeneric hybridization with M. trifida, M. diversifolia, or the ancestor of these taxa. The occurrence of intergeneric chloroplast transfer in some populations of Tellima, as well as extensive intersectional chloroplast capture in Heuchera, not only suggests caution in the use of cpDNA restriction site data in phylogenetic reconstruction, but also demonstrates again the importance of adequate sampling of conspecific populations. If the intergeneric relationships in the Heuchera group suggested by cpDNA analysis are accurate, fundamental questions arise regarding the validity of certain morphological traits as good taxonomic characters in Saxifragaceae. Furthermore, significant taxonomic changes at the generic level would be necessary.  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) was surveyed among 37 taxa or cytotypes (40 accessions) of the genus Hordeum. Seventeen restriction enzymes were employed, and a total of 491 restriction sites were assayed. Of these, 120 were variable among the taxa, including 70 synapomorphies. The level of sequence divergence (p) among species of Hordeum varied from 0.0 to 0.017, indicating that Hordeum possesses an about-average level of cpDNA diversity as compared to most other genera of flowering plants for which data are available. Wagner and polymorphism parsimony phytogenies were constructed from the restriction site data. These analyses divided the genus into several distinct groups; 1) American taxa; 2) diploid H. marinum; 3) Asian taxa; 4) H. vulgare-H. bulbosum; and 5) the H. murinum complex. Bootstrap-based confidence limits provided statistical support for the monophylesis of the latter three groups. The cpDNA data showed remarkably good congruence with previously published isoenzymatic, molecular, cytological, and crossing data.  相似文献   

The water-soluble compounds synthesized by the weed, Pluchea lanceolata, and released by it into the soil significantly reduced seed germination, number of nodes, internode length, shoot and root lengths, nodule number and weight, and Chl a and b and Chl a/b ratio of asparagus bean plants. The pattern of accumulation of nutrients in shoot and root of asparagus bean was also affected. In contrast, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of fully expanded leaves were higher in plants grown with treated soil. The concentrations of Mg++, Zn++, and PO43- were higher and K+ was lower in shoots of plants grown with treated soil as compared to those grown with the control soil. Also, roots of plants grown with treated soil showed greater accumulation of Mg++ and NO3-. Shoot/root ratio of nutrients in plants grown with control soil were higher for Zn++, Na+, Ca++, and NO3-, whereas plants grown with treated soil had higher ratios for PO43-. These results provide evidence for allelopathic interference by P. lanceolata to the growth of asparagus bean.  相似文献   

一种纯化高等植物叶绿体DNA的有效方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1984年,Bookjans et al.建立了高盐介质纯叶绿体DNA的方法。在我们进行的高粱叶绿体光系统基因研究中发现,用Bookjans的方法提取的ctDNA酶切效果欠佳,产率太低。应用我们反进的高盐低PH方法,纯化了高粱、小麦、水稻和速效豌豆等植物的ctDNA。结果表明,这种改进的方法具有有得率高,酶切效果好和操作简便等优点。  相似文献   

Shoot apices of Hymenaea courbaril are representative of those of many distichous plants, showing sharp intraplastochronic changes as a result of differential growth of the most recently formed primordium and the apical meristem proper. However, an unusual feature of this species is the complex arrangement of stipules. These enclose their own leaves as well as younger structures. Furthermore, the midregions of the stipules fuse ontogenetically at their bases, separating the newly formed leaf from the young shoot. Examination of apices of H. courbaril and H. stilbocarpa with the SEM shows similar morphological features in these two species.  相似文献   

Light-grown cells of Ochromonas danica, which contain a single chloroplast per cell, were labeled with [methyl-3H]thymidine for 3 h (0.36 generations) and the distribution of labeled DNA among the progeny chloroplasts was followed during exponential growth in unlabeled medium for a further 3.3 generations using light microscope autoradiography of serial sections of entire chloroplasts. Thymidine was specifically incorporated into DNA in both nuclei and chloroplasts. Essentially all the chloroplasts incorporated label in the 3-h labeling period, indicating that chloroplast DNA is synthesized throughout the cell cycle. Nuclear DNA has a more limited S period. Both chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA are conserved during 3.3 generations. After 3.3 generations in unlabeled medium, grains per chloroplast followed a Poisson distribution indicating essentially equal labeling of all progeny chloroplasts. It is concluded that the average chloroplast in cells of Ochromonas growing exponentially in the light contains at least 10 segregating DNA molecules.  相似文献   

The 2C amounts of DNA for 12 taxa of the section Arachis nom. nud. of the genus Arachis L. were determined using cytophotometric techniques. The diploid taxa ranged from 4.92 to 5.98 pg of DNA per cell. The species of the diploid series Annuae Krap. & Greg. nom. nud. averaged ca. 1 pg less DNA per cell than the taxa of the diploid series Perennes Krap. & Greg. nom. nud. No significant differences were found between taxa within these two series. The tetraploid taxa ranged from 10.36 to 11.35 pg of DNA per cell. Within the tetraploid series Amphiploides Krap. & Greg. nom. nud. differences were found between A. monticola Krap. & Rig. and A. hypogaea L. The two subspecies of A. hypogaea, ssp. hypogaea and ssp. fastigiata Waldron, were found to differ significantly in their 2C amounts of DNA. The implications of the cytophotometric data on the chromosomal evolution of this section are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 13 species in the tribe Mutisieae and a single species from each of three other tribes in the Asteraceae were assessed by chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. Initially, 211 restriction site mutations were detected among 16 species using 10 restriction enzymes. Examination of 12 of these species using nine more enzymes revealed 179 additional restriction site mutations. Phylogenetic analyses of restriction site mutations were performed using both Dolio and Wagner parsimony, and the resulting monophyletic groups were statistically tested by the bootstrap method. The phylogenetic trees confirm an ancient evolutionary split in the Asteraceae that was previously suggested by the distribution of a chloroplast DNA inversion. The subtribe Barnadesiinae of the tribe Mutisieae is shown to be the ancestral group within the Asteraceae. The molecular phylogenies also confirm the paraphyly of the Mutisieae and provide statistical support for the monophyly of three of its four currently recognized subtribes (Barnadesiinae, Mutisiinae, and Nassauviinae). The fourth subtribe, Gochnatiinae, is shown to be paraphyletic. Within the subtribes, several closely related generic pairs are identified. Chloroplast DNA sequence divergence among genera of the Asteraceae ranges between 0.7 and 5.4%, which is relatively low in comparison to other angiosperm groups. This suggests that the Asteraceae is either a relatively young family or that its chloroplast DNA has evolved at a slower rate than in other families.  相似文献   

Systematic hypotheses for the Ulvaceae were tested using phylogenetic analysis of sequences for the gene encoding the large subunit of RUBISCO, small subunit rDNA and a combined data matrix. Representatives of eight putative ulvaceous genera and twelve additional taxa from the Ulvophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae were included in analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria. Molecular data supported hypotheses for the Ulvaceae that are based on the early development of vegetative thalli and motile cell ultrastructure. Ulvaceae sensu Floyd and O'Kelly, including Percursaria Bory de Saint‐Vincent, Ulvaria Ruprecht and a complex of closely related species of Chloropelta Tanner, Enteromorpha Link and Ulva L. was supported; however, monophyly of Enteromorpha and Ulva was not supported. The Ulvales and Ulotrichales sensu Floyd and O'Kelly were monophyletic. Blidingia Kylin and Kornmannia Bliding were allied with the former and Capsosiphon Gobi with the latter, although relationships among these and other taxa in these orders remain uncertain. The Ulvales are characterized by an isomorphic life history pattern, gametangia and sporangia that are identical in structure and development, motile cells with bilobed terminal caps and proximal sheaths consisting of two equal subunits. Method of motile cell release and the gross morphology of vegetative thalli are not systematically reliable characters.  相似文献   

A wide range of transitional forms of granular interstitia from simple to complex and from random to ordered occur in the pollen of the subfamily Papilionoideae. Three main types are described: 1) large, widely spaced irregular granules (Type A); 2) densely packed groups of columellae and granules (Type B); and 3) a mass of more or less disorganized granules (Type C). In the genus Calopogonium (tribe Phaseoleae) all three types have been found in different species. Two of the types have been found in different species of the genus Psoralea (tribe Psoraleeae). Granular structures so far occur in six tribes: Desmodieae, Indigofereae, Loteae, Phaseoleae, Psoraleeae, and Vicieae. All of the tribes are regarded as being evolutionarily advanced in both macro and micro characters and many, but not all, show specialized pollen characters. It is concluded that the granular interstitium is a derived structure in papilionoid legumes.  相似文献   

Extraction of nucleic acids from red algae is complicated by the presence of phycocolloids. For this reason, methods used for nucleic acid isolation from other organisms are not always amenable to use with red algal preparations; modifications in some cases lead to protocols that are time consuming and complicated, often requiring large amounts of algal tissue for starting material. Here we describe the isolation of both RNA and DNA followed by fractionation and identification of nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial DNAs from a single preparation of Polysiphonia boldii Wynne and Edwards using a simple method that yielded approximately 100 μg of total RNA and 20 μg of total DNA from 1 g of frozen powdered algae. The potent protein denaturant guanidinium thiocyanate and the detergent sarkosyl were used to gently lyse the cells and organelles and immediately inhibit nuclease activity in the extract. The nucleic acids were isolated by ultracentrifugation into a dense solution of CsCl; the RNA was recovered as a pellet and the DNA as a band within the CsCl solution. Agarose gel electrophoresis of the total RNA showed discrete ribosomal RNA bands, indicating little nonspecific degradation. The nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial DNAs were fractionated by density gradient ultracentrifugation in the presence of the DNA binding dye, bisbenzimide H (Hoechst 33258), which binds preferentially to DNA with a high A + T:G + C ratio, thus altering its density to a greater degree than it does that of DNA with a lower nucleotide ratio. The three fractions were identified by Southern blot analysis using heterologous gene probes specific for the different genomes. The protocol should be applicable to different types of algae. The simple nucleic acid isolation step can be performed on multiple samples simultaneously without subsequent fractionation of DNA, allowing comparison of DNA from different individuals, populations, or species.  相似文献   

豇豆近年来公认原产于热带西非(原生中心)和印度次大陆(次生中心)。种子含蛋白质25.0%,在豆类中仅次于大豆,比牛肉、猪肉和鸡肉的蛋白质含量都要高。鲜果含86%的水,3.3%的蛋白质,7.5%的碳水化合物,是广大人民喜爱的蔬菜。我国通常作蔬菜栽培的是长豇豆,又名豆角,其生物学特性的记载并不详尽。为此,我们对长豇豆作了进一步系统的观察,为育种和丰产栽培提供了必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) of Coreopsis section Coreopsis was employed to assess divergence and phylogenetic relationships among the nine species of the section. A total of fourteen restriction site mutations and one length mutation was detected. Cladistic analysis of the cpDNA data produced a phylogeny that is different in several respects from previous hypotheses. CpDNA mutations divide the section into two groups, with the two perennial species C. auriculata and C. pubescens lacking any derived restriction site changes. The other seven species are united by five synapomorphic restriction site mutations and the one length mutation. These seven species fall into three unresolved clades consisting of 1) the remaining three perennial species, C. grandiflora, C. intermedia, and C. lanceolata; 2) three annual species, C. basalis, C. nuecensoides, and C. nuecensis; and 3) the remaining annual, C. wrightii. The cpDNA data suggest that, although the perennial habit is primitive within the section, the annual species of section Coreopsis have likely not originated from an extant perennial species. The estimated proportion of nucleotide differences per site (given as 100p) for the cpDNAs of species in the section ranges from 0.00 to 0.20, which is comparable to or lower than values reported for other congeneric species. The low level of cpDNA divergence is concordant with other data, including cross compatibility, interfertility and allozymes, in suggesting that species of the section are not highly divergent genetically.  相似文献   

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