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影响链霉菌原生质体形成、再生的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道生长培养基成份,菌丝生育期,溶菌温度及再生培养基成份等对庆丰链霉菌,吸水链霉菌井冈变种原生质体形成和再生的影响,结果表明: 1.生长培养基中添加适量甘氨酸,和/或蔗糖,能增加菌丝细胞壁被溶菌酶消化的敏感性。2.对数生长期菌丝比静止期菌丝原生质体的再生活性高得多。3.菌丝溶解温度庆丰链霉菌以28℃为宜,吸水链霉菌井冈变种则以32℃为最适。4.再生培养基中高渗稳定剂的浓度对原生质体再生影响很大,对吸水链霉菌井冈变种来说,再生培养基R_2YE中的蔗糖以0.3M为宜,R_3中的琥珀酸钠以0.2M为宜。文中并对甘氨酸,蔗糖的作用机理及不同链霉菌原生质体制剂中含有不同比例的渗透敏感单位(即真正原生质体)的可能原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

安徽省皖南山区植物的花粉形态和生态因子   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究安徽省皖南山区广德柏垫和东至利安5月份开花的37科66种植物的花粉形态.对这些植物的生态因子,包括海拔高度、年降水量、年积温和生境进行归纳.进而根据同一区域内相同或相似生态环境条件下分布的植物花粉类型,寻取一定花粉类型综合特征与气候和环境之间可能的联系,为地层孢粉研究提供现代孢粉学依据.  相似文献   

影响 培养基PH值变化的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
莫成凡  Will.  RR 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1997,39(4):347-352
植物组织培养基的PH值一旦外植体植入就开始发生改变,直到达到某一平衡点,不同种的植物有其各自的PH平衡点。用6种植物(PilotusexaltatusDessexLehm,LechennultiafomasusR.BR.,RosacaninaL.,Melaleucaalternifolia(Maiden&E.Betche)Cheel,AnigozanthosflatidusDC.,Zieriacy  相似文献   

长白山水生昆虫的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者于1983年至1992年在发源于长白山的松花江、鸭绿江、图们江及牡丹江等水体上游,对水生昆虫进行了调查。共获取标本一万多个,166种,隶属于7目40科86属。本文还对长白山水生昆虫的生态习性及区系分布特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

武陵山地区的淡水软体动物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘月英  张文珍 《动物学报》1992,38(4):359-371
1988—1989年在我国西南武陵山地区对乌江、清江、澧水及沅江四大水系进行了资源考察。共采集到标本53种,隶属2纲12科27属,其中腹足纲41种,瓣鳃纲12种,内有7个新种(另外发表)。淡水软体动物的区系组成以东洋界种类占优势,有29种,占总数的54.8%;种类组成以沅江水系最多,有44种,其中22种仅采于沅江。田螺属(Viviparus Montfort,1810)的种类首次在东洋界境内被发现。文章对淡水软体动物的资源作了评价,并对寄生虫媒介贝类进行了叙述。  相似文献   

影响油菜子叶外植体不定芽高频率再生的因素   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
采用7个甘蓝型和2个白菜型油菜品种研究了影响子叶外植体芽再生的一些因素和不同基因型的子叶外植体的离子体培养反应和芽再生能力。结果表明,苗龄4d的幼苗叶子含2,4-D0.5-1.2mg/L和6-BA0.2mg/L的培养基培养2或6d后再转到分化培养基上培养,芽再生率34%-46%。  相似文献   

Papavizas , G. C., and C. B. Davey . (USDA, ARS, Crops Research Division, Beltsville, Maryland.) Some factors affecting growth of Aphanomyces euteiches in synthetic media. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(9) : 758–765. Illus. 1960.—Some nutritional requirements of 3 single-zoospore isolates of Aphanomyces euteiches Drechsler were studied in a synthetic medium (SM-1) consisting of mineral salts, D-glucose, DL-glutamic acid, and thioglycolic acid. Micronutrients were essential for growth, whereas vitamins were not. Controlled pH experiments showed that the fungus has a relatively wide pH range (5.2–7.7) for growth with an optimal range between 5.4 and 6.5. When the pH of the medium was maintained within the optimal range by periodic adjustments, ammonium nitrogen was utilized as the sole source of nitrogen. Nitrate nitrogen was unavailable to the fungus under all conditions. DL-glutamic acid was superior as a nitrogen source to either the D or the L isomer. Growth rate and final mycelial dry weight in a synthetic medium (SM-2) containing 14 amino acids in proportions found in 1.0% solution of yeast extract approximated those obtained in complex media. Mycelial dry weights in SM-2 were superior to those obtained in the glucose-glutamic acid-thioglycolic acid medium, but this superiority was due to DL-methionine, a sulfur-containing compound of the amino acid mixture. Sulfates were not utilized as sole source of sulfur, whereas cysteine, cystine, and thioglycolic acid supported fair amounts of growth. The optimal sulfur concentrations from thioglycolic acid for growth in SM-1 were between 128 and 192 mg/1. Mycelial yields equalling or exceeding those supported by complex media were obtained with high concentrations of D-glucose and DL-glutamic acid.  相似文献   

(1) Luteinizing hormone (LH) is secreted as discrete pulses throughout all stages of the reproductive cycle of the ewe, including pre-pubertal, seasonal and lactational anoestrus, and the luteal and follicular phases of the oestrous cycle. Secretion is probably also pulsatile during the preovulatory surge of LH. (2) The secretion of LH is affected by the ovarian steroids, oestradiol and progesterone, both of which act principally to reduce the frequency of the pulses. During the luteal phase the two steroids act synergistically to exert this effect, and during anoestrus oestradiol acts independently of progesterone. Androstenedione secreted by the ovary apparently has no role in the control of LH secretion. (3) The amplitude of the pulses may also be affected by the steroids but there are conflicting reports on these effects, some showing that amplitude is lowered by the presence of oestrogen and others showing increases in amplitude in the presence of oestrogen and progesterone. (4) The secretion of LH pulses is affected by photoperiod, social environment and nutrition. Under the influence of decreasing day-length, oestradiol alone cannot reduce the frequency of pulses and the ewe experiences oestrous cycles. When day-length is increasing, the hypothalamus becomes more responsive to oestradiol which reduces the frequency of the pulses. (5) A hypothetical pheromone secreted by rams can increase the frequency of the LH pulses in anoestrous ewes and thereby induce ovulation, possibly by inhibiting the negative feedback exerted by oestradiol. (6) The relationships between nutrition and reproduction are poorly understood, but it seems likely that the effects of nutrition are mediated partly through the hypothalamus and its control of the secretion of LH pulses. (7) The pulses of LH secreted by the anterior pituitary gland are evoked by pulses of GnRH secreted by the hypothalamus. The location of the centre controlling the GnRH pulses and the neurotransmitter involved are not known.  相似文献   


In Chile, the demand of edible seaweeds has increased during recent years and Callophyllis variegata is one of the most demanded species. This study summarizes information on phenology, aspects, in vitro culture and vegetative propagation methods for Callophyllis. Results indicate that spore production occurs mainly during winter, and recruitment of new plants appear in nature in the spring. Culture studies indicate that spores presented higher germination and growth rates at 8° C and 10 to 12 μmol m−2 s−1. Furthermore, these results indicate that this species presents a high potential for regeneration from its holdfast. The manipulation of temperature, light and culture medium enhances the regeneration process and growth of Callophyllis in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Experiments at Invergowrie, south-east Perthshire, showed that the extent of spread of potato leaf-roll and Y viruses varied from year to year and that virus Y consistently spread more than leaf roll. Most spread of Virus Y occurred before the end of June and of leaf-roll virus before the end of July. Both viruses spread slightly more in late- than in early-planted crops. When plants with leaf roll and already colonized by Myzus persicae were placed in a healthy crop of Majestic potatoes at intervals during the season, the amount of virus spread decreased rapidly with increasing age of the crop. Spread of leaf roll occurred in all of twenty-five 'seed' crops in different districts of eastern Scotland in 1955 but in only twenty out of thirty-six similar crops in 1956. Annual and regional differences in virus spread appear to reflect differences in the time at which migrant aphids reach potato crops in early summer and the rate at which infestation builds up in the crops.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the physiological responses of greenhouse-produced Oxalis corniculata seeds to light, temperature, moist heat treatment, aging, and season of production. Fresh seeds exhibited over 90% germination and required low levels of light (5 μmol m-2 s-1, 400–700 nm) to germinate. Seeds germinated over a broad, yet seasonally-dependent range of incubation temperatures. Seeds produced in winter had the narrowest temperature range of germination (15 to 25 C) and the lowest germination percent (44% at 2 wk) at optimum temperature (17 C); seeds produced in summer had the widest temperature range of germination (10 to 30 C) and the highest germination percent (93% at 2 wk) at optimum temperature (17 C). Incubation at non-optimum temperatures between 5 and 40 C suppressed or slowed the rate of germination until seeds were placed at optimum temperature, where full germination subsequently occurred. Moist heat treatment at temperatures over 40 C resulted in varying degrees of inhibition of subsequent germination. When seeds were stored dry in laboratory conditions, three of four seed lots examined retained over 80% germination capacity until ca. 8 months; 50% capacity remained after ca. 15 months. These results indicate that the seasonal temperature and daylength effects on maternal plants in the greenhouse environment are major determinants of seed germination characteristics of O. corniculata.  相似文献   

硫酸盐还原菌对汞的甲基化作用及其影响因子   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从受氯碱化工废水严重污染的湖北鸭儿湖 1号氧化塘底泥中分离获得了硫酸盐还原菌 ,研究了其生理特性和环境因子对其生长的影响。并在实验室条件下建立了模拟厌氧水环境 ,通过正交实验获得汞甲基化的最佳条件 ,研究了该条件下硫酸盐还原菌在好氧和厌氧状况下对汞的甲基化作用 ,以及非生物甲基化作用。同时又分别作了单因素实验 ,并用高效液相色谱法测定了水样中不同形态的汞。结果显示 ,该硫酸盐还原菌营厌氧生活 ,在35℃、pH7 0、0 7%的盐度、0 5g/LFe2 和不含硫化物等条件下 ,可达到最佳生长状态。水环境中汞的甲基化作用主要发生在有微生物为媒介的厌氧环境下 ,汞的非生物甲基化作用和好氧环境下的甲基化作用均可忽略不计。厌氧环境下 ,水体温度、pH值、硫化物和盐度等诸多环境因素对汞的微生物甲基化作用的影响也进行了研究与讨论。  相似文献   

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