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梅雌蕊发育和受精作用的研究 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
以梅细叶青品种为试验材料,在南京地区,雌蕊心皮原基分化高峰期在10月上旬,12月下旬,形成胚珠原基。次年2月下旬至3月初,胚囊分化渐趋势成熟,蓼型胚囊。子房内着生2个半倒生胚珠,通常仅1个发育为种子。胚珠具厚珠心,形成珠孔塞和珠心冠。3月上旬开花,传粉后2-3天,花粉管经引导组织进入子房,5天左右,多数胚囊中已完成双受精,8天,胚乳游离核开始出现,13天左右的材料,原胚开始形成,胚胎发育属紫菀型, 相似文献
革胡子鲇卵巢在第一次性周期内分化与发育的研究 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
用光镜和电镜研究了革胡子鲇(Clariaslazera)原生殖细胞的起源迁移,卵巢在第1次性周期内的分化与发育以及各发育时期卵母细胞的超微结构。原生殖细胞起源于内胚层,有固定的迁移路线,进入生殖嵴后,生殖嵴进一步分化,出现卵巢腔分化成卵巢,卵母细胞在第1次性周期内的发育可分成6个时相,描述了各时相卵母细胞的显微结构与超微结构。同时,叙述了卵母细胞中卵黄发生的形态形成。 相似文献
Stanley R. Gawlik 《American journal of botany》1984,71(4):512-521
A study of developing transmitting tissue of Lilium Leucanthum pistils was undertaken in order to correlate structure with function. Lining the stylar canal are stigmatoid cells which contain a secretory zone consisting of a labyrinth of wall ingrowths characteristic of transfer cells. The functional feature of the labyrinth is a high surface-to-volume ratio that facilitates an intensive transmembrane flux of solutes. Stigmatoid cells in various stages of development and maturation have been investigated with the aid of electron and light optics in conjunction with cytochemical techniques. During development of the secretory zone, vesicles, formed by hypersecretory dictyosomes, fuse with the plasma membrane and contribute their contents to the growing wall. The pattern of secretory zone development is basipetal and is associated with initiation of chemotropism. In a mature pistil large crystals, having a basipetal pattern of development, and sensitive to protease, can be observed in the cytoplasm of stigmatoid cells. At anathesis, degradation of the crystal can be observed in the cells of the stigma surface and progresses basipetally as the pistil ages. The role of the crystal is uncertain. Immature pistils cultured in the presence of labeled proline take up the label which at maturity of the pistil is transferred to the canal of the pistil. The label is found in the crystals and the secretory zone of the stigmatoid cells. Pollen tubes growing in the canal of a labeled pistil take up the label. 相似文献
Irene Sturgess 《Acta zoologica》1948,29(2-3):393-479
锯缘青蟹复眼的单一感受系统 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
锯缘青蟹视网膜电图的暗视光谱敏感曲线的峰值在500nm 左右,与视紫红(λ_max=510nm)的吸收光谱吻合得很好。其波形和振幅-强度曲线与刺激波长无关,均符合单变量原理。在蓝或绿背景光明适应时,长波段的相对光谱敏感性增高。红光明适应未能抑制这种增高,表明它并非是由于对长波敏感的感受系统的存在。在校正了屏蔽色素的选择性吸收特性后,长波段光谱敏感性与暗视时十分接近,提示该现象可能系明适应造成的色素迁移所致。本文结果表明,锯缘青蟹的复眼仅具有单一的感受系统。 相似文献
In angiosperms selection among male gametophytes may take place between the time a flower is pollinated and the time its ovules are fertilized. With insect pollination, a surplus of male gametophytes in the form of pollen grains may be deposited on the stigma of a pistil and this provides the potential for gametophytic competition and selection. In all plants examined from two Talinum mengesii populations, pollen germination was delayed for up to two hours after pollination. In plants of two other populations pollen germination was not delayed or the time of germination varied. Reciprocal pollinations between plants with and without the delay trait and pollinations at different times during anthesis revealed that the timing of pollen germination was regulated by the maternal parent. Theoretically, the effect of the delay trait would be to promote the accumulation of pollen on the stigma and induce simultaneous germination. This would intensify intermale competition and provide a mechanism for the maternal parent to influence the paternal parentage of its offspring. 相似文献
文章研究了华中地区池塘养殖大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)卵巢的发育规律, 分析了水温与光照条件变化对卵巢发育的影响, 探究了大口黑鲈反季节繁殖的方法, 旨在充分利用本地区的气候条件, 化劣势为优势, 从根本上解决本地大口黑鲈产业所面临的问题。实验采用形态学、组织学等方法比较分析了大口黑鲈卵巢发育特征, 采用人工控温和人工促熟的方法探究了温度和性激素对大口黑鲈性腺启动发育的影响。研究发现, 华中地区大口黑鲈雌鱼性腺指数(GSI)周年变化在0.63%—7.95%, 10月中旬至12月初水温由20.6℃降至11.0℃期间, 卵巢开始发育至Ⅲ期, 并以Ⅲ期越冬, 至4月中旬繁殖产卵, 5月底结束, 繁殖前约80%的雌鱼绝对繁殖力在4.5万—6.5万粒, 但受水温升高的影响, 卵巢中15%成熟卵母细胞未能产出而逐步退化, 产卵结束时仍有一半以上卵未产出(GSI为4.6%); 雌鱼GSI与肠系膜脂肪系数(MFI)、肝体比(HSI)在10月份至次年4月份呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 表明在此期间, 机体储存的营养物质部分转移至性腺, 优先保证性腺发育。在大口黑鲈反季节繁殖实验中, 采用井水[水温(20±1)℃]降温和控温处理的方法能够促进大口黑鲈性腺的启动发育, 经过3个月处理, 控温组雌鱼卵巢发育至Ⅳ期末, GSI达到4.06%, 而对照组雌鱼卵巢处于Ⅲ期, GSI为2.52%, 两组差异显著(P<0.05), 两组雄鱼精巢均发育至Ⅳ期末, 控温组GSI达0.89%, 对照组为0.73%, 这表明可以通过温度处理来调控大口黑鲈性腺的发育。最后针对反季节繁殖中亲本的培育方法和处理时间等进行了总结, 以期为后续培育反季节大口黑鲈提供依据。 相似文献
千层塔植物茎叶中黄酮类物质的研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
本实验利用分光光度法对千层塔植物茎叶内的黄酮类物质进行了初步测定 ,确定了总黄酮含量提取的适宜溶剂浓度和提取的适宜时间。结果表明 ,用 6 0 %的甲醇溶剂提取 6h总黄酮含量最高。此外 ,本试验还对千层塔黄酮提取液进行了各种定性颜色反应 ,初步确定其中的黄酮类物质主要为黄酮类和黄酮醇类。 相似文献
南方鲶卵巢滤泡细胞和卵膜生成的组织学研究 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
南方鲶的卵巢滤泡细胞源于卵巢基质细胞,从发生到退化分为零散卵泡膜细胞期、单层扁平泡膜细胞期、多层扁平卵泡膜细胞期、立方形颗粒细胞期柱状颗粒细胞期、颗粒细胞分泌期和颗粒细胞退化期。精孔细胞中发育中滤泡细胞分化形成。初级卵精源于卵母细胞,次级卵膜由晚期滤泡细胞分泌形成。本文还对滤泡细胞和卵膜的作用进行了阐述。 相似文献
Pollen tube growth has been studied in peach and has been related to changes in the pistil structures which the pollen tube has to traverse in its way from the stigma down to the ovule. Growth of the pollen tubes along the pistil is not continuous. While pollen tubes reach the base of the style 7 days after pollination, fertilization does not take place until 12 days later. Pollen tubes stop for 5 days at the top of the obturator and they further stop for 3 days before entering the ovule. The pollen tube growth is heterotrophic; starch, present all along the pistilar tract at anthesis, vanishes as the pollen tubes pass by. Discontinuous pollen tube growth appears to be controlled by the pistil. At anthesis the pistil is not fully matured. Maturation of the pistil implies a number of secretory processes that occur in a basipetal way starting from the stigma down to the style and ending in the ovule. Some of these secretions at the stigma and the style are triggered by pollination; others appear to be a maturative stage of the pistil and are produced in a discrete way. The fact that the pollen tube depends on these secretions together with the fact that these secretions are not continuously produced confer upon the pistil a role of controlling pollen tube kinetics and point out that, for a successful fertilization, male gametophyte development and pistil maturation need to by synchronized. 相似文献
对韭菜开花前1天左右的子房进行培养可获得大量的单倍体植株。观察表明单倍体植株起源于未受精的卵细胞和反足细胞。为了探索培养不同发育时期的子房对单倍体原胚发生频率的影响,我们又对大孢子母细胞时期的幼 相似文献
大弹涂鱼性腺发育的组织学观察 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刺五加胚和胚乳发育的研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
刺五加Eleutherococcus senticosus(Rupr .et Maxim.)Maxim的胚胎发生类型为茄型。其卵细胞受精后,合子经历15天左右的休眠期才进行第一次分裂。合子分裂通常发生在胚乳细胞化之后,经棒形胚、球形胚、至果实成熟时发育到心形胚。棒形胚后期至心形胚初期,胚柄最为发达。刺五加的胚乳发育类型为核型。其初生胚乳核的休眠期为1天左右。当胚乳游离核数目增加到200至300时,胚乳以自由生长细胞壁的方式细胞化,胚乳细胞以典型的有丝分裂方式进一步增殖,增加细胞数目。球形胚时期,胚乳细胞内开始贮藏营养物质。少数种子的胚乳里存在巨大细胞核的异型胚乳细胞。在胚乳游离核为32至64个时,分化出珠被绒毡层;球形胚时期,珠被绒毡层解体。珠被绒毡层解体后,胚乳表层细胞分化为分泌层。球形胚至心形胚阶段,约有5%的种子里,胚与胚乳组织发生弥散样降解。成熟果实中,含有大量的瘪粒种子和虫咬种子;饱满种子率为40%左右。饱满种子中,胚乳组织占据种子体积的绝大部分,胚所占比率很小。讨论了不同发育时期胚和胚乳的营养供应。 相似文献
短盖巨脂鲤卵巢发育组织学研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对短盖巨脂鲤各个生长时期卵巢组织学研究以及成熟卵超微结构观察,获得短盖巨脂鲤生长发育过程中卵巢发育规律;同时对卵母细胞核仁排出物与核质关系及在卵黄形成中的作用等问题作了初步探讨;并根据卵巢的卵母细胞组成确定了其产卵类型。 相似文献
锯缘青蟹精子发生的超微结构 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
采用透射电镜观察锯缘青蟹精子发生过程中超微结构的变化,结果表明:精原细胞椭圆形,染色质分布于核膜周围,胞质中具嵴少的线粒体,内质网小泡等。初级精母细胞染色质呈非浓缩状,胞质中具众 内质网小泡,特殊的膜系及晶格状结构。次级精母细胞核质间出现由内质小泡聚集成的腔。 相似文献
Parietal cells of the stomach of the hamster show extensive amounts of dense material in a variety of organelles after prolonged exposure to a solution of osmium tetroxide. Conspicuous amounts of reduced osmium compounds are evident within the granular endoplasmic reticulum, perinuclear cisterna, and vesicular elements of the Golgi complex. Dense material is also apparent within cristae of the mitochondria, the surface coat of the microvilli of the intracellular canaliculus, and vesicular elements of the multivesicular bodies. Multivesicular bodies, containing numerous small osmiophilic elements, are often seen surrounding and/or in close contact with mitochondria. The proximity of the multivesicular bodies to the mitochondria appears to be related to an autophagic process involving degradation of mitochondria. The distribution and intensity of the precipitates within the organelles of the parietal cells vary in different regions of the gastric glands. The findings of this study emphasize that cell structures other than the Golgi complex may contain large concentrations of reduced osmium compounds after prolonged exposure to a solution of osmium tetroxide. 相似文献
Nexine and intine development in Silene alba (Caryophyllaceae) was investigated by electron microscopy and enzyme cytochemistry. Nexine-2 forms by deposition of sporopollenin along unit membrane lamellae closely associated with the microspore plasma membrane in the late tetrad stage. After the callose wall dissolves, electron density increases along the tangentially oriented fibers of the proximal primexine, forming nexine-1. When the exine is essentially complete, the intine begins to develop. In the nearly mature microspore, acid phosphatase activity appears in the peripheral cytoplasm just prior to its extrusion into the intine of the mature pollen grain. 相似文献