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A new species of Psilophyton is described from serial peels of permineralized axes in terms of vasculature, cortical histology, and branching. The axes bear small, multicellular emergences, and wound tissue occurs on several of them. Anatomical changes associated with branching are analyzed and five different patterns described, some of which are new for the genus. Particularly noteworthy is the apparent lack of correlation of axis and stelar diameters in some branching sequences. This information adds to our knowledge of anatomy and variability within the genus Psilophyton and allows for closer comparison of Psilophyton to other plant groups.  相似文献   

Buds of Claytonia virginica were examined from 9 locations in the metropolitan New York area. A large amount of meiotic irregularity was characteristic of the populations studied. Chromosome counts on pollen mother cells were higher than any reported previously for the taxon, which contains an extensive aneuploid series including at least 40 different numbers ranging from 2n = 12 to ca. 190. In one New Jersey population, plants having approximately 90 chromosomes were associated with those having only 16. All the observations indicated that Claytonia virginica is an unusual species with an ability to tolerate fluctuations in chromosome material without apparent effects on fertility and morphology.  相似文献   

买麻藤根的异常次生生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
买麻藤(Cnetum montanum)根的异常次生生长与茎的异常次生生长相似,位于维管束外围的薄壁组织细胞可以形成维管束,以这种方式使根加粗。并且在生长过程中以同样的方式,在维管束的外围不断形成新的维管束。这些新的维管束成环状排列,因此,在老根中呈多圈的维管束。与茎唯一不同的是根的异常次生生长为不均等的,在两个宽大的射线区外侧,没有异常的维管束形成,因此,根主要向着与两条宽大射线相垂直的方向扩展,故外形呈扁圆形。  相似文献   

广西蜘蛛抱蛋属三新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万煜 《植物研究》1989,9(2):97-102
本文发表了产于广西的蜘蛛抱蛋属三个新种:天峨蜘蛛抱蛋Aspidistra carinata Y.Wan et X.H.Lu,柳江蜘蛛抱蛋A.patentiloba Y.Wan et X.H.Lu及杯花蜘蛛抱蛋A.cyathiflora+Y.Wan et C.C.Huang。  相似文献   

Specimens of Calamophyton from the Middle Devonian Ashokan Sandstone near Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y., are shown to belong to C. bicephalum Leclercq and Andrews, a Belgian species. Steel needles and a stereoscopic binocular microscope were used to follow the path of the forking leaves and branching sporangiophores of the specimens through the matrix. The terete leaves dichotomized two to three times in more than one plane. Sporangiophores dichotomized once. Each branch bore three recurved lateral branches which in turn bore two sporangia. Each branch terminated in an elongate, filiform projection. Sporangia apparently dehisced longitudinally. Their walls were composed of elongate cells. Their spherical spores ranged from 86 to 166 μ in diameter and bore a trilete mark. Ornamentation consisted of coni and spinae up to 4.5 μ long. They resembled dispersed spores of Dibolisporites gibberosus var. major Richardson. This is the second occurrence of Calamophyton bicephalum and the first account of its spores. It is the second report of the genus in North America.  相似文献   

Proteokalon gen. nov. is described from the Upper Devonian Catskill deposits of New York. Two orders of branching and ultimate appendages are preserved' by petrifaction and by compression. The first order bears branches decussately and has a skewed four-armed protostele that occasionally dichotomizes. Second-order branches dichotomize rarely and most have T-shaped or three-armed protosteles. They bear ultimate appendages alternately, either in lateral pairs, or singly from the abaxial side. These appendages divide several times in one plane. Their vascular strand is terete. Maturation of the primary xylem is mesarch, and it consists of tracheids and parenchyma. Secondary xylem and phloem and a periderm are present. The outer cortex has a system of hypodermal fibers. Proteokalon is most similar to Tetraxylopteris and Triloboxylon of the Aneurophytales. A comparison of the stratigraphic occurrence of Protopteridium, Aneurophyton, Tetraxylopterism, Sphenoxylon, Triloboxylon, and Proteokalon suggests some evolutionary trends among the Aneurophytales.  相似文献   

缓步动物门三新种及一新记录种记述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨潼 《水生生物学报》2002,26(5):505-508
记述了得自云南省和河南省苔藓与丝状绿藻中的缓步动物门三新种和一新记录种:异缓步纲棘影熊虫科的西藏角棘影熊虫新记录种 Cornechiniscus tibetanus)Maucci, 1979)和石林假棘影熊虫,新种 Pseudechiniscus shilinensis sp. nov.;真缓步纲大生熊虫科的河南趾生熊虫,新种 Dactylobiotus henanensis sp. nov.;高生熊虫科的昆明高生熊虫,新种 Hypsibius kunmingensis sp. nov..    相似文献   

本文发表了广东省北部山区的多孔菌科的三个新种,它们是:薄淀粉孔菌Amylonotus tenuis Zheng et Bi;近烟色赖特卧孔菌Wrighto-poria subadusta Bi et Zheng;和迷路状粉孢菌Amylosporus daedali-formis Zheng et Bi。  相似文献   

赵遵田  孙立彦 《菌物学报》2002,21(1):135-136
中国橙衣属 (Caloplaca Th. Fr.)地衣迄今仅见零星报道,尚无专门研究;作者从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中科院微生物所菌物标本馆地衣标本室的该属地衣标本进行了初步研究,发现了三个中国新记录种,现报道如下。 1 黄粉橙衣 Caloplaca chrysophthalma Degel., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 38: 56~57 (1944). 地衣体壳状,连续成薄膜状或浸入基物不明显,有时具疣突,灰黄色至灰色;下地衣体不明显;粉芽堆几乎覆盖整个地衣体,橙黄色,分离或丛生,斑点状或形状不规则。 子囊盘甚少见,直径可达1mm;托缘细薄,粉芽化,有时消失…  相似文献   

中国有瓣蝇类三新种:(双翅目:丽蝇科,蝇科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道采自中国四川的瓣蝇类丽蝇科蜗蝇属Melinda Robineau-Desvoidy 1新种:端钩蜗蜗Melinda apicihamata sp.nov;蝇科移属Coenosia Meigen2新种:黑杂移蝇Coenosia nigrimixta sp.nov,黄杂移蝇Coenosia flarimixta sp.nov。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   


记述了采自中国东南沿海台湾海峡南部、福建南部东山湾和福建东部宁德三都湾裸鞘花水母1新属——拟长管水母属Dipurenella gen.nov.和3新种,即刺胞海帽水母Halitiara knides sp.nov.,东山拟长管水母Dipurenella dongshanensis sp.nov.和粗管外肋水母Ectopleura crassocanalis sp.nov.。详细描述其形态特征,并与近似种进行比较。模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋与环境学院。  相似文献   

买麻藤(Gnetum montanum Mgr.)茎的各类组织的排列与被子植物的茎非常相似,其次生生长也属同一类型。其中最明显的相似之处,是木质部中的导管和韧皮部中的筛分子与“伴胞”。藤本植物买麻藤,正常的次生生长开始后,由每一维管束外侧的薄壁组织经脱分化产生新的形成层,以后逐渐形成一圈维管束。这与前人所描述的新形成层来自韧皮薄壁组织是不同的。异常的维管束与正常的一样,由木质部和韧皮部组成,并被髓射线分隔呈楔形。当第一轮维管束停止生长以后,在其外围以同样方式形成新的一轮,以后并可连续形成多轮。  相似文献   

陀螺单顶孢图1Monacrosporium bembicodes(Drechsler)Subram.,J.Indian Bot.Soc.42:293,1963.Dactylella bembicodes Drechsler,Mycologia29:491,1937.在CMA培养基上菌丝无色,扩展,分隔,宽2-5μm;分生孢子梗高250-450μm,单生,不分枝,顶端着生单个分生孢子;分生孢子阔纺锤形,顶端钝圆,基部渐尖细、平截,36-43.2(40)×16.8-21.6(20.5)μm,3-4个分隔,4个隔为主。可通过微循环产孢方式或直接在一些分生孢子梗上形成小分生孢子,小分生孢子倒卵圆形,10-19×4-5μm,0-1个分隔。捕食器为收缩环。图1陀螺单顶孢Monacrosporium bembicodes(Drec…  相似文献   

本文报道了银耳目银耳科的3个新种——黑褐德克耳(Ductifera nigro-brunnea Peng)、黑蜡壳菌(Sebacina fuscata Peng)和长担银耳(Tremella longibasidia Peng)。其形态特征,黑褐德克耳与钙德克耳(Ductifera calcarea Lowy)接近,但前者担子常具柄状基部,担孢子为卵形可与之区别;黑蜡壳菌与蜡壳菌[Sebacina incrustans(Pers.ex Fr.)Tul.]接近,但黑蜡壳菌担子果为黑色膜状,担子有短柄状基部;长担银耳与波纳银耳。(Tremella boraborensis Olive)接近,但前者担子果为黑色,菌丝无小鳞茎状结构,下担子头部决无横分隔者。对这三个新种进行了汉文和拉丁文描述。  相似文献   

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