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Phylogenetic relationships among 13 species in the tribe Mutisieae and a single species from each of three other tribes in the Asteraceae were assessed by chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. Initially, 211 restriction site mutations were detected among 16 species using 10 restriction enzymes. Examination of 12 of these species using nine more enzymes revealed 179 additional restriction site mutations. Phylogenetic analyses of restriction site mutations were performed using both Dolio and Wagner parsimony, and the resulting monophyletic groups were statistically tested by the bootstrap method. The phylogenetic trees confirm an ancient evolutionary split in the Asteraceae that was previously suggested by the distribution of a chloroplast DNA inversion. The subtribe Barnadesiinae of the tribe Mutisieae is shown to be the ancestral group within the Asteraceae. The molecular phylogenies also confirm the paraphyly of the Mutisieae and provide statistical support for the monophyly of three of its four currently recognized subtribes (Barnadesiinae, Mutisiinae, and Nassauviinae). The fourth subtribe, Gochnatiinae, is shown to be paraphyletic. Within the subtribes, several closely related generic pairs are identified. Chloroplast DNA sequence divergence among genera of the Asteraceae ranges between 0.7 and 5.4%, which is relatively low in comparison to other angiosperm groups. This suggests that the Asteraceae is either a relatively young family or that its chloroplast DNA has evolved at a slower rate than in other families.  相似文献   

The cheilanthoid ferns have long resisted efforts to circumscribe well-defined, phylogenetically natural generic and infrageneric groups, presumably because of homoplastic morphologies associated with their xeric habitats. This cladistic analysis of phylogenetically informative chloroplast DNA restriction site data from 14 enzymes and seven taxa in the cheilanthoid genus Pellaea provides new insights into the phylogenetic relationships of the P. glabella complex. It also assesses the congruence of results based on restriction site data at inter- and intraspecific levels in these sexually and apogamously reproducing ferns with those of earlier morphological and isozyme analyses of the same group. Wagner parsimony yielded a single most parsimonious tree of 187 steps and 11% homoplasy, based on a data matrix of 166 restriction sites of which 66 were phylogenetically informative. Phylogenetic analysis based on user-defined stepmatrix character-state weighting of site gains over losses produced an identical single most parsimonious tree. Dollo parsimony yielded two most parsimonious trees, one of which was topologically identical to the Wagner tree. Specific and infraspecific relationships in the P. glabella complex determined by the completely independent restriction site and isozyme data sets are identical. This lends confidence to the ongoing use of restriction site data in a broader study of Pellaea and other cheilanthoid taxa and to the present conclusions that P. atropurpurea is sister to the P. glabella complex, whereas P. breweri, previously considered the closest relative of this complex, is actually more distantly related to it than are the other taxa in this study.  相似文献   

Comparisons of chloroplast DNA restriction fragments in four species of Caulerpa revealed that patterns between the species were different, with few and possibly no homologous bands. Two forms of Caulerpa sertularioides also revealed different patterns, and it is possible that the forms are separate species. The chloroplast genome in Caulerpa sertularioides f sertularioides (S. G. Gmelin) Howe is 131.4 kb in size and lacks large repeat units. The discovery of another green-algal chloroplast genome that lacks an inverted repeat indicates that this feature is either not ancestral to the Chlorophyceae or has been lost several times. Several gene clusters commonly found in chloroplast DNAs were found to occur in Caulerpa chloroplast DNA, for example, psbD/C, atpF/H, and psaA/B. The 16S and 23s rRNA, which are typically adjacent, contained in an inverted repeat, and cotranscribed, are over 40 kb apart. Genes rps12 and tufA, members of the str operon in eubacteria, are over 50 kb in distance from each other in Caulerpa. The gene order in Caulerpa is unlike any other chloroplast genome characterized to date.  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) of Coreopsis section Coreopsis was employed to assess divergence and phylogenetic relationships among the nine species of the section. A total of fourteen restriction site mutations and one length mutation was detected. Cladistic analysis of the cpDNA data produced a phylogeny that is different in several respects from previous hypotheses. CpDNA mutations divide the section into two groups, with the two perennial species C. auriculata and C. pubescens lacking any derived restriction site changes. The other seven species are united by five synapomorphic restriction site mutations and the one length mutation. These seven species fall into three unresolved clades consisting of 1) the remaining three perennial species, C. grandiflora, C. intermedia, and C. lanceolata; 2) three annual species, C. basalis, C. nuecensoides, and C. nuecensis; and 3) the remaining annual, C. wrightii. The cpDNA data suggest that, although the perennial habit is primitive within the section, the annual species of section Coreopsis have likely not originated from an extant perennial species. The estimated proportion of nucleotide differences per site (given as 100p) for the cpDNAs of species in the section ranges from 0.00 to 0.20, which is comparable to or lower than values reported for other congeneric species. The low level of cpDNA divergence is concordant with other data, including cross compatibility, interfertility and allozymes, in suggesting that species of the section are not highly divergent genetically.  相似文献   

The examination of morphological traits has failed to resolve the tribal placement of Marshallia. Suggested relationships for this anomalous genus have, at various times, included Eupatorieae, Heliantheae, Vemonieae, and Inuleae. Chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping, using Bamadesiinae (Mutisieae) as the outgroup, revealed 981 restriction site mutations, 332 of which were phylogenetically informative, for 60 genera representing 15 tribes of Asteraceae. Wagner parsimony produced 36 equally parsimonious tress of 729 steps, and Dollo parsimony produced 34 equally parsimonious trees of 759 steps. Monophyletic groups, resulting from the Wagner analysis, were further tested with the bootstrap method. The placement of Marshallia in the Heliantheae-Tageteae-Coreopsideae-Eupatorieae complex was consistent for all trees produced. Tageteae and Coreopsideae form the sister group to paraphyletic Heliantheae, with Marshallia sharing its most recent common ancestor with Galinsoga, Palafoxia, and Bahia. The Eupatorieae form a monophyletic clade that is derived from helianthoid ancestors.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 31 species representing variously Helianthus, Helianthopsis, Heliomeris, Simsia, Viguiera, and Tithonia were assessed by chloroplast DNA restriction site mapping. A total of 147 mutations including 92 informative ones was detected using 16 restriction enzymes, with an estimated sequence divergence within the group of 1.4%. Parsimony analysis produced a single most parsimonious tree with a length of 161 steps and a consistency index of 0.91. Statistically significant clades, as assessed by the bootstrap method, correspond to a number of taxa recognized previously, including Helianthus (3 species), Helianthopsis (5 species), and several groups within Viguiera, including sect. Maculatae (4 species), the Baja California group (6 species), sect. Paradosa (2 species) and V. dentata (3 samples). However, species of Viguiera collectively form a highly paraphyletic group relative to species of other genera. Helianthus and Helianthopsis were separated into different clades, supporting their recent segregation. Placement of H. porteri in Helianthus rather than Heliomeris was confirmed; the single sample of the latter genus was most similar to the Baja California group of Viguiera. An expected relationship between Simsia (2 species) and one member of Viguiera ser. Grammatoglossae was confirmed (although not with two other putatively related members of Viguiera) and an unexpected relationship between Simsia and Tithonia was suggested. The presence of Mexican taxa as the more basal groups in the tree points toward a possible Mexican origin for Viguiera and related genera. A molecular clock hypothesis is rejected in many pairwise comparisons involving woody taxa with herbaceous ones, although it could not be rejected in most pairwise comparisons involving taxa of similar habit.  相似文献   

The genus Pyrrhopappus in recent systematic treatments has comprised five taxa (four species, one with two varieties), which have now been studied anew using morphogeographical and chloroplast DNA restriction site data. Eight populations, representing all of the recognized taxa of Pyrrhopappus, were digested with 17 restriction enzymes. Only three restriction site differences were found from among 750 restriction sites and no length variations were observed. This contrasts with similar studies, using these same enzymes, on the closely related genus Krigia in which 173 mutation sites and 20 length variations were found among the seven species concerned. Nucleotide sequence divergence values among the species of Pyrrhopappus were extremely low (0.0012) compared to much higher values found in the closely related genus Krigia (0.1270). Three species of Pyrrhopappus are herein recognized: two diploids with 2n = 12 chromosomes, P. carolinianus and P. pauciflorus (including P. multicaulis, P. geiseri and P. rothrockii), and a tetraploid (2n = 24), P. grandiflorus. The tetraploid is partially sympatric with both diploids but is readily recognized by its perennial roots, which bear tuber-like enlargements. These three species presumably arose relatively recently, and the DNA data suggest that neither P. pauciflorus nor P. carolinianus gave rise to the tetraploid P. grandiflorus.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships within Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) were inferred from nucleotide sequence variation in nuclear ribosomal DNA of both New World and Old World species. The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) of 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal DNA from representatives of 26 species of Astragalus, three species of Oxytropis DC., and two outgroup taxa were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction amplification and direct DNA sequencing. The length of the ITS 1 region within these taxa varied from 221 to 231 bp, while ITS 2 varied in length from 207 to 217 bp. Of the aligned, unambiguous positions, approximately 34% were variable in each spacer region. In pairwise comparisons among Astragalus species and outgroup taxa, sequence divergence at these sites ranged from 0 to 18.8% in ITS 1 and from 0 to 21.7% in ITS 2. Parsimony analyses of these sequences resulted in a well-resolved phylogeny that is highly concordant with previous cytogenetic and chloroplast DNA evidence for a major phylogenetic division in the genus. These data suggest that the New World aneuploid species of Astragalus form a monophyletic but morphologically cryptic group derived from euploid species of Old World (Eurasian) origin, which are consequently paraphyletic.  相似文献   

应用一对寡核苷酸引物ITS1与ITS4对核DNAG+C百分数小于30%的小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella)属的核糖体DNA(rDNA)内转录间区(YTS)进行了扩增。测试的属于10个种和变种的22株菌都得到了扩增产物。在同属不同种之间扩增的ITS片段长度有巨大差别。据此可分为三组。这三组所含分类群数及其DNA长度分别为;第一组4种1变种,小于764碱基对(bp);第二组2种,765~824bp;第三组2种1变种,大于825bp。所研究的许多种中,特别是第三组,单凭其PCR产物的长度就能区分开来。但在第一、二组就需借助限制性内切酶的分析才能予以区分。我们选用了RsaI,TaqI;Tru9I,和HinfI4种限制性内切酶,对所有扩增产物进行了限制性片段长度多型性(RFLPs)的分析。在雅致小克银汉霉(Celegans)、巴西玉蕊小克银汉霉(Cbertholletiae)、和布拉氏霉(Cblakesleeana)各种的限制性酶切图谱,种内非常一致而种与种之间有差别。反之,在某些种其限制性酶切图谱不仅种间互不相同,在种内不同株之间也出现1~3种酶切图型的差异。在这种情况下,只能综合各种资料才能将它们区分开来。本研究肯定了PCR-RFLP在区分小克银汉霉种和变种上的意义,并发现种内个体的差异。这在我们后来所进行的序列分析研究中得到了进一步的证实。  相似文献   

The Heuchera group (Saxifragaceae) comprises Bensoniella, Conimitella, Elmera, Heuchera, Lithophragma, Mitella, Tellima, Tiarella, and Totmiea. Earlier studies employing morphology, karyology, and flavonoid chemistry indicated that these genera form a natural group, but failed to resolve relationships among them. Restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) suggests that Bensoniella, Tolmiea, and Lithophragma are close allies and form the sister group of a large clade containing the remaining six genera. Mitella and Heuchera are both paraphyletic based on cpDNA data. cpDNA data, in conjunction with morphological and allozyme data, suggest at least four examples of intersectional hybridization and subsequent chloroplast capture in Heuchera. Several of these events may be explained via a stepping stone model in which the chloroplast genome of a species was captured by a second species, and then ultimately by a third taxon. Two well-differentiated groups of Tellima populations were detected: one group has a unique chloroplast genome characterized by nine autapomorphies, and the second group has a chloroplast genome identical to that found in M. trifida and M. diversifolia. cpDNA and allozyme data suggest that some Tellima populations probably obtained their chloroplast genome via intergeneric hybridization with M. trifida, M. diversifolia, or the ancestor of these taxa. The occurrence of intergeneric chloroplast transfer in some populations of Tellima, as well as extensive intersectional chloroplast capture in Heuchera, not only suggests caution in the use of cpDNA restriction site data in phylogenetic reconstruction, but also demonstrates again the importance of adequate sampling of conspecific populations. If the intergeneric relationships in the Heuchera group suggested by cpDNA analysis are accurate, fundamental questions arise regarding the validity of certain morphological traits as good taxonomic characters in Saxifragaceae. Furthermore, significant taxonomic changes at the generic level would be necessary.  相似文献   

Members of the species Astragalus cymbicarpos form chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers, as well as a large variety of intermediate floral types. Bivariate allometry and Gould's clock models were used to investigate the possible heterochronic evolution of the cleistogamous flower from the chasmogamous flower. In three of the whorls analyzed (pistil, stamens, and corolla) comparison of chasmogamous, pseudocleistogamous, and cleistogamous flowers revealed a progressive “juvenilization” of the adult form. This paedomorphic morphology proved to be partly the result of a process of progenesis, also evident in acceleration of sexual maturity. The retardation of shape with respect to size in these three whorls suggests, however, the existence of a heterochronic process other than progenesis.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the phylogenetic history of Pontederiaceae using chloroplast DNA restriction-site variation from approximately two-thirds of the species in this family of aquatic monocotyledons. The molecular phylogeny was used to evaluate hypotheses concerning the evolution of reproductive characters associated with the breeding system. The family has four main genera, two of which (Eichhornia and Pontederia) have tristylous, predominantly outcrossing species, while two (Monochoria and Heteranthera) have enantiostylous taxa. Self-incompatibility is restricted to some but not all tristylous species. In Eichhornia and Pontederia, predominantly selfing species with small monomorphic flowers (homostyly) have been hypothesized to result from the multiple breakdown of tristyly. Restriction-site variation provided a well supported phylogeny of ingroup taxa, enabling the mapping of reproductive characters onto trees. Two contrasting optimization schemes were assessed, differing in the relative weights assigned to shifts in character states. The reconstructed sequence of floral character-state change was used to assess competing hypotheses concerning the origin and breakdown of tristyly, and the relationships between tristylous and enantiostylous syndromes. Our results indicate that the class of optimization scheme used was the most critical factor in reconstructing character evolution. Despite some topological uncertainties and difficulty in reconstructing the primitive floral form in the family, several broad conclusions were possible when an unordered, unequally-weighted optimization scheme was used: (1) tristyly originated either once or twice, while the occurrence of enantiostyly in Monochoria and Heteranthera was always found to have independent origins; (2) tristyly has repeatedly broken down leading to selfing, homostylous taxa; and (3) self-incompatibility probably arose after the origin of floral trimorphism, a sequence of events that conflicts with some evolutionary models.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme analysis of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is used to assess the relative contribution of hybridization and mutation as sources of genotypic variation in weedy asexual dandelions, with focus on the dandelion flora of North America. Of 318 North American dandelions surveyed, 145 rDNA-cpDNA clones are detected. The combined rDNA-cpDNA genotypes show that most of the polymorphic rDNA and cpDNA restriction sites or lengths in these plants are also present in weedy asexual dandelions collected from natural populations in Europe and in asexual and diploid taxa (microspecies) chosen to represent diverse Eurasian members of the genus. However, of 222 combined rDNA-cpDNA genotypes found in 427 asexual plants surveyed, only 9 genotypes are found in both North American and Eurasian dandelions. Two rDNA and three cpDNA characters are unique to individual plants in North America and are consistent with mutational origins of genotypic variation in asexual lineages. But the array of genotypic diversity, characterized by different combinations of the rDNA and cpDNA characters, show that multiple hybridization events are a more important source of genotypic variation than mutation in the asexual polyploids. The rDNA and cpDNA data also indicate polyphyletic origin of several asexual Taraxacum taxa.  相似文献   

Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) W. W. Hay et H. Mohler is a cosmopolitan coccolithophore occurring from tropical to subpolar waters and exhibiting variations in morphology of coccoliths possibly related to environmental conditions. We examined morphological characters of coccoliths and partial mitochondrial sequences of the cytochrome oxidase 1b (cox1b) through adenosine triphosphate synthase 4 (atp4) genes of 39 clonal E. huxleyi strains from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Mediterranean Sea, and their adjacent seas. Based on the morphological study of culture strains by SEM, Type O, a new morphotype characterized by coccoliths with an open central area, was separated from existing morphotypes A, B, B/C, C, R, and var. corona, characterized by coccoliths with central area elements. Molecular phylogenetic studies revealed that E. huxleyi consists of at least two mitochondrial sequence groups with different temperature preferences/tolerances: a cool‐water group occurring in subarctic North Atlantic and Pacific and a warm‐water group occurring in the subtropical Atlantic and Pacific and in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

轮钟花属的恢复及其花粉和种皮证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察表明,金钱豹属(广义)花粉明显分为两个类型:Campanumoea inflata和C.javanica subsp.laponica的花粉5~8沟,外壁具相对密的短刺,刺高不过1μm,而C.lancifolia,C.celebica和C.parviflora的花粉3孔沟,外壁刺稀疏,高于2μm。种子表面纹饰也同样可分为 两类,前两个种一类,其种子表面网状,网眼规则而多角形,直径大于网脊宽度,网脊上的次级纹饰为念 珠状,而后三种为一类,其种子表面网眼不规则,直径与网脊宽度近相等,网脊上的次级纹饰绳索状。可 见花粉特征与种皮性状是高度相关的。后三个种所属的分类群就是被归并了的属Cyclocodon Griffith。 综合花粉、种皮及外部形态,这个属应予恢复。其近缘属应是Platycodon,而不是Campanumoea。  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) was surveyed among 37 taxa or cytotypes (40 accessions) of the genus Hordeum. Seventeen restriction enzymes were employed, and a total of 491 restriction sites were assayed. Of these, 120 were variable among the taxa, including 70 synapomorphies. The level of sequence divergence (p) among species of Hordeum varied from 0.0 to 0.017, indicating that Hordeum possesses an about-average level of cpDNA diversity as compared to most other genera of flowering plants for which data are available. Wagner and polymorphism parsimony phytogenies were constructed from the restriction site data. These analyses divided the genus into several distinct groups; 1) American taxa; 2) diploid H. marinum; 3) Asian taxa; 4) H. vulgare-H. bulbosum; and 5) the H. murinum complex. Bootstrap-based confidence limits provided statistical support for the monophylesis of the latter three groups. The cpDNA data showed remarkably good congruence with previously published isoenzymatic, molecular, cytological, and crossing data.  相似文献   

Several workers have suggested that species with restricted ranges and few individuals are more likely to be self-compatible and to exhibit low levels of inbreeding depression than are geographically widespread congeners. To investigate these predicted patterns, controlled pollinations were performed in the field on populations of two restricted and two widespread species of Astragalus. All four species are xerophytic perennials which have similar floral size and morphology. Both restricted A. linifolius and restricted A. osterhouti are self-compatible, and A. linifolius is moderately autogamous. Widespread A. lonchocarpus is self-compatible, but widespread A. pectinatus is essentially self-incompatible. Neither the restricted nor the widespread species exhibited evidence of fecundity components of inbreeding depression (as measured by percent seed set and percent embryo abortion). Seedlings of A. linifolius and A. lonchocarpus that had been produced by self- and cross-fertilization were grown in a growth chamber to investigate progeny viability components of inbreeding depression. In contrast to the predicted patterns, inbreeding depression was detected in progeny of restricted A. linifolius, but not in progeny of widespread A. lonchocarpus. These patterns emphasize the importance of studying inbreeding depression in additional restricted and widespread species at several stages of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that species with small ranges and few individuals will exhibit low levels of genetic polymorphism. We investigated the population genetic structure of two locally endemic and two geographically widespread species of Astragalus. To facilitate direct comparisons among these congeners, three populations of each species were sampled in a consistent manner and scored for allozyme polymorphisms at 12 loci. Genetic polymorphism was lower in restricted A. linifolius and A. osterhouti than in widespread A. pectinatus. However, the restricted species do exhibit a moderate level of isozyme variation, comparable to that of widespread A. pattersoni and higher than has been detected in several other rare plant taxa. As measured by Wright's F statistics, there were no consistent differences between the restricted and widespread taxa with respect to the organization of genetic variation. FST values were low in all taxa, indicating little heterogeneity among populations.  相似文献   

The genus Caulerpa consists of about 75 species of tropical to subtropical siphonous green algae. To better understand the evolutionary history of the genus, a molecular phylogeny was inferred from chloroplast tufA sequences of 23 taxa. A sequence of Caulerpella ambigua was included as a potential outgroup. Results reveal that the latter taxon is, indeed, sister to all ingroup sequences. Caulerpa itself consists of a series of relatively ancient and species‐poor lineages and a relatively modern and rapidly diversifying clade, containing most of the diversity. The molecular phylogeny conflicts with the intrageneric sectional classification based on morphological characters and an evolutionary scheme based on chloroplast ultrastructure. High bootstrap values support monophyly of C. mexicana, C. sertularioides, C. taxifolia, C. webbiana, and C. prolifera, whereas most other Caulerpa species show para‐ or polyphyly.  相似文献   

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