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The association between dioecy and generalist mode of pollination suggested about 20 years ago has been recently questioned. It is argued that there is evidence to indicate that a disproportionate number of dioecious species have relatively smaller flowers and a more generalist mode of pollination than hermaphroditic taxa. This trend seems to hold at the community level as well as within genera containing dioecious and hermaphroditic species. Like other correlations among characters, correlations among dioecy, small flower size, and pollination systems provide important insights into mechanisms of plant evolution.  相似文献   

Aims We explore the possible role of leaf size/number trade-offs for the interpretation of leaf size dimorphism in dioecious plant species.Methods Total above-ground biomass (both male and female) for three herbaceous dioecious species and individual shoots (from both male and female plants) for three woody dioecious species were sampled to record individual leaf dry mass, number of leaves, dry mass of residual above-ground tissue (all remaining non-leaf biomass), number of flowers/inflorescences (for herbaceous species) and number of branches.Important findings For two out of three woody species and two out of three herbaceous species examined, male plants produced smaller leaves but with higher leafing intensity—i.e. more leaves per unit of supporting (residual) shoot tissue or plant body mass—compared with females. Male and female plants, however, did not differ in shoot or plant body mass or branching intensity. We interpret these results as possible evidence for a dimorphic leaf deployment strategy that promotes both male and female function, respectively. In male plants, capacity as a pollen donor may be favored by selection for a broadly spaced floral display, hence favoring relatively high leafing intensity because this provides more numerous axillary meristems that can be deployed for flowering, thus requiring a relatively small leaf as a trade-off. In one herbaceous species, higher leafing intensity in males was associated with greater flower production than in females. In contrast, in female plants, selection favors a relatively large leaf, we propose, because this promotes greater capacity for localized photosynthate production, thus supporting the locally high energetic cost of axillary fruit and seed development, which in turn requires a relatively low leafing intensity as a trade-off.  相似文献   

Rapid losses and degradation of natural habitats in the tropics are driving catastrophic declines and extinctions of native biotas, including angiosperms. Determining the ecological and life-history correlates of extinction proneness in tropical plant species may help reveal the mechanisms underlying their responses to habitat disturbance, and assist in the pre-emptive identification of species at risk from extinction. We determined the predictors of extinction proneness in 1884 locally extinct ( n  = 454) and extant ( n  = 1430) terrestrial angiosperms (belonging to 43 orders, 133 families, and 689 genera) in the tropical island nation of Singapore (699.4 km2), which has lost 99.6% of its primary lowland evergreen rainforest since 1819. A wide variety of traits such as geographical distribution, pollination system, sexual system, habit, habitat, height, fruit/seed dispersal mechanism, and capacity for vegetative re-sprouting were used in the analysis. Despite controlling for phylogeny (as approximated by family level classification), we found that only a small percentage of the variation in the extinction probability could be explained by these factors. Epiphytic, monoecious, and hermaphroditic species and those restricted to inland forests have higher probabilities of extinction. Species dependent on mammal pollinators also probably have higher extinction probabilities. More comparative studies that use species traits to identify extinction-prone plant species are needed to guide the enormous, but essential task of identifying species most in need of conservation action.  相似文献   

Sexual specialization in two tropical dioecious figs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aviva Patel  Doyle McKey 《Oecologia》1998,115(3):391-400
Ficus species (figs) and their species-specific pollinator wasps are involved in an intimate mutualism in which wasps lay eggs in some ovaries of the closed inflorescences (syconia), and mature, inseminated offspring carry pollen from mature syconia to fertilize receptive inflorescences. In monoecious species, each syconium produces seeds and wasps. In functionally dioecious fig species, making up approximately half the figs worldwide, male and female functions are separated; hermaphrodite (functionally male) trees produce wasps and pollen only, while female trees produce seeds only. This sexual separation allows selection to act independently on the reproductive biology of each sex. Examining sexual specialization in a tight mutualism allows us to determine aspects of the mutualism that are flexible and those that are canalized. In this study, we quantified the phenology of two species of dioecious figs, F. exasperata and F. hispida, for 2 years by following the fates of several thousand syconia over time. In studying each of these species in a dry and a wet site in south India, we tested specific predictions of how dioecious figs might optimize sexual function. On female trees of both species, more inflorescences matured during the wet (monsoon) season than in any other season; this fruiting period enabled seeds to be produced during the season most suitable for germination. In F. exasperata, functionally male trees released most wasps from mature syconia in the dry season, during peak production of receptive female syconia, and thus maximized successful pollination. In F. hispida, “male” trees produced more syconia in the dry and monsoon seasons than in the post-monsoon season. In both species, male and female trees abscised more unpollinated, young inflorescences than pollinated inflorescences, but abscission appeared to be more likely due to resource- rather than pollinator- limitation. The phenology of F. exasperata requires that male inflorescences wait in receptive phase for scarce pollinators to arrive. As expected, male inflorescences of this species had a longer receptive phase than female inflorescences. In F. hispida, where pollinators are rarely scarce, duration of receptive phase was the same for both sexes. Duration of developing phase was longer in female syconia of both species than in male syconia, most likely because they need a longer period of investment in a fleshy fruit. Variation in developing phase of female syconia in one species (F. exasperata) was also greater than that in male syconia, and enabled female trees to sample a variety of germination environments in time. The strong sexual differences in both fig species support the hypothesis that selection for sexual specialization has strongly influenced the reproductive biology of these species. Received: 28 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 February 1998  相似文献   

We examined the frequency of hermaphroditic, monoecious, and dioecious species of angiosperms in restinga (sandy coastal plain) vegetation in SE Brazil. The study site was a vegetation mosaic comprising nine plant formations, ranging from open types to forest. Dioecy (14% of 566 species) was similar to other tropical vegetations and strongly associated with woodiness and entomophily. However, more interestingly, there was an exceptionally high percentage (35%) of dioecious species among the dominant woody plants. This pattern has not been previously reported, and we discuss the extent to which it is ecologically driven. We argue that the high abundance of dioecious plants in this resource-poor environment can be attributed to ecological traits related to long-distance dispersal, ecological vigor, and possibly, vegetative reproduction.  相似文献   

Studies in Garcinia, dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RICHARDS, A. J., 1990. Studies in Garcinia , dioecious tropical forest trees: agamospermy . In Garcinia , agamospermy is known or suspected for ten species. Most are facultative agamosperms, with males occurring, but males are probably lacking in G. mangostana . In G. mangostana and G. hombroniana , adventitious embryony occurs autonomously, and haploid parthenogenesis may also occur rarely. In G. parvifolia , it is reported previously that gametophytic agamospermy occurs, and adventitious embryos are suppressed. Autonomous endospermy is found in G. mangostana and G. parvifolia . In G. hombroniana , endosperm probably only develops after PEN fertilization. In G. hombroniana , some proembryos are formed precociously, and further proembryo formation is inhibited by sexual embryos. Asexual proembryos tend to occur in large ovules in small ovaries, and sexual embryos tend to occur in small ovules in large ovaries. It is considered that facultative agamospermy renders the genus Garcinia particularly suitable for the development of new types of fruit. Agamospermy in a dioecious genus, adventitious embryony in the absence of fertilization and/or pseudogamy, and the co-occurrence of gametophytic and sporophytic agamospermies in the same genus are unusual phenomena, which are discussed in the context of the lifestyle of a tropical forest tree. For G. hombroniana, n = 24, and for G. cowa, n = 26 are reported.  相似文献   

1. To demonstrate evolved sex-based differences in vegetative traits of dioecious plant species, one must consider both pre-reproductive and reproductive individuals, as dimorphic patterns commonly arise secondarily from different effects of reproduction on resource balance.
2. Siparuna grandiflora , a neotropical dioecious shrub in which females allocate significantly more biomass to reproduction than males, was studied for 2 years (three reproductive events) to determine whether sex-based differences in stem growth, leaf production and allocation pattern could be detected in pre-reproductive individuals grown from cuttings in field plots or in mature naturally occurring individuals.
3. Among pre-reproductive individuals, females accumulated more stem and leaves than males, but among mature individuals, no sex-based growth differences were apparent. In mature individuals, both growth and leaf longevity were positively correlated with reproductive frequency. With regards allocation, pre-reproductive males had larger leaves than females, and mature females allocated less biomass per unit stem length than males.
4. The capacity of pre-reproductive females to grow faster than males demonstrates innate differences between the sexes. That mature females achieved equivalent growth to males, despite higher reproductive allocation, indicates that the greater growth capacity of young females is sustained in older females and enables them to compensate for greater reproductive allocation.  相似文献   


Key message

Congeneric species showed similar stem and crown allometry, but differed in crown dimensions indicating that crown size is adaptive and variable despite mechanical restrictions.


Morphological adaptations favor differential use of the space in tropical trees, but the variability in stem and crown allometry can be constrained by phylogenetic and mechanical factors. In addition, dioecious species show marked differences in their energy requirements related to reproduction, but little information is available about the role of shape and allometry on differential acquisition of energy between the sexes. We studied the stem and crown dimensions of congeneric dioecious trees to determine if there are: (i) differences in the allometry between the sexes, (ii) different average sizes among sympatric species, and (iii) differences in stem and crown allometry between sympatric and allopatric species. Two pairs of sympatric Virola (Myristicaceae) in Brazil and Costa Rica were studied. SMA regression models were used to investigate allometric relationships between diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height, and between DBH and crown volume (CV). No sexual dimorphism in stem and crown morphology was observed in this study, indicating that differences in resource allocation for reproduction between the sexes do not impact the stem and crown structure in these species. Overall, low variability among the species was observed. Only one species differed in stem allometry and none differed in crown allometry. CV differed between sympatric species. Stem and crown allometry are related to structural stability and our results support similar mechanical restriction for these species. The ecological significance of differences in CV among canopy species remains to be explored.

The Putranjivaceae is an enigmatic family, notable for being the only lineage outside the Capparales to possess the glucosinolate biochemical pathway, which forms the basis of an induced chemical defense system against herbivores (the "mustard oil bomb"). We investigated the pollination biology and floral scent chemistry of Drypetes natalensis (Putranjivaceae), a dioecious subcanopy tree with flowers borne on the stem (cauliflory). Flowering male trees were more abundant than female ones and produced about 10-fold more flowers. Flowers of both sexes produce copious amounts of nectar on disc-like nectaries accessible to short-tongued insects. The main flower visitors observed were cetoniid beetles, bees, and vespid wasps. Pollen load analysis indicated that these insects exhibit a high degree of fidelity to D. natalensis flowers. Insects effectively transfer pollen from male to female plants resulting in about 31% of female flowers developing fruits with viable seeds. Cetoniid beetles showed significant orientation toward the scent of D. natalensis flowers in a Y-maze olfactometer. The scents of male and female flowers are similar in chemical composition and dominated by fatty acid derivatives and isothiocyanates from the glucosinolate pathway. The apparent constitutive emission of isothiocyanates raises interesting new questions about their functional role in flowers.  相似文献   

A. B. Nicotra 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):102-113
Populations of dioecious plant species often exhibit biased sex ratios. Such biases may arise as a result of sex-based differences in life history traits, or as a result of spatial segregation of the sexes. Of these, sex-based differentiation in life history traits is likely to be the most common cause of bias. In dioecious species, selection can act upon the sexes in a somewhat independent way, leading to differentiation and evolution toward sex-specific ecological optima. I examined sex ratio variation and spatial distribution of the tropical dioecious shrub Siparuna grandiflora to determine whether populations exhibited a biased sex ratio, and if so, whether the bias could be explained in terms of non-random spatial distribution or sex-based differentiation in life history traits. Sex ratio bias was tested using contingency tables, a logistic regression approach was utilized to examine variation in life history traits, and spatial distributions were analyzed using Ripley's K, a second-order neighborhood analysis. I found that although populations of S. grandiflora have a male-biased sex ratio within and among years, there was no evidence of spatial segregation of the sexes. Rather, the sex ratio bias was shown to result primarily from sex-based differentiation in life history traits; males reproduce at a smaller size and more frequently than females. The sexes also differ in the relationship between plant size and reproductive frequency. Light availability was shown to affect reproductive activity in both sexes, though among infrequently flowering plants, females require higher light levels than males to flower. The results of this study demonstrate that ecologically significant sex-based differentiation has evolved in S. grandiflora. Received: 30 July 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

Estimates of the sex ratio and cost of reproduction in plant populations have implications for resource use by animals, reserve design, and mechanisms of species coexistence, but may be biased unless all potentially reproductive individuals are censused over several flowering seasons. To investigate mechanisms maintaining dioecy in tropical forest trees, we recorded the flowering activity, sexual expression, and reproductive effort of all 2209 potentially reproductive individuals within 16 species of Myristicaceae over 4 years on a large forest plot in Amazonian Ecuador. Female trees invested >10 times more biomass than males in total reproduction. Flowering sex ratios were male-biased in four species in ≥1 year, and cumulative 4-year sex ratios were male-biased in two species and for the whole family, but different mechanisms were responsible for this in different species. Annual growth rates were equivalent for both sexes, implying that females can compensate for their greater reproductive investment. There was no strict spatial segregation of the sexes, but females were more often associated with specific habitats than males. We conclude that male-biased sex ratios are not manifested uniformly even after exhaustive sampling and that the mechanisms balancing the higher cost of female reproduction are extremely variable.  相似文献   

Colleen K. Kelly 《Oecologia》1995,102(3):377-388
Evolutionary comparative methods taking into account the potential effects of relatedness reveal that, among 202 species of animal-dispersed tropical woody angiosperms from Peru, large seeds may be an adaptation to: (1) dispersal by mammals rather than by birds and (2) greater plant height. Using the most powerful techniques currently available, appropriate comparisons were made between related species or species groups at all taxonomic levels, thus allowing use of all species in the data set. Even so, the results show no evidence of adaptation (i.e., a functional relationship) of seed mass to successional syndrome or to growth form (trees or vines). In previous cross-species analyses, seed mass has been linked to both of these ecological variables. The lack of relationship between seed mass and habitat use or growth form may be due to targeting the wrong trait to predict these two variables, or because seed mass is subject to exaptation, i.e., a particular seed mass has arisen for other reasons, but allows invasion into a habitat and currently serves to maintain that species in the habitat. Differentiation between these two explanations for the lack of correlation between seed mass and successional syndrome or growth form would entail species-by-species examination of the function of seed mass under natural conditions. The effect of relatedness on the ecological correlates of seed mass and plant height is determined for each of three taxonomic schemes. It is concluded that the three schemes do not differ greatly in the results obtained.  相似文献   

Polyploidy in angiosperms   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Incompatibility in angiosperms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Since Darwinian times considerable knowledge has accumulated on the distribution, physiology and genetics of self-incompatibility (SI) in higher plants. In the second half of this century the first attempts were made to identify the biochemical bases of SI. These included thediscovery that cutinase enables pollen tube penetration at the surface* of the stigma in Cruciferae, sorting of segregation pollen S-phenotypes by serological techniques, a lock-and-key model of the SI reaction, the first detection and characterisation of SI proteins and the discovery of the role of the tapetum in the determination of pollen phenotypes in homomorphic sporophytic SI. This pioneering work was followed by a worldwide effort to identify and understand the cellular and molecular processes which lead to the recognition and rejection of SI pollen. The present review article summarizes briefly the current state of knowledge in areas essential for the understanding and exploitation of SI and outlines new information that has become available during recent years. Received: 14 March 1997 / Revision accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   

Dioecy (i.e. having separate sexes) is a rather rare breeding system in flowering plants. Such rareness may result from a high probability of extinction in dioecious species because of less efficient dispersal and the costs of sexual selection, which are expected to harm dioecious species' survival on the long term. These handicaps should decrease the effective population size () of dioecious species, which in turn should reduce the efficacy of selection. Moreover, sexual selection in dioecious species is expected to specifically affect some genes, which will evolve under positive selection. The relative contribution of these effects is currently unknown and we tried to disentangle them by comparing sequence evolution between dioecious and non‐dioecious species in the Silene genus (Caryophyllaceae), where dioecy has evolved at least twice. For the dioecious species in the section Melandrium, where dioecy is the oldest, we found a global reduction of purifying selection, while on some, male‐biased genes, positive selection was found. For section Otites, where dioecy evolved more recently, we found no significant differences between dioecious and non‐dioecious species. Our results are consistent with the view that dioecy is an evolutionary dead end in flowering plants, although other scenarios for explaining reduced cannot be ruled out. Our results also show that contrasting forces act on the genomes of dioecious plants, and suggest that some time is required before the genome of such plants bears the footprints of dioecy.  相似文献   

Dichogamy in angiosperms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We obtained information on dichogamy and other aspects of the biology of over 4200 species of angiosperms from several hundred published and unpublished sources. We used this information to describe patterns of occurrence of dichogamy and to test specific hypotheses relating dichogamy to other characteristics of plants or their environments. Protandry was more common than protogyny at the intrafloral level, but the reverse was true at the interfloral level. Patterns of dichogamy varied significantly among major taxa, with protogyny more common among monocotyledons and primitive dicotyledons, and protandry expecially common in the Asteridae. Arctic species tended to be less dichogamous and more protogynous than temperate and tropical species. Aquatic and alpine species were especially protogynous. Patterns of dichogamy varied among sexual systems, with gynomonoecious and gynodioecious species especially protandrous, and monoecious species highly protogynous. Autogamous and self-compatible species were disproportionately protogynous. Flowers of intraflorally dichogamous species were slightly larger than those of adichogamous species, owing to the presence of many autogamous species in the latter group. Species with interfloral protogyny bore much smaller flowers than did species with interfloral protandry. Early-blooming species in north-temperate and polar regions were disproportionately protogynous. Sexual structures that abscised, shriveled or moved after completion of their function tended to be presented first, and those that facilitated the other sexual function were presented second. A negative association existed between type of intrafloral and interfloral dichogamy in diclinous species. Most animal-pollinated flowers were protandrous, except beetle-pollinated and refuge and trap blossoms. Wind pollination was markedly associated with protogyny. Vertical inflorescences visited by upwardly-moving vectors were protandrous.  相似文献   

Orchid pollinators have highly varied life histories with complex biotic resource requirements, about which we have limited knowledge. Among the specialist orchid pollinators are insect predators and parasitoids with specific prey types such as aphids and subterranean scarab larvae; oligolectic bees that collect pollen from limited sources such as bellflowers; euglossine bees and butterflies that collect particular plant chemicals for reproduction and self defense; oil-collecting bees that provision their brood cells with floral oils from a few plants; bees that collect rare floral resins to construct their nest and brood cells; moths and butterflies that require specific larval host plants; mosquitos and horse flies that need blood; and fungus gnats and carrion flies tied to fungi and dead animals. Loss of critical biotic resources and relationships can reduce the abundance of orchid pollinators and/or their effectiveness. Protection of large, plant rich, pesticide-free orchid habitats is key to conserving essential pollinator resources.  相似文献   

The claim of monophyletic origin of angiosperms arose from the confusion of phylogenetic and taxonomic concepts. Unpreconceived studies of extant angiosperms point to more than one archetype. Several lines of angiosperms have simultaneously entered the fossil record; the monocotyledons, proto-Hamamelidales, proto-Laurales and “proteophylls” (possibly ancestral to the Rosidae) are recognized among them. Three groups of Mesozoic seed plants — the Caytoniales, Czekanowskiales and Dirhopalostachyaceae — are distinguished as major sources of angiosperm characters (proangiosperms). Other Mesozoic lineages probably also contributed to the angiosperm character pool. Angiospermization is related to Mammalization and other processes involved in development of the Cenozoic lithosphere and biosphere.  相似文献   

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