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We examined the effect of ovule position within the ovary on the probability of seed maturation, on seed weight, and on progeny performance in the outbreeding legume Phaseolus coccineus. Ovaries of P. coccineus possess six linearly arranged ovules (ovule position one = stylar end). We found that in both 1987 and 1988, ovule position had a significant effect on the probability of seed maturation under field conditions. In 1987, ovule positions one. two, and three had a higher probability of maturing seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. In 1988, the probability of producing a mature seed in ovule position one was more similar to the three most basal ovule positions than to ovule positions two and three. The position of the ovule in the ovary had no significant effect on seed weight in 1987, but it had a significant effect in 1988. Overall, seeds from ovule positions one, two, and three tended to produce heavier seeds than the three most basal ovule positions. The effects of ovule position on progeny performance were determined in a greenhouse and a field study. In the greenhouse study, we found no significant overall effect of the position of the ovule that produced the seed on progeny performance. In the field study, we did find a significant ovule position effect on several measures of reproductive performance as well as an overall effect on reproductive performance. In addition, we found a significant interaction between ovule position and number of seeds per fruit. Progeny from the stylar end of the fruit outperformed the progeny from the peduncular end in fruits containing many seeds, whereas there were no significant differences between progeny produced in the stylar and peduncular ends of fruits containing few seeds. Causes of position effects are unknown but hypotheses abound.  相似文献   

A wide range of transitional forms of granular interstitia from simple to complex and from random to ordered occur in the pollen of the subfamily Papilionoideae. Three main types are described: 1) large, widely spaced irregular granules (Type A); 2) densely packed groups of columellae and granules (Type B); and 3) a mass of more or less disorganized granules (Type C). In the genus Calopogonium (tribe Phaseoleae) all three types have been found in different species. Two of the types have been found in different species of the genus Psoralea (tribe Psoraleeae). Granular structures so far occur in six tribes: Desmodieae, Indigofereae, Loteae, Phaseoleae, Psoraleeae, and Vicieae. All of the tribes are regarded as being evolutionarily advanced in both macro and micro characters and many, but not all, show specialized pollen characters. It is concluded that the granular interstitium is a derived structure in papilionoid legumes.  相似文献   

Ateleia herbert-smithii is unique among legumes in being a wind-pollinated tree; carpellate and staminate flowers are restricted to different trees. Development of the two floral morphs, however, is essentially the same except for smaller carpels in functionally staminate flowers and failure of pollen formation in the anthers of functionally carpellate flowers. The floral development of Ateleia herbert-smithii is highly atypical among papilionoids and the tribe Sophoreae. Order of organ initiation is: sepals, solitary petal, carpel, and lastly all stamens in erratic order. Sepal order is unidirectional from the abaxial side, the normal pattern for papilionoids. Only one petal, the vexillum or standard, is initiated. Subsequent initiation is completely different from the usual unidirectional pattern of most papilionoids. A meristem ring forms, delimiting the solitary carpel centrally. Ten stamen primordia are initiated on the meristem ring, first laterally, then adaxially, and lastly abaxially. There is a tendency for antesepalous stamens to form before the antepetalous ones. The loss of four of the five petals is thought to alter drastically the subsequent organogeny as to position of organs and their order of initiation. Carpel initiation in Ateleia is precocious, but not uniquely so among legumes.  相似文献   

Lathyrus latifolius (everlasting pea) is a perennial vine native to Europe. Naturalized populations of L. latifolius occur in fields and on roadsides over large areas of the United States. Widely cultivated as a garden flower, L. latifolius produces abundant racemes of showy flowers that are bumblebee-pollinated. The seeds are heavy, large, and round, and exhibit no specialized means of dispersal. Allozyme diversity and population structure were determined for 32 populations of L. latifolius—30 from the southeastern United States and two from Oregon. Results from 21 allozyme loci indicate that genetic diversity is higher and population divergence is lower than expected based on the life history characteristics of the species. No association was found between genetic identity statistics and geographic distance between populations. Although the range in genetic diversity statistics among populations was unusually large, genetic drift did not appear to play a major role in structuring genetic variation. We conclude that the level of genetic diversity maintained within L. latifolius populations, and the level of population divergence found, is strongly influenced by its status as a cultivated garden flower and its human-associated mode of gene flow via seed dispersal.  相似文献   

河南山黧豆属和杭子梢属订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归并了山黧豆属1种和杭子梢属1变种。即将河南香豌豆Lathyrus henanensis S.Y.Wang作为安徽山黧豆L.anhuiensis Y.J.Zhu et R.X.Meng的新异名;白花杭子梢Campylotropis macrocarpa(Bge.) Rehd.var.alba S.Y.Wang作为杭子梢原变种C.macrocarpa (Bge.)Reehd.var.macrocarpa的新异名。  相似文献   

The tribes Amorpheae and Psoraleeae of the Leguminosae (Papilionoidae) share the characteristics of one-seeded fruits and gland-dotted foliage. Because of this, they traditionally have been considered closely related (either a single tribe or two closely related tribes). However, Barneby (1977) has suggested that the Amorpheae and Psoraleeae are not close but previously had been combined on the basis of a superficial resemblance. This paper describes the structure of the secretory cavities responsible for the gland dots. Approximately 50% of the species of each tribe were surveyed for cavity structure with leaflet clearings. Eight species were then chosen for developmental studies of their glands. Several distinct kinds of secretory cavities are present in these plants. Trabeculate cavities (found only in the Psoraleeae) are traversed by many elongated cells. This type of cavity and nontrabeculate cavities of the Psoraleeae initiate with localized dorsiventral elongation of protodermal cells to form a hemispherical protuberance on the leaf primordium surface. Development proceeds with separation of the cells of a protuberance along their lateral walls facing the protuberance center. As the leaf expands, the protuberance sinks until its apex is flush with the leaf surface. The result is a cavity lined by an epithelium of modified epidermal cells. Trabeculate cavities have more cells in the initial protodermal bump than nontrabeculate “epidermal” cavities, and the central cells of the protuberance are not involved in epithelium formation, but become separated from other cells on all lateral sides, transversing the cavity as trabeculae. Cavities of the Amorpheae are all nontrabeculate and subepidermal. They initiate with periclinal divisions of protodermal cells that result in two cell layers. The exterior layer differentiates into epidermis, while the interior layer divides to produce a small spherical group of cells (“epithelial initials”). Schizogeny occurs in the center of these cells to produce an epithelium-lined cavity. Previous studies of cavity development in the Amorpheae described lysigenous and schizo-lysigenous cavities for most species. These early reports are reviewed, and the possible role of preparation artifacts in producing images of lysigenous development in general is discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in seed size may produce variation in seedling fitness, but the relationship is not simple. Differences in seed size within and among species may not have the same effects. We examined effects of differences in seed size within and among three species of Sesbania, S. macrocarpa, S. drummondii, and S. vesicaria, on seedling emergence and growth in the greenhouse and the field. Of the three species, the largest-seeded species, S. vesicaria, produced the largest, longest-lived seedlings in both the greenhouse and the field. Even though plant size differed, annual S. macrocarpa produced the same seed mass as annual S. vesicaria in the greenhouse. Within-species effects were less clear. In the greenhouse, S. vesicaria seedlings grown from large seeds remained largest until maturity, but the other species did not exhibit this effect. Some persistent within-species effects of seed size differences on height were observed in the field in 1981, but not in 1980, suggesting that field conditions increase the importance of seed size differences. Unscarified S. drummondii seeds germinated before seeds of the two annual species. Within species, larger seeds of the annuals and smaller seeds of the perennial germinated first. Differences among the species in the importance of seed size to seedling fitness may allow the species to have different patterns of regulation of reproduction in response to stress. Sesbania vesicaria showed the largest within-species effects of seed size and has the lowest plasticity in seed size, suggesting that patterns of plasticity have been selected such that the most important component of yield varies least.  相似文献   

豆科紫藤属Wisteria约有5-6个现生种,间断分布于中国、日本和美国的温带地区,但化石记录表明,该属在新近纪可能广泛分布于捷克、荷兰、格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯远东、日本和中国。因此,研究紫藤属化石有助于深入认识它的早期演化、分类、多样性、古生态和生物地理,其中荚果化石的分类价值和演化意义尤为显著。文中基于对产自山东临朐中中新世山旺组的山旺紫藤W.shanwangensis荚果化石的再观察,并结合紫藤属3个现生种——紫藤W.sinensis、藤萝W.villosa和多花紫藤W.floribunda的荚果发育特征,讨论这些化石的分类、演化、发育和埋藏学意义。结果进一步证明,山旺紫藤荚果化石与国产的2个现生种——紫藤和藤萝的荚果更为相似,呈倒披针形、种子较少和室间缢缩明显。比较而言,日本和美国产的紫藤属现生种——多花紫藤和美国紫藤W.frutescens的荚果呈线形、种子较多和室间缢缩不明显,而且日本中新世和上新世报道的紫藤属荚果化石与多花紫藤的荚果更为相似。然而,中国和日本报道的紫藤属荚果化石迄今都没发现被毛,这与现生种中最原始的美国紫藤的荚果相似,而与东亚紫藤属现生种密被绒毛的荚果形成显著差别。因此,中国、日本和美国的紫藤属种类可能早在中新世就已经发生了形态地理分化,而荚果无毛或许是该属演化过程中一个比较原始的性状;紫藤属现生种荚果在发育的中、后期果壁上具有与纵轴方向成锐角的倾斜纤维纹饰,它们在荚果完全成熟后导致果瓣沿缝线开裂并卷曲,卷曲的果瓣放入水中又能恢复平整。值得注意的是,山旺紫藤荚果化石果壁上也发现了类似的倾斜纤维纹饰,这表明它们在脱落保存时处在发育的中、后期,这一发育时期脱落的荚果更有可能保存为化石记录;山旺紫藤荚果化石果壁的碳质残片中还富含硅藻类,近似于远距直链藻Melosira distans和颗粒直链藻M.granulata这些浮游相的、生活在深水区的优势种。因此,山旺紫藤荚果脱离母体后可能沉积在湖水较深的地方,而且它也可能是在成熟开裂的状态下脱落,瓣片本来卷曲,被短程搬运至湖中,又在湖水的浸泡下恢复平整状态,而后经沉积物掩埋后形成化石。  相似文献   

Ovule development in Diervilla lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) is limited by insufficient pollination early in the blooming period and during extensive rainy periods. Production of flowers is skewed in time; an initial burst of flowering is followed by a long period of sparse flower production. Ovule number per flower increases through the blooming period. I discuss the interactions of fruit and seed set, ovule number, and bumble bee pollinator visitation patterns. When certain flowers have a higher a priori probability of successful pollination, it may be advantageous for plants to put more ovules in those flowers. Selective ovule deployment may be a general adaptive phenomenon that has received little attention.  相似文献   

The distribution of a rare chloroplast-DNA structural mutation, the loss of a large inverted repeat, has been determined for 95 species representing 77 genera and 25 of the 31 tribes in the legume subfamily Papilionoideae. This mutation, which is regarded as a derived feature of singular origin within the subfamily, marks a group comprising six temperate tribes, the Galegeae, Hedysareae, Carmichaelieae, Vicieae, Cicereae, and Trifolieae, an assemblage traditionally considered to be monophyletic. This mutation also occurs in the chloroplast genome of Wisteria, a member of the tropical tribe Millettieae whose other members so far surveyed lack the mutation. These new DNA data, together with traditional evidence, support the hypothesis that Wisteria is an unspecialized member of a lineage that gave rise to the temperate tribes marked by the chloroplast-DNA mutation; the probable paraphylesis of Millettieae is revealed. Two other tribes, Loteae and Coronilleae (traditionally regarded as a derived element of the aforesaid temperate tribes) do not possess this chloroplast-DNA structural mutation and, therefore, presumably represent a distinct temperate lineage. This hypothesis is supported by additional evidence from pollen, inflorescence, and root-nodule morphology that suggests that the Loteae and Coronilleae share a more recent ancestry with tropical tribes such as Phaseoleae and Millettieae than with other temperate tribes.  相似文献   

The genus Glycine is composed of two subgenera, Glycine and Soja. Soja includes the cultivated soybean, G. max, and its wild annual counterpart G. soja, while Glycine includes seven wild perennial species. Hybridization was carried out within and between wild perennial species of the subgenus Glycine. The success rate (pods set/flowers crossed) was 11% for intraspecific and 8% for interspecific crosses. A total of 220 F1 hybrids was examined morphologically and cytologically where possible. Hybrids within G. canescens (2n = 40) and G. latifolia (2n = 40) were fertile as expected. Glycine clandestina (2n = 40) was morphologically separable into at least three groups, which produced fertile hybrids within each group. One cross between two groups gave vegetatively vigorous but sterile hybrids. The majority of crosses within G. tabacina (2n = 80) were fertile, except that extremely narrow-leaved forms gave sterile hybrids in combination with more usual forms. Sterility was also encountered in G. tomentella when aneuploids (2n = 78) from New South Wales, Australia, were crossed with tetraploids (2n = 80) from either Queensland, Australia, or Taiwan; crosses between the latter two populations resulted in seedling lethality. Cytological behavior of sterile hybrids followed a similar pattern, whether at the diploid or tetraploid level. The frequency of chromosome pairing was approximately half that expected if genomes showed full pairing homology. Bivalent disjunction at anaphase I was usually followed by precocious division of the majority of univalents. Telophase I and II were characterized by lagging chromosomes and micronuclei, so that resulting pollen was misshapen and sterile. Chromosome pairing data from sterile intraspecific hybrids at the tetraploid level may indicate a polyphyletic origin of tetraploids, whereby different diploid populations were involved in their formation. Similarly, chromosome pairing in sterile intraspecific diploid hybrids may indicate that the various diploid groups arose independently of one another. Both 40- and 80-chromosome forms are fully diploidized, however, and if they are of ancient origin, divergence since that time could have resulted in the chromosomal differentiation which becomes apparent when intraspecific hybridization is effected. Diploid (2n = 40) interspecific hybrids G. falcata × G. canescens, and G. falcata × G. tomentella grew poorly and did not reach flowering stage. Diploid (2n = 40) crosses between G. latifolia and G. tomentella produced inviable seedlings. Tetraploid (2n = 80) hybrids between G. tomentella and G. tabacina were vegetatively vigorous but sterile owing to low chromosome pairing at meiosis, indicating little pairing homology between the two species. Diploid hybrids between G. canescens and G. clandestina, however, showed almost complete chromosome pairing at diakinesis and partial fertility. Although morphologically distinct, these two species have not diverged sufficiently to prevent hybridization and possible gene exchange through recombination. Self compatibility, perennial growth habit, and geographic isolation have favored divergence among Glycine populations to the point that gene exchange appears no longer possible in many cases. Internal isolating mechanisms have been shown to operate at various levels of plant development from hybrid lethality at seedling stage, to failure of seed-set in sterile but vegetatively vigorous hybrids.  相似文献   

岩芋属Remusatia(Araceae)是一个特征鲜明的属,共含三种,即R. vivipara(Lodd. )Schott,R. hookeriana Schott,R. ornata(Schott)H. Li et Q.F.Guo。Gonatanthus (?) ornatus Schott中的 (?) 这类植物转入Remusatia属,其名应为秀丽岩芋Remusatia ornata(Schott)H. Liet Q. F. Guo. Gonatanthuc ornatus 的模式标本是Hooker f.s.n.采自印度喀西山,现只有Schott绘制的模式图照片;Schlagintweit n.313,亦采自喀西山,是Krause(1920)补充描述本种的重要凭证标本,现只有遗图。R. hookeriana Schott(1857)的模式标本Hooker f.s.n.产锡金,Krause(1920)发表的图和描述的大部分可作为该种的凭证,是一个不同于R. ornata的好种。Rao et Verma(1968)所描述的Gonatanthus ornatus应是Remusatia hookeriana。  相似文献   

The floral ontogeny of Pisum sativum shows a vertical order of succession of sepals, petals plus carpel, antesepalous stamens, and antepetalous stamens. Within each whorl, unidirectional order is followed among the organs, beginning on the abaxial side of the flower, as in most papilionoids. Unusual features include the four common primordia which precede initiation of discrete petal and antesepalous stamen primordia, and the marked overlap of organ initiations between whorls which are usually separately initiated. The stamens arise in free condition, then become diadelphous by intercalary growth at the base of nine stamens, and finally become pseudomonadelphous by surface fusion between the vexillary stamen filament and the adjacent edges of the filament tube. The early initiation of the carpel is not unique among papilionoids, but is somewhat unusual.  相似文献   

The tracheid bar, a strip composed of vertically oriented large tracheid-like cells (tracheoids), occurs only in the hilum of seeds of papilionoid legumes. An anatomical survey of the bar was made from seeds representing 232 species of 97 genera from 29 of the 31 tribes recognized by Polhill. Seeds were sectioned freehand, coated, then viewed by SEM. The tracheid bar is quite uniform in its general features throughout the subfamily, although differences in size and shape of both the bar and the tracheoids were found. Eight species from tribes considered to be among the primitive elements of the subfamily exhibited three variant forms: horizontal tracheary elements instead of the usual bar (2 species), tracheid bar with subtending but separate vascular bundle (1 species), and the tracheid bar with fused horizontal tracheary elements (5 species). Bordered pits of individual cells in the tracheid bar virtually always lacked a membrane and had smooth, warty, or variously elaborate vestures on the border. This appears to be the first report of vestured pits other than in secondary xylem. With some exceptions, bordered pits tended to be vestured in primitive tribes, warty in intermediate tribes, and smooth or only slightly warty in the most advanced tribes.  相似文献   

Shoot apices of Saraca indica produce adult leaves that have 4 to 6 pairs of leaflets, whereas those of S. bijuga usually have only 2 pairs. In both species one leaflet pair is found during the juvenile phase. Juvenility lasts many plastochrons in S. bijuga but is restricted to a few in S. indica. The shoot apical meristems of these two taxa are similar in structure, cell number, and cell size; however, the shoot apex of Saraca bijuga is slightly more stratified, having 2–3 tunica layers as opposed to 1–2 in S. indica. For most of the plastochron the apical meristem in both species is situated laterally at the base of the most recently formed leaf. A newly forming primordium and its internode shift the apical meristem upward unilaterally; the meristem passes through a brief apical dome stage and becomes positioned 180° from its origin at the beginning of the plastochron. Hence, there is a true pendulum meristem in both species. In S. bijuga the maximum length of the youngest leaf primordium, just prior to the formation of its successor, is twice that of S. indica. The internodes immediately below the shoot apex and the axillary buds develop more rapidly in S. bijuga than in S. indica. It is suggested that the bijugate leaf of S. bijuga represents a case of neoteny in plants.  相似文献   

The pollen brush commonly is referred to as a “bearded” or “pubescent” style in taxonomic literature and traditionally is taken to be an aggregation of trichomes on the distal end of the style, and occasionally including the stigma. We present data that support the taxonomic utility of the pollen brush but define it more specifically as a dense aggregation of erect trichomes emanating from the style (not stigma or ovary) and functioning in secondary pollen presentation. We recommend avoiding such vague terminology as bearded or pubescent styles as these refer not only to the pollen brush but also to ciliate and penicillate stigmas and ciliate styles. The latter three conditions have some taxonomic use, and since their occurrence is not necessarily correlated with the presence of a pollen brush, they should be distinguished from it. We estimate that the pollen brush has arisen independently in the following eight taxa: 1) Crotalaria and Bolusia (Crotalaraieae), 2) subtribe Coluteinae (Galegeae), 3) Tephrosia subgenus Barbistyla (Millettieae), 4) Adenodolichos (Phaseoleae subtribe Cajaninae), 5) Clitoria (Phaseoleae subtribe Clitoriinae), 6) the subtribe Phaseolinae (Phaseoleae), 7) the Robinia group (Robinieae), and 8) the tribe Vicieae. Its hypothesized homology within each of these groups is supported by a cooccurrence with other taxonomic characters, both morphological and molecular.  相似文献   

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