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The reproductive biology of tree species of a tropical rain forest was investigated to determine the relative frequency and spatial distribution of different types of pollination mechanisms. Species pollinated by medium-sized to large bees were most frequent, followed by those pollinated by moths, small diverse insects and small bees, in that order. Almost one half the total species were found to have pollinators with wide foraging ranges. Species pollinated by various groups of pollinators were distributed non-randomly. The greatest diversity of pollination systems was found in the subcanopy. As compared to the subcanopy, pollination mechanisms in the canopy were monotonous, consisting primarily of species pollinated by bees and small diverse insects. The hummingbird- and sphingid moth-pollinated species were found mainly in the subcanopy. The factors underlying the non-random distribution of pollinators are discussed and the potential implications of such distribution on the forest structure are explored.  相似文献   

Sexual systems of tropical lowland rain forest trees were investigated to estimate the relative proportions of hermaphroditic, monoecious, and dioecious species. Controlled hand pollinations were performed on hermaphroditic species to determine the proportions of self-compatible and self-incompatible species. A total of 333 species was examined; 65.5% species were found to be hermaphroditic, 11.4% monoecious, and 23.1% dioecious. There were no differences between canopy and subcanopy habitats in the distribution of various sexual systems. Out of the 28 species subjected to controlled pollinations, 24 showed the presence of self-incompatibility. The site of the incompatibility barrier in distylous species was either in the stigma or in the style. In most of the monomorphic species, the incompatibility barrier was in the ovary. Although a majority of tree species in the rain forest appear to be obligate outcrossers (xenogamons), the potential for inbreeding due to small effective population size still remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Pith to bark specific gravity (SG) trends were investigated in 18 tropical dry forest and six montane rain forest tree species of Costa Rica. Eleven dry forest species showed statistically significant increases in SG with distance from pith. The increases ranged from 20–80%; the greatest changes were exhibited by species which are known to occur in tropical wet as well as tropical dry forests. The other seven species showed no change in SG with distance from pith. Of the montane forest species, one showed a significant decrease of 20%, and three showed significant increases ranging from 20–40%. Two species exhibited no change in SG. Comparison of these changes with trends found in tropical wet forest and temperate forest suggests that the increase in SG with size is most common in tropical wet forest, least common in temperate forest, and intermediate in tropical dry and montane forests.  相似文献   

In a Costa Rican tropical lower montane rain forest the wood densities of canopy tree species are related to the windiness of their preferred habitats, and to their abilities to tolerate shade. Shade-intolerant species tend to have less dense wood than shade-tolerant species from the same habitat. Species characteristic of windy sites tend to have denser wood than species characteristic of sheltered habitats. Stand mean wood density, the average of species’ wood densities weighted by their proportional contributions to stand basal area, increases with exposure to the wind. These trends in wood density should at least partially counteract the damaging effects of wind on exposed sites. Since investment in wood must come at the expense of growth elsewhere, such trends in wood density may help explain the small stature of elfin forest and montane thicket formations in tropical mountains.  相似文献   

郑征  曹敏 《植物生态学报》1998,22(6):499-504
本文研究了西双版纳热带季节6种树种幼树在林下的光合作用。6种树种的叶单位重量面积为16.02-28.67m^2.kg^-1、光合作用光补偿点为3.8-6.5μmol.m^-2.s-1、光量子产率为0.018-0.044、最大净光合速率为1.97-4.71μmolCO2.m^-2.s^-1 46.99-92.33μmolCO.kg^-1.s^-1(以单位叶干重表示)、暗呼吸速率为0.15-0.31μ  相似文献   

中国辽西地区油松针阔混交林生态效益的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
辽西地区位于北纬40°20′—42°20′,东经119°—122°之间,处于大小凌河流域地区,包括建平、建昌、凌源、朝阳、北票、喀左、义县、锦西、阜新等市县,主要由努鲁儿虎和医巫闾等几条山脉构成西部山地,地势起伏,多为低山丘陵,海拔高度一般在400—1,200米之间。气候属大陆性,冬季漫长,夏季炎热,春秋温和而短促,年平均气温7.0°—9.1℃,绝对最高温42℃,绝对最低温-31.1℃,绝对年温度变化振幅剧烈,可达70℃以上,年平均降  相似文献   

Flower, fruit and immature seed abortion was studied in seven self-incompatible species of trees in a tropical lowland semideciduous forest. The species showed considerable variability in fruit and seed set and the rate at which flowers and fruits were aborted. The amount of flower and fruit abortion also varied over time within species. Small samples of open-pollinated flowers in three species showed adequate amounts of pollen on the stigma, but it could not be determined whether the pollen was compatible or incompatible. In a species with multiseeded fruits, the aborted fruits contained significantly fewer seeds than those retained on the plant. Position of fruit within the inflorescence and of seed within the ovary also had a marked effect on abortion: fruits and seeds at certain positions had a higher probability of abortion than those at other positions. Experiments to test the effect of pollen source on abortion were inconclusive. The factors underlying abortions were evaluated in the context of three mutually non-exclusive hypotheses. It is concluded that selection for increased pollen dispersal and uncertainty in paternity of the zygotes are major factors underlying abortions.  相似文献   

广西石灰岩季节性雨林分类的研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
王献溥  李信贤 《植物研究》1998,18(4):428-460
广西北热带地区石灰岩山地占据相当大的面积,特别是桂西南一带,那里形成一种独特的石灰岩季节性雨林,与相邻的砂页岩或花岗岩山地季节性雨林镶嵌分布。本文主要论述它的分类系统和地理分布规律。  相似文献   


Canopy tree species are the dominant elements of the species-rich, fragile and endangered tropical rain forest ecosystems, yet little is known about the genetics of these species. We provide an estimate of the outcrossing rate in a population of Pithecellobium pedicellare, a large canopy tree in the tropical rain forests of Costa Rica. The outcrossing rate was high (t = 951 ± 0.021) and the pollen pool contributing to the progeny arrays used to measure outcrossing rate showed departure from homogeneity. The high outcrossing rate indicates that individuals scattered over a large area in this low density population could be bound with each other via outcrossing. However, despite a high outcrossing rate, the potential for inbreeding in this population is not negligible. We found a relatively large number of albino and chlorotic seedlings among the progeny arrays of several seed parents. Heterogeneity of pollen pool further indicates that the population, though widely outcrossed, may be structured. A more detailed study of mating systems in tropical rain forest trees may provide additional insights into the mating patterns of these trees. Such studies will be useful not only in understanding the dynamics of micro-evolutionary processes, but also in the conservation and management of tropical forest trees.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林中丛枝菌根真菌的初步研究*   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对西双版纳热带雨林中30个科的42种植物根系的丛枝菌根真菌定居情况进行了调查,并从这些植物的根际土壤中分离鉴定了分属于无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)、球囊霉属(Glomus)和硬囊霉属(Sclerocystis)的25种丛枝菌根真菌。对热带雨林土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的孢子密度(spore density)、物种丰富度(species richness)以及已鉴定种的出现频率进行统计分析发现:热带雨林土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的孢子密度在每100g土壤116~1560个之间,平均478个;物种丰富度在2~7之间,平均为4.5;无梗囊霉属和球囊霉属真菌是热带雨林土壤中丛枝菌根真菌的优势类群。  相似文献   

Studies of experimental sexual selection have tested the effect of variation in the intensity of sexual selection on male investment in reproduction, particularly sperm. However, in several species, including Drosophila pseudoobscura, no sperm response to experimental evolution has occurred. Here, we take a quantitative genetics approach to examine whether genetic constraints explain the limited evolutionary response. We quantified direct and indirect genetic variation, and genetic correlations within and between the sexes, in experimental populations of D. pseudoobscura. We found that sperm number may be limited by low heritability and evolvability whereas sperm quality (length) has moderate VA and CVA but does not evolve. Likewise, the female reproductive tract, suggested to drive the evolution of sperm, did not respond to experimental sexual selection even though there was sufficient genetic variation. The lack of genetic correlations between the sexes supports the opportunity for sexual conflict over investment in sperm by males and their storage by females. Our results suggest no absolute constraint arising from a lack of direct or indirect genetic variation or patterns of genetic covariation. These patterns show why responses to experimental evolution are hard to predict, and why research on genetic variation underlying interacting reproductive traits is needed.  相似文献   

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