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Pontederia cordata is a tristylous, self-incompatible emergent aquatic. Measurements of reproductive organs in mature flowers and developing buds and analysis of relative growth rates of the styles, filaments, and floral tube were used to analyze the developmental processes that result in reciprocal positioning of reproductive parts among the style morphs. Flowers are trimerous with two series of three tepals, two series of three stamens, and a tricarpellate ovary with a single ovule. Each flower has stamens of two lengths, but the two lengths correspond to upper vs. lower position in the zygomorphic flowers, not to the two series initiated in the primordium. Morph-dependent variation in stigma height depends on differences in style length, not ovary length. Differences among morphs in anther height result from differences in the position of filament insertion on the floral tube and differences in filament length. Styles of the three morphs develop to different lengths as a result of two distinct processes. Styles of L and M morphs develop at different rates with the L style growing more rapidly than the M style, whereas styles of the S morph have a brief period of rapid growth followed by early inhibition. Stamen growth in the S morph also differs qualitatively from that in the L and M morphs, which are distinguished from each other by quantitative differences in growth rates. Results indicate that the developmental processes that result in the complementary arrangements of organs in different morphs are morph-specific. An attempt is made to integrate the findings of this study with the model for genetic control of tristyly.  相似文献   

A study of the pollen tube pathway in Lilium leucanthum var. centifolium and in L. regale reveals that the entire pathway from stigma to ovule is lined with cytologically unique stigmatoid cells. Assays for chemotropic activity of tissues and exudates along the pathway of pollinated or unpollinated pistils showed that onset of chemotropic activity progressed basipetally (and, when pollinated, in advance of the pollen tubes), commencing at the stigma 3-5 days before anthesis and appearing in the ovules 1-2 days after anthesis. Activity persists about 10 days in ovules of pollinated pistils and for 14-16 days in ovules of non-pollinated pistils. Attempts to localize the source of the chemotropic factor showed that gynoecial tissues bearing stigmatoid cells are chemo-tropically active while slices of style or ovary wall lacking stigmatoid cells are inactive. When ovules were sliced transversely and the micropylar and chalazal halves assayed, only the micropylar half showed activity. We suggest that the ovules and the stigmatoid tissue along the pollen tube pathway are the sources of the chemotropic factor responsible for the directional growth of the pollen tube.  相似文献   

陆地棉珠孔的结构及花粉管在其中的生长途径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在大多数被子植物中,花粉管经珠孔进入胚珠进而实现受精,但珠孔结构及花粉管在其中的生长途径是植物受精生物学研究中较薄弱的一个环节。迄今仅在向日葵中从超微结构水平上作了详细的研究[1],因而需要扩大研究的对象。陆地棉花粉管生长所经雌蕊组织中,关于柱头、花柱[2,3]、珠心[4,5]和助细胞[6]的超微结构已有较详细的研究,但涉及珠孔这一环节,只有简单的描述[7]。本文报道我们在这方面的研究结果。材料和方法取陆地棉(GossypiumhirsutumL.)授粉前和授粉后22小时的胚珠,切除其合点端部分…  相似文献   

Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) displays a wide range of outcrossing levels as a result of the dissolution of the tristylous genetic polymorphism and the evolution of semihomostyly. Population surveys, comparison of fitness components of the style morphs, and computer simulations were used to investigate the breakdown of tristyly and the selective mechanisms responsible for the evolution of self-fertilization. Of 110 populations surveyed in northeast Brazil and Jamaica, 53% were trimorphic, 25% were dimorphic, and 22% were monomorphic for style morph. The short (S) morph was underrepresented in trimorphic populations and absent from nontrimorphic populations. The mid (M) morph predominated in dimorphic populations and was the only morph in monomorphic populations. Stamen modifications promoting selfing, associated with semihomostyle evolution, were largely confined to the M morph. They were rare in trimorphic populations, common in dimorphic populations, and often fixed in monomorphic populations. Stochastic simulations and comparisons of fruit set in natural populations indicate that founder events, population bottlenecks, and lowered fertility of the S morph due to an absence of long-tongued pollinators can each account for loss of the S morph from trimorphic populations. A reduced level of disassortative mating can accentuate the rate at which the S morph is lost by both random and deterministic processes. Nontrimorphic populations occur at the geographical margins of the region surveyed and tend to be smaller and less dense than trimorphic populations. These observations and the higher fruit set of the M morph relative to the L morph in dimorphic populations suggest that reproductive assurance, favoring selfing variants of the M morph under conditions of low pollinator service, has been of primary importance in the origin of most monomorphic populations. Where pollinator service is reliable, however, automatic selection of selfing genes, aided by mating asymmetries between the morphs, can cause the M morph to spread to fixation in dimorphic populations.  相似文献   

Gametophytic competition and selection have important effects on patterns of mating in plant populations. However, the relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms is often unclear due to a paucity of observations on pollen tube growth in vivo. In this study, we present observations on pollen tube behavior in the gynoecium of wild radish. Significant variation in the order of fertilization of the linearly arranged ovules occurred within the radish ovary. This variation is evidence that prezygotic mechanisms of gamete selection operate to sort pollen tubes nonrandomly to different ovule positions in the ovary. We propose that the variation in fertilization patterns can be attributed to variance in pollen tube growth rates in the central septum of the radish gynoecium. The path of pollen tube growth and gynoecial structure deserve greater attention in future studies of gamete competition.  相似文献   

The relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms of gametophytic competition and selection are often unclear due to an absence of observations on the gynoecium and pollen tube growth in vivo. We used LM, SEM, and TEM to study the structure of the gynoecium and the path of pollen tube growth in Raphanus raphanistrum, a sporophytically self-incompatible annual. Wild radish has a papillate stigma and a solid style. A septum, which is characteristic of cruciferous gynoecia, is present in the ovary. After germination on the stigma, pollen tubes grow in the secretion of the transmitting tract of the style. The stylar secretion stains positive for acidic polysaccharides and insoluble carbohydrates, and negative for lipids and protein. In the ovary, the transmitting tissue is contained inside the septum. The secretion in the ovary stains positive only for acidic polysaccharides. Pollen tubes travel inside the septum as they enter the ovary and must exit to the surface of this tissue before ovule fertilization can occur. Pollen tube growth on the septum tracks the intercellular junctions of the septum epidermis where the secretion leaks out through a torn cuticle. Tubes must grow across the obturator before reaching the micropyle of an ovule. The temporal pattern with which tubes growing into the ovary exit the septum can contribute to the previously observed nonrandom patterns of fertilization (Hill and Lord, 1986).  相似文献   

Using pairs of pollen donors, I analyzed the growth of pollen tubes growing in different channels of the same style in Erythronium grandiflorum. After 24 hr the length of pollen tubes of randomly selected pollen donors was affected by the presence of other donors. The mean pollen tube lengths of donors did not differ when taken across all of the donor pairings, but in individual pairs, pollen from one donor was often significantly longer than pollen from the other donor when tested across several recipients. Pollen tube lengths were also consistently longer for pollen paired with pollen from the same donor than when paired with pollen from other donors, apparently because of mutual stimulation between the pollen populations from the same plant. In a second experiment, the amount of pollen tube attrition after five days of growth of pollen from a donor growing near (within 3 m) the recipient depended upon the source of other pollen growing in the same style. Local pollen experienced more attrition paired with self pollen than when paired with outcross pollen. Pollen from different outcross distances also modified the attrition of local pollen, but local pollen usually outcompeted pollen from greater distances. Since the growth of local pollen was modified depending upon the source of other pollen growing in the same style, it is probable that recipient styles are selectively inhibiting pollen tubes to produce the patterns of pollen tube interaction observed. The results from these two experiments indicate that the amount of attrition for pollen can be dependent on the composition of the pollen pool. Both direct pollen tube interactions and mediation by the stylar tissue appear to affect the growth rate and attrition of pollen in Erythronium.  相似文献   

Brewbaker, James L., and Beyoung H. Kwack. (U. Hawaii, Honolulu.) The essential role of calcium ion in pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(9): 859–865. Illus. 1963.—A pollen population effect occurs whenever pollen grains are grown in vitro. Small pollen populations germinate and grow poorly if at all, under conditions which support excellent growth of large pollen populations. The pollen population effect is overcome completely by a growth factor obtained in water extracts of many plant tissues. This factor is shown to be the calcium ion, and its action confirmed in 86 species representing 39 plant families. Other ions (K+, Mg++, Na+) serve in supporting roles to the uptake or binding of calcium. The high requirement of calcium (300–5000 ppm, as Ca (NO3)2·4H2O, for optimum growth) and low calcium content of most pollen may conspire to give calcium a governing role in the growth of pollen tubes both in vitro and in situ. It is suspected that ramifications of this role extend to the self-incompatibilities of plants and to the curious types of arrested tube growth distinguishing, for example, the orchids. A culture medium which proved its merit in a wide variety of pollen growth studies included, in distilled water, 10% sucrose, 100 ppm H3BO3, 300 ppm Ca (NO3)2·4H2O, 200 ppm MgSO4·7H2O and 100 ppm KNO3.  相似文献   

Floral nectary development and nectar secretion in three species of Passiflora were investigated with light and electron microscopy. The nectary ring results from the activity of an intercalary meristem. Increased starch deposition in the amyloplasts of the secretory cells parallels maturation of the nectary phloem. Large membrane-bound protein bodies are observed consistently in phloem parenchyma cells, but their function is presently unknown. The stored starch serves as the main source of nectar sugars at anthesis. Plastid envelope integrity is maintained during starch degradation, and there is no evidence of participation of endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi in the secretion of pre-nectar. It is concluded that in these starchy nectaries granulocrine secretion, commonly reported for floral nectaries, does not occur.  相似文献   

Stigmatic pollen loads were examined in four tristylous populations of Pontederia cordata from the southern U.S. to evaluate Darwin's hypothesis that floral trimorphism promotes legitimate pollination. In each population, morph frequency, pollen production, the composition of stigmatic pollen loads and seed production were estimated. Goodness-of-fit tests and a measure of the efficiency of legitimate pollination were employed to evaluate pollen load patterns. Results from the four populations demonstrate that the long-styled (L) morph usually experiences legitimate pollination, whereas the mid-styled (M) and short-styled (S) morphs often display random pollination. However, at Taylor Road (Louisiana) all three floral morphs exhibited statistically significant levels of legitimate pollination. The size of legitimate pollen loads suggests that in populations of P. cordata tristyly may have only a minor influence on the fecundity of morphs. Two hypotheses are proposed to explain the maintenance of floral trimorphism in contemporary populations of Pontederia spp. The first assumes the polymorphism is selectively neutral; the second suggests that it contributes towards the male component of fitness by increasing the distance, and hence the number of genets, that pollen can be transported to by pollinators. In clonal species, such as Pontederia cordata, where geitonogamous pollinations are promoted by large floral displays, floral mechanisms that increase pollen carryover may have selective value.  相似文献   

花粉内的多胺和外源多胺对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了不同生理状态下的油松花粉内的多胺含量,并研究了腐胺和精胺对十种不同植物花粉的萌发和花粉管生长的影响。三种多胺(腐胺、亚精胺和精胺)总量贮藏花粉中高于新鲜花粉,萌发花粉内相对不变。三种生理状态不同的花粉内,亚精胺含量均高于腐胺和精胺。腐胺对花粉荫发和花粉管生长的作用不明显,精胺一般表现为抑制作用,并随浓度而加强,还与植物品种、花粉成熟度、花粉萌发速度、花粉管生长速度和培养基中硼酸的有无有关。一般,容易萌发、成熟较充分,或正在迅速生长的花粉,以及培养基中有硼时受抑制轻。  相似文献   

A survey of pollen from 153 species of Cuphea has revealed a remarkable array of morphological forms. The survey involved light and electron microscope investigations of C. crassiflora, jorullensis, and koehneana to determine details of exine morphology, and a more general study of pollen from an additional 150 species. Comparison of pollen types within a single morphological category and within taxonomic groups (i.e., sections or subsections) indicates considerable variation at subgeneric levels. The genus is distinctly eurypalynous, and the extent to which pollen varies among the sections, subsections, species and varieties is probably exceeded by few genera of comparable size. The pollen is also variable within each taxon, but size studies of single-anther lactic acid preparations demonstrate the genus is not polymorphic, as in Lythrum, where pollen polymorphism is associated with heterostyly. The latter phenomenon is as yet unknown in Cuphea. These results reveal that pollen morphology constitutes an important and useful character for taxonomic studies of Cuphea.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess variation in male and female reproductive success among the three morphs of the tristylous plant, Lythrum salicaria. Fluorescent dyes were used as pollen analogs to determine whether morphs differ in their abilities to donate and receive pollen, and actual and potential seed set was measured with a hand pollination experiment. Dye transfer among morphs was highly asymmetric, with more frequent transfer from the short-styled morph to the long- and mid-styled morphs. This suggests that shorts are performing better at pollen donation and longs and mids are performing better at pollen receipt. All flowers on 95 plants were hand pollinated to test whether female reproductive success is more pollen-limited in the short-styled morph than in other morphs. Hand-pollinated short-styled plants had significantly higher total seed mass and more seeds per capsule than short controls, whereas hand pollination failed to increase seed set in long and mid morphs. As predicted, short-styled morphs showed significant pollen limitation, whereas seed set in long- and midstyled morphs was not pollen-limited. Thus, in Lythrum salicaria asymmetrical pollen flow generates morph-specific differences in male and female fitness.  相似文献   

The black maple (Acer saccharum Marsh, ssp. nigrum [Michx. f.] Desm.) gynoecium displays classical involute carpel development; carpels form, in mid- to late-summer, as two separate, opposite, hood-shaped primordia bearing naked megasporangia on inrolled carpel margins. Megasporogenesis, integument initiation, and carpel closure occur in spring; carpels fuse, forming a biloculate ovary with a short, hollow style and two divergent, dry, unicellular papillose stigmas. Transmitting tissues consist of developmentally and morphologically similar trichomes that form along the apparent carpel margins. The path from stigma to micropyle is open, but pollen tubes do not grow entirely ectotrophically. Germinating at the tip of a stigma papilla, a tube grows, apparently under the cuticle, to the papilla base. It then grows between stigma cells to the style, emerging to grow ectotrophically through the style to the compitum, where it passes into one of the locules. Within a locule, the tube grows over placenta and obturator to the micropyle, then between megasporangium cells to the female gametophyte, spreading over the surface near the egg. This study adds to our sparse understanding of gynoecium development and transmitting tissue in relation to pollen tube growth in naturally pollinated woody plants.  相似文献   

Initiation of floral primordia begins in Agalinis densiflora with production of two lateral adaxial calyx lobe primordia followed by a midadaxial primordium, and then primordia of two abaxial calyx lobes. Initiation of three abaxial corolla lobe primordia is succeeded by that of two stamen pairs and then by primordia of two adaxial corolla lobes. The primordium of the abaxial carpel appears before the adaxial one. Except for the calyx, initiation of primordia proceeds unidirectionally from the abaxial to the adaxial side of the floral apex. Zygomorphy in the calyx, corolla, and androecium is evident during initiation of primordia and is accentuated during organogenesis. The calyx undergoes comparatively rapid organogenesis, but the inner three floral series undergo a protracted period of organogenesis. The perianth series reach maturation prior to meiosis in the anthers. Maturation of the androecium and gynoecium are postmeiotic events.  相似文献   

鹅掌楸属植物的多糖壁前体和花粉管的生长   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察描述了中国鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense)和北美鹅掌楸(L.tulipifera)花粉在异已柱头萌发和花粉管生长期间多糖壁前体的发生、形态结构和生理功能.1、多糖壁前体在形态上有P-粒子(Polysaccharideparticles),被膜小泡(coatedvesicle)和小泡(vesicle)三种。2、P-粒子于单核花粉期已经发生,至花粉管延伸期为发生高峰。多糖壁前体是在高尔基体,内质网和线粒体的相继、连续作用下,由淀粉质体、蛋白体和脂滴降解形成.3、P-粒子的形态随不同发育时期而变化,早期为成群的电子透明小泡,或为蛋白质束缚的挤压成多面体形,后期为内含颗粒或微纤丝的无被膜粒子或具刺被膜粒子。4、P-粒子移至管端.或融合或单个通过周质内质网(CER),释放内容物参与管端壁的形成,被膜小池和小泡移至花粉管次顶端区向质膜外分泌,参与花粉管壁内层的形成,或移至管端,提供膜片。最后讨论了亲和性与超微结构特征的关系.  相似文献   

南瓜雌蕊与自花及远缘花粉的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南瓜柱头表面经去垢剂、蛋白酶及Con A处理后花粉不能萌发或花粉管生长受阻,Con A能专一地与柱头表面结合。柱头块加入培养液可促进花粉萌发。不同的远缘花粉授粉后在雌蕊不同部位受阻。在成熟南瓜雌蕊提取液中检测到血凝活性,凝集素可能参与雌蕊对远缘花粉的抑制。  相似文献   

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