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It has been thought for some time that morning glory filaments elongate in response to changes in concentrations of gibberellins (Murakami, 1973), but many other aspects of their growth have remained unstudied. In the present work, the interacting roles of gibberellin and ethylene in filament growth were examined. Filaments elongated ten-fold by epidermal cell elongation accompanied by ten-fold increases in fresh and dry weight. Applied gibberellins could stimulate filament growth in vitro, but gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitors had no effect. The putative gibberellin action inhibitor, ancymidol, reduced growth but the inhibition could be removed by blocking ethylene biosynthesis. Stimulators of the ethylene biosynthesis pathway and applied ethylene precursor (ACC) strongly inhibited filament elongation; ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors elicited as much growth as applied gibberellin. The filaments produced little ethylene at the time of the onset of growth. While the filaments produced ethylene rapidly before and after growth initiation, the closed flower bud had a relatively constant level of ethylene. It seems likely that in situ production of ethylene negatively influences filament growth.  相似文献   

It has been known for some time that morning glory filaments elongate in response to increases in concentration of gibberellins (Murakami, 1973) and decreases in ethylene production (Koning and Raab, in press), but many other aspects of their growth have remained unstudied. In the present work, the possible role of gibberellin-stimulated proton efflux in filament growth was examined. Although applied gibberellins stimulated extensive filament growth in vitro and the pH of the incubating medium became acidified during growth, gibberellin also induced growth in media buffered at alkaline pH values. Acidic buffers alone elicited only a very small amount of growth. Fusicoccin, a potent stimulator of proton efflux, initially stimulated the rate of filament growth but elicited only a small increment of growth. In fact, continued presence of fusicoccin poisoned sustained gibberellin-induced growth. Vanadate ions, believed to inhibit proton efflux, had little effect upon gibberellin-induced growth except at extremely high concentrations. Based upon these results, it appears that the acid-induced component of growth stimulation by gibberellin is relatively minor in Ipomoea filaments. These results are quite different from those reported for filament elongation in Gaillardia (Koning, 1983a).  相似文献   

The relatively rapid and extensive corolla expansion in Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth cv. ‘Scarlett O'Hara’ appears to be initiated by a shift in the balance between a growth promoter (gibberellin, GA) and a growth inhibitor (ethylene) two days before anthesis. The effects of applied growth regulators in vitro, were measured as a change in area of segments from whole young corollas 16–17 mm long. Applied gibberellic acid (GA3) strongly promoted growth, while a GA action inhibitor (ancymidol) reduced growth. Inhibitors of GA biosynthesis (AMO-1618, paclobutrazol, tetcyclasis, and chlorocholine chloride) had little effect, implying that the GAs were not being synthesized within the corolla segments, at least at this stage of corolla growth. Both the level of endogenous GAs and response of the segments to sucrose increased as the corolla size also increased from 15 to 20 mm in length. Applied 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC), an ethylene precursor, inhibited the response of corollas to applied GA3. Applications of ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors (AVG and cobalt ions) promoted growth of the corolla segments. Rapid ethylene production by corollas 15–17 mm long (48 hr before flower opening) appeared to inhibit the growth that may have been induced by low levels of endogenous GAs. Older corollas (longer than 18 mm) had very low levels of ethylene production and much higher levels of GA-like substances; these changes apparently allow the corollas to begin to expand in vivo and to strongly respond to sucrose applications alone in vitro. Acid-induced growth does not seem to be an important component of corolla expansion; applied fusicoccin (a proton efflux promoter) and sodium orthovanadate (a proton efflux inhibitor) had no significant effect on growth of the 16–17 mm long corollas. Buffers (Good's and phosphate) over a wide pH range had no effect on corolla expansion. Taken together, our results indicate that the regulation of corolla expansion depends (at least in part) on compensatory shifts in the levels of two plant growth regulators [PGRs], ethylene and GA.  相似文献   

The roles of ethylene in corolla growth and senescence have been extensively studied; light, temperature, and abscisic acid (ABA) have already been implicated in rapid corolla opening (unfolding) in morning glory. In the present study, a possible interaction between ABA and ethylene production was examined. While applied ABA promoted corolla unfolding, it also promoted ethylene production. Furthermore, the effect of ABA could be eliminated by the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors, aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) and cobalt ions. Simultaneously applied aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC) augmented the ABA response, but ACC applied alone promoted corolla unfolding as effectively as ABA alone. Measurements of ethylene production during eight successive stages of flower opening showed that the ethylene burst widely reported to occur in opened flowers prior to corolla senescence actually begins before the corolla unfolds. Ethylene production seems to be a later part of the sequence of biochemical events that leads to both corolla unfolding and synchronized inrolling and senescence.  相似文献   

Filament growth in the morning glory Ipomoea nil is promoted by gibberellic acid (GA3) and inhibited by ethylene production during the earlier stages in development (Koning and Raab, 1987). The effects of anther removal on filament growth were examined in I. nil. Three-quarters of the calyx and corolla tissues were removed in order to emasculate the stamens. This removal caused filament growth to be inhibited in the intact stamens (69 hr before anthesis) as well as the emasculated stamens (69 to 21 hr before anthesis). When the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors CoCl2 and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) were applied in separate experiments (to eliminate wound ethylene generated by the damaged tissues), filament growth was promoted to control levels observed in intact flower buds (69 hr before anthesis). Our data suggest that the wounding effect from the calyx and corolla tissues and subsequent reduction in filament growth override any observable effects with anther removal on filament growth. Apparently, the removal of the calyx and corolla tissues severs a normal hormonal relationship between these floral organs and the developing filament.  相似文献   

The distribution of petiolar nectaries in 24 species of Ipomoea was investigated. Petiolar nectaries were found on 12 species (8 new reports, 4 confirmations of previous reports) and quoted from the literature as being found on 3 other species; they were absent from 9 species investigated. The structure of petiolar nectaries in the genus ranges from simple beds of superficial nectar-secreting trichomes (1 species), to slightly recessed “basin nectaries” (8 species), to “crypt nectaries,” which are structurally the most complex extrafloral nectaries known (3 species). (Structures were not determined for 3 species.) Petiolar nectaries are present in all subgenera, but all crypt nectaries occur in the same section (Eriospermum). Species with extrafloral nectaries tend to be perennial; species lacking extrafloral nectaries tend to be annual. There is no relationship between temperate or tropical habitat and presence of nectaries.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of defense nectaries in the genus Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) were investigated. These nectaries do not reward pollinators and probably contribute to antiherbivore defense. Of 22 species sectioned, 15 had defense nectaries on the sepals. Of 12 other species observed, ten had sepal nectaries and two did not. Structurally, 14 of the species sectioned had crypt sepal nectaries and one had a basin nectary. Of the 14 species with crypt nectaries, two had invaginated spaces adding greatly to the internal area of these nectaries, and forming the most complex nectaries that have been reported. We term these labyrinthine crypt nectaries. All three types of nectaries are lined with secretory trichomes along the proximal surfaces of the crypts. Species with defense nectaries on the sepals tend to have petiolar defense nectaries as well, but the two locations may have different nectary types; e.g., basins on the petiole and crypts on the sepals. Since most reports of the function of these nectaries have shown antiherbivore defense by nectar feeders, the distributions of defense nectaries with respect to region and life history of the species were sought. Plants without sepal nectaries were found to have significantly smaller seeds than plants with sepal nectaries; they were also more frequently annuals. No significant relationship was found between region or breeding system and defense nectaries.  相似文献   

Ipomoea carnea (Convolvulaceae) possesses two types of extrafloral nectaries, located on the petiole and on the pedicel. These secrete a complex nectar containing sugars and amino acids. The insects attracted to the extrafloral nectaries are predominantly ants and they are relatively abundant throughout the year. A number of incidents of plant defense as a result of the presence of extrafloral nectary visitors at the extrafloral nectaries of I. carnea were observed and are consistent with the ant-guard theory of the function of extrafloral nectaries.  相似文献   

Ipomoea leptophylla Torr. (Convolvulaceae) is a sprawling dry-site morning glory with two types of extrafloral nectaries: foliar nectaries and nectaries on the outside of the sepals. Both are shown to greatly increase insect visitation to the plant. Ants visiting sepal-surface nectaries significantly decrease flower damage caused by grasshoppers and seed losses caused by bruchids. These results are similar to those for I. carnea and other plants whose extrafloral nectary-ant interactions have been studied, but differ in detail. This is the first demonstration of antiherbivore defense of a prairie plant by nectary visitors.  相似文献   

Ateleia herbert-smithii is unique among legumes in being a wind-pollinated tree; carpellate and staminate flowers are restricted to different trees. Development of the two floral morphs, however, is essentially the same except for smaller carpels in functionally staminate flowers and failure of pollen formation in the anthers of functionally carpellate flowers. The floral development of Ateleia herbert-smithii is highly atypical among papilionoids and the tribe Sophoreae. Order of organ initiation is: sepals, solitary petal, carpel, and lastly all stamens in erratic order. Sepal order is unidirectional from the abaxial side, the normal pattern for papilionoids. Only one petal, the vexillum or standard, is initiated. Subsequent initiation is completely different from the usual unidirectional pattern of most papilionoids. A meristem ring forms, delimiting the solitary carpel centrally. Ten stamen primordia are initiated on the meristem ring, first laterally, then adaxially, and lastly abaxially. There is a tendency for antesepalous stamens to form before the antepetalous ones. The loss of four of the five petals is thought to alter drastically the subsequent organogeny as to position of organs and their order of initiation. Carpel initiation in Ateleia is precocious, but not uniquely so among legumes.  相似文献   

Natural selection should reduce phenotypic variation and increase integration of floral traits involved in placement of pollen grains on stigmas. In this study, we examine the role of pollinators and breeding system on the evolution of floral traits by comparing the patterns of floral phenotypic variances and covariances in 20 Ipomoea species that differ in their level of pollination specialization and pollinator dependence incorporating phylogenetic relatedness. Plants with specialized pollination (i.e., those pollinated by one functional group or by few morphospecies) displayed less phenotypic variation and greater floral integration than generalist plants. Self‐compatible species also displayed greater floral integration than self‐incompatible species. Floral traits involved in pollen placement and pick up showed less variation and greater integration than floral traits involved in pollinator attraction. Analytical models indicate that both breeding system and the number of morphospecies had significant effects on floral integration patterns although only differences in the former were significant after accounting for phylogeny. These results suggest that specialist/self‐compatible plants experience more consistent selection on floral traits than generalist/self‐incompatible plants. Furthermore, pollinators and breeding system promote integration of floral traits involved in pollen placement and pick up rather than integration of the whole flower.  相似文献   

离体植物花芽和花器官的发育研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
邵宏波  初立业   《广西植物》1993,13(3):275-288
在近二十几年,尤其是近十年由于离体培养技术的完善和进一步向精确的层次的发展,已使得许多种植物花序、花芽和单独花器官以及部分的花器官在体外成功地进行了培养和尝试,并且对花芽及花器官的离体发育有了更深入的认识。不同植物的花发育需要不同的植物生长调节剂以及它们的不同配比,并且不同植物在其花发育所需要的营养因子也存在着相当大的差异性。这种差异性又随植物器官及花发育的不同阶段而受到加大或缩小。通过对正常花及突变体花进行的离体培养实验研究已经对一些花器官发生过程中的调节程序有了新的了解。利用离体培养技术,包括刚发展起来的薄层细胞培养技术在阐明花发育的机理、形态建成的分子机制以及成花梯度的物质基础等问题上具有广阔的潜力。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Ipomoea pes-caprae, a pantropical beach morning glory, was studied at five sites around the Gulf of Mexico. The primary pollinators were Xylocopa species (carpenter bees) which dispersed pollen up to 90 m. Exclusion experiments demonstrated that ants feeding on extrafloral nectaries increased seed set but did not protect seeds from predation by the bruchid beetle Megacerus. The water-dispersed seed and long-range dispersal of pollen may function to counter the sporophytic incompatability mechanism of the plant; populations exhibit a large neighborhood size. Key reproductive factors in the life cycle of I. pes-caprae are the long-range pollen flow and mass germination of water-dispersed seeds.  相似文献   

Flowers of Ipomoea purpurea are larger, more colorful, more numerous per plant, and more conspicuous than those of I. hederacea. Because the nectar supply per flower is less variable i: I. purpurea and because the flowers of this species are visually more attractive, Bombus pennsylvanicus demonstrated a foraging preference and greater constancy for I. purpurea than for I. hederacea in experimental and natural sympatric populations in accordance with expectations derived from optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

Throughout the range of Ipomoea pandurata in North and South Carolina, ants and wasps are attracted to the pedicellar extrafloral nectaries. These hymenopterans are aggressive toward phytophagous insects that visit the plants. Protection of the plant is afforded by these pugnacious hymenopteran nectar feeders.  相似文献   


在水稻遗传转化过程中发现一个不含外源基因的条斑和颖花异常的双突变体。该突变体的茎、叶、穗出现条斑。在分蘖盛期,一些叶片开始分岔或卷曲;花器官数目增多,表现为多内外稃,叶片状浆片,或浆片增大,雌雄蕊增多,颖花开裂。透射电镜对叶片白色组织细胞超微结构观察,发现细胞壁内陷,质体结构异常,不能发育出正常叶绿体所具有的片层和类囊体。叶绿素总含量和净光合速率明显低于野生型。突变体绿色组织部分中的细胞生长正常,但细胞较大。利用扫描电镜对花器官形态发生过程进行观察,雄蕊原基发育严重不同步,原基大小也不一样;心皮原基较小。  相似文献   

Plants of Pinguicula vulgaris L. have either clockwise or counterclockwise spiral phyllotaxy. The inception of floral primordia occurs in leaf sites as a normal sequence of development. Only two leaf primordia initiated late in the season develop into floral primordia in the following year. They do not represent a direct modification of the apical meristem nor of the detached meristem. The apical meristem continues to produce leaves in the vegetative phase and flowers in the reproductive phase, and thus the plants show a monopodial growth. Axillary buds are not developed in this perennial species and instead additional buds of adventitious ontogeny appear. Such buds are produced on the older leaves of larger plants, and they are extremely useful in the vegetative propagation of the species.  相似文献   

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