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Examining variation in pollinator effectiveness and seed production resulting from single pollinator visits can provide a deeper understanding of how pollinators may influence reproduction in plant populations. When comparing populations, differences in the number of seeds produced from single pollinator visits to flowers may not always be attributable to differences in pollen deposition, but rather to differences in plant fecundity or resource availability. Pollinator effectiveness and seed production were studied for two populations over a 4-year period and were measured using single bee visit manipulations of flowers. No significant difference in pollinator effectiveness (pollen deposited on stigmas) was observed between the two populations. However, a significant difference between the two populations was observed in the number of seeds produced per flower. The Wellhouse population produced approximately three times as many seeds/flower from a single pollinator visit as did the Firefly Meadow population. Within each population, pollinators (Bombus pennsylvanicus and Apis mellifera) did not differ in the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas or seeds produced per flower from single visit experiments. Differences in plant density, pollen viability, and ovules per flower also could not account for a significant amount of the variation. A resource augmentation experiment (water and fertilizer application) resulted in a decrease in seeds per flower per bee visit for the water treatment at the Wellhouse population only. For both populations, pollen deposition, pollen viability, and ovules per flower were unaffected by the resource augmentation. Alternative possibilities for the observed differences in seeds per flower per bee visit are discussed.  相似文献   

The initiation and early developmental stages of the haustorium were studied in Agalinis purpurea (Scrophulariaceae). Plants were grown in a 0.9% agar inorganic medium with a 0.5% sucrose supplement. Root exudate collected from Lespedeza sericea induced the initiation of haustoria, with earliest stages evident in 6-12 hr. A 30-min exposure to exudate produced an increased frequency of haustoria and a 24-hr exposure yielded haustorial frequencies equal to the number that were initiated on control plants continuously exposed to root exudate for the 5-day growth period. The early cytological features of haustorial development are described and the possible significance of haustorial initiation in host recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental population composed of ramets of white spruce clones was studied to determine the influence of different levels of clonal male reproductive investment on clonal male reproductive success, where the male reproductive success of different clones in the population was defined as the proportion of the seed crop sired by each clone. We present a multilocus estimation procedure which provides unbiased estimates of the proportion of seed sired by each parental genotypic class from pollen gamete frequency data, whenever gametic segregation frequencies are known. Significant linear and quadratic components were found for the relationship between the number of male cones produced and the estimated proportion of the seed crop sired. A clone that produced an exceptionally large number of male cones, however, did not have the greatest male reproductive success. In general, the results support an assumption made in theoretical models of selection on mating system modifiers regarding the relationship between male investment and male reproductive success. They also support the hypothesis that male reproductive success in wind-pollinated species continues to increase substantially with increasing male reproductive investment.  相似文献   

Initiation of floral primordia begins in Agalinis densiflora with production of two lateral adaxial calyx lobe primordia followed by a midadaxial primordium, and then primordia of two abaxial calyx lobes. Initiation of three abaxial corolla lobe primordia is succeeded by that of two stamen pairs and then by primordia of two adaxial corolla lobes. The primordium of the abaxial carpel appears before the adaxial one. Except for the calyx, initiation of primordia proceeds unidirectionally from the abaxial to the adaxial side of the floral apex. Zygomorphy in the calyx, corolla, and androecium is evident during initiation of primordia and is accentuated during organogenesis. The calyx undergoes comparatively rapid organogenesis, but the inner three floral series undergo a protracted period of organogenesis. The perianth series reach maturation prior to meiosis in the anthers. Maturation of the androecium and gynoecium are postmeiotic events.  相似文献   

How much of the variation seen in life histories is consistent with adaptive hypotheses, and how much requires other kinds of explanation? Differences in flowering time between Sonoran (earlier flowering) and Chihuahuan Desert (later flowering) populations of the desert annual Eriogonum abertianum Torr. (Polygonaceae) are significant, repeatable between greenhouse experiments, and persist into a second greenhouse generation. These apparent genetic differences are consistent with a hypothesis of local adaptation: field demographic studies (Fox, 1989b) show that many fewer Sonoran than Chihuahuan Desert plants survive to the summer rainy season, suggesting selection for earlier flowering in the Sonoran Desert. Within natural populations there is considerable phenological complexity: time of first flowering varies by up to six months, and individuals may have zero, one, or several reproductive episodes. Greenhouse sib analyses revealed only marginal among-family genetic variation for flowering size. The resemblance between parents and offspring for size and time of flowering varied with growth conditions, suggesting that this marginal variation among families may be at least partly due to factors other than additive genetic variance. On the other hand, moisture limitation significantly delayed the onset of flowering in two independent experiments. Variation in moisture availability in both time and space is characteristic of desert environments. The phenological complexity in natural populations may thus be generated by random variation in moisture availability, possibly in conjunction with variation in germination date and plant size. The results call into question the claim that drought generally induces flowering in desert annuals.  相似文献   

In parasitic angiosperms the haustorium, an organ specialized for attachment and penetration of host tissue, functions in the transport of water and nutrients from the host to the parasite. In Agalinis purpurea (L.) Raf. (Scrophulariaceae) these organs are initiated laterally along its roots, opposite a primary xylem pole. Analyses of haustoria distribution and cellular root profiles show that the portion of the root which is most sensitive to haustorial elicitor molecules is the area distal to the zone of elongation and near the root meristem. Sectioned material supports this finding and, further, indicates that the cells which are the first to respond to haustorial elicitors are located in the inner cortex. Haustoria develop rapidly in response to a host root or to isolated chemical elicitors (xenognosins) normally contained in host root exudate. By 6 hr, vacuolation and radial cellular enlargement are observed in the cortex, and a lateral swelling along the root is visible. By 12 hr, cells of the epidermis divide anticlinally to establish a group of densely cytoplasmic cells at the apex of the haustorial swelling. Accompanying these divisions is the differentiation of specialized hair cells which elongate from epidermal cells flanking the presumptive haustorial apex. Next, the internal, radially enlarged cortical cells divide periclinally. Periclinal divisions are subsequently initiated in the pericycle as early as 18 hr post-induction. Cellular division and enlargement continue so that by 24–36 hr a mature pre-contact haustorium is formed. There is a reduction in root elongation concomitant with haustorial initiation. Depending upon the number of haustoria produced, elongation typically returns to the preinduction level within 2 or 3 days.  相似文献   

Populations of Leavenworthia crassa (Cruciferae) studied for 3 years exhibited among- and within-population genetic variation for a suite of floral and reproductive traits (flower width, petal length, anther position, ability to set seeds in the absence of pollinators, time to first flowering) associated with breeding system. We used electrophoretic markers to show that a population with small, monomorphically colored flowers with introrse anthers had a significantly lower outcrossing rate (t = 0.03) than did a population with larger, polymorphically colored flowers with extrorse anthers (t = 0.33). In the more-outcrossing population the correlation between higher maternal plant outcrossing rate and the suite of six traits approached significance (P < 0.067), with greater petal size, greater flower width, and reduced ability to set seeds in the absence of pollinators contributing significantly. Plants in selfing populations had a generally higher reproductive success, with a higher number of flowers per plant, a smaller proportion of unfertilized ovules, a smaller proportion of fertilized ovules aborted, a higher rate of fruit set, and overall a larger number of seeds matured than did plants from the more outcrossing populations. Pollen limitation did not appear to account for lower reproductive success in outcrossing populations. Resource limitation did not differ substantially between populations. However, within-ovary patterns of fertilization, abortion, and seed weight were significantly less random in outcrossing populations than in selfing populations, suggesting that differential gamete and embryo success may be responsible for lower reproductive success in outcrossing populations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess variation in male and female reproductive success among the three morphs of the tristylous plant, Lythrum salicaria. Fluorescent dyes were used as pollen analogs to determine whether morphs differ in their abilities to donate and receive pollen, and actual and potential seed set was measured with a hand pollination experiment. Dye transfer among morphs was highly asymmetric, with more frequent transfer from the short-styled morph to the long- and mid-styled morphs. This suggests that shorts are performing better at pollen donation and longs and mids are performing better at pollen receipt. All flowers on 95 plants were hand pollinated to test whether female reproductive success is more pollen-limited in the short-styled morph than in other morphs. Hand-pollinated short-styled plants had significantly higher total seed mass and more seeds per capsule than short controls, whereas hand pollination failed to increase seed set in long and mid morphs. As predicted, short-styled morphs showed significant pollen limitation, whereas seed set in long- and midstyled morphs was not pollen-limited. Thus, in Lythrum salicaria asymmetrical pollen flow generates morph-specific differences in male and female fitness.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in the proportion of offspring sired by the second male to mate with a female (P2) is an aspect of sperm competition that has received little attention. We examined variation in the sperm competition success of individual male dung flies, Scatophaga stercoraria. In unmanipulated matings, copula duration was dependent on male size with smaller males copulating for longer. A principal component analysis was used to generate uncorrelated scores based on a male's size and copula duration. Using these scores demonstrated that P2 values were dependent both on the relative size and copula durations of competing males. When copula duration was held constant, the success of an individual male increased as his body size, relative to the first male, increased. We interrupted copulations of “large” and “small” second males and fitted the resultant P2 values to a linear model of sperm competition with unequal ejaculates. The data fit well to a model of sperm displacement in which sperm mix quickly on introduction to the sperm stores. Furthermore, they show that “large” males have a greater rate of sperm displacement than “small” males. The levels of prey availability during testis maturation may influence a male's success in sperm competition although his immediate mating history does not. We show why an understanding of variation in sperm competition success is important for understanding the mechanisms and evolutionary significance of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of Calopogon tuberosus, which produces no nectar, was investigated in relation to inflorescence size and dispersion pattern. Mean inflorescence size was 2.56 (range 1–10). A bagging experiment showed that insects are required for pollen transfer and that fruits are produced from self-, geitonogamous, and cross-pollinations; fruit set was not 100%. Fruit set of nonmanipulated plants was limited by the number of pollinator visits. Reproductive success increased with increasing inflorescence size, although not above theoretical predictions. However, the probability of producing no fruit or contributing no pollinia decreased with increasing inflorescence size since sequential flowering increased the probability of a pollinator visit to the inflorescence over the blooming period. Large inflorescences did not provide a greater pollinator attraction than small ones, because inflorescences only presented a few open flowers at a time. In addition, flowers on plants growing in clumps of 2–8 plants had a higher probability of setting fruit, apparently because of increased pollinator attraction. Although there are obvious selective advantages for large inflorescences, the sequential flowering habit, and low resource availability may reduce the advantages of large inflorescence size at our study site.  相似文献   

The evolution of inbreeding in plants has often been attributed to selection for the ability to set seed in the absence of mates or pollinators. Mechanisms of reproductive assurance in five populations of mixed mating Mimulus guttatus, three populations of inbreeding M. platycalyx, and two populations of inbreeding M. nasutus were examined in a pollinator-free greenhouse. Reproductive assurance was manifested in all populations by autofertility, vegetative reproduction, or both. The inbreeding taxa had significantly greater levels of autofertility and less vegetative reproduction. Three modes of autofertility were identified: 1) due to corolla abscission only, occurring in three M. guttatus populations; 2) due to both corolla abscission and direct anther-stigma contact by curling of the lower stigmatic lobe into the anthers, occurring in two M. guttatus populations; and 3) direct stigma-anther contact by stigma curling alone prior to corolla abscission, found in each M. platycalyx and M. nasutus population. Stigma-anther distance and its interaction with stigma curling contributed to differences in autofertility among populations. Significant levels of intrapopulation quantitative genetic variation were found for seven of ten traits examined; average levels were similar between inbreeding and mixed mating populations. Genetic variation within populations for autofertility per se was not detected, but significant levels controlling stigma-anther distance were found in two M. guttatus populations. These results show that evolution of inbreeding by natural selection for reproductive assurance is possible in Mimulus, and illustrate the complex changes in floral dynamics and morphology it may involve.  相似文献   

Marine organisms colonizing brackish habitats such as the Baltic Sea must cope with the negative effects of low salinities on reproductive success because these may reduce gamete viability and/or increase polyspermy. Reproductive characteristics of the marine seaweed Fucus vesiculosus L. were studied in several brackish habitats, particularly in the northern Baltic Sea, to understand its ability to reproduce where few other marine species survive. Polyspermy and fertilization success were variable at the boundary of the continuous distribution of F. vesiculosus in the Baltic Sea, and polyspermy was high (10%–30%) when fertilization was successful. A strong female bias (80%–86%, ca. 5.5:1) was found at the northernmost limit of Baltic F. vesiculosus. Electrophysiological studies showed that many eggs have a high input resistance (519 ± 150 MΩ[mean ± SE, n = 14] at Drivan, 1995), which may be helpful in preventing polyspermy in this brackish habitat. The polyspermy block remains sodium-dependent in the northern Baltic. Sperm bound quickly to northern Baltic eggs in natural water, but fertilization was delayed compared to marine F. vesiculosus. A subset of northern Baltic eggs studied during an optimal reproductive period (7–11 July 1995) had a membrane potential (Em) of ca. −100 mV and an effective fertilization potential (FP) of ca. 2 min with a plateau of −25 mV, but repolarized too rapidly for the FP to be protective. Pronuclear migration and cell wall secretion occurred more slowly in Baltic than in marine zygotes. The reproductive success of theseboundary populations may be dependent upon windows of opportunity when there are favorable combinations of the levels of salinity, water motion, population density, and sex ratio. These factors and the short duration of the reproductive season in the northern Baltic Sea may result in reproductive failure in some years.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of emergence time and reproductive phenology on seed number, seed size, and seedling survival in a population of the alpine buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus. Phenology in this snow bowl population is structured by snow depth. Plants in late melting interior portions of the bowl emerged and flowered 3 to 4 wk after those in early melting zones at the bowl perimeter during the summers of 1988 and 1989. Flowering time differences of buttercups across the bowl were consistent from one year to the next. In 1988, late flowering plants tended to set fewer seeds than early flowering ones; in 1989 no decrease in seed number accompanied flowering date. Path analysis showed that equal fecundity in early and late emerging portions of the bowl population during 1989 resulted from balancing spatial and temporal constraints on seed production. Spatial aspects of habitat quality improved toward the interior of the bowl, but temporal regimes deteriorated in these late melting sites. In both 1988 and 1989 seed size declined with delays in flowering. Path analysis of 1989 data showed that because of reduced time for seed growth, plants in late melting portions of the bowl set smaller seeds than those in earlier melting zones. Differences in seed size due to parental phenology are likely to influence fitness in snow buttercups. Under natural conditions, seedlings from large seeds (>;0.65 mg) have sixfold higher survival than do those from smaller seeds (<;0.65 mg). We conclude that seedling recruitment may be infrequent in late-melting portions of the snow bowl due to delayed parental phenology.  相似文献   

Drought is often thought to stimulate flowering in desert, and sometimes in mesic, annuals. I review experimental studies of the effect of drought on flowering time in both desert and mesic annuals. No convincing experimental evidence presently exists that drought stimulates flowering in any annual plant; some experimental results suggest the opposite. The design and analysis of flowering time studies are also reviewed; most extant studies have serious flaws. Thus, a convincing demonstration of drought-stimulated flowering will require carefully designed and analyzed experiments. In light of these results, I examine several ways in which drought may affect the ecology and evolution of flowering time in desert annuals, and suggest directions for research. Several mechanisms probably contribute to phenotypic variation in flowering time and size, including water and nutrient limitation, competition, and variation in seed size and germination time. Phenotypic effects of seed traits suggest that seed and flowering time traits may not evolve independently of one another. Water stress during reproduction can influence seed traits; such maternal effects can influence the outcome of selection both on seed traits and on flowering time. The multivariate character of flowering time evolution suggests that genetic and phenotypic correlations among these traits may present important constraints on the evolution of flowering time.  相似文献   

In some self-compatible species, self pollen tubes grow more slowly than outcross pollen, presumably leading to low selfing rates when mixtures of self and outcross pollen reach the stigma simultaneously. Here we show that the competitive ability of self pollen differed among individuals of Hibiscus moscheutos. Self pollen tubes grew slower than outcross pollen in three plants, faster than outcross pollen in four plants, and showed no difference in five other plants (based on rates of callose plug formation). Levels of inbreeding depression were examined by comparing progeny from self and outcross pollinations in seven maternal families. Self pollination led to reduced seed number in only one maternal family, and a slight decrease in seed size was seen in two maternal families. Considerable inbreeding depression occurred later in the life cycle, and the degree of inbreeding depression varied among maternal families of 6-week-old plants. Our results demonstrate the potential for unpredictable effects of pollen competition on individual selfing rates, which in turn may affect progeny vigor. This complex situation contrasts with previous reports of species in which outcross pollen consistently outcompetes self pollen (cryptic self-incompatibility).  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many parasitic and hemiparasitic plant species such as mistletoes are dioecious and occur in both the new and the old world, few data exist on variation in the sex ratio and allocation to reproduction in these taxa. We investigated 1) the sex-ratio of the xylem-tapping mistletoe Phoradendron juniperinum in relation to its age and position within the canopy of its host tree Juniperus osteosperma, and 2) reproductive effort in relation to the gender and age of mistletoe plants. Our surveys showed that P. juniperinum has a male-biased sex ratio. Despite this predominance of male individuals, females lived longer and had a greater reproductive effort than did males. A statistical analysis of the age distribution data indicated that the peak in the frequency of reproductively mature individuals was later in females than in males. These gender-specific distributions may have resulted 1) from sequential hermaphroditism (age-specific sex switching), or 2) because the average age of peak reproduction is later in female individuals. Because sex is genetically determined in a closely related genus of mistletoe and because we have no data to indicate sex switching in this species, we feel that our data support the interpretation that female individuals, on average, show a peak in reproductive vigor at an older age relative to males. While delayed reproduction in females may be favored because reproductive effort and success appear to be age-dependent in females of this species, both sexes can become reproductively mature relatively early in life. Further, because 1) allocation to reproduction as a function of age increases more rapidly for females of this species relative to males, and 2) because there may be a higher resource cost associated with reproduction in females, we hypothesized that female individuals would be more abundant in the best quality locations within the host tree so as to maximize the opportunity to meet those costs. In spite of the association between gender and some host characteristics, there was no indication that female plants were located in sites most favorable to either their carbon or water balance. We discuss reasons why this may be the case.  相似文献   

The frequency of females was determined for eight populations of the gynodioecious shrub, Hebe strictissima (Scrophulariaceae) and related to plant vigor among populations, as indicated by the average number of leaves per shoot. The purpose was to test the idea that females should be more prevalent in relatively poor sites where plant vigor is low. This hypothesis was based on sex-ratio theory, coupled with the idea that fruit-set in the polleniferous morph (i.e., in “males”) is more dependent on vigor than it is in females. I found that, within populations, females produced significantly more fruit than males and that plant vigor did not differ significantly between the sexes. Fruit-set on males was positively and significantly correlated with the number of leaves per shoot within plants, among plants within populations, and among populations. No such correlations were found for females. The greater plasticity of the males altered the relative seed fitnesses of the two morphs among the eight populations, resulting in a negative correlation between female frequency and average plant vigor. I suggest, in general, that such plasticity may be an important factor in sex-ratio variation among populations and that it should be incorporated into models of sex-ratio evolution.  相似文献   

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