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植物离体根的光形态建成   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
光抑制许多种植物离体根的延长生长,在 White 培养基中增添肌醇和蔗糖能改善其发育。连续白光可诱导黄瓜等植物离体根变绿、进行缓慢的叶绿素 a 和 b 以及类胡萝卜素的生物合成。叶绿体发生于中柱内的小型薄壁细胞中,在造粉休中逐渐形成:淀粉粒逐渐消失,被充满质体内的层膜系统取代,形成与叶肉细胞不同的、大量类囊体垛叠的基粒。绿色离体根短粗,有光合自养能力,鲜重及干重均大于黑暗对照。离体根的光形态建成受除草剂的不同影响。  相似文献   

  1. Spores of the fern Pteris vittata did not germinate under totaldark conditions, while an exposure of the spores to continuouswhite light brought about germination. The germination was mosteffectively induced by red light and somewhat by green and far-red,but not at all by blue light. The sensitivity of spores to redlight increased and leveled off about 4 days after sowing at27–28. The promoting effect of red light could be broughtabout by a single exposure of low intensity. Far-red light givenimmediately after red light almost completely reversed the redlight effect, and the photoresponse to red and far-red lightwas repeatedly reversible. The photoreversibility was lost duringan intervening darkness between red and far-red irradiations,and 50% of the initial reversibility was lost after about 6hr of darkness at 27–28. These observations suggest thatthe phytochrome system controls the germination of the fernspore.
  2. When the imbibed spores were briefly exposed to a low-energyblue light immediately before or after red irradiation, theirgermination was completely inhibited. The blue light-inducedinhibition was never reversed by brief red irradiation givenimmediately after the blue light. The escape reaction of redlight-induced germination as indicated by blue light given aftervarious periods of intervening darkness was also observed, andits rate was very similar to that determined by using far-redlight. Spores exposed to blue light required 3 days' incubationin darkness at 27–28 to recover their sensitivity tored light. The recovery in darkness of this red sensitivitywas temperature-dependent. It is thus suggested that an unknownbluelight absorbing pigment may be involved in the inhibitionof phytochrome-mediated spore germination.
(Received August 21, 1967; )  相似文献   

高等植物叶绿体和线粒体免疫亲近性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以火箭免疫电泳分析表明:大豆叶绿体抗体与大豆线粒体有免疫交叉反应,同时大豆线粒体抗体与大豆叶绿体也有免疫交叉反应,但是大豆线粒体的抗体与鼠肝线粒体之间无免疫交叉反应。这说明高等植物线粒体对叶绿体比之对动物线粒体在免疫特性上有更大的亲近性,亦即高等植物线粒体和高等植物的叶绿体有更大的同源性。经火箭免疫电泳、交叉免疫电泳和线状免疫电泳进一步分析表明:菠菜偶联因子抗体(AbCF_1)和大豆线粒体、大豆叶绿体间,大豆线粒体抗体与CF_1和大豆叶绿体之间,以及大豆叶绿体的抗体(AbC)与CF_1和大豆线粒体间有免疫交叉反应,说明两种换能器之间有免疫亲近性,并分别与CF_1存在免疫亲近性。这揭示两种换能器免疫亲近性的表现是由于存在共同物质基础所致,这内在共同物质基础是偶联因子。这个结果有力地支持高等植物叶绿体和线粒体在结构和功能上以及发生上存在同源性的观点,在理论上也为两种换能器的起源和演化上存在同源性提供了一些依据。  相似文献   

蚯蚓与微生物的相互作用   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
张宝贵 《生态学报》1997,17(5):556-560
蚯蚓从成体到卵内均有微生物,微生物来源于蚯蚓生活的环境,在消化消化道时,随食物进入体内的真菌营养体及大部分细菌被杀死,只有真菌的孢子和部分细菌仍保持生活力,生长缓慢的细菌通过蚯蚓消化道后群体下降;而生长快的细菌,由于在消化道内迅速繁殖,在蚯蚓排泄物中的群体数量甚至会超过进入蚯蚓体内时的数量,蚯蚓能促进土表有益和致病微生物在土壤内从向传播,但也能减轻由病原真菌引起的病害。真菌是蚯蚓食物的一部分,消化  相似文献   

Iron offset the toxicity of molybdenum or vanadium in nutrient solutions more effectively when it was supplied at the same time as the molybdenum or vanadium than when it was given separately in alternate 3-day periods.
Allowing nutrient solutions of pH 4.6 containing high concentrations of iron, with or without vanadium, to stand for 4 days before use did not delay the restoration of colour to chlorotic plants, but even z days' standing reduced the iron content of their roots and the vanadium content of both shoot and root. The presence of vanadium had little effect on iron uptake.
In parallel experiments with molybdenum, standing the solutions for 7–9 days before use delayed colour recovery, but shorter periods had no effect. Standing for z days or longer greatly reduced the iron content of the root, but the molybdenum content was unaffected or increased. High molybdenum greatly increased the iron in the root, but had little effect on that in the shoot.
Precipitation of iron in the nutrient solution was delayed by high concentrations of either ammonium or sodium molybdate if the initial pH was 4.6, but not if it was 6.6. Vanadium had no influence on the precipitation of iron at pH 4.6.
At least part of the compensating action of iron on molybdenum or vanadium toxicity would appear to take place outside the plant.  相似文献   

The components of higher-plant cell walls which become electron-opaque after staining with ruthenium-osmium were studied by electron microscopy. A fibrillar material which absorbs this stain is a major wall constituent in the root epidermal cells of carrot and morning glory. In both form and size, these fibrils resemble those found on the surface of suspension-cultured cells of the same species Some cells of woody species show an irregular distribution of electron-opaque material in the cell wall matrix and middle lamella. This material, which has an amorphous appearance with many electron stains, is shown by ruthenium-osmium staining to be an aggregate of discrete granules, 150–220 A in diameter. These observations are not consistent with the concept of the cell wall matrix and middle lamella as an amorphous, uniform gel  相似文献   


植物细胞G蛋白研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
GTP结合调节蛋白(GTP-bindingregulatoryproteins),简称G蛋白,是活细胞内一类具有重要生理调节功能的蛋白质。此类蛋白由于其生理调节功能有赖于与三磷酸鸟苷(GTP)的结合与水解GTP的活性而得名。自从70年代初在动物细胞中首先发现G蛋白的存在以来,有关G蛋白的研究发展迅速。现在已不仅知道在几乎所有真核细胞中存在G蛋白,而且已经证明G蛋白在细胞信号转导过程中有着非常重要的调节作用[1~6]。G蛋白的发现和研究,不仅使人们对细胞信号转导以及神经系统的信息传递有了新的进一步…  相似文献   

Experimental plant reproductive biology has recently emerged as a new form of experimental embryology characterized by the direct experimental isolation and manipulation of reproductive cells and protoplasts. This work is fostered by current multidisciplinary trends in the sciences and serves to deepen our knowledge about the control of reproductive processes by providing novel in vitro material. The techniques of experimental plant reproductive biology also show great potential in providing new means for biotechnology, leading to significant refinements in plant breeding in higher plants that may eventually permit direct reproductive cell engineering. Recent achievements by our research group in experimental manipulation and biological studies of pollen protoplasts, generative cells, sperm cells, and embryo sacs are reviewed, and some ideas about future developments in this new area are presented.  相似文献   

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