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Chromic acid, iodine-potassium iodide and Dragendorff reagent were employed to identify reactive cells that may indicate sites of alkaloid accumulation in fresh tissues and latex of C. roseus. Laticifers in all parts of the mature plant and certain parenchyma cells in the cortex and pith regions accumulated reaction products of these alkaloid indicators. These same cells showed primary fluorescence, accumulated vital dyes and lipid indicators in excess of other cells, and exhibited a more intense nadi reaction than other cells. Tests on fresh tissues are interpreted to indicate possible qualitative and quantitative differences in alkaloid content between subterranean and aerial portions of the plant and between mature and immature tissues. These studies showed that reactive products are unevenly distributed in cells and organs of the plant and can be microscopically detected only in laticifers and specialized parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

At maturity the vascular cylinder of the stem of Lycopodium lucidulum contains two distinct types of parenchyma cells, one which is always associated with sieve cells, the other with tracheids. The remaining parenchyma cells have characteristics intermediate between the two extremes. The most conspicuous feature of the sieve cell-associated parenchyma cell is the very dense appearance of its protoplast, due to a high ribosome population and absence of large vacuoles. The large, ramifying nuclei of these cells have numerous connections with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The tracheid-associated parenchyma cells, which are light in appearance, contain many small vacuoles and a relatively small ribosome population. These cells also contain relatively small nuclei and considerable ER cisternae. The parenchymatous elements which have characteristics intermediate between sieve cell- and tracheid-associated parenchyma may or may not be contiguous to the sieve cells or tracheids. An intergradation in wall thickness occurs among parenchyma cells of the vascular cylinder, the thicker-walled cells being adjacent to the sieve cells, the thinner-walled ones next to the tracheids. An intergradation also occurs in the frequency of plasmodesmata between the various parenchyma cells. The closer parenchyma cells are to the sieve cells the greater the number of connections between them. No plasmodesmata were found between the tracheid-associated parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

Rooted stems of three aquatic species were cultured in a two-compartment apparatus which allowed the upper and lower portions of the stem to be kept in different nutrient solutions. P32 was supplied to either the upper or lower compartment. At the end of a 10-day growth period, the specific activity of phosphate was determined in axillary shoots which developed during the course of the experiment from buds in the upper compartment. The results indicated that most of the phosphate in these shoots was not absorbed from the ambient medium but was derived from the rooted stem base in the lower compartment (over 90 % in Myriophyllum brasiliense, 59 % in M. spicatum, and 74 % in Elodea densa). These results give a very different but probably more accurate picture of phosphate absorption in rooted aquatic vascular plants than short-term experiments, in which phosphate is readily taken up from the ambient medium by leaves of M. spicatum and E. densa. In M. brasiliense the amount of phosphate translocated is related to the mass of roots present. Evidence is presented that normal growth of axillary shoots occurs even when all mineral ions have to be obtained by translocation from the lower compartment.  相似文献   

Torrey JG 《Plant physiology》1952,27(3):591-602

在植物生长发育过程中,由于局部组织(细胞)的衰退或脱落.存活细胞与衰亡(或脱落)细胞分界壁上的胞间连丝衍变为类外连丝结构。这已先后在小麦胚胎发育、幼胚分化、蒜鳞茎休眠进程中以及玉米根冠组织中得到了论证。前文已曾报道.在玉米根冠细胞生长脱落进程中,脱落细胞与相邻细胞间胞间连丝有被拉伸、断裂形成类外连丝的结构变化.并经药理学试验表明。肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白共同参与了类外连丝通透性的调节。  相似文献   

The vascular connection between lateral roots and stem in the Ophioglossaceae and in two leptosporangiate fern species was examined. Two types of connections were found: “gradual” connections, which resemble leaf traces in ontogeny and morphology, and “abrupt” connections, which resemble the connections between lateral roots and their parent roots. Gradual root-stem connections occur in the genera Ophioglossum and Helminthostachys and in Woodwardia virginica. They are initiated in shoot apices distal to the level where cauline xylem elements mature. They resemble leaf traces in being provascular (procambial) strands that connect the cauline stele with the future vasculature of lateral appendages. As with leaf traces, gradual connections are part of the provascular and, later, protoxylem continuity between stems and lateral appendages. Gradual connections have many features in common with leaf traces, and the term root trace is applicable to them. The order of radial maturation of the primary xylem in gradual connections varies in different parts of the connections. It is endarch near the intersection with the cauline stele and exarch where the connections intersect root steles. Gradual connections resemble the transition regions of certain seed plants where protoxylem is also continuous from stem to root and the order of maturation is found to change continuously from stem to root. Abrupt connections occur in Botrychium and Osmunda cinnamomea. They develop in shoot apices at levels where cauline xylem is mature or maturing. The mature xylem does not dedifferentiate, so provascular and protoxylem continuity of the kind found in root traces does not occur. Also, reorientation of the order of maturation does not occur in abrupt connections. Xylem connectors are found in the region where radially oriented elements of the connections abut the longitudinally oriented cauline elements. Abrupt connections resemble the connection of secondary roots with their parent root systems since xylem connectors and the lack of continuity are also features found in these vascular systems. The resemblance of the vascular pattern of the fern root trace to the transition region of seed plants suggests that the radicle is more closely comparable to the cladogenous roots of pteridophytes than hitherto supposed.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes were exposed in vitro to either trypsin or neuraminidase. The ability of the treated cells to migrate into tissues was measured (a) by i.v. injection into intact recipients and (b) by vascular perfusion through an isolated lymph-node preparation. The localization of trypsinized cells in the lymph-nodes of recipients was deficient when compared to untreated lymphocytes and there was a surplus of trypsinized cells in the blood. Trypsinized cells migrated into the isolated nodes in reduced numbers. By contrast, neuraminidase treated lymphocytes were markedly deficient in the blood of recipients early after injection; their localization in the spleen and lymph-nodes was also deficient but they were in surplus in the liver. Moreover they migrated into the isolated nodes in slightly increased numbers. By 24 hr after injection the perturbed localization pattern produced by either enzyme was partly restored to normal. In conclusion, trypsin interfered with the capacity of lymphocytes to migrate into lymph-nodes but neuraminidase did not; the latter promoted the hepatic sequestration of cells and the reduced localization in the blood and tissues was a consequence of this. The hypothesis that lymphocytes adhere to specialized endothelia in lymph-nodes because of specific glycoside sequences on their surface lacks experimental support.  相似文献   

The chain of lymph-nodes in the rat mesentery was isolated and the preparation was perfused via cannulae in the superior mesenteric vessels. The perfusate consisted of serum to which labelled lymphocytes had usually been added. The entry of radioactively labelled lymphocytes from the blood vessels into the lymph-nodes was studied by scintillation counting and autoradiography. It was observed that: (1) In the perfused node labelled lymphocytes localized in and around post-capillary venules in the paracortex as they do early after i.v. injection. (2) The number of lymphocytes which entered the node was directly proportional to the concentration in the perfusate over the range studied. The proportion of cells retained in the node varied considerably around a mean of 11 % of lymphocytes reaching it. (3) The isolated lymph-node released few if any lymphocytes into the effluent (venous) perfusate. (4) Large lymphocytes migrated into isolated lymph-nodes slightly more readily than did small lymphocytes. (5) Unlike intact cells isolated lymphocyte membranes did not adhere to specialized vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

Hayat, Mohammed Arif (North Dakota State U., Fargo), and Charles Heimsch. Some aspects of vascular differentiation in roots of Cassia. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(10): 965–971. Illus. 1963.—Vascular development, with emphasis on the differentiation of the protophloem, was studied in tips of primary roots of 18 species of Cassia. Variations in levels of protophloem sieve tube maturation were observed among roots of different species as well as among those of different length in the same species. In general, protophloem matured at greater distances from the apex in roots with the larger diameters. Compared with woody species, herbaceous species exhibited greater uniformity in levels of protophloem maturation, and this was correlated with greater uniformity in root diameter. Roots were either triarch or tetrarch. In some species with tetrarch roots, a change to a triarch pattern occurred during early growth. Structural changes in the differentiating root tip which involve the loss of a xylem arm and subsequent fusion of phloem strands are described.  相似文献   

采用免疫胶体金法对IAA在西葫芦/南瓜离体茎段嫁接早期发育时期在嫁接面处的分布进行了超微结构水平的定位。电镜观察表明在嫁接面处的薄壁细胞中IAA主要定位于细胞核、质体、内质网等细胞器上。在高尔基体、线粒体、细胞壁和液泡中,未发现胶体金颗粒的标记。在分化中的管状分子中,胶体金颗粒位于次生壁上和细胞质中。在筛分子分化过程中,IAA主要定位于筛板、筛孔和细胞质中。在伴胞中有较高的金颗粒密度。对于IAA在嫁接体维管分子分化过程中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

使用四甲基罗丹明标记的鬼笔环碱(TRITC-Ph)探针,以新分离的洋葱鳞茎薄壁细胞原生质体为材料,观察了细胞胞质肌动蛋白微丝骨架的结构与形态。研究结果发现洋葱鳞茎内部细胞的细胞质内存在极丰富而精细的肌动蛋白微丝束。这些肌动蛋白微丝束的直径约1.0—4.5μm,有下列四种不同的排列形式:(1)相互平行排列,方向大体与细胞的长轴垂直;(2)从一些结合位点辐射而出,并向四周延伸,然后再相互交织在一起,形成一个非常密集而复杂的网络;(3)细而稀疏,相互交织成网状,两端分别与质膜不同位置上的结合位点相连;(4)粗而稀疏,相互交织成网状,两端都与质膜相连,或一端与质膜相连,另一端与细胞核周围的微丝束网络相连。部分微丝束具有“Y”形分支。  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞的体外氧化应激反应及雌激素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨雌激素对VSMC氧化应激反应的影响及机制。方法第3-4代雌性大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)在有或无10-8mol/L 17b-雌二醇(E2)存在下用不同浓度(0-250mmol/L)H2O2诱导氧化应激;MTT法,流式细胞术,Western blot分别检测VSMC活力,细胞周期,MAPK信号通路活性的变化。结果当浓度低于25mmol/L时,H2O2对VSMC活力无影响;当浓度为50-150mmol/L时,VSMC活力呈剂量依赖性下降,并伴随G0/G1期细胞升高;当浓度达到200mmol/L时,细胞活力下降至最低点并出现凋亡峰。10-8mol/L E2可显著抑制150mmol/L H2O2诱导的VSMCERK和p38的磷酸化、从而缓解VSMC G0/G1期阻滞,并降低高浓度H2O2诱导的VSMC凋亡。结论中等浓度的H2O2(50-150mmol/L)抑制VSMC增殖;高浓度H2O2(≥200mmol/L)不仅抑制VSMC生长、且导致部分VSMC凋亡;雌激素可通过抑制ERK和p38活性对氧化应激的VSMC起保护作用。  相似文献   

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