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L. Svensson 《Oecologia》1986,70(4):631-632
Summary Secondary pollen carryover is defined as the process whereby a pollinator receives previously deposited pollen grains when visiting a flower and transfers them into a new (secondary) carryover sequence. The secondary pollen carryover in a system of ants, Formica rufibarbis, visiting Scleranthus perennis (Caryophyllaceae) was studied using fluorescent dyes as pollen analogues. The mean secondary carryover was found to be 1.2 flowers compared with 4.5 flowers for the primary carryover. The number of dye grains deposited per flower visited is lower and the frequency of zero deposition is higher in the secondary carryover sequence than in the primary.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of floral traits involved in the evolution of self-pollination provides a window into past processes of mating system divergence. In this study, we use two generations of crosses between highly selfing and predominantly outcrossing populations of Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae) to determine the minimum number, average dominance relationships, and pleiotropic effects of genetic factors involved in floral divergence. Comparison of the F1 and F2 phenotypic means with the expectations of a completely additive model of gene action revealed a primarily additive genetic basis for floral characters associated with mating system variation. The exception was flower life span, which showed partial dominance of the outcrosser phenology. In contrast to similarly divergent species, the substantial differences in flower size between these A. uniflora populations appear to involve relatively few genes of large effect (minimum number of effective factors = 2.2 +/- 2.8 SE). In addition, correlations among traits in the F2 generation indicate that pleiotropy may be an important feature of the genetic architecture of floral evolution in A. uniflora. The evolution of selfing via major modifiers of floral morphology is consistent with other evidence for ecological selection for preemptive self-pollination in A. uniflora. Analyses of the genetic basis of autonomous selfing were complicated by hybrid breakdown in both F1 and F2 generations. Only F1 hybrids showed reductions in female fertility, but about 30% of F1 and F2 hybrids exhibited partial or complete male sterility. Male sterile flowers were characterized by short stamens, reduced petals, and a lack of protandry, as well as indehiscent anthers. This morphological breakdown mimics environmental disruptions of floral development and may result from novel genic interactions in hybrids.  相似文献   

I used a discontinuous population ofScleranthus annuus (Caryophyllaceae) to study the effect of crossing distances on flower morphology of the progeny. Four types of progeny were produced by artificial selfing, crossing with pollen-donors from the same patch in the population, crossing with pollen from donors from other patches in the population and inter-population crosses. The size of gynoecium parts and 12 sepal characters in this petal-lacking species were significantly influenced by the type of cross and the patch in the population from where the seed-parents originated. All comparisons of progeny types except selfed vs progeny produced by within-patch crosses were significantly separated from each other, while all four seed-parent patches used were significantly separated in a multidimensional space.  相似文献   

Study of floral anatomy, micromorphology, palynology and onotogeny has revealed new characters for phylogenetic analysis in the genus Scleranthus . Cladistic analysis of these characters, along with those previously available, suggests that the genus consists of Eurasian/Mediterranean and Australasian sister clades. Gynoecial morphology and development are closely similar in all species, suggesting the genus is monophyletic despite its disjunct northern and southern hemisphere distribution. Variation in pollen:ovule ratios and their implications for the evolution of Scleranthus species are also discussed and it is concluded that a range of breeding strategies intermediate between autogamy and xenogamy exists in the genus. Single-stamened species of Scleranthus are likely to be obligate autogams, despite their comparatively high pollen:ovule ratios in relation to autogamic species of other genera.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 15–29.  相似文献   

Pollination of the alpine herbDianthus glacialis was studied in a population in the Swiss Alps in 1991 and 1992. Only one insect species,Zygaena exulans (Lepidoptera), was observed to visit the flowers ofD. glacialis. Pollen loads onZ. exulans indicate that it is an effective pollinator ofD. glacialis. In 1991,Z. exulans frequently visited flowers ofD. glacialis. However, in 1992 almost no visits could be observed. Despite the occurrence of pollinators and the conspicuous flowers ofD. glacialis, there are strong indications that this plant is mainly selfing: (1) anthesis of individual flowers is short (c. one and a half days), (2) protandry, although pronounced in otherDianthus spp., is absent, (3) nectar production is low, (4) odour production is weak, (5) seed production by spontaneous selfing is high, (6) seed set in emasculated flowers is extremely low and (7) the seed/ovule ratio is distinctly higher inD. glacialis than in outcrossing plants.—Selfing inD. glacialis could have evolved under a shortage of pollinators during the glaciation periods. Present levels of cross-pollination byZ. exulans have apparently not been sufficient to reverse the pollination mechanism ofD. glacialis from selfing to outcrossing.  相似文献   

Linus Svensson 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):373-377
Summary Pollen carryover by ants was estimated in a natural population of Scleranthus perennis L. (Caryophyllaceae) using fluorescent dye as a pollen analogue.A highly significant exponential decrease in deposition of dye grains in a sequence of flowers visited by the main flowr visitor, Formica (S.) rufibarbis F., was observed with most grains being deposited in the first few flowers visited. At most 12 flowers were visited in a sequence.The mean between-flower transfer distance was estimated to be 6.2 cm, within-plant pollen transfers being recorded as zero. When all within-plant movements were excluded the mean was 22.5 cm. The distribution of transport distances differed from what I observed for honey-bees which occasionally foraged on dense stands of S. perennis. Calculations made on the deposition of dye grains transferred by ants showed that 7% of the dye grains deposited in the first flower visited after the dye source may reach a flower situated c. 30 cm from the dye source.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Stamen movements directly determine pollen fates and mating patterns by altering positions of female and male organs. However, the implications of such movements in terms of pollination are not well understood. Recently, complex patterns of stamen movements have been identified in Loasaceae, Parnassiaceae, Rutaceae and Tropaeolaceae. In this study the stamen movements in Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) and their impact on pollination are determined.


Pollination effects of stamen movements were studied in Ruta graveolens, in which one-by-one uplifting and falling back is followed by simultaneous movement of all stamens in some flowers. Using 30 flowers, one stamen was manipulated either to be immobilized or to be allowed to move freely towards the centre of the flower but be prevented from falling back. Pollen loads on stigmas and ovule fertilization in flowers with or without simultaneous stamen movement were determined.


Pollen removal decreased dramatically (P < 0·001) when the stamen was stopped from uplifting because its anther was seldom contacted by pollinators. When a stamen stayed at the flower''s centre, pollen removal of the next freely moved anther decreased significantly (P < 0·005) because of fewer touches by pollinators and quick leaving of pollinators that were discouraged by the empty anther. Simultaneous stamen movement occurred only in flowers with low pollen load on the stigma and the remaining pollen in anthers dropped onto stigma surfaces after stamens moved to the flower''s centre.


In R. graveolens pollen removal is promoted through one-by-one movement of the stamen, which presents pollen in doses to pollinators by successive uplifting of the stamen and avoids interference of two consecutively dehisced anthers by falling back of the former stamen before the next one moves into the flower''s centre. Simultaneous stamen movement at the end of anthesis probably reflects an adaptation for late-acting self-pollination.  相似文献   

Sex expression in the dioecious plant white campion (Silene latifolia Poiret subsp. alba) appears to be insensitive to exogenous applications of auxins, cytokinins, gibberellic acid, and ethylene; however, silver thiosulfate (Ag(2)S(2)O(3)), an ethylene inhibitor, enhanced stamen development in female white campion. In wild-type females, stamen development is arrested before the microspore mother cells are formed. In contrast, stamens of Ag(2)S(2)O(3)-treated females completed meiosis and produced microspores. Stamen development for these females was incomplete, however, and pollen did not mature. Ag(2)S(2)O(3) stimulated stamen development to the same extent in asexual white campion mutants that retained a Y chromosome but had lost Y-linked genes needed for early stages of stamen development. Although Ag(2)S(2)O(3) can inhibit ethylene signaling, the enhancement of stamen development in female white campion cannot be explained as a loss of ethylene response because no other ethylene inhibitor tested (1-methylcyclopropene, trans-cyclooctene, aminoethoxyvinylglycine, and cobalt chloride) caused stamens to develop in female plants. In addition, application of other metal ions could not enhance stamen development. Therefore, the effect we observed on female white campion was specifically caused by silver ions but not by their action on ethylene signaling.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression and selfing rates were investigated in Schiedea membranacea (Caryophyllaceae), a hermaphroditic species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Most theoretical models predict high inbreeding depression in outcrossing hermaphroditic species and low inbreeding depression in inbreeding species. Although high outcrossing rates and high levels of inbreeding depression are characteristic of many species of Schiedea, self- fertilization is common among relatives of hermaphroditic S. membranacea, and high selfing rates and low levels of inbreeding depression were predicted in this species. Sixteen individuals grown in the greenhouse were used to produce selfed and outcrossed progeny. Inbreeding depression, which was evident throughout the stages measured (percentage viable seeds per capsule, mean seed mass, percentage seed germination, percentage seedling survival, and biomass after 8 mo), averaged 0.70. Inbreeding depression among maternal families varied significantly for all measured traits and ranged from −0.12 to 0.97. Using isozyme analysis, the multilocus selfing rate varied from 0.13 to 0.38 over 4 yr. Contrary to the initial prediction of high selfing and low inbreeding depression based on phylogenetic relationships within Schiedea, low selfing rates and high levels of inbreeding depression were found in S. membranacea. These results indicate that outcrossing is stable in this species and maintained by high levels of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Acanthophyllum squarrosum and two closely related species, A. heratense and A. laxiusculum (Caryophyllaceae), form a complex that covers parts of subalpine steppes of the Irano-Turanian (IT) region. In this study, we explored the genetic structure and phylogeography of this complex based on partial sequences of two chloroplasts (psbA–trnH and rpl32–trnL (UAG)) and two nuclear (EST24 and nrITS) DNA regions. We analysed 80 individuals from eight populations and detected 12 chloroplast haplotypes, 16 and eight nuclear alleles in EST24 and nrITS sequences, respectively. Phylogenetic trees and haplotype networks did not show distinct genetic groups in the complex and this could be explained by incomplete lineage sorting or introgression between species. Divergence time analysis revealed a Quaternary origin for A. squarrosum complex at approximately 1.8 million years ago (Mya) and the neutrality test results indicated that this complex experienced a recent population expansion. AMOVA analysis of the chloroplast regions showed a significant genetic differentiation among populations and low genetic differentiation within populations, but opposite results were found with nuclear markers, implying introgression between A. squarrosum complex populations.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of Cerastium alpinum, C. arcticum , and C. nigrescens were studied from the main part of their distribution area. No chromosome number variation was found within C. alpinum , which seems to be octoploid throughout its range. Dodecaploid chromosome numbers (2n = 108) were found in both C. arcticum and C. nigrescens. A higher, possibly aneuploid, chromosome number was reported for plants from Southwest Greenland, and the intermediate chromosome number of 2n = 90 was found in potential hybrids between C. alpinum and C. nigrescens. Despite sporadic reports of deviating chromosome numbers, the chromosome number variation within the C. alpinum-C. arcticum complex seems to be restricted mainly to the octo- and dodecaploid levels.  相似文献   

Discrete Australian populations of Hibbertia fasciculata R. Br. ex DC. differ in stamen number per flower: three to four in isolated, northeastern coastal populations in New South Wales vs. 10–12 in southeastern Australian populations. In all populations, the stamen bases are attached to three broad flat pedestals regardless of number of stamens present. In certain other Hibbertia species, each pedestal results from initiation via a common stamen primordium that usually produces at least 3–4 stamens per common primordium. In H. fasciculata, each of the three pedestals is associated with three to four stamens in flowers of southeastern populations, but with only one stamen per pedestal in the coastal populations of New South Wales. Because the pedestals (remnants of common primordia) have persisted, the evolutionary trend probably has been one of reduction in stamen number. General observations and comparative studies suggest that this population-based reduction series in stamen number (as well as reduced plant size and flower size) reflects a locally successful trend towards smaller organs throughout the plant body together with a shift in pollination ecology.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian endemic Silene are a small group of woody or semiwoody representatives from a large, predominantly herbaceous, species-rich genus. We here investigated the origin and number of introductions of the endemic Hawaiian Silene based on phylogenetic relationships inferred from DNA sequences from both the plastid (the rps16 intron) and the nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed sequences, ITS, and intron 23 of the RPB2 gene) genomes. Silene antirrhina, a widespread weedy American annual, is strongly supported as sister to a monophyletic group consisting of the Hawaiian Silene, indicating a single colonization event. There are no obvious morphological similarities between S. antirrhina and any of the species of Hawaiian Silene. Our results suggest an American origin for the Hawaiian endemics because that would require only a single trans-ocean dispersal. Two of the Hawaiian endemics (S. struthioloides and S. hawaiiensis) that form a subclade in the analyses have evolved woodiness after introduction to the Hawaiian Islands. Our results contribute to other recent results based on molecular phylogenetics that emphasize the American continent as a source area for the Hawaiian flora and support a striking morphological radiation and evolution of woodiness from a single introduction to the archipelago.  相似文献   

Predominantly outcrossing plant species are expected to accumulate recessive deleterious mutations, which can be purged when in a homozygous state following selfing. Individuals may vary in their genetic load because of different selfing histories, which could lead to differences in inbreeding depression among families. Lineage-dependent inbreeding depression can appear in gynodioecious species if obligatory outcrossed females are more likely to produce female offspring and if partially selfing hermaphrodites are more likely to produce hermaphrodites. We investigated inbreeding depression at the zygote, seed, and germination stages in the gynomonoecious-gynodioecious Dianthus sylvestris, including pure-sexed plants and a mixed morph. We performed hand-pollinations on 56 plants, belonging to the three morphs, each receiving 2-3 cross treatments (out-, sib- and self-pollination) on multiple flowers. Effects of cross treatments varied among stages and influenced seed provisioning, with sibling competition mainly occurring within outcrossed fruits. We found significant inbreeding depression for seed mass and germination and cumulative early inbreeding depression varied greatly among families. Among sex morphs, we found that females and hermaphrodites differed in biparental inbreeding depression, whereas uniparental was similar for all. Significant inbreeding depression levels may play a role in female maintenance in this species, and individual variation in association with sex-lineages proclivity is discussed.  相似文献   

The variation in two sets of morphological characters of the flowers of the highly inbreedingScleranthus annuus (Caryophyllaceae) was assessed using 15–20 plants from each of 20 natural populations from the southernmost region of Sweden. The stamen fertility data set consisted of 10 characters describing the degree of fertility of the ten stamens/staminoids, while the sepal/gynoecium data set comprised 10 sepal characters, together with style and stigma length. Substantial variation was found in both the degree of development and the fertility of the stamens, the degree of variability in stamen fertility being related to stamen position within the flower. Considerable variation was found in the characters of the sepal and the gynoecium. Hierarchical analyses of variance indicated that 29% of the variation in total male reproductive effort was distributed among populations, 28% among plants within populations and 43% represented within-plant variation. The corresponding averages for the characters from the sepal/gynoecium data set are 26, 38, and 35%: a greater proportion of the total variance in female reproductive characters is accounted for by among individual variation than is the case with the male reproductive characters. Significance tests of Mahalanobis distances derived by canonical variate analyses indicated that all populations were significantly separated using the sepal/gynoecium data set, while only 50% of the pairwise comparisons on the basis of the stamen fertility data set were significant. Cluster analysis did not reveal any aggregation of the populations. The incongruence of the two data sets and their ability to discriminate between the populations is discussed.  相似文献   

The new taxonMoehringia intricata subsp.giennensis, from the calcareous mountains of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula is described. A comparative morphological study with regard to the most closely related taxa, contributes information of leaf anatomy, seed and pollen morphology, ecology and distribution.  相似文献   

Pollination ofDianthus gratianopolitanus was studied in a population of the Swiss Jura mountains. Pollinators of this plant species are reported here for the first time. The flowers were not only visited by butterflies as postulated in the literature, but also by diurnal hawkmoths (Macroglossum stellatarum) and by diurnal and nocturnal noctuid moths. — Nectar is sucrose-dominant, the sugar concentration is moderate but the amino acid concentration is high. Nectar characteristics correspond well with the syndrome ofLepidoptera-pollinated flowers. — Field observations and flower characters (colour, range of the calyx length) suggest thatDianthus gratianopolitanus is an intermediate species in the transition of butterfly to moth pollination. — Lack of reproductive success inDianthus gratianopolitanus can not be attributed to lack of suitable pollinators.  相似文献   

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